Short Breaks Provision for Children with Disabilities Frequently Asked Questions
Will my child still be able to access a short break from this provision? Yes, if your child has a disability and cannot access activities within your local community, you will be able to access a short break from this service, although there will be a reduction of 6226 hours delivered this year if the budget is reduced. How will we know what short breaks are available? All information regarding which short breaks are available is on the partnership website The short breaks Liaison Workers will also be available to discuss what is available to meet the specific needs of your child. We get one-to-one support from the short breaks provision because of my child’s needs. Will this be affected? We are only proposing to reduce the group activities that are commissioned through the short breaks provision. The one-to-one support will continue as long as your child needs this provision. How will you decide which services will get funding? We have undertaken an analysis of all provision in the past year. This has looked at levels of take up, cost per head of the break, issues relating to parental contribution and short breaks that target children and young people who cannot access other provision. All this information has been brought together to help determine which short breaks would be funded. Has a decision already been made? No decisions have been made. Stockport Council is consulting with service users through an online questionnaire and focus groups. We will listen to your views and a decision will be made by councillors in July 2013.