R. Keith’s sluicing is a quietly screeching tape loop we hear in the distance but tirelessly can’t find. This chapbook rinses the brain clean after an attack of a thousand tiny beestings. Get lost inside the fog and walk among R. Keith's eerily taciturn characters we won’t admit remind us of ourselves.
R. Keith Works in fiction, poetics, visuals and exophonic writing. His latest books include the novel Wild Rose Country (Cajun Mutt Press) and FLOP (Rust Belt Press) His visual works have been displayed in galleries in Canada, Russia, Italy and Malta.
Madge Maril is a femme multimedia artist, noise musician and writer based in Ohio. She enjoys shapes and attempting to illustrate emotions of the human form. Check out DUETDUET Vol. 2 (pitymilk press) to see Madge’s poetry, or find her online @donatella_tchotchke
44 pages//January 2019 with an official release on April 14th, 2019.
Illustrations throughout by Madge Maril.
Layout and design by Chelsea Tadeyeske and Edie Roberts for pitymilk press.