ABOUT THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION A Peaceful Civic Endeavor to Free Our People from 194 Years of America’s excessive imperialism and Americo- Liberia’s ever-deadly mischiefs
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. How it all started (springboard of our revolution)…………………………………….1 2. The physical and ideological foundation of our revolution…………………………...3 3. The spiritual foundation of the Plain Revolution……………………………………...6 a. W believe that all of God’s children are the same and deserve the same things..8 b. We believe that all of our actions should be in direct adherence to God’s two great mandates to mankind…………………………………………............9 c. We believe that God made everyone equally, but not with equal management or leadership abilities/responsibilities...…………………………10 d. We believe that the core workings and true intents of politics are in line with God’s plan for humanity (they are not the Devil)………………...11 e. We believe that only God is responsible for the setup of nations, which in turn are to serve Him exclusively, and not some America/EU or World Bank etc……………………………………………………………………….14 f. We believe that our God is a God of orderliness and decency, and wants all of our activities, as such to be the same way…………………………........17 g. We believe that to solve any problem well, ALL the facts about it MUST be established first, according to God’s Words……………………….17 h. We believe that God’s children MUST demonstrate their faith by going on the offensive for their possession, and not always remaining on the defensive……………………………………………………17 4. The Social Foundation of our Revolution……………………………………………21 5. Emblems And Creeds Of Our Revolution……………………………………………26 6. The Political And Civic Road Map Of Our Revolution……………………………...27 7. Our Stance On Immediate Current Events In The Country………………………….37 8. All The People That Our Revolution Stands For…………………………………….40 9. Other Philosophies And Arguments Of Our Revolution……………………………..44 10. Other miscellaneous motivations of the PTR -motivations from issues of current events……………………………………………………………………...49 11. Motivation from current government officials, leading opinion leaders etc…………50 12. Current membership and modes of membership of our revolution……………..........55 13. Some caveats and strong warnings to the power that be (America and Her AmericoLiberian), including any would-be enemies of progress to our revolution…………..57 14. Other writings or efforts made by us to inform our people…………………………..60 15. Special Acknowledgement (our most celebrated heroes of change, by names)……..63
HOW IT ALL STARTED? The conceptual groundwork of our revolution began in January 2013, and fortunately, January is widely known as the month of foundation. The incident that ultimately poured the trigger to this all-important national struggle can be narrated in a nutshell like this: After a few instances of respectfully disagreeing with top management for their wasteful and visionless running of one of Americo-Liberia’s state-owned business enterprises – the professed Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (or LPRC), which only stores, out of its 5 statutory mandates of refining, producing, storing, importing and distributing/supplying petroleum products throughout the length and breadth of Americo-Liberia, we got mischievously blacklisted and so-called “fired” in less than 24 hours (on Friday, January 25, 2013) for alleged problems with an over four months old transaction that we had authorized in our capacity as both a Manager and Acting Departmental head in September of 2012. To prove that this was a very big case, with deeper societal meanings, or very far-reaching national implications, far above one simple Roland Kartee, or one LPRC, a smart whistleblower took these developments to the Microscope Newspaper, a local daily, just on the next working day, Monday, January 28, 2013, making the following discerning revelations: 1. One Roland Kartee was allegedly dismissed out of witch hunt for comments he made against a certain management demotion scheme. 2. LPRC had allegedly paid up to five media houses not to speak to the malpractices going on at the entity 3. The current demotion in question (which Roland had spoken against) was targeted at those who had NOT acquired overseas education 4. This dubious demotion scheme had already started the Friday earlier, with scores of managers and directors being demoted by management 5. The MD was also trying to make room through this demotion scheme for some of his fraternal brothers…etc. Heavily exposed, and thus pricked by these revelations, ‘Congo Boy’ T. Nelson Williams (the Managing Director) and his LPRC Management went to another local newspaper, the People, two days later, i.e. on January 30, 2013, describing ALL of what Microscope had said (not even some), as False, Misleading, Reckless, Condescending, and with No iota of Truth. It was by this time, that I tried to figure out how deep the issues at play here, truly were, by the grace of God. Developments surrounding this experience had me to realize how truly I had just been working among “smiling enemies” - in my Americo-Liberian bosses. But lo and behold, that latent hatred from these Black American bosses, a hatred which
could have even tempted them into to trying to take away my life one way or the other – God forbid! – had fortunately snapped me into the most privileged, but dangerous and Biggest challenge of all time – which is, standing up peacefully, politely and constructively, through the power of God, against the world’s longest reigning superpower and their surrogate, Americo-Liberians, to free my ever-suffering 16 indigenous African Ethnic groups of this place. The story is long, as you will discover, but if you’re that interested, you can get full details of it from the file titled, “LPRC Case to the LACC” (Pages 15-25). The good news however is that we all have ultimately won a big victory from this LPRC experience, a victory stemming from the fact that the root causes of our country’s problems; the reasons why this small, dirty state arrangement will keep posing serious threat to world peace and stability; the reasons why all of the major goals and targets that a truly serious country should be fighting to achieve can NEVER be achieved under this “Liberia” etc. have now been fully dug out, with solution options advanced and demanded, through this project, by the grace of God. One key lesson learnt from this LPRC saga however is that even though my navel string is not buried at this entity, and that I could exit it any time through different means including even firing, as my bosses wanted to do it, the intention with which they took their action on January 25, 2013, and the way in which they went about the whole process, plus the instruments they used – all led them to laying no solid foundation, or putting up any sound justifications or arguments for their action. And without a solid foundation, we can NEVER succeed with anything worthwhile in life, a problem from which Americo-Liberia currently suffers, as a country. This truly is the root cause of all that we are going through today in this place; that is, there is no sound foundation yet, or no sound, or honest and productive argument for why Liberia was established up to this date. So since all of today’s chronic societal problems owe their roots deeply to the foundation of the country, then of course it means that we had a very faulty and flawed foundation, which now demands correction before we can now take any steps forward as a people. There should be no if and then about this. Connecting the dots between this reality and how our so-called dismissal process, plus all of its attending circumstances, including the very communication instrument effecting the action were all both faulty and flawed, our family of five, including one relative and one friend, making up a total of 7, staged a peaceful sit-in action on Monday, April 22, 2013, demanding management to break down the foundation of that dismissal action by going back to it to correct all of the clear wrongs or faults associated with the process, including (a) their declaration of an ambiguous statement as the reason for the action, (b) their issuance of a faulty communication instrument effecting the action, and (c) their dispatch of the detailed allegations for the dismissal long after the action had been taken already, and not even to mention their gross failure to conduct any due process, among other
STUPID and CRIMINAL errors they committed. This is the same thing that the offshoot of this LPRC saga, the Plain Truth Revolution, is demanding the good people of this country to do right now, which is, going back to our founding papers and our founding intentions to correct them right now. But this time, not through guns, or through some fake constitutional convention to be attended and controlled by only one small, criminal segment of society, as the Americo-Liberians did theirs in 1847, but instead, through a well-structured National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention, to be organized by a group of visionary and revolutionary citizens, not government, and to be attended by a cross section of all stakeholders within our society; and, it is at this event, that we will redo the foundation of our country – no turning back on this demand by the grace of our God.
THE PHYSICAL AND IDEOLOGICAL FOUNDATION Our peaceful revolution publicly began on the 22nd of April 2013. The Liberia National Police is a living witness. Not in this country’s 194 year history has a small family of an ill-treated employee assembled at the facility of a giant state-owned enterprise, which has grossly wronged them; and, instead of asking for damages, incentives, or payoffs, they will be demanding for an error-free dismissal letter and prosecution for crimes levelled against them. This is how we started. We didn’t stop there, on the 10th of December, 2013, the very home going of one of Africa’s greatest liberators, Mr. Nelson Madeba Mandela, we led a direct action at the premises of the LPRC again, but this time, demanding that since for more than 5 months now, we had been waiting for them to take us to court and to give us our error-free dismissal letter, and they kept refusing; while at the same time, we knew their dirty deeds intended to economically throw our country into everlasting suffering – a reason for which they kept fighting to keep us far away illegally, they should step down too, as we had more than enough of evidence to take them to court, but could not do so while they still held onto their positions. As usual, they ordered two pickup loads of their Americo-Liberian National Police, which came and flogged us way – the LNP can attest to this again, including Kings FM in Monrovia, reportedly. This was a revolutionary action on our part, and was in pursuit of the Plain Truth Revolution. Because we respect fellow citizens, and believe that a true revolution for genuine change requires everybody’s informed participation, each outing we did; that is, April 22, 2013 and December 10, 2013, we prepared enough of leaflets and pamphlets for our citizens to read. The Liberia National Police and all workers of the so-called Liberia Petroleum Refining Company are living witnesses. We still didn’t stop with these two civic actions. In pursuit of our revolutionary agenda, and to prove our claim from the second civic action right, we prepared a 27-page document, detailing most of the earthshattering and criminal economic dealings of the LPRC and took it to the Liberia Anti-
Corruption Commission on March 10, 2014. Still stuck to our conviction that revolution is everybody’s business, and is both capital, knowledge, and other resource-intensive, we dispatched more than 40 copies of this 27-page caseload to key, national and international stakeholders based on the strength of our economic position at the time, in an effort to cultivate a collective action approach. In other words, what we were telling these over 40 stakeholders, including Liberia’s President, the major Universities, the Legislature, some of the key civil society organizations, our key international partners, our top religious authorities, the Press Union of Liberia etc. was that the circumstances we had experienced at the LPRC – with respect to how carelessly and criminally this Dirty, Old, Failed, Rogue State is managing its resources (economic, human and otherwise at the LPRC), which is just symptomatic of what is going on at every institution and just everywhere in the country, was more than enough to spell a complete DOOM for both the current and all future generations of this country; and as such, need to be dealt with collectively and holistically. So, for example, (1) by furnishing the students of almost all the major universities in Monrovia, we were saying that fighting any act of corruption anywhere was everyone’s business, but to truly make it everyone’s business, everyone must have all the details to make them move. …We also meant to spread the message that the quality of their education depends squarely on how wisely LPRC, NPA, RIA, Maritime Authority and so on manage the resources of our country and how aggressively they create wealth for all of us, instead of these state-owned business enterprises turning into liability on us as we see presently, due to the lack of management and nationalism in this country In addition, we were telling the students in these tertiary institutions that it is the prudent and productive management, again, of LPRC, RIA, NPA, FDA etc. and the government in general, that will ensure that more jobs are out there waiting for them as they walk out of the walls of those universities. (2) To the religious authorities we fought to get to, we made the point that the same God who created all of us, is the ONE that placed us into separate units called countries, endowed us with the right kinds and amounts of resources to sustain us, generations after generations, until He comes back at the time we don’t know, and He (God) instructed us to be good managers (stewards /khalifas) of these resources (material and human) so that they serve each one of us adequately – whether in government or not. Now, if one group comes (in the case of Liberia for instance, calling themselves Americo-Liberians and superiors) or one generation, among the countless to come after us, decides to just mismanage all of the resources from the rest of the future generations through greed, cruelty, and criminality etc. and you sit and continue to behave neutrally and passively, then we must go back on the drawing board and redefine religion. …We tried also to push these questions to them and to each of us equally. We ask: (a) Is it possible that we can make it in this life by only attending to our spiritual needs, while leaving out our physiological, educational, economic etc. and other needs? (b) Do we think that it is God’s will, that we, His servants go on lacking the basic needs of life and languishing in scourging poverty and misery,
only because a less than 1% of our population deserves all of the good at the expense of 99.5% of the population? (c) Do we think that by adopting this posture (i.e. acting unconcerned about the situation or remaining neutral), we will be securing more tickets among our worshippers for Heaven? etc. (3) And to the political parties we tried to raise in them the consciousness that we can never build a better nation and society only by waiting to become ministers, senators and presidents before we act against issues that are evidently tearing down our society into pieces. We tried to build the argument that if democracy meant, for instance, “allow John Brown to steal for the 12 years he was elected for” unchallenged, and let’s wait till the end of his tenure to elect another person, then we are afraid that democracy is the worst form of government because resources are ‘depletable’; and if we allow John Brown to go ahead and steal for his 12 years unchallenged because he is in power today, then we must be prepared to allow Peter Paul steal his share of the cake unchallenged for his part of 18 years when he takes power tomorrow, through some relatively STUPID exercise that we call elections here, which will mean a big Hell, as our country faces today. So in a true democracy, on the opposite of Liberia’s part of democracy, we were arguing, political parties have several, very key responsibilities including, standing up tall, in advocating for the survival and wellbeing of the state by ensuring that government, among other things: (a) provides all of the important goods/services needed by the citizenry; (b) ensure that citizens realize their fullest potentials, and (c) that government ensures that political and cultural corruption are battled head on etc. – with all this meaning that political parties, or opposition parties, do exist so that all these crucial responsibilities are not left at the will and pleasure of some ruling party. (4) For the civil society organizations and intellectual centers and other social activists, we tried to remind them that voicing out our concerns on talk shows was just one baby step towards the sacrifices needed to help clean up our society. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the greatest fathers of civil society activism, suggested that the only best way to demonstrate our frustration or disappointment about the sticky issues of society, which prove not to be impacted by mere talks, is to “dramatize” them. And you can only dramatize issues in the public if you have the right information already compiled about them. (5) For our international stakeholders, especially those who continue to make their big, big monies available every time in Liberia for projects that almost NEVER impact the lives of the common people, our decision to furnish them with happenings at the LPRC was intended for them to see for themselves what Liberian institutions are doing with their own meager resources as they continue to beg international partners for loans and grants every day, and (6) For Liberian Government offices, while these institutions are horribly contaminated with CORRUPTION and all sorts of malpractices, we still have the belief that there are some variances, some deviants, some very good elements, who would appreciate this kind of effort, and will be willing to work with us, once the right kind of leadership and commitment can be assured them etc.
