Pivotal Annual Report 2021

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Ngonzo Brothers, Pivotal Scholars


WHATEVER IT TAKES What a year it has been! As you’ll read in the pages of this annual report, we pulled out all the stops to do whatever it takes for the foster youth we work with. Flexibility. Strength. Growth. When reflecting on the past year, these are the words that sum up where we’ve been and what’s next for Pivotal.   As the world became more disconnected, flexibility was the name of the game. Pivotal staff persevered, leaning in with kindness, passion, and grace as we continued to support youth virtually. We expanded our core services to help scholars where they needed it most: direct financial support, mental health resources, additional tutoring support, and building virtual community are some areas we’re most proud of. Throughout the year, our students inspired us, determined to succeed despite constant uncertainty and struggle. Team Pivotal stepped up to meet new challenges. We stayed strong for our scholars by investing in our staff in proactive and meaningful ways. We turned wellness days into wellness weeks, developed an employee assistance program, and created a staff-led employee satisfaction committee to ensure all Pivotal voices are heard. Our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) team created new programs like Pivotal Perspectives: Brave Space that empowered scholars and alumni to speak their truth as people of color and allies in our community. The one constant through this tumultuous year was you. With our Pivotal community to lean on, we grew stronger. Thank you to the businesses, internship hosts, individual donors, volunteers, foundations, and community partner organizations who stepped up to do whatever it takes for our scholars. As we look to the future, we want to see more youth thrive. We know there are more foster youth who want opportunities and support and we’re determined to reach them. We’re considering how and where to expand our services while staying true to who we are and what’s made us so pivotal for over three decades. We look forward to your input and guidance as we map out the next steps for smart and sustainable growth. We’ve built a strong foundation and now we’re ready to take it to the next level. You could say, we’re ready to do whatever it takes!

Our vision.

We envision a community in which every young person from foster care gets the education, career, and life they want for themselves. Our mission.

We support young people in and from foster care to realize their educational and career goals and ensure their equitable access to opportunity.

With gratitude,







FORWARD, ONWARD, UPWARD! For me, it’s always been “whatever it takes.” I had to grow up pretty fast. My father was a gang member and abusive. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was put him in jail when I was in my teens. As you can imagine, high school was tough for me—I just wanted to be done and close that chapter of my life. So despite everything going on, I worked hard to graduate early, at the age of 16. When I started at San Jose City College, I lived in Gilroy. I would wake up at 5 a.m. every morning and take the bus for two hours to get to my 8 a.m. class class on time. People who are hungry will do things that other people won't do today­—so they can have the things they need tomorrow. I kept pushing. I kept showing up. I kept planting seeds. I kept preparing for the harvest. When I found Pivotal, a world of possibilities opened up for me. The staff at Pivotal did so much. They helped me navigate my educational journey, build a professional portfolio, and find two internships. But more importantly, Pivotal gave me structure and belonging. They helped open doors that I never thought were an option for me. If they didn’t know the answer to my questions or offer the services I needed, they found a way. When I wanted to quit, I kept going because I had a whole team of people supporting me. And when I started to think about professional development, Tom, from Pivotal’s Internship Program, was there for me. I remember him asking me, "What is it that YOU want? If there were no limits, what would you want for yourself?” No one had asked me that before. He ignited a fire within me and at that moment, I realized I didn’t have to settle. I went on to complete two internships through the Pivotal program, one of which turned into a full-time job at Afero, a local tech company. I eventually transferred from San Jose City College and recently graduated from San Francisco State University. I’m happy, healthy, and blazing

my own path to success. It hasn’t been easy and I am so grateful for my Pivotal family, who believed in me and helped me believe in myself. They gave me the guidance I didn’t have anywhere else in my life. I learned that “whatever it takes” means that if I really want something, I can accomplish it. Now, I’m in a position to help others. I volunteer at Las Chingonas, a nonprofit that works with young, marginalized Latinas. Many of them are in or from the foster care system, so I'm the perfect mentor, and of course, I connect them with Pivotal. It feels so great to help others get the opportunities I had. Being in the foster care system can make a child feel powerless and unable to change their situation. Nothing is in your control. I moved from home to home, with no structure or consistency. Pivotal gave me the structure that every child needs. They helped me unleash a level of boldness that I never knew I had. I took control of my life and moved forward, onward, and upward! I’m so proud to be a Pivotal alum and support current scholars in any way I can. I will always do whatever it takes­—for my community and myself!

My biggest downfall was a blessing in disguise. Turning my pain into purpose was the best thing I could have done.

Theresa is a Pivotal alum who is passionate about sharing her journey and speaking to others about self-improvement. She created "The Level Up in Silicon Valley" podcast, where she interviews guests from different walks of life about their values and the path they took to reach success. 3

THEY FACE UNIMAGINABLE BARRIERS Over 400,000 young people are in foster care in the United States. In 2019, over 20,000 young people aged out of foster care without permanent families. Without guidance and support, these youth fall through the cracks.

In California





of foster youth are performing below grade level

of foster youth are chronically absent

50% of foster youth drop out of high school




of foster youth want to attend college but only 4% earn a bachelor’s degree

of foster youth receive special education services



of foster youth become homeless the day they age out of care

of foster youth have little to no work experience


Through no fault of their own, foster youth find themselves facing barriers that most young people never have to overcome. Constantly moving homes and changing schools, adapting to new places, and grappling with persistent trauma can be nearly impossible to manage. With so much instability, their dreams often take a back seat. Learn more at pivotalnow.org/stats

Photo of Pivotal Scholar, Nhi, at San Jose State.

