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Items & Issues for Our Community from Our Community
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O C T O B E R 2 0 21
We’ve got spirit, how ‘bout you?
Thank you to all of our families that shared photos during spirit week. The Plain Local Pride was evident in our community. Check out more on page 9. Dear Community, Thank you! These two simple words never seem like enough, but they are so important to express. I would like to personally extend my thanks to the entire Plain Local community for your support and encouragement as we started the 2021-2022 school year. Our students are thriving in and out of the classroom and I am so proud to see all of their accomplishments. I hope you take some time to read about all of the amazing things going on in our buildings across the Plain Local district. I am excited for families to learn more about the Elementary and Secondary Relief Fund, also known as “ESSER” which was created by the federal government to provide emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the nation. Please review page 20 for more information on these emergency funds and how they are being utilized in Plain Local to address learning loss and gaps due to the pandemic now through 2024. As I travel across the district, visit classrooms, and attend events, I am excited about our growth and progress for the future. We are working to get back to as much normalcy as we can for our students. We are in the midst of a successful fall sports season, we have many Arts performances scheduled starting in October, and our teachers are constantly working on creative ways to make sure our students are safe while engaging in amazing learning opportunities. In closing, it is my honor to serve Plain Local. I continuously tell your story and share examples of excellence in Plain. My children are receiving a world-class education from staff that wake up every day and choose to show up for the students in Plain Local. I am proud to live and raise my family in this township. Brent May, Superintendent
Our theme for the 2021-2022 school year is “What’s Your Why?” Your “Why” is a statement of purpose that describes why you do the work you do and why you live the lifestyle you do. It is your calling. It is your conviction. It is your mission statement. It is a vision of your life’s work. All of this together makes up your personal “WHY.” Stay tuned as we share throughout the 2021-2022 school year examples of “WHY” we do the work we do. In each issue of the Plain Paper we will spotlight individuals, businesses, community members and more who help support our “WHY” day in and day out!
When the cafeteria at GlenOak High School was short staffed, building principal Mr. Babics went to the cafeteria, rolled up his sleeves, and helped serve lunch. We appreciate leaders like Mr. Babics that will do whatever it takes to make sure the school day goes smoothly! The Job Training Coordination (JTC) students at GlenOak High School worked to prepare and assemble snacks for the students attending the Fall homecoming dance. Students made fruit cups, popcorn and other sweet treats for the Hollywood themed dance.
4th grade students from Mrs. Foltz’s classroom at Barr Elementary created three goals for this year. These included one school related goal, one character related goal, and one outside of school goal. At the end of the year, they will revisit them to see if they reached their goals!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 Stark County Fatherhood Coalition Father’s Walk. Over 500 participants across the district were in attendance!
Throughout 2020, Elena Grimwood and Serina Hernandez-Mick worked on their Girl Scout Silver award “Gateway to Coping.” Earlier this year they presented their project to the Cleveland Clinic Mercy Medical Cancer Center. The students are honored to have their artwork hanging at one of our local hospitals.
After learning about September 11th, students in Mrs. Nyholm’s third grade social studies class at Taft Elementary participated in an Art project that allowed them to reflect on the events that occurred on September 11, 2001, and the many acts of service given because of that day. We love seeing our student’s perspective on this historic event.
Avondale Students SOAR Avondale’s Golden Eagle SOAR Store recently opened for business for the 2021-2022 school year. As part of the school’s overall Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program, the SOAR Store provides a way to acknowledge and reinforce students who are making positive choices at school. The SOAR Store began during the 2018-2019 school year at Avondale and has been evolving and growing ever since. Students work hard each day to earn Eagle Tickets for meeting and exceeding Avondale’s four core building expectations of “SOAR”. S = Show Respect; O = Own Your Choices; A = Act Kindly;
R = Ready to Learn. Every ten Eagle Tickets earns students one Eagle Buck, which is the only currency accepted at the SOAR Store. Students can shop for a variety of items ranging from school supplies, to toy cars, to fun bracelets. They can also save up their Eagle Bucks for bigger purchases, such as a variety of building privileges. Favorites include being a morning greeter, custodial helper, reading to a class, and principal of the day.
The Avondale PTO supports the SOAR Store as one of its focus areas for the year. School funds and donations are also used to make sure that the students have a variety
of merchandise to select from each day.
Mrs. Wolf, Avondale’s school community liaison, manages the SOAR Store each morning, as one grade level per day comes down to shop. Mrs. Wolf says, “The SOAR Store is such a wonderful way to help our students focus on the positives each day. The opportunity to make good choices exists all the time, and if students hit a little bump in the road, there is always a chance to turn it around. I’ve yet to meet a student who isn’t excited to shop at the SOAR Store. In fact, I believe the privilege is actually mine to see happy shoppers each morning!”
