A brand built by acollectiveofcreatives driven by disruption and innovation. Dedicated to ahuman-centric approachandpassionateabout developingandsharingpremium tools, mediums, andknowledgethat can help Creatorsgrow on theirartisticjourney.
Accessiblepricepoints, never sacrificing quality.
Product tiers thatspan the range from Kids → Beginner → Expert.
Premium grade products with zero compromise,across every price point.
We gather real artist insights from our internal collective ofcreators We activate againstour social platforms and engage with our roster of ambassadors We have product testing experts test, improve and iterate (rinse, repeat) on all existing and new product
Makeand display a uniquely layered art pieceon clearacrylic panels! Includes paints, brushesand display stand!
Thick, richand highly pigmented heavy body paint for flexible, crackfreeresults–evenwhen yougothick!
HeavyBodyAcrylicPaint, ColorMixingSet
6PC | x4 30ml,x260ml
ARTZ-5034 | 840098730348
MSRP: $ 34
HeavyBodyAcrylicPaint, 8PC | 22ml
ARTZ-5035 | 840098730355
MSRP: $ 30
HeavyBodyAcrylicPaint, 18PC | 22ml
ARTZ-5036 | 840098730362
MSRP: $ 60
All thelayering andhazy effectsofencausticwax inaneasy,hassle-free fineart AcrylicPaint!
Encaustic EffectsPaintSet, ColorMixingSet | 5PC
ARTZ-5062 | 840098730621
Encaustic EffectsPaintSet, Essentials,4oz | 4 PC
ARTZ-5063 | 840098730638
This art set includes a varietyof fabric paints& markers to customizeany fabric surface!
Luminous glowin thedark powderthat canbe mixed with most mediums!
LuminousGlowin the DarkPowder,20 g | 12PC
MSRP: $ 28
Includes five different typesofair-dryclay plus sculpting tools!
AirDryClaySetwith 5TypesofClay | 31PC
ARTZ-5011 | 840098730249
MSRP: $ 32
Charging +Lighting +Organizing,all in oneconvenient desktop solution!
Great fordoodling and note taking at yourdesk! Includes dryeraser markers and cleaning cloth.
Arteza’s chalky paint is thicker, allowing it to hide imperfections easier than most paints which makes it a favorite for DIY projects. It's also a latex-based paint so you can clean up using just soap and water, and it is less likely to drip thanks to its consistency.
Arteza paint brushesprovidea smootherfinishwith fewer brush marks,betterpaint holding capacity, longerlifespan, reduced dripping and splattering,bettercontrolduring application, and improved ergonomics withcomfortable handles, allowing fora more efficient and professional painting experience
The Arteza rolled canvas creates affordability,ease ofstorage and transportationdue toits compact size, flexibility inframing options,and theabilityto customizethestretching process bychoosing when and how tomount it, making it idealfor artistswhowant creative controloverthe final presentationof theirwork.
The Arteza Paint by Number Noircreatesa sense of dimensionality witha senseof destress.A matteblack canvas witha pre-printed 3Dpaint image that creates theguidelines forpainting. Vibrancyand beautiful designs are what makes theseSKUs stand out from thecrowd. Paint by numbersare known toassist in stress relief, improved focus,improved motorskills,cognitivebenefits,mindfulness, creativity,and evenbonding.
The Arteza beveled edgecanvasoffers theadvantage ofcreating a three-dimensionalappearance onyourpainting without theneed for additionalframing,as theangled edgesof thestretcher bars project slightly away from thewall, allowing youtopaint directlyonto thesides and giving yourartwork a more unique, textured look;this is particularly appealing for artists who want to incorporate theedgesof thecanvas into theirdesign.Set of 3, 11”x 14”, 1.5” cradledepth
The Arteza Matte CradleBoardsare a newway for artists tocreateon with matteprimerpreapplied. 10" x 10" with 1" to1.5" depth.Availableineither mattewhiteormatte black.
Arteza’s MopTopMarkers willbeknownfortheir versatility increating large areasofcolor, achieving smoothgradients, adding drips and texture with ease, great forquick coverage, and a relativelyhighinkcapacity,making them idealfor large-scaleart projectsorgraffitiwhere you need a fluid, controlled application of paint.
The Arteza Coloring books area staple forthe business. Updated designs of unique florals, mindfulness,mandala, world citiesand tattoos, thereis a versionforeveryone. 72pagesof designs,and smallform factor make it idealfortraveling and taking manytypesofmediums.
Theultimate colored pencilset is thego toset forall thingscolored pencils. Thisbeautifully designed set includes various typesof colored pencilsfrom Premium, pastel,neon,metallic,watercolor and alsoincludes a brushand integrated pencilsharpener inthebox. Thebeautifully designed magnetic closure box.
The Arteza Liquid Chrome Inkis a highly pigmented alcohol-based special ink that creates a realmirroreffect and can applied a variety ofsurfaces, while being being used withmanytools.
