CV: BRIEFING PKMN [pac-man] is an architecture office and collective based in Madrid [Spain] since 2006.
Architecture & Design We do research into city construction based on fields such us industrialisation or typology, we work on consolidated urban environments reflecting on local identities and heritage as contemporary issues and we implement tools for territory and public space re-activation. Social Innov-action We develop strategies and participation dynamics to enhance personal capacities and identities, we test new processes based on acting and action to empower every individual as a potential agent able to perform changes on his/her environment, and to generate economic, social, environmental and cultural added values. Pedagogy & Research We investigate and build up new methodologies and learning formats based on direct experience and experiment; we set out connections to local identities on every educational process we manage so as to produce added values on the contexts of reflection and work. We’re fulfilled diverse projets in Spain such as New Teruel Market Square, Oficina Gratuita de Arquitectura, Europan, Innopia, El Madrileño del Año, Plan Extinción or Museo MASJ in Alcázar de San Juan. We develop an action and pedagogical workline called "City creates City” dealing with Spanish Universities, portuguese, mexican and argentinian, such as La Coruña, Sevilla, UCJC Madrid, Chihuahua, México DF, Buenos Aires, cities as Cáceres, Toledo, Mérida or Burgos and companies as Fagor or AENA. We’ve taken part in exhibitions such as XIII Bienal Buenos Aires, EME3 (CCCB-BCN), Archivo de Creadores (Matadero), FreshMadrid & FreshLatino (COAM, I.Cervantes), AlNorte2010 o Post-post-post, and our work is been published by Mark, Abitare, Plot, Summa, Pasajes, AV, A10, Metalocus, El Páís, El Economista, Arquine, Europan, Fundación Arquia, Future, EXIT and other media.
CV: BACKGROUND Formation: PKMN partners are architects by Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Spain. Scolarships: Awarded by Università la Sapienza Roma, Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Valde-Marne, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid & Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España. Free-lance experience: In collaboration with the offices: Juan Herreros, SOLID (Soto y Maroto), Javier Revillo, MI5 Arquitectos, Enrique Krahe, Andrés Jaque, José Mª Ezquiaga, ZooHaus, F8 Arquitecturas, Carlos Arroyo & Emilio Luque.
CV: TEAM Carmelo Rodríguez Enrique Espinosa Rocío Pina David Pérez Also with *(Ciudad crea Ciudad and several projects until...): *Diana Hernández (2010), Alejandra Navarrete, Carlos Mínguez & Almudena Mestre (2009)
CV: CONTACT // c. Santa Eulalia 4 local . 28039 Madrid tf. +34 91 543 1217 @pkmnmad f: pkmnarchitectures lin: pkmnmad
CV: PORTFOLIO SOCIAL INNOV-ACTION PKMN EL MADRILEÑO DEL AÑO Sep. 2010. Madrid [Spain] During The White Night 2010 thousands of Madrilenians became Alberto Santander, Madrilenian of the Year, an anonymous citizen that turned into the protagonist image of the city for one night through the presence of thousands of doubles of himself, a masked crowd that changad Madrid’s urban landscape. CÁCERES CREA CÁCERES Oct. 2008. Cáceres [Spain] Cáceres creates Cáceres turned 2016 images of 2016 Caceres’ citizens into a re-created artificial landscape, an urban intervention made up of images in different formats and scales: real scale figures populating the streets, a megacitizen protecting the city and merchandising objects (badges, balloons...) PLAN E[XTINCIÓN] Nov. 2010. Cienfuegos, Asturias [Spain] Plan E[xtinción] is a project that searches to link the collective identity of endangered Asturian settlements with that of their surviving inhabitants as a way to stand out depopulation processes, turning the image of these citizens into the representative image of this phenomenon. TOLEDO CREA TOLEDO Sep. 2007. ECAT. Toledo [Spain] Toledo creates Toledo ": participative exhibition project that relates art, architecture and public action, trying to give to play the role of the citizen a conscious actor of their critical and creative capacity.
EXTREMADU-R.A. May. 2011. Benquerencia [Spain] Benquerencia, the first village in Augmented Reality. Project for Information Communications Technology (ICT) to the development of Rural Areas. Visit the website:
O.G.A. [OFICINA GRATUITA DE ARQUITECTURA] Mar. 2009. CCCB Centro de Cultura Contemporánea. Barcelona [Spain] O.G.A. (Free Architecture Office) is born as temporary filiation of the study PKMN to develop a free labor for the user who allows us to explore, during three days of the collective exhibition COLLAPSE, the benefits of collective intelligence, the economic current situation and its repercussion for the architect
AENA TRAVEL IT 2011. Spanish Airports [Spain] Travel it! goes beyond the conventional concept of a monologue style exhibition. Far from being a one-way transmission of information by Aena, Travel it! offers visitors the freedom to choose for themselves their level of participation in an interactive experience developed in a space built acording to ecomateriality. COOPERACTIVISTAS [LO MEJOR DE CADA CASA] May. 2011 - Ene 2012. Mondragón [Basque Country] Fagor Electrodomésticos, cooperative of the group Mondragón, investigates close to PKMN how to turn into active agents the users of products or services of the cooperative worldwide, moving this way the cooperative values of the area of (local) production to the commercial (global) area PERFORMING ARCHITECTURE Sep. 2009. Gran Vía, Madrid [Spain] Image project for Performing Architecture. Matadero Madrid. [Curator: A.Cantis] The graphical design of an event turns into action of the proper event, in content of the event...