School Community Liaison, Mrs. Wolf has a happy customer in Avondale First Grader, Lacey Marlatt.
Barr Students Have Heart The students of Barr Elementary are learning about symbolism and what symbols are in Art class with their teacher Miss Salem. To continue with their kindness initiative, Miss Salem challenged each student to do at least one act of kindness at school. Students accepted this challenge and created a way to symbolize their actions through a visual art representation.
Students discussed various examples of how kindness can be shown towards one another at school. Through this discussion, students determined that a heart was one way to symbolize kindness. Each student was encouraged to use their creativity to represent their own
kindness heart. As a result, Miss Salem composed a collage of each student’s heart. All grade levels are represented with a specific background color, but each heart is wonderfully unique! We all know that creativity can go a long way and art is a marvelous outlet for our students to express themselves. This is another visual representation and reminder of how important it is to practice kindness each day. As we continue our kindness initiative at Barr Elementary, it is wonderful to see that kindness cannot only be expressed through actions but also through art!
Barr Elementary students show their heart in Art class.
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Fierce Females at Frazer The Frazer Fierce Females are grateful to be able to continue to “Learn, Lead, and Love” for the 20212022 school year. The 4th grade female empowerment group was excited to welcome their first two guest speakers. Mary Beddell, Plain Local Schools Public Relations Director and President of local nonprofit, the Josette Beddell Memorial Foundation, and Kelly Shaheen, founder of Goodness Gracious, both joined the group to share their
inspirational stories. The Fierce Females are also preparing for their first community service project, “A Worthwhile Mile.” The group will focus on promoting and raising funds to support the Josette Beddell Memorial Foundation for breast cancer awareness month. The Fierce Females will have the opportunity to walk a mile throughout the month of October to support women in our community who are battling breast cancer.
The Fierce Females welcomed their first guest speaker of the year, Mary Beddell.
Teamwork at Taft
Jason’s Place located in the Oakwood Square Plaza offers personalized tutoring pre-K through 10th grade in all subject areas! $15.00 per hour/ Master’s degree tutor. For scheduling and availability call 234-714-9815 or email
Visit Malone this Fall
Malone University has many upcoming visit opportunities and we welcome students to participate, in person or virtually, based on their individual needs and interests. Discover Day will be held on October 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. During this in-person visit, students will receive a tour of campus, an opportunity to learn about integration of faith and learning at Malone, a chance to meet with faculty members, a financial aid session, and will also attend a student panel. Campus visits are designed to help high school students determine if Malone will be a good fit for their needs, and Discover Day is an interactive opportunity to see the character of the Malone community in action. Register online to secure a spot and receive a participation link at Other options include: • Hybrid visits, which allow students the flexibility to choose to visit in-person or virtually. Our admissions team will help you self-select a schedule that best suits your needs. • Transfer Tuesdays allow transfer students to explore campus with a personalized touch and cater their visit to their unique circumstances.
Zachary Impagliozza, Jamaria Moore, and Jenna Piggott participate in the “Saving Fred” teamwork challenge at Taft Elementary. Teamwork is an essential skill for students to learn. To help students understand the value of positive teamwork, third-grade students in Mrs. Nyholm’s room participated in a collaborative activity called, “Saving Fred!” This activity challenges participants to work together to get a gummy worm into a gummy lifesaver only using one paperclip per person. Students are unable to touch Fred, his boat (a cup), or his life preserver directly with their hands, and may only use the paper clip to maneuver the items. Groups in Mrs. Nyholm’s class found success using teamwork and perseverance– trying a multiple number of strategies! In the end, all the teams were successful and got to enjoy the sweet treat at the end, “Sorry Fred!”
Middlebranch Students Give Thanks Students in Mrs. Hamilton’s 2nd Grade Class created cards and a banner for nurses and doctors at Aultman Hospital. The students wrote letters to thank them for everything that they have done for our community and included words of encouragement. The letters will be delivered to the hospital by Middlebranch 2nd grader, Maddox Ritter. Mrs. Hamilton’s class was very excited to spread kindness to workers in the medical field!
Upcoming Events at Stark Library, Plain Community Branch Please register at or 330.494.3399.
ADULTS Meet Hometown Author Kim Campbell Davis Mon., Sept. 27 | 6-7 p.m. Davis will share her inspirational, 5-star rated book, “My Chameleon Teacher,” based on her true-life story of battling a rare cancer while continuing to teach multiple learning-disabled students.
Introduction to Android I & II Middlebranch students say “thank you” to frontline workers.
Planting Seeds at Warstler
Thurs., Oct. 7, 14 | 1-2:30 p.m. Explore Android, an operating system for tablets. Topics include device hardware, touch screen gestures, navigating the home screen, and working with apps. Android tablet required.
