PJCC Connections Magazine - Winter 2015

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Peninsula Jewish Community Center


Winter 2015 •


Celebrating Community

Celebrating Transformation

“No matter what the background of a child, camp opens doors, exposing children to possibilities and opportunities they might never know could be theirs.” Michael Eisner, former CEO, Walt Disney Company; Alumnus, Camp Keewaydin (Northern Maine)

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PJCC Winter 2015

Public January 22, 2015 Free! Camp Keff Summer Kick-Off January 25, 2015 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Learn what exciting activities are in the works for your child’s best summer ever!

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Registration Returning Campers and Members January 15, 2015



January/February/March 2015 5 6


Message from the President and Executive Director


Tips for Making Yourself Happier in the Next Hour

Gretchen Ruben, author of The Happiness Project, shares how you can be happier right now!

Joshua’s Story: A Summer of Growth

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer

Learn about the power of personal training to create transformation.


Personal Trainer Trade Secrets How does PJCC Personal Trainer Herman Chan suggest taking your workout to the next level?


Member Moments These members carried on and came through with great results!


Israel: Complex and Compelling

A welcoming and supportive approach reassured parents of a child with special needs.


Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman addresses the complex challenges facing contemporary Israel.

Reinvention and Transformation 18

Out of the Desert Innovation Blooms For a country so small and so young, Israel is a giant in life-enhancing inventions.


Jewish Peoplehood Programs and events celebrating Jewish life and culture.

Tools and tricks to transform your resolutions—and yourself.

10 From Challenges to Achievements

22 Programs January/February/March 2015 27

Free Programs

Life doesn’t always go as planned, but these members conquered life’s obstacles and today are thriving. Connections

Winter 2015


The PJCC is proud to be a part of the Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood, presenting Connections is a publication of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City, CA, 94404. Send comments or suggestions to editor@pjcc.org. The mission of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center is to build a caring and connected community, develop leadership and strengthen Jewish identity and values in a center with an environment that is welcoming to all people at every stage of life. The PJCC has been serving people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds throughout San Mateo County for more than 65 years.

educational and cultural programs that explore Jewish heritage, identity, and community. This initiative is cofunded by the Koret Foundation and The Taube Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture.

The PJCC is supported by the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties.

Room Rentals

at the PJCC

Ikkarim guiding principles of the PJCC

Jewish life Chavaya Yehudit We celebrate the dynamic gifts of Jewish culture, tradition, ethics and community we received from generations before us.

Welcoming all Hachnasat Or’chim Our house is open wide to all, and we embrace the diversity of culture, opinion, religion and identity.

Our community of family and friends Kehilla u’Mishpacha We are a hub for all events and activities that enrich our lives and community.

Wholeness of body, mind and spirit Shleimut We respect and nurture each individual’s journey toward wholeness and see our role as a catalyst.

Repairing the world Tikkun Olam Each person makes a difference, and together we are responsible for improving the world through our actions.


Winter 2015


Attractive, affordable, spacious rooms for business meetings, corporate events, and celebrations. 650.378.2765 rentals@pjcc.org www.pjcc.org/rentals

On the Cover

Connect with Us



Dear PJCC Friends,

Member Fattin Wekselman is a wife, mother, yoga practitioner … and tsunami survivor. On page 10 read how she and others overcame personal challenges and are thriving. That’s what the issue is about—finding the strength and inspiration to overcome roadblocks, implement change, and experience your own enlightening transformation.

Connect Online facebook.com/thePJCC facebook.com/campkeff facebook.com/PjccAquatics






There’s something about hanging an unmarked, crisp new calendar on your kitchen wall or over your desk that sparks imagination and invites reinvention. This issue of Connections shares the stories of members who have done just that: people who faced challenges and today are thriving, serving as glorious inspirations for growth and renewal. Over the coming months at the PJCC, you’ll find a number of programs and events that will inspire you to reach new heights and experience wellness your way®; in mind, body, and spirit. Learn about the complexities facing contemporary Israel with our esteemed Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Speaking of Israel, celebrate Jewish contributions in science, medicine and technology with the fascinating Breakthroughs in Molecular Imaging lecture and Celebration of Jewish Authors: The Sciences book readings, accompanied by our stunning photography exhibit, Israeli Innovation. Our popular Up Close Concert series welcome The Neave Trio. The talented musicians will also teach a workshop in which they’ll guide families through the songwriting process and then perform the song you wrote! And back for a return engagement is chamber quartet Classical Jam. Both concerts are followed by intimate meetthe-artists dessert receptions. Want more incentive for reaching new heights? Brush up on artistic skills with our new Chinese Brush Painting class. Try Embodied Judaism, which explores ways to integrate body, heart, mind, and spirit. Partner with baby for a bonding experience through Yoga and Massage, or bond with the entire family at our 2nd Annual PJCC Family Camp weekend at Memorial Park! And don’t miss a sneak peak of summer fun to come with the Camp Keff Summer Kick-off on January 25. This is just a hint of what you’ll find this season at your Center for life! We hope you’ll join us and enjoy your own personal metamorphosis.


With appreciation,


Kathy Reich, President, Board of Directors


Deborah Pinsky, Executive Director Connections

Winter 2015


7 Tips for Making Yourself Happier in the Next Hour Gretchen Rubin is the author of Happier at Home and The Happiness Project, both instant New York Times bestsellers. The Happiness Project spent more than two years on the bestseller list and has sold more than a million copies in 35 languages. Visit her website at www.gretchenrubin.com.


ou can make yourself happier—and this doesn’t have to be a long-term ambition. You can start right now. In the next hour, check off as many of the following items as possible. Each of these accomplishments will lift your mood, as will the mere fact that you’ve tackled and achieved some concrete goals. 1. Boost your energy: stand up and pace while you talk on the phone or, even better, take a brisk ten-minute walk outside. Research shows that when people move faster, their metabolism speeds up, and the activity and sunlight are good for your focus, your mood, and the retention of information. Plus, because of “emotional contagion,” if you act energetic, you’ll help the people around you feel energetic, too. 2. Reach out to friends: make a lunch date or send an email to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Having warm, close bonds with other people is one of the keys to happiness, so take the time to stay in


Winter 2015


touch. Somewhat surprisingly, it turns out that socializing boosts the moods not only of extroverts, but also of introverts. 3. Rid yourself of a nagging task: answer a difficult email, purchase something you need, or call to make that dentist’s appointment. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a big rush of energy and cheer, and you’ll be surprised that you procrastinated for so long. 4. Create a calmer environment: clear some physical and mental space around your desk by sorting papers, pitching junk, stowing supplies, sending out quick responses, filing, or even just making your piles neater. A large stack of little tasks can feel overwhelming, but often just a few minutes of work can make a sizeable dent. Try to get in the habit of using the “one minute rule”—i.e., never postpone any task that can be completed in less than one minute. An uncluttered environment will contribute to a more serene mood.

5. Lay the groundwork for some future fun: order a book you’ve been wanting to read (not something you think you should read) or plan a weekend excursion to a museum, hiking trail, sporting event, gardening store, movie theater—whatever sounds like fun. Studies show that having fun on a regular basis is a pillar of happiness, and anticipation is an important part of that pleasure. Try to involve friends or family as well; people enjoy almost all activities more when they’re with other people than when they’re alone. 6. Do a good deed: make an email introduction of two people who could help each other, or set up a blind date, or shoot someone a piece of useful information or gratifying praise. Do good, feel good— this really works. Also, although we often believe that we act because of the way we feel, in fact, we often feel because of the way we act. When you act in a friendly way, you’ll strengthen your feelings of friendliness for other people.

7. Act happy: put a smile on your face right now, and keep smiling. Research shows that even an artificially induced smile has a positive influence on your emotions— turns out that just going through the motion of happiness brightens your mood. And if you’re smiling, other people will perceive you as being friendlier and more approachable. Some people worry that wanting to be happier is a selfish goal. To the contrary. Studies show that happier people are more sociable, likeable, healthy, and productive—and they’re more inclined to help other people. So in working to boost your own happiness, you’re benefiting others as well. Feel happier yet?


Winter 2015


Joshua’s Summer of Growth approaching the entrance of the PJCC, visitors are greeted with our guiding principles etched upon the pillars. One of these is Hachnasat Or’chim, which means “welcoming all” in hebrew. Diana Blank Epstein experienced this inclusivity up close when she and her husband registered their young son, who has special needs, for his very first “TYPICAL” camp experience—an experience that ended up exceeding all expectations. Diana tells their story. Joshua with Allie Brissman, PJCC swim instructor.


ur family has enjoyed a long history with the PJCC. As young boys, my husband David and his brother attended camp when the PJCC was located in Belmont, and our daughter, Rachel, now 9, is a preschool graduate.