JAWS Sep. 2009. El Retiro Lake, Madrid [Spain] Theoretical reconstructions of imaginary objects.. "During a placid evening of summer end, couples and families, immersed in a process of theoretical reconstruction of imaginary objects, construct mentally the image of a "possibly killer shark...". ROJO PAQUIMÉ Jul. 2011. Archaeological area of Paquimé. ISAD. Chihuahua [Mexico] One of the aims of this workshop [ROJO PAQUIMÉ] is to experiment with the impact of red colour on an historical landscape. In comparison to imitative and permanent techniques, we use chromatic contrast, material recycling and use planning as an alternative toolkit to perform in patrimonial areas BURGOS CREA BURGOS May. 2010. Plaza Mayor de Burgos [Spain] In view of the complexity and abstraction of a general urban plan, Burgos creates Burgos proposes the children's active participation of the city (10-14 years) in the construction of an urban model, by means of a playful act in which I play and pedagogy they are narrowly linked
CV: AWARDS SELECTED Analogical Smart Cities research project on Wonderland platform// Placemakers. Amsterdam (Nederlands) (2012 Oct) SELECTED Analogic Smart Cities research project on “” platform, a collaboration between Goethe Institut and Instituto Cervantes (2012 Oct) ACCESIT "Premios Injuve para la Creación Joven 2012", Design Section. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. (2012 Sep) SELECTED Ciudad Crea Ciudad research project. El Ranchito. Matadero Madrid (2012 Jun) 2nd PRIZE Competition Infant school (Haureskola) in Zaldibar. Vizcaya. [Basque Country] (2012 May) SELECTED Research project for Beorlegi Rótulos on platform BidasoaLab. [Basque Country] (2012 Mar) SELECTED Research project for Fagor. Conexiones Improbables platform. [Basque Country] (2011 May) 1st PRIZE Competition. Museo Municipal Alcázar de San Juan [Spain] (2010 Jul) FINALIST EUROPAN 10. Mora. [Sweden] (2010 Jan) 1st PRIZE INNOPIA. Competition. New Centre for Industrial and Artistic Creation. Guipúzcoa [Spain] (2009 Jun) PRE-FINALIST 10th Biennial of Spanish Architecture and City 2009 “City creates City”, included in the last 63 work selection, from an overall 512 works submitted (2009 Mar) 1st PRIZE E EME 3 Collapse. New Scene Prize. 4th Architecture Festival. CCCB (Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona) (2009 Mar) 1st PRIZE Tensinet Tech-Textil Competition. Textile Architecture international Competition (2009 Mar) 3rd PRIZE (with Lucía Martí y Eva Gómez) Green Water City Competition New Urban Design Competition. Qingpu, Shanghai [China] (2009 Mar) HONORABLE MENTION OCAM. Door design competition AFAP (2008 Jan) FINALIST EUROPAN 9. AMA Asturias (2007 Jun)
SELECTED Competition for the 2007 Exhibition Program. Contemporary Arts Centre Toledo [Spain] One of the six teams selected from 235 art projects (2007 Feb) 1st PRIZE (with Edoardo Felici) Red Bull Muebling. Furniture design competition. (Produced prototype) (2007 Feb) 1st PRIZE (with Mi5) Competition for the Market Square renovation. Teruel (2006 Nov) ACCESIT x2 Construtec’06 Stand Puertas San Rafael competition / Stand SIKA competition (with MatĂas Nieto-Artematyika) (2006 May) 1st PRIZE Asprima Foundation Special Prize Ideas competition for the urban public space revitalizing of AZCA. Madrid (2006 Mar)
CV: RESEARCH CIUDAD CREA CIUDAD Action project mixing architecture, city and citizens as active building agents of their cities Resarch and production project PKMN. (since 2007) ANALOGIC SMART CITIES Analogic Smart Cities proposes an analogical re-interpretation in real scale of digital tools that are often used to visualize information related to public spaces design and management in cities. This re-interpretation consists mainly on the physical drawing of the information and data on the surface of the elements referred to. An action to be carried out by the citizens themselves with the aim of generating an expertise experience. Developed with support from: UCV-FAU & OCEE Venezuela [2013], Universidad Europea de Madrid [2012], Wonderland [2012], Goethe Institut & Instituto Cervantes [2012]. HOME BACK HOME Research, agency of disemancipation and services platform that answers to the big question of what is happening in the domestic with the PIIGS mega-disemancipation of 18-40 years old people. SOCIAL ALPHABET Research and applied project on the possibilities of generating identitary and participative alphabets for small shops and bussines based on its street-level and urban influence. Píldoras Creativas. BidasoaLab organised by Conexiones Improbables. (Apr/Jun 2012) MONUBENCH! Project Monuments and urban elements conceived as transformable civic added-value objects able to activate public spaces of the city. What about experiencing directly Heritage appropriating it by their own citizens and neighbours sharing real experiences? Guimarães [Portugal, Jan 2012], Barbastro [Spain, May 2012], Madrid [Spain, Sept 2012], Umea [Sweden, Nov 2012] EDUCATE One of 8 testing teams by CSCAE (Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España) for the platform EDUCATE (Environmental Design in University Curricula and Architectural Training in Europe) Cordinated by Nieves Mestre & Eduardo