Family Book Club Mondays | 6-7 p.m. Oct. 11 Pax by Sara Pennypacker Nov. 15 Sweet Home Alaska by Carole Estby Dagg
Meet Author and Cleveland News Anchor, Jazmin Bailey Presented with Domestic Violence Project, Inc. Tues., Oct. 19 | 6-8 p.m. | Centennial Plaza Cleveland’s own Emmy Award-winning news anchor and author, Jazmin Bailey, will share her memoir to educate about the cycle of abuse and partner violence. Books will be available for purchase and signing.
Meet Author Elaine Weiss Presented by National First Ladies’ Library Thurs., Oct. 28 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Canton Palace Theatre Meet award-winning journalist & author of the highly acclaimed “The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight for the Vote.” Weiss sheds fascinating light on women’s rights and suffrage.
STORYTIME Storytime & More (Preschool) Flowers planted by the Fierce Females last spring are in bloom at Warstler Elementary Last spring, the Warstler Fierce Females planted flowers around their school as a part of a community service and building beautification project. The girls worked hard weeding, digging, and planting the sprouts. The flowers were planted in just the right place where they received plenty of sunshine and rain— just what they needed to bloom! By the time we returned to school in August, the flowers had flourished with multiple vibrant colored blooms. This is just how we hope student’s feel when they enter our schools. Each and every teacher in our schools works every day to help our students flourish and grow. It takes the right combination of warmth, weeding and nourishment so we can see every vibrant personality!
Tuesdays | 10-10:45 a.m.
Storytime & More (Baby/Toddler) Wednesdays | 10:30-11 a.m.
Storytime & More (Online) Thursdays | 11-11:30 a.m.
Continued on page 7
Local Business Promotes School Message
Students at Glenwood were greeted with an encouraging reminder when arriving to school.
GlenOak Spirit Shop The Spirit Shop at GlenOak High School is your stop for Eagle gear and merchandise! Questions about the Spirit Shop? Email Mike Nieporte at The spirit shop will be open on the following days and times: October 2, 2021...............9 a.m. – 12 p.m. October 6, 2021.................6 p.m. – 8 p.m. October 11, 2021................6 p.m. – 8 p.m. October 14, 2021................6 p.m. – 8 p.m. October 16, 2021..............9 a.m. – 12 p.m. October 21, 2021......5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. October 23, 2021..............9 a.m. – 12 p.m. October 27, 2021......5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. We are looking for parent volunteers to help run the Spirit Shop this year. Contact Mike Nieporte at nieportem@ for more information!
As the 2021-2022 school year has gotten off to a great start, we have launched our “What’s Your Why?” theme for the year. There may be no “why” greater than the desire to support each other. This was exemplified in the district’s efforts to draw the community to local small businesses through hosting the fall sports kick off and convocation at Oakwood Square. Most recently, Glenwood Intermediate School has partnered with Breeze Inflatables and Yard Card Rentals of Plain Township. The family-owned business approached Glenwood shortly after the school year began for a pro-
motional opportunity to advertise the district message. The business specializes in providing safe, family entertainment with a personal touch only found in a local establishment. Each morning, students arriving via the dropoff line and leaving on busses were able to enjoy the two messages and visual art work displayed in front of the building. Pictured here are a few students from Mrs. Harris’ homeroom class! The staff and students of Glenwood would like to thank the Breeze family for their generous donation and support of public education! Go Eagles!
New Course at GOHS GlenOak High School is offering a new course in forensic science for the 2021-2022 school year. Students explore the court system, learn about The Innocence Project and gain hands-on knowledge of sketching crime scenes, fingerprinting, evidence
handling, trace evidence collection and analysis, toxicology, blood spatter patterns and much more. In addition, they will learn about interrogation techniques, and test their skills at solving fake crimes throughout the year. This exciting
new course is a great way to experience the field of forensic science and the many disciplines which make up this dynamic field of study. Contact GlenOak High School teacher Julie Anthony at with any questions.
Upcoming Events at Stark Library - cont. Spooktacular Stories Mon., Oct. 25 | 6-7 p.m.
Me and My Family Tree Sat., Oct. 30 | 10:30-11:30 a.m. Whether your family is big or small, discover what a family tree is and where you fit in with this special story time.
ELEMENTARY LEGO Club Sat., Oct. 9, Nov. 6 | 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Art in the Afternoon Wed., Oct. 20, Nov. 17 | 2-3 p.m. Learn about the work of famous artists or illustrators, then create an art project based on their work. This is a perfect opportunity to fill home school portfolios, but is open to everyone.
Ms. Anthony works with students during the new “Forensic Science” class offered at GlenOak High School.