UNLOCKING THEIR FULLEST POTENTIAL Pivotal gives every young person from foster care an opportunity to succeed. By serving as a one-stop shop for academic and employment coaching, college scholarships, tutoring, paid internships, and professional development training, we empower youth to thrive in life when they exit the foster care system. Starting in the 9th grade, we work with students to build personal resilience, life skills, and confidence in school, the workplace, and beyond. Our program is designed to meet our scholars where they are as they work to graduate from high school and achieve post-secondary success. Here are the key steps we take to help students unlock their potential.



Understanding students’ strengths and areas for improvement, setting goals to build key Success Skills

Reviewing college opportunities and career trajectories

3. Building life skills and community through workshops and activities

6. 2.


Developing leadership and self-advocacy skills

Exploring summer activities and/or job opportunities


Setting short-and



3. 1.

Selecting colleges and completing scholarship and financial aid applications

Helping first generation students navigate the college experience

Developing professional skills and sourcing paid summer internships

Transferring from community college to 4-year university

long-term goals



Exploring majors connected to a career path

Coordinating 1:1 academic tutoring with subject experts



Building financial management skills

Offering 1:1 coaching and guidance up until graduation






In the 2020-2021 academic year, your generous contributions to Pivotal helped us make a deep and lasting impact.






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93% of Pivotal scholars would recommend Pivotal to other foster youth

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I know that I’m not guaranteed a perfect future, but I now have a future worth striving for. – John, Pivotal Alum



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For John, Nemi, and Hanais, Pivotal really is a family affair. The siblings are no stranger to uncertainty. As children, they fled their home country of Congo with their mother, and moved to South Africa. They spent much of their childhood trying to survive in a country that was not always kind to refugees. Then their mother disappeared. John: To this day, we don’t know where she is. I miss her with everything that I am. There were times when I felt like giving up, but I had hope and I had my family. There were eight of us kids and we were always together, as a team, no matter the circumstances. When we came to the United States, we had a second chance, a new beginning, and a great opportunity. I started with the Pivotal Scholarship Program and soon had a coach to help me get through college. There were times I wanted to give up, but my coach, Glenda, was the reason I kept going. She motivated me to push forward; she saw the light in me when I couldn’t see it for myself. When I graduated from Cal State Monterey Bay, Pivotal was right there to celebrate with me. That's why I see Pivotal as my family­—they were there through thick and thin. Now, I’m excited for my brother and sisters, and all the young people working with Pivotal. They deserve all the opportunities I had, and are all part of my Pivotal family. Nemi: I always wanted to do something great in life, but in South Africa, I had to put my dreams on hold. I felt like I had no future. Pivotal empowered me to get an education and go to college and I was determined not to waste that opportunity. I started in the post-secondary coaching program. My Pivotal coach helped me apply for a scholarship and worked with me through any challenges I faced.

I'm in my final year at San Francisco State University now, majoring in Visual Communication. I’ve done four summer internships with Pivotal, where I gained the hands-on experience that will be so important when I graduate and launch my career. Now my younger sisters are a part of Pivotal. They’re both incredibly motivated and I’m excited to see how much they will accomplish with the support that John and I received. Hanais: I learn so much from my brothers. They encouraged me to join Pivotal and I’m so glad that I did. My siblings have always had my back, and they knew that I would get so much support from my Pivotal coach, Sarah. She is always so patient, and with her by my side, I got into Sacramento State University. I’m excited to continue to learn and grow and I know I will always have the support I need to face any challenge!

I have a responsibility not just to myself and my family, but also to all the people who have suffered deprivation, persecution, and displacement like I have, to make the best of the opportunities presented to me. – Nemi, Pivotal Scholar


A LIFELINE WHEN THEY NEED IT MOST With your incredible generosity, we continue to be a lifeline for foster youth, supporting scholars with our Emergency Assistance Fund program as the pandemic wears on. Without a safety net to fall back on, foster youth can run into unexpected financial challenges. We hope to continue to help our scholars receive the financial resources and guidance they need to not just make it through the crisis but thrive.





Pivotal scholars received emergency funds to help them get through the Covid-19 crisis.

Average distribution to each Pivotal youth in need. Rent, groceries, and basic household items continued to be the three greatest necessities.


A Message from Manny Like many people, I lost my job due to the pandemic. At the same time, I was confronted with a serious dental emergency. I had to choose between getting my tooth fixed, and paying for my last semester at San Jose State University. My Pivotal coach came to the rescue when she told me about the Emergency Assistance Fund. The funds I received covered my entire dental procedure! Pivotal helped me at a critical point in my life and prevented me from dropping out of school to pay for my physical wellbeing.

A Message from Ellie In the Spring of 2021, I contracted Covid and was really sick. I have asthma so it hit me hard. I was on a breathing machine for almost a month before I was strong enough to breathe on my own again. Pivotal provided me emergency assistance funds to help cover my rent, car payments, and insurance while I was recovering. The support they provided was incredible. I never thought anyone would care this much about my wellbeing and my college education. Thanks to Pivotal, I gave my absolute best in school and continued on a path to my degree.

WHAT WE LEARNED AND HOW WE PIVOTED We’ve learned so much over the past two years­—about each other, our work, and our scholars. While the majority of our students were eager to return to meeting with their coaches in person, we learned how to provide effective and thoughtful coaching virtually—something we didn’t think was possible prior to spring 2020.

Put your own oxygen mask on first.

Breaking down geographic barriers.

The constant unpredictability of the pandemic impacted everyone and we knew we had to take care of our staff. From virtual events to stay connected, to wellness days and weeks to give the team a respite, our staff’s wellbeing became a high priority as we all grappled with ongoing uncertainty. We provided access to the CALM app to help our team manage their mental health and made sure they had everything they needed to work remotely, providing hardware, utility bill stipends, and ergonomic furniture for home offices.

