Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
nniversary Month I A h c r u h C l a ss ue S peci
Church Memories
n Health & Sight Wellness n How it all Started n Recipes to keep your eyes focused Published by the Mt Pisgah SDA Church Communications Department 3340-50 NW 215th Street Miami Gardens, FL 33055
Mt Pisgah SDA Music Ministry
Concert Presents:
Thought For The Month
Featuring: Dr. Helen Baylor
for the Pisgah Food Pantry in recognition of National Food Bank Week & in aid of other Church Ministries
October 22, 2011 at 7:30PM
Mt Pisgah SDA Church 3340-50 NW 215TH Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33055 Please make checks payable to: Mt Pisgah Church Mailing Address: PO Box 551746 Miami Gardens, Florida 33055
Donations Requested: PLATINUM SUPPORTERS
for two people Preferred Seating at the concert Admission to the Meet & Greet Reception with Dr. Baylor following the concert to include: pictures, autograph signing, hors d’oeuvres and drinks
1 Free Helen Baylor DVD or CD
per person Guaranteed & Early seating prior to General Admission 1 Free Helen Baylor DVD or CD
Recent events in this country are a testimony to this. One day there is a record drop in the stock market and the next day there is a huge rebound. Our nation’s economy continues to struggle despite the best efforts at finding solutions. However, as children of God, we can be sure of this one thing; “God is still in control!” Daniel 2:21 tells us, “He changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings and setteth up kings…” Not only does God control the affairs of nations, but he also controls the affairs of our individual lives. The problems and circumstances that we face in life may sometimes cause us to feel hopeless and alone. The state of the economy, job loss, sickness, financial difficulties, relationship problems, marital problems or the threat of foreclosure may cause us to feel that things are out of control. But the same God who spake and it was done, who commanded and it stood fast, still speaks to human hearts. The same God who “owns the cattle on a thousand hills” is still in control of providing all of our individual needs and handling every financial situation. The same God who controls the earth, sun, moon, and stars, still controls the events and the course of our lives. The same God who healed the sick and even raised the dead in times past, still provides not only physical but also spiritual healing. My fellow believers, no matter what problems you are facing today, no matter what difficulty, no matter what financial need, no matter what sickness, always remain confident in this one thing; “God is still in control!”
per person General Admission seating
IMPORTANT: Please write Music Department BENEFIT CONCERT memo section of your checks or Money Orders.
For more information please contact Toni Kerr at 954.648.0961 Graphics@PathfindersRUsPlus.com
Elder Ernest Washington
Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Introduction Heart disease is the number 1 killer in the United States. Every day, more than 2600 Americans die from cardiovascular disease, which amounts to 1 death every 33 seconds.
ost of these deaths occur with little or no warning, from a syndrome called sudden cardiac arrest. The most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest is a disturbance in the heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation.
■■ For every minute that goes by that a person remains in ventricular fibrillation and defibrillation is not provided, the chances of resuscitation drop by almost 10 percent. After 10 minutes, the
■■ The ventricles are the chambers that pump blood out of the heart and into the blood vessels. This blood supplies oxygen and other nutrients to organs, cells, and other structures.
■■ However, operating an AED is so simple that it can be done successfully even without formal training. Training is recommended for as many people as possible.
■■ If these structures do not receive enough blood, they start to shut down, or fail. ■■ If blood flow is not restored immediately, permanent brain damage or death is the result.
The evolution of early defibrillation took another major step forward with the concept of public access defibrillation or “PAD.”
Ventricular fibrillation often can be treated successfully by applying an electric shock to the chest with a procedure called defibrillation.
■■ The situation is just the opposite when cardiac arrest occurs outside a hospital setting. Unless defibrillation can be performed within the first few minutes after the onset of ventricular fibrillation, the chances for reviving the person (resuscitation) are very poor.
■■ It is now recognized that AEDs are extremely easy to use. ■■ Formal training programs, such as those offered by the American Heart Association’s Heartsaver AED course, can be taught in as little as 4 hours.
Ventricular fibrillation is dangerous because it cuts off blood supply to the brain and other vital organs.
■■ In coronary care units, most people who experience ventricular fibrillation survive, because defibrillation is performed almost immediately.
The evolution of early defibrillation took another major step forward with the concept of public access defibrillation or “PAD.”
It is now recognized that AEDs are extremely easy to use.
chances of resuscitating a victim of cardiac arrest are near zero. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, usually known as CPR, provides temporary artificial breathing and circulation. ■■ It can deliver a limited amount of blood and oxygen to the brain until a defibrillator becomes available. ■■ However, defibrillation is the only effective way to resuscitate a victim of ventricular fibrillation.
