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Conference Proceedings
Miller, Z.W., Unger, M.H., Sanchez,D.V.P., Measuring off-flavors and Anti-Oxidants to Improve the Sustainability of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Engineering Sustainability: Climatefor Change Pittsburgh PA April 2019
Zappitelli, J., Ference, C.J., Sanchez,D.V.P., Identifying Opportunities to Reduce Severe Water Stress Through a County Level Analysis of US Industrial Freshwater Withdrawals Engineering Sustainability: Climate for Change Pittsburgh PA April 2019
S. Pitell, S. Sachs, and SJ. Haig. Can microbes be used to bioremediate cracked reinforced concrete? To be presented at the American Society of Microbiology, Chicago, Illinois, June 2020. [Poster - cancelled due to COVID-19].
S. Pitell, B. Wu, S. Sachs, and SJ. Haig. Exploring the ability to bioremediate cracked reinforced concrete. To be presented at the Microbiology of the Built Environment Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, NH, June 2020. [Poster - cancelled due to COVID-19]