2011 Western Canada Summer Games Fall 2010

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Games News Fall 2010


The Games Begin With YOU!

Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games Inside This Edition

Message from the President

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Jenny John Inducted to BC Sports Hall of Fame

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Sport Spotlight ‐ Field Hockey

Charlie Bruce Qualifies for 2011 World Cup Triathlon Introducing Sage & Marigold

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2010 Adams River Sockeye Salmon Run

page 9

Andrew Philpot Named One of Canada’s Top Fire Fighters

page 10

page 11 Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games 262 Lorne Street, Kamloops, British Columbia V2C 1W1 Phone: 250‐372‐1157 | Fax: 250‐372‐1158 Email: info@2011wcsg.ca www.2011wcsg.ca

TRU Student Joung Min Seo

Presenting Sponsor

Funding Partners

The Games Begin With YOU!


Established in 1975, the Western Canada Summer Games provide an opportunity for young, emerging athletes from Canada's four Western Provinces and three Territories to advance their skills in a friendly, competitive environment. ♦ Newsletter Editor: Brian Scrivener handsonhealth.brian@telus.net ♦ Marketing & Communications: Paula Kully paulakully@2011wcsg.ca ♦ General Manager: Doug Smith dsmith@zimbra.sd73.bc.ca ♦ Sport Coordinator: Vincent Lafontaine vincentlafontaine@2011wcsg.ca ♦ Operations Coordinator: Wayne Hall waynehall@2011wcsg.ca

Breaking News: Canada’s Dylan Armstrong set a Commonwealth Games record of 21.02 metres in winning the gold medal at the 2010 Commonwealth Games held in Delhi, India. Armstrong is a graduate of the Kamloops Track and Field Club.

President’s Message— It’s Time to VOLUNTEER!

2500 Volunteers – What Does That Look Like? We are in the last year leading up to the Games and our volunteer drive is gaining momentum. Since 2006 approximately two dozen board members, liaisons and staff members have been busy planning the big picture items for the Games. Countless volunteer hours have been spent developing policies, budgets, marketing strategies and timetables. Facilities planning, Henry Pejril—President logistics and fundraising have all been important facets of the Games that had to be dealt with. Once the big picture items were completed the next step was to work on the details of delivering the Games. Game and practice schedules, food services planning, accommodations, transportation plans, medical services and a host of other areas are now in final planning stages. For the last year we’ve swelled our ranks of key volunteers by adding approximately 100 chair positions to assist the various directors in their tasks. On November 8 we will be hosting a Key Volunteer Rally intended to bring all of these directors and chairs into one room. This will be the first time for many of these leaders to interact with chairs in other directorates. It is imperative for each chair to understand the roles they play in concert with their peers. Only the understanding of each other’s responsibilities will allow someone to truly understand the scope of this project. The Key Volunteer Rally will be our kick‐off for engaging the many volunteers it takes to host a Games of this size. The chairs will take on leadership roles within their workgroups. Over the final eight months after the Key Volunteer Rally volunteers will be assigned, scheduled and trained. These groups can range in size from a half‐dozen up to a hundred strong. 2500 volunteers divided by 100 chairs averages 25 each. On August 10th we held a One Year To Go celebration which was the kick‐off for our volunteer drive and the introduction of the Tournament Capital Club for Volunteers. The initiatives are well received and we are encouraged by the early results of our volunteer recruitment program.

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To try to explain the scope of the number of volunteers in sports terms, this is like a hockey league made up of 100 teams. We’ve selected the coaches and they are now poised to select, recruit and train their teams. To get a visual of what this looks like we just have to go back to the 2006 BC Summer Games Opening Ceremonies. The athletes along with their coaches and trainers that were on display on the fields at Hillside Stadium were a pretty close approximation of the numbers of the volunteers it will take to run this event. Remember playoff hockey in the old Memorial Arena when standing room was 3 deep (sorry Fire Marshal!)? Those fans were also a good representation of the numbers. Our large and experienced volunteer base contributes greatly to the Kamloops Advantage. Sport has defined this city and we’re very good at it. The 2011 Western Canada Summer Games are the next opportunity for Kamloops to show why we are Canada’s Tournament Capital. Our motto “The Games Begin With You” indicates our commitment to celebrating the role that sports volunteers play. This will be a defining event for the city and you’re invited to be a part of it – it will definitely be memorable and worth your while!