Without this support, Joshua wouldn’t be able to attend camp since he sometimes runs off or engages in unsafe climbing. Gateway and Camp Keff developed a terrific team approach that was critical in helping day-to-day logistics run smoothly for Joshua and all staff involved.

That’s why this past summer my husband and I were overjoyed to witness Rachel and her 6-year old brother, Joshua, create their own positive memories at Camp Keff. Our son has autism and, like many children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), he is constantly working on developing his language, fine motor and social skills with a variety of competing sensory needs. When I first approached Camp Keff Director Ian Israel and mentioned our interest in camp, he encouraged us to register and extended the invitation to other special needs families as well. His welcoming approach and supportive attitude put our minds at ease since we wanted to do everything possible to ensure that Joshua had a safe, fun, and positive camp experience. Before camp started, two meetings were held to address Joshua’s needs. The first meeting included Joshua’s case manager from his Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) agency, Gateway. This is the agency responsible for providing Joshua with a one-to-one aide at all times during camp.


Winter 2015


Joshua and Carla Segura, Behavior Technician with Gateway Learning Group. The second meeting included David Neufeld, PhD, Director of Special Needs at Jewish Learning Works, Joshua’s assigned Camp Keff counselors, and Jenalyn Villanueva, the Kindercamp head unit. We discussed additional arrangements for making the camp process run as smoothly as possible.

Throughout the summer, Ian and his staff constantly reassured us that Joshua’s camp experience would be awesome and whatever came up, they would handle it. “We’ll go with the flow” was Ian’s mantra. Trust me, those words are meaningful for parents who carry the additional stress of having a child where so many elements are unpredictable. Knowing that we were leaving our boy in a setting where he was cared for, wanted, and welcomed, was a special gift my husband and I will always be appreciative of. From swinging on ropes and running obstacle courses to climbing rock walls, learning to swim, and initiating interactions with peers and counselors, we watched Joshua flourish and thrive. Although he couldn’t communicate this in words, he knew that at Camp Keff he felt accepted and loved for who he is. Just recently, his special education teacher told us that Joshua’s speech, attention, and class participation have significantly improved compared to the last school year, and we attribute this to his camp experience. This inclusive community went out of their way to welcome Joshua and made him feel like any other child experiencing the joys of summer camp. And, as the parents of this lovely boy, this was perhaps the greatest gift of all.

Strategies for Reinventing Your


Making, and then breaking, the same promises every year can be exhausting. Jeannie Solomon, PJCC Wellness Coach, uses helpful strategies to help clients stay on track. Here, she shares her “tools of the trade” to help you reinvent your resolutions and—ultimately—yourself.

Define your wellness Relationships, sleep, exercise, work, and spirituality (to name a few) are all forces that can cause great joy as well as great stress, feeding our energy and vitality. To achieve long-term wellness, it’s important to keep all elements in balance. When practicing full mind/body wellness, go beyond the surface to tap into the root of your internal roadblocks. Identify areas in your life that seem out of balance: what makes you happy and compels you forward versus what brings you down and derails your plan? Be determined not discouraged Our inner voice has a huge effect on how we move forward toward reaching our goals and determination is a powerful tool. When we berate ourselves for not doing what we think we “should” be doing, our self-worth wavers and we let our guard down. The next time, notice when you feel discouraged and replace that negative voice with a positive one. In time you will own that determination and you will succeed. Success feeds confidence and confidence leads to success Nothing feeds personal confidence better than success. Pick small attainable steps to achieving your goals and acknowledge every milestone. No small victories should be overlooked, especially while you’re just starting your journey. When you falter, don’t linger in that place. Remind yourself that failure is temporary and move on.

See the change Visualization is a powerful tool that successful people love to use because it works! One of the best and easiest tips is to surround yourself with visual reminders to help boost your motivation. Start each day by visualizing the person you want to be and setting a personal goal for that day. Revisit your intent throughout the day and don’t give up. Focus on the possibilities Lifestyle changes are a process that take time and require support. Once you’re ready to make a change, the difficult part is committing and following through. Do your research and make a plan that will prepare you for success. Careful planning means setting small goals and taking one step at a time. Replace expectations with plans One of the biggest deal breakers when it comes to striving toward a goal is a crushed expectation. Expectations are based mostly on emotions and are self-imposed ideas of what an outcome should be. Replace expectations with hard plans to follow through. This will allow you to set the tone and take ownership of your journey. This is not a sprint, but a journey Never give up! It’s important to move forward with the understanding that this is not a short-term change, but a lifealtering moment. Give yourself time. Be kind to yourself, but don’t go too easy. Embrace the challenge and you will succeed.


Winter 2015


Fertility issues plagued Lynne and Angel Sanchez, and the likelihood of the couple having children was improbable.




birth of their first child and during pregnancy with the second, Angel was stricken with a serious brain

Sanchez Family

hemorrhage, and the couple’s future indeed looked bleak. Today, Angel has overcome great obstacles and the family is grateful for the life-changing events and their two beautiful children conceived against many odds, Julia and Sophia.

Challenge to



Members in Action and Thriving

It takes more than an illness to stop cancer survivor Elizabeth Fullinwider, 70. Nor did she slow down after she broke her leg on the third day of a two-week hiking trip in Scotland. She shrugged off the mishap, focusing instead on the positive. “I met some wonderful





in Inverness!” As the PJCC’s first “Biggest Winner” in 2012, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Fullinwider

has maintained her weight loss and explored new workouts with PJCC Personal Trainer Patrick Moore. “I just want to stay healthy and keep hiking,” she said. “That’s what I enjoy doing the most.”


Winter 2015


Fattin Wekselman may be a Chemical Engineer by profession, but these days her priority is family and community. Fattin is a survivor of the horrific 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia that killed more than 230,000 people and wreaked untold destruction. “I was literally running from the waves,” she recalled. The incident changed her life. Upon moving to the United States, the Sumatra native became involved with the United Nations World Food Program before getting married. Today finds Fattin juggling the joys of motherhood with helping her husband care for his aging parents. “It’s challenging at times but I’m very grateful,” Fattin said. “I survived true devastation. I’m very lucky for the life I have today.”

Linnea Doan In 2013 when Linnea Doan, now 20, wanted to get fit, she knew that adopting a healthier lifestyle was the way to go. She became mindful of her diet, replacing junk food with seasonal treats from the Farmers’ Market. And when she started training with PJCC Personal Trainer Alison Cousin, Linnea discovered that she enjoyed exercising—so much, in fact, that she began running. She has since completed

Fattin Wekselman

two 5K races (3.1 miles each) and recently registered for her first half marathon (13.1 miles). “Over the past two years I’ve seen her transform,” says her trainer Alison. “Linnea has really blossomed!”

For more on the psychology of survival, don’t miss David P. Feldman and Lee Daniel Kravetz, Center Member and preschool parent, discuss their book, Supersurvivors: The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success at the Celebration of Jewish Authors: The Sciences on February 8. See page 21 for details. Connections

Winter 2015


7 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer The PJCC’s personal training approach is based on understanding and respecting our members’ wellness goals. We create trusting relationships, guiding and motivating members to achieve their potential in a manner that is healthy for spirit, mind, and body. This article by Shelly Frost, reprinted with permission by LiveStrong.com, is a testament to the power and efficiency of personal training to create transformation.


he image of a personal trainer yelling and pushing her clients until near collapse may scare some people away from hiring a trainer, but the benefits of using a personal trainer should be considered carefully. While some in the field provide “tough love” motivation, personal trainers typically work with clients in a nonthreatening way, helping them to achieve specific fitness goals. Understanding the potential benefits of a personal trainer can help you decide if the financial investment is worthwhile. Goal Achievement A personal trainer helps you define your fitness goals. She takes into account your current fitness level and discusses what you want to achieve through your workouts. While you may have some idea of the goals you want to set, a professional is able to help you break them down into smaller goals that are specific and realistic. The personal trainer also helps assess your progress toward those goals. Personalized Workout Personal trainers create a specific workout plan just for you based on what you want to achieve. The personalized plan typically gives you better results than a general workout plan. Because she knows your


Winter 2015


physical condition and medical background, she is able to make accommodations to the program to fit your needs. Instruction A professional trainer teaches you the proper way to perform each exercise movement in your routine. She often demonstrates the movement and watches you perform it so she can correct any issues with your posture or technique. Learning how to perform exercises properly reduces your risk of injury. You also will be able to do the exercises on your own at home or at the gym after getting professional fitness instruction. Motivation Motivation is often difficult to maintain when you exercise on your own. Regular sessions with a personal trainer enhance your motivation to continue with a workout regimen. Even if you don’t use a personal trainer for every session, knowing that you’ll meet with your trainer soon will motivate you during workouts. You also get the satisfaction of showing your trainer the improvement you’ve made as your exercise program proceeds. Accountability Another common problem is lack of commitment to a regular exercise program.