We were surprised at how much we accomplished in a virtual world. Some students actually preferred online workshops as transportation was no longer a barrier. Many internship hosts offered hybrid and virtual internships. With geography no longer a factor, we even had participation from college students living out of the local area. We worked hard to stay in touch with our partner agencies, and government organizations who were also struggling to stay connected.

“ We can’t take care of our scholars if we don’t take care of our staff. – Elise Cutini, Pivotal CEO

The new challenges of online learning. In response to the expanding digital divide, we distributed laptops and created distance-learning kits to help scholars adjust to online learning. With schools fully remote, we connected more scholars than ever to private academic tutoring support. Pivotal coaches helped students dealing with mental health concerns connect with the resources and professional help they needed.

Photo of Pivotal High School Coach Supervisor, Dazzamine Maldonado at the Pivotal office. 9




Team Pivotal didn’t shy away from making big changes to create a big impact in 2021. In fact, we turned the organization inside out when we developed our new Theory of Change. We took a step back as an organization and asked some tough questions: Why are our programs designed the way they are? What’s the makeup of our programs? How are goals accomplished and measured? And what’s the impact on our young people? We sure learned a lot! Ultimately, we created a blueprint for success and a plan to evaluate success. In the long run, we want our scholars to be successful, happy, and healthy young people who are truly THRIVING! And we believe Pivotal scholars will thrive when they have: Educational Achievement, be it a high school diploma, GED, or post-secondary credential. Strength in Life, ensuring they have the resilience, self-reliance, and confidence to respond to life’s challenges. Career Readiness, such as a first job after high school and a career after college. HERE ARE SOME OF THE QUESTIONS WE ASKED AND WHAT WE DISCOVERED: What skills do foster youth need to be successful? Our new Success Skills tool helps us guide our scholars toward success in school, career, and strength in life. 10

The tool rates five key skills: Self-Awareness, Communication & Self Advocacy, Assessing & Utilizing Resources, Organization & Time Management, and Self-Reliance. Pivotal coaches use Success Skills as a guide in their one-on-one coaching sessions with scholars. Students work with their coaches to rate themselves in each of the five skill areas, and discuss their responses, reflecting on their rating and developing a set of goals to improve. Each skill has a set of behaviors associated with it, so students are super clear on what it looks like to put each skill into action. Students discover important traits and behaviors about themselves while highlighting areas they need to work on to become successful and thrive.

Our Success Skills are unique to foster youth and focus on the now. We want to know how our kids are doing today—not 6 or 7 months from now. This allows us to immediately give them the support and guidance they need. – Savonna Stender-Bondesson Director of Coaching Programs How do we measure success? Pivotal is a learning organization. What does that mean exactly? Our new approach is to view everything we do through a lens of impact and to understand impact, we need the right data. We use point-in-time data to track progress and make adjustments as we continue working with the youth. We want to understand what’s working well and what needs refinement. This flexibility ensures our programs are efficient and meet students where they are. For example, if a scholar and coach identify motivation (part of Self-Awareness) and

planning next steps (part of Accessing & Utilizing Resources) as areas for improvement, they work together to identify key factors that help measure where the scholar is along the path to graduating high school and getting into college. Or they might review the scholar’s grades every session to quickly understand what subjects the student is struggling with and how to get back on track through academic tutoring or other interventions. How can we set foster youth up for future success? Growing into adulthood and navigating new financial and professional challenges is stressful! Foster youth can face extra challenges as they move into college and their career. That’s why we developed the Pivotal Professional Badging Program. The badging program gives students access to social capital, networks, and career experience —crucial components to independence and success. Before jumping into a Pivotal internship, scholars work to earn their Career Readiness Badge by attending a series of workshops to build and enhance their professional skills. Scholars learn basic business technology (increasing proficiency with specific tools like Microsoft Office and Google Suite), practice the best strategies for virtual interviews, learn professional communication skills, and get tips for creating a stand-out resume and personal brand. In addition to the Career Readiness track, we kicked off the Financial Literacy Badge. Collegiate scholars learn the best tips and tricks for managing money, navigating tax season, understanding their credit, and building a budget. “Our students were really excited by the Budgeting workshop!” says Megan Eaton, Pivotal’s Manager of Enrichment Services. “They want to understand how to track spending, save, and build their finances for the future.” Victor Negrete is a Pivotal coach working with high school students in San Mateo County.


THE SUCCESS SKILLS IN HIS TOOL BELT HAVE MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. "The Success Skills toolkit helps my students get on a trajectory and stick to it,” Victor says. “Goal setting is key. We set short and long-term goals—like ending the year in good academic standing or applying to a college. We check on progress through the year and students start to see the steps they're taking toward their ultimate goal."

They determine their own path and stick to it. It fits their individual needs and allows them to reflect on who they are and who they want to be. When meeting with a new student, Victor starts with an introduction and often shares some of his own personal life and struggles. This helps him get to know his students and builds trust. “The Success Skills process is lengthy, and the questions are hard-hitting,” he says. “Like asking a student who they have in their corner or talking about why they aren’t motivated. But I let my students know they’re in control. We do as much as they want to, and then pick up where we left off at our next meeting.” This new Theory of Change helps our organization innovate and grow in exciting ways and allows us to continually learn and adapt so we can truly do whatever it takes for our students to succeed.


MEET THE PIVOTAL RESOURCE COUNCIL! You’ve probably heard the saying that landing a job is all about who you know. Networking reigns supreme. But for many foster youth, having the right connections doesn’t happen without a parent’s network to lean on. Securing a college internship is no different, especially in the ultra-competitive Silicon Valley job market. In addition, Covid-19 threw a wrench in the internship season. Remote work, economic uncertainty, and the stress on the local business community made it next to impossible to recruit companies to host our interns. But we couldn’t let our students down. Pivotal scholars rely on internships to gain the professional and networking experience they’re hungry for and the critical income they’re counting on to make ends meet. So in 2020, we developed the Pivotal Resource Council or PRC—a group of local business and community leaders who work to recruit internship hosts and help students expand their professional networks. With the incredible support of the PRC and great internship program partners like Santa Clara County's Intern and Earn program, we placed 45 students in paid summer internships in healthcare, social work, marketing, entertainment, and more. We’re hoping to expand into even more areas next year!