GlenOak Seniors Work General Election On November 2, 2021, GlenOak seniors will have the opportunity to get a first-hand glimpse into what it takes to make our election day run smoothly. They have the opportunity to be Student Precinct Election Officials for the Stark County Board of Elections. Twice a year, seniors from Stark County area high schools can apply to become an election day Student Precinct Election Official. The requirements are:
to be at least 17 years of age, a U.S. citizen and a senior at their high school of attendance. Students complete an application, sign an Ohio Secretary of State Ethics Policy and complete a Voter Registration Form, if they have not already registered to vote. Students are then assigned a training date and time to learn their role on election day. Training and working on election day are paid experiences. This opportunity gives
our students a hands-on opportunity by serving as a Student Precinct Election Official. The classroom provides valuable information about the voting process and the poll worker program gives students a valuable civic lesson while serving their community. Students become a direct partner with the Board of Elections by helping electors exercise their right to vote!
Now accepting nominations for the 2022 Inspired Youth Award. Qualifications for the award include: • Outstanding volunteer leadership • 18 years old or younger • Inspires others to join in their effort • Helps improve the overall quality of life of the community To learn more or to nominate an outstanding young volunteer go to:
United Way of Greater Stark County
Dinovember Nov. 8-13 | Library Hours Have a “dino-mite” time looking for dinosaurs in the Children’s Department. Find them all and receive a small prize. Check out a book on dinosaurs from the extra-ROAR-dinary book display and more.
Meet Author Marc Brown Speaking of Books Author Series Tues., Nov. 16 | 6:30 p.m. | Canton Palace Theatre Meet the creator of the most famous A-A-R-DV-A-R-K in the world, right here in Canton! This bestselling author joins us to talk about his characters, work, behind the scenes fun facts and more!
The library is open extended hours to better serve you! We look forward to seeing you.
Plain Community Branch Hours Mon–Tue | 9 am–8 pm Wed–Sat | 9 am–5 pm Sun | Closed
Serving Stark and Carroll Counties
Oakwood Geometry Students Advancing to GlenOak for Course Acceleration Oakwood 8th graders enrolled in geometry this year are beginning their school day at GlenOak High School. Teacher, Kairie Rawley, has welcomed Oakwood students and made them feel comfortable in their first period class. The students have enjoyed collaboratively learning through dialogue, debating, and
working to solve problems. The students are also able to seek assistance from peer facilitators. After class. the students are shuttled back to Oakwood to rejoin their 8th grade class for the remainder of their day. Oakwood sends a “Thank You” to Mrs. Rawley and GlenOak High School for supporting our students!
Oakwood students are transported back to their school after attending class at GlenOak High School.
Career Tech Exploration at Oakwood A new Career Tech class is being offered to Oakwood 8th Grade students to allow them to sample future career tech opportunities at GlenOak High School. Students may choose to experience career tech programs in Auto Technology
and Horticulture. Mrs. Woods, our Horticulture teacher, is hoping to get students excited about horticulture earlier and build her program through their high school career. Students are learning foundational vocabulary and have
hands-on experiences with soil, seeds, plants, floral design and landscaping. Mr. Fish, our Auto Technology teacher, is also happy
to have students interested in learning about engines, gears, ratios, and car maintenance. Students in this program will also have the
opportunity to work on a model engine. The Oakwood students are loving their time in career tech exploration.
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An Oakwood 8th grade student works on a boutonnière, a floral decoration worn to accessorize for a formal event during the new Horticulture class.
Success Starts in Elementary with New “Coaches” Active, engaging, and inclusive are just a few words to describe the new success coaches found in each of the Plain Local Schools elementary buildings. These individuals come from a variety of backgrounds including Mental Health, Human and Family Development, Counseling, Psychology and Social Work. With over 50 years of combined
Krysten Abel Avondale/Barr Elementary
experience working with students outside of the school setting, we are pleased to have five success coaches join our team this year due to a grant as a part of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, also known as ESSER (read more on page 20). The success coaches will impact the school environment and the mental wellness of
Julia Vitale
Frazer Elementary
each child.
of mental health is The role of a success shared with teachers as they are a regular coach is to support part of each buildsocial-emotional ing’s professional learning. They respond to immediate development. Finally, they connect with behavioral needs families by acting and model reas a bridge between search-based strategies designed to keep school and home, our students learning offering learning sessions for parents successfully in the classroom. They also connecting successful routines and work with students procedures. In colin small groups to laboration with Akimprove their social-emotional skills. ron Children’s Hospital and the Stark Their knowledge
Katelyn Frazier Taft Elementary
Cynthia Little
Warstler Elementary
County Educational Service Center, the success coaches will participate in monthly professional development and will then, in turn, share this knowledge with the school staff. We are excited about this opportunity to further develop the success of every Plain Local Eagle.
Amy Schuster
District/Middlebranch Elementary
Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo for #PLSFirstDay!
Have a great 2021-2022 school year.