When you exercise on your own, it is easier to skip a session here and there or fall off the wagon completely since there’s no one to hold you accountable for your actions. When you work with a trainer, she keeps you accountable, making it more likely that you’ll stick with your training program. Variety An experienced trainer teaches you a variety of exercise methods, which can keep you from getting bored. Also, if a specific exercise does not work for you, the trainer can change it to one that suits you better and provides the same physical benefits. Trainers also help you to make adjustments as your fitness level improves to ensure continued progress. Efficiency A professional personal trainer is able to make the most of your workout time, which increases the efficiency of your exercise program. This is especially beneficial when you have a limited amount of time to exercise. For example, if you have to cut your 1-hour training session short one day, your trainer can complete a routine with you that burns the same number of calories and provides the same physical benefits in half the time.

A fitness professional since 1989, PJCC Personal Trainer Herman Chan (left) works with all ages, shapes, and types, motivating clients that range from stroke survivors to athletes in training. How does Herman help inspire all levels to maintain their enthusiasm for exercise?

Personal Trainer

Fitness Novice

Trade Secrets

1 Evaluate your goals. Are they realistic? Create goals you can actually achieve. 2 Celebrate small victories. Each one brings you closer to your big goal. 3 Find a workout partner and hold each other accountable.

Make the most of your workout!

4 Establish a routine and stick to it. Even professional athletes have a set routine. 5 Change your attitude! Approach workouts as fun, not a chore.

Seasoned Fitness Buff 1 Keep things fresh. Change your workouts or your body will hit a plateau. 2 Take occasional breaks. Missing a workout won’t kill you and your body will thank you. 3 Explore group classes for variety and camaraderie. 4 Revisit your goals, taking into account your age and any injuries. Are you training above (or below) your abilities? 5 Don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Get a new perspective on your current workout and ways in which you can progress. Find more personal training tips at www.youtube.com/peninsulajcc.

Mayim Bialik:

Encouraging Girls to

Get Their Geek On


Ages 18 and under free!

February 22, 2015 3:00 pm Hillbarn Theatre Details on page 21.


Winter 2015


Member M What’s Your Excuse? You can probably think of several reasons to avoid exercise: you worked a long exhausting day, the 49ers game is on, you need to do the laundry, the gym is too far away and traffic is awful. But one excuse that you would not be able to use is being pregnant, not according to PJCC member Meredith Liron. When Meredith became pregnant with her first child, she continued her active lifestyle and daily fitness routines without question. In fact, under her doctor’s supervision she became even more vigilant about her physical fitness. And, like countless others, she reaped the benefits of a structured exercise program through her pregnancy and up to the point when she brought her healthy son, Avi, into the world. For Meredith, exercise brought her increased energy, improvement in her overall mood, and sense of stability. How did she do it? She maintained a positive attitude and did not fight the physical changes in her body; she embraced them. She also facilitated healthier food choices into her nutrition program and found solace in a PJCC supporting cast of members, including personal trainers Christian Luera and Chris Nash, and group exercise instructors Megan Storms and Courtney Smith. They were there for motivation and to cheer her on, which they did all the way up to the day before she went into labor. With their help, Meredith felt and noticed more definition in her abs while pregnant versus pre-pregnancy. “Even through her pregnancy Meredith never backed down, but always wanted more,” said Chris Nash. “She is, by far, one of the most determined people that I’ve had the pleasure to work with.”

Meredith Liron and son Avi Center Member since 2011

Now post-pregnancy, Meredith finds herself facing a new set of challenges, juggling motherhood with daily life and exercise routines. Many would use this as an excuse to grab more “me time” on the couch, but not Meredith. She uses this as fuel for the fire. With her work ethic and community of friends and family, there is no reason not to believe she will achieve her fitness goals. Because if you know Meredith, you know that excuses are simply not part of her vocabulary.

Contributor Bart Frantz is PJCC Membership Sales Director.


Winter 2015


Moments Life Lessons We learn many lessons as we travel down the road of life, some by making mistakes and others from our decision-making. However, no lesson is as impactful as the one developed under adverse conditions. Christopher Boily can tell you all about it. Several years ago, in the midst of a struggling economy and a bad market, many of the employees of the mid-sized company he worked for were laid off, including himself. Prior to the event, his 15-year career with the company was growing flawlessly. With two small boys at home, the San Mateo resident found himself in a difficult situation. Which lessons did Chris take with him along his journey? · Be persistent. Persistence keeps us moving forward, focusing on one’s effort and energy in the right direction. It’s the foundation for making daily progress to reach your goals. · Maintain your physical and emotional health. The two are inexorably linked. In difficult times, it is essential to keep your mind and body strong. · Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reaching out to people when things are going well is second nature to most of us; asking for help when things are not is tough. The vast majority of people we are surrounded by will be happy to say yes. After all, we are, as humans, wired for reciprocity. Over time, with the support of family, friends, and community, coupled with the free JVS employment workshops he took at the PJCC, Chris was able to overcome this challenging period of his life. Today, he’ll tell you he is grateful to be in a superior place. If you can relate to Chris’ story, then you’re not alone since the unstable job market forced many into unemployment. Chris found his experience to be a period of introspection and personal growth. It was a time for him to reassess his priorities and to discover and embrace the importance of community. He admits, “These events, or the myriad of others that provide major challenges in our life, can’t and shouldn’t be handled alone.”

Chris Boily Center Member since 2006

Outside of the PJCC entrance and circling the pillars in English and Hebrew bronze letters read the words “Family, Friends, and Community.” Chris appreciates these words for what they are: a constant reminder of the values upon which the PJCC is built, as well as principles we should build our lives around. Connections

Winter 2015


Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman’s Israel: Complex and Compelling North Peninsula Jewish Community Scholar-in-residence tackles complex challenges facing the country


hatever our personal views about Israel, it is likely we all agree that Israel is among the most complex and complicated nations in the world. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict appears intractable, with both sides refusing even to acknowledge a common narrative of the genesis of the conflict. This has raised significant moral questions (often by Israeli writers and thinkers) about the appropriateness of Israel’s military response.

There are also conflicts within Israeli society. The relationship between Ashkenazi (Jews of Central and Eastern European descent) and Sephardi (Jews of Spanish and Middle Eastern descent) Jews is often strained; the growing gap between rich and poor is the cause of great consternation; Israel’s treatment of foreign laborers has


Winter 2015


prompted demonstrations; the relationship between Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews and the rest of Israel society is replete with

anger; the divide between religious and secular Jewish Israelis is growing. How can the world-wide Jewish community, let alone Israeli citizenry, make sense of all these challenges? Enter Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman The son of Rabbi David Hartman (of blessed memory), an innovative and far-sighted Orthodox rabbi who made aliyah (the immigration of Jews to Israel) and founded the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, Rabbi Hartman has embraced his father’s vision and expanded upon it. As President of the Institute, Rabbi Hartman has shaped it into a center of transformative thinking and teaching, addressing the major challenges facing Israel and the global Jewish People. Committed to the significance of Jewish ideas, the power

of Torah study, broadly defined, and the conviction that great teaching contributes to the growth and continual revitalization of the Jewish people, Rabbi Hartman has made the Institute a thriving academy for rabbis, educators, academics, Jewish lay leaders, Israeli army officers and leaders of other religious faiths. Rabbi Hartman is a principled pluralist, believing that all streams of Judaism have something important to contribute to the Jewish future. He has taught and written extensively on the relationship between ethics and religion, arguing in his soonto-be-published book Putting God Second: Saving Religion from Itself that ethics is not the hand-maiden of religion but rather a guide to proper religious behavior. He has thought deeply about the rifts in Israeli society and how they might be healed.

And he has been a constant commentator on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, making the case both for a safe and secure Israel as well as for the religious injunction and the need to create a true and lasting peace with the Palestinians. His blogs in the Times of Israel are a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complexity of Israeli life and in quest of a reasoned centrist approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are honored to welcome Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman as our 2015 Scholar-in-Residence and look forward to his valuable insight. Contributor Rabbi Lavey Derby is the PJCC Director of Jewish Life.

2015 North Peninsula Jewish Community Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman February 9 – 18, 2015 One of the most sought-after commentators on Israeli society, politics and religion, Rabbi Dr. Hartman will be speaking at each of the local synagogues, the Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School and the PJCC. Please join us in welcoming him to our community.



Winter 2015


Out of the Desert Innovation Blooms An irrigation system at work in the Hula Valley, Israel.


Winter 2015



desert state in a modern era, Israel has sparked the way as a world leader in resource allocation with pioneering innovations in solar energy and irrigation development. In fact, contemporary Israel is a major player on the world stage of technology, medicine, and engineering, boasting more scientists, technicians, and engineers per capita (140 per 10,000) than any other country in the world. For a country so young, and so fraught with turmoil, an astonishing amount of life-enhancing productivity and innovation abounds. Here are just a few Israeli contributions that have made their way into our lives.