VOLUNTEER NOW! Be a part of the excitement in 2011 Become a member of Kamloops’ newest Volunteer organization: The Tournament Capital Club Register online today at www.2011wcsg.ca

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Western Canada Games’ Own Jenny John Inducted to the BC Sports Hall of Fame


Jenny at the BC Sports Hall of Fame at the 42nd Annual Banquet of Champions held at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

Jenny John is the Field Hockey Sport Chair for the Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games and is considered the “face of field hockey” in British Columbia. She was recognized as such on September 16, 2010 when she was inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame at the 42nd Annual Banquet of Champions held at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Jenny was notified last December that she was one of nine individuals being inducted to the hall of fame, along with one team — the 1994 B.C. Lions football squad. It was the first time she’d ever been nominated. It usually takes two or three applications before someone gets in, so for a woman to get in and with a minor sport is quite remarkable. A consummate athlete from the age of five, Jenny’s interest in sports encompassed hockey, netball, badminton, tennis and cricket. Her earliest passion was cricket, which she played at the age of eleven on the Essex county team and later the East of England Team. Jenny’s interest in field hockey began in her hometown of Essex, where she earned a Physical Education Degree. She came to Canada in 1970 to teach at Norfolk House Private School in Victoria, British Columbia. She obtained her Canadian citizenship in 1975 and in the mid 1980’s moved to Vancouver to further her career. A self proclaimed “type A, competitive, extrovert” Jenny’s desire to excel comes with a price, namely that of one ankle and two knee replacements. Her strong legs bear the scars of her years of intense competitions however, she speaks of the game she loves and her passion for promoting it with a sportsmanlike attitude. It is evident that Jenny’s aggressive competitive nature is balanced with fair and honest play and instilling that in the athletes she mentors. Jenny’s extensive, dynamic career includes 21 years as the Provincial Coordinator for the BC Women’s Field Hockey Federation from 1979 to 2000. Her work with BCWFHF has defined and set the high standard for field hockey in BC today. She played the game she loves and worked so diligently to promote for twenty‐ five years. She has over a dozen coaching and officials’ certificates to her name and has coached over ten different teams ranging from High School to National. She has sat on dozens of committees, umpired for nearly twenty years and taught up to 15,000 classes

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Jenny at home with her award

THE BC Sports Hall of Fame at a Glance ♦ THE BC Sports Hall of Fame and Museum is a not‐for‐profit, self‐ sustaining society. ♦ THE BC SPORTS Hall of Fame and Museum works toward “ Honouring the Past and Inspiring the Future.” ♦ AT PRESENT, 310 individuals and 54 teams have been inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame and Museum.

The Games Begin With YOU!

and clinics over the course of her career. Jenny is also a published author and has written teaching material, field hockey manuals, coaching videos and magazine articles. After a lifetime of commitment to the game of field hockey, Jenny decided to retire in 2000 and moved to Kamloops. “I knew that I needed to distance myself in order to truly retire. I had friends here in Kamloops and always enjoyed the City when I visited, so I thought this would be the place to do that”. But retirement for this dynamo still includes a strong affiliation with her sport. Aside from her position with the Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games, she was the National Technical Advisor for the 2005 Canada Summer Games held in Regina, Saskatchewan, is a part‐time Sport Consultant and currently a Director on the Board of PacificSport Interior. With more than twenty‐five awards to her credit Jenny is taking her induction into the BC Sports Hall of Fame in stride. Her focus is not on her personal accomplishments but on her relationships with the many volunteers, children and athletes she 1994 at the World Cup in Dublin, Ireland has influenced; “I have a great life! I get to be the eternal grandmother. Like grandparents I get to have fun with the kids, teach them, train them, then send them on their way and watch them grow”. THE BC SPORTS Hall of Fame and Museum is one of Canada’s largest and most dynamic sports museums. LOCATED AT Gate “ A” of BC Place Stadium (at Beatty and Robson Street) in downtown Vancouver since 1993, the BC Sports Hall of Fame and Museum is easily accessible by car, bus, and Skytrain (Stadium Station). THE BC SPORTS Hall of Fame and Museum is proud to offer a range of guided and self guided programs for all types of groups, including school classes, ESL classes, sports teams and community groups. MORE THAN 1,100 teachers across the province are using the Hero In You online education program featuring BC Sports Hall of Famers.