Conclusively though, our point of contention has remained, “if LPRC alone, which is supposed to be generating billions in revenue for the people of Liberia, and should be extending branches all across the country creating thousands of jobs for the citizens, is involved in the level of malpractices we presented in this case, then let’s think about what is happening at the over 100 other fund-raising or revenue generating agencies and offices in this country.” Let’s think about how much we are losing to criminals called government operatives. Let’s think about when we will ever make any economic progress as a people – knowing that every other progress, whether in providing our citizens good schools; providing them good roads, good healthcare system etc. – all hinge on the progress we make in our economics. This move was revolutionary. And of the over 40 stakeholders, including Liberia’s President’s Office and the country’s both Houses of Legislature that we dispatched copies of this intriguing case to, only three acknowledged receipt and responded positively, including a US-based Liberian Journalist, an intellectual center in Monrovia, and the US Embassy in Liberia, parties to which we remain very grateful for life. Moreover, for every document we sent out – even to the Liberia National Police, the President’s Office, the two Heads of the Legislature etc., we identified ourselves as the Plain Truth Revolution. Interestingly, not a day, has anyone of these key authorities of the country EVER called us to inquire what we mean by this Plain Truth Revolution, or what’s the goal of this revolution, and stuffs like that, with 3 round years gone now. They probably will only call us, or show some concern, the day we take the air ways, because in this Americo-Liberian country, writing is NEVER respected or taken seriously; it is only political talks that are lent some attention.
THE SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION OF OUR REVOLUTION The way the so-called dismissal issue played out with us at the LPRC was so miraculous that it became evident that it was not ordinary, but rather a sure preordination. We peeped through the gloomy situation by God’s help, and saw that Heaven was instructing us to take on a very crucial and risky responsibility – undoubtedly the most challenging and perilous of all times – which is, standing up for a dangerously ignorant population (this is without any prejudice to our good people, who have been forced into this nightmare), against the most powerful and sophisticated force of our times, the world’s only remaining superpower. In short, this was a providential instruction for us to take the lead in delivering our terribly oppressed and abused population from the hands of America and her Americo-Liberians, whose cruelties against our people are beyond measure, and in the process, to introduce a new social order, while also setting the stage and example for a new breed of truly God-fearing, forward-looking, bold, hardworking and progressive generation of citizens. This undoubtedly is a very herculean and perilous responsibility. A 12th Century Italian Renaissance authority, Nicolo Machiavelli once said, “There is nothing more difficult to take in the hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of
things.” But as a child of God, with a bigger picture vision of our Creator’s overall plan for human societies, we accepted the challenge because in the end, it is for God’s Dominion and Great Commission mandates to be realized in different forms, from what this current society already knows. In the end, it is about God’s Name being glorified big time, and for this part of the world to get to know who He truly is. So our long string of arguments turned out to be: When a society contradictingly believes that politics, which concerns providing order for society, is an area for bad games and dirty tricks; when a people sadly believes that leadership is rather for the sole benefit and enrichment of leaders, rather than for the enrichment and upliftment of the citizens and the country at every level; when a whole society now carries, or accepts the mentality that leadership is a mere ability to speak big words or American series, as we see here, and open up talk shops, rather than exhibiting the solid ability to do tangible things for the benefit of all; when a whole country now sadly accepts a misguided idea that sound education plus all of its attending virtues of principle-mindedness, honesty, selflessness etc. are not number one priorities, but rather the extravagant use of few, mostly stolen bucks and big empty talks; when a whole people have been terribly inculcated with the wrong notion that it is the ordinary, incapacitated citizens, or business institutions, who bear the greatest obligation in solving big societal problems and directing the culture and path of society rather than the government, which is given all of the powers and resources to take primary ownership of these huge responsibilities actively; when it has sadly become terribly entrenched in the mindset of a people to consider it a way of life, that a country can still succeed when it keeps a huge majority of its citizens poor, illiterate and ignorant for the benefit and advantage of a certain small class of citizens; when it becomes frustratingly established that a whole society has been reduced to a bunch of slaves and mere servants of other countries and races, and thus, only survives on grants, gifts, fake loans etc. rather than compelling their own independence, practicing frugality and industry, and how to stand on their own two feet rather than keep bowing themselves down always to man rather than God; when a society sadly restricts education, even at the highest possible level, to attending to family and selfish needs, to the ABSOLUTE neglect of societal needs; when a society refuses to adopt the culture of getting down to the bottom of issues or problems by gathering all of the facts and employing new, different ideas in search of solutions, but instead, decides to only always look at problems from the surface, and apply superficial solutions etc.; when a society decides to keep behaving consciously stupid forever under the fake pretext of acting stupid to gain wisdom, as if wisdom could be piled up forever on Earth to later be used in Heaven or hell; when a whole society, out of fear, has decided to be a place where people stand for no principle, but fall for just anything, as it focuses all of its thoughts, efforts and actions on survival, survival and survival for today at the expense and detriment of tomorrow; when a society decides to blatantly ignore the reality that leaders, at all levels, are God’s
stewards, who must be exemplary in character, do things in orderly and purposeful manners, think critically and always commit to excellence etc., but instead have decided to teach society indiscipline, carelessness, laziness, and criminality etc. and etc., then true children of God, or God-fearing patriots must now risk their lives for the overall benefit of society by God’s power. Our biggest argument brought to the table in this very huge agenda though, is that God has created all man in His image and likeness, and has approved of all of our activities – from Politics and Leadership, to Economics and Science, from Law to Religion, and even to warfare etc., and has demanded that we perform, in all these areas of life, using His principles, and with fear for Him – so that at the end of it all, His name is glorified. Here therefore, are some Biblical and Quranic verses that inspire our resolve to bring the concept of the Golden Rule, and the fear of God, and obedience to His principles, in all activities of life, in the new country whose foundation He is now helping us to lay. Please be informed that the Bible verses listed here are either from the King James Version or the New World Translation: I.
We believe that all of god’s children are the same, whether black, white, Christian, Buslim, Buddhist, Hindu etc., which means that what is good for one set of people, is also equally good for other sets of people. We believe that issues regarding application of the principles and virtues of god, such as speaking and living the truth, seeking and ensuring justice for all men, seeking to ensure decency and orderliness in how we live and do things each day in our human societies etc., have nothing to do with a specific religion; that’s why, we only look for god’s proven truths in things, no matter which books of scriptures they come from, because in the end, we are just one community of people, or citizens of the same country, or just one community of human beings, whether one likes it or not. Here are our motivations as such, in this direction: 1. From https://theislamicworkplace.ocm, Islamic scholar and authority, Rafik Beekun lays emphasis on this reality from two different books of Islamic teachings, the Holy Qur’an, and then the Hadith respectively, as follows: a. Qur’an 2: 256, or Al-Baqarah – Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error; whoever rejects evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things b. Hadith # 13 – None of you truly believes, until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for him [self].
2. Acts 2:44-47(a) – (44) All those who became believers [in God] were together and had everything in common. (45) And they were selling their possessions and properties and distributing the proceeds to ALL, [NOT only to believers, or to Christians or to Muslims], according to what each one needed. (46) And day after day, they were in constant attendance in the temple with a united purpose [not a divided one], and they took their meals in different homes, and shared their food with great rejoicing and sincerity of heart. (47)(a) Praising God and finding favor with ALL the people [NOT only with Muslims or Christians] etc. II.
We believe that all of our human actions must be in direct adherence to our Creator’s two big mandates, the dominion mandate, and the great commission mandate, one way or the other: Here are our backings: 1. The Dominion Mandate – Genesis 1:28- Further, God blessed them [saying], “Be fruitful and become many, fill the Earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the heavens [or the air], and every living creature that is moving on the Earth. *****Note: Independence is the implication here, as you can never perform any of these authoritative roles while waiting for people’s instructions, their empowerments, their grants, their loans, and so forth, or waiting for everything to be dictated to you. 2. The Great Commission Mandate – Matthew 28:19 – [a] Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all nations, [b] baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. *****Note: The implication – especially in the first part of this verse or mandate, is that we must conduct all activities in such a way that fellow human beings get to understand that we have our Creator, who is a powerful Master over us, and whom we should fear and allow His principles to be at the center of all of our activities every step of the way. This way, it becomes easy for the evangelists, the clergy, the designated or ordained men of God to complete the message with ecclesiastical activities such as the baptism or any other solemn ceremony, as mentioned in part (b). Let us take very serious cognizance of the fact that winning souls for God’s Kingdom is NOT the responsibility of the Pastors and Imams alone, but for the President, the Ministers, the Lawmakers, the Judges in the Courts etc. based on their honesty and comportment on duty. Here are many more proofs of these convictions of ours about both of the divine mandates above, which are critically intertwined in our own readings: 1. I Corinthians 10: 31 and 33 – (31) Therefore, whether you are eating, drinking, or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory. (33) Just as I am trying to please all people in all things, not seeking my own advantage, but that of the many, so that they may be saved.
2. Titus 2:7 – Showing yourself to be an example of fine works in every way. Teach what is pure with all seriousness. 3. Colossians 3: 17 – Whatever it is that you do in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through Him. 4. II Timothy 2:7 – Give constant thought to what I am saying; the Lord will give you understanding in all things – [which include, Economics, Politics, Law, Science, Religion etc., nothing exempt]. 5. II Peter 1:3 – For His divine power has granted to us all the things that contribute to life [including Economics, Politics, Law, Science, Religion etc. or knowledge in general], and godly devotion through the accurate knowledge of the One who has called us to His own glory and virtue. 6. II Timothy 3:16 – 17 – (16) All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. (17) So that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work [again, including work in Law, Governance of God’s Children, Economics, Science, Religion etc. no restriction on the kind of good work talked about here, by the Bible]. III.