Roig (2011) COOPER[ACTIVISTAS] Research project for Fagor Electrodomésticos Company Social Innovation Depatment. Communities sharing experiences to construct collective domestic identity. Conexiones Improbables Platform (2011) Research project by Rocío Pina & Carmelo Rodríguez OGA [OFICINA GRATUITA DE ARQUITECTURA] Anti-Crisis research-project: marketing-net-new professional patterns. Research and production project PKMN. (since 2009) PLAN E[XTINCIÓN] Identity project for rural dissapearing communities. Beca AlNorte 2010 Beca AlNorte 2010. Asturias (2010 Nov-Dec) ARQUEOLOGÍA DEL FUTURO Future architectural visions of the past Research Project for PhD ETSAM [Madrid School of Architecture] by Carmelo Rodríguez (2008) DOMESTIC COMMONS Conexiones improbables: Fagor-PKMN: Collective communities and identities around domestics. Research project by Rocío Pina & Carmelo Rodríguez (2011) EXPERIMENTAL PEDAGOGIC PROJECTS IN ARCHITECTURE www.pedagogiasarquitectó Research Project for MEC [Ministery of Education and Science] & DPA ETSAM [Madrid School of Architecture] by Enrique Espinosa y Diana Hernández (2008) PROFESSIONAL STATE REPORT: ¿how are the architecs viewed by other professionals?” Interview development with Zuloark, directed by sociologist Emilio Luque CSCAE. Congreso de Arquitectos. Valencia. (2009 Apr-Jul)
CV: PEDAGOGY + THINKTANK ANALOGIC SMART CITIES Urban design workshop: analogical re-interpretation and real scale charting of public space evaluation parameters to generate Analogic Smart Cities tools. Caso Caracas. UCV-FAU + OCEEV Caracas. Venezuela (2013 Feb 26-27) ANALOGIC SMART CITIES Urban design workshop: analogical re-interpretation and real scale charting of public space evaluation parameters to generate Analogic Smart Cities tools. Máster Tricontinental de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. UEM. Madrid (2013 Jan-Feb) INVARIANTES CASTIZOS III Desing-thinking workshop. Collective postcard design through fast souvenir prototyping inspired by Madrid’s identity. DUKE University. Madrid. (2012 Nov 7) ANALOGIC SMART CITIES Urban design workshop: analogical re-interpretation and real scale charting of public space evaluation parameters to generate Analogic Smart Cities tools. Wonderland / Placemakers #urbanvoids Platforms. Wonderland. Amsterdam. (2012 Oct 14-19) SMART TASTING Design-thinking workshop. Participation as experts and designers of spatial interfaces used on workshop development. Basque Culinary Center, San Sebastián (Basque Country) (2012 Sep3-8) INVARIANTES CASTIZOS II Desing-thinking workshop. Collective postcard design through fast souvenir prototyping inspired by Madrid’s identity. Idnet. Escapes. Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia Euronet-project. Madrid. (2012 Jul) SOCIAL ALPHABET Design workshop: generating identitary and participative signs for small shops and bussines with street-level influence. FICOBA. Irún. Krea Bidasoa. BidasoaLab de Conexiones Improbables. Irún. (2012 May 23) ROADTRIPPERS MÉXICO DF Architecture and urbanism workshop: the car and the city of Mexico DF. Universidad Anáhuac del Norte, Mexico DF. (Jan 2012/May 2012) SAVAGE CITIES Urban design workshop: simulation of natural urban perversions in real scale. IED Factory Workshops 2012 Creative Cities. IED. Istituto Europeo di Design. Rome. Italy. (2012 Mar 4-8) ANALOGIC SMART CITIES Urban design workshop: analogical re-interpretation and real scale charting of public space evaluation parameters to generate Analogic Smart Cities tools. Tri-Continental Master’s Degree in Advanced Architectural Desing.Universidad Europea de Madrid. (2012 Feb 4-9) INVARIANTES CASTIZOS I Desing-thinking workshop. Collective postcard design through fast souvenir prototyping inspired by Madrid’s identity. DUKE University. Madrid. (2011 Nov 12) 7 MAGNIFICIENTS FROM POMPEYA Architecture and urbanism workshop: Prototype identitary design & production for Nueva Pompeya UBA y CCEBA. Buenos Aires. Argentina (2011 Aug-Oct) ROJO PAQUIMÉ: pantone 189C Architecture and urbanism workshop: Prototype design & production for Paquimé Archeological site. ISAD Chihuahua. México (2011 Jun-Jul) ESCENAS DE LA VIDA DE MR. TELETRABAJADOR: What about teleworking community-based design? Sustentable communities design project. Universidad Camilo José Cela y ESNE. With Thinkbig Lab DIMAD-MatederoMadrid. Madrid (2010 Jul 4-8) FACEBOX: Materializando lo digital Industrial design and creation workshop. VII Jornadas de la Creación Joven Instituto de la Juventud de Extremadura. Mérida (2010 Nov 29-30)
