Pei-Chun Wen Portfolio_Architecture and Expositions

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Architecture/ Urban Design/ Landscape Projects

Pei-Chun Wen's Portfolio 1999~2011

Architecture Projects

Historical HistoricalLink Link between betweenForbidden ForbiddenCity Cityand andInner InnerCity Cityof of Beijing Beijing



Central Centralglass glassinternational internationalcompetition competition2008, 2008,Japan Japan

2008 summer Site location: Beijing, China 2008 summer 2008 summer Team :M.J. Si

Site location: Beiging, China Site location: Beiging, China Adviser :M.J. Si Adviser :M.J. Si

AAf tf e t er rddeemmool ilsi shhi ni nggoof fool dl dcci ti yt ywwaal ll,l ,t h t heer ree ccaammeet h e f i r s t m e t r o l i n e i n C h i n a , B e t h e f i r s t m e t r o l i n e i n C h i n a , B ei jiijni ngg MMeet rt roo; ;aaf tf e t er rddeemmool ilsi shhi ni nggoof fOOnneeTThhoouussaanndd PPaacceeCCoor rr ri di door raannddssoommeeoot h t heer rbbuui lidl di ni nggss, , th e r e c a m e o n e o f t h e b i g g e t h e r e c a m e o n e o f t h e b i g g esst tssqquuaar reessi ni nt h t hee wwoor rl dl d. .I tI ti si smmoor reet h t haannaar reevvool ul ut itoi onnoof fhhi si st o t or ryy. . AAl tl h t hoouugghht h t heei m i mppeer ri ai al lcci ti yt yi si swweel ll lkkeeppt taass UUNNEESSCCOOhheer ri ti a t aggee, ,i ti tccaannnneevveer rr reeppr reesseennt tt h t hee wwhhool el eggr reeaat n t neessssoof faannaanncci ei ennt tccaappi ti a t al .l . HHoowwt o t or reeccaal ll lt h t heemmi si sssi ni ngghhi si st o t or ri ci caal ll ilni nkkaanndd hhoowwt o t oppeer rcceei vi veet h t heehheer ri ti a t aggeei ni naannuur rbbaann ssccaal e r ennt tppeer iroi oddssoof ft itm i mee l e, ,ccoommbbi ni ni ni nggddi fi ff ef er e bbeeyyoonnddbboouunnddaar yr yoof fppool ilti itci css- -- -- -t ht haat ti si soouur r mmaai ni naai m i m. .

Ancient Beijing Ancient Beijing

Contemporary Beijing Contemporary Beijing

a. a.

a. One Thousand Pace Corridor was the link a. OneForbidden ThousandCity Pace Corridor was the link between and Inner (Walled) City between Forbidden City and Inner (Walled) City

Proposed intervention Proposed intervention

b. b.

d. d.


e. e.


b. demolishing (inner) city wall b. demolishing (inner) city wall >> constructing underground metro lines >> constructing metro lines >> another connecting underground and separating urban system >> another connecting and separating urban system c. demolishing One Thousand Pace Corridor c. demolishing One Thousand Pace Corridor >> Tian'an men Square >>political Tian'anor men Square >> cultural? >> political or cultural?



d. Underground cultural corridor d. Underground cultural corridor e. Remedy the missing historical link e. Remedy the missing historical link f. Reposition Imperial City f. Reposition (Forbidden city) in Imperial an urbanCity scale (Forbidden city) in an urban scale