■■ Formal training programs, such as those offered by the American Heart Association’s Heartsaver AED course, can be taught in as little as 4 hours. ■■ However, operating an AED is so simple that it can be done successfully even without formal training. Training is recommended for as many people as possible. ■■ Local and state regulations determine the training requirements for PAD programs. n source www.emedicinehealth.com
Healthy Sight & Wellness C
ertainly it’s important to see well; that’s why your eye doctor is so careful in determining the right prescription for your eyes. But achieving and enjoying healthy sight goes beyond passing an eye test. Healthy sight means enhancing the quality of your vision today while helping to preserve the health and wellness of your eyes for the future. You only have one pair of eyes and your eyes must last a lifetime. What you do today is important in helping you see your best – everyday in all light conditions – and in helping preserve long‑term eye health and wellness that is vital to your precious sight. The choices you make in your everyday life – from proper lighting, proper nutrition and exercise to getting regular check‑ups with your eye doctor and purchasing eyeglass lenses that enhance visual quality by reducing glare and blocking harmful UV radiation – can all have an impact on your eyesight.
eyes. Make a conscious effort to periodically rest your eyes and blink frequently – especially when reading, working on a computer or watching television Avoid rubbing your eyes Wear sunscreen and UV‑protective clothing, such as a wide‑brimmed hat.
Select everyday eyewear, like Transitions® lenses, that automatically block 100 percent of UV rays and help to reduce distracting glare Healthy sight begins with education. Transitions Optical is committed to helping you understand the everyday threats to your eyesight – glare and UV radiation – and their potential impact both immediate and long‑term. n
Source: Transitions.com/Eyedidintknowthat.info
UNEmployed? UNDEREmployed? Need additional income? Consider a business opportunity with Blessings Unlimited and become SELF Employed! Blessings Unlimited offers a unique blend of business and ministry. Our exclusive, message-based products include home décor items and gifts. Earn income and get discounts on our great products.
Below are a few simple steps you can take today in your everyday life to protect and help optimize your healthy sight and wellness for a lifetime.
Healthy Sight Checklist Visit your eye doctor regularly for a complete eye exam. To locate an eye doctor near you, visit www.Transitions.com. Maintain a balanced diet high in beta‑carotene and take vitamin supplements, if recommended Exercise regularly
To learn more, contact: Nadine Mullings, Independent Consultant Phone: (954)272-3377 Website: myblessingsunlimited.net/nadine E-Mail: mnadinem@aol.com
Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day to hydrate your body and
Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
How it all started… I
t was 1958 when Sister Etta Bethel Bowles, following the leading of her heavenly Father started a storytelling hour that became a Branch Sabbath School and now our Mt Pisgah SDA Church. In 1960 a small group of worshippers formed and began holding services in the garage of Brother James and Sister Marie Bethel. Brother Bethel became the “First Elder”.
Sight & Learning P
arents and teachers who take measures to monitor children’s vision may help the chances of them succeeding in the classroom. Undiagnosed vision problems are one of the major causes of learning difficulties in school‑age children, because during their first 12 years, visual learning accounts for 80 percent of the learning process.
to succeed in school, it’s important for them to include a regular, comprehensive eye exam as part of their back‑to‑school checklist. Preserving healthy sight for a lifetime begins with early detection. Common signs of possible vision problems in school‑aged children include:
When vision problems are undetected, children often have trouble reading or completing their schoolwork. They may exhibit a lack of attention or appear to be fidgety during the school day, which can potentially be misdiagnosed as a learning disability. As parents help to provide their children with all the necessary tools
1. Holds reading materials too close to the eyes 2. Uses fingers to trace words when reading
6. Complains about headaches 7. Turns or tilts the head to use one eye only 8. Shows extreme light sensitivity
3. Exhibits lack of attention or fatigue during school 4. Constantly rubs the eyes 5. Continuously squints
Under the direction of Pastor CB Rock, a series of meetings were held that resulted in the baptism of several members which included; Sister Martha Holston‑Lee, Sister Emma J. Rolle, and Brother Joseph Bowles, Sr. In 1962 as the congregation increased they purchased land to build a church home. It was during this time that Sister Marie Bethel suggested the name Mt Pisgah for the church congregation and it was unanimously agreed on. Brother Morris Reed, (the brother of the late Martha Holston‑Lee) generously donated the first windows and pews. Later there was another donation of church furniture by the “Mt Pisgah Five” and the Board of Deaconess.
