September 2016 Plain Paper

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Volume 9 • Number 2


Focus On The Future Barr Elementary is Seeing Double

Read more on page 5.

Local Olympian Visits STEM Students

Story is on page 7.

#PLSFirstDay Check out all of the “First Day of School” photos

Spread on pages 8-9.

Fall Ballet Planned Details on page 11.

GlenOak Volleyball Raise 4K for Local Charity More on page 13.

Check out the Highlights from Family Fun Day! Page 16.

The 2016-2017 school year is off to a great start! I would like to thank our entire community for their support as we begin another year. It takes everyone to ensure a school district has a smooth start, and I appreciate you! I am writing this month’s letter as your superintendent, but also as a father of three children in the Plain Local School District. Last week the Ohio Department of Education released the 2016 state report card for the district. I will summarize my thoughts over the next few paragraphs so you know my position as superintendent. First, I believe that rigorous curriculum and coursework is needed for all students to achieve after high school. It is our responsibility to provide students offerings and opportunities that will expose them to a variety of opportunities later in life. This responsibility comes in many forms such as STEM learning, arts exposure, career and technical education, advanced placement classes, college courses and other opportunities that are available in the Plain Local School District. In addition, I have no problem with accountability and transparency to the state of Ohio, or the Plain Local community. The problem is the current rating system with this recent release. Our students are being measured on three distinctly different tests over the past two years. Our students have experienced more mandated state testing than any other group of students in the history of the school district. Our grade this year is based on a series of tests that were not all given the same year. I am not confident any rating system could accurately compare one year to another. In addition, we are given additional component grades in various areas. The explanation of each grade is complicated and confusing, and the details behind each grade are very specific. These results represent only a snapshot in time regarding student achievement. Students are not robots. They learn differently and at different rates. Students grow and develop in their own time. I believe each child should be given the opportunity to grow and experience all the opportunities that are available in the Plain Local School District. I believe that we should develop the whole child, not only the one or two weeks they are tested through the state of Ohio. This philosophy is not measured or valued in the state of Ohio, and is not measured on any current test. As you can see, my opinion is strong regarding the current state of education in Ohio. I believe our focus should be on the care and well-being of our children. They are the future, and my concern is the environment they are currently exposed to in education. Stress and state testing is not an education. Exploring and growing as an individual should be the focus. Students should be encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible and develop life-long relationships with peers and adults. They should be given the opportunity to develop as problem solvers and critical thinkers because that is what is needed in our society. Innovators and creators are what are needed more in this world, not better test takers! Our state report card is published, and we will always work to get better. The staff in Plain Local is amazing, and I have first-hand knowledge with what my three children have experienced in the school district. I trust this staff with my most treasured possession. If you have questions about your children’s progress or achievement, I encourage you to discuss that with your child’s teachers or building principal. I would also welcome the opportunity to talk to any of you about these results and more personally share my concerns. My goal each day is to be better than yesterday, and better tomorrow than today. This drive and passion is seen in the entire staff in Plain Local. I am proud to be your Superintendent knowing we do the best for the future of the children of my community, and I am a proud Eagle!

Go Eagles!

Brent May, Superintendent

Page 2 • Plain Paper • September, 2016

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GlenOak Fully Integrated 1:1 With Chromebooks Since the start of the school year almost 2,000 Chromebooks were distributed to GlenOak High School students. This massive undertaking finally makes GOHS a fully integrated 1:1 school. Students and staff members have worked over the past four years to transform teaching and learning using these devices.

Four years ago the initiative began with 450 Chromebooks (web-based laptops) distributed to the class of 2017. Each year after, incoming freshmen were issued similar laptops. Chromebooks and carrying cases are given to students free of charge, and they are able to take them home throughout the school year. Chromebooks are collected

at the end of the year for cleaning and repair. Each day students come to school with Chromebooks fully charged and ready to use online simulations, interactive worksheets, multimedia, and vast a collection of online resources to learn skills and content through real-world application. Students use the web to conduct professional research, create content, and participate in peer-to-peer collaboration. Work is passed out digitally through Google Classroom, a free application that allows students to complete and turn in work without using a single piece of paper. Students and teachers have participated in distance learning with industry experts through Google Hangouts and Skype. This shift in learning has taken a great deal of work and planning on the part of staff members. Over the past four years teachers have participated in hours of professional development including: summer Google boot camps, Saturday technology instiClass of 2011 Valedictorian and Outstanding Senior Boy tutes, Professional Learning respectively, have once again joined forces at The UniCommunities focused on versity of Cincinnati Medical School. Congratulations to integrating technology into William Morgan Hallas and Michael Ortman on their the classroom, Statewide accomplishments since graduating from GlenOak in 2011. technology conferences, and We love to see how far and wide Eagles soar after leaving online self-paced classes. our halls. Plain Local teachers and administrators led many of these learning opportunities. The Chromebook 1:1 initiative allows teachers to provide students with real-time feedback using collaborative tools such as Google docs. Teachers and administrators are now able TM to collect and analyze data Plain Paper is published by Plain Local Schools. It is distributed in a timely fashion using the free of charge to community residents, businesses and Plain Local staff. The purpose of Plain Paper is to provide our readers informaonline formative and sum-

Plain Proud Of Past Grads

Plain Paper

tion about life and learning in the Greater Plain Township community. It is not intended to be a public forum. Editor: Mary Beddell, Plain Local Public Relations Director Plain Paper ~ Plain Local Schools 901 44th Street NW, Canton, Ohio 44709 Office: 330-492-3500 • Fax: 330-493-5542 Questions or comments regarding Plain Paper can be emailed to For advertising information please contact Michelle Stahleker 330-323-2993 email: Federal Law prohibits Plain Paper from carrying ads containing offers of insurance policies, credit cards and travel promotions. The Plain Local Schools Board of Education reserves the right to reject any press release or advertisement based on content. Plain Paper logo and design are trademarks of Plain Local Schools. All advertising art and editorial content is copyright protected and cannot be used without express written permission. The publisher and its affiliates are not liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the ad. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY The Plain Local School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability or age with respect to employment or educational programs and opportunities to students. Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Brent May 330-492-3500.

mative assessment tools. The Chromebook 1:1 initiative at GlenOak High School is pushing teaching

and learning past 21st century skills and the creating independent learners of the future.

Peyton Teter (Taft 4th grader), Mrs. Newkirk and Kennedy Teter (Taft Kindergartener).