I enjoy sharing my ability to connect folks, so I was excited to join the Pivotal Resource Council. It’s powerful for foster youth to know what they’re capable of—like working for a Fortune 100 company or running their own business. – Brian Le, New York Life Insurance & Pivotal Resource Council Member


PRC MEMBERS Jaime Barclay Matt Brown Dana Ditmore Brian Le Stephanie Pearson-Phillips Maribeth Portz Marilyn Rogers Marcie Soderquist Denise Thornberry Charles Trimmier Interested in joining the PRC? Contact us at info@pivotalnow.org

MAKING HEADLINES Marlon entered foster care at just 7 years old. When he graduated from high school, he had to leave home and find his own way. He tried to focus on community college, but that meant cutting his work hours. He ended up unhoused when he couldn't afford rent, feeling embarrassed and abandoned. But Marlon refused to give up. He managed to find a safe place to stay with a friend and began to rebuild his life. With help from his Pivotal coach, he started therapy, worked on taking better care of himself, and got his grades up so he could transfer to San Jose State. His coach encouraged him to apply for an internship over the summer and he was placed with marketing firm PRxDigital.

I feel like the old scars are the past. It’s almost like a new chapter.

His first assignment was to work on a pitch for a new potential client, plastic surgery and dermatology clinic, Aestetx. Drawing on his own struggles with acne scarring and his personal dream to start a skincare company, Marlon created a presentation that blew them away. He nailed it, and Aestetx became a client.

SCAN THE CODE: Marlon's incredible story was featured on the front page of the Mercury News! Read his full story here.

Photo of Pivotal Scholar, Marlon at San Jose State. 13


FINDING A PATH FOR HERSELF Pivotal scholar Jaskirat always imagined going to a 4-year university and becoming a pediatrician. She wanted to help people and give back to her community. When she was accepted to U.C. Davis and received a Pivotal Scholarship, it was literally a dream come true. Jaskirat had a vision of what college would be—living in the dorms, meeting new people, and immersing herself in the college experience. But when she started taking classes, the reality of college wasn’t what she expected. It was a struggle adjusting to an unfamiliar place, sharing her space with new people, and juggling work and classes. She pushed herself too hard and instead of building her perfect college life, she found herself burned out and falling behind academically. “It felt like a roller coaster every day,” Jaskirat said. She was struggling financially and not eating well or taking care of herself. Her Pivotal coach worked closely with her and encouraged her to take a step back and think about what she really needed for herself. After much soul-searching, Jaskirat made the difficult decision to leave U.C. Davis and transfer to Evergreen Community College.

My Pivotal coach helped me understand that stepping back and taking a break was not a failure on my part. I had to find my self-worth and define my path instead of comparing myself to others and where they were in their lives.

The step back helped. With the support of her coach, Jaskirat researched and learned about other university options. She moved back to the Bay Area and started taking better care of herself—exercising, cooking healthy meals instead of eating out, and journaling regularly to help focus. After taking Pivotal’s Financial Management workshops, she started to save money and manage her budget. And with her Pivotal coach by her side, she navigated her way through community college and the pandemic. It wasn’t easy, but she persevered. After three semesters in community college, Jaskirat transferred from Evergreen to San Francisco State University. She’s majoring in Biology with an emphasis on Physiology and still plans to pursue medical school. It isn’t easy, but she’s learning how to juggle school, work, and family while still taking care of herself. Jaskirat hopes that by sharing her story, other foster youth can learn from the lessons she learned. “Pivotal has taught me that you don’t always get placed exactly where you want. You have to look at where you are and work to get to the place that is right for you.”



FINDING A PATH FOR EVERYONE We do whatever it takes to give our scholars the guidance and resources they need to succeed. And not all students are the same. It's important to tailor our approach based on each student's needs. Pivotal Outreach Coach, Ana Leon, is committed to meeting her scholars where they are. "I want to make a difference in the lives of foster youth and I've always been passionate about the importance of education," says Ana. “Pivotal’s mission is a perfect fit for me.” Outreach Coaches work with young people who need extra support to remove the barriers preventing them from achieving their educational and career goals. Students may not be in school, in a position to focus on their education or may take longer than the traditional four years to complete high school. As an Outreach Coach, Ana works with foster youth to assess their needs, connect them to the resources they need, and help them build academic​motivation. Outreach students can also access Pivotal’s workshops, scholarships, and tutoring services if they choose to. Many of the youth that Ana works with are young parents, some are stressed financially, facing housing instability and other challenges. These young people are focused on survival rather than their future, and as a result, education can take a backseat.

Often, I just need to let these young people know that there's a path for them, even if it's not traditional. They may have to focus on finding a job to support their families first. Once they’re in a more stable place and ready to continue their education, they know I’m here and can help. Ana’s role is to make sure students know they have someone in their corner when they are ready and need it most. “I had reached out to one student several times and was having a hard time getting through to him. He had a full-time job in construction and didn’t think that education was an option because he had to support himself financially. But when he was ready to refocus on school, he knew I was his person. We quickly set up a meeting and got him registered at Opportunity Youth Academy. He’s going to classes regularly and doing great!” 15

INVESTING IN THEIR FUTURE Thanks to your generous support, in Fiscal Year 2021, we were able to provide:











2020-2021 Financials Revenue









Total Revenue $5,583,000

Total Expenses $5,270,000

$664,000 | 12%

$363,000 | 7%

$1,605,000 | 29%

$943,000 | 18%

$3,314,000 | 59%

$3,964,000 | 75%

OUR DREAM TEAM Board of Directors

Enrichment Evolves

Michael Saviage Pivotal Board President Adobe Systems (Retired)

Pivotal’s Enrichment workshops and activities are bigger and better than ever! As part of our new Theory of Change, we determined that students need a broad range of services to thrive. As a result, we developed and invested deeply in our Enrichment programming. That’s where Ashley Tactac comes in. Ashley joined the team in 2020 as our Enrichment Curriculum Specialist.

