Plain Local School District Administration Building 901 44th St. NW Canton, OH 44709
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Items & Issues for Our Community from Our Community
PA G E 2 5 - 2 7
PA G E 2 8
Plain Local staff worked together in teams at Convocation on August 20 to complete a series of tasks inspired by our theme for the year: ‘Be A Champion.’ Read more about how we are incorporating this theme at every grade level throughout this issue.
Dear Community, We are off to a great start! Our theme for this year is “Be a Champion,” a sentiment that you will see echoed in this issue of the Plain Paper and at all of our events this school year. The theme is focused on everyone in the district having a champion—someone in their corner for them no matter what. I spoke to the entire staff at our annual convocation on Monday, Aug. 20, about the importance of every student having at least one adult as their champion in Plain Local. Staff spent the morning working together on a series of challenges around GlenOak High School all focused on this theme. As we know, our students are facing many challenges that we did not experience during our school career. I believe we can create a better culture and environment across the district with this philosophy. I am proud of the entire staff, as they have embraced this approach to start this year. You can see and learn more about our Plain Local champions everywhere across the district! Recently, the Ohio Department of Education released the district state report cards. Plain Local Schools received an overall letter grade of B. This is the first year the state of Ohio has assigned an overall letter grade to school districts. The district increased in graduation rate, gap closing, and numerous performance index percentages across buildings. Glenwood Intermediate has been recognized as one of the top performing schools in the entire state of Ohio. The district saw growth in many areas, and our goal is to increase performance during the 2018-2019 school year. I am proud of our teachers and support staff for their continued dedication to all of our students. In closing, thank you for your support of the Plain Local School District. Our community is stronger as we work together to resolve issues and create new partnerships and solutions to real-world problems. Our society is changing rapidly and we must stay united to provide our students the best opportunity to succeed in life. All of us must wrap our arms around our students and work together so our community remains strong into the future. The district is here to serve you and we look forward to an amazing year. Go Eagles and Be a Champion!
Go Eagles!
Kaalisa Collins:
Kaalisa Collins is a main office secretary at GlenOak High School. The GlenOak administration shared, “Kaalisa Collins works at the front desk in the Main Office at GOHS. Her interactions with our guests is fantastic! She is engaging, warm, caring and funny. However, her laugh is the most-remembered characteristic because it is contagious and brightens up a room! We appreciate Kaalisa’s dedication in helping our families with their questions/concerns. She is a Champion!”
Nana Feller:
Nana Feller is a Barr Elementary grandparent that bakes cookies once a week for Mrs. St. Clair’s classroom! She even volunteers her time to visit the class and help students decorate cookies of their own. Thank you for your kindness, Nana Feller! The photo is of Avrey Feller and Evan Calvert enjoying a watermelon cookie!
Dollar General Literacy Foundation:
Glenwood Intermediate School was awarded a Youth Literacy Grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation for $1,995. Dollar General sponsors grants to assist organizations in implementing new or expanding existing literacy initiatives. The grant funds will be used to support a literacy and writing initiative in Jessica Logan’s classroom through the purchase of the WriteToLearn tool. WriteToLearn is a complete personalized online tool for building writing skills and developing reading comprehension.
8th grade Oakwood Advocates:
These students are leaders at Oakwood Middle School for their peers. They volunteer their time at Oakwood events throughout the year to greet families, answer questions and display the characteristics of Oakwood Middle School.
GlenOak Girls Soccer:
The GlenOak Girls Soccer team rallied together after the tragic passing of GlenOak class of 2018 graduate and former soccer player, Sydney Kleptach. The team worked together to think of ways they could offer support to one another and remember their teammate and friend. We are proud of these young ladies and the strength and poise they carried themselves with in the face of adversity.
Jennifer Rex:
Jennifer Rex is the food service director at Plain Local Schools. She worked this summer with local farmers to offer as many locally grown produce options as possible for our students in our cafeterias each day. She is committed to providing quality nutritious food to our students. Jennifer is pictured with food service workers Joanne Bisesi and Sally Mason.
in the community
Smile A little smile can go a long way!
Engage in conversation Say hello – it’s a great place to start!
Ask open ended questions A great way to get to know someone new is to ask them questions.
Learn new names Simply asking someone their name can help to build trust.
Be a Be present Avoid using your phone, tablet or computer when engaging in conversation.
Give compliments Giving out praise is free.
think before you act
How to be a
Press pause before you respond.
build relationships A friend is the best thing you can be.
speak up If you see something, say something.
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When it’s time to buy or sell a home, your friends will tell you
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STARK LIBRARY PLAIN COMMUNITY BRANCH EVENTS SEP 24 – NOV 30 Please Register at or 330.494.3399 Holiday Closings: • Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018 - Thanksgiving Eve (Library closes at 6 pm) • Thursday, November 22, 2018 Thanksgiving Day
Denise has been a leader in the Plain Township market for
14 Years!
Story times open up the world of books, music, culture, and play to young children and their families. Registration is required for all.
OAR President’s Sales Club Award Recipient 2004-2018
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Wednesday, Sep. 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 28 10:30–11 am Preschool Tuesday, Sep. 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 27 10:30–11:15 am Pajama Monday, Sep. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 26 7–7:30 pm
There’s never been a better time to be a seller. Are you interested in seeing what your home’s value is? Visit: for your free Market Analysis!
Wear your pajamas and get ready for a cuddly story that’s perfect for bedtime.
Saturday, Oct. 20, Nov. 17 10:30 am–12 pm Imagine, create, and build with LEGO® and/or DUPLO® bricks (provided).
Pups and Pages Saturday, Oct. 13 10:30 am–12 pm Bring a favorite book to share or borrow one of the Library’s to read to licensed therapy dogs. continued on page 7 @PlainLocal @PlainLocalSchools @PlainLocal plainlocalschools @eagletweets14
GLENOAK EMBODY “BE A CHAMPION” THEME From green and gold banners in each hallway to bulletin boards and decorated hallways, GlenOak High School is busting at the seams with positivity! Green and gold banners, with the expectations from GlenOak High School’s Expectation Matrix, adorn each hallway as reminders for students. Staff and students are joining forces to be a champion for one another in a concerted effort to bring positivity to the culture of GlenOak each day. On Fridays, staff and students are encouraged to wear their Green and Gold “Be a Champion” shirt as a reminder of the focus for the school year. In addition to Friday spirit days, students listen to announcements each morning preparing them for the day with the expectations and a positive note of gratitude. All in all, the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year has been positively great at GlenOak High School.