Taft Community Liaison Makes New Friends Taft’s new School Community Liaison, Victoria Newkirk, got to know the Teter sisters this summer while Brigance testing was occurring for their brother Carter. Mrs. Newkirk is a wonderful addition to the Plain Local family and she will be a great resource for connecting Taft families with community resources. Mrs. Newkirk would like to thank all of the 60 plus families that she was able to meet and talk with during the incoming kindergarten testing this summer.

Taft families, please begin to plan for extra time getting your child to school. Construction on Harrison Road has begun and will continue through October. This will cause various streets from Cleveland Ave. to Harrison Ave. to be closed throughout the process which means traffic will increase through the neighborhood side streets. Please make sure to drive safely and watch for children since they will not be accustomed to the higher traffic patterns.

Once again, Canton City Health Department will be offering Free Dental Sealants to all second and sixth grade students. A dental sealant is a plastic coating that is painted onto the chewing surface of the

adult molars and is the most effective form of cavity protection available. To find out when the Sealant Program will be visiting your school, call Canton City Health Department at 330-489-3322.

Free Dental Sealants Offered

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Warstler Welcomes Counselor

Warstler Elementary is extremely excited to welcome full-time counselor Mrs. Jaime Johnson. This is the beginning of her second

year in the district after being with Avondale last year. Prior to joining the Plain Local Team, Mrs. Johnson had a wide range of counseling experience within various educational levels and in the criminal justice system. Mrs. Johnson and her husband,

Kathy’s Financial Corner

Support Support Groups

By Kathy Jordan, Plain Local School District, CFO Welcome Back to another school year. One of the most important cornerstones to most school district are the support groups who help support our students and programs in countless ways. I wanted to bring some of those to your attention as the 16-17 year is beginning and we need and want as many people as possible to join these groups as it is a good way to help all kids and to really become part of the “life” of the building and the district. You can make a difference! The elementary buildings, Glenwood and Oakwood all have PTO’s. These are Parent Teacher Organizations and their purpose is to provide additional items for the buildings that they would not otherwise have such as extra pieces of playground equipment, additional technology and items to support the teachers in their classrooms. The parents, working with the building principal and staff, map out a plan at the beginning of the year for items that are needed and then decide on how to raise the funds. The PTO’s also have wonderful family events throughout the school year to bring the entire building together. Some have Fall Festivals, parent-student dances, art night and movie night. In order for the PTOs to do all of these amazing events for children, they need a number of engaged volunteers. We really need your help. If you can only help for one event that would be truly appreciated. GlenOak High School has a number of opportunities for involvement. One umbrella organization that you might not be aware of is the Adult Booster Club. This Club has served the District for many years and behind the scenes has given countless dollars and an incredible number of volunteer hours to generate funds for all areas of our programs. This past year, the Club paid for the Top Twenty Five Dinner, donated for the new lift for the Band Program, helped athletics with clothing, and donated to a variety of other programs. This Booster Club was formed to help the Arts, Academics, and Athletics and they have stayed true to their mission. All children benefit from the Club. Unfortunately, due to the fact that many people do not seem to know about or understand the role of the Adult Booster Club, we currently have only a few people trying to maintain the club and its impact on students. Even if you are a member of another organization, or your children are not in high school yet, please consider joining the Adult Booster Club. Any time or help you could give would make a big difference for kids! There are also a number of other support groups at the high school. We have Vocal Patrons for the Choir and PLIMPA for our band. Both of these groups have allowed our music programs to flourish and travel for competitions. Our students have been able to benefit in so many ways by the hard work of these volunteers. In the athletic arena, we have organized groups for almost all of our sports either outside of the district or within the district. Each group such as the Kickoff Club or the Roundballers have made it possible for our student athletes to get new uniforms, meals and many other things. This is true of all clubs and there are too many to mention. If you have an interest in any of the above clubs, PTO’s or a particular sport and you do not know who to speak to, please email me at and I will gladly get you information. Thank you for your consideration and if you already are an active part of these groups, thank you!

Ryan, live in the district along with their two dogs Jeter and Ellie. Mrs. Johnson has already begun visiting classrooms and implementing a focus on positive character traits. She will be using the six pillars of character that align with our partnership with the YMCA Character Counts program. Each month they will focus on a specific trait: September = Introduction October = Respect November = Citizenship January = Caring February = Responsibility March = Fairness April = Trustworthiness Mrs. Johnson has made it a goal to meet with students individually or in lunch groups on an as needed support basis. If you have any questions for her, she can be reached by phone at (330) 491-3770 or email at

Substitute Bus Drivers, Custodians Needed

The Plain Local School District is in need of substitute bus drivers. Those interested must have a CDL class B with S&P endorsements and a clean driving record. The position pays $11.00 per hour. The Plain Local School District currently has substitute custodial positions available. Classified applications are available to download online at If you have questions concerning these positions please contact the Business Office at 330-492-3500, ext. 331.

September, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 3

2016 Plain Local Schools Board Members and Meetings Board Members Dr. Ambrose Perduk, Jr. President Term: 2014-2017 h: 330-904-4620 Eugene M. Cazantzes Vice President Term: 2016-2019 h: 330-456-5787 Monica Rose Gwin Term: 2016-2019 h: 330-493-9561 Kristen Donohue Guardado Term: 2014-2017 w: 330-489-3395 h: 330-497-2828 John W. Halkias Term: 2014-2017 w: 330-497-3003 h: 330-494-4719

Meeting Dates The Board also adopted the following dates and locations for their 2015 regular meetings. All meetings are to begin at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. Most meetings have been scheduled for the third Wed. of the month. September 21 6:30pm ................... GlenOak High School October 25 6:30pm ..............Oakwood Middle School November 16 6:30pm ............................. Barr Elementary December 14 6:30pm.................Administration Building   The 2017 Board of Education Meeting Schedule will be posted at in January.

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Positive Behavior Program Continues At GlenOak This year, staff and students at GlenOak High School are continuing to focus on having a successful school year through PBIS - Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success.

PBIS is a systematic, school-wide approach using individualized positive strategies to reinforce appropriate behaviors. PBIS is data-driven and will help improve academic and behavioral outcomes for ALL students at GlenOak High School. Some components of PBIS include parent involvement, student voice, staff support for change, and school-wide discipline. PBIS affects everyone at GOHS. For our students,

Avondale Fall Fest Planned

Avondale families are invited to the Fall Fest, a new event being held in conjunction with PTO. Join us on Thursday, September 29 from 6:00-8:00pm in the Avondale cafeteria and gym. The theme for this free event is “game night,” and light refreshments will be served. Parents will receive information about important topics such as Third Grade Reading Guarantee, Sumdog, i-Ready, Standards Based Report Cards, and how to help your child succeed. Families will get to enjoy board games and more. We look forward to seeing you at Fall Fest!

