www.pastorsjournalmag.com 5 Things to know about Retirement Marcus Benjamin Traditionally, retirement has been defined as the period of your life beyond 59 ½ where you live off the investment decisions you have made over your working life. So, if you are going to retire the traditional way, you need to make wise investment choices during your working life. Read More online at www.pastorsjournalmag.com.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service January 20, 2014 Serve on king day, and throughout the year. Make it a day on, not a day off. Go to: www.mlkday.gov for more information.
“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” ˗ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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When Christians Become Depressed There are major causes of depression such as: biological/genetic, learned helplessness, rejection, abuse,
trauma, and severe life stressors. The word depression is used to describe everything from a day full of work and life stressors to the actual deep dark hopeless state of mind. The Bible actually does not use the word depression, but describes people, symptoms and behavior that clearly indicate depression. Learn more online at www.pastorsjournalmag.com.
LEAD THE WAY Welcome to Pastors Journal Magazine (PJM), a Christian print and digital magazine dedicated exclusively for the empowerment of Christian pastors, Christian leaders, and the organizations they serve. PJM strives to address christian leaders in the church, community, and marketplace. Each issue is complete with valuable biblical and leadership information for Christian leaders, as well as additional features and departments, to include:
• Christian Small Business Information • Christians in the Marketplace • Christian Universities Information • Church Administration Guidance • Various Christian Vendors • Travel & Living Information • Money Matters • Wellness & Nutrition • Information on Church and Leadership Conferences and more!
PASTORS’ JOURNAL Editorial Team......................... Thelma Lane Oge Ubesie Art Team............................Chadd Bonesteel Derrick Davis Production Team........................H.D. Green Bruce Lane Circulation.................................Carol Ervin Gail Brown Website & Digital Content Coordinator..............Kiosha Gregg Marketing Consultant.............Thelma Lane Pastors’ Journal Magazine, PJM, is a quarterly publication, produced by Grace Evangelical Association. Marcus R. Shiver Sr. serves as the editorial director. PJM’s Contact Information: Website: www.pastorsjournalmag.com Email address: pastorsjournal@gmail.com Phone: 803.771.2425 (O), 803.238.2806 (C)
• Christian Leaders Highlights • Christian Organizational Highlights • Christian Business Practices
Body language can tell you all sorts of things. Like someone is having a stroke.
Know the sudden signs.
Spot a stroke F.A.S.T.
GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS “Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. “Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!“ Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me! Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! © 1923. Ren. 1951 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL 60188/www.hopepublishing.com All rights reserved.
Sub-Titles: There is no shadow of turning with Thee; As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. Morning by morning new mercies I see; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
DEVOTIONAL Six Freedoms by Billy Graham
The world is searching desperately for peace and freedom. There is no possibility of world peace until the individual has found peace, because the world is made up of individuals. John Kenyon has listed six freedoms necessary for real peace for the individual and thus for the nation and the world. First, there is freedom from God’s law. The Bible says we “all have sinned” and “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 3:23, 6:23). It is impossible to have peace without assurance of pardon. All people are born into the slavery of sin. That slavery is far more binding than anything people could impose. It is useless to talk about peace unless we have emancipation from this slavery to sin. The Bible teaches that all of us are born under a colossal debt. Even as babies in America are born into our national debt, and each must share in it in the future, so every descendant of Adam is born into the debt of a sin nature which later progresses into personal sin. The only hope of freedom for you, the only way you can be emancipated from the chains of this debt, is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He redeemed us from the slave markets of sin.
gigantic armaments to protect the American people; this gives a certain sense of security and safety. And yet we still have a sense of uneasiness and fear. The Bible even commands sinners to be afraid. “But if you do evil, be afraid,” the Bible says (Romans 13:4). We have done evil. We have forgotten God. It is time that we fear God. If there is no fear of God in the hearts of people, then there is little hope indeed. Only Christ can say, “Do not fear.” And He says it not to the world, but to His own (Luke 12:32). “Fear not, for I have overcome the world,” He said (Cf. John 16:33). Only in Christ can we have freedom from fear. The United Nations is filled with suspicions, with criticisms of each other and with fear. The shadow of war hangs over the beautiful building on the bank of the East River in Manhattan. The only personality in the universe at this hour who can remove that fear is Christ, for He is the Prince of Peace. The third freedom that is necessary is the freedom from want. There must be the assurance of provision. All mankind is searching for ideal conditions in a world that is anything but ideal. Many people think the world owes them a living. If that is true, who is going to pay off this indebtedness? Everything that you receive free, somebody had to work to pay for.
But that freedom, that payment and that pardon must be appropriated by the individual—you must receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. Therefore, there must come a point in your life when you accept and appropriate for yourself this freedom from sin and the broken law of God.
I am convinced that a peace built upon promises of keeping people free from want is precarious. We can try, but populations are increasing at astounding rates. There are more hungry people today than ever before. There are more diseased people than ever before.
The second freedom essential for peace is freedom from fear. There must be assurance of protection. We build
I know of only one Ruler who can supply our needs. The Bible says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” 5
(Psalm 23:1). That promise is made to the people of God. He can give us perfect contentment. The Scripture says He will supply all of our needs “according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). The Christian has a right to call upon the inexhaustible supply of God to meet his needs. Fourth, we must have freedom from death. Unless we have this freedom, everything else is in danger. Death cancels out every blessing. Nothing matters if death ends all. “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). And yet it is painfully obvious that no person or nation can give freedom from death. Everyone has a death sentence hanging over him at this hour. How can governments expect to keep the world at peace when the peoples of the world are marching to certain doom?
companionship. Left entirely to itself, it cannot enjoy anything. God said in the beginning, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). The creation of Eve was the beginning of human companionship. God’s people are a body, not intended to function separately, not intended to be unconcerned for one another. The only true body in the world is the Church. The world may talk grandly of brotherhood, but in reality its philosophy is “each man for himself.” God’s children are guaranteed the richest and truest friendship both here and hereafter. “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another,” said Jesus (John 13:35).