GlenOak students show off our new “Be A Champion” t-shirts that every student and staff member received for the start of the 2018-2019 school year.
Plain Local Schools’ Transportation Department is off to a great start. As always in transportation, we are working to adjust routes as necessary. If you have questions regarding bus times, please notify the transportation office at 330-492-1918. A few important reminders: 1) Please make sure students are waiting at the bus stops prior to the bus arriving, 2) Adults are not permitted to board the buses at stops, 3) Drivers need to see kindergarten parents at the stops before discharging students, 4) Please review the bus rules with your students. We appreciate all the support of our community in helping to keep our students safe!
GlenOak High School is now one of a small handful of high schools in Stark County to offer American Sign Language (ASL) for world language high school credit. The class offerings began last school year thanks to the encouragement from members of the deaf community including parent, Rick Yohe. The program began with just three sections of ASL and 90 students, taught by Mrs. Stacy Jackson, who has been an ASL interpreter for the last 15 years and ASL instructor at Stark State College for the last 10 years. Incoming ninth graders and current high school students were so drawn to the ASL classes that the district decided to not only hire Mrs. Jackson to teach ASL fulltime, but to hire an additional full-time ASL teacher to provide instruction to the almost 400 students who are now taking ASL at GlenOak High School! Mrs. Farah Kish-Leland joins the GlenOak staff this year and is beginning her seventh year as an adjunct instructor in the ASL Department at Kent State University. Not only is Mrs. Kish-Leland an experienced teacher, but she is also deaf and uses ASL as her primary mode of communication! Having the opportunity to learn from a deaf user of ASL is an experience that is valuable and truly authentic. Families of students taking the classes had the opportunity to meet the two ASL teachers at ASL Open House on the evening of Aug. 30. During the Q & A session, attendees learned about how information and content is presented to the students in an ASL Only or “Voices-Off” environment. Special thanks to Mr. Yohe for teaching everyone there the new GlenOak sign name, which includes the very expressive intimidating eyes of our eagle! Plans to continue expanding the program to include ASL III and ASL IV are underway!
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Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Kish-Leland using ASL or American Sign Language at GlenOak High School.
GLENOAK CAREER TECH UPDATES Program Name: Teacher Pathways Instructor Name: Beth Winkler
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Visiting Students Zexi Zhu and Ruitao Lui talk with GlenOak students about education in China.
The senior Teacher Pathways students welcomed Zexi Zhu and Ruitao Lui, two Chinese students who were visiting the United States to take SAT tests and staying with the GOHS Chinese teacher, Ying Zhu. The visiting students led a short presentation with lots of Q & A. GOHS students were intrigued to learn that most Chinese schools for high school students are boarding-type schools with a regimented time schedule, mandatory exercise each morning and 4-5 hours of homework each night. Jonathan Sams had this to say, “Incredible, a truly eye opening experience to realize just how different schools are. There were honestly numerous things described about the Chinese schools I wouldn’t mind seeing embedded into GlenOak now!” Finger dancing is popular in China and after watching a few videos, Zexi and Ruitao taught small groups to do a synchronized finger dance, which we video taped. “It was cool to see what is trending over there and to then have an opportunity to try it. I wonder if it will become popular here?” asked Victoria Bradley. This was a great learning experience for all the students involved. Program: Job Training Coordination Instructor: Bambi Fritsche Job Coach: Jennifer Hutt
Driver’s Ed Instructor
Positions Available Instruct New Drivers Our car or yours Must have good driving record. Full or part time. Canton Area. Call 330-430-9500.
tions. During the 2017-18 school year, students combined their knowledge from community-based work experience, work in career exploration, and their connections with community agencies. As students reflected on their summer youth work experience, they had this to say: “I got a picture of what a full-time job will be like and I learned important lessons about working with others.” ~Adam Heckman- Altercare Nobles Pond “I learned that working fast is an important part of being an effective worker.” ~Dennis May- ManorCare of Belden Village “I learned that always being friendly is not-easy but it is part of working hard.” ~ Cameron Board AlterCare of Nobles Pond “Working hard and being kind are just as important as technical skills in the world of work.” ~Adam Parramore- Akron General Health and Wellness of Green “Using my active hearing and communication skills to listen to instructions is important. But listening isn’t enough-asking questions is also important. I can’t wait to volunteer there [at Nobles Pond].” ~Kaitlyn Ingram - AlterCare of Nobles Pond “There are many skills to learn while working at Clay’s Park and having supportive feedback is key to success.” ~Adia Willock - Clays Park
JTC Students Soar with Summer Work! This summer, several Job Training Coordination students worked in the community to experience possible career op-
Wednesday, Oct. 17, Nov. 21 2:30–4:30 pm Hang out with your friends and make new ones at the Library. Enjoy activities including music, art, STEM, snap circuits, and more. Each day will bring something new to do and explore.
Knitting Club Needlechat Every Wednesday | 10–11:30 am Join fellow knitters and crocheters to work on current projects at all skill levels while sharing tips and tricks.
Book Club Mystery Book Club 4–5 pm Thursday, Oct. 18: A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny Thursday, Nov. 15: Lake House by Kate Morton
Meet Ruth Reichl, Author of Delicious! Thursday, Oct. 25 | 6:30–9 pm Held at the Canton Palace Theatre New York Times Bestselling author Ruth Reichl discusses her first novel, Delicious!, a story about a family, food, friendship, finding yourself, and history. Q&A and book signing to follow. Please Register at
TECHNOLOGY Word I Basics for Seniors Thursday, Oct. 4 | 1–2:30 pm Word is one of the building blocks for developing and expanding your Office skills. Begin with the basics of creating a document.
Savvy Internet Searching for Seniors Thursday, Oct. 25 | 1–2:30 pm Discover how to narrow or broaden your search terms for better search results while searching the web. Learn how to limit your search results. Also, gain an understanding of how to use databases. continued on page 9
OAKWOOD CROSS COUNTRY TEAM CHALLENGING THEMSELVES TO DO THEIR BEST Driving around Plain Township, you may just witness some of our most dedicated athletes and coaches running along Schneider, 55th Street, and on the Stark Park Trails. These 60+ students are members of the Oakwood Cross Country team. Led by their well-respected coaches, Scott Laughman and Nicole Winkler, the team has been working at their game since early June!
