2013 summer foundation course first day presentation

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BARTLETT SHORT COURSES COORDINATOR, SABINE STORP: Sabine will have an overview of all short courses and work on creaDng new teaching opportuniDes in this potenDal new field of expansion of the BartleJ.


2013 SUMMER FOUNDATION THEME: Architectural innovaDon for a Social RevoluDon.


MAIN COURSE's AIM: The program will provide students with a creaDve plaMorm to improve their design Skills and to acquire new ones through experimentaDon in graphic media and physical fabricaDon.

4.  •

PEDAGOGICAL BASIS: Problem-­‐based learning> As postulaDng in the Summer FoundaDon Brief, it is important to help the students to build a conceptual and criDcal thinking as well as a consistent design ETHOS (within a PLAYFUL and ENJOYABLE atmosphere) by exercising their design skills through the experience of problem solving as a way of improving the world effecDvely.

Learning through authenNc assessments> AuthenDc assessment acDviDes are designed to mimic the complexity of 'real world' situaDons that students may encounter in professional life, and require the applicaDon of a combinaDon of skills related to knowledge, working skills and aZtude.

User Experience> I would also like to encourage you all to consider the User Experience as a systemaDc test of project interest, development and validity.

Increasing student's creaNvity> the main goal of new learning procedures is to link the validity of knowledge to the experience of its construcDon. We, as Tutors, will guide the students to achieve their own goals, encouraging them to adopt a professional and mature aZtude toward their project development, and therefore, a highly conscious design experience in a non linear learning protocol (to increase creaDvity).

Students’ projects’ Brief> During workshop 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, each student will write an A4 Brief that would describe their project developed within the Workshop’s goals and students’ personal interest. This brief is an aJempt to allow the student to exercise her or his decision making and communicaDon skills (see the slide number 13).

GENERAL ORGANIZATION: A.  ROUTE A AND ROUTE B. the Summer FoundaDon consist of two consecuDve courses: •

ROUTE A: Running from Monday July 29th Dll Friday 30th August, 5 weeks long.

ROUTE B: Running from Monday July 29th Dll Friday the 20th September, three weeks extension of the previous one.

B.  2 STUDENTS GROUPS: in order to facilitate the academic evoluDon of the students, the total number of Summer FoundaDon Students has been divided in two groups. GROUP 1 (18 students) and GROUP 2 (19 students). C.  COURSE TIMETABLE: from 9:30am to 17:30pm (45min lunch break). •

All extra tutorials will be held on Wednesdays, from 18:00 to 19:00.

Friday agernoon will be dedicated to register all the work through photography and other graphic media.

Saturday mornings will be dedicated to visits (common acDviDes) and CRITS.

D.  SIX DIFFERENT WORKSHOPS: the Summer FoundaDon will offer 5 different one-­‐week-­‐long workshops in ROUTE A and one-­‐week-­‐long workshop in ROUTE B. 1.  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 1: Drawing. Anne Ryan. 2.  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 2: Technical drawing applied to urban space design. Antoine Hertenberger. 3.  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 3: Fashion design. Carlos Jimenez. 4.  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 4: Model making. Catrina Stewart. 5.  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 5: Furniture Design and FabricaDon. Carlos Jimenez. 6.  Route B+B, WORKSHOP 6: FabricaDng inhabitable spaces. Casaleganitos (+ CARTONLAB).

D. ROUTE FINAL AC aALENDAR: nd ROUTE B. July and August.

ROUTE B. July and August.

GENERAL ORGANIZATION: E.  EXTRA ACTIVITIES: To reinforce the Summer FoundaDon programme, we have organized a series of acDviDes: •

Tutorial InDesign, PorMolio (Wednesday agernoons, from 18:00 to 19:00).

Volunteer tutorial: Video Making (Wednesday agernoons, from 18:00 to 19:00).

Performance sessions with movement director Lesley Hutchison, and drawing registraDon.

Visit to museums: Victorian&Albert Museum, Sir John Soane candlelight night.

CRITS (two CRITS in ROUTE A, and two CRITS in ROUTE B).

BartleJ applicants meeDng.