One of the basic desires of the soul is to live on and on. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. People may grow tired of aches and pains and the decrepitude of old age, but they do not grow tired of life itself. God has arranged to satisfy this yearning of the soul to live forever and this desire to be free from pain and sickness and trouble. Humans are little creatures with big capacities, finite beings with infinite desires, deserving nothing but demanding all. God made us with this huge capacity and desire in order that He might come in and completely satisfy that desire. God made the human heart so big that only He can fill it. He made it demand so much that only He can supply that demand. No government can compete with God. The government has nothing satisfying to offer to the soul, and therefore it cannot bring peace of soul. Jesus Christ is the only one who holds the keys of death. In His death and resurrection, He took the sting out of death, and now God offers eternal life to every person who puts his or her trust and faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Fifth, there is freedom from isolation. The human soul is a lonely thing. It must have assurance of 6
Only in true friendship and true love do we find a genuine basis for peace. And only God can break down the national and racial barriers that divide people today. Only God can supply that love we must have for our fellow human beings.
We will never build brotherhood of people on earth until we are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. The only true cohesive power in the world is Christ. He alone can bind human hearts together in genuine love. Until this genuine love and trust and comradeship are evident among peoples of all races and nationalities, there can never be permanent world peace.
Christ can give. There is meaning and purpose in living. Do you have it? If not, you can have it right now by making your commitment and your decision to receive Christ as your Lord and Savior. Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version. “Six Freedoms – Real peace for the individual, the nation and the world” by Billy Graham © 1965 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Sixth, there must be freedom from eviction. The human heart craves a permanent home. To any thoughtful person the prospect of being evicted at the close of this life is terrifying. This is just what death amounts to for those who do not know Jesus Christ. There is nothing more dreary and forlorn than homelessness. And the unconverted not only face this eviction, but they must go into a place that Jesus warned about, called hell. One moment in hell will convince any person that however many blessings and delights he may have had during this life, all were just mockery. Thanks be unto God, believers in Christ have the assurance that they are going to a home where all is happiness, joy and peace. This blessed hope fortifies us to bear our hardships. We will not insist on our wants here and fight over our rights, but we will be willing to suffer the loss of all things for the sake of those things that are yet to come. Earthly possessions will not vitally concern us. The quality here may be poor, but the Bible teaches that the quality there is far better. The possessions here will pass away; the possessions there are enduring. It is honorable, right and praiseworthy that our leaders should seek and promote national and world peace; but they must recognize its limitations without Christ, the Prince of Peace. The Bible teaches that the world will never come to this place of tranquility and permanent peace until Christ, the Prince of Peace, comes back to this earth. When He comes to reign and rule, man shall know war no more. I am looking forward to that glorious day when Jesus Christ will be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Are you? I entered that Kingdom by being born again, by repenting of my sins and receiving Christ as my Savior. I have the peace and assurance that only 7
LEAD THE WAY Building a High Performance Team by. Greg Harris
Since the beginning of creation, God has intended for man to be in unity with God and with others. During the creation, God said that it was good after each day, but after God made a woman, a help mate or companion for man, He said “It is very good” (Gen. 1:31). It was God’s intention that Adam and Eve operate as a team to fulfill His plan.
suffer and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations...” (Luke 24: 46-47). Our common goal is to spread the gospel to all nations. That could mean that some may have to go to a foreign land or we, as the church, just simply need to go to the next neighborhood.
A team is a number of persons associated in some joint action, and teamwork is defined as the cooperative effort on the part of a group acting together as a team in the interests of a common cause.