Unlike many other sports programs, cross country Oakwood students participate in the Eagle athletes challenge themXC Invitational on Aug. 26 at GlenOak High selves to do their perSchool. sonal best. It is all about their “PR,” personal record. Collectively, they gain points as a team for their finish times for their two-mile run over natural terrain. Our students run despite the rain, heat, or cold, over dry, wet, or slippery areas. Despite the challenges of the open air or land, the runners compete with themselves to beat their best time. Coaches Laughman and Winkler have maintained a program that becomes more about life lessons than about running. The students are immersed in a culture of positivity, personal growth, teamwork, and encouragement. The students take care of each other and uphold all of their teammates throughout practices and meets. It is equally as thrilling to witness the first runners cross the finish line as it is to watch the completed racers backtrack to cheer on and accompany the final racers across the line! Everyone matters, everyone wins, and everyone’s contribution to the team is valued. The coaching formula works! The team is continuing the tradition of success in meets throughout Stark County. Most recently, the girls and boys teams both took first place in the Marlington Invitational, running against 19 other schools. The team and coaches choose captains to act as student leaders throughout the season. The students submit essays explaining their willingness to be captain and the characteristics they possess that will benefit the team through their leadership. This year’s Oakwood Captain’s are Jared Hahn, Jacob Harms, Tommy Rice, Caris Lantz, Paige Lucas, and Emily May. These student leaders uphold the encouragement and lead the celebrations for their teammates. Runners to keep an eye on this season are Tommy Rice and Hannah Burchfield; both have a great potential to break a Federal League Record. Coaches Laughman and Winkler and their crew of runners exemplify the mission of “Being a Champion” in their sport. The coaches are champions for the kind and respectful manner they teach and model character traits. They have perfected not only developing great runners, but great young people! The students “champion” for each other to be the best they can be. We wish the Oakwood Cross Country team continued success throughout their season!
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Students at Oakwood Middle School came back to school this fall with a new instructional opportunity in select language arts and math classrooms. Our Oakwood Intervention Team has joined forces with our expert content teachers to design and implement instruction in language and math with a team approach. Students in the Co-Plan to Co-Serve classroom model are provided the benefit of excellent core instruction by two teachers teaming to uphold the needs of the learners in the classroom. The teachers participating worked throughout the summer to plan strategies to best deliver content and differentiate to students. They are planning to work through several service delivery models that allow students to engage with both educators. The teachers have embraced their new partners and introduced their students to the advantages of having two content and teaching experts sharing the same students. The students’ reactions have been favorable and they enjoy the extra attention shown to them by their co-teachers. Participating teachers Did you know that consumers now pay an average of $158.88 a year in checking account maintenance are Mrs. Hahn, Mrs. Monk, and Mrs. * fees? We offer no minimum balance fees, free billSederland teaming with Mr. Burkett; pay and surcharge-free access to over 5,000 ATMs Mrs. Burchfield, Mrs. Caldwell, Miss nationwide. Make the switch and save today! Sturiale, and Mrs. Vaughn teaming with Miss Anderson; Mr. Allan, Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Krumlauf, and Mrs. Schulte teaming with Miss Mally; and Mrs. McElrath, Think big. Bank small. Miss Norman, and Mrs Ryter teaming with Mrs. Ramos. We look forward to 330.493.8325 • growing our students through our teachFederally insured by NCUA ers’ creative efforts! * According to 2018 MoneyRates Bank Fee Survey
Fly free from fees.
This past August, Avondale staff members worked collaboratively to create common expectations for the students of Avondale. They worked in teams to identify the characteristics that make Avondale an awesome school. They then created the acronym: SOAR to help everyone remember
those common expectations. SOAR stands for: S - show respect; O - own your choices; A - act kindly; R - ready to learn. Students were introduced to SOAR by teachers, the counselor and principal beginning the very first day of school. Students can earn tickets and privileges by SOARing. Mrs.
Moff, Avondale’s principal, has this to say, “Students and staff alike are responding positively to our new motto: “We are champions, watch us SOAR.” This framework gives us an opportunity to recognize all students for making great choices at school and in the community. By focusing on what
we want students to do instead of what we don’t want them to do, we keep our environment supportive and positive. Avondale is already a terrific school. This only helps to continue to support the excellent opportunities our students have here.”
Barr Elementary has had a tremendous start to the school year with involvement and support of the Barr PTO. The PTO and teachers have worked together to build a supportive community through their school and fundraising events to kick off the school year. McTeacher night was a great success with many families joining us for an evening out with dinner and friends. The PTO hosted a “S’more” fun with friends night for students and families to roast marshmallows and spend time getting to know those in our community. Through the efforts of fundraising, the PTO has been able to support the purchase of some new playground equipment that includes tire swings, tetherballs and basketball hoops. Barr Elementary appreciates all the PTO does for our students to allow them to be champions each day!
STARK LIBRARY EVENTS - cont. PowerPoint I for Seniors Thursday, Oct. 11 | 1–2:30 pm In this class learn: basics; storyboard; format text boxes; and preview your presentation. Build skills and learn images, graphics, tables & charts; navigation; hyperlinks; and Animation.
Excel I Basics for Seniors Thursday, Oct. 18 | 1–2:30 pm Spreadsheets allow you to create lists of information to track, generate charts and assist with numeric formulas. While you build and refine your Excel skills, create a small business inventory sheet.
Taft Elementary introduces the grand opening of the Milford Market. The Market was created to reward students who exhibit positive behavior. Taft students are asked to follow the schoolwide P.R.I.D.E rules. Positive Attitude, Respect for all, Integrity, Doing the RIGHT thing, and Effort toward their learning. When the students demonstrate these behaviors, they earn pretend money to shop for real items. The Market, managed by Taft parent volunteer Emily Malinsky, is opened each day for students to spend their money. The students are able to shop for items such as jewelry, t-shirts, toys, school supplies, sporting goods and All-Star experiences, such as gum chewing for their entire class! Students have been ecstatic about the store and it is already evident the Market is effective and students are full of Taft P.R.I.D.E.
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FRAZER TEACHER NAMED “TEACHER OF THE YEAR” Frazer Elementary is proud to recognize thirdgrade math teacher Lisa Maiorana for being named “Teacher of the Year” for the East District of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics! This is a much-deserved honor for Miss Maiorana for all she does with the students at Frazer Elementary.
Family Fun Day Plain Local families got messy at Family Fun Day on Sept. 15 during our annual Color Run. Thank you to the elementary physical education teachers Kent Hamilton, Andrew Meredith and Nathan Rininger for organizing the fun event!
