Draft General Plan 2040 Available for Review!
The Draft General Plan 2040 for San Mateo is available for public review! The General Plan lays out the community’s vision for how our City will look, feel, and change over the next 20 years. Since 2018, we’ve been gathering community input that is the foundation of the Draft General Plan. Tell us how we did! This summer and fall we want to hear your input on the Draft General Plan. How well does it reflect your ideas? What policies and actions should be a top priority for the City?
Tell Us What You Think!
Visit StriveSanMateo.org to review the Draft General Plan 2040, share your feedback, and learn about upcoming community events.
StriveSanMateo.org has helpful resources to provide feedback on the Draft General Plan 2040, including an interactive land use map and a tool where you can add your comments directly in the Draft General Plan 2040.
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Ten Big Ideas in San Mateo’s Draft General Plan 2040
The Draft General Plan includes the following big ideas that will guide the next 20 years of San Mateo!
Balance Growth & Change Enhance San Mateo’s Neighborhood Fabric & Quality of Life
Preserve Nature as the Foundation of the City
Encourage All Ways to Travel Around the City
Support the Local Economy
Address Historic Preservation Holistically
Initiate a Comprehensive Sea Level Rise Strategy
Strengthen Community Outreach
Focus on Equity for All Residents
Improve Community Safety Planning & Awareness
What Happens After the General Plan is Adopted?
After the City Council adopts the General Plan, City staff will work to implement the General Plan’s “to-do” list, also known as actions. Some actions include big ideas like preparing a comprehensive plan to reduce climate change risks, inventorying historic buildings in San Mateo, and encouraging all ways to travel around San Mateo. Some actions will be ongoing while other actions can be completed within a short timeframe. This summer, the City will ask the community to help prioritize which actions to start first. Once the General Plan is adopted, the Zoning Code and Map, and other adopted plans, may need to be updated to be consistent with the new General Plan.
How the General Plan Is Implemented Community Input
Ballot Measure
*Part of the General Plan can be implemented without the ballot measure. Update Zoning Code & Adopted Plans
City Budget Prioritization
Council Adopted General Plan Implementation
Study Areas Map
Measure Y and the Draft General Plan 2040
Measure Y is a ballot initiative that was approved by San Mateo voters in November 2020, which extended existing height and density limits on new development. Concurrently, the General Plan Update effort has been facilitating a community discussion to establish of study areas most appropriate to accommodate new housing and jobs necessary to meet State requirements. The 10 study areas are close to transit and/or are areas in transition, such as aging shopping centers, and the proposed increased development limits would only occur in these areas. By focusing growth and change in these areas, the heights and densities around the rest of the City can be maintained. But, in order for the General Plan to implement these increased height and density limits, voter approval is required. If an updated ballot measure is not approved, the City will need to look at increasing heights/densities citywide, in all neighborhoods, to accommodate the City’s future housing needs.
Join Us at an Upcoming Meeting!
Please join us in-person at your local Council District Town Hall meeting. Doors open at 5:30pm and City Staff will be available to answer questions about the Draft General Plan 2040. The presentation and discussion begins at 7:00pm. Can’t attend in-person? Join the virtual workshop!
► Virtual Community Workshop
• Wednesday, August 16, 2023
• 6:30pm
• Visit StriveSanMateo.org to register for the meeting
► District 5 Town Hall Meeting
• Council Member Adam Loraine
• Thursday, August 31, 2023
• San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas
• Starts at 5:30pm, 7pm presentation
► District 1 Town Hall Meeting
• Deputy Mayor Lisa Diaz Nash
• Wednesday, September 6, 2023
• San Mateo Main Library, 55 W 3rd Ave
• Starts at 5:30pm, 7pm presentation
Scan here to view the virtual meetings calendar for the latest information on meetings and community events.
► District 2 Town Hall Meeting
• Mayor Amourence Lee
• Wednesday, September 13, 2023
• Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 725 Monte Diablo Ave
• Starts at 5:30pm, 7pm presentation
► District 4 Town Hall Meeting
• Council Member Richard Hedges
• Wednesday, September 20, 2023
• Bayside School, Old Gym, 2025 Kehoe Ave
• Starts at 5:30pm, 7pm presentation
► District 3 Town Hall Meeting
• Council Member Rob Newsom Jr.
• Thursday, September 28, 2023
• The Nueva School, 131 E 28th Ave
• Starts at 5:30pm, 7pm presentation
GPS = General Plan Subcommittee
CC = City Council
PC = Planning Commission
Draft General Plan 2040 Is Here!
San Mateo’s Draft General Plan 2040 has been published and is available for community review and input. Visit StriveSanMateo.org to view the General Plan and learn more. To get involved, check the calendar on the website for the most up to date information on events, meetings, and important dates.
Concerned about the Environmental Impacts of Future Development?
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan will be published in August. The EIR will evaluate potential impacts to San Mateo’s physical environment, examining topics such as impacts to the transportation system, air quality, noise, and natural resources. The EIR will help the community and decisionmakers understand the anticipated pros and cons of the General Plan before it is adopted.
Community Flood & Storm Protection Initiative
In addition to the General Plan, the City is also working on a Community Flood & Storm Protection Initiative. This initiative is a mailed ballot measure that if approved by property owners, could provide funding to expand the capacity of San Mateo’s aging stormwater system. A more reliable stormwater system protects the community from floods and storms.
Learn about the community’s stormwater infrastructure and its role in flood and storm protection.