Amy Cappellanti-Wolf Pivotal Board Vice-President Chief Human Resources Officer, Cohesity Paul Silverglate Pivotal Board Treasurer Partner, Deloitte Lupe Diaz Pivotal Board Secretary Alliance Manager, Pure Storage Steve Flores Chief Operating Officer, Ciari Plumbing Dianne McKenna Former Santa Clara County Supervisor Maribeth Portz Community Leader Lisa Sobrato Sonsini Sobrato Philanthropies Rick Williams Philanthropy CEO (Retired)

As a former high school teacher, Ashley has a solid understanding of how to engage students and provide them with the resources and support they need. Her goal is to create Enrichment activities for our high school and post-secondary students that help them expand their worldview, build community, and gain life skills they can’t get in everyday school settings. Pivotal scholars love Ashley’s upbeat attitude and dedication to helping them succeed. And Ashley loves to build real connections with students, creating a rapport to understand what works for scholars and what we can do to improve our services. From graduation celebrations to holiday parties to workshops on career development and financial literacy, our Enrichment Department has become a crucial part of Pivotal's programming. We’re thrilled to have Ashley guiding this programming and we know her enthusiasm for the work will ensure that we do whatever it takes for our scholars!

Executive Staff Elise Cutini Chief Executive Officer Jane Machin Chief Financial & Operating Officer Marie-Christine Busque Vice President of Programming

Working with these students has shifted my perspective on what it means to learn. It’s exciting to contribute in a very genuine way and help these young people develop the life skills they need to succeed.


THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIPS It takes many key players working in lockstep to support our community's foster youth. We’re collaborating with local government, educators, social services, employers, and other nonprofits to build a movement, rewriting what it means to be from foster care. Internship Hosts

Educational Institutions

Government Agencies

8x8, Inc. Afero AllyRight Bill Wilson Center BrandVia Cali Pet Goodz Child Advocates of Silicon Valley City of Saratoga City of San Jose Cupertino Electric Decca Design Emotions in Harmony Excite Credit Union Gilead Good Stuff Partners HP Integrated Device Technology Kings Community Action Organization Momentive Netskope Norton LifeLock Palo Alto Medical Foundation Pacific Clinics (formerly Uplift Family Services) PayPal PRxDigital QuantumScape Santa Clara County Office of Education Santa Clara County Supervisor Susan Ellenberg Silicon Valley Clean Energy Snap-On Diagnostics Spatial Tasting House United Talent Agency via She Ready Zag Technology

De Anza College Evergreen Valley College Foothill College Gavilan College Mission College Opportunity Youth Academy San Jose City College San Jose State University Santa Clara University West Valley College

Santa Clara County Department of Family and Children's Services Santa Clara County Office of Education San Mateo County Department of Children and Family Services San Mateo County Office of Education


Community Organizations Bill Wilson Center California Youth Connections Catholic Charities Child Advocates of Silicon Valley FYSI Collaborative Home First Kids In Common Law Foundation of Silicon Valley Razing the Bar Silicon Valley Leadership Group S.T.A.R. Programs StarVista Teen Success The Seven Challenges Treehouse Foundation Work2Future

The foster youth we serve face so many unique challenges and barriers. We partner with the best organizations and agencies, to build relationships and find solutions so the Pivotal team has the resources to do whatever it takes for our scholars to thrive. Ashlee Jemmott Pivotal’s Director of Strategic Partnerships


A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN From hosting our largest scholar care package drive to providing community grants, the Junior League of San Jose has always found ways to lend Pivotal a helping hand. This group of volunteers is committed to making the success of transitional-age foster youth a priority. Since 2016, they've worked side-by-side with Pivotal to help in many ways. Junior League volunteers have provided countless hours of their time, supporting our events and providing informational interviews for scholars. They have also funded our scholarships, technology, and career development programs. And, when Covid-19 hit, they rallied around Pivotal’s young people. In addition to being one of the first groups to contribute to our Emergency Assistance Fund, they provided over 500 meals to scholars during lock-down, and baked 33 dozen ready-to-mail homemade cookies for our first virtual supporter engagement event. They also lent technical talent to support Pivotal's video production to help share stories of life-changing impact. The dedication and support we’ve seen from this group of talented leaders has been amazing, and we look forward to working with them for many years to come!

The Junior League of San Jose is committed to supporting foster youth’s education and career outcomes to ensure their successful transition out of foster care. Pivotal's demonstrated impact on transitional-age foster youth has made them a great partner in identifying specific need, like college scholarship grants. We are proud and grateful to be a Pivotal ally. Victoria Kroll 2020-2022 President, Junior League of San Jose

Become a Dream Maker The Pivotal Dream Makers Circle is a special group of supporters who believe deeply in the potential of foster youth. By contributing $3,000 or more annually, Dream Makers invest in our students and help them turn their dreams into reality. These generous individuals ensure that we can serve every foster youth who walks through our doors. Members of the Dream Makers Circle receive expanded recognition, invitations to the annual Dream Makers Circle event, and other exclusive opportunities. To learn more about becoming a Dream Maker, contact: Priya Mistry, Director of Community Initiatives priya.mistry@pivotalnow.org 19


YOU MAKE IT POSSIBLE We are so grateful to our community for the support we receive to do whatever it takes for the young people we serve. This list reflects donors who generously gave from July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021. If you find an error, please accept our apologies and contact us at info@pivotalnow.org so we can correct our records.