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Field Hockey


Sport Spotlight Field Hockey ♦

The game of field hockey is the second largest team sport in the world, played in over 100 countries.

In Canada, both the men’s and women’s National teams and the men’s and women’s National coaches are based in British Columbia while the National team training base is in Vancouver.

(source: Field Hockey BC)

The game of Field Hockey is played on a pitch of 100 yards by 60 yards with a ball which is 23cm in circumference. Teams consist of 11 players. Each player has a stick with a rounded head to play the ball. The objective is to score goals by putting the ball in the opposing team’s goal. Sticks are anywhere between 28 inches and 39 inches long and weigh between 340g and 790g. Protective equipment is worn in the form of full body armour, pads, gloves, kickers and a helmet for the goal keepers and shin guards and mouth guards for outfield players. The rules of field hockey are very similar to the rules of soccer except that players must use their sticks instead of their feet to play the ball. Teams are made up of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and forwards. The only player on the field who is allowed to use their feet and hands as well as their stick is the goalkeeper. Probably the key rules differential between field hockey and soccer lies with there being no offside rule in field hockey, allowing for an extremely fast, potentially high scoring and exciting game. The origins of the game can be traced back to the earliest civilizations of the world, but the modern game of field hockey was developed in England in the mid 1800’s. The first formal field hockey club the ‘Blackheath Football and Hockey Club’ was formed in 1861 and is still in existence today. Field hockey has been a men’s Olympic sport since the 1908 Olympic Games in London. The women’s game is a recent addition, first recognized at the Moscow Olympics in 1980. Field Hockey stages both a men’s and women’s World Cup as well as competitions at other International Games, including the Commonwealth Games. Field Hockey for the Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games will take place during the second week of competition at TRU’s Hillside Stadium.

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Charlie Bruce Qualifies for 2011 World Cup Triathlon


Aside from his impressive volunteer resume, which includes Cross Country Ski Official for the 2010 Olympics, Charlie has many personal triumphs of physical endurance and accomplishment. This was characterized Sunday, August 21, 2010 when Charlie finished second in the 60 to 64 age group at the Pushor Mitchell Canadian National Apple Triathlon Championships in Kelowna. His win has secured him a spot on the Canadian National Triathlon Team that will compete in the 2011 World Cup in Beijing, China! The Apple Triathlon is an Olympic distance triathlon consisting of a 1.5 km swim, a 40 km ride and a 10 km run.

Charlie has an easy going, relaxed nature and is, quite frankly, one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Always smiling, always bright; first impressions do not lay claim to the obvious competitive spirit that lies beneath the surface. But look a little deeper at the steel‐blue eyes and lean, toned limbs and you just know there is a force to be reckoned with behind that warm, sparkling smile.

Charlie and his wife Sandy have lived in Kamloops since 1980. They relocated to Canada’s Tournament Capital from Prince George, after he was offered the position of Principal at the Fitzwater School for the Handicapped. Prior to the Prince George years Charlie lived and worked in Lake Tahoe, California, and originated from North Carolina.

During his six years in Prince George, between 1974 and 1980, Charlie began looking for a change from his then passion of distance running and decided to take on what was a relatively new sport in BC at the time ‐ triathlon. His first competition was in 1982 at the Vancouver International Triathlon where the swimming component was held at Spanish Banks. “We swam 1.5 km along the shore line without wet suits. I was so cold after that swim that I nearly fell off my bike,” recalls Charlie, about his first competition.

