ONE FIVE SIX - Purchaser Instruction Form

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Purchaser Instruction Form For completion with your expression of interest form 2nd Option (if applicable) Interested Lot / Apartment

Interested Lot / Apartment Lot |

Carpark |

Storage |

Lot |

Carpark |

Storage |

Purchase Price Amount | $ Deposit Details Date Paid |

Deposit Amount |

Holding Deposit | $10,000.00

Full Balance of Deposit |

Reference | -

Balance deposit | Minus holding deposit


Identification Buyer 1

Identification Buyer 2

Photo ID Number |

Photo ID Number |

Address |

Address |

Please note when filling out your expression of interest form We require your Full Name/s on contract including any MIDDLE names. This needs to be exactly the same as any finance application/ as reflected on your legal license or passport.

Buyer 1 Signature


Buyer 2 Signature






EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM We register our non-binding offer to enter into negotiations to purchase as detailed below: EOI Lodged By Company: Contact Name: Contact Email: Date:

Property Details Project:

“One Five Six”, 156-158 Oxlade Drive, New Farm, Qld 4005

Lot Number: Property Intent (please tick the appropriate purchase intent for this property) Owner Occupier: Investment:

Buyer 1 Details Full Name / Company Name: Tax File Number: *The TFN is required for the investment of the deposit pursuant to the contact.

Address: Telephone:


Email: Is the buyer a foreign person?


Photo ID Documents attached?





Buyer 2 Details Full Name / Company Name: Tax File Number: *The TFN is required for the investment of the deposit pursuant to the contact.

Address: Telephone:


Email: Is the buyer a foreign person?



Which Country:

Is FIRB Approval Required:


Photo ID Documents attached?


Guarantor/s (if applicable)

If the Buyer is a company, all directors of the Buyer must provide a guarantee. If the Buyer is a trust then all primary beneficiaries of the Buyer must provide a guarantee.


Name/s Address:

Buyer’s Solicitor’s Details Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone:



Price & Terms Purchase Price:


(inclusive of GST).

Holding Deposit Paid:


(inclusive of GST).

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM Requested Special Conditions

Stakeholder Trust Account Details Account Name:

Clinton Mohr Lawyers Practice Trust Account


National Australia Bank (NAB)




084 255

Account Number

441 794 547


Please note when paying the deposit, the reference quoted should be “last name “One Five Six” Lot #” e.g. Foden “One Five Six” Lot 1

Signed & Accepted The Prospective Buyer authorises the Stakeholder to hold the holding deposit on trust for the Prospective Buyer until a contract is entered into, at which time the holding deposit will become part of the Deposit payable under the contract and the Stakeholder is authorised to deal with the holding deposit as part of the Deposit in accordance with the terms of the contract. If a contract is not entered into within 14 days of the date of this Expression of interest, the Buyer authorises the Stakeholder to refund the deposit to the address provided.

Dated: Execution by Purchaser (individual):

Signature of Purchaser(s): Signature of Witness: Name of Witness: Address of Witness:

Execution by Purchaser (Company):

Director Signature: Director / Secretary:

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM CONSENT TO RECEIVE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION The Electronic Transactions Act (Queensland) 2001 (Sections 11 and 12) requires a person to provide consent if they agree to receive information via electronic communication. By signing this document, the person below consents to receiving information including, without limitation a disclosure statement and contract on behalf of Azure Project 24 Pty Ltd in relation to the persons proposed purchase of the property described below by: (a)

email to the email address of the person or the person’s solicitor specified below (“persons solicitor”); or


uploading that information to the online portal located at, PEXA, DocuSign, Property Base and making it available to be downloaded from that portal by the person or the persons solicitor.

Persons name:




Persons email address:


Solicitors Name:


“One Five Six” 156-158 Oxlade Drive, New Farm, Qld 4005

Solicitors postal address: ....................................................................................................................................................................

Solicitors email address:


Persons Signature:

.................................................................................................................................................................... Where a company with more than one director at least 2 directors must sign this form.

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