Individual Supporters $50,000+ Anonymous (2) Tammy & Bill Crown Lisa & Matthew Sonsini Mark & Mary Stevens

$10,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Paul & Debbie Baker Robert & Kimberly Chortek Ranae DeSantis Lindy & Robin Driscoll George G. & Jeannette A. Stuart Charitable Fund Bette & David Loomis Dianne & Regis McKenna Resonance Foundation for Children's Health Charles & Catherine Wilmoth Family Fund

$1,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Gary & Connie Ahern Nancy & Noel Allen Naomi Andrews & Dan Levin Jennifer Batra Liza & Ray Beshoff Meagan Beshoff Renee Bolden Judy Bornstein Jean Bourne Brandenburg Family Foundation Thomas Brunner Amy Cappellanti-Wolf & Doug Wolf Elaine Cardinale Mary Ann Cathcart 20

Adam & Jillian Cho Debbie & Christopher Crouse Mary Danko Helen Danna Sue & Bob Davis Louise dePutron Dana & Elaine Ditmore Durante Holland Family Charitable Fund Greg & Alison Dykema Pat & Ron Eastman Lynda Ellingson Beth Fraker Laurie Garvey & Cary Vandenberg Lucille Glassman Patricia & Tom Grant Halden & Halden-Fick Family Fund Sheryl & David Heacock Tori & Victoria Humphrey Diane & Andrew Jacques Marc & Rebecca Jedel Nancy & John A. Kidd Roderick Kramer & Maureen McNichols Martha Laboissiere Holly & Zach Levow Julie Leven & Remi El-Ouazzane Patrick & Emily Lo Amber Lucas Connie & Bob Lurie Jane Machin & Jeremy Doig Andrea Mackenzie Jamshid Mahdavi & Karen Fabrizuis Mark Moser Eileen Nolan Jerine Oommen Laurie Papadopoulos

Cathy and I have been happy to be long-time supporters of Pivotal. I’ve had the privilege to meet a number of Pivotal scholars over the years. Their determination to create a better life for themselves and their foster youth peers is inspiring. We all need a helping hand in life and we are thrilled to support an organization, which provides life-changing support to young people in our community who need it the most. Charlie & Cathy Wilmoth Dream Makers Circle Members

My heartfelt thanks to all the donors out there who helped make my dreams a reality. You changed my life! Fiston, San Jose State University Grad 2021 Mini Peiris Nate & Maia Perez Rachel & Tudo Family Fund Lainey & Bruce Richardson Marilyn & Marc Rogers Rosendahl Family Fund Lynn Sakamoto Michael & Leslie Saviage Srinivasan Seshadri Ruth Sherer Jennifer & Paul Silverglate Matt Strain & Mary Arnold Amelia & Brian Strom Alison Suggs Laura Hope Talmus Cynthia Vance Emily Ward & Howard Ting Werner Family Fund Andrew & Doreen Williams Rick & Barbara Williams E. Tacy Witter & Jeffrey Mayer Ronald & Jennifer Yang Jessica Yu & Shuang Xu Marlene & William Zapata

$500 - $999 Anonymous (5) Amy Arbreton Lee Barford & Kirsten Nelson Christy Barrese Elena Marimo Berk Donn Dobkin & Amanda Book Stephen Botte Michael & Virginia Bowman Lori Bridge Chi Chung Lin Florinda Colavin Angela Copeland Jane Decker Michele DiCanio Lisa Emard Ignacio Fanlo Eileen & Andrew Fisher Patti Gahagan Leslie & Martin Gates Marcia Hansen

Sheila Hatch Angelina Herrera John Iarocci Sigrid Jacobsen & Mike Neunfinger Mary Ann Jankord Claire Johnson Barbara Kibbe Rupa Krishnan Laura Ladd Inga Lapsins Patricia Lee James & Dodi Lindsay Ginny Lockhart Regina & John Madigan Maria Mattioli Sean & Therese McKenna Kerri Kunkel McPhail Patricia Morris Deborah Mueller Kate Paisley & Eric Raff Raff Paisley John & Shelly Paiva Barbara Powell Melissa Riley Karl & Theresa Robinson Allen & Cindy Ruby Pam Schramm Mary & Fred Sherman Greg & Susan Sickal Barry Slivinsky Shannon Susick Donna Terman & Will Brown Leigh Ann Townsend Renee Walker Katherine Wilkinson Awad

$100 - $499 Anonymous (6) Paul Aggarwal Mitra Ahani Kevin Alsup Tamara Alvarado Marijke & Caleb Annis Aude Anquetil Suzanne Antonelli Megan Armando

Taruna Bajaj Louise Baker Malisa & Edwin Barclay Wendy Barnett Claire Barrault Kirsten Berg-Painter Jo Bischof Richard Black Janelle Blakely & Mike Eacker Kelly Blough Rachel Borovina & Eric Teetzel Donna & Dirk Vos Cecilia Broadaway Kevin & Manisha Brodie Sherri Brooks Mark Broxon Sarah Burke Meredith Butler Molly & Scott Canales Patricia Chappell Anita Chiu Isabel Chou Kerry Christiansen Craig & Catherine Ciesla Roy Cook Becky Cotton Marisa Cox Marian & Robert Curto Robert Darnell Brian Dawbin Ruth Harris & Phillip Dawson Wayne Dippel Erin & Adam Dolinko Pamela Dougherty Richard & Sandra Eacker Megan Eaton Linda & John Ellis Matt Fair Lynette Farinas Terese & Dennis Ferrara John Fioretta Lauren Fowler Brian Fox Elizabeth Franco Carina Frazer Nick & Kate Galiotto 21


