September newletter 2013

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Parents in Partnership Stockport will be holding their Annual Information day on Wednesday 16th October 2013. It will be an exciting and valuable day for all. Free Admission Accessible Venue, lunch and refreshments provided. A day for parents and carers of children and young people up to 25 in Stockport with disabilities and additional needs as well as professionals to book your free ticket now!

Exciting opportunity for PIPS members. A four session programme for parents of children or young person with a disability. PIPS soft play sessions. everyone welcome. ÂŁ3.50 to play or ÂŁ5.50 for a meal deal. Mondays Let Loose in Hazel Grove. Wednesdays Funtime Kids in Cheadle. Both 4-6pm. Everyone Welcome.

The course provides time and space to think about your own wellbeing and is designed to help increase confidence and make a positive difference to you and your children. Parents/Carers will need to attend all sessions and it is being put on exclusively for PIPS. PIPS Facebook pages, the open page for up to date information , and the closed page for support in a safe friendly environment

Next PIPS Coffee Morning 5th September, 10-12noon. The Heaton Centre, Thornfield Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 3LD. Gavin Owen from Stockport MIND is coming to talk to families. Come along and join us for coffee and cake as well!

Council for Disabled Children new school funding from April 2013. An easy to read version! /docs/cdc_funding_briefing_fo r_parents

Praise or Complain, the new way for healthcare in Stockport. omplaints_contactsaug13.docx September 2013 Newsletter

PIPS would like to put a 'today' film together to portray how Stockport families feel. What has happened 'today' for your family that won't be in your child's medical notes. All comments will be completely anonymous in the film. Please email comments to Watch the video on the link for an idea of what we would like to do e&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVDKvGoxbUos%26feature%3Dy We look forward to hearing from you.

Have you joined PIPS yet? Parents and Carers can join as full members, Professionals can join as associate members. e=members for the online membership form and more information. Where have you been this summer that you would recommend to other families in Stockport. Let PIPS know and we will spread the word . Was there a disabled/carer discount? Is a picnic needed? What tips have you got for when visiting? Does your child receive DLA, have they got a CEA card, admits the carer free into the cinema, well worth having. Over the summer hols, PIPS have heard about lots of people visiting Eureka, the children’s museum in Halifax. We’ve discovered that they do free supported visits, and also free disability specific sessions at the weekend. We haven’t tried them, here’s all the details 

Stockport's Annual Autism Conference at Stepping Hill Hospital for Professionals and Parents/Carers. 26th November 2013. s/conference_flyer__2013__draft_flye

Did you know you can get a free carers card for National Trust membership? /article-1356394063324/

What would you like to see on our next newsletter? Who would you like to hear speak at coffee morning? What training and support would you like to have? What information do you wish you’d known or wish you knew? Let us know, we want to hear form you. Email

September 2013 Newsletter

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