4 minute read
Pregnancy is not an easy experience; a pregnant woman requires special proper care and rest to avoid incidents that may cause miscarriage. Because having a baby is not cheap, expenditures are another pregnancy issue. The majority of these young women who are pregnant approach their parents for financial support, which adds to the parents’ bills. While seeking assistance is okay, doing so to the point that it burdens the other is not.
Nevertheless, young women who decide to keep their child are brave because many others choose to get an abortion, which violates the child’s right to live. Many young and inexperienced teenage girls turn to abortion when they unintentionally get pregnant. This inhumane act of killing children should be discussed and dealt with. It is not the children’s fault if their parents made a mistake. It is unjust that they pay this mistake with their lives.
If we are aware that we cannot fulfill a child’s needs in terms of parental duties, then we should not become pregnant. Being curious as an adolescent is normal, especially regarding topics like sex, as we are exposed to more realities as we age. But we ought to reflect before acting hastily.
As for education, though sex education exists, these teenage pregnancy cases call for it to be strengthened. Education is essential in making a wise decision. More information for young people about sex, abortion, and morality will significantly affect their future positively.

The same old addiction
Lorence D. Remedio
Recently, videos of zombie-like people walking on the streets of the United States of America have started appearing on my social media news feed.
It was found to have been caused by a drug overdose, which breaks my heart and alerts me. I began to wonder what makes people use drugs, especially young adults, despite the effects of doing so being well-known.
In the Philippines, there are thought to be close to 4.5 million drug addicts, according to President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos. With just the statistics, if the number of drug users increases further than the number of sober ones, I cannot imagine how devastating it will be for the country’s future. Will we once again be known as a country inhabited by drug addicts?
The influence of drugs expands to the youths which poses a great problem. Back in 2018, a closedoff comfort room of the SHS building of Siocon National Science High School was found to have been used by students for drug use as shreds of evidence of foils were found. As a result, the school decided to report this to the authorities.

Many youngsters consider drinking alcohol, consuming illegal drugs, and smoking cigarettes normal while growing up. However, young people frequently fail to recognize the connection between their current behavior and its long-term effects.
These individuals claim they use these chemicals to feel good, perform better, unwind, and satisfy their curiosity. Some teenagers also use drugs primarily due to peer pressure, which gives them the feeling that they may not belong to the group if they do not partake in the same activities as others. However, once you become dependent on these drugs, you continue to use them even though they cause harm and do not benefit you. The consequences of using these illegal substances make me fear drugs as a student with academic goals. Thus, I decided against using them.
I do not want to see myself soon being surrounded by people whom I fear I will turn out to be. The most vulnerable individuals are those who have the potential to be future stewards. If you are tempted to use drugs, consider your goals in life and how using these might affect those ambitions.
Former President Rodrigo Duterte reminds us, “Iwasan mo and droga. Wag mong subukan, masisira ang buhay mo. [You should avoid drugs. Do not try it; your life will be ruined].”
If you are tempted to use drugs, consider your goals in life and how using these might affect those ambitions.
Kyla T. Cuajao

3h •
We surveyed 1445 Siocon National Science High School students and we found out that a total of 112 respondents are fraternity members, 90 of them admitted that they experienced hazing. Why does hazing still exist amid the provisions of Anti-Hazing Act of 2018?
Divine Pantalita
There are [sic] still hazing because many people mistakenly think that hazing is the only method of initiating new group members since they are not aware of any other options.
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Shine Lyra Lagonero
Hazing is an act in which it can cause harm to people who’s [sic] willing to join a fraternity. It can inflict harm in their physical or psychological well-being. I think the reason why hazing is still included in fraternities is to test the respect that newly recruited members have for their group, which I think is not reasonable.
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Arian Bangot

One of the reasons [is] it is crucial for fraternities to incorporate hazing into their process of accepting new members is to demonstrate one’s dedication within a group. Yet regardless of someone’s willingness to do it, I believe there are still other ways that may be done that do not involve causing bodily or mental harm to that individual.
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Madel Pasturan
Hazing rituals show loyalty. Hazing makes a person leave by making it hard to adapt to a new circumstance. Loyalty will be measured for the neophyte. If they don’t quit despite everything then they had proven their loyalty in [to the] fraternity.

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Karl Christopher Lee
It is a way to test a person’s physical endurance, or how that person can endure pain for them to prove that they’re applicable to join that specific fraternity.
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