More Than a Drop in the Bucket Credit Simcha Blass for drip irrigation, an invention that has aided agriculture and helped put food on the table in 150 countries. His technique, developed in the mid-60s and since refined, has helped the world grow more with less water. That Israelis are responsible for drip irrigation was no surprise to PJCC Programs Director Stephanie Levin who was first introduced to the concept as a camper at Camp Swig. “We learned about the water-saving system and then made a working model ourselves, which we used successfully in our camp garden,” she recalled. “It stuck with me all these years. It’s why I was so determined to use a drip system in the PJCC’s Grow Justice Garden.”

This Pill is Easy to Swallow Technology names and jargon can often come across as complicated, but PillCam (shown below) is exactly what it sounds like: It’s a diagnostic camera that you swallow. Developed by Israel’s Given Imaging, PillCam is commonly used to detect gastrointestinal disorders. “As an internist, I’m familiar with the PillCam,” said PJCC member and retired Kaiser Permanente physician Jerry Saliman. “The small intestine is an area of the GI tract that cannot be reached by upper endoscopy, which is a tube placed via the mouth, or by colonoscopy. Before the PillCam, patients had to endure four uncomfortable hours drinking barium. This thick, chalky drink would traverse its way through the intestinal tract while x-rays were taken periodically by the radiologist. The PillCam is a remarkable invention!” Sound Sleep for Worried Parents For parents who are concerned that their children might have sleep apnea, BabySense allows the entire family to rest without having to take shifts clutching the baby monitor. The system by Hisense operates with a control unit and two sensor pads placed under the mattress that monitor baby’s breathing. Sleep apnea occurs when a person stops breathing for 20 seconds or more and often triggers a slow heart rate in a baby. This product was designed to detect apnea and set off an alarm notifying parents of breathing irregularities.

Did you know these were Israeli inventions?

The Cherry Tomato A popular salad fixing that ripens slowly and doesn’t rot in shipment. The EpiLady The first electric hair remover that spares users nasty razor cuts. MobileEye A tiny digital camera with algorithms and a steering system-linked device that sounds an alert when a driver is about to change lanes inadvertently, warns of an impending collision, and detects pedestrians. EarlySense A continuous monitoring solution that allows hospital nurses to monitor patients remotely through a contact-free sensor under the mattress. The system’s built-in tools include a wide range of reports on the status of patients, including alerts for falls and bedsore prevention. Pythagoras Solar A solar window that works as, but doesn’t look like, a solar panel. It uses direct light to generate energy, making it an attractive concept to architects and homeowners.

Contributor Kimberly Gordon is the PJCC Cultural Arts Director.

PJCC Art Gallery presents

Photography exhibit on display January 14 – March 23, 2015 Catch a glimpse of Israel’s start-up spirit on display in our award-winning art gallery. And on Wednesday, January 21, attend a free member mixer reception from 5:30 – 7:00 pm, followed by a related lecture at 7:00 pm. Presented as part of Then There Was Light: Jewish Contributions to Advancements in Science, Medicine and Technology. Connections

Winter 2015





central in our community

the pjcc’s commitment to Jewish peoplehood supports us in taking pride in our culture and our people, it creates strong connections to local and worldwide Jewry and israel, and it makes certain that we are literate about the ideas, values and practices of jewish living. embracing our roots as we focus on present-day jewish engagement ensures the continued vibrancy and diversity of our cultural and spiritual expression.

Life, It’s Complicated: Jewish Perspectives (FMP) Join this ongoing discussion exploring Jewish views on important issues and living a meaningful life. Thu • Weekly • 10:30 – 11:30 am • CRA • 42012 Beth El Senior Friendship Club Bring a bag lunch and enjoy a different program each week. Thu • Weekly • 12:00 – 3:00 pm San Mateo • $1/$1 Shabbat in the Lobby (FMP) Fri • Weekly • 3:30 pm Yiddish Club (FCCM) Increase your Yiddish vocabulary, learn about Yiddish culture, watch videos and make sure the mamoloshen lives! Peer led. Tue • 1/6, 1/20, 2/3, 2/17, 3/3, 3/17 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • C Public $3.50 per session Shabbat in the Lobby (FMP) With musical guests Shir Appeal, Tufts University’s Jewish a capella group. Fri • 1/9 • 3:30 pm • Lobby

March: In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror,and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin by Eric Larson This gripping nonfiction work depicts the Nazis’ consolidation of power and increasing restrictions on Jews, chiefly through the eyes of the American ambassador and his freewheeling daughter. Tue • 3/31 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • CR Public $5 • 41944

Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman Talking about Israel: The Need for a New Conversation (FMP) In this keynote address Rabbi Hartman will examine how the American Jewish community might think and talk about Israel, given its rapidly changing political and social situation. Mon • 2/9 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • Wornick Ulam Gadol • 41992

Jewish Book Discussion (FCCM) Facilitator Jim Van Buskirk’s essays have been featured in various books, magazines and other publications. Books are available from the Book Club in a Box program at the Jewish LearningWorks’ Jewish Community Library. Pre-registration suggested. January: The Periodic Table by Primo Levi Each of these 21 autobiographical stories corresponds to a chemical element, as they describe episodes in the ItalianJewish chemist’s life before, during and after World War II. Tue • 1/27 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • CR Public $5 • 41942 February: A Day of Small Beginnings by Lisa Pearl Rosenbaum Family relationships permeate this novel, which interweaves history, mysticism, and magical realism with the reality of anti-Semitism and spiritual redemption. Tue • 2/24 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • CR Public $5 • 41943

Photo: Yossi Hoffman

why jewish peoplehood is

Let’s Talk about It: The Dilemmas of Jewish Power (FMP) Rabbi Hartman will discuss how Jewish values inform the exercise of Jewish power necessary for Israel’s survival. Wed • 2/11 • 2:00 – 3:15 pm • BR • 42524

FC = Free for Center Members • FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public


Winter 2015

AB Room AB • AL Adult Lounge • AR Art Room • BR Board Room • C Room C • D Room D • CRA Conference Room A • DCG Daniel Cook Gymnasium Connections ECK ECE Kitchen • GX Group Ex Studio • HG Hamlin Garden • MPR ECE Multi-Purpose Room • L Lobby • TA Treehouse A • TB Treehouse B TF Turf Field • TF2 Turf Field Near Pool • WK Wornick School • YS Yoga Studio

Jewish Wellness Sacred Dance Circles for Women (FCCM) Explore Jewish mystical teachings through movement, music, free-style dance, art and journaling to deepen your spiritual practice in community. Instructor: Julie Emden directs the Embodied Jewish Learning Initiative at Jewish LearningWorks in San Francisco. Sun • 2/1, 3/1, 5/3 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • YS $40 for series or $15 per class • 41945 Take a Breath: An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (FMP) Learn simple and basic instructions in the practice of meditation with Rabbi Lavey Derby. No class 1/1. Thu • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:30 pm • BR • 42013 Embodied Judaism Many Jewish sources celebrate food, sex and the body, and offer ways to make them the center of an integrated wellness practice. Explore how embodied Jewish

practice brings together body, heart, mind, and spirit. Dr. Jay Michaelson is a weekly columnist for The Daily Beast and The Forward, and author of God in Your Body: Kabbalah, Mindfulness and Embodied Spiritual Practice. Tue • 1/13 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • BR • $7/$10 42017 Yoga and Wholeness with a Jewish Twist (FCCM) Experience gentle, Iyengar-based yoga that connects all levels of being—mind, body, heart, and spirit. Instructor: Julie Emden. Wed • 2/4 – 3/25 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • BR Public: $100 for series or $20 per class•41974 Tasting Jerusalem PJCC Wellness Coach Jeannie Solomon discusses and cooks recipes from the award-winning Jerusalem: A Cookbook by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi. Tue • 3/10 • 10:00 – 11:00 am • CR $15/$20 • 41975

Tue • 4/14 • 10:00 – 11:00 am • CR $15/$20 • 41976 Tue • 5/12 • 10:00 – 11:00 am • CR $15/$20 • 41977 Wise Aging: Growing Older with Resilience and Wisdom Aging is not an end, but a time filled with potential for learning and personal growth. Explore resources that will enrich your later years with spirit, resilience and wisdom. Rabbi Rachel Cowan is the former Executive Director of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and is Director of the Wise Aging Project. Tue • 3/17 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • BR • $7/$10 42005 Wise Aging Workshop Learn practical techniques and exercises to enable you to live your later years with spirit, resilience and wisdom. Led by Rabbi Rachel Cowan (see previous). Wed • 3/18 • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm • CR $10/$13 • 42008

Then There Was Light: Jewish Contributions to Advancements in Science, Medicine, and Technology PJCC Art Gallery presents Israeli Innovation Photography Exhibit on display January 14 – March 23, 2015

