February 2012 Issue of the Pisgah Post

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Edition II, Vol 2, Issue 1 Saturday, February 4, 2012


An Urban Understanding of 21st Century Ministry n Thank God for Color n Holiday Tips for everyone n Black American Adventist Notables Published by the Mt Pisgah SDA Church Communications Department 3340-50 NW 215th Street Miami Gardens, FL 33055

Edition II, Vol 2, Issue 1 Saturday, February 4, 2012

25 Valentine's Day Easy & Inexpensive Gift Ideas submited by the Family Life Department ove is not all about exchanging expensive gifts. Remember, love doesn't come with a price tag. At the end of the day, it's your feelings that matters and not the amount of money you spend. There are plenty of cute, romantic and inexpensive gift options to choose from. Make your Valentine's Day special and memorable without blowing away a fortune in trying to impress your valentine. Here are some wonderful, inexpensive Valentine's Day gift ideas that are not only romantic, but also easy on your pocket.


1. Prepare a scrapbook with all the pictures of both of you right from when you first met till date. Decorate it with heart stickers and bind it with a red ribbon and a red rose. 2. Make an 'I Love You' box to show your love to your partner. Take a shoe box; decorate it with hearts, bows and pictures of your both. Fill the box with small pink notes containing your messages of love. 3. List down all the reasons why you love your partner and post them on the walls of your home. You can use pink or red heart-shaped paper to make it even more romantic and appealing. 4. Make a CD full of both of yours' favorite romantic songs. 5. Prepare a personalized photo calendar by selecting and pasting 12 of your best and favorite photos on the calendar.

very night before Valentine's Day, even if it's just to be alone and talk all night! 17. Rose pedals spread all across her bed 18. Leave a small gift hidden in some corner of home with clues to its where about. 19. Write a sincere, wonderful love letter 10. Tea Time Gift. A teapot brimming with flowers is a gift within a gift. Make a tag in the shape of a tea bag out of cardstock and attach it to the flowers with string. Complete the gesture with a pair of cups and an assortment of teas. 11. Handmade Heart Box. Give your sweetheart a personalized box of chocolates this year. Just purchase a heart-shape box of candy and decorate the box with fabric/paper and buttons to give it a special touch. 12. Make the present in a pot. Dress up orchids, forced amaryllis, and topiaries by repotting them in handsome porcelain containers. Don't forget to tie handwritten care instructions to the pot.

6. Bake Valentine's Day treats for your lover and spend the evening in those cozy arms. Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, squares, muffins, candies, the list is endless. 7. Make love rocks and write special messages in them. Make around 8-10 such love rocks, put them in a crystal bowl and keep it in your bedroom.

13. Store-bought chocolate bars repackaged in a homemade wrapper – – the underside of which reveals a handwritten love note – – tastes doubly delicious. 14. Buy 7 small valentine tokens or gifts. Wrap each of them separately along with a special little love note to go with each one about why you love them. Give one to your love every day leading up to the big day!

15. A great idea for long distance 8. Book of redeemable Love Coupons, relationships, or if you don't live Do you need further instructions on this?? together, is to buy seven valentine cards (or love related cards) and mail 9. Romantic Movie Basket. Put them so the first one arrives seven together a date night in a box with your days before Valentine's Day, the next valentine's favorite movie, a bottle of arrives six days before, and so on. sparkling cider, and his favorite candy/ 16. Make a commitment to each other treats for the two of you to enjoy to do one thing romantic and together e together. Then cuddle up and enjoy!