The Arteza stonepaper notebooks create an advantagethat is a sustainable and environmentallyfriendly alternative to traditional paper, as it ismadefrom calciumcarbonate(ground limestone) whichrequires no treesto produce, uses less waterin production, and does not need bleaching chemicals, making it a tree-free optionwith a lower environmentalimpact;additionally,stonepaperis often more durable, tear-resistant, and water-resistant thanmost regularpapers.
The Arteza watercolorretractablemarkeradoptsa newink technology,it canabsorb moisture inthe air, whichkeeps it from drying out easily and keep inkwet fora long time. No bleeding: evenif thecolor islayered on black,it gets wet cleanlywithout bleeding, whichsolvesa big problem in use.QuickDrywaterbased ink keeps yourhand clean, nosmudgeonthe paper.Retractablecaplessdesign,easy and fun using by just oneclick. HighQualityFelt Bullet Tip, writing smoothlyand durable.
A set of 25cards that create a unique project starter to help guidethe artist/makertowards creating more. Goal of thesecardsareto inspire out-of-the-box thinking and art activities. Wecanlook at these as a way todo Art trivia and thenapplythe answerto thequestion,bydoing what theansweris.It is a cardsagainst humanitymeetsconnection cards for theartist ormaker.A funscratchoffcoating provides aninteractionthat makesthem feel theyaredoing something creative.
Featurean artist for each card. The trivia question becomesa fun fact. There is a QR code that can bescanned that shows a how tobased on the funfact.The QR codesendsthe userto a landing pageon oursite witha blog written to thespecifics of theartists. Theycan hunt forthe answer within theblog if theydon’t knowit.
Polymerclayextension set of12 colors (2oz bar). A popular Arteza SKU, polymerclay needsa newSKU to help build upon itssuccesses.
Allnaturaloblong wood slicesthat are 10-12” inlength and 4”wide for the wood slices. ~½” - ⅝”Thick. Also, includes 12x thin barreled oilbased paint markersin various colors.
Arteza’s colorshifting flakesare the result ofa thinfilm interference. By selecting,creating and destroying visiblelight, whitelight is separated, creating thesenseof thecolored flakes moving and “shifting”. This is called structuralcoloring. The rawmaterials themselvesarecolorless, and thecolors are produced when thematerials are arranged inthe orderof coloration. Non-toxic, cosmetic gradeand non-radioactive, harmlessto humans and theenvironment. Makesa bold and colorful additiveto epoxies, resins, paints,clear-coats,glue, nailpolish,soap, candles,slime and almost anything.
The12 Drawer Hybrid Organizer isan organizationunit that offerslarger bodysizealong with4largerdrawer sizes whichgives theusermore storagecapability. Thisset is a great extensionto Arteza’s already successfulorganizationassortment.
The Arteza ceramic (zirconia)balltip rollerballpens are providea super smooth writing experience (factoryhas theIP onthis solutionand open to allow Arteza tobe first in theUS tooffer)
Our2025 24-DayArteza AdventCalendar, featuring new artwork byreturning Advent All-Stars, Lauren Quigley &RyanMurray, and curated with multiple mini-projectsfor a holiday-long creative experience!
A journeyof phased exploration! Thisset is guaranteed tokickstart your creativitywith 3 mysteryboxesfullof art supplies and project prompt cards!
CreativeKickstarter: ArtPassports, 60PC ARTZ-5017 | 840098730287
MSRP: $ 56
A journeyof phased exploration! Thisset is guaranteed tokickstart your creativitywith 3 mysteryboxesfullof art supplies and project prompt cards!
CreativeKickstarter: ClayMasters, 44PC ARTZ-5018 | 840098730294
MSRP: $ 66
Practice yourgraffitiinthe comfort of your home withthis brickwalltextured canvasart set! Includes paints,brushes and displaystand!