The Subaru Ironman competition in Penticton is one of the premier triathlon events in the country. Charlie has competed in three Ironmans and has improved

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AUGUST 5TH TO 14TH 2011 Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games Triathlon at a Glance ♦

Swim : 800m triangular Swim course in Lac Le Jeune

Bike: Start and end in Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park parking Lot, out on Lac Le Jeune Road to Meadow Creek Road towards Logan Lake and turnaround – 20km total out and back

Run: Start in Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park parking Lot, down Water Street, back on Rainbow Drive and finish on the beach at Park – 5.0 km total out and back

The Games Begin With YOU!

his time each year. His first was in 1997, the second in 2002 and the last in 2007 where his time was 12 hours 17 minutes; 32 minutes less than when he first competed in 1997. Ten years older and 32 minutes faster; Charlie truly IS getting better with time. He attributes this improvement to better, more efficient training, “As we get older we take better care of our bodies. We have a better understanding of diet and training techniques. When we are young and our bodies are stronger we tend to abuse them more and train recklessly”.

Most people can hardly fathom working a twelve hour day much less spending twelve hours engaged in extreme, rigorous physical activity. Charlie completing the 10 km run—the last When asked how he felt after the leg of the Triathlon Ironman he responds by relaying the story of the single tattoo he bears on his ankle. “The day after I competed in my last Ironman I booked into one of the local tattoo shops to get the official Ironman tattoo. The place was packed and artists were brought in from other parts of the province to keep up with the demand; it’s a popular thing to do after you’ve finished an Ironman. All I can say is after having competed the day before every nerve and muscle in my body felt that tattoo! It was by far one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.”

Charlie receives his Silver Medal at the Pushor Mitchell Canadian National Apple Triathlon Championships in Kelowna

Always striving to improve, Charlie has a strict training schedule and a strong belief in the power of yoga to aid an athlete. So much so that now, two years into retirement he is returning to school to acquire his Alliance Yoga Instructor Certification.

As for future competition Charlie is looking forward to the World Masters Cross Country Ski Championships in March 2011 in Vernon and the World Cup Triathlon Championships also in 2011. All the while Charlie will continue with his role as Sport Director for the 2011 Games and bring to these Games the same methodical, determination as he does to his training and competition.

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Introducing Sage & Marigold, the Games’ Mascots


Marigold and Sage are the official mascots for the Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games. They are the twin pups of Cactus and Buttercup, who were the 1993 Canada Summer Games Mascots. Growing up, they heard so many stories of how much fun it was to be a mascot in Kamloops, so they are very excited to be a part of the 2011 Western Canada Summer Games here in Kamloops and making mom and dad proud!

Marigold is the younger sister of her twin brother Sage. She loves that he takes such good care of her, especially now since they are away from their parents Cactus and Buttercup. The twins have grown up playing many sports, but Marigold’s favourite is tennis. Her passion is dancing, and she has grown up taking jazz, tap and ballet. Her dream is to be accepted into the Royal Canadian Winnipeg School of Ballet and one day hit the big stage to be a Sugarplum Fairy in the Nutcracker. Because of her name, her favourite flower is a yellow Marigold, and her favourite color is blue. She really lucked out with her 2011 Western Canada Summer Games uniform because not only is it a tennis skirt, its baby blue too. She loves music of all kinds and you will usually find her dancing away to any rhythm. Marigold is much shyer than her brother but loves to give and get hugs from everyone. Sage is 17 and was born just 2 minutes before his twin sister Marigold. Because he’s the older brother, he is very protective of his sister, even though he plays tricks on her. Sage is always letting Marigold go first or opening the door for her, he can be quite the gentleman. Sage has played soccer since he was just a young pup, and still loves it today. His dreams are to make it to the Olympics and to be on the roster of the Canadian Team by 25, and compete in the FIFA World Cup. Because the Canadian team is nicknamed “The Rouges” or “The Reds” his favourite color is red. He is very active and loves physical fitness! When he isn’t kicking the soccer ball around, you will find hind him swimming or running, or hanging out with his friends playing other sports. He also loves the spotlight so you will see him trying to steal the attention by flexing his muscles or dancing for the cameras. Sage is a big practical joker and loves to make people laugh. If you see him, give him a high five or giant hug.