NEW Plain Local Schools App! Android and iPhone users can download a new Plain Local Schools application in the “App Store” on their devices. Simply search Plain Local Schools to download the FREE app powered by SchoolMessenger. Right from your fingertips you can check all the up to date information on events, athletics, lunch menus, grades and more! Additionally the new app links to all Plain Local Schools social media account, gives you access to sign up to be on our mailing list, and lets you specialize your preferences based on which schools you’d like to follow. If you want to stay connected to all things Plain Local Schools download our FREE app today.

the goal through PBIS is to build upon and improve: grades, test scores, attendance, behavior/attitude, graduation rate, and post-secondary education opportunities. For the staff, the goal through PBIS is to build upon and improve: morale, family support, the school’s reputation in the community, enrollment, discipline consistency, administrative support, and sense of community. Throughout last school year, the PBIS team used the staff and student survey data to develop and launch a school-wide expectation matrix in order to streamline behavior and provide consistency throughout the school. Matrices are displayed in all classrooms and around the school. We had weekly drawings for students who were given positive notes from staff when they met expectations. Other steps to meet our goals were implemented through an Ice Cream Social and Musical Ticket for students with a 3.0 GPA or above, A School-wide Door decorating contest

and the First Annual Staff/ Student Tailgate Party! In addition to the guidelines set through the Expectation Matrix, staff members are able to recognize students that go above and beyond and are caught “SOARing with the Eagles”. Staff members have been given pink certificates to hand out to students that exhibit the following

“SOARing” behaviors: Show Trustworthiness Own Behavior Accept Responsibility Respond Respectfully When students receive the certificate, they are able to turn it into their Academy Secretary in order to be entered into the weekly drawing for school privileges and prizes donated by community vendors.

Oakwood has once again teamed up with Texas Roadhouse to raise a little “dough”. They will be selling rolls $5 per dozen and the legendary honey cinnamon butter for $2 per pint. Orders need to be placed by October 31, 2016 with a pick up date at Oakwood Middle School on November 16, 2016 from 5-8 pm. Please submit your orders with any 7th or 8th grade student or by emailing Bobbi Jo Kintigh at kintighb@plainlocal. org. This is a prepaid fundraiser. Add some Eagle Flare to your wrist! Oakwood is also selling Chubby Chico Bracelets, a handcrafted “Plain

Local Eagle” bangle bracelet for $16 each and Eagle Paracord bracelet for $12 each or one of each for $25. Contact the front office at Oakwood Middle School to order! Kalahari Resorts has teamed up with Oakwood for a Family Night Fundraiser. Kick back and relax with us on Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016. Rooms are only $119 for a family of four and features 2 Queen beds and includes 4 water park passes! Book early and mention Oakwood Middle School due to limited number available. A portion of each room booked goes back to Oakwood! For reservations call 1-877-525-2427.

Oakwood Plans Fundraisers


Social Media: Where to find us! Looking for all the up to date information on all things Plain Local? Here’s where to find us to stay connected. Remember to use the hashtag #plainpride when sharing photos, stories and updates on anything Plain Local! Facebook: Twitter: @PlainLocal Instagram: @PlainLocalSchools Superintendents Twitter: @eagletweets14


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September, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 5

Barr Seeing Double Frazer Focuses On Essentials A new school year is always exciting. But, this year, Mrs. Mazzaferri, Mrs. Kieffer, and Miss Pileggi were especially thrilled as they welcomed four sets of twins in Kindergarten. Mrs. Mazzaferri knows all too well how busy parents of twins can be as she, herself, has a set of twins!

Milania and Daniel Dassler

Jack and Averie Hughes

Aris and Isabella Kapalko

Nityah and Sinyah Miner

If your third or fourth grade student is coming home from school at Frazer Elementary and talking about their team points, it might have something to do with character. At Frazer our “tall hall” grades (2nd-4th) are developing their “essentials” or expectations of teaching students respect and supporting each other’s successes no matter how big or small. Based on the Ron Clark book, “The Essential 55” which outlines 55 rules implemented by this nationally recognized educator in his classrooms in North Carolina, Harlem, and at his academy in Atlanta. Each of our grades are at different stages in the implementation of this system. Our fourth grade team led by Mrs. O’Brian and Mrs. Tsoufiou, who attended a two-day training in 2014 by Ron Clark; are in their second year of their Essential 20. Their focus is on eye contact, manners, sportsmanship, respect, and responsibility. From the first day of school they implement and follow-up with their expectations. They have

seen great improvement in student’s behaviors toward each other and the staff. The third grade team is beginning their first year. The key concepts that were outlined by our grade three team is team building (each homeroom is their own team) identified by the colors red, blue, and green. The teams competed on Friday, September 2nd in their “3rd Grade Olympics.” The students had to develop their own team chant or song as they cheered their teammates through the obstacle course. According to Mrs. Rocca, the time spent developing this team concept along with their expectations has prepared

Expires 11-26-16

the third graders for an exciting start to the new school year! Even the second grade has begun to implement a team concept; they earn points for compliments given by staff members for their positive actions throughout the school day. The implementation of our essentials are all about having staff set up high expectations that will follow with our students throughout their lives. While these expectations will help students be successful in their academic careers, we feel it is important we are developing respectful and responsible boys and girls who will eventually be our leaders in Plain Local.