A Biblical example in the New Testament is when Paul is troubled, because of some divisions, quarrelling and rivalry in the church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 3:1-11). It seems there was another great Christian leader called Apollos, and many of the Christians in Corinth followed him as their minister and leader, while others followed Paul and it was causing strife. Paul writes to say they
What is our common cause? Luke says “Thus, it is written, and thus it was necessary for Christ to
are completely wrong to be quarrelling like that. He doesn’t understand the vision and goals of the team, says, “For we are partners working together for God…” this may detract from the group’s success. (v 9) He goes on to say something very interesting, “Surely you know that you are God’s temple, and that An effective team is composed of multiple members and God’s Spirit lives in you!” (v 16) Paul is telling us that needs space and time to get to know each other, brainwe have to be like a beautiful temple, because God’s storm possible problems and solutions, clarify, evaluate Spirit lives in us. In our thoughts, words and deeds, and and celebrate successes and understand team failures. we are to be beautiful on the inside, so we will be a wor- Some members have to be thinkers, or someone who thy dwelling place for God’s Spirit. analyzes and is concerned with deAgain, it’s a matter of teamwork. “True dreamers are tails. Another should be a planner, Paul articulates that the Kingdom often more interested some one who is procedure-orientof God won’t advance, unless we more concerned that action is in the elegance or ed, work as a team… partners working purposeful, or synchronized and together for God. God desire is for audacity of the idea focused on the goal. One should us to work in harmony. Imagine all than its real value...” have the mindset of a director, one the teamwork that goes into makwho is fact-oriented, direct, to the ing sure our church runs smoothly, point, precise, concise and well organized. Another i.e., all the jobs that have to be done, the committees should be the relater, someone who is concerned with that meet, the ministers, elders, committee of manage- team harmony, feelings, and respect of members for ment and so on, all working together is a spirit of har- one another and concerned with how plans and visions mony and Christian love. We all have heard the quote, fit together. And one should be the socializer, the one “A team is only as good as its players.” In order to who provides spark and comic relief. create a great team, the leader must convey the team’s vision and goals and members must understand them. True dreamers are often more interested in the elegance In addition, good communication skills, including the or audacity of the idea than its real value, the most imability to speak clearly and listen, are also required. portant factor of building a successful team is time; time in prayer, time in the Bible and time with each other. To be an effective leader, you must empower the members of the team, ensure that each member understands When we begin to work in unity and in harmony, the the team’s vision and goals, know what each member processes of church operation will flow much betbrings to the team and recognize when to lead and when ter. On the Day of Pentecost when the disciples and to follow. As the leader formulates the team, it is imothers gathered in the upper room, the Bible says that portant to capture people for the team that can offset they were in one accord, unified, in harmony, in one the weaknesses of the leader. A leader must also have agreement, that the Spirit of God came upon them as courage as well as respect and support for the team. a “mighty rushing wind”. I can’t even imagine what would happen if we were to actually unify, just once, Team members must be able to communicate effective- as see what God does. I am reminded of a song I use to ly, both with the leader and with other team members. sing as a young boy in Sunday School, “If we all work Not everyone comprehends information the same way. together, how happy we’ll be.” Evaluate each member to determine if the person receiving the message likes facts or the whole picture, printed or verbal instruction, or do they need time to think about what was said. Asking the receiver if there are any questions regarding the message is not enough to ensure that the message was received clearly and as intended. Just because we speak and hear, doesn’t mean we communicate. Remember that if a member 9
IMPROVING YOUR AIM Get a Lawyer! by. Eddye Lane
At first blush, you might think this is quite self-serving. Well, it does have a bit of bias built in, but in the long run it’s for the non-lawyer. It’s for you! I am urging folks to get a lawyer when they have an inkling that they need one because a lot of bad things happen to people that could have simply been avoided had they hired a lawyer. I say this from personal experience as a bankruptcy and disability attorney. There are people who come to sit before me and their only tragedy is that they did not seek help earlier. Loss of property has been unnecessary and twirling around in the social security disability denial pool forever could have been avoided. This is not to say that a lawyer can wave a magic wand and rid you of your problems, but I am assured to say you don’t know what you don’t know until you ask someone who knows. I know. The first response is “I can’t afford a lawyer”. Well, since you haven’t actually spoken to a lawyer, or a few if you are shopping around, you may be laying obstacles where there may be none. Many lawyers offer free or reduced rate consultations, pro bono (free) services and contingency fee based representation. In order to obtain free legal services, you must of course have a true financial need for the service. You can most likely find those services through local Bar services, projects or the South Carolina Legal Services organization. While they do not accept all types of cases, and clientele must be financially eligible, South Carolina Legal Services provides services in many areas of practice including but not limited to bankruptcy, child and spousal support, domestic abuse, family housing and public benefits. Other private lawyers, such as myself, agree to help a number of people through the South Carolina Legal Services Private Attorney Involvement (PAI) Program. While the attorneys on staff are highly 10
skilled at the services they provide, a number private attorneys agree to help with overflow or specialty areas Without a fee having to be paid by the client. Back to the contingency fee based cases--examples of these type of cases are workers compensation, social security disability, vehicular or other accidents, where the lawyer does not get paid a fee unless you get paid. The lawyer is pretty much saying, “I think you have a good case. I’ll invest my time and effort in advance and will take a chance to see if we can prevail together.
Another problem that has plagued the community, in my observation, is the failure to read or the misunderstanding of the importance of documents received from the court. Generally, in a lawsuit, a person is served with a summon and complaint. And in most instances, the receiving party has thirty (30) days to file and serve an answer. Filing and serving an answer is a way to preserve rights and defend against what the moving party is requesting. Failure to respond most likely results in a default, which means the person tiling the lawsuit can get whatever they asked for and you no longer have a right to defend against it. You should timely consult a lawyer whenever you get lawsuit papers, even if you think the claim against you is false or ridiculous. A judgment which comes after default can attach as a lien to your home or other real estate.
Jonathon: Playground King.
Surprisingly, despite the number of lawyers that advertise a free consultation, many people still do nothing. Even if you had to pay a consultation fee of $50.00 to couple of hundred dollars, it could save thousands in the long run. It remains amazing that people will borrow or save large amounts of money to put into a vehicle or furnishings, but will not budget for their household well being. No last will and testament, no probate planning, or no consultation could lead to loss of money and property that a family really needs. Additionally, avoid adopting what happened to your neighbor or friend as a reason to not seek legal help when you need it. Everyone’s situation is different, and more than likely, you didn’t get the whole story from your ñiend or neighbor if they had a bad experience. Do check your resources and shop around before giving up on the help you need. While you should not treat attorney fees like you are bargaining at a flea market, ask your attorney for arrangements that might be suitable for the both of you. Shopping for a lawyer is much like looking for a soul mate. We come with various requirements, fees, thoughts and attitudes, but at the end of the day, you want someone with whom you feel comfortable, someone who will listen to you and who will talk plain language with you. A popular and well heeded way to shop for a lawyer is by recommendation from someone who has had a close observance or a personal experience with the lawyer, or schedule a consultation and check him or her out for yourself. If you are having legal issues, get a lawyer! Be blessed. “Eddye Lane is a solo practitioner in Columbia, South Carolina with a practice emphasis in Consumer and Business Bankruptcy and Social Security disability law. She is a 1985 graduate of the Howard University School of Law. Her practice is located at 2026 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC. Visit her website at www.eddyelanelaw.com, or contact her at (803) 400-1181 or ell@eddyelanelaw.com.”