We believe that god made everyone equally; yes, but he did not give everyone stewardship or leadership ability and privileges to the same extent, or at least, in the same way. He gave certain people elevated privileges and talents to take care of his children, and he takes this delegated responsibility seriously against them, and those people are supposed to live an exemplary live for the rest of god’s children (i.e. their subjects, their citizens etc.) To follow suit. Let’s bring you a few proofs: 1. Surat 6: 165 – And it is He (God) who has made you successors (khalifas, in Arabic or Islam) upon the Earth, and has raised some of you through what He has given you above others in degrees (ranks), that He may try you through what He has given you (translated at http://theecomuslim.com) 2. Ezekiel 34:2-4 – (2) Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to the shepherds, “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says, “Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have been feeding themselves! Is it not the flock that the shepherds should feed? (3) You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, and you slaughter the fattest animals, but you do not feed the flock. (4) You have not strengthened the weak, or healed the sick, or bandaged the injured, or brought back the strays, or looked for the lost; rather, you have ruled them with harshness and tyranny.
3. I Peter 4: 10 – As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 4. Titus 1:7 – For an overseer, [i.e. a President, a Lawmaker, a Judge, a Minister etc.], as God’s steward, must be above approach (or blame). 5. I Corinthians 4:2 – Moreover it is required of stewards [again, leaders, caretakers, bosses etc.] that they be found trustworthy etc. and etc. IV.
We believe that the core workings or key roles of politics, which holistically take into account such activities as (a) setting up government, (b) crafting governmental policies, (c) choosing leaders, and (d) dispensing justice to all men etc. Are all strictly instructed by, and approved by god; and as such, must be designed and executed in strict adherence to his principles, and in compliance with his desire and wishes for all mankind. Here are the proofs: (A)
Engaging In Politics, Or Performing A Political Activity, Choosing Leaders, Plus, The Quality Of Leaders
Because we do have other aspects of our lives other than only religion or spirituality, Jesus says in Matthew 22:21(b), “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are His. **** These words of Jesus should never be misinterpreted here to mean that things pertaining to Caesar are corrupt, criminal or sinful; but it should simply be interpreted as things pertaining to other aspects of our lives that are not directly spiritual. Recall somewhere in our work, we mentioned that every human being can be likened to a house with 4 rooms, according to Filipino Accountant and Social Counselor, Maria Lourdes Macabasco, and these 4 rooms include one Spiritual room, one Physical room, one Mental room, and one Emotional room. We said that each of these rooms needs to be visited every day and made up, if not, we are either half, or nothing at all. Let’ get on with some Scriptural backings of politics/political activities, choosing leaders, and the quality of leaders to be chosen: 1. Philippians 4:8 – Finally brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concerns [like activities pertaining to the leadership and governance of the children of God, who in actuality are the people of this world, like Economics, like Justice, etc., remember Psalm 24:1,], whatever things are righteous; whatever things are chaste (pure, faithful etc.); whatever things are lovable; whatever things are wellspoken of; whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue meditating upon these things. 2. II Peter 1:3 (a) – For His divine power has granted to us all the things that contribute to life [including Economics, Politics, Law, Science, Religion etc.]
3. Matthew 5: 14 – 16 – (14) You are the light of the world. A city cannot be hidden when located on the mountain. (15) People light a lamb and set it not under the basket, but on the lampstand, and it shines on all those in the house. (16) Likewise, let your light so shine before man, so that they may see your fine works [not restricted to Evangelism here, but extending to Economics, Politics, and Science etc.], and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven. Note: The big question to answer here probably is, “whose influence and charisma are felt on a massive scale equal to those who lead God’s children; who speaks, with millions listening and obeying at once equal to our political and civic leaders; whose behaviors and lifestyles do all the millions of our young children in school want to imitate right away, equal to those who are on this mountain top, providing ‘shepherdship’ for God’s children? etc. and etc. Is this mountain top therefore a place for any, and all sorts of behaviors and comportments to be tolerated, as in this DIRTY Americo-Liberia, where one first has to be highly morally bankrupt before assuming so-called public office at least 99% of the time? 4. Exodus 18:21 – But you should select among the people capable men, fearing God, trustworthy men, hating dishonest profit, and appoint these over them as chiefs over thousands, chiefs over hundreds, chiefs over fifties, and chiefs over tens. (B) Authority And Power Of Governments Or Leaders, Or Leadership Structures 1. Romans 13:1 – Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2. Titus 3:1 – Continue reminding them to be in subjection and to be obedient to governments and authorities, to be ready for every good work ***THERE ARE SOME CAVEATS HERE HOWEVER: (a) Hosea 8:4 – They have appointed kings, but not through Me; they have appointed princes, but I did not recognize them. With their silver and their gold, they have made idols to their own destruction. (b) Acts 5:29 – In answer, Peter and the other apostles said, “We must obey God as ruler rather than man (c) Romans 13:3 (a) For the rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad. (C)
God’s Desire For His Children, All Citizens, And All Human Beings For That Matter, Which All Leaders Must Be Very Conscious, And Careful About: 1. Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil. 2. Job 36:11 – If they obey and serve Him, they will live all their days in prosperity
3. Psalm 23:1 – God is my shepherd. I will lack nothing. 4. Psalm 34:10 – Even strong young lions have been reduced to hunger, but those seeking God will lack nothing good. 5. III John 1:2 – Beloved one, I pray that in all things [again in Science, Politics, Economics, Religion etc.], you continue to prosper and enjoy good health, just as you are now prospering…………. (D)
Dispensation Of Justice
1. Deuteronomy 16:18-20 – (18) – You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns and villages that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgments. (19) You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. (20) – Justice, and only justice you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land which the Lord is your God is giving you. 2. Matthew 23:23 – Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you give a tenth of the mint, and the dill and the cumin, but you have disregarded the weightiest matters of the law; namely, justice, and mercy and faithfulness. These things it was necessary to do, yet not to disregard the other things etc. 3. Qur’an 5: 8 – O you who believe, be upright for God, and (be) bearers of witness with justice. Note: An Islamic scholar, making remarks on this point says, “the Holy Qur’an considers justice to be the highest virtue, quoting Qur’an Al-Nahal, or 16:90 as saying that God commands justice and fair dealing in all that we do.” (E) The Impact Of Bad Governance On A People (i.e. Governing Principles Or Direction)
Without God’s
1. Ecclesiastes 10: 16 – 18 – (16) How terrible for a land when the king is a boy and the princes start their feasting in the morning! (17) How happy for the land when the king is the son of nobles and the princes eat at the proper time for strength and not for drunkenness. (18) Because of extreme laziness, the roof beams sag, and because of idle hands, the house leaks. The following three Quranic scriptures were featured at www.linkedin.com.... from a blog posted by Ali Ahmad Darwis: 2. Qur’an 3:159 – (or Al - Imran) Consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when you have to take a decision, put the trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him).
3. Qur’an 5:8 – (or Al - Maidah) O you who believe, stand up as a witness for Allah in all fairness, and do not let the hatred of people deviate you from [what is] just (adl). Be just, [for] this is closest to piety. 4. Qur’an 22:41 – (or Al - Hajj) Those, when given authority in [the] land, [who] establish (system of) salah, give zakah, and enjoin what is good (mauruf) and forbid what is wrong (munkar) V.
We believe that god is responsible for the setup of nations, and that nations, in return, are obligated to seeking his face, and worshipping him with sincerity and honesty, and that in order for a country to take root, wake up from the ground, be stable and strong etc., it must commit its allegiance practically and absolutely to god, rather than to man, or to some America, or some World Bank, or some EU etc., although while still respecting these mundane powers. (A)
God’s Set Up Of Nations
1. Acts 17: 26 - And He made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the Earth, and He decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell. (B) Nations Are Set Up To Serve Only God, And Not Man 1. Acts 17: 27 - ***from verse 26 about nations being set up by God, verse 27 says, “So that they would seek God, if they might grope for Him, although in fact, He is not far off from each and every one of us.” 2. Exodus 20:5 – You must not bow down to them, nor be enticed to serve them. For I the Lord, your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of the fathers upon the third and fourth generations of those that hate Me. 3. Isaiah 60:12 – For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish, and those nations shall be utterly laid waste. * Everybody now understands how Liberia is a practical waste. (C)
God Said The Foundations Of Nations Should Be Built Upon Faith In Him, Or Else They Will Fail, If They Place Their Faith In Man
1. Isaiah 28:16 – Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says, “Here I am, laying as foundation in Zion, a tested stone – the precious cornerstone of a sure foundation. No one exercising faith will panic. 2. Ezekiel 14:12-14 – (12) And the word of God came to me again saying, (13) Son of man, if a land sins against Me by acting unfaithfully, I will stretch out My hands against it and destroy its food supply, and I will send famine upon it, and cut off man and animals from it. (14) Even if these 3 men, Noah, Daniel and Job were within it,
they would be able to save only themselves because of their righteousness, declares the Sovereign Lord. 3. Malachi 1:4 – Though Edom says, “We have been shattered, but we will return and rebuild the ruins, this is what the God of Armies says, “They will build, but I will tear down, and they will be called the territory of wickedness”, and the people whom God has forever condemned. (D)
Only Virtuous People Can Lay And Sustain Nations’ Foundations Based Upon These Principles Of God, But Not Criminals
1. Surat or Qur’an 9:109 – Is it then he, who laid the foundation of his building on piety (faithfulness, devotion etc.) to Allah (God) and His good pleasure better, or he who laid the foundation of his building on an undermined brink of a precipice, ready to crumble down, so that it crumbled to pieces with him into the fire of hell. And Allah guides not the people who are zalimun (wrongdoers in short). (Courtesy of Moshin Khan, a prominent Islamic cleric) 2. Surat or Qur’an 14:24-26 - Art thou not aware how God set forth the parable of a good word? [It is] like a good tree, firmly rooted, [reaching out] with its branches towards the sky, and yielding its fruits at all times by its Lord’s leave. And [thus it is that] God propounds parable unto humanity so that they may bethink themselves [of the truth]. And the parable of a corrupt word is that of a corrupt tree, [torn up from its roots] on the face of the Earth, wholly unable to endure. 3. Isaiah 59: 1-4 – (1) Look, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, nor is His ear too dull to hear. (2) No, your own errors have separated you from your God. Your sins have made Him hide His face from you, and He refuses to hear you. (3) For your palms are polluted with blood, and your fingers with errors. Your lips speak lies, and your tongues mutter unrighteousness. (4) No one calls out for righteousness, and no one goes to court in truthfulness. They trust in unreality, and give birth to what is harmful. 4. Malachi 1:4 – Though Edom says, “We have been shattered, but we will return and rebuild the ruins, this is what the God of Armies says, “They will build, but I will tear down, and they will be called the territory of wickedness”, and the people whom God has forever condemned. 5. Matthew 7:17 – So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruits. 6. Matthew 7:16, 18, and 19 – (16) By their fruits, you will recognize them. (17) Never do people gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles, do they? (18) A good tree cannot bear worthless fruits, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. (19) Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ***Liberia needs to be
theoretically cut down now and thrown into the fire to make room for a different, better civic arrangement. FULL STOP!!! (E) If Humans Can Not Be Righteous In The First Place, Then One Would Wonder Why Will The Bible Then Tie The Happiness And Growth Of A People Explicitly To Righteousness, And Especially Righteous Leaders, Let’s Hear These: 1. Proverbs 14:34 – Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. 2. Isaiah 48:8 – O, if you would pay attention to my commandments, then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea 3. Proverbs 25:5 – Take away the wicked from the presence of the king, and his throne will be established in righteousness 4. Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. 5. Job 17: 9 – Yet the righteous will hold to his way, and he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger (F) Does Righteousness Necessarily Mean Perfection Or Holiness? No, It Simply Means Moral Rectitude In Many Instances, And A Remorseful Orientation Of Working To Always Right Your Wrongs Every Time, And To Desist From Them 1. Proverbs 24:16 – For a righteous man may fall seven times, and rise up again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity. 2. Psalm 34: 19 – Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He guides all of his bones, not one of them is broken. 3. Proverbs 21:15 – It is joy for the righteous to act with justice, but it is something terrible to those who practice evil. 4. Psalm 37:39 – But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. He is their strength in time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them. He shall deliver them from the wicked. 5. Proverbs 25:26 – Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked. 6. Proverbs 24:26 – No matter how often honest people fall, they will always get up again, but disaster destroys the wicked.
