Focus Group Observations

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2016-2019 S T R A TEG IC PL AN


Overall, Plain Local is very well liked, and parents agree it is heading in a great direction

Technology and how it is being used is of great interest to parents

iReady needs to be evaluated, better communicated and used more effectively

Parents use online resources for communications and evaluating child’s progress


Technology overload

Caste system and favoritism is recognized and not enjoyed by any group

In-School Suspension and the punishment system is not accomplishing its intended purpose

Teachers are greatly appreciated and have the most significant impact on students

Technology limits the parent’s ability to see testing errors

Blended learning and inclusion through community partners is appreciated

Teachers show negative attitude toward testing and new initiatives, and it rubs off quickly and poorly on the students

State testing is not liked by parents, and Plain Local is encouraged to advocate on behalf of parents at the state level

Students recognize and take advantage of the many opportunities of school

Support staff is needed (counseling and special education)

Career-tech is well liked, but students still do not feel prepared if they decide not to go to college

Communications between bus garage, school building and parents needs evaluated



Students feel judged and segregated by Learning Communities

Lunch and recess are concern areas

Students value the time available to de-stress, but feel more opportunities to de-stress are needed

Teachers and administrators are well liked, but students want more access to them after school if needed

Hallways are crowded and more time to get to classrooms would be appreciated

Entire class being punished for the actions of one student or small group of students. Students don’t feel this is effective

Lunch is one of few de-stress times, and it often becomes a point of frustration

iReady needs to be evaluated

Testing and technology can be stressful

The teachers are well liked and respected, but students feel they are not held to the same phone and dress code standards

Social media appears to be greatest bullying threat

Students recognize the lack of support staff (counselors)


The diversity of the student population resonates with the staff and faculty. This diversity appears to be a real point of pride and possibly an opportunity to build a strong sense of mission and call of duty. In addition, this provides the opportunity to recruit a diverse staff and provide them with training on topics related to diversity.

The variety of programs and opportunities for students offers many chances 
for students to excel. More research could be done to discover if the number of programs and opportunities relates in any way to the threat in the lack of consistent programming and overload of new initiatives for the staff and faculty.

There is a strong sense of a family feel among the staff and faculty. This 
should be leveraged and recognized by the administration.

The interpretation of this data suggests more discussions need to occur in several key areas. When making this interpretation, it is necessary to determine what topic areas are causes versus effects and what effects are primary versus secondary outcomes.

The topic areas created through the analysis of this data should be used in correlation with each other. For example, the threat of school choice could be analyzed to determine the characteristics that attract parents to them. This in turn will create strategic direction and messaging points.

The topics of state mandates, testing and funding may not be in the best use 
of time to discuss strategically in regards to staff strategic planning.

The staff and teachers overwhelmingly recognize that the district is heading in the right direction and leading the charge in innovation. This is encouraging and should not be forgotten during the strategic planning process. Teachers want to live out the student-centered culture in greater depth and be a part of the planning process moving forward.

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