F. TUTORS' TEACHING SUPPORT: This year, the best BARTLETT’S YOUNG ARCHITECTS and BARTLETT’S DIPLOMA STUDENTS will be collaboraDng with the workshops’ directors as a way to increase horizontal learning from BartleJ’s knowledge sources. •  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 1: ArDsDc drawing, collage and live drawing. Anne Ryan as workshop director, assisted by Anna Mill. •  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 2: Technical drawing applied to urban space design. Antoine Hertenberger as workshop director, assisted by Tim Zihong Yue. •  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 3: Fashion design. Carlos Jimenez as workshop director. Assisted by Emma Clinton and Megan Smedy . •  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 4: Model making. Catrina Stewart as workshop director, assisted by Victoria Bateman. •  Route A+B, WORKSHOP 5: Furniture Design and FabricaDon. Carlos Jimenez, assisted by Cartonlab. •  Route B, WORKSHOP 6: FabricaDng inhabitable spaces. Tutors: Casaleganitos, CARTONLAB, assisted by Megan Smedy and Tom Svilans.

GENERAL ORGANIZATION: G.  SUMMER FOUNDATION OUTCOME: The students will achieve a new set of design skills and a consistent PorMolio. To help the students accomplishing a good porMolio, the student’s will be able to join some INDESIGN tutorial organized during the first weeks of the course. This acDvity would allow you to develop in your own, a digital repository of all the informaDon generated during the course. H.  BARTLETT FACILITIES: •  Computer cluster (each student will have an individual loging code and password access to the UCL computers network). •  The Light Room, run by Paul Smoothy, will be available for the students all Fridays of the course. •  The Manual workshop, run by Abi Abdolwahabi, will be available during the 4th , 5th , and 6th workshops. •  The Digital workshop, run by Emmanuel Vercruysse, will be available during the 3rd , 4th , 5th , and 6th workshops. •  Online communicaNon media: THE SUMMER FOUNDATION BLOG. I.

WORKING MATERIALS: Each student would receive a basic kit of materials and tools (paper, cardboard, rulers, tape and white glue). There would also be some extra tools provided to be used in pairs (cuZng mat, French ruler, scalpel, blades, fashion measuring tape, sewing machine, etc.). During the development of the workshops, the students are encourage to provide extra materials (hand made, recycled ones, etc.). Recycle> Following the 2013 Summer FoundaDon ethos, we will do an special effort in reducing material consumpDon and recycling material waste as a way to build an environmental consciousness amongst the community of designers and architects.

F.  SUMMER FOUNDATION PRIZE: This year, the BartleJ School will award the best student in ROUTE A and the Best student in ROUTE B.


Route A+B, WORKSHOP 1: PainDng, collage and live drawing. Anne Ryan as workshop director, assisted by Anna Mill.


Route A+B, WORKSHOP 2: Technical drawing applied to urban space design. Antoine Hertenberger as workshop director, assisted by Tim Zihong Yue.


Route A+B, WORKSHOP 3: Fashion design. Carlos Jimenez as workshop director. Assisted by Emma Clinton and Megan Smedy .


Route A+B, WORKSHOP 4: Model making. Catrina Stewart as workshop director, assisted by Victoria Bateman.


Route A+B, WORKSHOP 5: Furniture Design and FabricaDon. Carlos Jimenez, assisted by CARTONLAB.


Route B, WORKSHOP 6: FabricaDng inhabitable spaces. Tutors: Casaleganitos, CARTONLAB, assisted by Megan Smedy and Tom Svilans.


VERY IMPORTANT TASK: Students’ projects’ Brief> During workshop 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, each student will write an A4 Brief that would describe their project developed within the Workshop’s goals and students’ personal interest. This brief is an aJempt to allow the student to exercise her or his decision making and communicaDon skills. The Brief would describe two different sets of informaDon (BRIEF AND AGENDA), answering the following quesDons: BRIEF: -­‐ what are you doing? -­‐ which is the purpose of it? -­‐ which are the media you would use to generate it? -­‐ who is the user that would take advantage of it? -­‐ how is it going to be used? -­‐ maintenance? -­‐ etc. AGENDA: -­‐ set of statements that support your proposal (environmental, social, cultural, economic, construcDon clues behind your project).


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CreaDvity doesn´t happen in condiDons of absolute freedom, creaDvity comes from the obsessive systemaDzaDon of its search. Only the one who looks for it with steadfastness finds it. When free (without economic, cultural, social, and environmental constraints), we tend to repeat already tested and successful experiences. CreaDon is not a magic, unexpected and genius event, inherent to human beings. CreaDon is produced when we learn new skills, when we are open to others knowledge, when we experiment, and when we are not afraid of taking risks and failing. And that´s why it is so rear and difficult to produce.

To Create, to Innovate, requires an enormous effort and dedicaDon, and is, someDmes, painful, but it can also be accomplish when having a PAYFUL aZtude.

A good School will make understandable the need and sense of the SystemaDc effort protocol that leads to creaDon. The achievement of innovaDon would posiDvely improve the WORLD.

CreaDon requires Dme, no rush, CONCENTRATION, and CONTINUOS WORK.

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