Expires 11-26-16

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STEM Students Pay Tribute To Gene’s Genius On September 13th, the Oakwood Middle School 8th grade STEM community and 2D art classes transformed the STEM lab into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. In the beginning of the year, the students were given a design challenge by their Gateway to Technology teacher, Vanessa Board. “I have always loved the movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and with the passing of comedy genius Gene Wilder, I wanted to bring about that aspect of “pure imagination” in my classroom. My husband and I created a design challenge to help review with our 8th graders the design process. Each group had to create something that would be found in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory”, commented Board. So the 8th grade STEM students set out on designing everything from edible houses to entryways. The students were given class time to complete the design challenge but some took it a step further. “I haven’t seen anything like

this, students staying after on Fridays until 7pm in the third week of school. It has been a complete joy to see their creativity and passion for their designs”, said Board. Into the build, Board took it a step further and invited her kindergarten friends from Warstler. The three kindergarten classes included Mrs. Krosse, Mrs. Rante and Mrs. Teaford. “I wanted to introduce creativity and imagination to these young ones that are beginning their educational journey. It is so important for them to see design and imagination”, said Board. Board invited the art team of Ashley Kessler and Stephen Tornero to involve their exploratory 2D art classes in bringing the factory to life with colorful pictures and engaging backdrops to add to the whimsical atmosphere of the STEM lab. “My students were really excited about the cross-curricular and inter-school connections in this project. They were so excited about how

the Warstler kindergarteners would react to their “world of imagination” that they were more motivated to create really detailed backdrops for the candy projects. Even if some of them didn’t know the movie or the story, they all had a cultural understanding of what a place

full of candy would look like to them”, said Stephen Tornero, 2D art teacher at Oakwood. The kindergarten students were greeted by some characters from the movie like Violet Beauregarde, Mike TV and Oompa Loompas. “The 8th grade students really exceeded

my expectations with their designs and enthusiasm with the young ones”, commented Board. Carmyn Grubbs, 8th grade STEM student said, “This was the most creative I’ve been in a long time. The kindergarteners were so cute. I really had fun”.

Oakwood Middle School students create their own “World of Imagination” inspired by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Be awesome. Be a Girl Scout. Join us at our roller skating event and learn how to join a troop! Monday, October 10 North Canton Skate Center 6-8 pm

For more information, contact Michelle McWilliams:

Oakwood students in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program at Oakwood Middle School pose for a photo on the first day of school.

Oakwood STEM Receives Thomas Edison Award Congratulations to Oakwood Middle School for being selected as one of the 2016 Thomas Edison Award for Excellence in STEM Education and Student Research recipients. In a letter received by The Ohio Academy of

Science it said “It is our honor to recognize your school and teachers who have not only provided a strong STEM curriculum but have also encouraged participation in many other activities to stimulate student interest in science,

technology, engineering and mathematics.” Congratulations to our Oakwood STEM staff and students on this accomplishment. To read more about the Thomas Edison Award for Excellence please visit

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US Olympian Inspires Oakwood STEM Students Carlin Isles, Jackson Township native and an Olympic rugby sevens player took the time to stop in and talk with the Oakwood Middle School 7th grade STEM Academy students at Bob Commings Field on September 9, 2016. Isles plays for the United States national rugby sevens team and is the fastest rugby player in the world. He was the keynote speaker for the launch of the STEM students PBL (problem based learning) unit on “Safety in Physical Activities” Isles is fresh off his Summer Olympic debut in Rio de Janeiro where the USA sevens team finished ninth in the world. Isles spoke to the STEM students about his background in foster care and how difficult it was to not make the Olympic team as a sprinter.

“I never blamed anyone for my situation in life. I took full responsibility and worked to make my life better,” said Isles. “If you think you are owed things in life you are wrong. You have to make your dreams happen for yourself. No one is going to do it for you,” he explained to the students. He mentioned his faith in God and a strong belief in one’s self is what helped him to get to the Olympic games in a sport he never played up until four years ago. “I do not drink or smoke because I do not want the consequences that can occur with taking or using those things to follow me for the rest of my life. I believe in perseverance and grit. You can accomplish anything if you want it bad enough,” said Isles. He focused on the importance of asking for help.

He explained to the students the need to let go of pride. “If you need help, ask for it. There is always going to be someone who will support you. You will reap what you sow in life,” explained Isles. “I can see why he has had success. He had every opportunity to be satisfied with average or even below average. However, he made it his mission to be exceptional,” commented Scott Laughman, 7 STEM Science teacher. Michelle Hahn, 7 STEM Math teacher said, “Carlin Isles is an inspiration to our youth and every child should hear his story. He is a perfect model of perseverance, sacrifice and effort that it takes to be successful in our competitive world. He is a hometown hero that Stark County should be proud to call their own.”

US Olympian, Carlin Isles visited with Oakwood Middle School STEM students to talk with them about his road to success STARK

Start and finish



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September, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 7

Nik Snyder, Malcolm Simpson, Corbin Slater and Desmond Sharpe were chosen as the winning construction company for Eagle Bay, a fictional town used in STEM class at GlenOak High School.

STEM Soars Into Eagle Bay After completing an interest inventory and multiple intelligences test, students utilized their new knowledge of each other and of themselves to launch our first project: Eagle Bay. Students were placed in construction teams, which included a civil engineer, surveyor, environmental engineer, and a superintendent. Their job was to work together to create a roadway system for the imaginary coastal town of Eagle Bay. Groups were challenged to create a construction company multimedia commercial and a digital rendition of the Eagle Bay map. Construction teams then pitched their plans at the Eagle Bay town meeting where they were rigorously evaluated and questioned by the townspeople who will be impacted by the system. By using augmentative commu-

nication, construction teams gave overviews of building and development plans, along with environmental concerns and financial breakdowns for the townspeople. Congratulations to the winning construction company: S4! Team members included Desmond Sharpe, Nik Snyder, Malcolm Simpson, and Corbin Slater. After the conclusion of this project, students will take a conflict management inventory to learn more about how to work cooperatively and productively as a team. These objectives will carry over into our next project, Catapult Golf ... FORE! The GlenOak High School STEM teaching team is made up of Chad Palmer, Rick Talbott, Shawn Kimbrough, and Angela Beshore.

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Thank you to those of you who sent in “First Day of School” Photos using the hash tag #PLSFirstDa

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Day on social media. We received hundreds of submissions! Here is a sampling of what we received.

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Music Takes Shape At Middlebranch Elementary Thanks to a grant from ArtsinStark and the Canton Symphony, Mrs. Harris’ Middlebranch 3rd Graders

were selected to create a large tetrahedron connecting musical form with the shape. Each student deco-

rated his or her own tetrahedron with musical notes, terms and expressions while listening to some

of the musical selections featured on the upcoming concert including Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” and Copeland’s “Variations on a Shaker Melody”! MJ Albacete then came and helped the music class combine their personal tetrahedrons into a larger tetrahedron, similar to a Sierpinski Triangle Fractal. The creation will be featured on the Canton Symphony webpage this Fall and will be on display at the

Young People’s Concert entitled “Music Takes Shape” on October 20, 2016. Prior to the construction, students listened to various classical selections including Beethoven’s 5th Symphony and discussed how a simple theme or motif can be developed into a major work similarly to the triangle, becoming a tetrahedron, then forming a larger tetrahedron. The concert is free and open to all Stark County Schools.