7. I Peter 3:18 – For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but made to live in the Spirit. VI.
We believe that our god, our creator, is a god of orderliness and decency; and as such, all of our activities – as his creation, even ironically those that may appear as wrong activities in our human reading – must all be carried out decently and orderly, since in the end, it is only god that will judge all 1. I Corinthians 14:40 – But let all things take place decently and by arrangement. ***Note: That’s why even as deadly as war is, there are laws that guide warfare. 2. Jeremiah 13:10 – I, the Lord, search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruits of his deeds.
We believe that in order to solve any big problems – especially societal problems, as in our case in this place, all of the facts must be gathered firstly, then secondly, new ideas must be infused into the search for solution, and finally, all parties involved must be brought on board, at which time some honest and constructive blame must be cast as a pick up point for solution. This is in line with Godly principles 1. Proverbs 18:13, 15, 17, and 18 – (13) When anyone replies to a matter before hearing the facts, it is foolish and humiliating. (15) The heart of the understanding one, [or person willing to understand] does acquire knowledge. (17) The first to state his case seems right, until the other party comes and cross examines him. (18) Casting lot (which can also be interpreted here as reasonably and convincingly apportioning blames) puts an end to disputes and decides between strong opponents. 2. Qur’an 17:36 – You shall not accept any information unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them. (from http://www.quran.mu..)
Finally, we believe that God’s children (productive, determined, and forwardlooking etc. As they should be), must demonstrate their faith in Him by going on the offensive against their established oppressors, or their enslavers, or as others may even say, their enemies etc., rather than just remaining on the defensive and complaining forever. A caveat to all this however, is that we must go about such offensive only employing the weapons and principles of God: 1. I Kings 22: 3-5 – (3) Then the king of Israel [King Ahab] said to his servants. Do you really know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us? And yet, we are hesitating to take it back from the king of Syria? (4) He then said to Jehoshaphat: Will you go with me to fight at Ramoth Gilead? Jehoshaphat replied to the king of Israel: I am the same as you. My people are the same as your people. My horses are the same as your horses.
(5) But Jehoshaphat said to the King of Israel. First inquire please, for the word of God. 2. Joshua 18:3 – So how long will you put off going to take possession of the land that Jehovah, the God of your forefathers has given you? 3. Numbers 6:32 – Then Moses said to the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben: Are your brothers to go to war while you yourselves keep dwelling here? 4. Ecclesiastes 4:5 – The stupid one folds his hands while his flesh wastes away 5. Romans 12:18 – If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceful with all men. 6. Ephesians 6:11-13 – (11) Put on the complete suit of armor from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the devil. (12) Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. (13) For this reason, take up the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to resist the wicked day, and after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm. 7. II Corinthians 10:3-5 – (3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare according to what we are, in the flesh. (4) For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things [like for example, lies, corruption, injustice, oppression, racism, ethnocentrism etc.]. (5) For we are overturning reasoning, and every lofty (or arrogant, or disdainful) thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to [that of] Christ. 8. Matthew 11:12 – From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it. 9. Surah 2:193 – Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends, and the way prescribed by God prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is only against wrongdoers. (A)
Let’s know that we are in a big struggle, and we must overcome in order to inherit god’s goodies and crowns that he has designed for us. Let us also not forget that whatever we do here is intricably connected to what will happen to us after this life. Only overcomers or conquerors have a place in our creator’s heart. Get a gist of this reality, to close up here.
1. Qur’an 29: 2-3 – Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, “We believe”, and will not be tested? And We, indeed, tested those who were before them? And Allah will certainly make (it) known (i.e. the truth of) those who are true, and
will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that, before putting them to test). Note: An Islamic religious authority, commenting on this point said, “We must not say, ‘I believe’, and then think that Allah is not going to test us”. This means, we will definitely have some big test to pass, as a person, and as a nation or a people, before we start enjoying God’s favor. 2. Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, and 26 – (7) Let the one who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the congregations: To the one who conquers [or overcomes], I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. (11) Let the one who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the congregations: The one who conquers [or overcomes] will by no means be harmed by the second death. (17) Let the one who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the congregations: To the one who conquers [or overcomes], I will give him a white pebble, and written on that pebble is a new name that no one knows except the one receiving it. (26) And to the one who conquers or [overcomes] and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations. 3. Revelation 3:5, 12, and 21 – (5) The one who conquers [or overcomes] will thus be dressed in white garments, and I will by no means blot out his name from the Book of Life, but I will acknowledge his name before My Father and before His angels. (12) The one who conquers [or overcomes] I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will by no means go out from it anymore. I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, and the new Jerusalem that descends out of Heaven from My God, and My own name. (21) The one who conquers [or overcomes] I will grant to sit down with Me on My throne, just as I conquered and sat down with My Father on His throne. (B) Now, skeptics, or doubtful people may be thinking that all these things are only meant for pastors, reverends, imams, or only people in the religious authorities or circles, or only for spirits. No!! All these are applicable to all of us human beings. Living in anticipation of the hereafter is, or at least should be, an integral part of every person’s daily life. For godliness is not an abstract idea or a thing for certain people alone. It is for all. Few quick examples: (a) US President Thomas Jefferson is on record for always warning his people that God’s justice never sleeps. (b) Another American President, Jimmy Carter, is on record for warning his people that all should live today as if Jesus were coming early tomorrow morning. (b) Many political leaders of Islamic countries don’t joke with things pertaining to God or Allah etc. The same John the Evangelist who wrote all those points on conquering or overcoming above, is the same man, who in his 3-letter epistles of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Johns respectively, helped to make us understand that it is a wrong notion that people have, that God is in some faraway place and that He doesn’t really bother Himself with our day-to-day struggles, issues and concerns. John says God is right here with us in both the simple
worldly parts of our lives and the complex, soul-wrenching parts of our lives as well – but in a Spiritual form though (www.freebiblestudyguides.org) (C) In the end however, we must acknowledge first off that nothing we can accomplish on our own. We must first seek god’s favor, direction and guidance, before we can become overcomers and inherit all the goodies that he has promised us – both in this present life, and the life hereafter 1. Proverbs 3:5-6 – (5) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. (6) In ALL your ways, take notice of Him, and He will make your paths straight. 2. Proverbs 16:9 – A man’s heart deviseth his ways, but the Lord directeth his steps. (D)
If You Adopt All This Logic About God, You Will Win In All Your Battles, And Be An Overcomer Or Conqueror, Because It Is God Who Will Be Doing The Job For You, By Complementing All Your Efforts, Just To Make You Victorious In The End. Here are the assurances from Him:
1. Zechariah 4:6 – He then said to me: This is the word of God to Zerubabbel: “Not by military force, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the God of Armies. 2. Romans 8:31 – If God is for us, who can be against us? 3. James 4:7 – Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 4. Luke 10: 19 – Behold I give you authority to trample over serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 5. Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me. 6. Deuteronomy 1:21 – Behold, the Lord thy God has set the land before thee. Go up and possess it; as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto you, fear not, neither be discouraged. 7. Deuteronomy 3:22 – You should not fear them. For the Lord your God shall fight for you. 8. Deuteronomy 31:6 – Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them. For the Lord thy God, He it is, that doeth goes with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you. 9. Joshua 10:8 – And the Lord said unto Joshua, fear them not: For I have delivered them into thine hands, there shall not be a man of them to stand before you.
10. II Kings 6:16 – And he answered, fear not. For they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 11. II Chronicles 20:15 – And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou King Jehoshaphat. Thus said the Lord unto you. Be not afraid, nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 12. Joshua 1:15 – No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you, nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage. 13. Surah Al-Imran, 160 – If Allah helps you, none can overcome you. If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? In Allah, then, let believers put their trust. 14. Surah Al-Tawba, 51 – Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector, and, on Allah, let the believers put their trust (quranindex.net.).