Sketch SetwithPad | 20PC
| 840098730041
100PCAcrylicPaintSampler Set , 12ml, AssortedColors ARTZ-4512 | 840098709016
12 PCAcrylicPaint, 22 ml,
ARTZ-8151 | 851309007883
MSRP: $ 20
24PCAcrylicPaint, 22ml, AssortedColors
ARTZ-8152 | 851309007890
MSRP: $ 30
60PCAcrylicPaint,22 ml, AssortedColors
ARTZ-8153 | 851309007906
MSRP: $ 62
14 PCAcrylicPaint,120 ml, AssortedColors
ARTZ-8154 | 851309007913
MSRP: $ 52
OpenStockAcrylicPaint, 500 ml, MarsBlack
ARTZ-4288 | 840098721452
MSRP: $ 20
OpenStockAcrylicPaint, 500 ml, Gold
ARTZ-4299 | 84009872568
MSRP: $ 20
Open StockAcrylicPaint, 500 ml, UltramarineBlue
ARTZ-4291 | 840098721483
MSRP: $ 20
Open StockAcrylicPaint, 1000 ml, Bordeaux Red
ARTZ-4318 | 840098721759
MSRP: $ 36
OpenStockAcrylicPaint, 120ml, Titanium White
ARTZ-8161 | 857909007438
MSRP: $ 14
8 PCMetallicAcrylicPaint,120 ml, ClassicElements
ARTZ-3513 | 840098713235
MSRP: $ 38
8 PCMetallicAcrylicPaint, 120 ml, FloralBrilliance
ARTZ-3515 | 840098713259
MSRP: $ 38
8 PCMetallicAcrylicPaint,120 ml, JewelTones
ARTZ-3514 | 840098713242
MSRP: $ 38
8 PCMetallicAcrylicPaint,120 ml, Vibrant Essentials
ARTZ-3516 | 840098713266
MSRP: $ 38
8 PCMetallicAcrylicPaint,120 ml, PreciousMetals
ARTZ-8556 | 810386033611
MSRP: $ 38
20PCAcrylicOutdoor Paint, 60ml, AssortedColors ARTZ-8661 | 810386034663
$ 52
| 840098722961
$ 16
ARTZ-4438 | 840098722954
MSRP: $ 16
| 851309007920
MSRP: $ 26
| 810386033697
| 810386033680
| 840098712825
24PCAcrylicGouachePaint, 22 ml, EssentialColors
ARTZ-4666 | 840098725191
MSRP: $ 24
36PCAcrylicGouachePaint, 22 ml, Spectrum Colors
ARTZ-4667 | 840098725207
MSRP: $ 32
12 PCWatercolor Half-Pan Set, PastelColors
ARTZ-4514 | 840098723647
MSRP: $ 20
12 PCWatercolor Half-Pan Set, NatureColors
ARTZ-4515 | 840098723654
MSRP: $ 20
12 PCWatercolor Half-PanSet, OceanColors
ARTZ-4516 | 840098723661
MSRP: $ 20
25PCWatercolorHalf-Pan Set, Unique Colors
ARTZ-8114 | 857909007384
MSRP: $ 18
810936 PCWatercolor Half-Pan Set, Unique Colors
ARTZ-8109 | 857909007322
MSRP: $ 32
12 PCWatercolor Half-Pan Set, Unique Colors
ARTZ-8303 | 810386031136
MSRP: $ 24
24PCMetallicWatercolorHalf-PanSet, MetallicColors
ARTZ-2006 | 810024628100
MSRP: $ 36
12 PCIridescent Watercolor Half-Pan Set, AssortedColors
ARTZ-4547 | 840098723968
MSRP: $ 26
12 PCMetallic& Iridescent Watercolor Half-Pan Set, AssortedColors
ARTZ-4725 | 840098725870
MSRP: $ 26
24PCWatercolor Paint, 12ml
ARTZ-8158 | 851309007951
MSRP: $ 22
60PCWatercolorPaint,12 ml
ARTZ-8658 | 810386034632
MSRP: $ 46
| 851309007944
MSRP: $ 16
| 810386039163
$ 18
20PCCraftAcrylicPaint, 60 ml, Classic Hues
ARTZ-3517 | 840098713273 MSRP: $ 34
20PCCraftAcrylicPaint, 60 ml, VintageHues
ARTZ-3472 | 840098712818 MSRP: $ 34
20PCCraftAcrylicPaint, 60 ml, AssortedColors
ARTZ-9533 | 810024623358 MSRP: $ 34
10 PCIridescent CraftAcrylicPaint, 60ml,AssortedColors
ARTZ-9713 | 810024625154
MSRP: $ 30
10 PCIridescent CraftAcrylicPaint, 60ml,DreamerTones
ARTZ-3964 | 840098717745
MSRP: $ 30
14PCPearlizedCraftAcrylicPaint, 60ml, Pearlized Tones
ARTZ-4382 | 840098722398
MSRP: $ 40
14PCMetallicPermanentFabricPaint, 60 ml, MetallicColors
ARTZ-9282 | 810024620845
MSRP: $ 28
24PCPermanent FabricPaint, 60 ml UniqueColors
ARTZ-9283 | 810024620852
MSRP: $ 40
8PCPouringAcrylicPaint,118ml, SpectrumTones
ARTZ-2853 | 840098706572
