Idiomatic Expressions Unit 7:Relationships

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Idiomatic Expressions Unit 7: Relationships 1. ask for someone’s hand- ask someone to marry you

16. have a thing for (someone)- be attracted and care a lot about someone

2. attracted to- feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone

17. head over heels in love with someonebe very much in love with someone

3. blind date- a date where two people have never met before

18. hit it off (with someone)- get along well with someone (usually from the beginning)

4. break up- to end a relationship

19. hung up on someone- be obsessed with another person

5. cradle robber- a person younger than you 6. crazy about (someone)- think that another person is wonderful 7. double date- a date where two couples get together to do something 8. dump someone- end a relationship by telling someone that you don't want to see him or her

20. lady killer- a man who is extremely attractive to women 21. love is blind- you can not see any faults in the person you love 22. made for each other- two people who get along extremely well

9. fall for (someone)- fall in love with someone

23. make eyes at someone- look at someone in a way that makes it clear that you like that person and find them attractive

10. find Mr. Right- find the right or perfect person

24. a match made in heaven- a couple who get along perfectly

11. get serious- a relationship becomes serious and long-term

25. on the rocks- a relationship or a marriage that is experiencing problems

12. go Dutch- a date where each person pays half of the expense

26. the one- the right partner, the one to marry

13. good together- two people who get along well with each other

27. one and only- the only person that one loves

14. go steady- date one person regularly (not so common recently but at one time used often by teenagers)

28. play hard to get- to appear not interested in someone

15. have a crush (on someone)- have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results)

29. pop the question- ask someone to marry you 30. tie the knot- to get married

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