Miss Maiorana has been a teacher for 15 years and spent the last five years at Frazer Elementary. She has served as an instructional coach and Miss Maiorana Recognized By Ohio classroom teacher in kinCouncil of Teachers of Mathematics dergarten, grade 1, and grade 3 in the Canton City Schools before joining Plain Local. Miss Maiorana is a relentless teacher whose purpose is to ensure that every child she sees succeeds. She has worked hard to develop her third grade math class as a place where any child can enter regardless of their math background and leave prepared for the fourth grade classroom. She has played a major role in developing after-school tutoring to support the learning of students in math and reading. Miss Maiorana created the “Frazer Elementary Pro Division Hall of Fame” three years ago, where any student receives recognition for mastering their math facts. In 2017-18, Frazer inducted 27 students in grades 1-4. Mr. Easterling, principal, shared “Miss Maiorana’s passion for math and her students is a key reason Frazer Elementary has been so successful!” Miss Maiorana attributes her drive for teaching to a quote by educator Rita Pierson that says, “Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be.” FREE EVENT NOTE TO SELFIE:
OCT. 18
THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 2018 AT 5:30 P.M.
Driver’s Ed – GlenOak High School After School: 2:30-5:40 p.m., Room C113
October Course: October 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, Nov. 1
» Why college? » College visits - what to ask and where to go » Exploring all your financial aid options » Where to seek out scholarships Submit applications for Spring 2019 or Fall 2019 with assistance from the Office of Admissions. $40 fee waived when you apply at this event!
January Course: Jan. 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17 No payment until student begins classes. Register at:
330-430-9500 (voicemail 24 hours)
m r Fa h s fre
e c u d o r Ohio P
Our cafeteria now serves the highest quality, locally grown produce. FROM THE FIELD TO THE SERVING LINE IN 24 HOURS!
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Plain Local Schools will hold a public hearing and provide an opportunity for comments on how the district plans to spend its IDEA Part B grant funds. This hearing will be held on October 19, 2018 from Noon – 1 pm at GlenOak High School in Rooms A111/A112, 1801 Schneider Street, NE, Canton OH 44721.
John W. Halkias President Term: 2018-2021 c: 234-262-0470 h: 330-494-4719
Kristen Donohue Guardado Vice President Term: 2018-2021 w: 330-489-3395 h: 330-497-2828
Eugene M. Cazantzes Term: 2016-2019 h: 330-456-5787
The board of education adopted the following dates and locations for their 2018 regular meetings. All meetings are to begin at 6:30pm unless otherwise noted.
Monica Rose Gwin Term: 2016-2019 c: 330-417-5208
Meeting Dates: October 24, 2018 6:30pm November 14, 2018 6:30pm December 12, 2018 6:30pm
Dr. Ambrose Perduk, Jr. Term: 2018-2021 h: 330-904-4620
Taft Elementary Barr Elementary Administration Building
MIDDLEBRANCH CREATES “BUDDY BENCH” TO ENCOURAGE FRIENDSHIPS, INCLUSION Middlebranch is building friendships! What do elementary students like better than recess? Playing with friends at recess! To encourage all students to be good friends, the school counselor, support staff and parents are designating a “Buddy Bench” on the Middlebranch playground. Some students find it difficult to join in and play while other students do so without even thinking about it. The new Buddy Bench works for both types of students. Here’s how…when a student is on the playground and doesn’t have anyone to play with, they may sit on the Buddy Bench. Other students will be encouraged to keep an eye on the bench to look for new friends and invite them to join their activity. Everybody wins!
Middlebranch Elementary reveals a new “Buddy Bench” aimed at making recess more inclusive for all students. Front: Davon Hileman, Ameena Malka, Hadley Fox, Lila Salem, Andrew Wertz, Maylee Kush Back: Jaxon Shilling, Don Nguyen, Alayna Hover, Jillian Schorsten, Alexa Aycock, Sophia Ward, Karalaine Keslar
WARSTLER STUDENTS ARE CHAMPIONS! What does it take to become a champion? Whether your goal is to be a champion athlete, musician, artist, or an academic champion, you must put time and effort into preparation and training. At Warstler Elementary, the students are becoming champions by learning and living the motto of “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe.” When making decisions, students are asked to stop and ask themselves if their choice or action is respectful, responsible and safe. If the answer is yes, then they have made a good choice.
Nathan Castellani and Isabella Papaleo are rewarded for being champions at Warstler Elementary!
During our Morning Welcome, a time when the entire Warstler family gathers in the gym, together they learn about what good choices look like. Student leaders have modeled the expectations for the hallways, playground, buses, restrooms and cafeteria for their peers. The audience of students identifies behaviors that are breaking the 3 R’s rules, and the leaders then modeled the correct behaviors. Through active dialogues and skits, Warstler students are growing into shining examples of Plain Local Champions!
COMMUNITY UPDATES: COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS: Community Christmas of Stark County, Inc. is a local nonprofit organization with a mission to help Stark County families during the Christmas season. If you are in need of food, toys, clothing, and books for Christmas, you can apply for assistance. Applications are taken in October at the American Legion Post 44 on Cleveland Avenue. The dates, times, and information needed are listed below: AMERICAN LEGION CANTON POST 44 1633 CLEVELAND AVE. N.W. - CANTON Monday, October 1 1:00 – 4:00 pm Wednesday, October 3 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Students in fifth-grade science at Glenwood Intermediate School started the year off with an outdoor exploration of ecosystems. Students visited the Outdoor Learning Lab to classify organisms as biotic (living) or abiotic (non-living) parts of an ecosystem. Students got an up-close study of the pond habitat, including the koi fish and the natural vegetation. Students then had to apply what they learned to create an interactive Google Slide Presentation using technology. Glenwood’s fifth graders will continue to utilize the Outdoor Learning Lab throughout the school year as they study properties of sound and how the Earth rotates and revolves around the sun. The ability to move learning beyond the classroom helps students to gain a deeper understanding of these complex ideas.
Friday, October 5 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Tuesday, October 9 1:00 – 4:00 pm Wednesday, October 10 1:00 – 4:00 pm Friday, October 12 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Monday, October 15 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Wednesday, October 17 1:00 – 4:00 pm Thursday, October 18 9:30 am – 12:30 pm BRING THE FOLLOWING: • Social Security card and photo ID for all adults. Those single adults (not part of a family unit) must be 55 years of age or disabled to qualify.
Mrs. Ackman takes her students out of the classroom for some hands-on learning in the Glenwood Outdoor Learning lab.
• Proof of residency (a utility bill or rent receipt with your name & current address printed on it) • Proof of all income, current pay stub(s), current benefit letters, OWF, food assistance, unemployment, etc. • Birth Certificate, Social Security card, OR Medical card for each child in household (ages 0–18/19). All schoolage children must attend school. Children 18 or 19 must attend a high school – not college. Proof of enrollment in high school is required. All who sign up with A Community Christmas should not apply to other Christmas providers in Stark County and will be crosschecked to eliminate duplications. Questions? Call: 330-454-3841
WELCOME BACK! Our students had a great first day back to school! Thank you to everyone who shared their photos for #PLSFirstDay.