THE SOCIAL FOUNDATION OF OUR REVOLUTION Two leading drivers of revolutionary struggles in all of mankind’s history continue to remain issues surrounding economics and those of civil liberties. US President Harry S. Truman once said, “Experience has shown how deeply the seeds of war are planted by economic rivalry and social injustice.” When a whole people’s civil liberties, which are inclusive of their human rights, continue to be grossly violated, on the one hand, while on the other hand, they get subjected to acute and excessive economic deprivation, alienation and poverty, then revolution becomes a matter of “MUST”, although what kind of revolution (i.e. whether a violent, non-ideological military insurrection, like all of Liberia’s claimed revolutions of the past, or an ideological, civil, and non-violent storm of sweeping changes across a country) becomes the next question to confront. But there can be no two ways about this obligation to change anymore, as was indicated by President Kennedy when he pronounced that those who make peaceful revolution impossible will ultimately make violent insurrection undodgable.” And if we are to agree with German Economist, Sociologist, Natural Scientist and Politician Karl Marx, we will get to know that Economics tends to carry the heavier weight between these two drivers of revolution because truly the workings of Economics tend to form the basis for the rest of the other social phenomena within our structural systems of life. Another thing that is true of all revolutions is that all of them derive from the excessive exhibits or practice of certain ills in society. In fact, Greek philosopher, Plato, said, “Excess generally causes reaction, and produces a change in the opposite direction,
whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.” In addition, among many of these excesses, these thousands, or millions of events or occurrences that demonstrate the social ills for which change becomes unconditional, one and only one of them will normally be that wonderful event to pull the trigger for actions leading to the bigger actions for change, and this one event becomes the launching pad of a revolution. In examples from elsewhere on the globe, everyone would recall all, or some of these notable events that either triggered or inflamed whole waves of revolutions on their own, as follows: (a) According to Wikipedia, when the Dutch began to colonize South Africa in the 17th century, they pushed aside the Native population, concentrated power in the hands of the Whites, whom they believed were the superior class citizens. After an all-White election in 1948, the chapter of Black Oppression even became more systemic and openly statesponsored as one of the all-White Nationalist Party’s leaders boldly declared, “Our motto is to maintain White supremacy for all time to come [as in the case of Liberia, whose part of implied motto is to maintain Americo-Liberian supremacy for all time to come], even by the use of force if necessary.” Their new Apartheid Laws (note that Apartheid in Afrikaans means “apartness”) would maintain White supremacy by forcing all South Africans to identify as either Europeans, Indians, Colored (mixed race), or Africans, and segregate these races from each other as much as possible, with non-Whites forcibly relocated to poverty-stricken communities and made to obtain permits before getting access to certain places, or getting certain things done. In response to these and many more excesses, an already existing structure of resistance saw a renewed vigor with the creation of even more organizations dedicated variously to peaceful protests, passive resistance, and armed insurrection where possible. These waves of resistance came from Black activists like Steve Biko, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela etc. as well as White activists like Harry Schwartz, Joe Slovo, and Trevor Huddleston, among others, who, although Apartheid (the current status quo) favored their race, joined the struggle against it, on the righteous ground that, equal and fair treatment of the Blacks, especially an atmosphere that would see them take over the able governance of their own native land, would translate into lasting stability, peace, and growth for all in South Africa. The long Anti-Apartheid struggle that would eventually see the Blacks take over their nation in 1994 then intensified as a result of this 1948 White motto. (b) Some of the notable instances that sparked the Great Civil Rights Revolution in the United States in the mid-1900s can be traced to a 42 year old Black, Rosa Parks’ refusal to obey the excesses of bus driver James F. Blake, that she must give up her seat in the colored section of a Montgomery City Bus to a White passenger after the White Section of the bus was filled. Meanwhile, Parks was sitting in the section that was reserved for her race. This December 1, 1955 incident in Montgomery, Alabama, and other instances
of racial excesses culminated into, or served as precursors to the Great Million Men’s March on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963 that attracted around 250,000 Blacks and Whites, marching hand and hand, which ultimately resulted later into the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that banned racial discrimination in employment, and in public places, and also, the eventual passage in 1965 of the Voting Rights Act that struck down many racially motivated barriers used to deny voting rights to Blacks in the United States. (Wikipedia.org) (c) The current version of the Arab Spring, a wave of revolutionary actions that have swept across the Arab world today began on December 17, 2010, with the selfimmolation (self-sacrifice) of a young, jobless Tunisian called Mohammed Bouazizi, who had decided to find some living by selling fruits on the road side. On this date, December 17, 2010, a city inspector/city police decided to seize Bouazizi’s selling materials (kit) after already driving him off the roadside. One hour later, so disenchanted by this city police’s action, Bouazizi doused (soaked) himself with gasoline and set himself ablaze. He was rushed to the hospital, but later died on January 4, 2011. This death brought together different groups from across Tunisia who were already seriously dissatisfied with the appalling characteristics of the existing system, including the high level of unemployment, the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of those in state authority, the lack of transparency in all of government’s activities, and extreme poverty etc. All of these left people with no alternatives but the staging of large scale street protests and mass demonstrations with varying results, including the ousting of their own government. Others across the Arab world, especially faced with similar circumstances of excesses, decided to copy the Tunisian style. To date, rulers have been forced from power in Egypt and Yemen (twice) and Libya (once); civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain and Syria; and major protests have shocked Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, and Sudan; while minor protests have also occurred in Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Western Sahara, and the Palestinian territories according to credible sources. (d) Sometime in 2015 or so, the world witnessed a volcanic citizens uprising that deposed long-serving President Blaise Campaore of Burkina Faso, when he attempted to amend the constitution and run for another presidential term etc. and etc. In every one of the four cases we brought above, out of the scores or even hundreds more, it is excess that has impelled the necessary actions for change. Liberia now is a classic example of how excesses can push a people to react in the opposite direction, and fortunately we are now on track for making this history, God willing. The Ellen Johnsonled government has, and continues to spew out more mess and excesses to the point that a complete revolution has become inevitable. This UP-led Government of Madam Sirleaf has among other things refused to break with the NASTY OLD PAST, and continues, even at an exacerbated scale, with the same NASTY CHARACTERISTICS of the Failed
Liberia, that invited countless years of senseless, intermittent wars, coups and riots. We are going to just provide 5 out of the numerous proofs we have here, as follows: (a) Quality education has always been hidden form the vast indigenous majority of this country (the Natives, and original owners of this land) in an effort to keep us perpetually ignorant and stupid to the extent of accepting to remain second-class citizens, canon fodders, and stooges for America and her Americo-Liberians forever. In fact, as we speak this 2017, it is a common fact that the Government of Liberia has formally announced its incapacity to provide primary and pre-primary education to the babies of the country, but has decided to pass on this responsibility to an American private business firm, Bridge International Academies, to do the job (www.right-to-education.org etc.) (b) Justice, as was designed by the immoral and short-sighted crafters of this country, continues to remain a secret scheme intended to punish only a certain group of people and let off the hook certain surnames. For example, in Liberia, there has been, and there continues to remain a different set of legal treatments accorded the Yarkpawolos’, the Kollies’, the Nyensuahs’ etc. and a different set of treatments accorded the McClains, Weeks, Williams, Ureys and others considered well connected in the eyes of those dispensing their so-called justice. The proofs are overwhelming, and this Americo-Liberian-led Government has not changed these excesses, and will never change them because these tendencies favor them today, and will always favor them tomorrow. (c)
Liberia, according to some historical account, has been described as a “mere American Philanthropic Experiment.” This Harvard-trained, former World Bank Economist President, who should be quite aware of one of Economics’ most basic concepts of “No Free Lunch”, has downplayed the fact that this country has a very huge Output Potential, with every means available to close these economic potentials, but has sadly, as usual, according to the original J.J. Roberts style, successfully sustained a policy of stealing all of the country’s little available financial resources for herself, family, relatives and cronies, while shamefully passing around the world with a huge OFFERING PLATE, begging for collections before attending to any single national problem, when in reality, we sit over riches.
(d) Ellen and her government have scammed or fooled the international community by setting up fake anti-graft institutions, while CORRUPTION sweeps out the whole society. As a proof, she and her government hold “double championship titles” in corruption from Transparency International.
(e) As if the vast majority of the people of this country will always remain a bunch of fools and be treated as such forever, just as it has been designed from the foundation of the country by the forefathers of the Johnsons, the Bensons, and the Williams. Madam Sirleaf, the World Bank Economist, and her government keep lying to us about increased economic growth every year. According to them, this funny economy would have grown by 6% in 2014, but when Ebola, which had been almost entirely handled by foreign charity money came, the government announced a whole 5.6% drop into recession, or a new growth rate of 0.4% (Daily Observer, November 21, 2014), as if they were talking to a sea of foolish people. THIS IS COMPLETE NONESENSE, but fortunately it has also served to expose their careless lies and excesses. All of the above are true about excesses that have motivated the Plain Truth Revolution. As we hinted from the beginning of this work, the vision bearer of this Revolution (Mr. Roland S. Kartee) had moderately started a process of economic advocacy for his fellow down-trodden masses in society, while serving as a Department Manager at the so-called Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) (even though this company only stores). After a series of minor policy differences with his Americo-Liberian bosses on some these lines, the company’s authorities, through an ill-orchestrated witch hunt scheme, decided to levy a serious allegation against him, followed by a summary dismissal action within less than 24 hours, without any due process. But unfortunately for them, being that the termination process was so unwarranted and hasty, the claim which formed the basis for the action was grossly ambiguous in addition to a condescending and conspicuous misrepresentation of the dismissing authority, further proving how criminally negligent and inept Liberian public institutions are. In an effort to seek redress for this raw deal, the next deadly social phenomenon of Americo-Liberia, which is a ubiquitous “Lack of Justice” in every corner of society, reared up its ugly head. While this terrifying social ill was being assessed, a barrage of other crippling societal evils began to unravel themselves so dramatically, just in concurrence with what the English man means when he says, “It never rains, but it does really pour”. Few of these very grave and entrenched societal problems that began vividly unveiling themselves within this short period of time of our search for redress for this single LPRC incident included the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.
A very strong hatred for the bold truths An entrenched culture of ethnocentrism and bigotry A gross hatred for discipline and working systems An unimaginable degree of short-sightedness on the part of so-called leaders and societal frontrunners
5. 6. 7. 8.
A terrible hatred for simple due processes and the rule of law A nasty tendency of leaders’ lack of concern for fellow citizens Citizens’ overwhelming lack of civic-awareness The practice and encouragement of criminality at the very top level of government etc. – just to name a few
Heavily conscious of our star as a high-impact person, and then convicted thus far by the fact that anyone of these aforementioned societal problems is capable enough of holding the destiny and future of a whole people hostage forever, the vision bearer of our revolution thought that it was time to start addressing all these ills much more holistically, since they all seem to be interdependent. Another motivation for trying to adopt a more holistic search for solution was that all of the events at LPRC – from the struggle mentioned earlier over management’s ill-fated policies, to the execution of that bogus and inept termination activity carried out by management – were all just a symptom of everything that has been happening, and continues to happen within almost all of our institutions across the country from 1822 coming to this very date. Therefore, even more motivational for the decision to think out of the box and embark on a rather holistic solution approach was the fact that every one of these ills is directly rooted right within the very foundation of the country. When these kinds of crippling societal ills, like the ones we mentioned above, are established to be foundational or structural in nature to an entity, then there can be no other gradualist or reformist ways to reverse them other than some very radical and painstaking formula, which in our case will mean, to break down that foundation and build a new one all over again, but this time with care and with all of the best of “civic architectural” principles. This has been the main argument that went into the establishment of the Plain Truth Revolution. And since the first major step reflecting the theme of this argument (i.e. go back and correct your errors) was taken on April 22, 2013, when the Kartees’ family, backed by one or two of their associates peacefully staged a sit-in action at the entrance of the LPRC Product Storage Terminal Compound in Monrovia in demand of some simple form of justice – i.e. asking Management to ‘right’ some fundamental wrongs within our termination process – this date has therefore been recorded as the founding date of the Plain Truth Revolution, even though our demand that day was denied.
