This charming piece works on creating great opportunities for tone control, working in a minor key and having clear, distinct parts between our sections. This has been one of our favorites.
Though this piece uses the first set of notes we EVER learned, it is not for the faint of heart. It creates many opportunities for complex coordination patterns AND rhythm fighting across our orchestra. Again, this piece promotes section independence and reading vs. ’ ear following’ playing. This piece has been a challenge but we feel we are up to the fight!
We will be starting this piece with the last idea of the other piece. The cello and bass will get us up to speed to delve into Kevin Mixon’s dark and experimental ideas about string orchestra. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Violin Matthew Aikens*, Jana Alaraf**, Eain Beach, Madelyn Briggs, James Clutter, Dillon Dunigan, Alexis Durben, Jessica Johns, Blakely Kopatz, Jillian Louden, Baylee Marcinko, Elise Moseley, Dua Nasir, Isabella Osborne, Isabella Palmer, Brayden Ritter, Michelle Rivera, Bowie Rouse, Phoenix Santos, Kenneth Sheridan, Michael Stidd, Aviella Swift, Lauren Thomas
Viola Indyeanah Freeman*, Isabella Greathouse**, Ricardo Martinez, Raissa Polnik
Cello Brenden Handfield*, Molly Sevin**
Violin Lilyana Ady*, Nolan Begue**, Kayla Black, Aleigha Brown, Abigail Caldwell, Blaze Garrott, Alyssa Hendricks, Rey Hernandez, Marcus Marshall, Owen McWilliams, Grace Michael, Tabitha Owens, Illah Pine, Andrea Pyles, Le'Maria Reeves, Anna Senften, Ahlaia Simon, Cali Taber, Adna Yonous, Jayden Zander
Viola Maci Crihfield*, Luca Melegari**, Marayah Nicholson, Joshua Oliver, Da'Zarion Pride, Thomas Schweikert, Serenity Scurlock, Lila Smith, Lyrica Thompson, Neala Yerian
Cello Vincent Jeffries*, Ethan Johnson**, Melissa McCormick, Dylan Sigler, Rachel Talbott Bass James Hoffman*, Loki Rouse**
7th Grade: Mariam Abou-Zakhim, Zoe Alguire, Gracie Brady, Elliot Brewer, Grace Glover, Alana Hawkins ,Alexis Hawkins ,Madilyn Jackson, Karalaine Keslar, Kaydence Kovac, Karen Lopez, Ameena Malka, EJ Mattson, Caitlyn Nicol ,Amira O’Dell, Autumn Price, Abigail Rayman, Kendra Tippel, Adele Tucker, Alysann West,, Grayson Grisham, Aaron Mullins, Draven Rue, James Troutman
8th Grade: Savannah Alazaus, Evelynn Angione, McVehil Bell, Ollie Blubaugh, Mila Butusov, Sonja Campbell, Alana Eberhardt, Ruthann Fasano, Aubreigh Friedriech, Emma Geabler, Kyra Halkias, Salome Hayward, Isabella Houston, Kayla Kershner, Payton Lewers, Kendall Longwell, Mae Lubbers, Angelina Pyle, Sophia Thomas, Audrey, Thompson, Lily Warner, Desmond Brewer, Sammie Dodson, Josiah Felton, Jobe Flock, Jamee Hoffman, Ian Lichlyter, Bradon Lowry, Carson Tanner, Lucas Watts, Nicholas Wells
On behalf of myself and all strings students throughout the Plain Local School District, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following important individuals:
Mr. Brent May, and Mr. Brian Matthews Mr. James Easterling, and Mrs. Chicola Whitfield Mrs. Gayle Kimbrough, and Mr. Brett Niarchos Members of P.L.I.M.P.A.
The Plain Local Schools Instrumental Music staff
All Plain Local Strings Parents!!!
Without all of your daily support and encouragement none of this would be possible! Your tireless efforts have made it possible to produce string students of only the very highest caliber here in Plain Local - Thank you!
Daniel Nauss and Barbara Phelps HutsonDirectors of String Ensembles Plain Local School District