20. Cut and Paste. You don't need to be artistic to create your own Valentine card. Gather old newspapers and magazines, then cut out words and phrases that can be combined to make a romantic, sexy, or humorous Valentine message. Paste your message on a big, red heart cut from construction paper. 21. Create an indoor picnic with available props, i.e., picnic tablecloth, paper goods. Share finger foods and favorite treats. Spice up “dessert.” Enjoy your picnic on the living room floor or in bed. 22. Give each other long-lingering back rubs or head-to-toe body massages. Invest in luxurious lotion or oils. 23. What did you do on your very first date? Now repeat it! 24. Put on warm clothes and step out to check out the night sky. If you have to travel, add picnic rugs, a thermos of warm drink, some snack bars, and a full tank of fuel. Find somewhere on the city outskirts where the sky is clear. Take along a star chart and look for stars that you know. Choose a star just for the two of you and make a promise to look for it every Valentine's Day. 25. Plant in His/Her honor. A bouquet fades within a week, and then what do you have? Why not plant flowers or shrubs to commemorate the date? With a little sharp shopping you can find bargains that will minimize your investment, and if they are perennials you can amortize your investment over many Valentine's Days. Plus, your sweetie will think of you every time they bloom.

Thank God for Color Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Ps. 51:7.

By: Margo Peterson | www.rhpa.org


undle up! Snow storm warning, high winds, and near zero visibility.” As the meteorologist announced the forecast one morning in January I looked out the window. The ground was already covered with eight to 12 inches of snow as a result of two days of constant snowfall. Despite this severe weather prediction, I ventured out on the icy roads to attend a workshop. Later that afternoon I picked up David, my son, from his band practice. On the way home we talked about our day, the weather, and the icy road conditions. I told him about the accidents I’d seen on my way to my workshop, and he told me about his day at school, and his plans to start playing bass trombone in a band.

After a short pause David added, “Footprints and tire marks make the snow dirty, but a good snowfall will cover all that dirt so it will be all white and clean again. God does the same with us when He washes our sins away. We become whiter than snow, and we are renewed by Him when we ask Him.”

I think about a sermon I read from a long time ago: “Sins, no matter how deep the color, will be made white as snow. We are to be clothed with white raiment, our scarlet sins to be changed and our filthy stained garments to be changed like wool, white as snow. When we ask to have our sins taken away it is asking to be cleansed. What does it mean to be made white as snow? That is the garment As I pulled into our driveway David blurted, “Mom, look at that is to be put upon us—whiter than any fuller can make them. This is the blessed promise” (Alonzo T. Jones, that!” He pointed to our front yard. “I like to see the snow like it is on the ground over there.” Looking at the pristine “Five Sermons on Righteousness,” presented at the Ottawa, Kansas, Institute and Camp Meeting, May 1889). coverlet of snow, I agreed. “When no one has walked on the snow, it’s so white and beautiful it gives me a sense of purity. It reminds me of what God can do for us when we Surely this is God’s promise to us sin.” My mother’s heart was touched as I heard him explain. because He loves each of us.