But at this moment, he’s fighting cancer. That’s why St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® spends every moment changing the way the world treats children like Jonathon. Because at this moment, he should be headed down the tallest playground slide into his mom’s arms.
Help them live. Visit stjude.org. ©2012 ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
IMPROVING YOUR AIM The Culture of Social Media
A Conversation with Kiosha Gregg (Digitize Marketing)
PJM: How would you define social media? Kiosha: Social Media is a conversation supported by online tools. It is a way to send or share information with a broad audience. It consists of various user-driven channels (e.g., social networks, blogs, videos, podcasts, mobile, etc.).
PJM: Why do you think social media is becoming a primary outlet for communicating a message? Kiosha: People want to connect with the world around them. We want to connect with our family, friends and colleagues. We want to share our ideas on local and global issues. Social media is a free platform that provides social interaction, information and news, leisure, entertainment, a platform for expression, conversation and more. It allows for interaction with almost every facet of the world around us.
PJM: What are primary outlets for social media? Kiosha: The largest social network is Facebook with over 1 billion users. That means one out of every 7 people on earth is on Facebook. The other main social networks are YouTube (over 800 million users and the second largest search engine), Google + (over 343 million users), Twitter (200 million users and over 400 million tweets daily), LinkedIn (over 200 million users), Instagram (over 100 million users) and Pinterest (over 45 million users). Of course there are several other social networks and uses for the web, this is just a sample of the most popular. 12
PJM: What is the difference between facebook and twitter? Kiosha: Both Facebook and Twitter are social media networks. They both provide users the ability to connect with their friends, family, colleagues and more. Whenever a Twitter user has something share, the message must be 140 characters (letters) or fewer, and everyone who is “following� the user has the option to see the message. A Twitter message is actually very similar to a Facebook status update. What differentiates Twitter from Facebook is its extreme simplicity and single focus on real-time updates. On Facebook, a user can post messages at any length and use a variety of Facebook’s other services: private groups, instant messages, games, and more.
PJM: Would you recommend churches to use social media?
Kiosha: Absolutely. There are over 2.2 million Facebook users in South Carolina and over 260,000 Facebook users in the city of Columbia. Any organization looking to connect with their community and market their organization should have a social media presence. Social media is a great tool for any church to increase awareness of their organization and the services they offer. Social media provides a wider reach for a church’s message, a platform to publicize events and helps to strengthen community relationships.
PJM: How could churches enhance it’s ministry through the means of social media? Kiosha: No matter what size your church may be, or how new your ministry is, social networking can play an important role in reaching beyond your walls and sharing your message, events and other information with your local community and even the world. Most social media platforms are free providing a cost effective solution to marketing your organization.
plement the following services: graphic design, social media marketing, web design and development, email marketing, online advertising, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, video marketing and content marketing. Kiosha Gregg is responsible for developing and overseeing the execution of strategic inbound marketing, social media and digital initiatives at Digitize Marketing. Gregg is a graduate of Columbia College and has a master’s degree in integrated marketing communication from the University of South Carolina. She is also a Certified Inbound Marketing Specialist. Her office is located at 4300 N. Main St., Columbia, SC. Visit her website at www.DigitizeMarketing.com, or contact her at (803) 216-1229 or kiosha@DigitizeMarketing.com.
PJM: What are some of the pitfalls to using social media? Kiosha: Social media provides a open forum for conversation. For any organization entering the digital space, they must be aware that there could be negative conversations directed to their organizations and/or their members. What I like to remind organizations is that whether they are online or not, people still have a platform to speak whatever they wish about your organization. However, when you have a online presence and are apart of the conversation, you now have the tools needed to steer the conversation in a more positive direction.
PJM: Does your organization, Digitize Marketing, offer programs and services to the church community? Kiosha: We provide training and consulting to organizations interested in managing their online strategy but need assistance to begin their campaign. For those interested in taking this one step further, we can im13
EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM The amazing story of God’s Ambassador The Man Only God could know the important role this dairy farmer’s son would play in world evangelism. From the humble beginnings on a farm to his decision for Christ at a local revival on the edge of Charlotte, North Carolina, to his travels around the world speaking in stadiums filled to capacity, Billy Graham has pursued a singular vision—to share the love of Jesus Christ with all who would listen. In doing so he has met with Presidents, kings, queens, celebrities, and everyday men, women, and children. No matter his audience, the message is still the same. “Everywhere I go I find that people … both leaders and individuals … are asking one basic question,” Billy Graham has said. “‘Is there any hope for the future?’ My answer is the same, ‘Yes, through Jesus Christ.’”
The Message An old preacher approached Billy Graham following the 1954 Harringay Arena Crusade in London. “I have come here every night” and listened to many different sermons, the minister told him, “and I have heard only one message.” It was a compliment, for he, like Billy Graham, knew that there is only one message that can bring real hope to a lost world. Billy Graham’s message has never changed, and it never will. It is a simple message, but one that comes straight from God’s Word. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16, NKJV).