MSRP: $ 30
8PCPouringAcrylicPaint,118ml, SoftTones
ARTZ-2854 | 840098706589
MSRP: $ 30
4PCPouringAcrylicPaint, 118 ml,AquaTones
ARTZ-2851 | 840098706558
MSRP: $ 20
ARTZ-2852 | 840098706565
MSRP: $ 20
AcrylicPaint,118 ml,
ARTZ-2847 | 840098719121
MSRP: $ 20
8 PCIridescent Pouring
AcrylicPaint,118 ml, Elixir Tones
ARTZ-4102 | 840098719121
MSRP: $ 30
14PCCanvasPanels, 5 x7Inch
ARTZ-8051 | 851309007296
MSRP: $ 22
14PCCanvasPanels, 9x 12Inch
ARTZ-8053 | 851309007319
MSRP: $ 40
14PCCanvasPanels, 8 x10 Inch
ARTZ-8052 | 851309007302
MSRP: $ 35
14PCCanvasPanels, 11x 14Inch
ARTZ-8054 | 851309007326
MSRP: $ 40
14PCCanvasPanels, 16x 20Inch
ARTZ-8353 | 810386031587
MSRP: $ 56
14PCCanvasPanels, 8 x8 Inch
ARTZ-8347 | 810386031525
MSRP: $ 16
14PCCanvasPanels, 12 x12 Inch
ARTZ-8351 | 810386031563
MSRP: $ 24
14PCCanvasPanels, 11x 14Inch
ARTZ-8350 | 810386031556
MSRP: $ 32
28PCCanvasPanels, Multipack–VariousSizes,Rectangle
ARTZ-8354 | 810386031594
MSRP: $ 60
MSRP: $ 28
ARTZ-8063 | 851309007975
$ 20
ARTZ-8064 | 851309007982
MSRP: $ 24
12 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 6x 6Inch
ARTZ-8920 | 810386037251
MSRP: $ 32
8 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 12 x12 Inch
ARTZ-8026 | 851309007081
MSRP: $ 40
12 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 9x 10Inch
ARTZ-8028 | 851309007104
MSRP: $ 24
6PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 16x 20Inch
ARTZ-8029 | 851309007111
MSRP: $ 44
8 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 11x 14Inch
ARTZ-8027 | 851309007098
MSRP: $ 32
4PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 18 x24 Inch
ARTZ-8057 | 851309007340
MSRP: $ 45
12 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 8 x8Inch
ARTZ-8919 | 810386037244
MSRP: $ 30
2 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 24 x36 Inch
ARTZ-8055 | 851309007845
MSRP: $ 58
12 PCClassicStretched Canvas, 5 x6 Inch
ARTZ-8918 | 810386037237
MSRP: $ 16
5 PCClassicStretched Canvas, 24x36 Inch
ARTZ-8356 | 810386031617
MSRP: $ 95
8 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 10 x10 Inch
ARTZ-8921 | 810386037268
MSRP: $ 26
2 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 30 x40 Inch
ARTZ-8058 | 851309007852
MSRP: $ 70
5 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 36x 48 Inch
ARTZ-8358 | 810386031631
MSRP: $ 190
2 PCClassicStretchedCanvas, 36x 48 Inch
ARTZ-8059 | 851309007869
MSRP: $ 120
| 810386037275
MSRP: $ 32
| 810386037282
MSRP: $ 44
8 PCPremiumStretchedCanvas, 12 x12 Inch
ARTZ-8748 | 810386035530
MSRP: $ 30
8 PCPremiumStretchedCanvas, 11x 14Inch
ARTZ-8746 | 810386035516
MSRP: $ 36
4PCPremiumStretchedCanvas, 18 x24Inch
ARTZ-8925 | 810386037305
MSRP: $ 37
8 PCStretchedCanvas, 10 Inch,Round
ARTZ-3913 | 840098717233
MSRP: $ 32
8 PCStretchedCanvas, 14Inch, Triangle
ARTZ-3922 | 840098717325
MSRP: $ 34
9PCStretchedCanvas, 6Inch, Hexagon
ARTZ-3925 | 840098717356
MSRP: $ 36
ARTZ-2386 | 840098701904
MSRP: $ 14
ARTZ-2387 | 840098701911
MSRP: $ 26
12 PCAcrylic&OilPaintBrushes
ARTZ-3865 | 840098716755
MSRP: $ 26
5 PCWatercolor Brushes
ARTZ-4229 | 840098720868
MSRP: $ 18
ARTZ-2104 | 810024629084
MSRP: $ 28
4 PCWaterBrush Pens, AssortedTips
ARTZ-8021 | 851309007012
MSRP: $ 14
6PCWater Brush Pens, AssortedTips
ARTZ-8035 | 851309007128