9. Has irritated or teary eyes To learn more about protecting the health and wellness of children’s eyes and to locate an eye doctor near you. n
source: www.Transitions.com/Eyedidintknowthat.info
Eye Food Treats
There are some foods that are actually really good for your eyes—and we’ve got some great recipes you can make with your parents that are fun to cook, delicious to eat, and good for your eyes. The foods that have the excellent health benefits for your eyes include foods that contain vitamins A, C, and E; fatty acids; omega‑3 and beta‑carotene. Examples of these types of foods include:
■■ Leafy green vegetables ■■ Grapes ■■ Berries ■■ Carrots ■■ Squash ■■ Soy ■■ Nuts
source: www.Transitions.com/Eyedidintknowthat.info
50 years after the that original storytelling hour and over 14 years after the opening of our present sanctuary we are still growing, and are looking to continue, the commission of our Master and the vision of our founders of sharing the good news of salvation to those in our neighborhood. n
The first service in the previous sanctuary building was held on September 25, 1965. There was a Mortgage Burning Celebration November 10‑12, 1972 under the eldership of Lloyd Rahming and Ruben Cox. All of Mt Pisgah’s financial obligations at the time were liquidated on December 3, 1976 under the leadership of Pastor James Edgecombe. The membership of Mt Pisgah has continued grow rapidly, and it became evident that it was time to expand to a larger building. In 1993 the ground breaking ceremony was held and construction began early in 1994. There was a weeklong celebration of the grand opening and dedication of the new sanctuary building September 20‑27, 1997.
Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
Pictorial Memories
Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
We are an intergenerational community, and this must be preserved at any cost. We have a distinctive culture, and it must be nourished. And this must intentional, not haphazard.
C. E. Bradford Regional Voice Summer 2005
Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
More Pisgah Memories
Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
Memories from Mt Pisgah Founders
Early Years as an Elder
By: Nancy Wells
By: Nancy Wells
Seventh‑day Adventist churches, and of course children from her ister Bowles can still recall that extended family. God blessed this Sabbath so many decades ago. effort but Sister Bowles wanted to She had a car load of children extend the blessings to others in returning from church, a truck her neighborhood. So, along with overloaded with wood crossed her path Carletha Bethel Robinson they and a tragic accident was avoided. started Bible studies for adults in the area. Sister Bowles knows It was 1958 and she was souls were converted to Christ attending Bethany Seventh‑day from those Bible studies. Adventist Church in Miami, Fl. On that fateful Sabbath morning Sister Bowles said; “God spoke to me,” and said don’t drive so far, start a children’s story at home.
Sister Etta Bethel Bowles
Elder Ruben Cox
lder Cox has been a blessing to Mt. Pisgah from its earliest inception to what it is today.
His walk with God started in a first day church. He was a prominent leader in that church, but eventually became disheartened when he witnessed, firsthand the hypocrisy of some church leaders. After marrying Birdie Handfield in 1952, Elder Cox became familiar with Seventh‑day Adventism. However, he declares,”I never visited a Seventh‑day Adventist church.” His own church affiliation kept him occupied, but doubt crept in and he began to think, “There must be a better way.”
She spoke to her Mom, Sister Marie Bethel, and together they started a children’s story that would evolve to what today is Mt. Pisgah Seventh‑day Adventist Church.
He was searching and “praying all the while” when illness struck. While in the hospital recovering from surgery, Elder Cox recalls he had a vision.
The story hour attracted children to Sister Bowles' home from the neighborhood, from other
At that time Sister Bowles Dad, Brother James Bethel was attending a first day church. However, he was impressed to offer his garage to his daughter for meetings. It was there Elder Ruben Cox, a young Seventh‑day Adventist convert held meetings along with other guest speakers. From an invitation to speak in his own garage, Sister Bowles Dad accepted the Seventh‑day Adventist message, and decided to find property for a church building. Brother Bethel and his son Ronald Bethel secured the lot where the Mt. Pisgah “churches” stand today. However, the first structure where these founders met was, according
to Sister Bowles, “A small wooden shack.” They met there while the original Mt. Pisgah was being built. In 1965 the first service was held in their new sanctuary. Among all the offices Sister Bowles held over the years she recalls being the first treasurer of Mt. Pisgah and of course the first choir director. For 32 years the small church served them well until 1997 when by God’s grace a much larger congregation moved into the sanctuary where we worship today. When asked for her impression of the current Mt. Pisgah Church she said, “ I loved the small church. I love the big church. I love it all.”