The Ministry In over 55 years of ministry, Billy Graham has preached the Gospel message to more than 215 million people in over 185 countries around the world. The 15
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which he founded in 1950, reaches out to millions more each year through radio and television broadcasts, films, literature, training, events, and the Internet. “Until [the 20th] century the extent of an evangelist’s outreach was determined by the limits of his voice and the distribution of his writings. Within the last few years, it has literally become possible to proclaim the Gospel to the entire world. If Jesus were here today, I have no doubt He would make use of every means possible to declare His message.” —Billy Graham
The Mission Whether exhorting a small crowd of teens at a Youth For Christ rally, speaking against apartheid in a stadium in South Africa, or praying for a wounded nation in the aftermath of 9/11, Billy Graham has 16
lived as a man on a mission following hard after God’s calling. The mission has evolved as technology has opened doors to the whole world, but the message of hope in Christ has remained unchanged. That message continues to change hearts the world over. The Billy Graham Library is part of this timeless mission. Each person who passes through the doors, at the foot of a large glass cross, encounters the story of a man who made it his life’s work to tell history’s most powerful story—that God loves all of us and invites us to experience that love through His Son, Jesus Christ. Information Source: The Billy Graham Library
A PASSION FOR MISSIONS Embracing the cost of a Kingdom Advance by Peter Law
The year was 1932. Darkness had long overtaken the city of Minusinsk in southern Siberia. Families throughout the community slept soundly. Suddenly, quite without warning, uniformed militiamen who had been dispatched by their brutal communist leaders violently shattered the silence of night. Raiding the homes of local Christian leaders these henchmen of terror systematically found and ruthlessly dragged twenty-five men, pastors and deacons from their sleep, out into the threatening, enveloping darkness. They threw the men into vehicles and drove them some distance out from the city into a secluded forest, where they gave them shovels and forced them to dig a large, open pit in the ground. When they had finished digging, their captors instructed the Christians to stand down into the hole, which they did. Ironically, the soldiers who stood menacingly above their victims around the rim of the hole then took off their own hats and allowed the men to pray. When the men had finished praying, the soldiers callously replaced their hats, raised their rifles and summarily shot them. Standing at that humble, still secluded sight, now identified only by a slightly sunken circle on the pinestraw-covered forest floor and a few dried flowers placed perhaps months earlier by someone familiar with this moment in history, I marveled: not only at the wickedness of man without God, but especially at the power of God and the magnificence of scripture. On that tragic night in 1932, when two groups of men representing two opposing kingdoms entered that ominous Siberian forest, little did either know what the outcome would be. The communist soldiers may well have believed they were eradicating Christianity from the Siberian landscape. Those courageous Christian leaders may never have imagined that all these years later, God would be faithfully building His church not only in Minusinsk, but throughout Siberia, the rest
of Russia and the whole world; nor that standing on this site would be two westerners together with two Siberian church planters, giving thanks to God for the rich kingdom heritage these men had left behind in the wake of their martyrdom. Through the blood of the martyrs God is building His church. Ultimately, as a result of this process, His majesty will be universally and magnificently displayed to the ends of the earth. The gospel of His kingdom will 17
be preached as a witness to every existing people group in the world. In this process, all designs of the kingdom of darkness will be thwarted and all worldly kingdoms will become the kingdoms of our Lord and Christ. Only then will the end come; and when it does, Christ shall reign for ever and ever;1 but between now and then, we are being entrusted with a very precise mission: to take this gospel to the ends of the earth, regardless of the risks.
Kingdom Advances: Made only in the Real World History testifies to the reality that risks abound in our world for those who stand to represent the kingdom of God. How could it not be so? The character of Christ rivals secular and religious cultures as it is displayed in and through the lives of Christians, eliciting opposition and antagonism from a rival kingdom.
After working in Eastern Europe for a number of years, I eventually found time in my schedule to visit some of the local Russian Orthodox cathedrals. As an art lover and one who is fascinated by older styles of architecture, this was an activity I looked forward to. One particular cathedral had beckoned me for several years, as we routinely rushed by while commuting to our responsibilities at the university. Then one day, almost as an afterthought, I signaled to our driver to stop, and asked if we could take a few moments to go into the small cathedral. He agreed and I alighted, along with my friend John, who also taught a course at the university as a visiting lecturer. With much anticipation, we entered the tall front doors and walked inside. To my surprise, everything was pulled apart and workmen busily occupied themselves with what we were informed would be a complete renovation of the cathedral’s interior. Almost immediately, craftsmen looked up from their tasks and greeted us. A lady parishioner, who happened to be there that day, began to explain the plan. After a brief tour of the progress, one of the workmen put down his carpentry tools and approached me with an invitation to accompany him outside to an area behind the building - there was something he wanted me to see. I agreed and called to my colleague, suggesting he may not want to miss what we were being asked to view. Once outside, I saw two large wooden crates, each covered by a blue plastic tarp. The man reached over, pulled the tarps away, and revealed one thousand human skulls and skeletons. Masking my initial shock, I asked, “Where did you find these?” to which he replied, “Right here in the basement of this cathedral when we began to renovate just now.” In all likelihood these were religious and political dissidents from the period of Stalin’s reign of terror, who had been shot or chained to the walls and left to die, abandoned by their captors - only now to be discovered at the turn of the century. Almost certainly, many of the victims were Christians whose witness to the kingdom stuck in the craw of that authoritarian regime, eliciting their brutal, gory response. The ancient world of Nineveh, whose leaders would pile the skulls of defeated peoples in the street for all to see and to fear was brought home to me that day behind
the small cathedral in Kazan, Russia. So too were the horrors of what believers have suffered throughout the centuries. But in that moment as I stood looking upon those crated skeletal remains, another reality also struck home: things have not changed very much since Jonah’s time. The sinfulness of sin continues to perpetuate from one generation to the next; men and women persist in being viciously inhumane toward one another, and God by His grace still relentlessly calls you and I into a world desperate for the gospel.2
Suffering: the Means to fulfilling God’s Kingdom Purpose
led down a very different path. Bent upon placating the insatiable appetites of religious consumers for selective truth by providing all things palatable, the evangelical church has in many quarters capitulated to a pragmatic agenda in hope of finding what most appeals to, attracts and maintains church members. At a time when Christianity is facing its greatest challenge from opposing ideologies, a diluted theology has embraced a post-modern philosophy - challenging the authenticity of universal truths - paving a path divergent to the Calvary road and implementing practices designed to avoid any mention of cost at all costs.