3rd grade students from Middlebranch Elementary work on creating a tetrahedron, the creation will be on display at the “Music Takes Shape” concert on October 20 at Umstattd Performing Arts Hall.

Glenwood Learns Through The Arts Glenwood is excited to announce an amazing opportunity for their students. Art teacher Rita Walbeck was awarded an Arts in Stark mini grant this past summer. Mrs. Walbeck designed an art lesson, which integrates science and exploratory learning into the visual art content. When scientists study cells under a microscope, they have to look with the eyes of a scientist to

carefully analyze the shape and patterns of color of the cells being observed. The method of observing details under a microscope is similar to the method used by artists to create realistic drawings. 6th grade Immersion art students will create mosaic class designs by analyzing plant and animal cells through a microscope. Those designs will be taken and enlarged onto a variety

of circular stepping-stones and created through mosaic glass under the expertise of visiting national artist Dyanne Williams. The stepping-stones will be installed into Glenwood’s Outdoor Learning Lab that will start the incorporation of art into the sciences. Learning through the arts is a fantastic method to target and motivate all student and student learning styles. Immersion art students from Oakwood Middle School visit the Massillon Museum

Oakwood Immersion Art

Our immersion art 7th grade students from Oakwood Middle School had the opportunity to go to the Massillon Museum last week and see artworks and historical objects from around the state of Ohio. They toured galleries of analog recording equipment that made the first records, talked with Canton artist Kevin Anderson about his work in the gallery, and made a charcoal artwork based on his process. It was a great experience for our students to learn more about historical art from our state.

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September, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 11

Plain Local Schools Foundation Awards Grants The Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association awarded nearly $10,000 in grants to various Plain Local staff members and curriculum areas for programming in the 201617 school year. In the last several years, the Foundation has awarded over $130,000 in grants to staff to provide exceptional educational experiences for all 6,000 children of Plain Local School district. The mission of the Foundation is to build and maintain stewardship of a community trust and to provide funding for superior, innovative educational programs, which exceed our District’s financial resources. The grants represent one way to achieve that mission. Grants Awarded were: • $2,500 to Jess Rockich, Michelle Barnard, Chris Donohue in support of a year-long project studying food insecurity in our community. Project will include a community garden. • $250 to Bambi Fritsche and Erica Hershberger in support of a Transition Night for high school students needing supports after high school • $1,928 to Kari Hufhand and Ashley Hamilton to support the creation of a Maker Space at Middlebranch Elementary School. • $500 to Jessica Tsoufiou, Traci Raga, Maggie

O’Brian, Carol Ohlemacher for alternative seating for Problem Based Learning in 4th grade at Frazer. • $701 to David Thompsen in partial support of a new instruments for the Barr Elementary instrumental music program. Barr PTO is providing the remaining monies needed for instruments. • $3,500 in support of art experiences for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade for the 2015-2016 school year. These experiences range from professional artists, musicians and live performances to hands on experiences with district staff and peers The Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association was incorporated in May of 1989 and the purpose was quite simple: to help the Plain Local School District through private monies for programming and educational initiatives. The mission statement adopted by the Board and its commitment to it has not changed since. Only a few public school districts in Ohio have attempted this approach and the Foundation is convinced that Plain Local is a community that will understand that such a concept could and would make a vital difference in the quality of education. The Plain Local Schools

Foundation offers an opportunity for alumni, parents and friends to give gifts that directly benefit our student community. Gifts of any amount are welcomed. Ways to give to the Foundation

include direct gifts, planned gifts, living endowments, memorials and gifts of recognition. Additional information about the Plain Local Schools Foundation and

Alumni Association can be obtained by calling Diane Pilati, Executive Director at 330-491-3870, visiting or emailing foundation@

High School leads for the Saturday performances (L-R) Ursula (Meighan Hinnebusch), Scuttle (Sydney Weiss), Ariel (Grace Orwick), and Sebastian (Sienna McArthur)

Little Mermaid Dances To Stage

The Plain Local Schools Foundation & Alumni Association is pleased to present the 2016 all-school ballet under the direction of Jacquenette Blaydes. Plain Local Dance and Saturday Enrichment students, ages 3 years through 12th grade, will perform an original choreographed performance featuring the story of the Little Mermaid on November 18th and 19th. Blaydes, Plain Local dance instructor, cho-

reographed the production and will direct 275 dancers in three public performances. Public performances will be Friday, November 18th at 7pm and Saturday, November 19th at 2 pm and 7 pm in the GlenOak High School Theater on the Abbey Foltz Stage. Tickets are $8 each and will go on sale in October. The performers will also put the show on for all Plain Local 3rd grade students as a part of the arts experiences

offered to all elementary students within Plain Local. In conjunction with GlenOak’s ninth-grade leadership academy, non-perishable food items will be collected at all public performances to support the Stark County Hunger Task Force. The ninth-grade students have a goal of collecting over 2,000 non-perishable food items. For more information call 330.491.3860 or email

Page 12 • Plain Paper •September, 2016

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Building Partnerships In High School Of Business As GlenOak’s High School of Business™ program enters its 4th year, many new and exciting opportunities are being presented to program participants. For the past 2 years, we have implemented many programs through Junior Achievement of East Central Ohio with our students. Through these programs, we have had the pleasure of working with key business leaders in our Stark County community as they guide students in critical thinking and applica-

new “internship cohort academy”. This academy is being finalized, but will include an intense 20 hour program (on location) that will provide students with

an understanding of the different business functions, career and interview prep, hands-on modules and guest speakers from varying departments. This

program is a win-win for all involved, and may lead to the employment opportunities in the future within Synchrony.