EMBLEMS OR CREEDS OF OUR REVOLUTION Note that we use the following three revolutionary emblems actively for now, which are all symbolic of ideas and creeds below: Vision: “To create a new, productive society that will be lighted and sustained by the simple, plain truths”
Mission: “To use God’s eternal principle of Justice to wipe the slate clean for a new national foundation” Motto: It’s time to take the two bulls in our lives (America’s imperialism and AmericoLiberian ethnocentrism) by their horns, using the plain truths.” Or for short: It’s time to take the two bulls in our lives by their horns, using the plain truths.” Objectives: To employ simple, home truths in a revolutionary fashion to upset Liberia’s entrenched culture of LIES and Mischief Making To employ simple concepts and theories from general education to make our homeland and livable, progressive and civilized place Key Methodology: Massive creation of awareness, rooted from intensive researching and information sharing Major Tools: History, Civics, Statistics, Pens, Papers, Computers, Microphones, Cell Phones etc., but NOT guns!!!! Key Partners: 1. The Student Population 2. The Media 3. Judicial Workers 4. Our Traditional Leaders and People 5. Members of the Intelligentsia 6. Our huge down-trodden masses Means of Propagating Our Revolution and Its Messages:
Social Media Civic and Judicial Actions and processes Traditional Media Other Legitimate ways
THE POLITICAL AND CIVIC ROAD MAP OF OUR REVOLUTION The Plain Truth Revolution is very proud of the United States of America, and we (meaning, the envisaged new nation we seek to establish out of the struggles of this revolution) strongly aspire to be like them in splendor and magnificence, by copying all
of their good examples (in their entireties, and not negatively partially, like the BIG MESS the Americo-Liberians are doing here). To this effect, history has told us that America didn’t survive and become as strong and great as we see it today based upon the discussions, debates and arrangements done at a single pre-independence national consensus building activity or meeting like in the case of DULL Liberia today. Our history says three different rounds of citizens’ groupings, though with the same authority and overall agenda, selected from all of America’s existing thirteen states by then, met at different scheduled times, debating different issues in response to the challenges they had at hand, in a form of a rebel arrangement that they referred to as congresses, outside of the power that be, which was the British Parliament, in the UK, that decided issues for the Americans, reportedly in consultation with some Colonial State Legislatures on ground. These three different rounds of citizens’ groupings or congresses, which actively met and performed different key functions such as making the case with Britain, their colonial master, for America’s independence, designing the independence struggle, declaring the war for independence, designing the first constitution, designing the federal system of government etc. became known as the First Continental Congress (which for example met from September 5 to October 26, 1774 at the Carpenter’s Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), the Second Continental Congress (which met regularly between May 10, 1775 and March 1, 1781), and the Confederation Congress (which met from 1781 to 1789), that eventually set up a suitable administrative structure for the Federal Government and finally gave in to the Federal ‘United States’ Congress in 1789, after the adoption of a new Federal Constitution around this same time. So in logical terms, the current US Federal Congress that started in 1789 could be referred to as the fourth, but now more legitimized convention or congress, that set the real foundation of what we now call the United States of America today; whereas, for Liberia, only that STUPID, grossly partial, pre-Mickey Mouse independence convention, held from June to July 1847, still forms the basis for statehood in this funny, illegitimate Americo-Liberian arrangement, called country. Woe unto a lazy people, with no substantial accomplishments in their entire 2 century old lives!! This 3rd and last outstanding ‘Continental Congress’ produced an entirely new constitution that created a much more powerful and efficient central government, one with a stronger president and powers of taxation, and a much more improved form of government than the old Confederacy. This 3rd round of Congress was conducted under the great, able leadership of Mr. George Washington (who was called from private, nonpolitical life on his farm in Virginia, where he was resting after winning the 8 year-long Revolutionary War, 4 years back). This was the beginning of the Federal Arrangement (one could say, the beginning of the real America), with George Washington voted at the convention to be the Federal Government’s first president (1788 – 1796) – a man who was later petitioned, according to sources, to go for a 3rd, 4-year presidential term because
of his military and political smartness, and especially owing to the fragility of their new state, BUT categorically rejected this petition, leaving office with a strong warning and advice for all future American leaderships and generations, among other things, against any forms of foreign influence, constitutional violations, and the mushrooming of political parties – terming these tendencies as DANGEROUS to the stability and progress of any state (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_America; www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George Washington etc.). America, also, in its 240 year history now has had around 27 Nationally Approved Constitutional Amendments – each of which covered multiple strategic and cross-cutting issues that have, and continue to substantially enhance the American Society. As we earlier hinted, on the continuous BAD side of history however, we have established that DULL Liberia still thrives for almost 170 years of so-called independence now on the myopic, bias, ethnocentric, and criminal arguments and arrangements made at a single pre-Mickey Mouse Independence National Convention of only the Johnsons, Bernards, and the Grippons held from June to July of 1847. It is this CRIMINAL Convention that validated STINGING LIES such as: (a) all of us here are from North America; (b) the love of liberty brought us here from North America, and so, our country’s name is Liberia, due to this love of liberty; (c) we inherited a complete wilderness when we came here from America, and all that we met on ground in this ‘wilderness’ were wild beasts and not human beings like ourselves etc. That is why the resulting object of this 1847 convention (i.e. this criminal Liberia), almost 200 years into its existence, continues to possess all of the NASTY profiles and records, including for example, a so-called democracy whose social contract, if one even exists, can be described as unilateral, informal and voidable, instead of being bilateral, formal and valid, between the citizens and the government; a failed project calling itself a state; a horrible warning to the world at large; a faulty ‘hyperbola’ that never holds water in any of its worthwhile endeavors etc. In fact, nations (like how business units are validated by their Articles of Incorporation), should be validated by their Declaration of Independence document. And just as one proven lie in an Articles of Incorporation legally renders that document invalid, a single proven lie in a Declaration of Independence document should legally render this document utterly useless too. To still be moving on with these very GREAT LIES almost 200 years now, sadly demonstrates too much of laziness, fear for concrete change, terrible disregard for fellow human beings, no matter how long in the past they lived, and a fatal lack of fear for our CREATOR, whose eternal principles of JUSTICE, MUTUAL RESPECT, AND LOVE can NEVER sleep, no matter how long it takes. ALL THIS EMBARRASSMENT MUST CHANGE NOW, GOD WILLING.
The Plain Truth Revolution demands that instead of keep banging our heads on brick walls building substandard roads, inferior quality hydro-plants, and keep carrying out haphazard infrastructural projects (all on borrowed monies) etc., that in the end will still do us nothing good, owing to curse, this current administration, this current AmericoLiberian government of Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, should suspend all such investments or projects, and use their allotted funding/monies to facilitate every process leading to the holding of this proposed, but demanded National Convention for Rebirth. With our Liberian problem perceived and established as the greatest of all social problems in this world, during this 21st century, we do have a 7-point revolutionary agenda, we hope to win souls to help the country pursue very aggressively. We would not have gotten out so publicly, beginning to pull this old bull by the horn, if we hadn’t properly constructed these 7 points, with a game plan on how they can be achieved for our dear country by the grace of God. Our 7 revolutionary points are also referred to as Septuplet for Total Rebirth (SEPTOR). Although we are of the strong conviction that our country has got everything wrong from the very beginning, and it sadly continues to get everything wrong up to this date, for which a complete revolution is the ONLY way out of our situation, our revolution aims to first tackle these 7 key issues. As such, we do demand the legitimization and subsequent commissioning of these 7 revolutionary provisions at a proposed, but also demanded National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention (NRCC or NRC2, if you like) to be held as quickly as possible (i.e. between now and the close of 2017, at which full and bolder national debates into these issues will be conducted, with results adopted, and that all other new adjustments, provisions and amendments to our new national framework will be considered for action. Provisions within our SEPTOR, which place more emphases on what today’s scholars call “juristocracy” or the judicialization of politics therefore, are as follows: 1. A national/citizens’ mandate or resolution declaring (or if one may say, re-declaring) our independence. What we have here is NEVER an independence. A few criminals just assembled themselves somewhere and imposed some very limited level of sovereignty on us just for their own personal gains. We must gain our true independence from America and her Americo-Liberians now. 2. A national/citizens’ mandate for the rewriting of a completely new constitution. 3. A resolution/national mandate for the complete change of name for our country, and a redesign of all of its emblems and symbols 4. A strong resolution for the compulsory and immediate setting up of a Claims Court under the new national arrangement
5. A national/citizens’ resolution mandating the commissioning of some legal proceedings against the United States Government in pursuit of reparations, which must comprise two components: (1) a written apology from the U.S Government for all of the wrongs they have committed, and continue to commit against our country and its people, as shall be authenticated at the proceedings; and, (2) the construction of a new world class capital city, with modern zoning standards, connected to all 15 counties’ capitals with paved 4-lane roads. 6. A national resolution mandating the commissioning of legal proceedings against the Americo-Liberian ethnic group of this country, in pursuit of a 100 year ban from politics and governance for all their cruel activities against the indigenous population and their complete failure to ever put up any form of sound and responsible leadership and self-governance in this country, for which our country can boast of no substantial achievement for its very old age as a political entity. These claims plus more will be established and authenticated at the proposed proceedings. 7. A national resolution on the compulsory and immediate setup of a Ministry of Civic Education, to begin operations concomitantly with the coming into being of the new nation. This will be the most staffed and the busiest of all ministries in our new country from the word go, until later, or forever. The last unnumbered agenda item of course, will be Miscellaneous, which will include several distinct points, as follows: One of the miscellaneous points of our NRC2 will be the unconditional replacement of the unproductive Presidential form of Democracy we have now, to a Parliamentary Democracy, wherein we will have some ceremonial president (called head of state), though with reserve powers, and a Prime Minister to head the Government, meaning the Executive and the Legislature. Some of the key arguments that are going into this change include: (a) we want to try out something new, which looks more promising than the old one, for helping us to speedily move forward, as a badly left behind people on this Planet; (b) we are tired with the practice of putting all of our eggs into one basket, especially in a twisted way, as is being done currently, whereby all power just sits in one American Colonial master surrogate, called President in this place, who just does everything here, at their will and pleasure, unchallenged and unchecked. We now want two most powerful persons, a head of state, and a head of government – with distinct functions too – in our country, who also will be accountable to the authority of a 57-member well-educated, principle-minded, and well-organized Legislative body, representing the cream of the crop of our 16 indigenous ethnic groups, and our other three key communities of citizens by birth (the Whites, the Fulas, and a small, separate group of other Africans). There is a little reservation here on these last three groups with respect to top leadership positions in Government for now, until proper adjustments are made).
(c) One of the commonly attributed advantages to the system that we now demand, i.e. parliamentary system, to begin our new nation, is that it is faster and easier to pass legislations, as the executive branch is formed by the direct or indirect support of the legislative branch and often includes members of the legislature, and accountable to the Legislature; (d) In addition to quicker legislative action, parliamentary governments, do have attractive features for nations that are ethnically, racially, or ideologically divided, just as America has heavily divided us in this place now, for the sake of Wall Street (e) In a parliamentary system, with a collegial executive, power is more divided; (f) The Prime Minister is seldom as important as a ruling president, and there tends to be a higher focus on voting for a party and its political ideas than voting for an actual person etc. and etc. Please listen to our podcasts and YouTube videos for more information on these debates. Some other findings however, according to Wikipedia, that substantiate our claims here are as follows, among many more: (a) In his 1867 book “The English Constitution”, Walter Bagehot praised parliamentary governments for producing serious debates; for allowing change in power without an election, and for allowing elections at any time; (b) Some scholars like Juan Linz, Fred Riggs, Bruce Ackerman, and Robert Dahl claim that parliamentary governments are less prone to authoritarian collapse. These scholars point out that since World War II, two-thirds of Third World countries establishing parliamentary governments successfully made the transition to democracy. By contrast, no Third World presidential system successfully made the transition to democracy without experiencing coups and other constitutional breakdowns; (c) A recent World Bank study found that parliamentary systems are associated with less corruption etc. Therefore, during its concluding stages, the National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention will set up a Revolutionary ad hoc Elections Commission which will later conduct elections among our 19 qualified ethnic groups for a 57-member Revolutionary Interim Parliament immediately succeeding the convention. Our research categorically establishes that the Grain Coast of today, (i.e. “Liberia”) now has 20 ethnic groups – which include the 16 indigenous African Ethnic groups, the Americo-Liberians, a sizeable group of White citizens by birth (predominantly Lebanese), a sizeable group of Fulas, who are citizens by birth, and need to be distinguished as a separate ethnic group, and finally, a Minority Group of other Africans, who are either defacto or dejure citizens here by birth, including some small number of Ghanaians, Ivoirians, Nigerians etc. who will constitute their own ethnic group, with some suitable, generic name. We use 19 qualified ethnic groups above to maintain that Americo-Liberians, based upon all of the available historical and current event realities, are non-political or non-leadership materials until they are rigorously rehabilitated and disciplined, thus making them absolutely unqualified for any effort at self or national governance right now. This is a