Israeli Innovation Art Exhibition Opening and Presentation (FMP) Israel’s start-up spirit has made the country a leader in technical ingenuity. Learn about the latest inventions to emerge from the “Silicon Wadi.” Come early for the free member mixer reception from 5:30 – 7:00 pm; see page 25. Registration required. Wed • 1/21 • 7:00 pm • BR • 41984 Can Data Science Really Do That? (FMP) Twice named “30 Under 30” in technology by Forbes and “35 Innovators Under 35” by MIT Technology Review, Anthony Goldbloom, Founder and CEO of kaggle.com will share his success with data prediction competitions resulting in original solutions to humanitarian and business problems. Registration required. Thu • 2/5 • 7:00 pm • AB • 42587

Celebration of Jewish Authors: The Sciences (FMP) Includes Center Member and author Lee Daniel Kravetz Meet the authors of the year’s top science-related books, lauded by media such as Fresh Air, People Magazine, and Publishers Weekly. We’ve amassed the who’s who of Jewish science writers in one not-to-be-missed afternoon. Books will be available for purchase and signing. Registration required. Sun • 2/8 • 12:30 – 5:00 pm • BR • 41985 Mayim Bialik: Encouraging Girls to Get Their Geek On Mayim Bialik holds a PhD in Neuroscience from UCLA and appears regularly on “The Big Bang Theory” playing neurobiologist Amy Farrah Fowler. Her inspirational talk will encourage students, especially girls, to embrace the sciences with enthusiasm and curiosity (without forsaking the arts, of course). Sun • 2/22 • 3:00 pm Hillbarn Theatre Adults $10/$13; Under 18 Free Under 13 must be accompanied by a ticketed adult.

Adam de la Zerda: (FMP) Breakthroughs in Molecular Imaging The de la Zerda Group at the Stanford University School of Medicine is making strides in identifying and characterizing tumors in clinical settings. Learn about their pioneering revolutionary molecular imaging technique. Registration required. Thu • 2/26 • 7:00 pm • BR • 41983





Winter 2015


programs January/February/March 2015

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public Holidays closures and no-class dates at pjcc.org/info/info-hours

The 5-digit class code number is now located at the end of the day/date/time section underneath the class description.

health & fitness Group Exercise


Yoga & Pilates


Group Training 650.378.2727 Wellness


Stay Fit for Life 650.378.2790 Nutrition 650.378.2722 Discover the path to healthy living with the PJCC’s state-of-the-art fitness center. You’ll find a variety of exercise programs to develop and improve your body, mind and spirit. Please check current schedules at www.pjcc.org or call 650.378.2703.

Monthly Group Exercise Free for Center Members! For schedules, visit www.pjcc.org and click on the “Schedules” links. Zumba & Zumba Gold • Barre classes Indoor Cycling • Yoga • Mat Pilates Tai Chi • U–Jam • Light & Easy • Hip Hop Stay Fit for Life: Adults 55+ (FC) Participate in free programs specifically designed for you and included in your Center Membership.

Yoga / Pilates

A Healthy Cleanse (with a Yogic Twist) Learn how to prepare for, implement, and maintain a healthy cleanse. Workshop concludes with a twist-themed yoga session. Sat • 2/21 • 1:00 – 4:00 pm • YS • $35/$45 42061 Thai Yoga Workshop Learn how to find palliative relief from pain. Please bring one or two pillows. Fri • 3/20 • 1:00 – 3:00 pm • YS • $35/$45 42074

Youth Fitness See pages 25 – 26.

Personal Training Private Pilates & Yoga Training ($) Increase your skill set through one-onone training with your favorite instructor. Partner training available, too. One-on-One Personal Training ($) Choose from convenient, cost-effective packages that include single-, three-, five- and ten-session packages. Semi-Private Personal Training ($) Enjoy the benefits of exercising with a friend! Cost-effective options include single-, five- and ten-session packages.

Specialty Classes HITT: High Intensity Team Training ($) This bootcamp-style class will push your limits! Tue/Thu • 6:00 pm • Lobby

Pilates Reformer Series ($) Develop core strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and improve posture. Healing Yoga for Cancer Patients (FMP) Learn how to meditate, unwind, and relax. For cancer patients and their caretakers. Fri • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:45 pm • YS Yoga and Massage: 2 Months – 2 Years Massage promotes healthy mental and physical development for both you and your child and reinforces precious bonding. Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 11:00 – 11:55 am • $190/$240 • YS • 42042 Yoga Workshop: Hip & Shoulder Opening Workshop Learn slow and deliberate hip and shoulder stretches that will target connective tissue and enhance your yoga workouts. All levels welcome. Sat • 1/17 • 1:00 – 3:00 pm • YS • $35/$45 • 42060


Winter 2015

TRX: Suspension Training ($) Leverage your body weight to build power, strength, and flexibility. Visit pjcc.org and reserve your space in MindBody.

Wellness For additional Jewish Wellness programs, see page 21.

Weight Loss Your Way Reset your habits in this motivating new eightweek program. Lose those extra pounds using a holistic, big picture approach. Contact PJCC Wellness Coach Jeannie Solomon at jsolomon@pjcc.org.

Pink Ribbon Program A private, small-group, post-rehabilitation workout for breast cancer survivors. Email vmcgrath@pjcc.org or call 650.378.2727. Living Healthy Workshop (FMP) Learn practical wellness techniques for making the best choices in nutrition, physical activity, stress, pain management, and working with healthcare providers Offered in partnership with Sequoia Healthcare District.

Tue • 2/3 – 3/17 • 1:00 – 2:45 pm • AB 41948

sports, clinics & leagues Team Sports & Mens’ Basketball


NFL Flag Football


Mon • 10:15 am; 6:00 pm Tue • 8:00 am; 9:30 am; 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm Wed • 6:30 am; 10:15 am; 4:30 pm Thu • 8:00 am; 9:30 am Fri • 7:00 am; 12:00 pm; 2:00 pm

Soccer 650.378.2768

Women on Weights ($) Learn basic fundamentals of strength training and its benefits. For details, visit www.pjcc.org or the Fitness Desk.

Free for parents and children who are Center Members

Friday Night Knockout Focus on upper/lower body and core conditioning through boxing drills to enhance technique and agility. Boxing gloves required. Fri • 1/9, 2/6, 3/6 • 6:30 – 8:00 pm • GX $15/$20 per class • Jan 42071 • Feb 42072 Mar 42073

Sun • Weekly • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm • DCG

Youth Family Gym

Kid-friendly gym equipped with soft mats, climbing structures and more. Wristband required; available at Welcome Center. NFL Flag Football League Coed: Ages 7 – 12 Already on a team: $150/$170 Joining a team: $180/$200 Pee Wee Ages 7 – 8 Sun • 1/11 – 3/29 • 8:00 – 10:30 am • TF 42053 Junior Ages 9 – 10 Sun • 1/11 – 3/29 • 10:30 am – 1:00 pm • TF 42054

AB Room AB • AL Adult Lounge • AR Art Room • BR Board Room • C Room C • D Room D • CRA Conference Room A • DCG Daniel Cook Gymnasium Connections ECK ECE Kitchen • GX Group Ex Studio • HG Hamlin Garden • MPR ECE Multi-Purpose Room • L Lobby • TA Treehouse A • TB Treehouse B TF Turf Field • TF2 Turf Field Near Pool • WK Wornick School • YS Yoga Studio



Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

January/February/March 2015

Program, registration, instructor, and schedule information at www.pjcc.org or call the number listed below each department.

sports, clinics & leagues cont’d. Senior Ages 11 – 12 Sun • 1/11 – 3/29 • 1:00 – 5:00 pm • TF 42055 Youth Basketball League: Grades 2 – 7 Team: $690/ $730 • Individual: $95/$110 Pee Wee Division, Coed: Grades 2 – 3 Sun • 1/25 – 3/29 • 2:30 – 3:30 pm • DCG 42056 Junior Division, Coed: Grades 4 – 5 Sun • 1/25 – 3/29 • 3:30 – 4:30 pm • DCG 42057 Senior Division, Boys: Grades 6 – 7 Sun • 1/25 – 3/29 • 4:30 – 5:30 pm • DCG 42058 Senior Division, Girls: Grades 6 – 7 Sun • 1/25 – 3/29 • 5:30 – 6:30 pm • DCG 42059 Basketball Skills Academy: Novice Grades PreK – 1 Join Golden State Warrior great Joe Ellis for skill improvement and team concepts. Sun • 1/4 – 1/25 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm DCG • $60/$80 • 42046 Sun • 2/1 – 3/1 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm DCG • $85/$105 • 42047 Sun • 3/8 – 3/29 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm DCG • $85/$105 • 42048

Adults Adult Basketball League Mon • 1/12 – 3/23 • 6:15 – 11:00 pm • DCG $710/$750 • 42050 Wed • 1/14 – 3/11 • 6:15 – 11:00 pm • DCG $710/$750 • 42051 Adult Futsol League A fast-paced, action-packed variation of soccer played 5-on-5 with a smaller-sized soccer ball on an indoor court. Sat • 1/24 – 3/28 • 11:00 am – 2:00 pm DCG • $540/$570 • 42052 Pick-Up Volleyball Court reserved for volleyball enthusiasts. No instructor provided. Thu • 1/29 – 3/26 • 8:30 – 11:00 pm • DCG $45/$70 • 42049



Swim Lessons The PJCC offers awardwinning swim lessons in Foster City’s only indoor pool. Choices include: • Group, private, and semi-private lessons for children and adults • Year-round classes for all ages and abilities To learn more, call 650.378.2782 or visit pjcc.org/aquatics.