Gather your quarters and your friends, and join in the fun! You are invited to attend the GlenOak VPA Quarter Auction on Sunday, November 13, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 PM in the GlenOak High School Commons (Door 17), cleaned up and raked. 1801 Schneider St. NE. A Non-perishable food items few fundraising goals inwill be collected as a dona- clude purchasing a piano, tion for the food pantry at equipment, sheet music, Grace United Methodist scholarship awards for Church. music training and robes. If you are if you are interWhat is a quarter aucested in more information tion? The first hour venabout this event, please dors can sell their items contact Amanda de Fays at directly to attendees. The or next two hours will be at (330) 491-3871. We ask an auction of combined that you will provide leaf items donated from our bags to that we can haul vendors and local busiaway all leaves to the recy- nesses. Once the auction cling centers here in Plain. begins, the auctioneer

will hold up an item, and guests will have the opportunity to bid with quarters. A number is called, and the attendee holding a paddle with the matching number wins the item. Our vendor and donation list continues to grow. Our current participants include: Scentsy, Pampered Chef, The 2 Material Girls, Melinda Markley Designs, Very Vega, Tastefully Simple, Lindsey’s Pizza, Great Clips, Dairy Queen, Plexus, LulaRoe Clothing, Perfectly Posh, Premier Designs Jewelry, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Lila Rose, MakeUp Eraser, Damsel in Defense, Amy’s Bling, Young Living Essential Oils, Sugar Shakers Gourmet Cupcakes, Taco Bell, Sonic, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,

Thai Lanna and Sushi Bar, Winking Lizard, Chik-Fil-A, Plaza Barber, Best Burger, Blushing Blooms Photography, Piada, BAM!, Arbonne, Hyatt Regency Belden Village, Starbucks, Giant Eagle, Bob Spaulding LMT, CNMT (Neuromuscular Therapy Associates) … just to name a few! The admission fee at the door is $5, which includes a seat at the auction, a paddle and one ticket for the door prize drawings. Extra paddles can be purchased for $1. Additional door prize chances, a 50/50 raffle, and food and beverages will be available for purchase. For ticket information, to make a donation, or to ask questions, please contact Sheree Boyle at (330) 704-2820 or saboyle2@

tion of business objectives. Last year, we introduced the United Way “Get Connected Program” to our graduating seniors in the program, which provided our students the opportunity to be connected to a local business mentor and shadow their job duties. As we continue with our established partnerships, this year we will be able to offer our students yet another diverse partnership. We are delighted to be working with Synchrony Financial in Belden Village to start a

GlenOak Vocal Patron Association Plans Quarter Auction Fundraiser

School Of Business Gives Back On Saturday, November 5th, the Management classes at GlenOak High School will be giving back to our community through the 3rd Annual High School of Business “Gives Back” Day. This day has been designated as a day of service for our community members in Plain, and the students of the Management class will be organizing a fall clean-up effort for those residents who could use help in getting their yards

2016 Membership Form GlenOak Kick Off Club Our Purpose: Through fundraising and volunteerism, the GO Kickoff Club provides direct support to the GlenOak football program. This support may take the form of team meals, team and coaching staff apparel, instructional clinics, eight room and other team equipment, team banquet and awards and player scholarship opportunities. This club spends about $500 on each of our players! Not to mention members have fun getting to know other football parents and GO football fans! Meetings: Come meet other parents and fans at any of the following meetings held at 7 pm in room W106 at GOHS - (go to cafeteria, down steps, turn right, room is across from weight room on the left). Meetings are the first Monday every month until September when weekly meetings every Monday begin. • Coach Garcia’s weekly post game recaps • Get the inside track on what's happening every week during the season. • Weekly meetings to discuss upcoming events and opportunities. Become a fan on Tax Deductible: Your membership fee and any other donations are tax deductible. The Club is a registered 501(C)(3) not-for- profit charitable organization with the IRS. Fill out all info below EXACTLY how you want your program listing & check Membership Level.

Name: ____________________________________ Phone: _______________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ GO Alumni Class(list individual names/yr) __________________&

Football Player

Membership Levels & benefits: Platinum $250 -

Program Listing, 1 pref. parking pass, Name on scoreboard for all home games, 1 GO Jacket What Size? ________) , Spirit Shop 15% Discount Card, & GO local restaurants, etc Discount Card. (Do you want the Pref. Parking Pass? _____ YES or _____ NO. )

Gold $100


Program Listing, 1 pref. parking pass, Name on scoreboard for 1 home game, & Spirit Shop 15% Discount Card. (Do you want the Pref. Parking Pass? _____ YES or ______ NO. )

Silver $50


Program Listing, Spirit Shop 15% Discount Card.

Kick Off $25 -

Program Listing.

GO Football Players/Students $10 - Program Listing. Make your check payable to “The GlenOak Kick Off Club, Inc.” and bring to the meetings or mail to 6401 Blossomwood Cr NE, Canton, OH 44721

GO Cosmetology Prices

GlenOak Cosmetology Menu of Services Open weekly on Wednesday 11:30a-3:00p, beginning September 7, 2016. Call: (330) 491-3990 to make an appointment. Hair Services Shampoo/Set/Style.................................................... $8.00 Shampoo/Thermal Style........................................... $8.00 Braid Styles......................................................$10.00 & up Up-Do’s............................................................$15.00 & up Haircut........................................................................ $8.00 Chemical Waves.............................................$25.00 & up Spiral (long hair)............................................. $35.00-$45 Chemical Relaxer............................................ $25.00-$30 Decolorize/bleach................................................... $30.00 Decolorize/Toner.................................................... $15.00 Tint Retouch............................................................ $25.00 Color scalp to ends.................................................. $30.00 Foil Highlight/Lowlight.......................................... $40.00   *each additional color $5 Cap Highlight.......................................................... $25.00 Conditioning treatment...............................................$12   *deep conditioner, Malibu, or Protein Nail Services Manicure.................................................................... $8.00 Oil Mani................................................................... $12.00   *includes hand and arm massage Pedicure.................................................................... $12.00 Gel polish................................................................. $12.00 Facial Services Facial........................................................................ $10.00 Spa Facial.................................................................. $15.00 Brow Wax................................................................... $8.00

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September, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 13

GlenOak, McKinley Teams Volley For A Cause The GlenOak volleyball team hosted a charity match at their home game vs. McKinley on September 15 to raise funds for local women battling breast cancer. The team raised over $4,000 with the help of t-shirt sales, raffle baskets,

a bake sale and by placing pink toilets around town over the last several weeks. The goal was to “Flush Out Cancer” if the toilet ended up in your lawn you could pay to have it removed or for an additional cost, send it to a friend! The proceeds

from the fundraiser bencal non-profit that provides efitted the Josette Beddell direct financial assistance Memorial Foundation, a lo- to women in North East

Ohio battling breast cancer, for more information visit

Save the date. The GlenOak Softball Golf Outing to support the GlenOak Softball Booster Club is Sunday, October 2nd 2016 at Skyland pines. $75 – Individual Golfer $300 – Foursome

$100 – Hole Sponsor Contact: Maria Mathieu (330-806-3998 or 1837 Spring Valley Ave. NW Canton, Ohio 44708 Send and make checks payable to Softball One.