Perspective Perspectivefrom fromthe theunderground undergroundcorridor corridor

站 潭 n 水 it a 積 hu s Ji

站 街 e 大 aji 樓 od u 鼓 ul G

站 門 n 定 e 安 n gm i d An

站 宮 g 和 oh 雍 eg h g an Yo

站 門 en 直 m 西 iz h i X

站 直 n 東 im e h


z ng

紫禁城 站 zh 庄 g 公 on 車 heg C


g an

站 條 o 四 ti a 十 hi 東 s is ng Do


天安門 e 站 門 gm 城 en 阜 ch u F



站 Xi 西 n 門 me 安 n 天 a na Ti

站 門 n 興 e 復 ngm i x Fu

站 單 n 西 id a X

站 D 東 n 門 me 安 n 天 ana Ti



Metro line 1

人民大會堂 國家展覽館

站 un 街 h 椿 gc 長 han C

ji e


站 門 n 陽 e 朝 ngm a oy

站 井 g 府 jin 王 gfu an W Ji


Metro line 2



站 門 n 武 e 宣 wum n ua

站 門 n 國 e 建 uom g an

站 門 n 平 e 和 ngm i p He

站 門 n 前 me n ia Q



站 門 n 文 e 崇 enm w ng Be

i jin


站 車 n 火 ti o 京 ta 北 ys a i lw ra

Shadow and Light

House in the Sea Competition, Kaoshung : First prize

2004 fall Site location: Kaoshung, Taiwan Collaborated work with: F. Y. Lee

The house on the sea once was the popping station for Taiwan Aluminum Company, which provides the aluminum to establish airplanes for world war two, during the Japanese colonial period. After these years, the Kaoshung government released the restrained area for public use, so the competition aims for a reuse of the structure, which reflects the impression of Kaoshung.

Bright box/ Dark box

Bright box

Dark box

For Kaoshung is located in the lower latitude where there is plenty of sun, the project proposes to divide the current structure into two zones: the bright box and the dark box. In the bright box, there is an exhibition on the history of the harbor's industrial development, where the sun can shine through long windows, creating the impression of time lost. As for the dark box, there are pumps pumping water from the sea, and only be a spot of light on the end of the path, forcing the visitor to experience the full-mouthed sounds in side a factory. And at the end, the path leads to a door where the scenery faces the two mountains.








Reflecting the "sunset of Dakao" "Dakao" is the old name of Kaoshung, because the th harbor was a old fishing port in the 18 century, and the entrance where the fisherman returns to are exactly where two mountains which frames the sunset. Thus, the area is famous for is sunset scenery. But currently, Kaoshung harbor is one of the biggest transportation harbors in South East Asia, the area is compound with cargo ships and transportation containers, so it has a quite industrial atmosphere. So by using industrial materials, we intend to reflect the sunset on the building, creating a object flashing along with the sea water.

Implying intentions of flight

Sunset of Dakao

Folding bamboos Folding bamboos

The temporary installation of Hi-An Road Road Competition: First First prizeprize The temporary installation of Hi-An Competition:

2001 fall 2001 fall Site location: Tainan, Taiwan Site location: Tainan, Taiwan Collaborated work with: F. Y. Lee Collaborated work with: F. Y. Lee

01 street scape 01 street scape

The use of rafts in 17th centary The use of rafts in 17th centary


02 bamboo decorations 02 bamboo decorations Hi-An wasfor sealed for tenafter years after it re-apered Hi-An road wasroad sealed ten years it re-apered in frontinoffront the of the citizens. Due to the land ownership issue that hasn't been citizens. Due to the land ownership issue that hasn't been solved,solved, both sides of the road were a disaster, and there also remained lots both sides of the road were a disaster, and there also remained lots of unfinished constructions on it's sidewalks. Therefore, the of unfinished constructions on it's sidewalks. Therefore, the government held the competition asking for ideas to improve it's government held the competition asking for ideas to improve it's scenery through the transit period. scenery through the transit period.

Bamboos as temporary structure material Bamboos as temporary structure material Bamboo rafts were the main transporting tools in the five-cove area,

th main transporting Bamboo during rafts were the tools inan the five-cove area, the 17 and 18 th century, it retains image of connection th th during the 17 and 18 century, it retains an image of connection between two areas. Taking advantage of this , the bamboo structure advantage of thisconstructions, , the bamboo reforming structure the between suffuses two areas. Taking over all of the uncompleted suffuses landscape over all of of thea uncompleted constructions, reforming the the big river and rafts porting on the edges. Also, landscape of a big river and rafts porting on the edges. Also, the raft-structure could fold and transform into street furniture, and craw raft-structure could and transform into street furniture, and craw on walls for fold sunshade. on walls for sunshade.

Projecting images from the past Projecting from the past Aboutimages the building sections remained on both sides of the street, the

structure provides a greaton screen for historical imagesthe to be About thebold building sections remained both sides of the street, projected on, and it transforms intohistorical a time tunnel through bold structure provides a great screen for images to bethe past. projected on, and it transforms into a time tunnel through the past.

Types of bamboo use

02 01 03

03 new designed wounded walls

Original site


Environmental Theater in Taichung Art center


2001 fall Site location: Taichung, Taiwan Adviser : Bernie, Chen Collaborated work with: C.W. Chang


(to put into scene) The arrangement of scenery, that represents the place where a play is enacted.