MSRP: $ 16
6PCWater Brush Pens, AssortedTips
ARTZ-8020 | 851309007630
MSRP: $ 20
8 PCPaletteKnifeSet, AssortedSizes
ARTZ-3630 | 840098714409
MSRP: $ 20
MSRP: $ 24
MSRP: $ 24
2 PCAcrylicPad, 16Sheets, 11x 14Inches
ARTZ-8133 | 857909007377
MSRP: $ 28
2 PCDisposablePalettePad,40 Sheets, 9x 12Inches
ARTZ-2875 | 840098706794
MSRP: $ 22
25PCExpert WatercolorCardswith Envelopes, 100% Cotton,
| 810386033727
MSRP: $ 24
30 PCExpertWatercolor Postcards 100% Cotton,4x 5.75Inches
| 810386033710
MSRP: $ 22
3PCWatercolor Pad, 30Sheets, 5.5x 8.5 Inches
ARTZ-8142 | 857909007797
MSRP: $ 26
3PCExpertWatercolor Pad, ColdPressed, 30 Sheets, 5.5x 8.5 Inches
ARTZ-8717 | 810386035226
MSRP: $ 24
2 PCWatercolor Book, HardCover, 9x12 Inches
ARTZ-9121 | 810386039262
MSRP: $ 24
3PCWatercolor Book, HardCover, 5.5 x8.5Inches
ARTZ-9119 | 810386039248
MSRP: $ 30
2 PCWatercolor Book, HardCover, 9x12 Inches
• ARTZ-9148 | 810386039538
MSRP: $ 24
3PCWatercolor Book, HardCover, 5.5 x8.5Inches
ARTZ-9154 | 810386039590
MSRP: $ 22
2 PCWatercolor Book, HardCover, 9x12 Inches
ARTZ-9156 | 810386039613
MSRP: $ 26
2 PCWatercolor Book, GrayHardcover, 64 Pages, 8.25 x12 Inches
ARTZ-8411 | 810386032164
MSRP: $ 30
3PCWatercolor Book, GrayHardcover, 88Pages, 5.5x 5.5 Inches
ARTZ-8981 | 810386037862
MSRP: $ 26
3PCWatercolor Book, BeigeHardcover, 88 Pages, 5.5x 5.5 Inches
ARTZ-9418 | 810024622207
MSRP: $ 28
2 PCWatercolor Book, GrayHardcover, 76Pages, 5.5x 8Inches
ARTZ-8410 | 810386032157
MSRP: $ 30
2 PCWatercolor Book, GrayHardcover, 68 Pages, 8.25 x8.25Inches
ARTZ-8983 | 810386037886
MSRP: $ 28
3PCWatercolor Book, GrayHardcover, 80Pages, 3.5x 5.5Inches
ARTZ-8409 | 810386032140
MSRP: $ 22
1PCWatercolor Pad, Cold-Pressed, 32 Sheets, 9x12 Inches
ARTZ-8065 | 857909007063
MSRP: $ 18
2 PCWatercolor Pad, Cold-Pressed, 32 Sheets, 9x12 Inches
| 857909007070
MSRP: $ 28
1PCRoundWatercolor Pad, Cold-Pressed, 20Sheets,7Inches
• ARTZ-4116 | 840098719305 MSRP: $ 18
1PCExpertWatercolor Pad, ColdPressed, 32 Sheets, 9x 12Inches
ARTZ-8366 | 810386031716
MSRP: $ 22
2 PCExpertWatercolor Pad, ColdPressed, 32 Sheets, 9x 12Inches
ARTZ-8365 | 810386031709
MSRP: $ 34
1PCExpertWatercolor Pad, ColdPressed, 14Sheets, 9x 12Inches
ARTZ-8363 | 810386036599
MSRP: $ 22
2 PCExpertWatercolor Pad, ColdPressed, 32 Sheets, 11x 14Inches
ARTZ-8891 | 810386036599
MSRP: $ 34
| 810024628377
MSRP: $ 20
| 810024629510
$ 20
ARTZ-8906 | 810386037114
MSRP: $ 44
ARTZ-8759 | 810386035646
MSRP: $ 84
ARTZ-8905 | 810386037107
MSRP: $ 130
ARTZ-8190 | 810386030016
MSRP: $ 14
| 851309007401
MSRP: $ 28
ARTZ-8090 | 851309007418
MSRP: $ 38
MSRP: $ 30
20PCAcrylicPaintMarkers, Black&WhiteColors
ARTZ-3584 | 840098713945
MSRP: $ 20
12 PCAcrylicPaintMarkers, WhiteColors
ARTZ-3585 | 840098713952
MSRP: $ 20
12 PCAcrylicPaintMarkers, BlackColors
ARTZ-3586 | 840098713969
MSRP: $ 20
PCPermanentMarkers, Black, FineTip
| 810386035141
MSRP: $ 26
36PCPermanentMarkers, Black, ChiselTip
| 810386035165
MSRP: $ 28
80PCPermanentMarkers, AssortedColors,AssortedTips
ARTZ-4536 | 840098723869
MSRP: $ 38
60PCPermanentMarkers, Black&Blue, FineTip
ARTZ-8710 | 810386035158
MSRP: $ 20
6PCFabricMarkers, Black, Chisel& FineDual-Tip
ARTZ-8195 | 810386030047
MSRP: $ 14
30 PCFabricMarkers, UniqueColors,UltraFine&FineDual-Tip
ARTZ-8524 | 810386033291