Pre–Swim Team: Seals, Ages 5 – 12 Prepare for the Barracuda swim team! Swimmers will learn: • To swim 50 meters freestyle (no fins) with flip turns • To swim 50 meters backstroke (no fins) with a crossover turn • To swim 25 meters butterfly and breaststroke (no fins) with correct breathing

performed! No experience necessary. Sat • 1/24 • 5:00 – 6:00 pm • BR • $10 41990 Mix & Match! Reserve four spots combined for either the Neave Trio’s Up Close concert or the January 24 Kids’ Night Out, and get the workshop for free! To learn more or make reservations, call Rachel Goldman at 650.378.2764.

• The required list of nine stroke drills • The correct use of a pace clock • To develop a correct start from a sitdown dive for each of the four strokes • The correct turns for all four strokes Barracuda Youth Swim Team: Ages 5 – 18 Year-Round Program Focus on technique, endurance and speed in the outdoor pool. Swimmers must make arrangements to try out if they are new to our team. Bronze Level • For swimmers competent in 50 yards freestyle, breaststroke, and backstroke, with knowledge of butterfly. Silver Level • For swimmers competent in all four racing strokes, starts and turns, who can swim continuously for 20 minutes. Gold Level • For swimmers who can train autonomously, read a pace clock and swim distances of 200 yards or greater. Monthly Fees: $110/$135

jewish life 650.378.2764 See page 20

the arts


Up Close Concerts at the PJCC Don’t miss these intimate 60-minute performances that open with wine and cheese greetings and follow with “Meet the Artists” dessert receptions. We are happy to reserve tables for parties of four or more. Up Close at the PJCC presents The Neave Trio Bright and radiant, this striking piano trio engages and connects. Sat • 1/24 • Doors 7:30 pm, Concert 8:00 pm Lobby • $25/$30 • 41991 Add-on Special! Purchase 4 tickets to the concert and attend the workshop (see below) free! Purchase 2–3 concert tickets and add the workshop for $5 per person!

You Write the Music: Family Workshop with The Neave Trio • Ages 4+ Families, learn about the composition process and hear the music you write

Discounts on Public rates available to Foster City residents for many programs. Quantities are limited; please call for details. Member rates apply to Center Members; however, Community Members may qualify for these rates. www.pjcc.org • 650.212.PJCC (7522)

Up Close at the PJCC presents Classical Jam Popular demand brings back New York’s Classical Jam! Don’t miss their unique approach to chamber music. Presented in partnership with Music at Kohl Mansion.

Sat • 3/21 • Doors 7:30 pm/Concert 8:00 pm Lobby $25/$30 • 41978



Monday at the Movies (FCCM with community program pass) Enjoy these award-winning films followed by a lively discussion. Sound and Fury (80 min) An extended family with deaf and hearing members confront helpful technology which could threaten their personal bonds. Mon • 1/12 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • 41954 Barbara (105 min) Barbara, a doctor in 1980s East Germany, is reassigned as punishment for trying to find work in the West. Biding time until her lover can help her defect, Barbara begins to suspect that her new boss knows of her plans. German with English subtitles. Mon • 1/26 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • 41955 The Lunchbox (105 min) When a lunchbox service erroneously sends a meal prepared by a young housewife to a lonely widower, it ignites an intimate exchange. Hindi with English subtitles. Mon • 2/9 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • 41956 Inequality for All (88 min) Former U.S. Secretary of Labor and UC Berkeley professor Robert Reich’s study of the widening U.S. economic gap. Mon • 2/23 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • 41957 Connections

Winter 2015


programs January/February/March 2015

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

adults cont’d. Awakenings (120 min) A neurologist tests an experimental drug on a catatonic patient who awakens from his 30-year stupor. Mon • 3/9 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • 41958 Since Otar Left (103 min) A woman receives regular letters from her son. When he dies, her other children fake his letters, hoping to spare their mother pain. French with English subtitles. Mon • 3/23 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • 41959

Groups and Clubs Sit and Knit (FMP) Mon • Weekly • 10:30 am – 12:30 pm • AL Drop-in • 41967 Let’s Talk About It (FMP) Lively discussions about topical events. Wed • Weekly • 2:00 – 3:15 pm • AB • 41947 Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman (FMP) See page 20

Men’s Discussion Group (FCCM) A lively discussion group for all men, regardless of age or viewpoint. Morning Mon • 1/26, 2/23, 3/16 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • AB • Public $3.50 per meeting • Jan 41960 • Feb 41961 Mar 41962 Evening Wed • 1/14, 2/11, 3/11 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • C Public $3.50 per meeting Jan 41963 • Feb 41964 • Mar 41965 Yiddish Club (FCCM) See page 20 Jewish Book Discussion See page 20

Holidays closures and no-class dates at pjcc.org/info/info-hours

Advanced Bridge with Supervised Play Review of conventions with supervised play. Tue • 1/6 – 3/24 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm AB • $166/$215 • 41930 Bridge: Supervised Play Supervised play for all levels. No instruction provided, but instructor is present for consultation on all hands. Wed • 1/7 – 3/25 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm AB • $10/$12 per session • 41936 A Morning of Mah Jongg (FCCM) Beginning to intermediate level. Bring your current Mah Jongg card. Fri • 1/9, 1/23, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27 10:30 am – 12:30 pm • AB • Public $3.50 per meeting • 41949

An Afternoon of Mah Jongg (FCCM) No instructor present; intermediate to advanced level. Bring your current Mah Jongg card. Thu • 1/8 – 3/26 • 1:00 – 4:00 pm • AB Public $3.50 per meeting • 41950

PJCC Mah Jongg Tournament A benefit for PJCC older adult programs and services

Sunday • January 11, 2015

9:30 am – 3:15 pm • MPR • 41952 $45 through 12/23 • $50 after 12/23 Includes lunch and cash prizes! To register, call Rachel Goldman at 650.378.2764.

Mah Jongg Class for Beginners Learn the basics of American-style Mah Jongg. Fee includes current Mah Jongg card. Fri • 2/6 – 2/27 • 11:00 am – 1:00 pm • C $47/$61 • 41951


Drop-in Bridge (FCCM) For intermediate-level bridge players. Tue • Weekly • 1:00 – 3:30 pm • BR $3.50 per meeting · 41935

It’s Your Turn Now: Lifestyle Planning for 50+ At age 50+ you have 25 – 30 bonus years to enjoy the lifestyle or work you’ve always wanted. Start planning now with specific tools to achieve your goals. Sun • 1/18 • 1:00 – 5:00 pm • AB • $10/$15 42521

Beginning Bridge Learn the basics with an emphasis on bidding and the play of the hand. Some previous experience required. Thu • 1/8 – 3/26 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm AB • $166/$215 • 41927

Beginning Watercolors Learn basic watercolor and pencil layout techniques through step-by-step demonstrations. Fri • 1/23 – 2/27 • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm AR • $180/$225 • 41926

Intermediate Bridge with Supervised Play Learn additional conventions with supervised play. Fri • 1/9 – 3/27 • 1:00 – 3:00 pm • AB $152/$198 • 41929

Introduction to Chinese Brush Painting Learn how to create your own piece of art through step-by-step demonstrations. Materials included. Tue • 1/27 • 6:30 – 9:00 pm • AR • $50/$60 41932

Games People Play


Winter 2015

Chinese Brush Painting 101 Learn about Chinese brush painting and Western painting techniques through step-by-step demonstrations. Tue • 2/10 – 3/31 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm AR • $138/$172 • $15 MF • 41933

Introductory Photography Course Members of the Peninsula Camera Club will share their expertise in all aspects of photo taking and processing. Off-site field trip on Sunday, 3/22. Mon • 2/23 – 3/30 • 7:30 – 9:00 pm • AB $140/$170 • 41966 Dance for Joy Combines dance elements of Latin, Jazz, and musical theater. No dance experience or partner required. Thu • 2/5 – 3/5 • 2:00 – 2:50 pm • GX $30/$40 • 41934 Running Marathons on the Seven Continents (FMP) PJCC Personal Trainer Karen Pinckard has completed marathons on all seven continents. Hear about her adventures from Antarctica to the Great Wall of China. Wed • 2/18 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • AB • 41953 Tasting Jerusalem See “Jewish Wellness” on page 21. Food For Thought (FCCM) Learn something new from the best local authors, artists, and educators. For scheduled topics, visit pjcc.org and click on “activities & learning” tab. Mon • 1/5, 2/2, 3/2, 3/16 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm BR • Public $4 per meeting

Events, Trips, & Tours Kurt Elling Swings Sinatra at SFJazz Find out why The New York Times called bopping baritone Kurt Elling “the jazz stand-out male vocalist of our time.” Sun • 2/22 • Evening trip • San Francisco $25/$30 • 41946 “Gotta Dance!” Great Moments of Dance in Film The greatest dance sequences of the silver screen are brought to life accompanied by the SF Symphony. Sat • 3/28 • Evening trip • San Francisco $25/$30 • 41941 The above two trips are made possible by a grant from the community-wide Senior Excursion Fund of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma, for seniors who are mobility, financially, or physically impaired and for whom these trips would not otherwise be possible. Participants may attend only one of five Senior Excursion trips between 7/1/2014 and 6/30/2015.

