This statement is to update parents/carers as to the situation with regard to travel support from September 2013. On the whole the arrangements that are currently in place for children will be unchanged where they are remaining at the same school in September. It should be noted, however, that there may be different pupils on the vehicle in September (for example, new Year 7 pupils in place of some who have left). We fully appreciate the desire for consistency in terms of a child’s driver and passenger assistant and we have tried our best maintain the current situation. It has been necessary in some cases, however, to amend the support that children receive. This is due to children leaving schools and new children joining schools. This has an unavoidable impact on how transport routes are configured. Where changes have been necessary, members of Travel Co-ordination Service will work with parents/carers to help minimise the impact of these changes and to provide parents/carers with appropriate information. Parents and carers will receive information regarding their child’s travel support by the end of the first week of July.
Paul Henderson SEN Travel Co-ordination Service.