SOCIAL MEDIA WHERE TO FIND US! @PlainLocal plainlocalschools @eagletweets14
@PlainLocalSchools @PlainLocal
The North Canton YMCA, in partnership with Plain Township, brings you a new exercise class for the senior members of our community. SilverSneakers Classic is a 45-minute class that incorporates light strength training and balance exercises, while increasing your overall mobility. You do not have to have SilverSneakers as part of your health insurance in order to participate. The class will run in two separate seven-week sessions: • September 5-October 17: You can still join this session! • October 24-December 12 (no class on Wednesday, November 21st) There is no fee for the class, but you must register. Space is limited to 14 participants! Before registering, please be sure you can attend all (or most) of the seven classes. There is still time to register! If you would like to participate, please join us on a Wednesday at Plain Township Hall at 10:15 am.
Plain Township Programming: To register visit, REC – K Session 1: Indoor session 1 for children in kindergarten. First child is $60.00, second child is $55.00, third child is $50.00. Parents willing to volunteer can receive a price of $50.00 for the first child. Six-week session with instruction and game play each week. T-shirt included in price. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 4. Dates: Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2018. REC – K Session 2: Indoor session 2 for children in kindergarten. First child is $60.00, second child is $55.00, third child is $50.00. Parents willing to volunteer can receive a price of $50.00 for the first child. Six-week session with instruction and game play each week. T-shirt included in price. Registration is open Dec. 1 and closes on Dec. 30. Dates: Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9, 2019. REC – K Session 3: Indoor session 3 for children in kindergarten. First child is $60.00, second child is $55.00, third child is $50.00. Parents willing to volunteer can receive a price of $50.00 for the first child. Six-week session with instruction and game play each week. T-shirt included in price. Registration is open Jan. 1, 2019 and closes on Feb. 10. Dates: Feb. 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019. REC 1-6 Session 1: Indoor session 1 for children in grades 1-6. First child is $82.50, second child is $71.50, third child is $66.00. Parents willing to volunteer to coach can receive a price of $65.00 for the first child. Nine-week session with 2 practices and 7 games. T-shirt included in the price. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 4. Dates: Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2018, Jan. 5, 12, 19, 2019. REC 1-6 Session 2: Indoor session 2 for children in grades 1-6. First child is $82.50, second child is $71.50, third child is $66.00. Parents willing to volunteer to coach can receive a price of $65.00 for the first child. Nine week session with 2 practices and 7 games. T-shirt included in the price. Registration is open Dec 1 and closes on Jan. 20. Dates: Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019. REC 7-8 Session 1: Indoor session 1 for chil-
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STARK PARKS UPDATES STARK PARKS IS THE PLACE TO BE THIS FALL! As the air gets crisp and the leaves begin to change, what better place is there to be than outside? Stark Parks has all of the ways to guide your autumn adventures, whether you’re looking for fun at a special event, or exploring on your own. Check out the ways to experience the season below, and visit for a full list of programs and events!
ADVENTURES ON YOUR OWN This season, fall in love with Stark Parks and Stark Exploring! From now to Nov. 16, take this fun Trail Challenge and hike at least 10 of the 20 selected Stark Parks trails to get rewarded with a cool Stark Exploring decal (and stickers for the kids). Check out some local trails (like the Hoover Trail, the Middle Branch Trail, or the Pioneer Trail) or branch out and explore somewhere new (like Fry Family Park in Magnolia or the Iron Horse Trail in Alliance). The free challenge is completed on the honor system and open to all ages. Visit to download the form and for detailed directions and information about each location. Join the Great Trash to Treasure Hunt Upcycled Art Contest! Another person’s trash could be your ticket to a winning art piece. Stark Parks, along with Friends of Stark Parks, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, and Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District, is looking for the most unique piece of art made entirely of recycled items. Don’t toss it – reuse it and you could win a cash prize. Finalists will be selected and displayed in Stark Parks’ new Wildlife Conservation Center located at 800 Genoa Ave. in Perry Township. Art will be selected by a panel of community judges on Nov. 15, 2018 in celebration of America Recycles Day! For rules, deadlines, and to submit a photo of your art piece, go to
SPECIAL EVENTS AND PROGRAMS Be a Stark Parks Ranger for a Day! On Saturday, Sep. 22, come to the Exploration Gateway at Sippo Lake Park and learn what it’s like to be a park ranger. From 1 to 4 p.m., all junior rangers will get a detective’s cap to search for clues in a fun scavenger hunt mystery, try on a real ballistics vest and uniform, climb in ranger vehicles, take a shot in the shooting range, find their way through the obstacle course, and be rewarded with a special badge. Fingerprinting will be available by the Stark County Sheriff’s Office. At 3 p.m., watch a K9 Ranger in action with a demonstration. Food and beverages will be available for purchase and no registration is required. The Exploration Gateway is located inside the north entrance of Sippo Lake Park at 5712 12th St. NW in Canton. Catfish with Cops! On Saturday, Sep. 29, cast a line with your Stark Parks Rangers and other local police officers while you enjoy the sport of catfishing at Walborn Reservoir. Fishing registration opens at 5 p.m., with fishing from 5 to 10 p.m. There will be individual and team prizes, including Top 3 Longest Catfish and the Team with the Longest Catfish (teams of 4). Shoreline fishing only will be permitted and there is $5 entry fee per participant (valid fishing license required). All proceeds will benefit the Stark Parks Ranger Cadet Program. Be a part of the annual Family Fall Fest with Stark Parks! On Saturday, Oct. 13, come to Petros Lake Park, located at 3519 Perry Dr. SW in Canton, for the best free fall fun around! From 2 to 6 p.m., families can enjoy a .25 mile Treat Trail, inflatables, a Critter Carnival with live animals, live music featuring Shooter Sharp and the Shootouts, fall games, crafts, and more! Costumes are encouraged. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
PLAIN TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Our celebration of Glenwood High School’s 60th Anniversary is underway. The August membership meeting on Glenwood was well attended by graduates as we strolled down the hallways. Memories were shared and photos taken, a wonderful evening all around. Next up, was our booth at Plain Local Family Fun Day. Thank you to all the people that stopped by. Once again, we met many Glenwood graduates who shared their memories and looked over the mementos on display. The last leg in this Triple Crown celebration is coming soon, so stay tuned. We are excited to share 18 years of Glenwood High School history through a booklet that we are in the process of assembling and publishing. This booklet is not possible without the community support we have received through donations and interviews. The Glenwood High School booklet is the first in our series on “Educating Plain Township.”