How to Talk with Your Children about Vaping By Dr. Karita Nussbaum, PhD, LISW, LICDC Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Gemini Program Manager
Vape pens… Puff Bars… Pod Mods… What are they?
In October 2019, JUUL pulled most of its flavor pods off the market in response to the growing concern of teen vaping. Unfortunately, by then, adolescents had already moved on to the next big thing: Puff Bars. Similar to the JUUL, Puff Bars are e-cigarettes designed for one-time use. These disposable “pod mods” began emerging on college campuses in 2019 and have now emigrated to the high school population. According to the CDC, during 2019-2020, DISPOSABLE VAPE USE WENT UP 1000% among high schoolers who vape (Wang et al, 2020). Teens are enjoying the Puff Bars because of the similar taste and “hit” they share with the JUUL, plus they last longer. They come in a variety of sizes measured by the amount of ‘puffs’. A medium sized bar has about 400 puffs and can contain as much nicotine as 2-3 packs of cigarettes. One major problem: teens often inhale more deeply on a Puff Bar and consequently receive a higher level of nicotine in their lungs than what is recommended on the label.
Advice For Concerned Parents Approach softly, don’t confront. Teens generally respond better when parents use conversation form rather than scare tactics or direct confrontation. The conversation might start with a general question such as, “I’ve been reading about vaping and how much nicotine is in the products, what have you heard?” Share information with them by engaging them in conversation. Teens can be very curious and are open to information even though they may pretend they’re not interested. Most teens want to talk to their parents about important things. During the conversation it’s possible that they will mention their use of vaping materials. If they do, gently let them know you are concerned and would like them to get help.
Know what’s out there. Stay educated about the latest products; the world of vaping is changing constantly and quickly. One organization, Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes (PAVe) is a national advocacy and education organization that is dedicated to protecting children “from the dangers of e-cigarettes and the predatory behavior of Big Tobacco”. PAVe can be found online at: www.parentsagainstvaping. org/. Refillable cartridges are also available online and can be easily purchased from websites that are not well age protected. Puff Bars and cartridges can be very addictive, so it’s important to talk with kids about the risks and concerns of vaping.
Find help. Help is available for kids who have become addicted to nicotine. There are a number of online resources such as: My Life, My Quit™ is a “free and confidential way to quit smoking or vaping. Text ‘Start My Quit’ to 36072 or click to chat with a Coach.” • Truth Initiative is America’s largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to a future where tobacco and nicotine addiction are things of the past. Their mission is “to achieve a culture where young people reject smoking, vaping, and nicotine.” • • Teens and young adults can join
for free by texting DITCHVAPE to 88709 Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health provides outpatient and group therapy for youth needing education or clinical services related to vaping and substance use. Often youth turn to vaping to help them relax, to feel included by peers or to satisfy a curiosity. They may not be aware of or think through the long-term effects of nicotine use and find themselves addicted and unsure what to do. Parents can be unaware of the latest trends and devices that their kids are exposed to. If you feel you need help for your child, please contact Karita Nussbaum PhD, LISW, LICDC at 330-433-6075 x217 with questions and concerns or schedule an appointment for an assessment with the intake department. • Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health’s Gemini Program serves both mental health and substance use disorders. Dr. Nussbaum has 30 years of experience working in the field of behavioral health, with more than 10 years working with substance use. References Wang, T.W., Neff, L.J., Park-Lee, E., Ren, C., Cullen, K.A., & King, B.A. (2020, September). E-cigarette Use Among Middle and High School Students — United States, 2020. E-cigarette Use Among Middle and High School Students — United States, 2020 | MMWR (
Plain Township Historical Society Updates Submitted by: Cindy Guest, Plain Township Historical Society
Hidden Historic Homes
While driving down Martindale Rd. NE near Lattavo St. NE, you may not have noticed this historic home. Sitting in a row with other houses of varying ages, its past does not jump out at first. The home was built between 1870-1890 and, according to former owners, was the original farm house for Section 27 SW Quarter. Today this property is a private residence.
