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3.3 Comparison Between Vision Based and NDE Based Inspection Results
Figure 26. Wavelet Fusion for Condition Maps with Various Rules
Figure 27. Final Fused Condition Map
Figure 28. Detected Potential Defected Parts
3.3 Comparison Between Vision Based and NDE Based Inspection Results For further verification of the Vision-based inspection, the collected IR images and HD images were compared with NDE results. In Figure 29, the IR image is compared with the HCP results, and the HD image is compared with the GPR detected concrete cover thickness maps. As seen, UAV results match well with the NDE results. In addition, as shown in Figure 30, the developed automated damage detection methods can detect the damaged areas with acceptable accuracies.

Figure 29. A comparison of the results obtained using the UAV-mounted IR and HD cameras and the HCP and GPR techniques
Figure 30. Results showing the automated deep learning-based detection and quantification of surface defects and subsurface defects on the BEAST specimen.