The Plain Local Lady Eagles 18-and-under softball team won its league championship, going 12-1 this season. The team featured Ashley Bandy, Hailey Callahan, Ashley Clarke, Nahja Duncan, China Goins, Cassandra Mathieu, Peyton Morrison, Jordan Nameth, Michaela Parola, Hailey Pef-

fer, Jordan Pigott, Adriana Sciddurlo, Ashley Storesina, Kensington Thomas, Jenna Turner, Emily Wasnak and Shannon Young. Ken Wilzoch managed the team. His staff included assistant coaches Maggie Day, Alex Mathieu, Kristen Wilson and Sidney Brown, Front Row: Evelyn Cramer, Sophia Cashner. Middle Row: Madison Rekstis, Kaitlyn Wertz, and scorekeepers Debbie Danielle Simon, Natalia Henderson. Back Row: Morgan Radalia, Valerie Fletcher, Jordan Day and Patty Parola. Nameth, Ciara O’Connor, Grace Richardson, Ashley Stumperth

GO Softball Sets Golf Outing

Lady Eagles Softball Champs

North Canton YMCA Sets Registration For Sports The North Canton YMCA has opened registration for sports programs for children and adults. Oct. 1 Registration open for Youth Basketball (Grades 1-8); Y members $45/ Non-members $85; High School Basketball Members: $50/ Non-members $90 Oct. 15 YMCA Open House (Watch for details!) Member program registration for fall 2 programs (Non-member registration starts Oct 20) Oct.2 Quarter Auction To benefit the YMCA Gymnastics Boosters $5 advance; $7 at the door call YMVCA Gymnastics Center 330.498.4082 for tickets and details. Oct. 19 Stamp class Make 8 lovely cards. Y Members $18/ No-members $20 Oct. 20 Childbirth Classes begin (5 weeks); Must be 30 weeks pregnant Members: $45/ Non-members $75 Oct 21 Kids Night Out6:30-10:00pm; Activities and dinner for kids 3 (potty trained)-12. Y member $14;

Non-member $20; add $5 for day of event registration Oct. 31 Fall 2 Program session begins Oct. 31 Trick or Treat at the Y. 5:00-7:00pm; Come in costumes! Treats, games and activities. Free and open to the community Nov 6. Holiday stamping Extravaganza 1:00-4:00pm; Make 30 holiday cards Members: $35/ Non-members $40 Nov. 12 ASHI Babysitting Course; ages 11 and up; held at Child Development Center 330.305.5437; Y Member $25/ Non-member $45 Nov. 16 Kids Night Out6:30-10:00pm Activities and dinner for kids 3 (potty trained)-12. Y member $14; Non-member $20; add $5 for day of event registration The North Canton YMCA offers programs for Physically Challenged, Parkinson’s and cancer patients at no charge; no membership required- call for details. Details and registration for all the following can be found at www. or by calling 330.499.2587

Page 14 • Plain Paper • September, 2016

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Register For Plain Township Winter Programs Messy Hands Get creative with us at Diamond Park’s Community Room for arts and crafts for ages 3-5 years with their parent/guardian on Mondays. Sessions are five classes. Session two registration is open and will take place October 24, 31, November 7, 14, and 21. Price is $37.00 per child and includes all of the materials.

Indoor U12 Soccer League Register your competitive U12 team for a tenweek session of competitive games. Registration is $660.00 per team. Session one begins Sunday, November 6. Registration opens October 1, and the deadline for registration is Friday, October 28, at 4:30PM. The league will play Sunday mornings on the dates of November 6, Indoor U10 Soccer League 13, 20, 27, December 4, Register your competitive 11, 18, January 8, 15, 22, 2017. New League: Coed/ U10 team for a ten-week Boys/Girls will depend on session of competitive games against other clubs. registrations. Registration is $660.00 per Indoor U14 Soccer League team. Session one begins Register your competiSunday, November 6. Reg- tive U14 team for a tenistration opens October 1, week session of competiand the deadline for regis- tive games. Registration tration is Friday, October is $660.00 per team. Ses28, at 4:30PM. The league sion one begins Monday, will play Sunday mornings October 31. Registration on the dates of November opens October 1, and the 6, 13, 20, 27, December 4, deadline for registration 11, 18, January 8, 15, 22, is Monday, October 24, at 2017. New League: Coed/ 4:30PM. The league will Boys/Girls will depend on play Monday Evenings on registrations. the dates of October 31,

November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19, January 2, 9, 2017. Coed/Boys/ Girls will depend on registrations.

plex. You can request a teammate and/or coach to play with. Registration fees are $55.00 for child when you volunteer to coach, High School Coed Soccer $82.50 for the first child, $71.50 for a second child, League Register your competitive and $66.00 for the third child and beyond. RegisHigh School Coed team tration deadline is Friday, for a ten-week session of competitive games. Regis- November 4, at 4:30PM. tration is $660.00 per team. All teams are coed. Dates Session one begins Thurs- for session 1 are November day, November 3. Registra- 12, 19, December 3, 10, 17, tion opens October 1, and January 7, 14, 21, 28, 2017. the deadline for registraAdult Open Coed Soccer tion is Friday, October 28, League at 4:30PM. The league will Register your competiplay Thursday Evenings tive Adult Open Coed team on the dates of November for a ten-week session of 3, 10, 17, December 1, 8, competitive games against 15, 22, January 5, 12, 19, other teams. Registration 2017. Coed/Boys/Girls will is $660.00 per team. Sesdepend on registrations. sion one begins Friday, November 4. Registration Rec Soccer League opens October 1, and the Register your child for session one of the rec soc- deadline for registration is Friday October 28, at cer league. It is a 9-week 4:30PM. The league will session of instructional/ recreational soccer played play Thursday Evenings on the dates of November 4, Saturdays at Diamond Park’s Indoor Sports Com- 11, 18, December 2, 9, 16,

January 6, 13, 20, 27, 2017. Minimum age of 19 to play in this league. Adult Open Men’s Soccer League Register your competitive Adult Open Men’s team for a ten-week session of competitive games against other teams. Registration is $660.00 per team. Session one begins Sunday, October 30. Registration opens October 1, and the deadline for registration is Friday, October 21, at 4:30PM. The league will play Sunday Afternoons/ Evenings on the dates of October 30, November 6, 13, 20, 27, December 4, 11, 18, January 8, 15, 2017. Minimum age of 19 to play in this league. All registrations are cash or check only made out to Plain Township Trustees and must be dropped off to Plain Township Hall located at 2600 Easton Street NE, Canton, 44721.