WORKSHOP CHIHUAHUA: Tirando la onda a la escala 1:1 Urban design workshop. 15 Architecture Week. Chihuahua University. Chihuahua. México (2010 Oct 26-29) CACHIVACHES ALBINOS Design Workshop. “The Coffee Break 2010” Gabinete de Iniciativa Joven de Extremadura. Mérida (2010 Oct 5-7) BURGOS CREA BURGOS Pedagogical experience for kids learning about their city Ayuntamiento de Burgos & Ezquiaga Sociedad y Territorio. Burgos (2010 May) THE COFFEE BRAIN 2010 Design Workshop "The Coffee Break 2010" [scenography + communication]. TCB'10. Badajoz UIT GIJ, Amasté, Robin&Watson, InMedia and Joseba Moso. Gabinete de Iniciativa Joven Extremadura. Merida (2010 Feb 4) WORKSHOP: PKMN + Royal College of Arts London Meeting by “Archive of Madrid Creators” and MA Curating Contemporary Art, RCA Matadero Madrid. Madrid. (2009 Nov 19) EL SOUVENIR COMO OBJETO CRÍTICO DE LA CIUDAD Workshop. Creative Cities in the Imagination Society. 5th International Congress of Creativity and Innovation Cáceres. (2009 Nov 13) FREAKS: Factoría de Monstruos Workshop. Circo-Architecture Festival ETSAC. A Coruña [Spain]. (2009 Apr 28-29) URBAMÉSTICO Architecture Workshop by Enrique Krahe Mérida School of Arts [Spain] (2009 Apr 16-17) PIENSA MADRID Urban Congress. Curators: Ariadna Cantis + Andrés Jaque. Workshop by PKMN+Zuloark La Casa Encendida. Madrid [Spain] (2008 Oct 8-9)
CV: PUBLICATIONS EK France. International architecture magazine. n. 31.Villes en transition. Architectures durables “Frabrique urbaine!”. pp.88-95 (2013 Feb-Mar) C3 Korea. International architecture magazine. n. 341. Urbanhow “Teruel-Zilla!”. pp.166-179 (2013 Jan) MIA Spain. Women’s magazine. n. 1371 “Home Back Home”. pp.18-21 (2012 Dec) LW Korea. International architecture magazine. n. 59. Landscape architecture & environment design “Teruel-Zilla!”. pp.14-21 (2012 Dec) ARQUITECTURA VIVA International magazine around architecture and design. nº 146. Autumn 2012 Breves: espacio público. “Teruel-Zilla”. p.7 (2012 Dec) PASAJES. Arquitectura y Crítica Num. 125. November 2012 “Haureskola Zaldibar”. Pp.10-13 (2012 Nov) ALTER ARCHITECTURES MANIFESTO Observatory of innovative and urban processes in Europe 2012 (2012 Nov) SUMMA+ Argentina. International magazine around architecture. n. 125 “Teruel-Zilla!”. pp.30-37 (2012 Nov) ARQUITECTURA VIVA Internacional magazine around architecture and design. nº 145. Autumn 2012. “Colectivos españoles: Nuevas plataformas de trabajo” “PKMN”. Pp.36. “Rojo Paquimé”. pp.46-47 (2012 Oct) MARK Nederlands. Another Architecture. International magazine around architecture and design. n. 40 “MI5 and PKMN paint the town red” pp. 48-49 (2012 Oct) ARQ.URB Brazil. Sao Paulo. Universidade Sao Judas Tadeu. Architecture and urbanism magazine. #7 “Analogic Smart Cities” pp. 126-138 (2012 Oct) AMC France. International architecture magazine. n. 217. Le moniteur architecture “Teruel-Zilla!”. pp.52-59 (2012 Sep) ARQUINE Mexico. International magazine around architecture and design. n. 61. Autumn 2012 “Arqueología Emergente”. pp.38-43 (2012 Sep)
PASAJES. Arquitectura y Crítica Num. 124. September 2012 “Inopia-Up”. Pp.64-66 (2012 Sep) A10 Nederlands. International magazine around architecture and design. n. 47 Oct/Sep 2012 “Public Space and Leisure Centre”. pp.23-25 (2012 Sep) EL PAIS. “El Viajero “ Spain. n. 724. September the 7th 2012 “El ovni que aterrizó en Teruel”. p.10 (2012 Sep) NEO2 Spain. September 2012 “9 metros bajo tierra”. pp. 30-31 (2012 Sep) LANDSCAPE & DESIGN China. n. 53. 9- 2012. “Unique Landscape of Pedestrian” “Terual-Zilla”. pp. 72-79 (2012 Aug) ARCHITECTURE & CULTURE Korea. n. 375. August 2012. “Public Facilities” “Espacios de ocio Underground”. pp. 36-42 (2012 Aug) ZEPPELIN Romania. City, Society, Tecnology. n. 106 “Teruel-zilla!”. pp. Cover + 28-37 (2012 Jul-Aug) DISEÑO INTERIOR. Interiorismo, Arquitectura y Diseño. n. 240. Julio 2012 “Teruel-zilla”. Pp. 76-85 (2012 Jul) LA CIUDAD VIVA n. 6. Junio 2012. Nuevos procesos participativos “Ciudad crea Ciudad”. Pp. 38-41 (2012 Jun) PASAJES. Arquitectura y Crítica n. 123. Junio 2012 “Teruel-zilla”. Cover +pp.24-31 (2012 Jun) EL MUNDO. El Cultural. 4/10 de mayo 2012 “Público Emergente” Inmaculada E.Maluenda / Enrique Encabo . pp.32-33 (2012 May) PASAJES. Arquitectura y Crítica Num. 122. Abril 2012 “Efecto Camping. Mención en los premios Pasajes / I-Guzzini”. p.46 (2012 Apr) ABITARE International Magazine around architecture, art and interior design. Núm 519 Febrero 2012 “Esercizi Contemporanei di scrittura del paesaggio. Rojo Paquimé”. pp.40-53 (2012 Feb)
A10 International Magazine around architecture and design. Núm. 43 Jan/Feb 2012 “Museum extension, Alcázar de San Juan”. pp.10-11. (2012 Ene) ARQUINE International Magazine around architecture and design. Núm. 58 “Taller del Desierto Rojo Paquimé”. pp.20-23. (2011 Dic) AV Proyectos Architecture competitions magazine. Núm. 48 “Ampliación del Museo Provincial””. pp.40-41 (2011 Dec) A+T. Strategy and Tactics in public Space Independent Magazine for Architecture and Technology. Nº38. Otoño 2011 “Ocho acciones tácticas. Jugando para cambiar la realidad. Ciudad crea Ciudad. Cáceres crea Cáceres”. P.119 (2011 Dic) PLOT Argentina. Internacional magazine around architecture. Núm.6 Diciembre 2011 “Acupuntura Urbana Buenos Aires. Los 7 Magníficos de Pompeya”. pp.88-97 (2011 Dic) AL NORTE 2010. IX Semana de Arte Contemporáneo de Asturias. Catalogue of the exhibition AL NORTE2010. “Plan E[xtinción]”. pp. 20-29. (2011 Dic) ARQUITECTURA. Entre Líneas. Oficial Magazine: Barra de arquitectos de Chihuahua A.C. Núm.30 Aug/Sep “Rojo Paquimé”. pp. 15-17. (2011 Sep) EXIT Express Information and debate magazine around contemporary art. Núm.60 Aug/Sep “¿Construir o no construir?”. pp. 26-31. Ariadna Cantis. (2011 Ago) ARQUITECTOS. "Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España" Magazine. 1/2011. “Arqueología del Futuro. La movilidad como opción de futuro. Viviendas móviles, transportables, desmontables”. pp. 19-24. (2011 Jul) MARK Another Architecture. Architecture and design international magazine. Núm. 31 Innopia UP. News. pp. 16-17 (2011 Apr-May) ARQUIA / PRÓXIMA 2010 2º Foro Arquia Próxima Catalogue. Fundación Caja de Arquitectos PKMN. Selected works: OGA, Teruelog, Toledo crea Toledo. pp. 214-215, 230-233 (2011 May) EXIT Express Information and debate magazine around contemporary art. Núm.57 Feb/Mar “Colgados en el presente”. pp. 78-81. Fredy Massad y Alicia Guerrero Yeste. (2011 Feb) METALOCUS Architecture magazine. nº27. Cómo ser Rem Koolhaas + Faked ID’s. pp. 37-41; (2010 Dic)