MIDDLEBRANCH HIGH SCHOOL Our next installment in the “Educating Plain Township” series will be on Middlebranch High School from the 1920s to 1957. So if you have any mementos, stories or other information you can share, please contact us. Middlebranch High School came into existence in the mid 1920s and was located on the same property as Middlebranch Grade School (not the one room school house). The class of 1930 was the first class to attend all four years at Middlebranch. Middlebranch’s last graduating class was 1957.
EDGEFIELD GRADE SCHOOL Edgefield was originally built around 1917 and had two additions put on. Middlebranch and Edgefield Grade Schools were both built at the same time with the same layout and were the first two “modern” schools of the times. Edgefield stayed in use as a Plain Local District school until the 1990s. In 1992, The Stark County Educational Service Center purchased and moved in to the building. With the recent move of the Stark County Educational Service Center to the Stark State College campus, we are working to preserve the memory of this school. This is where we need your help. Whether you were a student, teacher, administrator, staff or family member at Edgefield, you can help. We are looking to capture what school life was like at Edgefield Grade School. PTHS is in the process of collecting photographs, yearbooks, articles, event programs, and stories to help preserve this piece of history. We are really interested in photos of Edgefield prior to 1940. We can also make copies of your memories if you want to still have a keepsake. Help us preserve the history of Glenwood High School, Middlebranch High School and Edgefield Grade School. We are “Educating Plain Township” about “Plain History.” Contact us at or 330-2242660. Also fall is a time for class reunions and family reunions. The Plain Township Historical Society is always interested in preserving stories from these events. Thank you – Plain Township Historical Society! 2018 meeting schedule: Mark your calendar now for our 2018 programs: Oct. 15, 2018 – Henry Holl Nov. 19, 2018 – Articles of Confederation Dec. 2018 – No Meeting All meetings start at 7 p.m. and are held at the Plain Township Offices 2600 Easton St. NE unless otherwise noted. Come join us! It’s “Plain” History.
YEARBOOK WANT LIST: Middlebranch High School – Any yearbook before 1937, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957 Glenwood High School – 1959, 1964, 1967 Oakwood High School –1973 GlenOak High School –1990, 1992, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 to present We are also looking for yearbooks from the middle schools and grade schools.
dren in grades 7-8. First child is $82.50, second child is $71.50, third child is $66.00. Parents willing to volunteer to coach can receive a price of $65.00 for the first child. Tenweek session with 10 games. T-shirt included in the price. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 5. Dates: Nov. 12, 19, 26 Dec. 3, 10, 17, 2018, Jan. 4, 14, 21, 28, 2019. REC 7-8 Session 2: Indoor session 2 for children in grades 7-8. First child is $82.50, second child is $71.50, third child is $66.00. Parents willing to volunteer to coach can receive a price of $65.00 for the first child. Tenweek session with 10 games. T-shirt included in the price. Registration is open Dec 1 and closes on Jan. 28. Dates: Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 2019. U14 Session 1: Competitive league played on Monday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 5. Dates: Nov. 12, 19, 26, Dec. 3, 10, 17, 2018, Jan. 4, 14, 21,28, 2019. U14 Session 2: Competitive league played on Monday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is open Dec. 1 and closes on Nov. 5. Dates: Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 2019. HS COED Session 1: Competitive league for HS aged children played on Wednesday/ Thursday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 4. Dates: Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30, Dec. 6, 13, 20, 2018, Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2019. HS COED Session 2: Competitive league for HS aged children played on Wednesday/ Thursday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is open Dec 1 and closes on Jan. 27. Dates: Jan. 31, Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 2019.
BUILDING SKILLS AND CONFIDENCE The Y works every day to develop youth to their fullest potential and teach healthy habits through mission-minded programs and volunteer opportunities. Register now for fall programs at
The Y. For a better us.
NORTH CANTON YMCA Community Building
330 499 2587
Child Development Center
330 305 5437
Gymnastics Center
330 498 4082
Financial Assistance Available
PLAIN PAPER The Plain Paper is published by Plain Local Schools. It is distributed free of charge to to community residents, businesses and Plain Local staff. The purpose of Plain Paper is to provide our readers information about life and learning in the Greater Plain Township community. It is not intended to be a public forum. Editor: Mary Beddell, Plain Local Public Relations Director Plain Paper Plain Local Schools 901 44th Street NW, Canton, Ohio 44709 Office: 330-492-3500 • Fax: 330-493-5542
U12 Session 1: Competitive league played on Saturdays. $600.00 per team. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 4. Dates: Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2018, Jan. 5, 12, 19, 2019.
Questions or comments regarding Plain Paper can be emailed to
U12 Session 2: Competitive league played on Saturdays. $600.00 per team. Registration is open Dec. 1 and closes on Jan. 20. Dates: Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019.
Federal Law prohibits Plain Paper from carrying ads containing offers of insurance policies, credit cards and travel promotions. The Plain Local Schools Board of Education reserves the right to reject any press release or advertisement based on content.
HS GIRLS Session 1: Competitive league for
For advertising information please contact Michelle Stahleker 330-323-2993 email:
Plain Paper logo and design are trademarks of Plain Local Schools. All advertising art and editorial content is copyright protected and cannot be used without express written permission. The publisher and its affiliates are not liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the ad. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY The Plain Local School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability or age with respect to employment or educational programs and opportunities to students.
continued on page 23
Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Brent May 330-492-3500.
Due to ongoing technological advancement, many electronic products become obsolete within a very short period of time, creating a large surplus of unwanted electronic products or “E-Waste.” Disposing of E-waste in landfills has the potential to cause severe human and environmental health impacts.
Friday, Nov. 30th, 6 p.m. Diamond Community Park
Plain Township will be accepting E-Waste at the Plain Township Hall parking lot, 2600 Easton Street NE, on the following dates
Fall Fest Veterans Park, Sep. 26th, 4-7 p.m. at the Farmers Market
Saturday, Sep. 22, 2018 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Food trucks, pumpkin painting, games, fall photos, balloon animals, The Bookmobile and more!
This event is being hosted by Plain Township and ecycle Solutions of Ohio is providing the recycling services. Listed below is a partial list of some of the items that will be accepted:
Featuring our amazing vendors and The Fire Safety Open House at the Central Station.