Edition II, Vol 2, Issue 1 Saturday, February 4, 2012

Valentine’s Day for Singles submited by the Family Life Department HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS Plan a dinner or party with some of your best friends. You may also throw a “singles party” or “Un-Valentine's Day Party” at your home and have a blast. You will know that life is fun in the company of loving friends. ACTS OF SERVICE Singles can spend Valentine's Day in the meaningful way by spending time with the needy and downtrodden. You may visit an orphanage or old age home and spend time with the inmates there who are always in need of love and affection. Visiting hospitals and giving roses to sick can also be a touching way of experiencing bliss on Valentine's Day. EXPRESS GRATITUDE FOR FRIENDS AND DEAR ONES Instead of feeling depressed and ashamed for not having a significant other to spend the day, singles can omantic Valentine's Day is much Day with friends, siblings, parents, spend Valentine's Day in a constructive awaited by those in love but grandparents, teachers or anyone who manner by expressing love and affection made a difference to our lives with sometimes dreaded by singles!! for people around them. One can their affection and support. We must There is so much hype about the send thank you or greeting cards for take opportunity of the Valentine's Day day that some singles even become festival to express our love and gratitude Valentine’s Day to one’s parents, friend, depressed about not having a partner colleagues, neighbors or any one dear. to all persons we love. And what better when they see stores decorated with way to do so than by saying it with a gift THINK POSITIVE candies, chocolates and flowers to of roses, chocolates and beautiful cards. Singles can make the most of Valentine's lure the one's in love. Sometimes the sense of isolation becomes so Singles can make the most of Valentine's Day by thinking positive and fighting strong that many singles tend to Day by spending the day in the company away Valentine's Day blues. One “hate Valentine's Day” – the day that should not spend the day sulking for of those they love or by indulging is actually meant to celebrate love. not having a spouse or beloved to themselves with something luxurious. Here are some tips and ideas on how spend the day in a happy manner. Many single men and women go singles can celebrate the Valentine's Day to the extent of calling Valentine's FOCUS ON RELATIONSHIP PLAN in charming and memorable fashion: Day a ‘Singles Awareness Day'. Singles can focus on their relationship This is because they feel that the plan on Valentine's Day and prepare VALENTINE'S DAY day strongly reminds them of their themselves for healthy and lasting IDEAS FOR SINGLES unattached status and not having relationships. Make a list of what you PAMPER YOURSELF someone to spend the day in romantic can do to improve your personality. It Buy yourself cute Valentine's Day gifts and much popularized manner. could be developing a more healthy which could be flowers, a cute teddy and positive approach towards life or or a dress you have been planning to But dateless people must keep in mind working towards one's diet, health and buy since long. You may also indulge that Valentine's Day is not just to be yourself by going in to the spa for a head physical appearance. Take steps you celebrated by romantically involved think are vital to improve your chances couples. The day is celebrated to express to toe beauty treatment. Indulging in books, CDs, and gourmet meals can be a for relationship. Make some resolutions love to anyone we are closed to. We good way of enjoying the day for some. for yourself and stick to them. can therefore celebrate Valentine's



Recipe of the Month:

Sweetheart Face Cookies Makes: 32 cookies

INGREDIENTS: 1 roll (16.5 oz) PillsburyÂŽ refrigerated sugar cookies Red food color, if desired 1 container (1 lb) vanilla creamy ready-to-spread frosting Assorted small candies or candy sprinkles


Heat oven to 350°F. Remove half of dough from wraper; refrigerate remaining dough until needed. On lightly floured surface with rolling pin, roll dough to 1/4-inch thickness. With 2-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut out dough hearts. On ungreased cookie sheets, place hearts 2 inches apart. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. Cool 2 minutes; remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks. Cool completely, about 10 minutes. In small bowl, mix frosting and food color until desired pink color. Spread frosting on cookies. Decorate with assorted candies to resemble faces.

NUTRITION INFORMATION: Serving (1 Undecorated Frosted Cookie); Calories: 130 (Calories from Fat: 50); Total Fat: 6g (Saturated Fat: 1 1/2g; Trans Fat: 2g); Cholesterol: 5mg; Sodium: 75mg; Total Carbohydrate: 18g (Dietary Fiber: 0g, Sugars: 13g); Protein: 0g; Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A: 0.00%; Vitamin C: 0.00%; Calcium: 0.00%; Iron: 0.00%; Exchanges: Starch: 0; Fruit: 0; Other Carbohydrate: 1; Skim Milk: 0; Low-Fat Milk: 0; Milk: 0; Vegetable: 0; Very Lean Meat: 0; Lean Meat: 0; High-Fat Meat: 0; Fat: 1 1/2; Carbohydrate Choices: 1 *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Edition II, Vol 2, Issue 1 Saturday, February 4, 2012