AB Room AB • AL Adult Lounge • AR Art Room • BR Board Room • C Room C • D Room D • CRA Conference Room A • DCG Daniel Cook Gymnasium Connections ECK ECE Kitchen • GX Group Ex Studio • HG Hamlin Garden • MPR ECE Multi-Purpose Room • L Lobby • TA Treehouse A • TB Treehouse B TF Turf Field • TF2 Turf Field Near Pool • WK Wornick School • YS Yoga Studio


Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

adults cont’d. Blithe Spirit Angela Lansbury returns to the stage as a medium who unwittingly summons the ghost of a client’s first wife, who sets about sabotaging his current marriage. Wed • 1/28 • Day trip • San Francisco $95/$115 • 42523. 2015 San Francisco Symphony Sampler Subscription This 3-concert Thursday matinee subscription includes transportation, a no-host lunch and pre-concert lectures. For details and to register, contact Rachel Goldman at 650.378.2764 Thu • 3/12, 4/30, 5/14 • Day trip San Francisco • $285/$335 • 41473 San Francisco Ballet 2015 Series Enjoy good seats with this matinee subscription series for adults 65+. For details and to register, contact Rachel Goldman at 650.378.2764 Sat • 2/7, 2/28, 3/21, 4/18, 5/2 • Day trip San Francisco 40753

Member Mixers (FC) For Center Members and guests 21+, except when noted. Limited childcare available. 150 JCC Rewards points when you RSVP and attend. Call 650.378.2703. Professional Networking Network, mingle and mix with professionals and executives. Afterward, stay for our inspiring free lecture on Israeli innovation. See page 21. Wed • 1/21 • 5:30 – 7:00 pm • CRA • 42020 Morning Mixer Join us for a morning of noshing and mingling. Wed • 3/4 • 9:00 – 11:00 am • CRA • 42021

Programs without transportation are open to all adults. A low-cost lunch is available by reservation only. Advance registration is required for transportation (see above). Get Up & Go is supported by gifts to the PJCC and grants from: The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund and The Jewish Community Endowment Newhouse Fund; Sequoia Hospital/Dignity Health; the Peninsula Health Care District; Mills-Peninsula Health Services; and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s New Freedom Fund.

Jack Convery—The Banjo’s Back Convery brings America’s favorite instrument to life playing American standards—he performs requests too! Wed • 1/7 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41979 The EJ’s Musical Review Eric Riberio on vocals and Joan Connolly on piano will play sunny favorites in the heart of winter! Wed • 1/21 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41981 Backstage with Norman Rizzi A former SF Opera “Scenic Artist-inCharge” gives his behind-the-scenes perspective with video and commentary. Wed • 2/4 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41982 Love is in the Air Violinist Daphna Rahmil and guitarist Bruce Barley share their favorite love songs. Wed • 2/18 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41986 Fiddler on the Roof and Jerome Robbins Popular performer Steve Gill and his troupe present a glimpse into the background of Jerome Robbins and his iconic musical. Wed • 3/4 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41987 Matt Bacon—Spanish & Flamenco Guitar A diverse blend of Spanish classical and flamenco guitar that ranges from soft lyricism to fiery dance-influenced pieces. Wed • 3/18 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41988

Family Activities

March Into Wellness Mixer March your way to good health with advice from Jeannie Solomon, PJCC Wellness Coach. Wed • 3/18 • 5:30 – 7:00 pm • CRA • 42023

Registration is required for most programs. Wornick students please call 650.378.2703 to register.

Get Up & Go •

Kid-friendly gym equipped with soft mats, climbing structures and more. Wristband required; available at Welcome Center. Sun • Weekly • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm • DCG


Get Up & Go is an activity and errandtransportation service for adults who no longer drive. Register for activities or transportation at 650.378.2750. Errand and Appointment Transportation Service $6 round trip Monday, Tuesday and Friday within San Mateo County for medical or personal appointments and grocery shopping. Reservations required by Wednesday the week before. Volunteer escorts are available. Socialization Program Free for regular attendees and members $5 for first-time guests

Family Gym Free for parents and children who are Center Members

programs January/February/March 2015

grow justice: fight hunger 650.378.2703 Grow Justice: Fight Hunger Garden Service Days (FMP) Help alleviate hunger by growing organic vegetables for distribution to residents of the InnVision Shelter Network. Sun • 1/18, 2/22, 3/15 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • HG Jan 42014 • Feb 42015 • Mar 42016

Youth & Teen Sewing: Grades 2 – 5 Create your own fashion line and sew red-carpet ready clothes and accessories. Mon • 1/12 – 3/30 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • AR $170/$220 • 42038 Creative Dance: Grades K – 5 (FC) Discover the principles of rhythm, movement and body awareness. Grades K – 1 Mon • 1/12 – 3/30 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • YS $140 • 41996 Grades 2 – 5 Tue • 1/13 – 3/31 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • YS $140 • 41997 Pop Stars: Grades K – 5 Learn choreography, lyrics and performance skills—then perform on stage! Tue • 1/13 – 3/31 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • AB $230/$280 • 42036 Beginning Gymnastics: Grades K – 2 (FC) Learn basic skills, develop body awareness, strength conditioning and self-esteem in a safe environment. Wed • 1/14 – 3/25 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • DCG $140 • 42001 Inventionation: Grades 2 – 5 Use basic materials, simple machines, and tips from world-famous inventors! Wed • 1/14 – 3/25 • 4:30 – 5:30 pm • AR $210/$260 • 42004 Beginning Soccer: Grades Pre K – K A fun and educational co-ed soccer class emphasizing individual and team skills. Wed • 1/14 – 3/25 • 3:00 – 4:00 pm • TF2 $210/$260 • 41995 Youth Soccer: Grades 1 – 5 Learn soccer basics in a non-competitive, positive environment.

You Write the Music: Family Workshop with the Neave Trio See page 23

Grades 1 – 2 Wed • 1/14 – 3/25 • 4:05 – 5:05 pm • TF2 $210/$260 • 42044

2nd Annual PJCC Family Camp Don’t miss this family weekend filled with campfires, hiking, games, and “s’more” with Camp Keff professionals!

Grades 3 – 5 Fri • 1/16 – 3/20 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • TF2 $190/$240 • 42045

Sat-Sun • 3/21 – 3/22 • Per person $75/$90 • Per family $250/$310

Mixed Media: Grades K – 5 (FC) Learn how to employ multiple techniques with various media to create great art.

Baby Sign Language Introductory Workshop See page 26

Grades K – 1 Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • AR $140 • $40 MF • 42027

Discounts on Public rates available to Foster City residents for many programs. Quantities are limited; please call for details. Member rates apply to Center Members; however, Community Members may qualify for these rates. www.pjcc.org • 650.212.PJCC (7522)


Winter 2015


programs January/February/March 2015

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public Holidays closures and no-class dates at pjcc.org/info/info-hours

youth & teen cont’d.

Baby and Me

Grades 2 – 5 Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 5:00 – 6:00 pm • AR $140 • $40 MF • 42028

Baby Sign Language Introductory Workshop For parents of babies newborn to 24 months. Learn 40 basic signs and teach your pre-verbal baby to sign. Tue • 1/20 • 10:00 – 11:30 am • BR • $20/25 42107

Kidventor’s Lab: Grades K – 5 Build, dismantle, mix, and more in one of our workspaces specifically designed for kid inventors. Registration required. Sun • 2/8 • 1:00 – 3:00 pm • AB • $12/$15 42086 Summer Kick-off (FMP) Sunday, January 25, 2015 11:00 am – 2:00 pm • Dan Cook Gym Get a sneak peek at the exciting plans we have in store this summer!