(to build) Fluid integration of ranges of single shots, that creates meanings of

Mise en scene Mise en scene is a French term originated form the theater, which means: puting in the scene. For film, it has a broader meaning and is defined as the articulation of space, like architecture. In architectures that depend on mise en scene, intend to pause the visitor to experience the compositional spaces of the narrative.

Montage Montage is editing together disparate shots in order to create meanings. It involves a third meaning projected by the two original adjacent shots. As for architecture, the interfaces, is like the cut or overlay in editing, can evoke an experience beyond the merely combination of two spaces.

Two faces of one theater

In theater, by a interface of a curtain, divides a stage into front and back. The front stage is where the show goes on, a realistic place for both the performer and the audience. On the other hand, the back stage was always about reality, how people put the show together, but remains as a masteries zone. In this project, it opened up the back stage as the front of the exhibition area, leading the visitors to experience a sequence of stage sceneries, just like a film.


Model on treater zone

Second floor


Model on exhibition zone

Ground floor

Public open space Exhibition zone Theater zone



A-A section



B-B section

Environment theater

Mise en scene and montage are The two major strategies to make a film. Similar to the film making, architectural design process also Deliberately organize the fundamental methods; to put in scene and to build. This Design try to use these tactics to approach the environmental theater in Taichung Art Center, which possess the programmatic possibilities for the

Central veranda

Image of waterscape

Impression of the satge



2011 成都國際建築雙年展 - 田園城市 : 參展建築師

菜單 2011 fall Site location: Chengdu, China Team :M.J. Si, S.H. Huang

上個世紀初,西方國家同樣面臨現代化的歷程:一百多年前田園城市的模型 產生於工業革命早期時期,工業的發展,帶動了郊區化的發展。田園城市旨 在創造一種“鎮 - 村”(town-country)一體化的混合模式。 我們所關注的並不是那個時代的一個模型,而是由產業變化引起的一系列理 想城市模型提出,我們選擇了六個反映城鄉模式演變的模型,運用在成都平 原上,以實驗設計的方式,探討田園城市的可能性。 值得注意的是花園城市最初模型的尺度,基本上和現代中國的一個鎮 + 它的 附屬鄉村的規模是類似的。因此選取成都崇義鎮為試驗地點 , 在 15*15 平方 公里的範圍內進行等比例城市模型的迭加,這樣的嘗試會得到不同的理想空 間模型,也會因此提供一系列的關於新城鄉的資料,比如人口,綠地面積, 建設用地,等等。 這些試驗的結果,以及相對應的一系列資料和相應的城市意象將成為 MENU/ 功能表手冊的主要構成元素。不同的城鄉模型將有不同的 MENU 和模型展示 結果。 12 個崇義現在面臨的狀況: 大都市和離散地域,空心村,交通與城市發展,鄉村願景,居住,公共空間, 服務設施,複合建築, 密度,空間形態,地方傳統,新產業, 6 個“物件 - 建築 - 城市”的實驗模型 : 1960 年黑川紀章提出的農業城市模型 1934 年 Frank Lloyd Wright 提出的廣畝城市模型 1969 年 archizoom 提出的不停城市模型 1960 年丹下健三提出的線性城市模型 1964 年 archigram 年提出的插入城市模型 2008 年天津濱海新區提出的中新生態城市模型 在這 12 個主題,12 個狀況,和 6 個模型疊加後,我們得出了六個崇義模型 : 農業城市 agriculture city 體制城市 broadacre city 離散城市 diffused city 交通城市 infracity 臨時城市 plug-in city 生態城市 eco-city

Exposition photos

菜單 _ 水 + 田

水 + 田 + 林盤

theme 主题

situation 状况

model 模型

superposition 叠加

m 420

1960年黑川纪 章提出的农 业城市模型

资源 规划 功能 混合

地域 主义 人口


大都市和 离散地域




多 核心


1934年Frank Lloyd Wright 提出的广亩城市模型


2 0


交通与 城市发展

m 420


交通 场所

体制城市 broadacre city





离散城市 diffused city

1969年archizoom提 出的不停城市模型



农业城市 agriculture city

1960年丹下健 三提出的线 性城市模型


逆城 市化


可 持续


交通城市 infracity


9 2 0

1964年archigram年提 出的插入城市模型 地方传统 230m 100m

临时城市 plug-in city

Construction Cost



新产业 公共空间



2008年天津滨海新区提 出的中新生态城市模型

生态城市 eco-city

2012 香港深圳城市建築雙年展 : 參展建築師

城市山林 ”廣厦千萬’居者之成”

2011 winter Site location: Shenzhen, China Team:M.J. Si, S.H. Huang


Ϟ⍋儨ゟᮍᮄൟᓎᴤ᳝䰤݀ৌ BLOX-HOUSE CO.,LTD.