Deepshikha Garg Judy & Bill Gimple Punam & Krishna Gollamudi Jennifer Guethlein Kayla Harper-Alvarez Ashley Hawk Sara Heron John & Lisa Hogan Dan Humbert Andrew Iwach Adrienne Reiko Iwanaga Gloria Jakusz Patricia James Sara & Ricardo Jenez Harriet Jennings Eric Kapan Ellie Kehmeier Lisamarie & Steven Ketchum Aimee Kilmer & Adrian Power Cheryl Knepfler Maggie Knowles Abbe Kopra Eric Kossob Victoria Kroll Charlene Ku Kha Lam Molly Lane Malai Lang Christopher Lathrop Jennifer & Chris Latimer Laetitia Le Roux Kate Lee Lorraine Leipold Ginger Leishman Gilles Leyrat Lisa & Shanahan Lim Robyn Klitgaard Candice Locke Catherine Long Catherine Loughman-Magram Monica Louie Joan Lucas Michele Luna Gerri Finkelstein Lurya Luan Macasiljig Bella & Michael Mahoney Praneetha Manthravadi Deeptha Mathavan Jeanne Matysiak 22

Jim Matysiak Dennis McBride Fiona Meier Michael Mendoza Mahdis Mirmosayeb Laurie Moffatt Elise Newton Tri Quang Nguyen Katharine Nice Cira Nickerson Maria Nicolacakis Rick Oderio Mark Ohare Karen Olson Victoria Olvesen Debbie Pan Richard and Patricia Pantoja Mary Ann Van Paul Kate & Andrew Payne Vanessa Payne Tom Petrich Kimberly Phipps Jessica Poulin Jamene Price Charles Pue Ludwig & Victoria Pummer Michael Randazzo Mark & Trish Rehert Tess Reynolds Michelle Ritchie Kathleen Robins Kenneth Rose Andrea Schacter Ed and Linda Selden Sangita Seshadri Imteaz Siddique Laura Smith Peter & Mary Sorensen Doug Southard Mitch Sprugasci William & Dana Starling Nena Stephens Eric Stone Lee & Bonnie Stone Vijay Subramanyam Dianne & Tad Taube Catherine Thermond Paige Tommeraason Jessica Torres

Justin Tran Donna Troxell Robert Tsuchiyama Neil and Adrienne Tuch Debbie and Brian Tuck Ilanit Unruh Julie Vennewitz-Pierce Ann Vivian John Vlahos Pat and Monica Wahler Chris Walker Lawrence & Caroline Werboff Denise & Blake Williams Verna Wong Phillip Young Shelby Zamudio Michael and Sue Ziegel

Up to $100 Anonymous (4) Mark Aceves Jenny Alberts Esmeralda De Anda Deborah Anderson Leslie Anido Christian Ashlock Sharon Avina Mahabat Baimyrzaeva Melody Barta Janet Baumgartner Christopher Bielak Susan Biester John and Dona Blakely Harold Botts Heidi Bretz Cynthia Bullock Tony Bush Alexander Chen Jean Choi Tamra Cihla Denise and Timothy Cole Terrie Creamer Shayla Crider Sergio Cuevas Lindsey Cullen Regina Damore Kim Delevett Shelly Demko Jaclyn Diaz

As a former foster youth myself, I understand the challenges and obstacles that foster youth face related to access to higher education, job training and career opportunities. Howard and I believe that Pivotal's work in supporting youth during these key transition years is life-changing and have seen how they are making a lasting impact on the outcomes for this population. We are honored to support Pivotal and their invaluable work for the foster youth in our community. Emily Ward & Howard Ting, Dream Makers Circle Members Dean Didech Emily Dilger Jennifer Dimitri Heather Dodson Lisa Duarte Paula Eldredge Mary and Stewart T. Fernald Molly Fezell Nicola Fleischer Megan Fletcher Hillary Ford Lynn and Scott Frake Martha Frank Jo and John Fukasawa Linda Garcia Leigh Gass Cydney George-Abatecola Laurie Getz Stephanie Giaretta Donna Gilmour Sara Goss Angela Han Steven Higaki Jessica Hightower Michael and Larri Hirschklau Amanda Hoang Carol Hopper Nadja McNeil Jackson Aisha Jallie Cortney Jansen Lisette Jimenez Melissa Johns Esther Johnson Judith, Finn and Emma Jones Michelle Kandah

Jessica Kandalaft Denise Katsikas Heather Kellagher Janice Key Libby Kranz Bala Lakkaraju Mary Lapka Susan Laughlin Kirsten LoPrete Eva Lurker Paula Mackey Camille Maginas Martin Rosera and Robin Maniglia Kaitlyn Maxted Lori and Dee McBride Julie McCusker Sandy McMaster Jennifer Michael Alison Miguel Lissette Miller Rachaell Mondino Duane Moore Maria Moraga Omar Neveraz Jessica Nowak Amanda Oberg Michelle Onishi Elizabeth Osberger Jodie Oubre Rebecca Pare Maggie Parkhurst Cindy Pelger Cynthia Di Pietro Wayne Prescott Marnie Young Rohde

Bob Rose Danilo Sapinoso Torres Cindy Schneider Julie Scopazzi Greg Simpson Jennifer and Rafael Sivilla-Jones Candi Slasor Gail Solit Anne Souza Shirley Sparks Kayla Spring K. Esther Szabo Mick Teresa Surith Thekkiam Marina Trio Rebecca Tzarnotzky Denise Vaccaro Lindsey Varvil-Weld David and Carolyn Verdugo Liza Vilnits Kelly Walsh Elaine Weinberg Mary Werthman Zach Whitman Margaret A. Wilkes Fu-An Yu and Shao-Chuan Wang