MSRP: $ 26
12 PCInkonic FinelinePens, Black, Metal-encasedTip
ARTZ-8755 | 810386035608
MSRP: $ 16
48 PCInkonic FinelinePens, UniqueColors,Metal-encasedTip
ARTZ-8752 | 810386035578
MSRP: $ 22
24PCInkonic FinelinePens, UniqueColors,Metal-encasedTip
ARTZ-8751 | 810386035561
MSRP: $ 20
72 PCInkonic FinelinePens, UniqueColors,Metal-encasedTip
ARTZ-8753 | 810386035585
MSRP: $ 30
120PCInkonic FinelinePens, UniqueColors,Metal-encasedTip
ARTZ-8754 | 810386035592
MSRP: $ 48
ARTZ-4482 | 840098723395
MSRP: $ 16
ARTZ-4481 | 840098723388
MSRP: $ 20
ARTZ-4478 | 840098723357
MSRP: $ 24
| 810024624386
18 PCSuper GlitterGelPens, IridescentColors
ARTZ-3512 | 840098713228
MSRP: $ 18
14PCGlitter GelPens, VividColors
ARTZ-8015 | 851309007654
MSRP: $ 16
14 PCMetallicGelPens, AssortedColors
ARTZ-8136 | 851309007814
MSRP: $ 16
MSRP: $ 16
MSRP: $ 22
12 PCEverydayFountainPens, Black, Medium Nib
ARTZ-4383 | 840098722404
MSRP: $ 18
12 PCEverydayFountainPens, Blue, Medium Nib
ARTZ-4384 | 840098722411
MSRP: $ 18
12 PCEverydayFountainPens, AssortedColors,Medium Nib
ARTZ-4385 | 840098722428
MSRP: $ 18
| 840098726877
| 840098726730
24PCColoredPencils, MetallicColors, Triangular Shape
ARTZ-5064 | 840098730645
MSRP: $ 20
50PCColoredPencils, MetallicColors, Triangular Shape
ARTZ-4812 | 840098726747
MSRP: $ 30
48 PCColoredPencils, Vibrant Colors, Triangular Shape
ARTZ-8202 | 810386031082
MSRP: $ 20
120PCExpert ColoredPencils, UniqueColors
ARTZ-8361 | 810386031662
MSRP: $ 68
48 PCExpertColoredPencils, UniqueColors
ARTZ-8071 | 857909007131
MSRP: $ 28
72 PCExpertColoredPencils, UniqueColors
ARTZ-8072 | 857909007148
MSRP: $ 40
24PCWoodlessWatercolor Pencils, BrightColors
ARTZ-8061 | 851309007968
MSRP: $ 20
48 PCWatercolor Pencils, AssortedColors,TriangularShape
ARTZ-8143 | 857909007810
MSRP: $ 22
72 PCWatercolor Pencils, BrightColors, Triangular Shape
ARTZ-4825 | 857909007810
MSRP: $ 30
120PCExpert WatercolorPencils, UniqueColors
ARTZ-8362 | 810386031679
MSRP: $ 68
48 PCExpertWatercolor Pencils, UniqueColors
ARTZ-2846 | 840098706503
MSRP: $ 28
72PCExpertWatercolor Pencils, UniqueColors
ARTZ-8073 | 857909007155
MSRP: $ 40
ARTZ-4387 | 840098722442
MSRP: $ 18
12 PCExpertDrawingPencils, ProtectiveMetalTin
ARTZ-8106 | 857909007353
MSRP: $ 16
35 PCSketchingToolSet, DetailingAccessories
ARTZ-4390 | 840098722473
MSRP: $ 28
ARTZ-9520 | 810024623228
MSRP: $ 35
| 840098722480
MSRP: $ 18
45 PCWillow CharcoalSticks, Medium Grade
| 840098722459
MSRP: $ 26
1PCMixedMediaPads, 5.5" x8.5", 110lb, 60 Sheets
ARTZ-8549 | 810386033543
MSRP: $ 16
3PCMixedMediaPads, 5.5" x8.5", 110lb, 60 Sheets
ARTZ-8550 | 810386033550
MSRP: $ 24
2 PCMixedMediaPads, 9" x12", 110lb, 60 Sheets
ARTZ-8552 | 810386033574
MSRP: $ 24
2 PCMixedMediaPads, 11"x 14",110 lb, 60 Sheets
ARTZ-8554 | 810386033598
MSRP: $ 32
1PCSketchbooks, 5.5" x8.5", 60lb, 100 Sheets
ARTZ-8082 | 857909007049
MSRP: $ 16
2 PCSketchbooks, 9" x12", 60lb, 100 Sheets
ARTZ-8091 | 851309007500
• MSRP: $ 28
3PCSketchbooks, 5.5" x8.5", 60lb, 100 Sheets
ARTZ-8081 | 857909007056
MSRP: $ 24
1PCSketchbook, 9" x12", 60lb, 100 Sheets
ARTZ-8068 | 857909007735
MSRP: $ 20
1PCSketchPad, 8"x 10", 80 lb, 50 Sheets
ARTZ-8077 | 857909007193
MSRP: $ 18
2 PCDrawing Pads, 18"x 24", 75Lb, 30Sheetsea
ARTZ-8381 | 810386031860
MSRP: $ 34