An Urban Understanding st of 21 Century Ministry called towns or villages are a part of the urban matrix. Most of these municipalities receive city services such as water and electricity, but more importantly, because of their close proximity to major cities they share many of the cultural elements of the cities they surround. Moreover, television, and musical media has spread urban culture to almost every corner of the land. The reach of urbanism is everywhere. Still, the cities of the world are home to tremendous populations, many of whom are largely untouched by the evangelistic outreach of the church. From time to time, the church has made pledges to engage in large scale soul winning efforts in the major cities but in most cases the meetings have not yielded many conversions. This is largely because of our failure to understand the city and its inhabitants and how they may be best reached. URBAN MINISTRY 101 The first thing we must understand about ministry in urban areas is the fact that there are millions of people who are searching NOTE: Sermons on the “Mark of the Beast,” for spiritual meaning and flyers with graphic portrayals of the for their lives. beasts of Revelation attract very little The evangelistic positive attention from city dwellers. potential in the cities is tremendous, but most urban dwellers have a mindset URBANISM: DEFINITION, HISTORY AND CHALLENGES that makes it difficult for them to be influenced by many Despite the educational shift away from urban training, traditional evangelistic preaching/teaching methods. most of the pastors and leaders in North America will find themselves ministering in an urban area sometime during URBAN “VILLAGE PEOPLE” – BEWARE THE TRAVELING EVANGELIST! Note: Ironically, during the June 2010 their ministry— For the most part, cities are patchworks of urban “villages” General Conference Session, the with very little and it is important that those who would work for the North American Division Report included two understanding residents understand the language and culture of the gripping statistics in a sea of numbers: Across of the context of this vast, wealthy continent, 80 percent of the “village”. In some cases the villages are designated urban ministry. general population (the evangelistic target) The standard by language, but in other cases they are cultural. resides in urban areas. And where are the definition of These cultural villages place a premium on trusting Adventists? Our NAD report numbers showed “urban” is an area people who have been in the village for awhile and have that 40 percent of SDAs reside in rural areas. with a population Almost half of the Adventists in North America, of at least 100,000 a relationship with the people of the village. This makes it difficult for the evangelist who comes into a community, though doubtless for good reasons, are living people. Using runs a meeting and leaves after several weeks unless the well away from “the line of fire” of spiritual this population meetings are followed up by local pastors and church warfare, or even the “line of smoke. . .” guideline members who are perceived as a part of the community. alone almost 90% of the people in the United States live in an urban Those who have been most successful in urban area. Even suburban municipalities which prefer to be evangelism have spent time in the community, and


have become trusted by the residents. This means that effective urban ministry is possible only if those engaged in ministry have a personal commitment to the community which transcends weekly church meetings. Effective urban pastors and churches manage to be visible in the community in a number of ways large and small. They build relationships with political leaders but they are also visible in the neighborhood shops, and engaging in conversation with the people who often gather around urban churches. HERMENEUTICS FOR THE ‘HOOD? SPELL IT “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” Effective urban pastors (and churches) also must become proficient in the culture and language of the urban village they are a part of. If there are gangs in the area the leader ought to understand the symbols of the gangs, what the particular tilt of the hat means, and the meaning of particular street jargon. Much of this knowledge can be learned by observation, and by simply asking questions. When people discover that the pastor is really concerned about what is happening in the lives of the people in the community they will give him or her more than enough information about what is going on.

Effective urban ministry is a “hands on” work which requires a devotion of personal time with the people in the city.

If a pastor and men of the church are able to communicate with them sincerely, and respectfully, not being judgmental about their past deeds or present problems, and give solid personal advice they will eventually come to regard the (men of the church) as a brother or a father figure. One of the most humbling experiences I have had in ministry is the number of young and not so young men who consider me the father figure they never had. THE BENEDICTION Finally, successful urban ministry requires a great deal of patience on the part of the leaders and the church. In an age when people demand a quick fix, churches and leaders can grow weary of ministry without timely results. There are people who will take advantage of various church programs for years without showing an interest in becoming church members, but the church and its leadership must be relentless in sowing seed, and cultivating those tender plants for God. Urban life is complex, and it is amazing the kinds of convoluted situations people can get themselves into. Simple solutions rarely work, and steps to Christ are often characterized by two steps forward and one step back. Sometimes their problems defy solution, but the power of Christ is demonstrated most fully in the most challenging situations. There are some church members who say the day of miracles is past, but in the major cities the miracles of grace and power are taking place on a daily basis. The city is still the greatest mission field available because within its confines are millions of people who don’t know their right hand from their left spiritually, but they know that they want something better than what they have. Praise God that He has given us the message of health, wholeness and salvation for the cities of the world!

