WHY HAVE YOU CHOSEN TO DO A LEVEL MEDIA? The reason that I have chosen Media Studies is because I feel that this will give me
the opportunity to go into a new subject that develops my crea<ve skills and further my knowledge in IT and crea<ng movies/trailers and also will increase my communica<on skills.
I enjoy the <me that I have experienced doing media when I was younger. Also I enjoy coming up with new skills. In addi<on, I have heard from my friends that have taken A Level Media Studies that it is a really interes<ng subject and that it will help me provide me with greater op<ons when I go on to universi<es and even looking for a career in the future. I would like to go into a career within the media industry and therefore I grasped the opportunity with both hands to go into this subject. I hope to succeed in this subject and enjoy my <me working on developing my filming skills with others that the school has provided for me, to help go onto greater things and gain good skills.
IS THERE A PARTICULAR AREA/GENRE OF MEDIA THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN? I am interested in how big entertainments companies such as 20th Century Fox, DreamWorks, Paramount and many others having been successful making movies which has been liked by all the age groups. During this subject I will be able to do filming and creating trailers, this sounds really interesting to and therefore I am really interested in developing new skills. In addition to that, I am interested because this subject will make me feel like making real movies/trailers as the professional movies.
WHY DO YOU THINK MEDIA IS IMPORTANT? Media Studies is essen<al to me because This is inform me how the society is being treated and how the media treats others within the various of communi<es. In addi<on to that, media Studies is like history, because the media interpret the past to us show us what has gone into making us the way we are, it’s like geography, because the media define for us our own place in the world. It’s like civics, because the media help us to understand the workings of our immediate world, and our individual places in it. It’s like literature, because the media are major sources of modern culture and entertainment. It’s Like literature, because the media require us to learn and use cri<cal thinking skills. In addi<on to that Media Studies is like language, because the media help define how we communicate with each other. Like science and technology, because the media help us to learn technology by adop<ng the leading edge of modern technological innova<on. Media Studies is like family studies, because the media determine much of our cultural diet and weave part of the fabric of our lives. It’s Like environmental studies, because the media are as big a part of our everyday environment as are trees, mountains, rivers, ci<es and oceans. On the other hand media studies is like philosophy, because the media interpret our world, its values and ideas to us. Like psychology, because the media helps us (mis)understand ourselves and others. It’s like science, because the media explain to us how things work. Like industrial arts, because the media are carefully planned, designed and constructed products. And finally it’s like the arts, because through the media we experience all the arts as no other age has ever done. Overall those are the reasons of why I think that Media Studies is vital for me
HOW MUCH POWER DO YOU THINK IT HAS OVER OUR SOCIETY? In my point of view I think that Media Studies does have too much power in fact much power. How? Well, the media can make or break anything they want e.g. it made Britney Spears & now who's repor<ng nega<vely ‘about her?, However, the media's power isn't absolute, this‘ is why government legislate it because absolute power would corrupt the media e.g. journalists would become selfish, objec<ve, biased.........you name it. This' why its power is ra<oned. In addi<on to that, they have a lot of power in hand because what ever they say in news they think that BBC is trusted and also what ever the media says people believes it easily as media is mostly thought as trustworthy.
Women-‐ the media and the society sees the women as they as badly educated people and knows nothing but being a housewife. However, there maybe some ar<cles about women saying that they are as good as the men and they have high paying jobs and they are more successful but it is hard to get posi<ve ar<cles about women so instead the media down grades the women.
Men-‐ the media sees them as highly educated people and they are very successful too. However in some magazines there are gossips magazines who talks about how are not as highly educated as the women are. Therefore, they end up with low paying jobs due to the environment they live in
Teenagers-‐-‐ The portrayal of teenage boys as "yobs" in the media has made the boys wary of other teenagers. However there are news papers, ar<cles and magazines about the boys being good boys, therefore, you can’t find those ar<cles so the media downgrades the boys by calling names
WHAT SKILLS DO YOU HOW TO DEVELOP THROUGH LEARNING ABOUT THE MEDIA? The skills that I want to get out of have been listen below: • Filming- using various of different shots • Editing- using different soft wares and effects • Director- I want to be able to understand how it feels of being a director and what pressure they go through • Teamwork- able to feel confident working with others whom I have never worked with before