CUATRO JUEGOS PARA CUATRO AVATARES [JM Reyes] Mix City. 3ºPrize Green Water City Competition (2010 Nov) EME3 2010 Eme3 Architecture Festival Catalogue (2010 Oct) EUROPAN 10 European Resuls. Inventing urbanity. Regeneration / Revitalization / Colonization Europan 10. “The Camping Effect”. pp. 200-201. (2010 Jun) EUROPAN 10 España Ministerio de la Vivienda & Europan. Europan 10. “The Camping Effect”. pp. 174. (2010 Jun) EUROPAN 10 Sweden Result Book Europan Sverige PKMN. p. 65. “The Camping Effect”. pp. 66-67. (2010 May) ARQUINE Architecture and design magazine. Num. 51 “Arquitectura Gratuita”. pp.38-49; “Apilar, Organizar, Construir”. pp.40-43; (2010 Mar) MADRIZ Madrid Magazine. Núm.5. 2009-2010. “Freshmadrid. Arquitectura emergente de la capital”. pp.130-133; (2009 Oct) Di Magazine Architecture & Design Architecture and design magazine, China. Nº142 “Mix City. Green Water City Quigpu Competition”. pp.44; (2009 Oct) FUTURE Arquitecturas Architecture competitions magazine [International]. num. 16/17. “Thoughts: PKMN”. pp.12-21 (2009 Jun) AV Proyectos Architecture competitions magazine [Spain]. num. 31 “Eco-developments. City creates City”. pp.22-23 (2009 Jun) EL PAIS Cultural magazine: Babelia. Num. 909 "Architects are not solitary creators", by Andrés Jaque (2009 Apr 25) BAUNETZWOCHE Architecture digital magazine [Germany, Switzerland and Austria], num.122 “Madrid Rockt”. pp.4-18 (2009 Apr) PANORAMA Architecture Newspaper. num.1. “OGA”. p.12 (2009 Mar) EME3 Collapse Eme3 Architecture Festival Catalogue. Barcelona 19-21 Marzo 2009 [Spain] “OGA”. p. 34 (2009 Mar)
PIENSA MADRID Publication about the workshop "Think Madrid" curated by A.Cantis + A.Jaque [La Casa Encendida, Madrid. Spain]. pp. 464 (2009 Mar) EL ECONOMISTA Socioeconomic newspaper [Spain] nº 943. "Enterpreneurs: free architecture projects". p. 35 (2009 Mar 17) PASAJES. Arquitectura y Crítica Architecture magazine.(nº105). América-Ibérica editorial. [Spain] “Cáceres Crea Cáceres” . pp.28-29 (Mar 2009) [Q] ARQUITECTURA Architecture magazine. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Castilla la Mancha. num.9 [Spain] ”El Dorado”. Frontpage+pp.58-65 (2008 Dec) PASAJES. Arquitectura y Crítica Architecture magazine.(nº102). América-Ibérica editorial. [Spain] "Configuring AZCA through the mirror". p.34-36 (2008 Dec) EUROPAN 9 España Ministerio de la Vivienda & Europan. Europan 9. AMA. pp. 172-173 (2008 Jun) EUROPAN 9 European Result. International European urbanity, the sustainable city and new public spaces Europan 9. AMA. pp. 172-173 (2008 Jun) FUTURE Arquitecturas Architecture competitions magazine [International]. num. 12/13 Europan 9. AMA. pp.78-79 (2008 Jun) RNE: RADIO NACIONAL DE ESPAÑA. Radio1 “El Ojo Crítico” Program. 2 Jan 2008. Interview: Pac-man (2008 Jan) [Q] ARQUITECTURA Architecture magazine. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Castilla la Mancha. num.6 [Spain] ”Toledo crea Toledo”. Frontpage+pp.64-73 (2007 Dec) NAN Arquitectura y construcción Architecture & Construction Magazine (nº25). TPI ediciones [Spain] "Protagonistas: PKMN". pp.78-84 (2007 Sep) CALLE 20 New Culture Magazine (num.20). 20minutos Editorial [Spain] "Utopia: Being Rem Koolhaas". p.10 (2007 Sep) CIC Arquitectura y Construcción Construction Magazine. (nº437). "FreshForward: Art & architecture, a perfect symbiosis" pp.14-21 (2007 May)
PASAJES. Arquitectura y Crítica Architecture magazine. (nº87). América-Ibérica editorial. [Spain] Competition: "New Market Square. Teruel". pp.18 (2007 May) AZCA. MADRID Asprima AZCA-Madrid Competition + Discussion about a contemporary Madrid Book design and production + Article pp.20-21 + 38-39 (2007 May) FRESHFORWARD Emergent Madrid Architecture: FreshForward. Catalogue. EA! Ediciones Arquitectura. COAM. PKMN. pp.236-251 (2007 Apr) ARQUITECTOS. Arquitectura Enzimática "Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España" Magazine. 3/2006 (2006 Dic) Concursos COAM. CONSTRUTEC 2006 EA! Editions. COAM Foundation. pp.52-55 + 60-63 (2006 Oct) EL MUNDO Su vivienda. "AZCA as Madrid young architects dream it" (2006 Apr 28, num 441)