Michael Spangler (17831836), distant relative of James Murray Spangler (1848-1915), inventor of the sweeper, purchased the original land patent for Section 27 SW Quarter (approximately 160 acres) in 1811. Today this section is bounded on the west by Market Avenue, north by 36th St. NE, east by St. Elmo St. NE and south by 30th St. NE/Rt. 62. Michael Spangler moved his fam-
ily in 1820 from Plain Township to Cleveland and became one of their pioneers. He bought an established tavern, the Commercial House, and ran it for several years before he retired to farming. It was said that Michael and his family were the first pioneers in the Cleveland area that spoke German. Michael was married to Elizabeth Miller (1790-1880) and they had five children in Plain Township: Margaret (1809-1891), Catherine (1811-1884), Miller (1813-1897), Mary (1815-1843) and Basil (1817-1876); and one child in Cleveland: Harriet (1820-1888). The land stayed in the Spangler family until 1839, after the death of Michael, when Jacob Essig purchased the land. The area stayed in the Essig family until 1852. At this point, the
Plain Township Historical Society Contact: Email: Facebook: PlainTownshipHistoricalSociety Website: Phone: 330-224-2660
land began to be subdivided. Additionally, it should be noted here that present day Martindale Rd. NE appeared on the map around 1852. The land was purchased by Peter Troxel, William Essig, John and Jacob Shenaberger, Solomon Kearsy, Adam Wise, George Unger and James Speakman, but the sliver of land that we are interested in was purchased by Peter Loutzenheiser (1800-1882) and his wife Rebecca Kimmel (1801-1884) in 1852 and consisted of 2.517 acres. Peter was a prominent figure in Canton, Plain Township and Stark County, and he owned other land that was adjacent to this property. Peter and his wife now lay in Warstler Cemetery. The couple had eleven children: William (1824-1905), Jacob (1825-1899),
Elizabeth (1827-1833), Joseph (1829-1893), George (1831-1917), John (1833-1901), Hannah (1836-1912), Mary Ann (1839-1857), Peter (1841-1914), Amanda (1844-1900), and Rebecca (1847-1906). As part of Mr. Loutzenheiser’s estate settlement, his daughter, Rebecca Loutzenheiser Stettler, received the 2.517 parcel of land in 1883. Rebecca married Christian Stettler (1846-1890) and they had four children: Otto (1877-1966), Oreda (1879-1907), Karl (18831979), and Bertha (1884-
1895). After Christian’s death, Rebecca married Archibald Armstrong (1890-1909). After Rebecca’s death, her heirs sold the property to Raymond Krabill. In 1919, the property was sold again to Richard Mallory and then to Tracey Stanley. From there, the property sold to the Johnson family, Antanaitis family, and others. Recently however, the house was updated and ready to take on the next set of owners. Thank you for reading about this piece of Plain history!
Plain Township Historical Society Meetings
Mark your calendar to join the Plain Township Historical Society to learn more about the history around us. All meetings are at the Plain Township Hall (2600 Easton St NE) from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Meetings include refreshments and a presentation on a historical topic. All are welcome. Monday, October 18, 2021 – Little Chicago – From bootleggers to organized crime, come explore Canton during the time when it was known as “Little Chicago.” Richard Haldi will walk us through what Canton looked like and what life was like during these times. Presented by Richard Haldi Monday, November 15, 2021 – Cruising the Drive-In Restaurants on Cleveland Ave. NW – It is Friday night in the 1950s: where did you cruise to on Cleveland Ave.? Join us as we explore the drive-in restaurants once located on Cleveland Ave. from the 1930s to 1970s. Dust off your poodle skirts, grease up your hair, and let’s rock ‘n roll down memory lane. Presented by Cindy Guest
2021 Plain Local Schools Board Members and Meetings Dr. Ambrose Perduk, Jr. President Term: 2018-2021 h: 330-904-4620
Board of Education 2021 Meeting Dates: October 26, 2021 6:30 P.M. Location: Administration Building November 17, 2021 6:30 P.M. Location: TBA December 15, 2021 6:30 P.M. Location: TBA All meetings begin at 6:30 P.M. unless otherwise noted.
John W. Halkias Vice-President Term: 2018-2021 c: 234-262-0470 h: 330-494-4719
Monica Rose Gwin Term: 2020-2023 c: 330-417-5208
Kristen Donohue Guardado Term: 2018-2021 w: 330-489-3395 h: 330-497-2828
Eugene M. Cazantzes Term: 2020-2023 h: 330-456-5787
Eagle Scout Project Brings Outdoor Area Back to Life The wood deck at Oakwood Middle School built long ago by former GlenOak students is being restored to a safer and more aesthetically pleasing quality by GlenOak Senior, Duncan McHaddon. Duncan is completing the restoration as his Eagle Scout Project. He has rebuilt some of the structure, replaced rotten wood pieces, removed nail pops, and reconstructed some of the seating. The deck was barely visible through the overgrowth of shrubs and many people never noticed it sitting north of the Oakwood parking lot. Duncan, with the help of his team, removed old shrubbery and trimmed the trees and surrounding plants. He GlenOak student Duncan McHaddon sits on plans to re-stain the deck, mulch the the newly renovated deck he worked on as part area, and mark his hard work with an of his Eagle Scout project. acknowledgement plaque. Duncan has provided Oakwood an outdoor classroom area that is visible, safe, and usable once again. Oakwood is grateful to Duncan and his team for their hard work! If you are interested in donating to help Duncan finish his Eagle Scout Project, please call Oakwood Middle School at 330-491-3790. Duncan is collecting funds to help purchase wood, weather resistant stain, and mulch. Thank you for supporting his mission!