no-compromise argument of the Plain Truth Revolution. Note: If you really want to know why more emphasis is being laid on Ethnic Groupings in our revolution, then please get the pamphlet, “Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Accounts and Makes Amends for It Now!!” and read more; then furthermore, please to our YouTube website and download our podcast about how we want to use the other side of Ethnicity called Ethnic Mapping or Profiling to unlock our country that has been locked by America and her Americo-Liberians using the very negative key of Ethnicity called Ethnocentrism. With this clarity made, the first major responsibility of our demanded Revolutionary Interim Parliament is the setup of a complete interim government through Parliamentary votes and other processes. What will make this proposed Parliament truly revolutionary is the fact that our ad hoc commission will be instructed to conduct elections from among the 19 qualified Ethnic groups to elect 3 members of parliament (MPs) each, whose qualifications will be restricted to such key things as: (a) At least a proven Master’s Degree and above; (b) Must be able to appreciatively speak the local language which he/she represents; (c) Must have very little or no prior active engagement, if possible, with mainstream “former” Government of Liberia; (d) Must be permanently resident in our country; (e) Must be relatively established, and of good moral and ethical conduct etc. Note: Education will be a very serious priority here, and a priority of our new nation henceforth, because for far too long, our criminal Americo-Liberian counterparts, who have been ‘front-running’ their society, have kept us under the fake impression that education doesn’t matter; they have joked with education, such that almost 99.9% of even the very few ‘educated’ people in this country are sadly half-way educated, and so, all of their solutions to burning problems of our times are half-baked. For instance, these criminal Americo-Liberians, have always had a first branch of government, with predominantly illiterate elements, and sometimes completely numbskulls etc., and expecting to ever make progress with such a NASTY condition, failing to realize that sound, quality education is the foundation for all that we do successfully on this Planet. Let’s get a gist of what a US Congressional Research Expert on African Affairs, Mr. Nicolas Cook had to say about Liberia’s 21st century Legislature, which is also representative of the entire government, then we will back Mr. Cook’s claims with observations made by a few local Legislative reporters too, about the current Legislature/government, including what even a lawmaker himself said, all of these
without prejudice to our fellow countrymen, who we believe one way or the other, have been subjected to these mocking situations by America and her Americo-Liberians: Nicolas Cook said: “…A key impediment (meaning, some of the obstacles to putting up maximum leadership for the country) is the relative inexperience of many of Liberia’s legislators. ….In meetings attended by the author (referring to himself, Mr. Cook) in July 2006, many members expressed a need for instruction or information regarding the basic functions of being a legislator, the workings of the committee system, and the legislature’s oversight, appropriations, authorizing, and constituent relations roles. In many cases, Members are unable to turn to their own personal staffs to provide expertise on legislative functions because, as it is common across the public sector in Liberia, many staff lack appropriate training or job-specific skills….. The two chambers largely lack bill drafting expertise, and most bills are drafted by the executive branch or by outside organizations. Parliamentary record keeping capacity is also limited; legislative debates and votes are recorded by hand, in part due to a lack of audio or stenographic recording equipment. Legislative debates and decisions, therefore, are reportedly often documented incompletely and sometimes erroneously….. Some Liberians, including some legislators, as well as outside observers are also concerned that legislators’ lack of knowledge regarding their normative and constitutional roles as representatives of the public, might cause some to seek to use their offices for purposes of private gain, rather than to serve the public. Such concerns were highlighted in October 2006 when, just prior to the slated start of a U.S.-supported project to rehabilitate the Capitol Building, several Liberian news reports described acts of alleged “looting” of the Capitol Building by some Members (i.e. lawmakers) and staff of the Legislature, who were reported to have removed and appropriated government property for personal use from the Capitol. Similar concerns reportedly arose in relation to Legislative negotiations relating to the recently enacted Forestry Law Reforms. According to informed observers, during talks prior to the passage of the Forestry Reforms, some Legislators made remarks suggesting that they viewed a successful outcome of the reform process as being one in which they personally—as persons…, in contrast to [people representing] the general Liberian public itself— could directly benefit from [the ongoing] processes, such as the allocation of forestry concessions or revenues…...( Liberia's Post-War Development: Key Issues and U.S. Assistance: Nicolas Cook, Specialist in African Affairs - May 19, 2010: Congressional Research Service: 7-5700: www.crs.gov : RL33185 : CRS Report for Congress: Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress). Then comes Farbric F. M.’s New Dawn presentations for August 26, 2015 and November 17, 2015 respectively, featuring a few Legislative reporters making comments on the workings and comportment of the Liberian Legislature thus far, which again is representative of the whole government, capped by comments once made by Rep. Gabriel Smith of Grand Bassa County. Sorry that we could not get some of the reporters’ full name:
(a) Keith Morris: …There’s no coordination in the administrative structure of the whole country…[There’s a serious climate of deceit in the government, so much so], that people/officials come to the public and talk different things, but behind the scenes, they mean quite different things…(Farbric New Dawn, August 26, 2015) (b) Musa: - The Legislature is always in agreement with the Executive just for the sake of appeasement (…(Farbric New Dawn, August 26, 2015)); “…..Grand Cape Mount County appears like it doesn’t even have any representation; Rivergee has lawmakers who only back others’ arguments on the floor, but don’t bring up any substantial issues on their own; for almost the entire 4th sitting of this 53rd Legislature, Grand Gedeh County Zoe Pennue for example, only commented once during a debate on the TRC etc. (Farbric New Dawn, November 17, 2015) (c) Dayboy: - the presidency is not administratively organized [at all], and the Legislature is noted for [mere] grandstanding. (Idem) (d) One of them suggested that the Speaker has no regards for Parliamentary best practices, with no one even daring to bring him into check. They said, in demonstration of this handicap, during the peak of the Speaker’s ongoing US$25,000 corruption saga, he mockingly selected all those who were on his side to form an investigative panel to try those who opposed him (i.e. the few of their colleagues who were rampaging because their letter to plenary against the Speaker was not placed on the body’s agenda for discussion). At the close of the day, all those that opposed Speaker Alex Tyler were adjudged guilty and punished. (Farbric New Dawn, November 17, 2015) Rep. Gabriel Smith, Grand Bassa County – Responding to, or addressing concerns about the Legislature’s own share of the blame in all of the economic mess being experienced by the country, he bluntly says, “We too, as lawmakers have limitations. We pass on these agreements [referring to Liberia’s always bogus, criminal concession agreements] with little or no knowledge on the sector. We rely on the expertise of a few of our colleagues to advise us, and by that, we make the political decisions… (www.frontpageafricaonline.com.../Nocal Blame Game...) Note: No breed of leaders with such careless, ignorant and criminal comportment, under such a criminal superstructure, like the GOL, can ever bring sanity, talk less about development to a people, even if afforded 1 billion years to keep trying!!!!This again, is without prejudice to our fellow countrymen. Back to our main point, not to make things difficult for the new Interim Revolutionary Parliament, the Plain Truth Revolution proposes in advance a list of possible Interim Presidential candidates, i.e. the first head of state of our new parliamentary democracy, which the Legislature shall be voting upon. Plain Truth believes in these names because of several reasons, including (a) their established in-depth knowledge of the “Liberian”
problem; (b) their deep and proven Ethnic African backgrounds, (c) their very high levels of education or professionalism, (d) their observed strong stances on issues; and (e) their convincingly demonstrated principle-mindedness etc. As such, our possible candidates based on these and many more beautiful yardsticks, for the proposed Revolutionary Interim Parliament to vote upon as Interim President, to lay the foundation of our new country in line with the Septuplet for Total Rebirth (SEPTOR), are as follows, not to waste any time: 1. Prof. Dr. Joseph Saye Guannue 2. Prof. Dr. Twan Wleh 3. Dr. Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae 4. Mr. ‘Tarbarosa Tarponweh’ 5. Imam/Mr. Ali Krayee 6. Pastor/Mr. Solomon T. Juah 7. Cllr. Tiawon S. Gongloe 8. Dr. Tokpah Nah Tipoteh 9. Mr. Rodney Sieh 10. Mr. Thomas Doe-Nah While we desire to completely break with the past, in terms of such things as Liberia’s usually crowded playing field of candidates that confuse already deluded voters, we are also mindful here that some of the people nominated by our revolution above may decline their nomination, while others, instead of standing, may want to place their support behind another nominated colleague. The Revolutionary Interim Parliament too will also have to do its own due diligence in line with some of its own set of criteria. If all these variables go into place, we may then expect a race of at least 3 or 4, which will make the race competitive. But one thing that the Plain Truth Revolution is assured of, by God’s grace, is that with the criteria set for parliament members above, we will have a very educated, principle-minded and nationalistic Legislature, which will rigorously checkmate the actions of the Interim President that they themselves shall have elected, in line with our SEPTOR. We are also confident that any one of the persons named above, when chosen as Head of State by our Parliament, cognizant of what this country has gone through, and is still facing today, will put aside their selfish interests and serve God’s suffering children in this place excellently. We have chosen them because we believe in their abilities, and not for any favor, and these choices are being made without anyone of the party’s prior knowledge or consent. It is revolutionary. Other miscellaneous issues in addition to this could be brought in at the convention. Suggestions, recommendations and proposals covering different concerns will be
entertained from all delegates to the convention, then acted upon, and finally documented appropriately.
OUR STANCE ON IMMEDIATE CURRENT EVENTS IN THE COUNTRY We of the Plain Truth Revolution do not respect this 1986 constitution because it does not respect our people; it is recipe for chaos; it promotes impunity; it promotes perversion of the law; it promotes selfishness; it was used as a tool to kill and re-kill almost 1 million of our citizens through war and through the EVER-Corrupt Supreme Court of Liberia; it was used as a tool to send more than 1 million of our people into exile, making them suffer and face humiliating situations outside home; it was used to shield President Tolbert and his government officials’ killers forever; it has used to deny our people reparations after criminals took advantage of its loopholes to set our people’s lives back for scores and decades; it has been used to perpetuate the sufferings of our people by maintaining a criminal gang called government and keep bringing criminals to power to inflict more harms on our people forever; we will NEVER respect this constitution, that why our revolution demands the writing of a new constitution under a new state structure. PERIOD!!! There are still many things that make us feel that this current constitution is very fake. For example, if you intentionally put provisions within your organic law book that you know you are NOT yet ready to implement, but have them there for mere formality, then you are a dangerous person, wanting to stir confusion because every provision of an organic law book is bound to be considered important as all else, and ready for full implementation as the others. Anything to the contrary should gain the approval of the people through a formal process. You cannot say some must be kept on hold yet until we are ready for them in the future. No. For instance, our religious teaching, especially James 2:10 from the Bible tells us that if we obey all the provisions of the law, but yet decide (especially intentionally in this case) to violate one, then we are guilty of all. We can’t just keep joking here. We must get serious for business. We came on this planet to live amply and work assiduously, but not for mere joke and play like the hell going on in this rogue state called Liberia. It’s better to get a small law book that all of its provisions will be equally and rigorously implemented than to get one big one just to be picking and choosing from among provisions for what to implement. Don’t forget laws are sacred; they come from God, whether you have 90 articles or 10 articles in your constitution, they are all derivatives of God’s ten commandments, and God does not joke, for He is not mocked. Why will we have a constitution whose Article 26 says that we will have a Claims Court to pursue damages against the criminal structure here called government and any of its officials, or workers that violate our rights, but in actuality this is a BIG lie? Why will we have a constitution whose Article 7 says, in summary, that for the welfare of all, and the national economic development of the state, the Republic shall