OUR DONORS Foundation and Corporate Supporters $100,000+

$1,000 - $4,999

Epic Foundation May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust Sobrato Family Foundation The David & Lucile Packard Foundation Tipping Point Community

Applied Materials Foundation Google Jump Associates Keysight Technologies Mission City Community Fund Norton Lifelock Second Source Medical Silicon Valley Next The Galli Team TOSA Foundation Yellow Chair Foundation

$25,000 - $99,999 ACER America Corporation Adobe Foundation Capital One Comerica Bank Google In-N-Out Burger Foundation Junior League of San Jose Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation PayPal Pinpoint Foundation Upwork Foundation William & Charlene Glikbarg Foundation

$5,000 - $24,999 Bank of America BOMA Silicon Valley California Emerging Technology Fund Excite Credit Union Netskope Silicon Valley Community Foundation Thomas & Ellen Hogue Family Foundation, Inc. Walter S. Johnson Foundation

Up to $1,000 Active 20-30 Amazon Gates Pass Advisors, LLC Halon Tax Kiwanis Club of San Jose LinkedIn NetApp Redis Labs Solveig Sewing Club William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

At Excite Credit Union we give everyone the chance to build a financially stronger future, so that together we can build a stronger community. Pivotal knows that education and work readiness are critical elements in preparing young people from foster care to succeed. Credit unions are all about “people helping people.” This is why the Excite team goes “all in” to support the Pivotal scholar community with financial support, advocacy, internships, scholarships, and volunteering. Dora Beyer Community Relations Manager, Excite Credit Union



VOLUNTEER, MENTOR, ADVOCATE Helen Grays-Jones has always been passionate about working with foster youth. Growing up in a family of 12 with parents who adopted four other children, she understands how important it is to help young people build the skills and confidence to succeed in life. Helen is a former banking executive who retired in 2015 and then came back to work at Meriwest Credit Union, managing their philanthropic activities. She works with non-profits and schools throughout the Bay Area and is on the Board of Directors for several non-profits. At Meriwest, Helen coordinates staff volunteer activities, supports non-profit fundraising events, and leads financial education workshops in the community. Helen came to Pivotal through the Care Package Program. After donating custom care packages for Pivotal graduates, she learned about Pivotal’s Professional Badging program and knew she could do even more to help our scholars. Helen and her colleague Christina Thach deliver workshops on budgeting, credit management, and more for college scholars working on the Financial Literacy Badge. As an African American woman coming up in the banking industry in the 1980s, Helen had her share of challenges. She understands the economic and social barriers that many of our students face when trying to succeed in the world —both professionally and personally. "When I was starting my career, I was fortunate to have a mentor who helped keep me on track. I could always go to him for advice and he would steer me in the right direction. My parents were great at raising me and my siblings, but they were not executives and I needed someone who could coach me and help me navigate the corporate world and learn how to become a successful leader" Now Helen is the mentor. In addition to delivering workshops, Helen participates in informational interviews to help students with professional development, and even meets with students individually to answer specific financial management or budgeting questions.

I want to make sure these youth know that they have someone who respects and cares about them, first and foremost. That they have someone who can advocate for them and who wants to help them succeed.

Pivotal’s culture of service, respect, and collaboration align with Helen’s own values. “We are all here to help these young people,” she says. “We’re here to give advice and resources, but not to tell them what to do. I appreciate that Pivotal wants to meet these students where they are and to not only help them in their education and career, but to amplify their voices and help them find their own place in the world.”



HELP US DO WHATEVER IT TAKES Help us give every young person the support and opportunity to be happy and successful. Whether you can give a little or a lot of your time, money or resources, there are many ways to get involved. Reach out to us at info@pivotalnow.org to learn more. Donate Each gift to Pivotal directly impacts a young person’s life. Help foster youth get the support they need to create the life they want.

Give a scholarship Pivotal’s Scholarship Program helps scholars with tuition, books, tutoring, and so much more. We award up to $3,000 per student attending community college, and up to $5,000 for students attending a 4-year university.

Provide an informational interview Informational interviews are incredibly meaningful to foster youth, many of whom don’t have personal connections to jobs they hope to pursue. With just a 45-minute conversation, you can give valuable advice to a young person with interest in your career field.

Partner with Pivotal Connect us with a business that could host a summer intern or sponsor an event. Or, join the Pivotal Resource Council and help source internships and resources for our career readiness programs.

Fiston, Pivotal Alum 26


OUR SUPPORTERS ARE UNSTOPPABLE! Our volunteers didn’t let a pandemic stand in the way of providing help and support to Pivotal and our scholars. Here are some of the amazing volunteers who worked with us over the course of the year.

Amy O’Neil with Host Events We welcomed over 400 people to our virtual Mix Masters fundraiser. Amy O’Neil, a talented mixologist with Host Events, spent countless hours helping move the event online, and our guests jumped into the fast and fierce auction bidding with cocktails in hand. Thanks to our guests and sponsors, we raised more than $125,000!

Informational Interviews Last summer, 40 of our post-secondary scholars tested their professional skills and flexed their networking muscles at the Pivotal Experience workshops. Volunteers working in various industries provided real-world insights into the careers each student was considering through one-on-one informational interviews.

Pivotal Care Package Drives Over 200 volunteers sent care packages to our scholars to support their success! In partnership with Gardner Health, Pivotal Alum, Jennifer De La Cruz (above) sponsored ten care packages.

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MONTHLY GIVING PROGRAM You have the power to help foster youth today, tomorrow, and for years to come. Join our monthly giving program and keep supporting our young people all year round. pivotalnow.org/donate


Nhi, Pivotal Alum

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