On the street the terms, “my fault” or “my bad” has Our duty is to be relentless in proclaiming the prevented many a confrontation from developing into a message of truth—lest the stones cry out. full scale altercation. This is especially important if men are involved. Urban men take issues of respect very seriously. Pastors (and leaders) who are comfortable with their own identities and have no need to prove they are always right have a real advantage in dealing with the men of the community who tend to be especially skeptical about religious types. LET THE CHURCH SAY, “’MEN” The greatest challenge and opportunity we face in urban areas is reaching the men of the community. Many of the men have lived desperate lives for years and are looking for something better. When men in the community come to know a pastor (and other men in the church) they will begin to notice every aspect of their behavior, especially how they treat their wife and children. Often, they will come for advice in their own personal relations if they see something exemplary in the male leader’s family life.

Norman K. Miles Sr., PhD, is Senior Pastor of the Trinity Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church, in Newark, New Jersey **Article edited for use in the Pisgah Post. The full article can be found in the Regional Voice Magazine, Pastoral Evangelism and Leadership Council Edition.


Edition II, Vol 2, Issue 1 Saturday, February 4, 2012

Black American Adventist Notables

Who have Influenced Our Church and Our Country EDWARD EARL CLEVELAND




Throughout Cleveland's Harris established the lengthy ministry, he was Harris Home for Children in directly responsible for Huntsville, Alabama, in 1954, baptizing over 15,000 and she and her husband people, and indirectly many George were caregivers tens of thousands more. A to more than 1200 youth prolific author, he published until their retirement in 16 books, and was also a 1980. Honored with a pivotal civil rights advocate myriad of state and national humanitarian awards, Harris and church administrator. Cleveland is widely regarded as received the 1989 President's Volunteer Action Award from one of the greatest Seventh-day Adventist evangelists. President George Bush on April 11, 1989.



Dawson was a musical phenom who brought the Tuskeegee Institute Choir into national prominence, performing for Presidents Roosevelt and Hoover. A prolific contributor to both orchestral and choral literature, Dawson created the famous renderings of numerous Negro Spirituals, most famous among them "Ezekiel Saw The Wheel" and "Talk About A Child That Do Love Jesus."



Dykes received a PhD from Radcliffe in 1921, becoming the first African American woman to complete the requirements for a doctorate. Dykes taught at Howard University and Oakwood University. Her career as an educator spanned over five decades.




Eleven years before Rosa Parks, in 1944 Morgan refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus thus effecting the Supreme Court decision in Irene Morgan Common wealth of Virginia that segregation on interstate buses was illegal. Morgan was awarded the Presidential Citizens Award by Bill Clinton in 2000.



Eleanor Wright, prolific gospel music writer, singer, pianist, and arranger, is arguably one of the most influential persons to help gain acceptance for gospel music of the black experience in the Seventhday Adventist church. She is credited with composing over 400 songs, publishing three songbooks, and recording several albums.





The Hardy family converted to Seventh-day Adventism (not officially incorporated at the time) in 1857-possibly the first blacks to do so-and pioneered Adventism in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, area. In 1872 Hardy was elected supervisor of Gaines Township, Michigan, becoming the first black elected to office in the state of Michigan and the first Adventist politician.

Kinny was the first black ordained to the Seventh-day Adventist ministry and was a pioneer in evangelism and church establishment.


Knight was a leading educator in the Southern United States and the first black woman of any denomination to serve as a missionary in India.




Britton was Kentucky's first female licensed medical doctor and one of the the state's original black Adventists. Britton was also an outspoken social activist.



