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Environmental Cement Africa Conference C












20th - 21st April Dear Sponsor, Premium Resource Conferences - Prescon Ltd - is launching its inaugural conference ‘Environmental Cement Africa Cape Town 2010’. Environment, Cement and Africa: Three big words! Together they make up one of the latest issues appealing the interest of investors, government bodies, suppliers, inventors, contractors, designers, and the list goes on. The Conference will be a high-profile 2-day event focusing on the African cement market and new investment opportunities within the context of environmental framework and existing trends. This will deliver quality information and networking opportunities to key stakeholders in the cement industry. Apart from discussions and interactions, the conference will bring B2B meetings, tie-ups, Public Private Partnership and Buyer meets Seller juncture. We invite your esteemed organization to participate in the event on April 20th and April 21st in Cape Town. The detail of various SPONSORSHIP opportunities and benefits associated with each sponsorship level can be found in the following pages. We kindly encourage your participation as one of the sponsors of the event and, in addition, we guarantee you will enjoy increased name recognition and goodwill in the African Environmental, Cement and Construction community. Your active participation will help in organizing this prestigious conference and will go a long way to make this unique event a grand success. After you have had a chance to review the information here, I would be happy to answer any questions or custom design a sponsorship package to fit your needs. Your generous contribution would enable us to share in this wonderful opportunity. I thank you for your attention, and hope to hear from you soon. For detailed information, please visit: I look forward to welcoming you at the Mount Nelson Hotel for the Environmental Cement Africa Conference Cape Town 2010! Sincerely,

Dona Campbell Marketing , Prescon Ltd. Media and Marketing Partners:

Environmental Cement Africa Conference C












20th - 21st April

| Sponsorship Opportunities | Increase your brand and product visibility via Sponsorship, Exhibiting, and Advertising with the Environmental Cement Africa Conference Cape Town 2010 at the prestigious Mount Nelson Hotel Prescon Ltd. The conference will provide the ideal platform to promote your brand, launch new products, showcase your services, make new investment deals, and meet new clients and partners during the two days.

All levels of sponsorship would include: the following common benefits: • Y our company logo on all general promotional and printed material (invitations, brochures, correspondence) of the conference. • Sponsor acknowledgment on the Program Schedule Booklet • Your company logo on conference main backdrop, banners and signs during event • Your company logo on the conference website with a hyperlink to the sponsoring company website • Special sponsorship ribbons/badges for exhibitor personnel • Insertion of sponsor’s promotional material into delegate bags

Media and Marketing Partners:

Environmental Cement Africa Conference C












20th - 21st April

| Silver Package | - 3 available

| Gold Package | - 4 available

• Recognition as participating sponsor • 1 free pass to attend complete conference and gala dinner • Your logo on all conference printed materials • Your logo and web link to your site on conference website • Your branded souvenirs will be added to the Conference Pack

As per the Silver Package with the following added: • Recognition as Gold sponsor • Total of 2 passes to attend complete conference and gala dinner • Allocated desk to display your company marketing materials • Hosting coffee break (only available to Gold Sponsors) • Opportunity to screen (AV) during 1 coffee break

| Diamond Package | - 2 available

| Platinum Package | - 1 available

As per the Gold Package with the following added: • Recognition as Diamond Sponsor • Hosting and opening 1 lunch (only available to Diamond Sponsors) • Opportunity to screen (AV) during lunch • Your branded communications, signage and branded goods on each table, highlighting your role as lunch sponsor will provide prominent brand awareness • Brief lunch welcome speech • Access to exhibition stall in prime location in exhibition area • In addition to the web link you will be given 2-3 lines of text to promote your company on the Conference site • Half page advertisement in Conference Pack • Chair one HALF each day of the conference • Half an hour speaking slot • Opportunity for your speaker representative to be interviewed by Cemweek

As per the Diamond Package with the following added: • Hosting and opening of Gala Dinner • Welcoming during Reception • Total of 3 full passes including the gala dinner • Your branded communications, signage and branded goods on each table, highlighting your role as gala sponsor will provide prominent brand awareness • Brief welcome address at Gala Dinner • Your logo will be projected on a prominent wall allowing maximum profile • Full page advertisement in Conference Pack • Dedicated meeting room for one day • Chair one FULL day of the conference

| Wallet Package | Include a promotional leaflet in every delegate wallet available to a limited number of companies. Your pen, notepad or leaflet, up to a maximum of 6 A4 pages, will be included in the delegate packs at the conference

| Conference Bag Sponsor | - 2 available • Corporation logo and name on all Conference Bags • Company’s promotional materials can be added to event bags • Name/logo on event advertising & marketing materials • Listed as a sponsor with link to company’s website on the Environmental Cement Africa Conference 2010 Site • ½ page ad in Conference booklet

Media and Marketing Partners:

Environmental Cement Africa Conference C












20th - 21st April

Organised by Prescon Ltd Sponsorship Agreement Mail or fax this application with full payment to: Prescon Ltd Suite 11983 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street London EC1V 4PY. Fax ++44 (0) 207 183 5464. If you need additional information please contact Prescon staff at Please print exactly as you wish your information to appear on signage and printed material. Company Name:

Primary Contact Name:

Will Primary Contact be attending the Environmental Cement Africa 2010 Conference Cape Town

Title: Yes


If no who will receive conference registration? Company Address Province:

City: Postal Code:






Type of Business (Private Equity, Lender, Service Provider, etc.): Additional Attendee (s) Name:


Address (if different from above) Name:


Address (if different from above)

Sponsorship Opportunities (see attached sheet for full benefits) Sponsorships are assigned on a first-come basis and limited exclusively for each type of professional expertise or service. To have your company logo included in the conference brochure, please send materials to Prescon Ltd Headquarters (sponsorship agreement will be sent). Please indicate your choice for sponsorship: Platinum Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Wallet Sponsor

Conference Bag Sponsor

Payment Information Return this contract application with full payment to: Suite 11983 2nd Floor 145-157 St John Street London EC1V 4PY. Credit card payments may be sent via fax +44 (0) 207 183 5464 Check (Make payment to Prescon Ltd) Amount Due $



Credit card:


Express Exp. Date:

Cardholder’s Name: Signature (authorized payment) Cancellation Policy - Cancellations must be made in writing Prescon Ltd. Cancellations received before February 26, 2010 receives a refund of funds rendered, less an administrative fee of $250. Cancellations received after February 26, 2010 will be allowed to send literature to be displayed at an unmanned table and will receive credit for an individual to attend a future conference. Questions or More Information? Prescon Ltd is interested in your sponsorship ideas and is willing to work with you to create a situation of mutual benefit. Contact us at +44 (0) 207 183 5464 or email us at

Media and Marketing Partners:

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