Plain Paper The Plain Paper is published by Plain Local Schools. It is distributed free of charge to to community residents, businesses and Plain Local staff. The purpose of Plain Paper is to provide our readers information about life and learning in the Greater Plain Township community. It is not intended to be a public forum. Editor: Mary Beddell, Plain Local Public Relations Director Plain Paper Plain Local Schools 901 44th Street NW, Canton, Ohio 44709 Office: 330-492-3500 • Fax: 330-493-5542 Questions, comments or advertising regarding Plain Paper can be emailed to Federal Law prohibits Plain Paper from carrying ads containing offers of insurance policies, credit cards and travel promotions. The Plain Local Schools Board of Education reserves the right to reject any press release or advertisement based on content. Plain Paper logo and design are trademarks of Plain Local Schools. All advertising art and editorial content is copyright protected and cannot be used without express written permission. The publisher and its affiliates are not liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the ad. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY The Plain Local School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability or age with respect to employment or educational programs and opportunities to students. Anti-Harassment Compliance Officer, Darci Knight 330-492-3500.
Stark Parks Fall Programming
It’s Fall y’all and Stark Parks’ events are ramping up for more fun for the whole family!
Trash to Treasure Art Upcycle Contest Think twice before throwing away something in your home that could be transformed into a beautiful piece of art! The Trash to Treasure Contest is back and Stark Parks is partnering with The Habitat for Humanity Restore, The Stark Tuscarawas Wayne Recycling District, Friends of Stark Parks, and (new to 2021) Oceans Ohio, to hold a recycled art contest
for the community. Categories for kindergarten to adults will showcase their talents while spreading that message of reducing, reusing, and recycling everyday household items. We are looking for the most unique pieces of art made entirely of recycled items! Finalists for the contest will be selected by a panel of community judges. Artwork will be displayed during the
month of November at the Congressman Ralph Regula Canalway Center at the Exploration Gateway at Sippo Lake Park. On November 20 at 11 a.m., there will be a brief ceremony at the Exploration Gateway to recognize the finalists and prize winners in the various categories. Visit for rules and regulations to enter the contest!
der through the rolling hills of Tam O’Shanter Park as the darkness settles and eerie creatures take flight! Be-
gin at the shelter and wander along a 1.2 mile mowed path. Haunted Hike begins at 7 p.m. This event is free.
Family Fall Fest at Petros Lake Park On Saturday, October 23, come on over to Petros Lake Park in Perry Township for the best free fall fun around – our annual Family Fall Fest! Celebrate with a roo-
tin’-tootin’, chart-topping honky-tonk band, The Shootouts! Bring along your comfy camp chairs to enjoy the show. Kiddos are invited to walk the Treat Trail Tale, play games,
Fit Friday is a Stark Parks hiking series that features a free, bi-weekly, guided group hike on Friday mornings from 9-10 a.m. Escape everyday pressures, technology, and those pesky to-do lists and join us for some quality hiking time. Hiking with a group is a great way to indulge in the physical and mental health benefits of being active in nature. Each week’s hike takes place at a different location, and this series is a great way to explore lesser-known and new trails in the Stark Parks trail system! Join us for one or all of these Fit Fridays for a 2–3-mile hike at a moderate pace:
Haunted Hike The spooky fun continues on October 9, with an all-ages Haunted Hike. Gather the family (if you dare) and wan-
Free Hiking and New Biking Series
and take home some autumn-inspired crafts. Concessions will be for sale. Activities are available from 2-6 p.m. This event is free.
October 15 – Towpath at the Crystal Springs Trailhead October 29 – Middle Branch Trail at Veterans Community Park November 5 – Mahoning Valley Trail at Deer Creek Reservoir November 19 – Mahoning Valley Trail at the Gaskill Trailhead
Looking for other outdoor group activities? Join us for our new biking series, Cruisin’ Through the Parks! This is a group ride for more casual bike riders, with a leisurely pace around 5-7 mph on fairly flat terrain. Our next Cruisin’ Through the Parks event date is:
October 19 – Iron Horse Trail (FCC Trailhead), 9-10:30 a.m.
Primary Care at Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital
These free programs require registration, and you can register now at:
Raymond Mason, M.D. is accepting new patients at
Mercy Hospital Urgent and Outpatient Care, Plain located in the Oakwood Square Plaza. 2638 Easton Street NE, North Canton
38301 Mason_Plain_Urgent_Outpatient_PlainPpr_June 21_1.indd 1
6/1/21 11:54 AM
Kent State University at Stark Celebrates 30th Season of Featured Speakers Series
Kent State University at Stark is kicking off its 75th anniversary celebration with a lineup of notable speakers headlining the 30th season of the campus’ storied Featured Speakers Series.