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The Adam’s River is located in Roderick Haig‐ Brown Park near Chase

The Adams River Salute to the Sockeye celebration takes place once every 4 years in conjunction with the major return of the Salmon

Only 1 out of every 4,000 eggs laid in the Adams River lives to return to the Adams River as a spawning adult

BC Parks and DFO put on the first joint "Salute to the Sockeye" in 1978

Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Pacific Salmon Commission have produced an event on or near the site since 1958

between 85,000 and 110,000 visitors attend the Celebration

2010 Adams River Sockeye Salmon Run In October of 2010, an estimated 15 million Fraser River sockeye salmon will return home to British Columbia after spending two years out in the Pacific Ocean. These adult sockeye will battle the Fraser River and the Thompson River to reach the Adams River. Along their journey, the sockeye will seek out the streams that gave them life four years earlier. The 12 Kilometre long Adams River will be the final stop for as many as two million of these salmon. While the sockeye return every year, the migration that occurs every fourth year (2010, 2014, 2018...) dwarfs the others. Over three million sockeye made the journey in 2002. Make Kamloops a part of your travel plans this fall and see this world famous Sockeye Salmon Run, where over 2 million Sockeye Salmon are once again estimated to return home to the Adams River. The Adams River is located between the Adams Lake and Shuswap Lakes, about a 40 minute drive from Kamloops. The crimson salmon are easily seen in the river at the Roderick Haig‐Brown Provincial Park where viewing platforms and walking paths have been established for many visitors to enjoy this natural attraction. For a unique salmon viewing experience, join local photographer Kelly Funk in a photography workshop called "Adams River Sockeye Run and Wildlife Viewing". Looking for some other great activities while in Kamloops? Stop in the at the BC Wildlife Park on your drive to Roderick Haig‐Brown Park to learn about local BC animals and check out our 107 things to do page for more ideas! Check out some great specials from local accommodators. For the latest information on events happening in Kamloops or for more ideas on what to do when visiting, please visit the Tourism Kamloops website: tourismkamloops.com

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Volunteer Central Andrew Philpot Named One of Canada’s Top Fire Fighters Andrew Philpot is well known in Kamloops for his untiring humanitarian and volunteer service. The Operations Chief for the Kamloops Fire Rescue is also a Medical Volunteer for the Western Canada Summer Games and was recently honoured as one of Canada’s top firefighters by Reader’s Digest.


Board of Directors Henry Pejril: President

Carolynn Boomer: Pacific Sport Liaison

Andrew began his career as a firefighter with the Kamloops Fire Department in 1981. He worked his way up the ranks over the years from Lieutenant to Captain to Assistant Chief.

Charlie Bruce: Sport

Gerard Hayes: Athletes Village

Marg Kosolofski: Medical

Bruce MacKinnon: Facilities

Maureen McCurdy: Operations

Dave Mell: Transportation

Jack Miller: Government Liaison

Penny Ouchi: Volunteers Seiko Ouchi: Volunteers

Larry Read: Media

Tanya Robinson: Festivals and Ceremonies

Brian Ross: Fundraising

Ralph Saunders: IT

Sean Smith: Municipal Services

Doug Stewart: Finance

Alison Stewart: Protocol

Reid Tait: Security

Throughout his service Chief Philpot has performed a variety of specialized duties, has completed numerous post secondary and university level courses and received numerous awards. Amongst the many awards and accolades Chief Philpot has been awarded the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal, the Province of BC Long Service Medal and the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal. He has been appointed to the level of Officer in the Order of St John and in 2007 was presented with the City of Kamloops Senior Managers Award of Excellence for Outstanding Community service. In 2008 he received the Kamloops Best 150 Community Builders & Volunteers Recognition Award. Assistant Chief Andrew Philpot Kamloops Fire Rescue

Andrew worked for 20 years as Captain and Ships Engineer aboard the Wanda‐Sue paddlewheeler, which he helped construct in 1979. Upon its completion in 1984 he earned the rank of Master of Minor Waters.