CV: CONFERENCES ZINCSHOWER Meeting-show for enterpreneurs, investers and professionala of Cultural and Creative Industries. Zinctalk + Pechakucha. Matadero Madrid, Madrid. (2013 Apr 11-12) DISTOPÍA-LAB. Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura. PKMN “What architect do you wanna be?” Maracaibo. Venezuela (2013 Feb 21) XV CICLO DE ARQUITECTURA CMHC Opuestos cercanos. PKMN & Cadaval-Morales Colegio Mayor Universitario Hernando Colón. Sevilla. (2013 Jan 15) III ENCUENTRO DE CREACIÓN ESCÉNICA CONTEMPORÁNEA ¿A QUÉ ESTAMOS JUGANDO? "Anonymous/clon/downloadable/fake citizens-city” conference CSIC y CETAE. La Calderería y Universidad de Valencia. Valencia (2012 Dec 13) PECHAKUCHA MAD 12 PKMN: City creates city. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid. Madrid (2012 Dec 12) JORNADAS CREARQ. Reformulando nuestro futuro PKMN: What architect do you wanna be? 10 lies around the architect status CREARQ. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés. Barcelona (2012 Oct 19) PIENSA MADRID 5 Participation on Piensa Madrid vol.5 thinking platform with a talk about “El Madrileño del año” [“The Madrilenian of the Year”] La Casa Encendida, Madrid. Curated by Andrés Jaque and Ariadna Cantis. (2012 Oct 10) TRICONTINENTAL MASTER’S DEGREE. UEM Conference. 1º Tricontinental Master’s Degree closing, organised by UEM Universidad Europea de Madrid. HUB Madrid, (Madrid). (2012 Oct 9) PARTICIPAR.DE Conference on “Analogic Smart Cities” for “” platform. Goethe Institut, Madrid. (2012 Oct 5) ARCHIVO DE CREADORES. MATADERO-MADRID Conference for Archivo de Creadores showing season. With Demodrama Faces. Matadero, Madrid. (2012 Oct 4) Ibero-Balkan meeting EL CAMPO DE CEBADA European student encounter organised by PKMN at El Campo de Cebada as a meeting point between Madrilenian architecture collectives and Balkan Universities: IDnet-Escapes. (2012 Jul 24) LOS VIERNES AL SOL.. Universidad de Alicante PKMN Conference. “Ciudad crea Ciudad al oído” [“Ciudad crea Ciudad to the ear”] UA Universidad de Alicante. Conference season “Los Viernes al sol” (2012 May 25) C.M.U Fundación SEPI PKMN Conference “Cuidado con lo que sueñas” [“Be Aware of Your Dreams”] Colegio Mayor Universitario Fundación SEPI. Madrid (2012 May 17)
INICIADOR HUB MADRID PKMN conference for INICIADOR event “Arquitectos Emprendedores”. (Entreprising Architects) HUB Madrid. (2012 May 9) LABORATORIOS Y ESPACIOS DE INNOVACIÓN EN MADRID Seminar on innovation spaces organised by Territories of Tomorrow Fondation together with UPM research group "Life Supporting Technologies". Escuela T.S. de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones de Madrid. (2012 Feb 3) CICLO DE CONFERENCIAS 2012 “UNIVERSIDAD ANAHUAC” PKMN What architect do you wanna be? Universidad Anáhuac del Norte. Ciudad de México. (2012 Jan 25) IV SEMANA DE LA ARQUITECTURA DE TOLEDO. Architects 30x30. PKMN: What architect do you wanna be? IV Toledo Architecture Week. Círculo de Bellas Artes. Toledo. (2011 Oct 26) ACUPUNTURAS URBANAS BUENOS AIRES CCEBA, XIIIBA11 &PLOT Magazine. Nueva Pompeya Workshop. With F451 y Fake Industries Architectural Agonism. Centro Cultural Recoleta. Buenos Aires. Argentina. (2011 Oct 16) XIII BIENAL DE ARQUITCTURA Y URBANISMO 2011 BUENOS AIRES PKMN: City creates City Centro Cultural Recoleta. Buenos Aires. Argentina. (2011 Oct 15) DEFRAG PKMN+Todo por la Praxis+Inteligencias Colectivas+ Arquitectura Expandida+El gato con Moscas Matadero Madrid. El Ranchito. (2011 Sep 30) PKMN: CCAU What architect do you wanna be? 10 lies around the architect status Centro para la cultura Arquitectónica y Urbana [CCAU]. Guadalajara, México. (2011 Jul 28) EFÍMERAS: ALTERNATIVAS HABITABLES PKMN Sala de las Arquerías de los Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid (2011 Mar 25) PKMN: FRESH LATINO Latin-American Emergent Architecture Instituto Cervantes Lyon (Francia) (2011 Jan 27) VII JORNADAS DE LA CREACIÓN JOVEN: PKMN Extremadura Youth Institute. Mérida (2010 Dec 1) 15th ARCHITECTURE WEEK Comité de Estudiantes de Arquitectura. Chihuahua University. Mexico (2010 Oct 26) EME3 2010. DEBATE Architecture Fest. Barcelona. “Sustainability: architecture, economy, environment” CCCB. Barcelona (2010 Oct 9) FESTIVAL MADRID FUTURO III International Architecture Congress Construtec-COAM. Matadero. Madrid (2010 Oct 5)
ARQUINE II Architecture and Design International Congress: “Re-think, Re-invent, Re-build, Re-cycle“ México D.F. México (2010 Mar 8-9) IMAGIN-UP New scenes for creativity. Gabinete en zapatillas y Universidad Popular de Llerena Llerena. Badajoz (2010 Mar 5) ARQUITAXI’09 Urban Re-activation III Architecture International Congress. Granada (2010 Mar 4) PKMN: FRESH LATINO Latin-American Emergent Architecture Instituto Cervantes Madrid (2009 Nov 18) PKMN: FRESH LATINO Latin-American Emergent Architecture Facultade Arquitectura Guimaraes (Portugal) (2009 Oct 30) PKMN: ARCHIVO DE CREADORES Pecha Kucha in Matadero Archive of Madrid Creators. Matadero. Madrid (2009 Oct 23) ECONOMÍA DE LA IMAGINACIÓN Enterpreneurs Meeting 4H Gabinete de Iniciativa Joven. Mérida. Extremadura (2009 Oct 21) PERFORMING ARCHITECTURE Curated by Ariadna Cantis. With Andrés Jaque, Moov & Marlon de Azambuja Matadero Madrid. Madrid (2009 Oct 6) PKMN: LAS AZOTEAS DEL SUR La Ciudad Viva como Urbs. International Congress. Quito [Ecuador] 1st audiovisual-documentary exhibition about the cities (2009 Jul 9) PECHA KUCHA NUGHT SEVILLA (Vol.06). Minilecture 6'40''. Ciudad crea Ciudad Andalusian Contemporary Arts Centre. La Cartuja. Seville [Spain] (2009 May 21) PKMN: FREAKS Workshop. Circo-Architecture Festival ETSAC. A Coruña [Spain] (2009 Apr 28) C.C.LABS 2016 Congress: Reflection and action space "Creando Capital 2016". Culture and Territory: Imagination and creativity for urban sustainability. Cáceres City Council, Consorcio Cáceres 2016. Cáceres [Spain] (2009 Apr 17) PKMN Curator: Manuel Ocaña Universidad Europea de Madrid. School of Architecture. Madrid [Spain] (2009 Feb 24)