2021-22 Featured Speakers Series Maxwell King
Elizabeth Smart Erin Brockovich February 23
April 13
The series will kick off with Maxwell King, author of the first full-length biography of Fred Rogers, “The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers”.
The abduction of Elizabeth Smart was one of the most followed child abduction cases of our time. Abducted in 2002, Smart’s captors controlled her by threatening to kill her and her family if she tried to escape. Police safely reunited Smart with her family nine months later.
While it’s been over 20 years since Julia Roberts starred in the Oscar-winning film, “Erin Brockovich”, it turned an unknown legal researcher into a 20th century icon by showcasing how her dogged persistence was the impelling force behind the largest medical settlement lawsuit in history.
Through this traumatic experience, Smart has become an advocate for change related to child abduction, recovery programs and national legislation. The founder of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation, Smart has helped promote The National AMBER Alert, The Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Act, and other safety legislation.
Today, Erin Brockovich is president of Brockovich Research & Consulting, and she is currently involved in numerous environmental projects worldwide. She has requests for her help in groundwater contamination complaints in every state within the U.S., Australia, and other international hot spots.
She also has chronicled her experiences in the New York Times best-selling book, “My Story” and has recently released a new book about reclaiming one’s life, “Where There’s Hope”.
A best-selling author, Brockovich’s latest release, “Superman’s Not Coming: Our National Water Crisis and What We the People Can Do About It”, drew wide media attention before its publication.
November 9
As former editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer and a director of the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media, King created this definitive portrait of Rogers, a beloved figure, cherished by multiple generations. King’s four-decade career also includes presidencies at two of the country’s largest philanthropies – The Pittsburgh Foundation and Heinz Endowments. His strong advocacy for vulnerable groups – at least 30% of the region’s population – in the benefit streams of a resurgent Pittsburgh, anchored a signature organizing principle: 100 Percent Pittsburgh.
Celebrating 30 Years of Notable Speakers
These three speakers will join an impressive list of past speakers at Kent State Stark. Over the past 30 years, the Featured Speakers Series has included the following notable speakers, among others: Golden Globe-winning actor Henry Winkler, civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, national political broadcaster George Stephanopoulos, journalist and National Geographic Explorer host Lisa Ling, tennis star Billie Jean King, rags-to-riches prodigy Chris Gardner, legendary drummer Max Weinberg, ice cream entrepreneur Jerry Greenfield, cinematographer Spike Lee, CNN’s broadcast journalist Anderson Cooper, Supreme Court Justice Alan Page, distinguished astronaut Mark Kelly, best-selling author Nicholas Sparks, and acclaimed journalists Soledad O’Brien and National Mower John Quinones.
Maintenance & Repair
At this time, Kent State University at Stark is planning for in-person events, but this is subject to change. Masks will be required at all gatherings. All lectures are free and open to the public; however, tickets will be required. Detailed information about how to obtain tickets will be released before each event. For additional information, visit stark/featured-speakers-series and follow Kent State Stark on social media @KentStateStark.
FREE Pick-up & Delivery
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Includes Pick-up & Delivery
ESSER Funding in Action at Plain Local Schools What is ESSER Funding?
ESSER = Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief To address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the nation, Congress reserved approximately $13.2 billion of the $30.75 billion allotted to the Education Stabilization Fund through the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to be awarded to State educational agencies for the purpose of providing local educational agencies with emergency relief funds. In order to receive funding, school districts were required to submit an application along with a plan outlined through 2024 to address learning gaps caused by the pandemic. Schools and school districts were awarded funding based on the percentage of total Title I funds they each received. While funds were allocated using the Title I formula, the funds have broad allowable uses.
How is ESSER Funding being used at Plain Local Schools? Additional Staff
New Programs Books and Buckets • Summer intervention program for students with transportation provided Beyond the Bell – Beginning Fall 2021
• 22 summer school teachers employed to support summer programming at no cost to students
• K-12 after school program, offering a safe environment for students after school, with a meal, transportation, classroom instruction, guest speakers, and more Math Assist Live - Beginning Fall of 2021
5 additional guidance counselors hired to help support the social and emotional well-being of all students
• Live interactive assistance with math homework three nights a week for parents and students in grades 5-8, Algebra and Geometry
• 1 at Glenwood Intermediate School • 2 at Oakwood Middle School • 2 at GlenOak High School
Facilities Updates • Bi-polar Ionization of all district buildings and rooms, creating better air quality for all students
• 5 Success Coaches were added between all elementary schools to support classroom behavior and work one-on-one with students
• Beginning stages of upgrading all buildings without air conditioning for improved learning environments
Learning Materials • New hands-on K-2 math supplemental materials • Complete 1:1 Chromebook distribution for all students K-12
• Sanitizing and cleaning supplies and equipment for district facilities and busses
More information about ESSER funding, email Plain Local ESSER Administrator Brett Niarchos at