Youth Fitness Kids Yoga: Grades 3 – 5 (FC) Mon • 1/12 – 3/30 • 4:30 – 5:25 pm • GX $140 • 42062 Kids Fitness: Grades K – 5 (FC) Includes jumping, obstacle courses, fitness games, and coordination drills that will improve balance, agility, and coordination. Grades K – 2 (FC) Tue • 1/13 – 3/31 • 4:00 – 4:55 pm • GX $140 • 42063 Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 4:00 – 4:55 pm • GX $140 • 42068 Fri • 1/16 – 3/20 • 3:30 – 4:25 pm • GX $140 • 42066 Sat • 1/17 – 3/21 • 9:00 – 10:15 am • DCG $140 • 42067 Grades 3 – 5 Fri • 1/16 – 3/20 • 3:30 – 4:25 pm • DCG $140 • 42065 Sporty Kids: Grades 3 – 5 (FC) Wed • 1/14 – 3/25 • 3:30 – 4:25 pm • DCG $140 • 42064 Kids’ Night Out! Age 3 – Grade 5 Take the night off and send your kids to the Treehouse! They’ll join friends for entertainment, dinner, and fun. Advance $33/$40; Noon Friday prior $38/$45 Sat • 1/24 • 6:00 – 10:00 pm • 42009 Sat • 2/7 • 6:00 – 10:00 pm • 42010 Sat • 3/7 • 6:00 – 10:00 pm • 42011

Early Childhood Education ECE Parent Information Meeting and Tour (FMP) Tour our award-winning Early Childhood Education center, meet with our Directors, and hear about our exciting curriculum. Optional tour of the PJCC pools and fitness facility available. Wed • 1/21, 2/18, 3/18 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm MPR • Jan 42022 • Feb 42024 • Mar 42025

The Truth About Motherhood (FMP) Bring your little one and share your success (and challenges!) with friends. Fri • 1/16 – 3/20 • 9:30 – 10:30 am • BR 42041 Soccer Stars: Ages 2 – 3 Promotes motor skill development, teamwork, and cognitive ability. Sat • 1/10 – 3/21 • 9:15 – 10:00 am • TF2 $170/$220 • 42039 Basketball: Ages 2 – 3 Instill a love of basketball in your little ones as you help them learn the game. Sun • 1/11 – 3/15 • 9:15 – 10:00 am • DCG $150/$200 • 42086 Music Together: 1 Month – 4 Years Age-appropriate musical activities for young children and parents. Receive a sibling discount when you register two more kids. Mon • 1/12 – 3/16 • 9:30 – 10:15 am • BR $170/$220 • 42030 Mon • 1/12 – 3/16 • 10:30 – 11:15 am • BR $170/$220 • 42031 Wed • 1/14 • 3/18 • 9:30 – 10:15 am • BR $200/$250 • 42032 Wed • 1/14 • 3/18 • 10:30 – 11:15 am • BR $200/$250 • 42033 Gymnotot: Ages 1 – 2 (walkers) Develop coordination, body awareness, strength, and self-confidence. Parent/ caregiver participation required. Tue • 1/13 – 3/17 • 9:30 – 10:15 am • DCG $190/$240 • 42002 Babilates: 3 Months – 1 Year Tone your body with Pilates exercises while you bond with your little one! Wed • 1/14 – 3/18 • 10:00 – 10:55 am CRA • $190/$240 • 41993 Yoga and Massage: 2 Months – 2 Years Massage for youngsters is an important tool for healthy mental and physical development. It benefits both you and your child and reinforces precious bonding. Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 11:00 – 11:55 am • YS $190/$240 • 42042

Specialty Programs Beginning Hoopsters: Ages 3 – 5 Basketball basics for beginners. Mon • 1/12 – 3/16 • 1:05 – 1:55 pm • DCG $160/$210 • 41994 Masterpiece Painting: Ages 3 – 5 Children will learn about shape, color,


Winter 2015

composition and art history. Mon • 1/12 – 3/16 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm ECE RM 12 • $160/$210 • $20 MF • 42026 Inventor’s Lab: Ages 3 – 5 Mechanical principles of gears, levers, pulleys, wheels and axles, as well as gravity, flotation, and balance. Tue • 1/13 – 3/17 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm ECE RM 12 • $195/$245 • 42006 Sense-ational Kids: Ages 3 – 5 Children activate senses and cultivate skills while progressing through a series of guided, themed sensory-motor activities. Tue • 1/13 – 3/17 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $195/$245 • 42037 Lil’ Monkey Gymnastics: Ages 3 – 5 Develops coordination, body awareness, strength and self-confidence. Wed • 1/14 – 3/18 • 1:05 – 1:55 pm • DCG $195/$245 • 42000 Young Rembrandts: Ages 3 – 5 Develops fine-motor skills and academic, conceptual, and critical-thinking skills. Wed • 1/14 – 3/18 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECE RM 12 • $195/$245 • 42043 Pee Wee Soccer: Age 3 Develop gross-motor skills, enhance coordination, and increase self-confidence in this non-competitive environment. Wed • 1/14 – 3/18 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $195/$245 • 42035 Incredible Art of Cooking: Ages 3 – 5 NEW! Explore healthy cooking through recipes, selecting and measuring ingredients, food preparation and tasting. Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECE Kitchen • $195/$245 • $20 MF • 41998 Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 3:00 – 4:00 pm • ECE Kitchen • $195/$245 • $20 MF • 41999 Kee Tov Soccer: Ages 4 – 5 Non-competitive curriculum that features positive coaching in a pressure-free environment. Registration required. Thu • 1/15 – 3/19 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $195/$245 • 42007 Happy Feet Dance: Ages 3 – 5 Develop balance, rhythm, flexibility, and coordination while learning tap, jazz and ballet. Fri • 1/16 – 3/20 • 1:05 – 1:55 pm • GX $175/$225 • 42003 Music Fun Time: Ages 3 – 5 This class is the ultimate introduction to the world of music. Materials include a bag of instruments to take home and keep. Fri • 1/16 – 3/20 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm ECE RM 12 • $175/$225 • $40 MF • 42029 Tiger Tots: Ages 3 – 5 This martial arts class includes games and practice drills that help develop balance, coordination, strength, and more. Fri • 1/16 – 3/20 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $175/$225 • 42040

AB Room AB • AL Adult Lounge • AR Art Room • BR Board Room • C Room C • D Room D • CRA Conference Room A • DCG Daniel Cook Gymnasium Connections ECK ECE Kitchen • GX Group Ex Studio • HG Hamlin Garden • MPR ECE Multi-Purpose Room • L Lobby • TA Treehouse A • TB Treehouse B TF Turf Field • TF2 Turf Field Near Pool • WK Wornick School • YS Yoga Studio

Full program descriptions in previous section

PJCC Art Gallery presents Israeli Innovation January 14 – March 23, 2015 Sit and Knit Mon • Weekly • 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Let’s Talk About It Wed • Weekly • 2:00 – 3:15 pm

January/February/March 2015

Healing Yoga for Cancer Patients Fri • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:45 pm

Camp Keff Summer Kick-off Sun • 1/25 • 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Garden Service Days Sun • 1/18, 2/22, 3/15 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Living Healthy Workshop Tue • 2/3 – 3/17 • 1:00 – 2:45 pm

The Truth About Motherhood Fri • 1/9 – 3/20 • 9:30 – 10:30 am

Celebration of Jewish Authors: The Sciences Sun • 2/8 • 12:30 – 5:00 pm

ECE Parent Information Meeting and Tour Wed • 1/21, 2/18, 3/18 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Take a Breath: An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Thu • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:30 pm

Israeli Innovation Art Exhibition Opening and Presentation Wed • 1/21 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Life, It’s Complicated: Jewish Perspectives Thu • Weekly • 10:30 – 11:30 am

PJCC Open House Sun • 1/25 • 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Shabbat in the Lobby Fri • Weekly • 3:30 pm

Running Marathons on the Seven Continents (FMP) Wed • 2/18 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm Adam de la Zerda: Breakthroughs in Molecular Imaging Thu • 2/26 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm

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free programs












S AV E T H E DAT E Sunday, May 17, 2015  |  6:00 – 9:00 pm  |  PJCC Live Auction  |  Acoustic Music  |  Food & Drinks  |  “Wine” Dancing  |  Poetry Jam  |  Blind Tastings

www.pjcc.org/benefit This fundraising event supports critical programs and services the PJCC offers to the community.


Winter 2015



Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 822 San Mateo, CA 94402

Peninsula Jewish Community Center 800 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404

Mixed Sources

Product group from well-managed forests and other controlled resources www.fsc.org Cert no. SCS-COC-001494 © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council

“We joined the PJCC looking for more than just a place to exercise. We were looking for a place to center our lives and form a community. We also knew our children would love the preschool and make lifelong friends at Camp Keff. We feel so fortunate to be part of this community.”

PJCC Members The Krishnan Family

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