2 PCSketch Pads, 8"x 10", 80lb, 50 Sheetsea
ARTZ-8078 | 857909007209
MSRP: $ 20
2 PCDrawingPads, 11"x 14",90 lb, 30Sheetsea ARTZ-8379 | 810386031846
MSRP: $ 20
1PCDrawingPads, 9" x12", 80lb, 80 Sheetsea
ARTZ-8074 | 857909007162
MSRP: $ 16
2 PCDrawingPads, 9" x12", 80lb, 80 Sheetsea
ARTZ-8075 | 857909007179
MSRP: $ 30
1PCHardcoverSketchBook, 9" x12", 68lb, 100 Sheets
ARTZ-9127 | 810386039323
MSRP: $ 16
1PCHardcoverSketchBook, 9" x12", 68lb, 100 Sheets
ARTZ-9143 | 810386039484
MSRP: $ 16
3PCHardcoverSketchBooks, 5.5" x8.5", 68 lb, 200 Sheets
ARTZ-9115 | 810386039200
MSRP: $ 28
2 PCHardcover Sketchbooks, 9" x12", 68lb, 200 Sheets
ARTZ-9117 | 810386039224
MSRP: $ 32
3PCHardcoverSketchbooks, 5.1"x 8.3",118 lb, 132Sheets
ARTZ-8407 | 810386032126
MSRP: $ 30
1PCHardcoverSketchbook, 8.5" x11",68lb, 220 Sheets
ARTZ-8138 | 857909007698
MSRP: $ 20
2 PCHardcover Sketchbooks, 8.5" x11",80lb, 100 Sheets
ARTZ-8141 | 857909007728
MSRP: $ 34
2 PCHardcover Sketchbooks, 8.5" x11",68lb, 110Sheets
ARTZ-8139 | 857909007704
MSRP: $ 30
2 PCMarker Pads, 9" x12", 80lb, 50 Sheetsea ARTZ-3741 | 840098715512 MSRP: $ 20
1PCColoringBook, Mandala, 6.4" x6.4", 72Sheets
ARTZ-8933 | 810386037381
MSRP: $ 16
1PCColoringBook, Animals,6.4"x 6.4", 72 Sheets
ARTZ-8930 | 810386037350
MSRP: $ 16
1PCColoringBook, Floral,6.4"x 6.4", 72 Sheets
ARTZ-8931 | 810386037367
MSRP: $ 16
1PCColoringBook, Mandala, 6.4" x6.4", 72Sheets
ARTZ-3477 | 8400998712870
MSRP: $ 16
1PCColoringBook, 4 Seasons,9"x 9", 120 Sheets
ARTZ-4696 | 840098725580
MSRP: $ 16
1PCGraphiteTransfer Paper, 9" x13",Gray,60Sheets ARTZ-8096 | 851309007555
MSRP: $ 18
45 PCWoodSlices,NaturalPineWood, Pre-Sanded, 2.4"-2.8" Diameter
ARTZ-8756 | 810386035615
MSRP: $ 26
25PCWoodSlices, NaturalPineWood, Pre-Sanded, 3.5"-4"Diameter
ARTZ-9534 | 810024623365
MSRP: $ 24
5 PCWoodPanels,8"x 8"
ARTZ-8720 | 810386035257
MSRP: $ 32
5 PCWoodPanels,8"x 10"
ARTZ-8721 | 810386035264
MSRP: $ 28
5 PCWoodPanels,10"x 10"
ARTZ-8723 | 810386035295
MSRP: $ 34
5 PCWoodPanels,9"x 12"
ARTZ-8722 | 810386035288
MSRP: $ 38
50PCFeltFabric, UniqueColors,8.3"x 11.8" ARTZ-8320 | 810386031273 MSRP: $ 22
Self-healing, rotating cutting mat great for quilting,textiles, paper crafts, clay, painting and more! Feature an easy locking mechanism!
CuttingMat | 1PC
ARTZ-4998 | 840098730096
MSRP: $ 40
1PCSelfHealing RotaryCutting Mat, 12"x18"
ARTZ-8147 | 857909007087
MSRP: $ 18
1PCSelfHealingRotaryCuttingMat, 18"x24"
ARTZ-8148 | 857909007094
MSRP: $ 32
1PC Self HealingRotary CuttingMat, 24"x 36"
ARTZ-8149 | 857909007100
MSRP: $ 58
5 PCAcrylicQuilter's RulerKit With Non-Slip Rings
| 851309007050
MSRP: $ 34
MSRP: $ 18
1PCAcrylicQuilter'sRuler, 12.5" x12.5"
ARTZ-8127 | 851309007715
MSRP: $ 22
1PCAcrylicQuilter'sRuler, 2.5" x18"
ARTZ-8129 | 851309007746
MSRP: $ 20
ARTZ-8134 | 851309007739
MSRP: $ 30
30 PCFinger Paints, AssortedColors,30 ml ARTZ-9281 | 810024620821
16PCKidsTempuraPaint, AssortedColors,400 ml
ARTZ-8383 | 810386031884
MSRP: $ 46
32 PCKids TemperaPaint, AssortedColors,60ml
ARTZ-9229 | 810024620319
MSRP: $ 36
| 840098721926
MSRP: $ 20
| 840098722381
MSRP: $ 20
50PCKidsWatercolorPencilswith Brush, DoubleSided,VibrantColors, ARTZ-4276 | 840098721339 MSRP: $ 24
24PCRetractableGelPens, Blue, Medium Point
ARTZ-9223 | 810024620258
MSRP: $ 22