我們旨在創造一種建築基本單元,這種仲介體可 以快速複製,可以出現在城市和農村,可以成為 一種新的城市圖層增強空間上的城鄉一體中國以 世界上最激烈的速度進行城市化,建構成極速複 製與拷貝生產統一城市紋理。 為了達到快速建城的新住房,這種”工廠化的城 市”成為了本時代下的產物,並抹 去了歷史紋脈。若我們設想,將城市化的速度緩 和下來,以”中繼”的建築體,提供臨時性的住 房,過度極端的建造過程。利用 BLOXhouse 的特 點 -- 模組化的生產 -- 可以大量、低價的供應市場 需求,在中國的大城市打造為農民工提供居住場 所的 BLOX 村。本產品已經開始投產,並希望這 個願望可以在不遠的將來得到實現,這不僅創造 了新的城市肌體,而且為大眾提供了一種新的廉 價的高品質居住方式。

Makable city


BLOX已經造出來了!它不是烏托邦!研究開放式建築的理論有很多種,但是,真正落到現實的很少。BLOX是 已經運用在現實中的一個案例,比如,BLOX正在包頭­區它為辰物~質的社會保障房。BLOX提供了城鄉空間 演化的新模式。

We aim to create a basic unit of typology and we call it as “BLOX”, BOX+BLOCK”, which is composed by open structure and can be pasted into both urban and rural areas adaptable, therefore, it formulates a new layer of urban tissue and might provide an affordable housing type for common people, to solve one of the most severe social problem in China, where is ongoing the world's most intense urbanization and industrialization.

Exposition photos




城市山林 The BLOX



上海魔力方新型房屋有限公司 +UAO Creations 黄旭华 / 司敏劼 / 温珮君 M3house + UAO Creations Xu-Hua Huang /Minjie Si/ Pei-Chun Wen







Exposition poster

Explorations in Landscape Urbanism Studio

Village as City

北京大學建築與景觀規劃研究所景觀設計 ( 二 ): 課程指導 北京,台湖

Group A: Village as Landscape

Group B: Floating Village

2011 Fall Site location: Beijing, China Adviser : K. Shannon working with 24 PKU students

Group C: Energy and Shopping

Densifying the existing villages, constructing a hydrophobic landscape, the Chinese cities are expanding in a rapid seed faster than any cases in the modern urban history, transforming into megacities that most of the time it is excavating away the existing, and building a new city with pays no regards the original tissue. The project is seeking a new model in constructing pier urban cities in China. Also reconnecting the villages, social infrastructures, culture relicts, through public transportation and public space. The design tries to tackle the project through the fallowing questions: How can Taihu District double its population in 9 years without destroying the existing villages and the qualities they offer? Can the villages be upgraded and densified to offer an alternative to the typical model of Beijing’s contemporary satellite cities? How could the new type of village city formulate a green entity that frames Beijing as it is imbedded on inter-cross section of the cities’ so called “the second green belt” and “ecological corridor”? How could production landscape pattern of Taihu create an iconic outline since it is located on the jet stream of the cities’ international air port?

Deng Dongsong Wen Peichun Du Yucheng Deng Dongsong Du Yucheng

Hou FangYue Jingsi Huang Chao Hou Yue Huang Chao

Nie Li YaMiao Sun Shu Nie Miao Sun Shu

Zhang Yao Ye Tingting Zhang Zhang Ran Tingting Zhang Ran

Zhan Yuanfang Zhang Zhen Zhan Yuanfang Zhang Zhen


Algae pools


Linear park

High-yield landscape

Linear park

Liangshui River

Productive landscape

Algae pools


Linear park

High-yield landscape

Linear park

Liangshui River

Productive landscape

Productive landscape

Urban agriculture Xiaotaihou River


Taihu town

High-yield landscape

Productive landscape

Productive landscape

Urban agriculture Xiaotaihou River


Taihu town

High-yield landscape

Productive landscape

LINEAR PARK as COLLECTOR & CONNECTOR: How can the linear park spatially organize the disLINEAR PARK as CONNECTOR: Howare can the linear parkbyspatially organize the dispersed villages asCOLLECTOR a network of & public programs that spatially linked public transportation, bi-

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