What, where, when? Guidelines Study for incoming at PJAIT Erasmus+ students Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology
1. Enrolling step by step Application, flat, choosing courses
1. Enrolling step by step Application, flat, choosing courses
Online application Fill our online application ASAP after your nomination has been sent from your univer to PJAIT. You will be asked to attach CV when filling the form. If you are an art/design studen please attach PDF/paste a website of your portfolio.
Fill our online application form ASAP after your nomination has been sent from your university to PJAIT. You will be asked to attach your CV when filling the form. If you are an art/design student, please attach PDF/paste a link to website of your portfolio.
3 Enrolling step by step
Online application
Join the FB groups for an easy communication with PJAIT’s students. PJAIT exchange students’ group, general group of all PJAIT’s students (mostly in Polish).
4 Enrolling step by step
Facebook groups
Place to stay Find yourself a place to stay in Warsaw for the mobility period. PJAIT does not rent or own student dorms. It is worth to ask PJAIT students (via FB groups – look above), who will be studying abroad at the same time: is it possible to rent their flat during their mobility period.
1.3 Rent a flat in Warsaw – Wynajem mieszkania Warszawa Rent a room in Warsaw – Wynajem pokoju Warszawa
Websites to look for a flat: Biggest FB groups, OLX, Gumtree.
5 Enrolling step by step
See PJAIT’s selected specialisation study program: courses and its syllabuses. The study programmes are here: New Media Art syllabuses and program IT syllabuses and program
6 Enrolling step by step
1.4 Courses’ programs
Learning Agreement Choose the courses for your Learning Agreement with your Erasmus Coordinator.
It is advised for you to choose courses of a specific semester and level of study – parallel to your level of study at your home university.
7 Enrolling step by step
1.6 Choices of the courses
1.7 Studying groups
You are however allowed to choose from BA and MA level courses at PJ Mind though it can weaken your social experience – it will be harder for you to integrate and being supported by students community while not sharing the same study path with specific group of students.
Studying groups
You are however allowed to choose from BA and MA level courses at PJAIT. Mind though it can weaken your social experience – it will be harder for you to integrate and being supported by students community while not sharing the same study path with specific group of students.
One year group of students at PJAIT is divided into numerous groups of 15 persons max (e.g. 7 at the New Media Departament BA).
8 Enrolling step by step
Classes’ schedule Please keep in mind while making choices for your Learning Agreement that the courses cannot interfere. You can check courses’ timetable in PJAIT’s classes’ schedule. It’s easy to find a specific course by looking (CTRL + F) for 3-letter + digits symbols of the course. The schedule is organised by days of the week.
9 Enrolling step by step
.2 During the scholarship stay International Exchange Office, timetable, student number & e-mail
.2 During the scholarship stay International Exchange Office, timetable, student number & e-mail
Exchange office Visit the PJAIT’s International Exchange Office ASAP after your arrival – you will get all the info and support needed.
the coordinator Olga Wroniewicz (mobile: +48 512 957 767) the officer Arkadiusz Frydrych (phone: +48 22 58 44 544) e-mail: pjint@pja.edu.pl Address: PJAIT’s main building: Koszykowa 86, Warsaw. Ground floor, room 16 (straight on from the main entrance, vis a vis the library).
11 During the scholarship stay
Classes timetable Get to know your schedule. Find the timetable of courses and labs here: PJAIT classes timetable.
12 During the scholarship stay
Student number You will get PJAIT student number when you arrive. Student’s number is integrated with your PJAIT’s e-mail account: ‘studentNo’@ pjwstk.edu.pl. Your student number allows you to log-in to all of the school’s computers (your own account in Academy’s cloud).
Log-in to WIFI
WIFI is free and available for all the students at PJAIT’s campus through an international Eduroam system. To log-in on e.g. your laptop: choose Eduroam network. Login – your PJAIT e-mail, password – a password to your PJAIT account.
13 During the scholarship stay
Check your student e-mail (‘studentNo’@pjwstk.edu.pl) daily for important information from your lecturers. PJAIT’s communication policy relies on e-mails. Checking Academy’s e-mail account is obligatory for all the students.
14 During the scholarship stay
Your e-mail address
First week During the you should br to know can attend as man It should help you find most in in case you are allow Learning Agr
During the first week of the semester you should browse the courses and get to know their aims – first week you can attend as many courses as you wish. It should help you decide on the courses you find most interesting and relevant, in case you wish to change something you are allowed to propose changes in your Learning Agreement.
15 During the scholarship stay
First week
Changing courses
Regarding the choice of the courses: you can propose changes to your Learning Agreement after you arrive. You have to pass the final decision to your home, and PJAIT’s International Office during the first two weeks of the semester. This is the last moment for changing the choice of courses.
16 During the scholarship stay
Attending classes PJAIT students are obliged to follow the strict attendance policy: 80% minimum for all courses and lectures they have taken.
17 During the scholarship stay
After retur to home c Sharing photos, works and experie
After returning home country photos, works and experience
Sharing photos Please share with us some photos of your stay in Warsaw. We will be happy to share it, to further promote Erasmus mobility for students.
19 After returning to home country
If you’ve been studying at the New Media Department, please, share the projects you created at PJAIT: posters, case studies, animations, etc. We would love to make it visible to promote the value of the mobility.
20 After returning to home country
Sharing works
Sharing experience Please share your experience at PJAIT with your colleagues at your home university.
21 After returning to home country
Good luck! Contact: the coordinator Olga Wroniewicz (mobile: +48 512 957 767) the officer Arkadiusz Frydrych (phone: +48 22 58 44 544) e-mail: pjint@pja.edu.pl PJAIT, room 16, Koszykowa 86, Warsaw.