• Household Batteries (Alkaline – 50 cents/1 gallon zip lock bag) • Cell Phones/Mobile Devices • Telephones/Equipment • Computers/Laptops/iPads/Misc. Parts • Disk Drives, Hard Drives, Floppy Drives • Software CDs • CRT, TV’s, Monitors – ALL $20.00 • Household Electronics • Household Appliances • Business Machines/Copy Machines • Power Equipment, Power Tools • Florescent Light Bulbs: 4 foot bulbs = $1.00/ each, 8 foot bulbs = $2.00/each Please visit our website at for a complete list of items that will be accepted. If you have further questions, please call the township hall at 330492-4689 during regular office hours. Basically, if it plugs in, or works off a battery, we will take it!
Pictures with Santa, ice carver, wood carver, crafts for kids and tree lighting! Stay warm by our bonfires and enjoy holiday music!
Come tour the fire station, check out the trucks and stop, drop and roll your way through the Fire Safety Trailer! “Look, Listen. Be Aware. Fire Can Happen Anywhere.”
UNITED WE STAND Fourth annual Plain Township salute to veterans Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018, 1 p.m. Central Fire Station 1742 Schneider St. NE Canton, Ohio 44721 Lunch provided by Mission BBQ Featured Speaker Dr. Tim Novelli, founder and president of The Patriot Project Stark County Recorder Rick Campbell providing veterans ID cards Flu shots available from Rite Aid with your healthcare insurance card or cash/check for $39.99. Be a toy soldier and take a wish off our patriotic tree to provide a holiday gift to Stark County veterans and their children in need!
Malone University offers a scholarship program that seeks to enable academically qualified but financially needy students attending Stark County high schools to continue on at Malone. Under the guidelines of our new program, low income students can choose to attend Malone as commuter students and have zero out of pocket expense for tuition and comprehensive* Upcoming opportunities to visit Malone fees after federal, state and loan resources are applied. Students will University only pay for their books and any non-comprehensive fees. Space is (please see: limited and sufficient financial need must exist for the student to qualify. We stand ready to work with you and your family to ensure you • Friday, Sep. 28 – Discover Day have every opportunity to pursue your degree. • Monday, Oct. 28 – Discover Day *All other fees (online fees, music fees, nursing fees, insurance fees, • Saturday, Oct. 27 – Focus Day etc.) • Friday, Nov. 9 – Discover Day To apply, visit • Saturday, Nov. 17 – Sneak Peek
HS aged children played on Sunday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 4. Dates: Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 2018, Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019. HS GIRLS Session 2: Competitive league for HS aged children played on Sunday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is open Dec. 1 and closes on Jan. 27. Dates: Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, April 7, 2019. ADULT MENS Session 1: Competitive league for men aged 18+ played on Sunday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is now open and closes on Oct. 29. Dates: Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 2018, Jan. 6, 13, 20, 2019. ADULT MENS Session 2: Competitive league for men aged 18+ played on Sunday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is open Dec 1 and closes on Jan. 21. Dates: Jan. 27, Feb. 10, 17, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, 2019. MENS Individual Registration League Session 1: NEW! Recreational league for men aged 18+ played on Sunday nights. $82.50 per registration. Township will create teams, order shirts, and set schedule. Registration is now open and closes on Oct. 29. Dates: Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 2018, Jan. 6, 13, 20, 2019.
Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association SNOW WHITE: The Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association is pleased to present the 2018 all-school ballet under the direction of Jacquenette Blaydes. Plain Local dance and Saturday Enrichment students, ages 3 years through 12th grade, will perform an original choreographed performance featuring the story of the Snow White on Nov. 16 and 17. Mrs. Blaydes, Plain Local dance instructor, choreographed the production and will direct more than 225 dancers in three public performances. Public performances will be Friday, Nov. 16 at 7 pm and Saturday, Nov. 17 at 2 pm and 7 pm in the GlenOak High School Theater on the Abbey Foltz Stage. Tickets will go on sale online in October. Purchase your tickets early as shows sell out quickly! The performers will also perform for all Plain Local third-grade students as a part of the arts experiences offered to all elementary students within Plain Local. Non-perishable food items will be collected at all public performances to support the Stark County Hunger Task Force. This year’s goal is to collect more than 2,000 non-perishable food items.
PLAIN LOCAL SCHOOLS FOUNDATION AND ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WELCOME KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS TO THE DISTRICT: Our GlenOak varsity cheerleaders visited all 430+ new eagles to the district. Each kindergarten student received a welcome-to-the-district bracelet from the Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association.
MENS Individual Registration League Session 2: NEW! Recreational league for men aged 18+ played on Sunday nights. $82.50 per registration. Township will create teams, order shirts and set schedule. Registration is open Dec 1 and closes on Jan. 21. Dates: Jan. 27, Feb. 10, 17, 24, March 3,10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, 2019. ADULT COED Session 1: Competitive league for men and women aged 18+ played on Friday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is now open and closes on Oct. 28. Dates: Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30, Dec. 7, 14, 21, 2018, Jan. 4, 11, 18, 2019. ADULT COED Session 2: Competitive league for men and women aged 18+ played on Friday nights. $660.00 per team. Registration is open Dec 1 and closes on 01/20/2019. Dates: January 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2019. ADULT WOMEN Individual Registration Ses-
continued on page 25
PLAIN LOCAL SCHOOLS FOUNDATION AND ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AWARDS STAR GRANTS! The Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association awarded nearly $14,000 in grants to various Plain Local staff members and curriculum areas for programming in the 2018-19 school year. In the last several years, the Foundation has awarded more than $150,000 in Star grants to staff to provide exceptional educational experiences for all 6,000 children of Plain Local School district.
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sion1: NEW! Recreational league for women aged 18+ played on Saturday nights. $82.50 per registration. Township will create teams, order shirts, and set schedule. Registration is now open and closes on Nov. 4. Dates: Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2018, Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, 2019. ADULT WOMEN Individual Registration Session 2: NEW! Recreational league for women aged 18+ played on Saturday nights. $82.50 per registration. Township will create teams, order shirts, and set schedule. Registration is open Dec. 1 and closes on Jan. 27. Dates: Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 2019. MESSY HANDS Session 2: Arts and crafts for children 2-5 years and pre-K accompanied by a parent/guardian. $41.00 per child. Registration is now open and closes Oct. 22. Dates: Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 2019. MESSY HANDS Session 3: Arts and crafts for children 2-5 years and pre-K accompanied by a parent/guardian. $41.00 per child. Registration is now open and closes Dec. 3. Dates: Dec. 3, 10, 17, 2018, Jan. 7, 14, 2019. MESSY HANDS Session 4: Arts and crafts for children 2-5 years and pre-K accompanied by a parent/guardian. $41.00 per child. Registration is now open and closes Jan. 28. Dates: Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11, 25, March 4, 2019. MESSY HANDS Session 5: Arts and crafts for children 2-5 years and pre-K accompanied by a parent/guardian. $41.00 per child. Registration is now open and closes March 11. Dates: March 11, 18 April 1, 8, 15, 2019. MESSY HANDS Session 6: Arts and crafts for children 2-5 years and pre-K accompanied by a parent/guardian. $41.00 per child. Registration is now open and closes April 22. Dates: April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 2019. NEW PLAIN TOWP SENIOR CHAIR EXERCISE CLASS: FREE!! WEDNESDAYS 10:00-11:00 a.m. at Plain Township Hall for seniors in partnership with the North Canton YMCA! fourweek sessions! Join us!