24PCRetractableGelPens, Black, Medium Point
ARTZ-9222 | 810024620241
MSRP: $ 22
50PCRetractableGelPens, Blue, Medium Point
ARTZ-9221 | 810024620234
MSRP: $ 30
50PCRetractableGelPens, Black, Medium Point
ARTZ-9220 | 810024620227
MSRP: $ 30
30 PCRetractableGelPens, Black&Blue, Medium Point
ARTZ-9225 | 810024620272
MSRP: $ 26
20PCRollerBallPens, BlueInk, 0.5 mm Point
ARTZ-9284 | 810024620869
MSRP: $ 20
40PCRoller BallPens, BlueInk, 0.5 mm NeedleNib
ARTZ-9285 | 810024620876
MSRP: $ 28
20PCRollerBallPens, BlackInk, 0.5 mm Point
ARTZ-9291 | 810024620937
MSRP: $ 20
40PCRoller BallPens, BlackInk, 0.5 mm NeedleNib
ARTZ-9292 | 810024620944
MSRP: $ 28
20PCRollerBallPens, BlackInk, 0.5 mm Point ARTZ-9216 | 810024620180
MSRP: $ 20
40 PCRoller BallPens, BlackInk, 0.5 mm Point ARTZ-9217 | 810024620197
MSRP: $ 28
20PCRollerBallPens, BlueInk, 0.5 mm BulletTip
ARTZ-9286 | 810024620883
MSRP: $ 20
40 PCRoller BallPens, BlueInk, 0.7mm Bullet Tip
ARTZ-9287 | 810024620890
MSRP: $ 28
20PCRollerBallPens, BlackInk, 0.7mmBullet Tip
ARTZ-9293 | 810024620951
MSRP: $ 20
40 PCRoller BallPens, BlackInk, 0.5 mm BulletTip
ARTZ-9294 | 810024620968
MSRP: $ 28
64PCHighlighters, Yellow, WideChiselTip
ARTZ-8561 | 810386033666
MSRP: $ 32
30 PCHighlighters, AssortedColors,Narrow Tip
ARTZ-8578 | 810386033833
MSRP: $ 16
60PCHighlighters, NeonColors, Broad& ThinTips
ARTZ-8339 | 810386031440
MSRP: $ 30
60PCHighlighters, AssortedColors,Narrow Tip
ARTZ-8579 | 810386033840
MSRP: $ 26
16PCSlim RetractableDry EraseMarkers, Black
ARTZ-4851 | 840098727782
MSRP: $ 32
16PCSlim RetractableDry EraseMarkers, AssortedColors
ARTZ-4853 | 840098727805
MSRP: $ 32
12 PCJumboRetractableDryEraseMarkers, AssortedColors
ARTZ-4852 | 840098727799
MSRP: $ 30
36PCDryEraseMarkers, Blue,ChiselTip
ARTZ-8555 | 810386033604
MSRP: $ 26
52PCDryEraseMarkers, Black, ChiselTip
ARTZ-8414 | 810386032188
MSRP: $ 30
52PCDryEraseMarkers, AssortedColors,ChiselTip
ARTZ-8887 | 810386036551
MSRP: $ 30
52PCDryEraseMarkers, AssortedColors,ChiselTip
ARTZ-8413 | 810386032195
MSRP: $ 32
24PCDry EraseMarkerswith MagneticEraser Cap, AssortedColors,FineTip
| 810386032225
MSRP: $ 26
| 810386032218
MSRP: $ 20
60PCDryEraseMarkers with MagneticEraser Cap, 4Colors, FineTip
ARTZ-8897 | 810386036797
MSRP: $ 26
60PCDryEraseMarkers with MagneticEraser Cap, UniqueColors,FineTip
ARTZ-8896 | 810386036780
MSRP: $ 26
16PCLiquidChalkMarkers, EarthTones, ReplaceableTips
ARTZ-8589 | 810386033949
MSRP: $ 16
12 PCLiquidChalkMarkers, White,ReplaceableTips
ARTZ-8591 | 810386033963
MSRP: $ 18
42 PCLiquidChalkMarkers, UniqueColors,ReplaceableTips
ARTZ-8592 | 810386033970
MSRP: $ 38
16PCLiquidChalkMarkers, BrightColors, ReplaceableTips
ARTZ-8590 | 810386033956
MSRP: $ 16
1PCTriangularArchitectScaleRuler, Imperial, 12" ARTZ-8045 | 851309007241
MSRP: $ 16
48 PC#2HB WoodPencils
ARTZ-8119 | 857909007407
MSRP: $ 16
96 PC#2HB WoodPencils
ARTZ-8122 | 857909007421
MSRP: $ 24
ARTZ-8115 | 857909007760
MSRP: $ 32
12 PCStickyNotes,
AssortedColors,100 Sheets Each ARTZ-4769 | 840098726310
MSRP: $ 8
AssortedColors,100 Sheets Each ARTZ-4770 | 840098726327
MSRP: $ 10
48 PCStickyNotes,
AssortedColors,100 Sheets Each ARTZ-4771 | 840098726334
MSRP: $ 28
48 PCStickyNotes, Lined& Blank
AssortedColors,100 Sheets Each ARTZ-5003 | 840098730140
MSRP: $ 28