The Cross: God’s Path to Christianity is being opposed with increasing intensity Passionate Service both in western and non-western countries. Those nations most adamantly opposed to the gospel are those most desperately in need of the gospel. In the face of this reality, a generation of young people exists on every single continent who have begun to calculate and embrace the realization that the means by which this gospel will be taken and displayed before a waiting, watching world is going to be the suffering and even martyrdom of Christ’s people. The church has been built throughout the centuries at the cost of the martyrs’ blood. Scripture confirms that it will be so until God’s kingdom purposes on earth are complete.3 The apostle Paul told the Christians in Philippi, “For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake…” 4 The suffering of Christians for the cause of Christ will not only be the cost incurred but the means by which the gospel will be taken to the ends of the earth and God’s majesty displayed for all to see.
If those who formulated The Cambridge Declaration5 are accurate in their assessment, Christ and His cross have moved from the center of our vision. A fog of
Jesus emphasized the kingdom. His focus went well beyond where ours often seems fixated, due perhaps in part to expectations imposed by whichever trends happen to be dominate in Christian thinking and practice. For example, the Church Growth Movement in the 1970’s and 80’s, it could be argued, took the visible Church to new heights in terms of a willingness on the part of individual congregations to reach-out to their communities with the gospel. However, rather than being brought to a deeper love for God, a stronger commitment to His Word and a willing submission to costly discipleship, the Church appears to have been 19
worldliness has settled upon many of our evangelical churches, whose message is now determined less by what people need and more by what they demand. Paul warned Timothy that this day would come6 and ample evidence exists to suggest that it has, dawning gradually, undetected by those whose level of discernment has been lulled to rest by an intoxicating, lingering lethargy. This may not be the church’s finest hour, but it could be. All it would take to turn the tide is for individual Christians to whole-heartedly embrace Christ’s Calvary call. German pastor Dietrich Bonheoffer, author of The Cost of Discipleship, who suffered at the hands of the Nazi’s, wrote: “When Christ calls a man - a woman, a young person - he bids him ‘Come and die.’ ” 7 Christ is calling us to walk a Calvary Road. He knew what awaited Him at the end of that road and He beckons us to walk it with Him. He said, “If anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” 8
the most wonderful life of joyous service as we labored hand-in-hand for the kingdom!” Then He would point out to me that of course it was really all God - all His strength, His might, His grace; that He didn’t really need me to accomplish any of it - He was just allowing me the privilege of serving the King. But instead, I would have missed out on the blessing of participating in partnership with God for the accomplishment of a glorious kingdom expansion.
A kingdom advance will be realized when those of us who are identified by His name, act in obedience to His call upon our lives and step-out onto the path of Christian service, risking everything for the glory of God, knowing that such expression of confidence in God’s kingdom plan will bring the greatest delight to the heart of Christ.
4. See Philippians 1:29.
Having preached a message on God’s call, I was approached by a lady who told me, “After listening today, I really think I have wasted my life.” I tried to encourage her that God could make-up for lost time9 and bring much blessing in and through her life, even in her latter years. Since that day I have thought much about her remarks, praying that God would truly encourage her by granting her usefulness and fruit for His kingdom. But perhaps what has challenged me most is the thought that I do not want to arrive at the end of my life and stand before God just to hear Him say, “Let me show you how things could have been, if only you had listened; if only you had stepped-out in obedience to my call on your life”. Perhaps He would play the “video” before me and tell me, “Do you see? This is how it could have been. Do you see these wonderful exploits for the kingdom we could have participated in together? You could have experienced 20
Are you ready to embrace God’s call despite all risks, for the advancement of His kingdom? It will involve a passion, a commitment, a heart for the kingdom and a cross. That is the way it has always been. 1. See Revelation 15(b); Matthew 24:14. 2. Excerpts from The Jonah Principle: God’s Response to Obedience by Peter Law. 3. Compare Revelation 6:9-11.
5. The Cambridge Declaration, is published in Here We Stand: A Call from Confessing Evangelicals, edited by James Boice and Benjamin Sasse (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1966), 14-20. 6. See 2 Timothy 4:3-4. 7. Bonheoffer, Dietrich. The Cost of Discipleship, Macmillan: New York, 1963, p. 99. (Dietrich Bonheoffer was a young German pastor and theologian martyred by the Nazis in 1945). 8. Luke 9:23-24. 9. Job 2:25.
Dr. Peter Law is president of Crossover-Australia and vice-president of CrossoverUSA, overseeing international ministries. When not leading short-term mission teams, he speaks at churches, colleges, schools, and mission conferences, sharing his vision for building God’s kingdom worldwide.