Chiles earned his JD from the University of Michigan Law School and was the first black to practice law in Lexington, Kentucky. In 1910 he argued the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad case for desegregation before the Surpreme Court, the first black to argue a Supreme Court case.

JAMES GRAVES, JR. Graves was appointed to the Mississippi Supreme Court in 2001 and was elected to the Court in 2004, the only African American currently on the Court. In 2010 President Barack Obama nominated Graves to serve as a judge on United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, only the second African American in U.S. history so honored if confirmed.


Edition II, Vol 2, Issue 1 Saturday, February 4, 2012

ADMIRAL BARRY BLACK On June 27, 2003, Black was elected the 62nd chaplain of the United States Senate, becoming the first African American to hold the position.

ROSA BANKS In 1983 Banks became the first female Vice President of Oakwood University. In 1988 she was nominated the first African American female department head and General Field Secretary of the General Conference. Banks was the first female department head and officer of the North American Division in 1990. In 2005 she became the first female Associate Secretary of the General Conference.

ALFRED FORNAY Fornay is one of America’s foremost authorities on Beauty and Fashion. He was Creative Director for Revlon Incorporated; Polished Ambers Line; Marketing Manager for Clairol; Training & Beauty Director for Fashion Fair Cosmetics; Beauty Editor for Ebony and Essence Magazines; and Founding Editor in Chief of Ebony Man. He is also the author of four beauty books for Simon & Schuster, John Wiley and Amber books publishing companies.

WINTLEY PHIPPS BEN CARSON An accomplished Neurosurgeon In 1987 Carson performed the first successful separation of conjoined Siamese twins. His other surgical innovations have included the first intra-uterine procedure to relieve pressure on the brain of a hydrocephalic fetal twin, and a hemispherectomy, in which an infant suffering from uncontrollable seizures has half of its brain removed.


Phipps has performed music for six American presidents at national events. He has sung at two democratic national conventions and for international icons such as Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II and Nelson Mandela. He has also provided spiritual support and advice to US Presidents.



Roberts was one of the nowlegendary "Little Rock Nine" who dealt a decisive blow to racial segregationism by attending Little Rock's Central High on September 23, 1957. He is currently a psychologist-activist on the faculty of the Simon Wiesenthal Center of Los Angeles.

In 2005 Simmons became the first woman to serve as a vice president of the world Seventh-day Adventist Church, making her the highest female official in Adventism ever.

Source: www.BlackSDAHistory.org



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Valentine's Day Dating Ideas G submited by the Family Life Department

oing for a date with sweetheart is the most popular way of celebrating Valentine's Day. Those in love start thinking about unique Valentine's Day dating ideas days in advance to ensure a romantic and memorable time with their beloved. In case you are looking for perfect Valentine's Day dating idea, here are some tips to inspire your creativity!! GOING FOR ADVENTURE SPORTS If you and your partner enjoy adventure sports, plan out a session on Valentine's Day!! Go for kayaking, ice-skating, paintballing, river-rafting, para sailing or any other activity that is possible in your vicinity and have a great time. TAKE A TOUR OF YOUR CITY On Valentine's Day you may plan a tour of your city with your beloved. You may show each other your favorite spots or places where you grew up like school, college or office. This would help you get to know each other better and will therefore strengthen your relationship. Alternatively, you may visit museums, art galleries, or other spots you don't usually visit for lack of time or opportunity. This way you can create beautiful memories together. GO FOR PICNICS A great Valentine's Day dating idea would be to go for picnic at your favorite spot. Plan out activities you can enjoy in that spot. Places with a river and boating facility are an ideal picnic spot for romantic dates. CANDLE LIGHT DINNER This is an ideal and an all time favorites Valentine's Day dating idea amongst lovers. Take your sweetheart out to a nice neighborhood restaurant. Don't have enough bucks to take him/her out for dinner? Don the chef's hat and whip up your culinary skills and treat your beloved to a mouth-melting treat