An avid photographer, Andrew has captured many of Kamloops’ landscapes and celebrations, including the Kamloops Heritage Railway’s 2141 steam locomotive, the Armstrong Explorer rail tours, Ghost Train and Spirit of Christmas Train, the BC Wildlife Park’s Wildlights and the Kamloops Firefighters Operation Nicaragua. He has donated many of his photos to these organizations to be used for their promotion. His work has appeared in both the Kamloops Daily News and Kamloops This Week and numerous travel magazines and promotional brochures.

In 2007 Chief Philpot became involved with Firefighters Operation Africa, which led to Operation Nicaragua. In the summer of 2009, Chief Philpot, as part of a Kamloops team of Firefighters and volunteers journeyed to the village of Jiquillilo in Nicaragua. The village had been ravaged by civil war, decimated by a tsunami and plagued by extreme poverty. Over 30,000 pieces of clothing, dozens of bicycles, hundreds of tools and thousands of supplies for the hospital were delivered to those most in need. Desperately needed firefighting equipment, an ambulance and training to the Chinandega and El Viejo Fire Departments were also provided. As a result of this work he was given the rank of Honorary Captain in the Chinandega, Nicaragua, Fire Department.

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Volunteer Central

TRU Student Joung Min Seo AUGUST 5TH TO 14TH 2011

When Joung Min Seo (he says “Just call me Seo”) was researching where best to gain the education and experience he sought in sports event management, Thompson Rivers University quickly rose to the top of his wish list. What started as a two‐year stint to gain a diploma in Sports Event Management has blossomed into a four‐year commitment to complete his Bachelor's degree in Tourism Management, with a sports event management major. The native of Seoul, South Korea, appreciated the blend of textbook instruction and hands‐on experience that the Kamloops university offered. Hands on has certainly been Seo's impression of his student coop internship with the Western Canada Summer Games. Having come on early in the planning process, he has taken part in an array of activities, from analyzing the summary document prepared by the Strathcona County committee which hosted the last Summer Games, to lending a hand in planning the venues where the various sports will take place. "The experience has been a real eye opener for me," says Seo. "Nothing in my textbooks prepared me for the amount of detailed planning that must be done to ensure the games go off without a hitch." Seo says he had little difficulty fitting in with the cosmopolitan mix of international students in TRU's School of Tourism. Moving to semi‐desert Kamloops from ultra‐humid Seoul for school was initially more of a weather shock than a culture shock. He says that his first summer in Kamloops was like "switching from living in a sauna to living in a microwave." Seo's interest in sports management flowed from his interest in sports while growing up. This encompassed everything from racquet sports to soccer, short‐track speed skating to judo, in which he holds a black belt. Though his 500 hour internship will be finished before the Games begin, he looks forward to volunteering at some of the sporting venues during competition next August, especially the kayaking and canoeing events to be held at Shumway Lake.

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Sponsors of the Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games Presenting Sponsor


AUGUST 5TH TO 14TH 2011 The Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games is Presented by the British Columbia Lottery Corporation with core funding provided by the Province of British Columbia, through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and by the City of Kamloops

Funding Partners

DIAMOND Official Clothing & Merchandise Provider

PLATINUM Official Bank

The Games Begin With YOU! “A sincere Thank You to all of the Games Sponsors for their generous contributions towards making this event possible”

Find us on the Web www.2011wcsg.ca

Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games 262 Lorne Street Kamloops, BC V2C 1W1 Phone: 250-372-1157 Fax: 250 372-1158 Email: info@2011wcsg.ca





Aon Reed Stenhouse | Canadian Springs | City Furniture | Denny’s | Focus |Funk Signs Gordon Food Services | Heritage Office Furniture | Hyundai |Menzies Printing | Net Shift Media | Pioneer Moving and Storage | PMA Canada | SHAW | TELUS | Vincor Warner Rentals SUPPORTER

BC Athletics | Centra Glass | Flavours of India | Kent Wong Photography | Ladies of the Moose | Prairie Coast Equipment | Tenisci Piva Accountants | Urban Systems | Walco FRIENDS OF THE GAMES

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