Board 1/3
Prospectus 2014-15
Concept · Our concept is based around the idea of the college being an institution that works because of student success feeding into the success of the college and vice versa, creating a system of expinential growth whereby the college continually succeeds and in turn the students do aswell. The success only ever increases. This should cement the idea that the college has been successful in the past, and only continues to grow, develop, and define itself as the the leading specialist art & design institution in the country. Within this concept we intend to develop the ‘we are...’ statement into something that is not only reflective of the college, but of the students and college as a ‘community’ furthering the idea that the college is student centred.
WE ARE THE BEGINNING We felt that this would be an interesting progression of the ‘we are...’ statement mainly because of the suggestion that the college represents the beginning of a multitude of experiences for all concerned. · For the prospective applicant and their parents, Leeds College of Art represents the beginning of their university or college life, specialist art & design education and eventually their career. For the creative professional, Leeds College of Art should represent the beginnings and development of the future of their industry. Showcasing up and coming creatives who will provide vigour, enthusiasm and inspiration to the creative industry. For the College itself, it marks the beginning of a new period in its history, whose ambitious strategy for 2012-17 lie in furthering the institution in terms of becoming an internationally recognised specialist art and design University.
Niall Cruickshank & Max Gregory
Max Gregory e-mail: Mobile: 07518031734
Niall Cruickshank e-mail: Mobile: 07817229265
Board 1/3