“In my vision I was asleep. I woke to find a “guardian “and I told him, ‘I have to find a church.’ Searching, we found three church buildings. The first two were empty. At the third church we heard singing. Upon entering, the guardian led me up the middle isle onto the platform and told me, ‘This is where you need to be.’ “ Elder Cox made a full recovery, and on the first Sabbath after leaving the hospital he visited Bethany Seventh‑day Adventist Church in Miami. Brother James Bethel met him at the door and ushered Elder Cox onto the platform where he was introduced to the pastors. The purpose of his vision was revealed and he accepted the
Seventh‑day Adventist message. Two years later, in 1960 Elder Cox was baptized. From the beginning, as a member of Bethany until today at Mt. Pisgah, Elder Cox has served as a church elder. Elder Cox can recall the meetings in Sister Bowles garage, where as a guest speaker, he baptized six new souls into the Seventh‑dayAdventist message. He is proud to have officiated in 1972 at the burning of the mortgage for the first sanctuary building. Asked what his thoughts are of Mt. Pisgah today he said, “We need to draw closer to God.”
Edition II, Vol I, Issue III Saturday, September 3, 2011
Recipes to keep your Eyes Focused Here are some delicious recipes you can easily make that can help to keep your eyes focused today and healthy tomorrow!
Frozen Blueberry Yogurt Pops Berries are very good for your eyes and this cool treat is tasty. Combine 1 cup blueberry juice, 1 cup of cleaned blueberries, and a 6‑ounce container of fat‑free vanilla yogurt in a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth. Pour into frozen pop molds and insert wooden craft sticks. Freeze until completely firm.
Cheesy Popcorn
Instead of chips, whole grain popcorn makes a crunchy snack your eyes and taste buds will approve of. Take four cups of freshly air‑popped popcorn and add ½ cup of freshly grated Parmesan cheese and a little bit of cayenne pepper for just a hint of spiciness. Toss together and snack.
Creamy Orange‑Cherry Oatmeal A delicious twist on breakfast that is especially rich in omega‑3. In a saucepan, heat 1 ½ cups of milk or soy milk with 2/3 cup of dried tart cherries. When simmering, add 1 cup of oats. Reduce heat and simmer until oats are cooked and liquid is absorbed. Add 2 tablespoons of orange juice concentrate and stir thoroughly. Pour into bowls and sprinkle with chopped pecans if desired.
Rainbow Chopped Salad
This can be a fun and colorful snack or can be served with grilled chicken on top to be a complete meal. Mix 1 ½ cup each of chopped bell peppers and broccoli florets, 1 cup of shredded carrots, ½ cup of diced radishes, and 1 tablespoon minced red onion with a ½ cup of creamy dill ranch dressing. Toss to coat and refrigerate until you are ready to eat it.
For more of these type of recipes go to Eyedidintknowthat.info
September Birthdays Eleeha Kitchell-Bush — September 1st Amaral Petit — September 2nd Darlene Fontus — September 3rd Afiba Bertrand — September 10th Laverne Jackson Anderson — September 12th Andrine Smart — September 14th Natacha Herivaux — September 18th Tracey Doeman-Cockfield — Septemberember 19th Vanessa Torres — September 23rd Patricia Bailey — September 27th Jondra Grier — September 27th Joyce Petrie — September 27th Zillah Scotland — September 27th Harold Cummings, Jr. — September 28th Rachel Williams — September 30th Gregory R. Johnson — Septemberember 30th
Send us the dates of your birthday or anniversary for an upcoming issue of the Pisgah Post at PisgahCommunications@gmail.com
Communications Team 2011-2012 Jondra Grier Jessica Garcon
Peggy Joseph Nancy Wells
Simone Laing Melda Charles
Betty Eugene Chikina Williams
Nathan Greene Deattra Greene
Simone Anderson Elder Steve Williams
September 2011 Sun
MUA Alumni Weekend
1 2 3
Guest Speaker: Pastor Herman Davis 8am & 11am Services
Sunset: 7:45 pm
Sunset: 7:39 pm
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Happy Labor Day
Nursing Home Visitation
Mid week Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm
Sunset: 7:33 pm
Sunset: 7:32 pm
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pisgah Pantry 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Church Board Meeting
Mid week Bible Study & Prayer at 7:30 pm
Sunset: 7:25 pm
Sunset: 7:24 pm Children’s Ministry Day
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Nursing Home Visitation
Mid week Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm
Church & Community Social
Sunset: 7:18 pm
Sunset: 7:16 pm
25 26 27 28 29 30 Pathfinders
Mid week Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm
Sunset: 7:10 pm
If you would like to place an ad for your business in the Pisgah Post please contact us at PisgahCommunications@gmail.com