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Now online only at www.outonline.com. No longer in printed format. INFO: out@outonline.com. Please see www.outonline.com for LGBTQ news and entertainment! Pittsburgh's Out- The region's largest LGBTQ publication serving PA, OH, WV and more since 1973! The "source" that the region's LGBTQ community turns to for news and entertainment. Up to 30,000 readers plus our website www.outonline.com gets up to 500,000-1.5+ Million views per month! Local, National and International News, Calendar of Events, Opinions, Advice, Classifieds, Nightlife, Faces and Places, Out and About column, Video, Music, Theater Reviews, distribution points throughout PA, OH, WV, DE and more. For Advertising Information or a Media Kit - Please call or email us at displayads@outonline.com or call 724-733-0828. Advertise on-line. We also offer sponsorships packages on our 10 shows on Out TV Pgh at www.outonline.com. One of the oldest LGBTQ regional publications in the country!