THE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH The Persecuted Church by Elaine Cotsford
Jesus said in John 15:18, “If the world hates you, you economic persecution (not able to find work), rejection know that it hated Me before it hated you” and in verse from their families, starvation, imprisonment, torture, 20, “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute and having their children abducted. Some are even you.” In Matthew 10:16, He said, “Behold, I send you murdered because of their faith. Yes, this is still going out as sheep in the midst of wolves.” However, He also on today. said in Matthew 5:11, “Blessed He fell to the ground When Jesus revealed himself to are you when they revile and persecute you...” and heard a voice say Saul in Acts 9:4, He said, “Saul,
to him, “Saul, Saul, why Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Saul was persecuting Millions of Christians around do you persecute me?” Christians, but Jesus said that he the world are being persecuted Acts 9:4 was persecuting Him. We are the for their faith today. Why? body of Christ that the enemy Because Satan is the prince of this world and he is the enemy of God and His seeks to kill and destroy. church. Persecution of Christians comes from different sources: governments, religious authorities, economic In countries where we have religious freedom, the establishments, families, and mobs. Many Christians enemy attacks Christians with pride, guilt, doubt, fear, have been driven from their homes, and their homes materialism, etc. In countries where religious freedom and churches have been burned. They suffer from is limited or nonexistent, Christians face the same battles but in different circumstances.
Our brothers and sisters in North Korea know that their faith can cost them their life. They can be tortured for owning a Bible. North Korea is rated the world’s worst persecutor of Christians. Between 50,000 and 70,000 believers are in labor camps where many of them die of malnutrition and mistreatment. Many try to flee the country. In the midst of all this, however, the underground church there is committed to spreading the gospel. In Eritrea, a country in the northwestern part of Africa, many believers have been arrested and jailed, often in metal shipping containers. In Orissa, India, 315 Christian villages were destroyed by mobs in August 2008. More than 200 churches were demolished and 54,000 people were forced to flee. 21
Why should we know these facts? These are our brothers and sisters in Christ and there is something we can do for them – we can pray. Listen to what a North Korean pastor says, “We thank God that there are so many people who are praying for our country. Your prayers strengthen the Christians in North Korea.” A woman in Iran whose husband was arrested and sent to prison because he became a Christian says, “We are so encouraged by prayer and to know that many people are praying for us.” In Romans 12:14, we read, “Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.” Jesus loved and prayed for those who persecuted Him. Many persecutors of the church have become believers, starting with Saul. God’s love and grace is for all. Our brothers and sisters who stand firm under persecution are not heroes; they are not being punished for sin; and they are not defeated! Some leave their country and others choose to stay. God’s will is different for each one of us (Stephen and James were killed; Peter was delivered from prison). Some have church buildings, some meet in houses. For some the 22
only fellowship they have is with family members. Some are isolated. They all count on our prayers, and they are praying for us. Join Grace Evangelical Association, PJM, in supporting persecuted christians and churches throughout the world. There are several organizations that support and encourage the persecuted Christians. You can find more information on their websites: www.opendoorsusa.org and www.persecution.com. We can help them distribute Bibles and other literature, train leaders, broadcast the gospel, etc. Another good source for updated news about the persecuted church is www.compassdirect.org.
DEVOTIONAL Without Love We Are Nothing by Billy Graham
As we see a war-torn world—a world that is sick, pained, confused and bewildered—we believe that this is the hour for the church to speak out. This is the hour for the church to show forth the love and grace of God! This is the hour for the world to hear Christ saying through the church, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). There is something Jesus said that I want you to think about. Jesus said to those who followed Him: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). That verse of Scripture is tremendously important at this hour in American history. In another part of the Bible we find the same thing stated by John: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we
loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:7-10). The Bible declares that we who follow Jesus Christ should be just as much in love with each other as God was in love with us when He sent His Son to die on the cross. I want you to see what it means to love as God loves, because the Bible says, “God is love” (1 John 4:16). The basic attribute of God is holiness, but love is another basic attribute of God. It is a part of God’s nature to love, and all who know Jesus Christ as Savior also have this supernatural love instilled within their hearts by the Holy Spirit. The greatest demonstration of the fact that we are Christians is that we love one another. In 1 Corinthians 13, we have first a description of a man who does not possess love. The Apostle Paul says, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1). In other words, suppose I could speak with the oratory of a William Jennings Bryan. Suppose I could speak with cryptic language like Churchill. Suppose I could speak with the power of Roosevelt, in which he used to sway an entire nation. Suppose I could sing opera like Enrico Caruso. Suppose I had a thousand tongues that could speak a thousand languages at the same time. The Bible says all that is nothing, and I am nothing, unless I have this divine, supernatural love that God gives.