CHILD AND ADOLESCENT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH UPDATE Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health’s mission is: Working together to be the premier resource for emotional and behavioral health services and products that help children, youth, and families successfully meet life’s challenges. We are thrilled to partner with the Plain Local family. Our Plain Local office is NOW OPEN and ready to serve you. You are welcome to call our office: 234-2070899 to schedule an appointment. C&A’s professional staff includes child psychiatrists, advance practice nurses, registered nurses, psychologists, master’s level professional counselors and social workers, and bachelor’s level social workers and qualified mental health providers. Services are evidence-based/evidence-informed, trauma-informed, and culturally competent. C&A has earned national accreditation from the Council on Accreditation, the American Psychology Association, certification from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the Ohio Awards for Excellence.
OUR PROGRAMS INCLUDE: • Psychiatric - Services are provided by a team of child psychiatrists, advance practice nurses, and registered nurses on site serving clients of C&A. • PACS (Psychological Assessment and Consultation Services) Provides psychological consultations and testing for diagnostic clarification and treatment recommendations (i.e., rule outs and differential diagnoses for ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, etc.). • Trauma Informed Day Treatment – Multi-disciplinary trauma treatment and special education services for youth who have experienced trauma and suffer from severe emotional and/or behavioral disturbances. This 30-hour per week, therapeutic milieu adheres to program-specific admissions criteria. • Evidence-Based/Evidence-Informed therapy Services – o Traditional: Office-based, individual and family therapy services. o School-Based Services: Consultation and Therapy services available in most school districts throughout Stark County. o A+ Group Services: Fun, experiential, interactive, “learnby-doing” group services, including groups for individuals and families to address anxiety, anger management, self-regulation/behavior management, communications skills, social skills, and parenting skills. o SIBR (Sexually Inappropriate Behavior Remediation): Individual, group, and family prevention and counseling services for youth with, or at risk of, sexually inappropriate behaviors. Healthy sexuality counseling for youth with developmental disabilities also available. o Trauma Team: State-of-the-art trauma assessment and treatment interventions for youth and families that have experienced trauma in their lives. o Substance Use/Abuse Treatment: Outpatient treatment for youth involved with substance use. • Early Childhood Services – Prevention, Assessment, Early Intervention, and treatment services for young children (infants through age 8) and their parents. Services include: Triple P Groups (Positive ParentingProgram), PCIT (Parent-Child Interaction Therapy), Parenting Consultation, and A+ Early continued on page 27
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o o Bat the ! l o o h c S
Grab your costume and stop by GlenOak High School on Thursday, October 25 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. for Boo at the School!
Trick-or-treating Crafts Games Fashion show And more!
event for the whole family! 1801 Schneider Street NE Canton, Ohio 44721
Concessions available from the VPA. S P O N S O R E D B Y G L E N O A K N A T I O N A L H O N O R S O C I E T Y.
CHILD AND ADOLESCENT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH UPDATE - cont. Childhood Groups. Parent presentations and consultation services are also available. Developmental pediatric evaluations are provided at C&A by a University Hospitals Health System physician. • Case Management and Peer Mentoring Services - Assists clients with skill development, advocacy, accessing resources, and provides individualized interventions in the natural environment and community to reduce mental health symptoms and improve client functioning. • Collaborations – Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery, Stark County Schools and Preschool/ Child Care Centers, HeadStart, ECRC, SPARK, Stark County Family Court, Stark County Developmental Disabilities, Department of Jobs and Family Services, area hospitals, physicians, and other community behavioral healthcare providers.
CHILD AND ADOLESCENT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HAS A VARIETY OF SERVICES AND PROGRAMS AVAILABLE: Prevention and Consultation Services Parenting Skills Development Diagnostic Assessment Psychological Testing Individual and Family Therapies Case Management Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program Developmental Pediatric Evaluations Therapeutic After School and Summer Groups Fetal Alcohol Evaluations Psychiatric Evaluations and Medication Management
Peer Mentoring Services Trauma Informed Day Treatment Trauma Focused CBT Early Childhood Consultation and Treatment Transitional Aged Youth Services Sexually Inappropriate Behavior Remediation MST and MST-PSB Middle Childhood Program Substance Abuse Treatment Services
OUR TEAM OF EXPERTS CAN ADDRESS VARIOUS PROBLEMS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO): Trauma including physical abuse, sexual abuse, bereavement, grief and loss Depression/Mood Disorders Emotional Regulation/Anger Management Anxiety Oppositional and Conduct Disorders Substance Use/Abuse Suicidal Ideation (non-crisis) Disruptive Behaviors Self-injury Behaviors Autism Spectrum Disorders
Sexual Behavior Problems Psychotic Disorders Court/Legal Involvement Divorce, Separation, and Loss ADHD Parent/Child Relationship Issues LGBTQ Social/Relationship Issues Bullying Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders School Difficulties
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health is a beacon of health, hope and happiness within the community for those who have been exposed to or are vulnerable to adverse life experiences. We are here to support you, your child(ren), your family, and our community. Together, we will provide a brighter tomorrow.
Fall Sports Kick Off
photography provided by Rick Black.
Returning to Plain 10/22/18
MERCY IS EXCITED TO BE PART OF THE REVITALIZATION OF THE OAKWOOD SQUARE PLAZA On October 22nd, we will open the new and expanded Mercy Health Center of Plain. Services will include Mercy STATCARE Immediate Care, primary care with Dr. Joseph Puskar, sports medicine with Dr. Mark Hudak, radiology, and laboratory. During construction, please visit STATCARE Immediate Care, laboratory and radiology at the Mercy Health Center most convenient for you. Visit,
Mark J. Hudak, M.D.
Medical Director, Mercy Sports Medicine (Interim location) Mercy Health Center of North Canton 6200 Whipple Ave., N.W., North Canton For referrals: 330-588-4884