CIUDAD CREA CIUDAD Lecture season “Active Wednesdays” Camilo José Cela University. School of Architecture. Madrid [Spain] (2007 Nov 28)
CV: EXHIBITIONS MAD SKYLINE GAMES en Instrucciones de Uso [USER GUIDE] Architectural Installation for collective exhibition “Instrucciones de Uso”. Centro Centro, Madrid. (2012 Sept 12- 2012 Jan 21) PARTICIPAR.DE / INTERMEDIAE. Matadero-Madrid Audiovisual installaion “Analogic Smart Cities” Collective exhibition “” Intermediae, Matadero (Madrid) (2012 Oct) STRATEGIES FOR PUBLIC OCCUPATION Storefront for Art and Architecture. New York. USA. (2011 Dic 22-26) XIII BA11: BIENAL DE ARQUITECTURA DE BUENOS AIRES Centro Cultural Recoleta. Buenos Aires. Argentina (2011 Oct 8-30) EFÍMERAS: ALTERNATIVAS HABITABLES Sala de las Arquerías de los Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid (2011 Feb 16 – May 28) AL NORTE 2010 Plan E[xtinción] Museo Barjola. Gijón (2010 Dec – 2011 Jan) FRESH LATINO Latin-American Emergent Architecture . Cervantes Institute. Ministery of Culture [Spain]. Curated by Ariadna Cantis. (2009) Frankfurt, Hamburgo, Buenos Aires, Guimaraes, Madrid, Bucarest (2010) Dublín, Lisboa, Lyon, Shanghai, Sidney, Londres, Manila, Recife, Sao Paulo, Praga, Alburquerque, New York POSTPOSTPOST New iberoamerican architecture Post Arquitectura. Exposición Internacional Itinerante (2010-2011) Buenos Aires, Medellín, Quito, Boston, Madrid EME3 2010 Barcelona Architecture Fest. Market CCCB. Barcelona (2010 Oct 7-9) FESTIVAL MADRID FUTURO III International Architecture Congress Construtec-COAM. Matadero. Madrid (2010 Oct 5-6) ARCHIVO DE CREADORES Archive of Madrid Creators under35. Selected by Iván López Munuera and other young curators. Matadero Madrid. Madrid (2009 Sep - 2010) EME3 2009. COLLAPSE 4th Architecture Festival. CCCB (Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona). Barcelona [Spain] Installation: Free Office Architecture (2009 Mar 19-21) CÁCERES’2016: CÁCERES CREA CÁCERES Cáceres City Council. Consorcio Cáceres Capital Cultural Europea 2016 2nd participative project "City creates City". A brand-image for Cáceres as European Capital of Culture 2016 (2008 Sep-Oct)
EL DORADO: V ENCUENTRO DE ARTISTAS "The Quest for El Dorado". Art-Installation. Amelia Moreno Foundation. El Dorado Arts Centre: V artists meeting+mostra 2008. Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo) (2008 Sep 13-28) ECAT07: TOLEDO CREA TOLEDO ECAT'07. Contemporary Arts Centre Toledo. ConsejerĂa de Cultura de Castilla la Mancha 1st participative project "City creates City". Exhibition project working with the concepts "Action+Architecture" (2007 Sep.20-Nov.11) FRESH FORWARD New Architecture from Madrid Curated by Ariadna Cantis. COAM Foundation. Madrid [Spain]. (2007 Apr. 12 - May. 11) Museum of Architecture MARQ. Buenos Aires [Argentina] (2007 Aug.14-Sep.2)
CV: PROJECTS & WORKS BUILT WORKS “Renovación de la Plaza Domingo Gascón en Teruel” Working project for Teruel City Council. With MI5, Mecanismo (structure engineering) & Solventa (inst. engineering) Teruel (2007 Sep – 2008 Abr) Working project (2008 Nov – 2011 Nov) Construction
WORKING PROJECTS “MASJ” Renovation and Museum Extension. Alcázar de San Juan. Ciudad Real (2010 Jul – 2011 Mar) “Innopia UP” New Centre for Industrial and Artistic Creation Lasarte-Oria. San Sebastián. Guipúzcoa. [Spain] (2009 May – 2010) “En la Piel de Don Quijote” A Doorway into Don Quixote's Territory Museum. La Mancha [Spain] "Brand-Space" proposal for "Don Quixote's Territorial Museum" new touristic offices (2008 Apr –2009 Jun)
COMPETITIONS “Como en casa” Infant school and nursery project. (Haurreskola) Zaldíbar. Basque Country Zaldíbar. VIzcaya (2012 Mar) “Intercambios de identidad (Madrid Crea Madrid)” Urban action project. Ayudas a la Creación Contemporánea de Matadero Madrid 2010 Madrid (2010 Feb) “Wall-E” Project for the offices-space of Arista & The Farm in Madrid Madrid (2009 Dec) “The Camping Effect” EUROPAN 10 Mora. Suecia (2009 Jun) “The Hills Have Eyes” EUROPAN 10 Rijeka. Croacia (2009 Jun) “Jaws III” Objet for a beach. Tenerife Design Paradise Tenerife (2009 Sep) “Las Azoteas del Sur” Audiovisual project La Ciudad Viva. Congress: "La ciudad viva como urbs". Quito [Ecuador] (2009 May-Jul)