that would just have them begging for more. Something like hand-dipped strawberries, heart shaped cookies or cakes would be enough to kindle some lovey-dovey moments on V-day. You may also go for concerts or theatre for a change. Read out a romantic poetry holding your lover's hand for greater and more bewitching impact. NO MONEY Whoever said money can't buy happiness was indeed right. Never mind if you don't have enough bucks to buy a lavish Valentine's Day gift. You can always go and extra mile and treat them to something special and truly memorable like a mushy breakfast in the bed, stealing a few hours from your busy schedule and going for a nature walk, or quietly sit under the porch and stare at the star-lit night. Some moments are unforgettable. Gift your beloved one such moment and he/ she would love you more for this.

INEXPENSIVE VALENTINE GIFTS Valentine's Day is a day to express your feelings to the person you love. And what better way to do this than pampering them with gifts and goodies they would simply cherish. Take out time this Valentine's Day to express your love and show much you care by lavishing your beloved with special, personalized gifts that would convey tons about your feelings and show how much thought and effort you had put to make this day a truly special one. However, love is not all about exchanging expensive gifts. Remember, love doesn't come with a price tag. At the end of the day, it's your feelings that matters and not the amount of money you spend. There are plenty of cute, romantic and inexpensive gift options to choose from. Make your Valentine's Day special and memorable without

blowing away a fortune in trying to impress your valentine. Here are some wonderful, inexpensive Valentine's Day gift ideas that are not only romantic, but also easy on your pocket. ■■ When it comes to talking of easy, affordable gifts, nothing clinches the deal better than handcrafted keepsakes that make the best tokens of love, especially when you are cash-strapped! If you think you are gifted enough to paint a portrait or maybe make something useful, then just go for it. After all, gifting your beloved a handmade personal token would count more than all the things you could ever buy. A portrait, a collage, a photo album, a cute scrapbook, or even something unique as a personal cardholder or a DVD holder would be a great idea. ■■ Strapped of cash? Well, if you are broke but dread the idea of celebrating V-day without gifts, then here is a solution for you. Instead of buying your valentine a gift, take him/her out. Sometimes people cherish experiences more than gifts., a paintball excursion, or some local music concert, depending on his/her taste and preference. You don't always need to stretch your budget to show how much you care. Sometimes small gestures of appreciation is all it takes to make a relationship last forever.


February Birthdays Collas Washington — Feb 2nd Elma Louis — Feb 5th Vivian Walters, Jr. — Feb 7th Joshua Titus — Feb 9th Hortense Martin — Feb 14th Lotoya Brown — Feb 18th Nathan Greene — Feb 20th Carish Seymour — Feb 26th

Please send your birthdays & anniversaries to us at PisgahCommunications@gmail.com

Communications Team 2012 Jondra Grier Jessica Garcon

Peggy Joseph Nancy Wells

Simone Laing Melda Charles

Betty Eugene Chikina Williams

Nathan Greene Deattra Greene

Simone Anderson Elder Steve Williams

February 2012 Sun







1 2 3 4

Mid week Bible Study & Prayer at 7:30 pm

Early Service at 8 am


Sunset: 6:05 pm

Sunset: 6:06 pm


5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pisgah Pantry 2-4 pm

Pathfinder Club Meeting at 9:15 am Superbowl Party at 5:30 pm

Nursing Home Visitation following Church Service Adventurer Club Meeting

Mid week Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm


Sunset: 6:10 pm

Sunset: 6:11 pm

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Men’s Ministry Day



Church Board Meeting

Mid week Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm

Love Struck at 7:00 pm

Sunset: 6:15 pm

Sunset: 6:15 pm

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PRESIDENTS' DAY

Pisgah Pantry 2-4 pm

Nursing Home Visitation following Church Service Adventurer Club Meeting

Mid week Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm

Sunset: 6:19 pm

Sunset: 6:20 pm

26 27 28 29 Pathfinder Club Meeting at 9:15 am

Mid week Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm

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