The apostle goes on to write, “Though I have the gift a martyr.” God says it is nothing, unless I am filled with of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all the love of God. knowledge … but have not love, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:2). I could be a man of tremendous What a brilliant life this man lived—this mythical knowledge; I could understand all the mysteries and all man the Bible describes. He was a man of eloquence, of history, and be able to put all the patterns together. knowledge, power, charity, zeal, but the Bible says he I could know the Bible from one end to the other; was absolutely nothing without love. memorize thousands of verses of Scripture. I could be a great Bible By this all will know What a powerful thing love must teacher; I could even be a preacher that you are My be! How much stock God puts in from the pulpit—and have not love. love. disciples, if you have I know people in this country who are conservative in their theology— love for one another— You say, “Well, Billy, what do people who would die contending John 13:35 you mean by love? What is a for the inspiration of the Bible— demonstration of love?” We have and yet there is so little love. I might know the Bible it demonstrated in 1 Corinthians 13. This might cut from Genesis to Revelation, but if I had not love, it some of us to the heart. It is going to probe down deep, would mean absolutely nothing in the sight of God. because one thing that the church of Christ in America lacks is the demonstration of love, and Jesus said, “By I might be a man of great faith. The Bible says that I this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have might have faith so that I could move mountains, but love for one another” (John 13:35). if I have not love, it is nothing. Suppose I could stand here today and say to that mountain, “Move into the sea,” and it would move! You would say, “Well, Billy This love that the Bible is talking about in 1 Corinthians Graham is certainly a man of tremendous faith to pray a 13 “suffers long” (verse 5). In other words, it is patient. mountain into the sea.” The Bible says that is absolutely It is kind. It “does not envy.” There is no jealousy in this nothing unless my faith is tempered with love.I could divine love that God gives. It “does not parade itself.” be a man of great charity. The Bible says, “though I It is “not puffed up,” gives itself no airs. It is a love bestow all my goods to feed the poor … it profits me that demands humility. It never pushes itself to the top, nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:3) unless I have this divine never tries to promote itself, never tries to advertise love that God gives. I could give everything I have to itself. It is always in the background, truly humble. The charity, but if the motive were not divine love, it means thing that we need in the church today is genuine, oldfashioned humility. nothing in the sight of almighty God. Here in this country we give billions of dollars away, but sometimes I wonder if our motive is not selfish. We are always asking the other nations and the other people, “What return is America going to get?” The motive of all giving and all charity should be love.I could also be a man of consuming zeal. Paul continues, “though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:3). Suppose I were like many Korean pastors during the Korean War. Seventeen hundred Korean pastors paid with their blood for their faith in Jesus Christ. Suppose I died at a stake or was shot for my faith in Jesus Christ. You would say, “Billy Graham is a man of consuming zeal. He died as 24
Then, again in 1 Corinthians 13:5, the Bible says love “does not behave rudely.” It is always courteous and gracious at every turn. It “seeks not its own,” is never selfish. God looks after you, and you are to look after others, the Bible says. It is not easily provoked—not touchy or irritable. If people have to handle you with kid gloves, have to watch out what they say to you, you don’t know anything about this love that God is talking about. Love “thinks no evil” (1 Corinthians 13:5). It never holds a grudge—never has malice. It rejoices not in iniquity, but in the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6). It is never
glad when another falls. I know so many Christians today who, when they hear that another Christian has fallen, say, “Isn’t that too bad?” but they don’t mean it! They are happy that the other Christian has fallen because that places them just a little higher on the ladder of estimation in other people’s eyes.
However, the greatest demonstration of love was God sending His own Son to die for you. You did not deserve to have Him die for you. You are a sinner!
The Bible says that you know nothing about this love if you are outside of Christ. It is impossible for you to have this divine love, because it is a gift of God only to Then the Bible says that this love “bears all things, those who love Christ. believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7). It is slow to expose the evils and But—God loves you! It makes no difference how deep faults in others. It is eager to believe the best, and it in the mire of sin and transgression you have gone. God is always hopeful and optimistic concerning the future. loves you today! He proved it by sending His Son, Jesus The Bible teaches that love is greater than faith and Christ, to die for you on the cross. hope (1 Corinthians 13:13). Love is the greatest thing in all the world. At this moment you can receive Christ into your heart. God will give you this supernatural love until you love the whole world. That is the solution to the international problems that we face at this hour. It is the solution to your personal problems—to let Christ come in. When Christ comes in, love comes in and love shines forth. Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version.
You can know this amazing love that the Bible talks about. I will never forget when singer and composer Redd Harper came to Christ in Hollywood. He said that to him the most amazing and thrilling thing after he came to Christ was this fact: “I found that I loved everybody, no matter what race or color or creed they might be. I just wanted to go hug the whole world.”
The Bible says that when we put our faith in Christ, God pours His love into our hearts. God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. You need to admit that you are a sinner and receive Him by faith as your Lord and Savior. You can begin a relationship with God by praying a simple prayer like this:
“O God, I am a sinner. I’m sorry for my sin. Forgive me. When radio broadcaster Stuart Hamblen came to Christ, I want to turn from my sin. I receive Jesus Christ as my he said the same thing: “I fell in love with the whole Savior; I confess Him as my Lord. From now on I want world. There were certain people who had different to follow Him. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.” racial characteristics from myself that I did not like before I was converted, but after I gave my heart to Christ, I fell in love with every one of them.” Only this divine love that God gives will make us love others, and before we have revival in America we must have that kind of love among God’s people. 25
FAMILY FOCUS The Lie of Easy Divorce by Marriage Today
For those who consider divorce to be an easy answer to marriage problems there is an increasing amount of evidence to the contrary. First of all, the damage done by divorce is devastating. Research has proven that the damage of divorce on children not only lasts for a lifetime, but is also transferred to their children. Adults tell me that going through a divorce is worse than death. Businesses experience up to two years in lost productivity from employees going through a divorce. Also, more recent research proves that the vast majority of people who divorce are no happier than unhappy couples who stay married. The reason for this is because when divorce occurs you simply exchange one set of problems for new ones. Another fascinating discovery is that among unhappy couples who stayed married five years later almost
eighty percent rated their marriages as happy. The greatest turnaround was reported by couples who were the unhappiest five years earlier. No fault divorce came to us with the promise that it would make divorce less common and less painful. What a lie! Divorce has become an epidemic and it is still devastating. The legal conveniences of no fault divorce can in no way counteract the serious emotional consequences on adults and children. In fact, the greatest marriages I’ve ever seen are those that have gone through very difficult times and have lasted through them. Information Source: Marriage Today To read the article in it’s entirety, log on to: www.marriagetoday.com