Newsletter 1 - 2 Invent it. Build it.
What is this really long, weird-looking newsletter? The four EBoard members and 5 additional PittSWE members attended the Societal Conference in Los Angeles, CA from October 22 until October 25. This special edition conference newsletter is meant to bring our experiences back so that all of our members can benefit from the things that we learned! So read through and email if you have any questions or would like more information on any of the sessions. Enjoy!
3 - 8 Session Notes
9 Career Fair
10 Celebrate SWE!
11 Fun in LA
Invent It. Build It. Stephanie Cortes
On Saturday of the conference, a SWE Girls’ Program took place from 9 AM to 3:30 PM. The event was called “Invent It. Build It.” and it gave middle school aged girls the opportunity to gain exposure to the STEM fields. The morning began with an expo for the girls to explore and to learn about clubs, camps, competitions, and much more.
what happened when the code was loaded onto the Arduino. It was fun watching their eyes light up as they saw their names flash onto the screen. Following this and the expo, all the girls went into the Concourse Ballroom of the LA Convention Center. There they got to hear from different keynote speakers, who were engineers, of course. Additionally, the girls got to complete two different activities. I was only able to stay for the first activity which was called “Touchdown”; the goal: design and build a shockabsorbing system that will protect two “astronauts” (a.k.a. marshmallows) when their spacecraft (a paper cup taped to a piece of cardboard) lands. I found it extremely rewarding to watch the intent and determined look on the girls eyes as they designed, built, tested, and fixed their spacecrafts. And, one of the girls even taught me how to draw Goofy! I won’t say I was the best student, but I would say that I am definitely well on my way!
“It was fun watching their eyes light up as they saw their names flash onto the screen.”
During the time that the girls were arriving and registering for the event, about fifteen engineering professionals and students, called Roving Role Models went around the convention to interact with the girls and to talk with them about their engineering field. I was one of these Roving Role Models. I was fortunate enough to borrow an Arduino kit from Dr. Sanchez of the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at Pitt. Following the kit instructions manual, I was able to build a simple circuit which used an LCD. Code was provided to accompany the circuit, allowing the user to program the LCD to print whatever they wanted. Armed with the Arduino and my laptop which contained the code, I went up to several groups of girls waiting to register for the event. It was extremely rewarding talking with the girls, telling them about electrical engineering, why I love engineering in general, and showing them the Arduino. I let them type whatever they wanted into the code and see
I learned a lot of key skills relating to outreach during this event and the “Role Models Matter” workshop which was held the day before that I will be able to use during any future outreach that I do. The