Swanson School of Engineering Co-op Program Spring 2018 Newsletter

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University of Pittsburgh

Swanson School of Engineering Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown


Sean Justice Named Co-op Student of the Year When Sean Justice came for his interview, we kidded him about his 3.964 GPA. “I’m stubborn,” he replied. Perhaps Sean is stubborn, but he has a few other qualities we want to mention. A product of Pittsburgh city schools, Sean is a recipient of the Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship, which he has maintained throughout his college career. As a high school student, Sean became involved in an initiative called “Change the Game,” which is a non-profit organization providing youth mentorship, citizenship and environmental stewardship to students from inner city schools. Sean began his experience as one of the students, and currently sits on the student advisory board for this program. The mission of Change the Game is to provide activities that promote critical thinking, teamwork and perseverance. Participation in this venture culminates in a trip to Yellowstone National Park for the winning team, providing a week of outdoor activities, academic exploration and exposure to science. Sean has been to Yellowstone three times, once as a high school student, and twice as a mentor and advisor. Another volunteer effort is one that is close to Sean’s family. His aunt passed away from brain cancer, and his grandmother began a non-profit supporting brain cancer research. For six years Sean acted as an assistant to his grandmother, coordinating events, running in the races, and as a musician, providing the music at a wine-tasting event. During the six years of these fundraising efforts,

$300,000 was raised. At Pitt, Sean is also a member of Tau Beta Pi, which centers on the 4 pillars of service, professionalism, academics, and social. Sean holds the position of Public Relations Chair. Each term Tau Beta Pi Co-op Director Maureen Barcic, Sean Justice, and US Steel Dean of Engineering Gerald H. Holder sponsors an event with the Ronald McDonald House. throughout the experience. During Sean’s The bulk of Sean’s outside activities at Pitt second rotation, he was placed in Raleigh, center around his involvement in the CorNC. His supervisor mentioned in her evalunerstone Christian Campus Ministry, where ation of Sean that he involved himself even he is heavily involved on the Worship team. there, by participating in community action Cornerstone is an outreach organization events at the local high school. partnering with the Bellefield Church on our campus, but the ministry also works with Academically, Sean is as strong as they the North Side’s Allegheny Alliance Church, come. His faculty advisor from electrical which is strongly involved in a homeengineering nominated Sean for this award, less ministry. Sean volunteers at some of but it was based on his contributions at his their events as part of their outreach, and co-op, which are significant and resulted through the ministry also volunteers in an in great savings for the company, as well organization called “Off the Floor,” which is as his stellar academics and record of a furniture bank to assist the needy. Sean is volunteerism. His employer saw him as an involved musically with Cornerstone Camengineer with ‘a strong drive for results’ and pus Ministry as well, and has the opportua ‘very collaborative and effective working nity to lead the services with his guitar on a style with test team members’. Another weekly basis. Whether leading a service or manager noted that ‘Sean picked up many moving furniture to the home of a grateful new skills either by taking the EU classes or person getting back on his feet, Sean tries learning on his own.’ to do what he can. Sean Justice was humbled by this nominaWhen a student co-ops with Eaton, they will tion, but that is the kind of person he is. In not be in Pittsburgh for all of their rotations. Sean’s world, you do your best. You work Going into the co-op, students realize they hard and give hard and serve others. will be placed where needed, but will also be exposed to a variety of opportunities

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