“Jaws” Spatial installation project for FIB'art: Benicassim International Festival Art Competition 2009 FIBart. Benicassim. Castellón[Spain] (2009 Apr) “Mix City” New Urban Design Competition. Qingpu, Shanghai [China] Green Water City Competition (2008 Dec - 2009 Feb) “Once upon a time...” Tensinet Tech-Textil Competition. Textile Architecture international Competition (2008 Dec – 2009 Jan) “Picasso Tower Bioclimatic Laboratory” Isover Multi-Confort-House Competition Office Building Competition (2008 Dec – 2009 Jan) “Las puertas que da la vida” OCAM. Door Design Competition AFAP (2008 Jan) “Érase una vez” Madrid City Council Book Fair 2008. Madrid. City Council Stand Competition (2008 Jan) “Tuck up your skirt, your legs are getting wet” EUROPAN 9Tartu. Letonia (2007 Jun) “The hills have eyes” EUROPAN 9 AMA Asturias. Spain (2007 Jun) “Welcome to Palma de Ma(z)orca” Sika 2007 Competition: A new Village in the map SIKA Competition for a contemporary urbanization related to 9 golf fields (2007 May) “Recyc” Red Bull Muebling (with Edoardo Felici) Furniture-for-a-rest-space design competition (2006 Dec) “Lavapiés se-lava re-lava” Ecobarrios’06 (2006 Nov) “Ampostados” Ecobarrios’06 (2006 Nov) “Phase transition” New Market Square. Teruel. Team with MI5 Competition for the Market Square renovation. Teruel (2006 Sep-Oct) “Here comes the sun” Philips on the Move Competition for a container Philips design (2006 Sep)
“Fiat 500 Hotel” FIAT 500 World Competition. (2006 Sep) “Sexlove sofa” Competition: Furniture for a Houseparty. (2006 Jul) “Being Rem Koolhaas” ETSAM: Available Space Courtyard space renovation Competition. School of Architecture. Madrid (2006 Jun) “Minotaur’s Dream” Construtec’06 Puertas San Rafael Stand competition for the Construction Fair Construtec 2006 en IFEMA. Madrid (2006 May) “2.500.000 m2:: IFEMA throws out yearly carpet enough for al social-dwellings built in Madrid” Construtec’06 Concurso para el Stand SIKA (2006 May) “172.450.000 €” Asprima Foundation Special Prize Ideas competition for the urban public space revitalizing of AZCA. Madrid (2006 Feb-Apr)
BRAND-SPACE, SCENOGRAPHY, INDUSTRIAL DESIGN “Commonubench Umea” Monubench Project. Public space facilities designed through identity and heritage. Umea. Sweden. (2012 May) “MAD Skyline Games” Architectural Installation for collective exhibition “Instrucciones de Uso”. Centro Centro, Madrid. (2012 Sep) “BCC Eat-enxive Box: Smart Tasting” Interactive tasting space. Design and construction. Basque Culinary Centre. San Sebastian (2012 Sep) “Cain Doors” Steel Scenography for the play: “Obligados y ofendidos”. Caín Teatro. Madrid. (2012 Jun) “Beam-Camp” Space concept and transformable furniture design: Social Alphabet. Beam-Camp (Summer camp). New Hampshire. USA. (2012 Ene) “AENA. Travel IT” Brand space and interactive furniture design. With La Camorra and Monster Electronics. AENA (Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea) Spanish Airports. (2010 Oct) “The Coffee Break 2010” Brand space and participatory furniture design: Cachivaches Albinos [Albino Junk] Gabinete de Iniciativa Joven de Extremadura (2010 Oct)
EDITION_WEB “” Web design (2009 Jan) V1.0 “Infiltrados” EA Monographs Competition for the new monographic publication and exhibition series curatorial of COAM Foundation [Madrid] (2007 Apr) “AZCA. MADRID” Asprima AZCA-Madrid Competition + Discussion about a contemporary Madrid Book design and production (2007 May) “” Web design (2006 Nov) V1.0 (with Edoardo Felici) (2008 Abr) V2.0 (2011 Dic) V3.0
CV: ACTION, CITIZEN IDENTITY & INFORMAL URBANISM “Analogic Smart Cities” Workshop on Analogic Smart Cities. Wonderland platform / Placemakers #urbanvoids. Wonderland. Amsterdam. (2012 Oct 14-19) “Monubench Barbastro. Portada Santa María de Sigena” Public space facilities designed through identity and heritage. Project. Barbastro. Huesca. Spain. (2012 May) “Monubench Guimaraes. Padrao do salado” Public space facilities designed through identity and heritage. Project. Guimaraes 2016. European Capital of Culture. Guimaraes. Portugal. (2012 Jan) “Gradas-ID para el Campo” Public facilities designed for El Campo de Cebada through local neighbourhood personal identities. Campo de la Cebada. Todo por la Praxis. Madrid (2012 Apr) “Extremadu[R.A.]” Rural TIC’s development project. City identity and augmented reality. Internet Day’11 Consorcio Identic. Benquerencia. Extremadura (2011 May) “Plan E[xtinción]” Identity project for rural dissapearing communities. Beca AlNorte 2010 Asturias (2010 Nov-Dic) “What architect do you wanna be?” Installation EME3 2010. CCCB Barcelona (2010 Oct) “El Madrileño del Año” La noche en blanco 2010. The White Night. Madrid (2010 Sep 11)
“Being Rem Koolhaas” Installation. PostPostPost. New Iberoamerican Iberoamericana 2010 Exposición itinerante: Buenos Aires – Medellín – Quito – Boston – Madrid (2010 Jul) “Burgos Crea Burgos” Pedagogic city experience Burgos (2010 May) “Faked ArchID’S” Interaction-game. Arquitaxi’09 Granada (2010 Mar) “De lo que se come se cría” Project for a universitary activation action. Campus Ciudad Real. UCLM Ciudad Real (2009 Dec) “Jaws II” Urban action Madrid (2009 Sep) “Performing Architecture” Urban action Madrid (2009 Aug) “OGA [Oficina Gratuita de Arquitectura]” Ephemeral Project EME 3 Collapse. 4th Architecture Festival. CCCB (Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona). Barcelona [Spain] (2009 Mar) “Cáceres crea Cáceres” Urban participative action. Cáceres European Capital of Culture 2016 City creates City II. Cáceres. (Sep-Oct. 2008) “La búsqueda de El Dorado” Installation Collaborative project for the V Artist Meeting 2008. Espacio-Arte El Dorado. Quintanar de la Orden. Toledo (Sep. 2008) “Toledo crea Toledo” ECAT 2007 Exhibition for ECAT’07 [Contemporary Arts Centre. Toledo] (Sep-Nov 2007) “Camouflage: the five conditions” Action+Videoart Body and landscape. (2006 Dec)