A Swingin’ Holiday DECEMBER 4, 2016 @ 3PM


GlenOak Jazz Band

Joan Ellison, soprano Canton Symphony Chorus Choruses from McKinley and Perry High Schools

TICKETS ON SALE NOW! $20 | $25 | $30

Seniors (62 and over) & Students $5 OFF WITH SUPPORT FROM


Stark Parks Plans Annual Free Fall Family Fest The school year is in full swing but the outdoor adventures continue at Stark Parks! Come take in the sights, sounds, and smells of autumn and celebrate the most beautiful season in the Midwest with Stark Parks! On Saturday, October 15, 2016, join us for our annual free Family Fall Fest from 2 to 6 p.m. at Petros Lake Park, near the corner of Perry Dr. SW and Faircrest St. SW. We’ll commemorate the season with games, a campfire, inflatables, and hayrides that will travel through

the woods and meadows with views of Petros Lake and surrounding fall colors. There will also be a children’s .25 mile Story Time Hike with FeLeap and friends. Costumes are encouraged! This free family event has become an annual tradition with many families returning every year to celebrate the fall season. Family Fall Fest is a rain or shine event, so dress for the weather. No registration is required. For more Autumn-inspired activities for all ages, visit

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September, 2016 • Plain Paper • Page 15

Library Branch Offers Something For All Ages Join us at the Plain ComTune Up Your PC Stay Safe from Viruses & munity Branch of the Stark Thursday Oct 6 Malware County District Library to 6:00 pm–7:30 pm Thursday Oct 27 enjoy great programs for all Learn to keep your computer 1:00 pm–2:30 pm ages. Some programs request running fast by performing Learn about malware registration; please call, stop in, quick and easy maintenance and how to stay safe from or visit and tasks. Helpful system utilities viruses, worms and other choose the Calendar tab for and beneficial practices that malicious software that can more information. will improve a PC’s perforinfect your PC. mance are introduced. ADULTS Streaming TV Knitting Club Needlechat Intro to Windows Movie Thursday Oct 27 Every Wednesday Maker Windows Essential 6:00 pm–7:30 pm 10:00 am–11:00 am 2012 Learn ways to turn a stanexcept Nov 23 Thursday Oct 13 dard flat screen TV into a Join fellow knitters & cro10:00 am–11:30 am Smart TV using devices such cheters to work on current Entertain family and friends by as Roku, Wii, and Google projects at all skill levels creating your own movie with Chrome Cast. while sharing tips and tricks. images of family members, EARLY LEARNERS vacations, and holidays. Thursday Night Book Club (BIRTH - PRE-K) Savvy Internet Search Story Time Preschool Techniques Tuesday Sep 27, Oct 4, 11, Seniors Intermediate Skills 18, 25, Nov 1, 8, 15 Thursday Oct 13 10:30 am–11:15 am 1:00 pm–2:30 pm Story Time Baby / Toddler Discover how to narrow or Tour the Internet Wednesday Sep 28, Oct 5, broaden your search terms Seniors Basic Skills 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16 10:30 for better results while Thursday Oct 6 am–11:00 am searching the web. Also, gain 1:00 pm–2:30 pm an understanding of how to Story Time Pajama Explore the basics of the Monday Sep 26, Oct 3, 10, use databases. Internet including navigat17, 24, Nov 7, 14 ing, web addresses and the Microsoft Word Basics 7:00 pm–7:30 pm address bar. Continue your Thursday Oct 20 journey of discovery as you 1:00 pm–2:30 pm investigate different search Word is one of the building engines, tabs, hyperlinks and blocks for developing and more. expanding your Office skills. Begin with the basics of creating a document. Oct 20, Nov 17 4:00 pm–5:00 pm Enjoy lively discussions with others on today’s most intriguing books and topics.

Historical Society Meetings On Monday August 8th, the Plain Township Historical Society hosted Representative Hagan for a historical sites tour of Plain Township. This was a great opportunity to share our community. Mark your calendars for Friday Oct. 21st at 7:00pm. “The Andersonville Trial” will be played out on the Abbey Foltz Stage of the GlenOak High School Theatre. This event is a joint fundraiser for the Plain Local Schools Foundation & Alumni Association and the Plain Local Historical Society (see ad in this newspaper for more information.) We hope to see you there! Who remembers “Buzzing the A?” What about the dinosaur find? When the Greek Church made its way from downtown to 25th Street? These are just a few of the highlights in the Plain Township Historical Society’s “Cruising Thru Plain Township Vol. 3 – SW Quarter.” This tour book takes a peak back in time to 24 locations. Volume 3 joins the collection which includes the NE Quarter (Volume 1) and the SE Quarter (Volume 2). These tour books are researched and written by the volunteers of PTHS. PTHS encourages people of all ages to explore our history. So gather your friends and family and see the sites. Contact us at to get your copy today for $10. This is a fundraiser for PTHS to support our mission. Just in time for fall! 2016 meeting schedule: Oct. 17th – History of Plain Township Fire Dept and Tour (Location change for this meeting. Meet at the Central Fire Station 1742 Schneider Rd at 7:00pm); Nov. 21st – Strange and Interesting Facts about the Civil War presented by Richard McElroy; December – No Meeting. All meetings start at 7:00PM and are held at the Plain Township Offices 2600 Easton St. NE unless otherwise noted. Come join us! It’s “Plain” History.

Story Time Family Monday Oct 31 6:30 pm–7:30 pm Dress like your favorite book character and celebrate the fall season with stories, games, and crafts. ELEMENTARY (K - 5TH GRADE) LEGO® Club Saturday Nov 19 10:30 am–12:00 pm Imagine, create, and build with LEGO® and/or DUPLO® bricks (provided). TEENS (6TH - 12TH GRADE) Teens CREATE Wednesday Oct 5, 19, Nov 2, 16 2:30 pm–3:45 pm

Hang out with your friends and make new ones at the Library. Enjoy activities including music, art, STEM, snap circuits, and more. Each day will bring something new to do and explore. ALL AGES Plain Community Branch 10th Anniversary Community Celebration Saturday Oct 15 10:00 am–2:00 pm Did you know Plain Township has had its own Community Branch Library for ten years? Be part of the celebration of our past and future. Enjoy live music, activities for all ages, and more.

Family Fun Day 2016

Page 16 • Plain Paper • September, 2016

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Photos by Alexis Mayle and Lauren Gross

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