Form~writing Brief
Formwriting 1
Max Gregory
A collaborative brief with Joe and Yaf. Through
Mandatory Requirements
online resource, typefaces and specimens
investigation into type within our surroundings,
The theme for each typeface will originate from
Each typeface must be based upon a pre-deter-
create a bespoke typeface each month centred
the investigation into type within our surroundings
mined theme, backed by research posted onto
Type specimens
around a pre-determined theme. Create a type
and will inform continued practice and develop-
the form & writing blog. Continuous investigation
Type prints
specimen for each face complete with various
ment of an online resource. This will be targeted at
should be undertaken.
printed applications, formats and processes. This
type enthusiasts and other creatives.
Level 6
will be accompanied by an online blog documenting our individual and collective research.
Identity Possible event