manage its economy and natural resources properly” when in reality, this has NEVER been the case, and will NEVER be the case under any national arrangement bearing the name “Americo-Liberia or Liberia for short? Why will we have a constitution whose Article 8 says, that “The Republic shall ensure equal opportunities for employment and livelihood under just and humane conditions for all” when everyone in this place knows that this is a downright LIE from the devil’s belly? Why will we have a constitution whose Article 10 says, “The Republic shall ensure that the constitution is taken to all, and is taught at all institutions of learning.” when even those in authority, presiding over this instrument know very well that this is a demned Lie? etc. and etc. But even more astonishing is the fact that all of our research, historical and empirical, have established that the structure called Liberia is illegitimate. It claims it is a democracy when no underlying social contract; it claims it is a democracy and a republic when sovereignty does not lie with the people, but instead some criminal use some illgotten power to wreak havoc against the vast majority of the citizenry; it claims it is a democracy, but it has no track record of improving upon human development and human rights in its 194 years of being around as a political entity; it claims it is a legitimate state, but its name, flag, motto, or other national emblems are all tinted with LIES and falsehood, it claims it has gotten some independence, but the very first line in its declaration of independence is a BIG LIE etc. and etc., but this same illegitimate country, is using its fake constitution to call innocent, ignorant, and terribly abused and insulted citizens to again stand in the rain and sun in 2017 to vote for so-called another bunch of both proven and would-be criminals to sustain the status quo and extend the rot. We of the Plain Truth Revolution are saying a BIG NO NO to this evil agenda by devilish, blind people, to keep suffering our people. We are instead saying that we should have an allcitizens conference at which active and massive deliberations will go on about the plight of our country, the problems at hand, and how we can truly begin solving them rather than adding insult to injury by standing in line again in some foolish Americo-Liberian elections. God has used us to strategize a complete roadmap of how to transition our home from this criminal state to a better, God-fearing and productive one, through His grace. All that is now required of all citizens and well-wishers of our country is to get massively informed through the articles that we have done. We are strongly warning our people NEVER to make this STUPID mistake again anymore to go vote until we use a different formula to right our numerous past wrongs and set our country on its right foundation, on its right footing, etc. before taking part in that beautiful exercise called election later. Some of the summarized reasons we have put together to reinforce this injunction of stopping you from voting now are as follows: a. We will be agreeing with this current constitution that the blood of our over 500,000 fellow compatriots and human beings that were killed during the most recent Americo-Liberian War of revenge and for power are “insignificant and useless”
because it is this same constitution that was used to defend our people’s killers against the TRC’s recommendations for punitive actions and reparations. We will be demonstrating our agreement with this constitution by obeying it to go stand on line and vote again to prolong our own agonies, and deepen our own woes; and, let’s not forget that this FOOLISH mistake on our part will NEVER go unpunished, if we dare do it. b. We will be proving to the world that we are a very dull people who do not think for themselves, and as such, do the same thing over and over again, even if it is NOT yielding the desired results. To add more weight to this injunction, we did a whole pamphlet on this subject, which you will come across, in which we outlined some of these reasons in a 17 point argument, with the 17 points, again, summarized as follows, for emphasis, that based upon these reasons, we MUST avoid elections now to fix the problem using a different formula, before coming back to elections later: 1. Liberia was pronounced doomed by its conceivers and crafters even before it was established, and we can’t keep struggling in vain with a doomed structure – voting now will not change this sad, and very damaging reality 2. No entity, no structure, no nation etc. can stand, survive and progress without a sound and solid foundation. Liberia does not have a JUST and solid foundation, and as such, it can NEVER flourish – going to the polls this year will NEVER build us this much needed foundation to get us on our feet once and for all 3. Voting this year means obeying the current 1981 – 1983/1986 Constitution. We just can’t keep obeying a constitution that works against our lives and our interests, PERIOD!!! 4. We can’t go to vote again with the same national emblems we have here (flag, seal, motto etc.), that STUPIDLY neglect all the interest of our Native people 5. We need a legitimate independence now because the first one declared in 1847 was fake and illegitimate 6. Liberia is a formally known structure set up to officially promote lies and all sorts of criminal activities – we can’t undo this glaringly SHAMEFUL fact by going to the polls again this 2017, and it MUST be undone now! 7. What we have here is not a JUST and LEGITIMATE Government, but rather a structure set up to prosecute white-collar terrorism. In fact, because the country, beyond all doubts, was established by criminals, based on something called historical institutionalism, it has almost always been, and it will continue to be governed and sustained by criminals – voting this year will only keep this painful reality intact. 8. No sound person or entity does the same thing over and over, applying the same formula, and then expects a different, positive result. Going to the polls this year, instead of
finding a different formula to solving our huge problem now will paint us as a very STUPID people who have completely gone out of options in live 9. Liberia currently understands democracy as only voting – we say no 10. We are currently suffering under two horribly self-interest seeking masters as double slaves – voting right now means prolonging this pain 11. There is ABSOLUTELY no trust between government and citizens in this country and going to vote now will NOT reverse this deadly, counterproductive situation 12. We, the Natives, were given citizenship rights because the Americo-Liberian Government was jammed for money and was demanded to do so to get loan. Keep voting without correcting this messy news means we are a STUPID People 13. We have been left too far behind in life, and therefore need to radically employ different shades of ideas to make up for lost time – only independent people can do this, which voting will help us accomplish now 14. We have been collectively reduced to an object of mockery for people in the international world – voting now ONLY finishes us once and for all 15. Liberia’s current posture puts it in a very dangerous position to reverse all of Africa’s enormous gains against colonialism – elections this 2017 will even deepen this mess 16. Liberia remains currently the BIGGEST violator of all international covenants, protocols and conventions – when we prioritize elections now, this reality will even turn worse 17. We can’t keep moving with a terribly faulty car (Liberia), and expect to fix it while in motion – this is what going to polls this 2017 means
ALL THE PEOPLE THAT OUR REVOLUTION STANDS FOR Our Plain Truth Revolution represents seven (7) big constituencies of God’s children (including past, current and future generations of our country and all of our well-wishers elsewhere) to whom we are very proud to always dedicate every work or article we write and action we take. Our distinguished constituencies include: (a) Millions in their graves today who have died at the direct cause of Americo-Liberian
state-sponsored and state-promoted mischief, mayhem, atrocities and other criminal activities; (b) Millions in their graves today who have died completely unaccomplished, even though they had vast potentials, but these potentials could never be explored and exploited due to America’s imperialist activities here and the Americo-Liberians’ explicit vendetta campaign against us; (c) Millions alive in our country who have missed out, or given up on the realization of their dreams and fullest potentials in life, all because their country works out every
policy behind the scenes to stifle such possibility under the guise of running government; (d) The millions who have suffered untold kangaroo justice at the hands of the ever rotten Americo-Liberian Justice System in this country, and continue to suffer this same fate over and over today; (e) Our entire future generations for whom this cruel national arrangement has laid no foundation, but yet expects all of the magic of nation-building and society-stabilization etc. to be performed by them (i.e. these hopeless, “deprived and destroyed in advance” future generations); (f) citizens in the diaspora who worry a lot about what’s happening to their country, but are just unable or incapacitated, one way or the other, to impact the situation, and (g) foreign friends who love our country, and love us personally as friends, but keep worrying, what the causes are, that this country will not wake up to the true meaning of nationhood, especially for the benefit of all of its citizens etc. To do a little breakdown of what really these constituencies are, or who all form part of these constituencies, we say here: 1. Our first constituency comprises millions who have died at the direct or ‘near direct’ consequence of the Americo-Liberian state-sponsored or state-promoted criminal activities ranging from their belligerent territorial expansion campaigns of the 19th and early 20th centuries, to their forcible recruitments of our people for external and internal servitude; and their support for, and promotion of war and terroristic activities against our people (again, our mainly indigenous people). The victims of such abuses and crimes that history has recorded in the categories above include the hundreds of thousands that died in slavery in such places like Panama, Gabon, Fernando Poo, Rio Muni etc. Others include the tens of thousands of our people, fleeing the brutalities of the Liberia Frontier Force in the early to mid-20th century, who had to die as unrecorded refugees in places like Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Nigeria, according to history. Still yet others include the hundreds of thousands that have died as a result of Liberia’s now over 18 recorded bloody civil crises, beginning with the notorious Crown Hill Battle of 1822, and concluding thus far with the 19th round of bloodbaths (i.e. the 1989 to 2003 Civil War), which netted over 500,000 lives, according to experts’ estimates; and not forgetting the tens of thousands of our compatriots that have died in exile as a result of this last round of civil crisis thus far, as we mentioned above. In all these sad developments, none of our mainly indigenous victims have ever received any befitting burials or some form of memorials, let alone have their relatives ever received redress or any form of relief for that matter. 2. The second group contains millions of our deceased citizens who lie in graves all across this country unachieved, unaccomplished, or underachieved and under-accomplished,
with one bit of their huge God-given talents and potentials never tapped into or unleashed. Untimely, premature, and undeserved deaths have been the unfortunate fate of a vast majority of our indigenous people in this land since the so-called settlers arrived here in 1822, and this NASTY trend still continues unabated today, almost 200 years on. The dear Mom of the vision bearer of this revolutionary project, Mrs. Moinma G. Kartee, who died before her 40s, falls right within this category of victims. 3. Our third constituency include millions alive in our country who have missed out or given up on the realization of their dreams all because the environment has been designed so cruelly by the so-called Americo-Liberian elites and policy makers to suppress such outburst of the common people realizing their dreams, with the secret being that over 98% of these common people are the indigenous people of the land. The dear father of the vision bearer of this revolutionary project, Mr. Tarkpor R. Kartee, and a million others across our land today fall into category. In Liberia, to be somebody, or to succeed in life to some extent, you must either adopt an Americo-Liberian surname, insultingly renouncing that of your biological family, or you must have a foreign link, or even become a foreigner one way or the other, or you blatantly ignore your conscience and join the Americo-Liberian mischief-making fray. Anything less than that will mean that you are going to die for nothing with your big dreams. 4. Constituency # 4 has as its members millions who have suffered untold kangaroo or jungle justice at the hands of the ever-rotten Americo-Liberian Court System in this country, and the hundreds of thousands that continue today, right before our very eyes, to suffer the same fate as a result of the unfair, cruel and uneven dispensation of justice at the hands of institutions set up by this criminal stock of people calling themselves the Americo-Liberians. Though countless these victims are, we would like to explicitly remember here our 13 fellow indigenous Grand Gedians who were cruelly sentenced for life unjustifiably by these same institutions sometime in 2014. We are also in deep sympathy with our 12 fellow indigenous compatriots from Nimba who have been locked up for 10 years because of numerous problems imposed upon all of us by the massive corruption machine calling itself government in this place. We moreover remember here the 30 motorcyclists arrested late April 2015 for protesting for the wrongful murdering in cold blood of their fellow riders at the hands of Americo-Liberian security forces wearing batches and other insignias that absolutely neglect the interest of the forefathers of the bike riders, the Yarkpawolos, the Janjays, the Yormies etc. which still continues to be so today. The 30 motorcyclists, we know, like in all other instances of this kind, will now be experiencing untold sufferings at the hands of these people in long pretrial detention in the name of dispensing justice, as if criminals can ever dispense fair justice. Our heart continue to remain with you all, and not forgetting our other big brothers like Wesley Jlue, Albert Bropleh; then recently, Moses Wogbeh and others etc., and even Mr. Charles Taylor, there in the UK, Messrs. Chuckie Taylor and Tom Woewiyou in the US, who we think, despite our differences, are members of our society who now suffer selective
justice as a result of this same criminal Americo-Liberian hullabaloo, backed by American-led and engineered international conspiracy against our people. Of late, over 20 of our civic-minded indigenous citizens from Sinoe County who decided to protest peacefully for their own rights were pushed into some commotion by the AmericoLiberian security forces, the result thus far is that after Government went into an illegal concession agreement with Golden Veroleum, our citizens now suffer the weight for claiming to be trampled upon from these illegal arrangements, and there are even reports that they have started dying under pretrial detention in Greenville. 5. Within our fifth constituency are our future generations, from whom we continue to snatch away every resource and brutally deny them in advance of every opportunity for individual development and collective growth due our excessive greed, selfishness and cruelty today. Though we have not laid for these future generations any foundation; that is, they risk NEVER inheriting any sound educational system; they have no assurances in sight of ever inheriting any form of reliable social services etc. because the mischief makers (according to the Nile’s Weekly Register, April 12, 1817 edition) are still in the corridors of power today and continue to influence every policy etc., we are instead shifting upon them all of the national responsibilities that we ourselves have cruelly evaded for more than 190 years now. In other words, we are hoping on these future generations to solve for us later, all of the big national problems that we have been creating from the word go of this country and continue to create today. All of the natural resources are being sold, all of the financial resources and other opportunities are being lavished by a handful of Americo-Liberian miscreants in this generation and previous ones, useless loans have been taken from tough foreign sources with huge debts left behind, yet the herculean tasks of building and placing the country on its right trajectory are all being postponed for future generations. OH WHAT A CRUEL SOCIETY!!! 6. Our good citizens in the diaspora, in their hundreds of thousands to millions, especially those of them who now understand what true and legitimate countries look like in terms of such things as putting up care for their citizens, ably using the noble calling of leadership and government to bring pride to their subjects and citizens etc., are the members of our Constituency #6. These people are worried about the condemnable plight of their dear home country – with seemingly no possibility of some solution in sight. They wonder sometimes when in this life will their home country ever look like those places in which they now find themselves, even though they don’t feel the freedom and privilege of home in those beautiful foreign lands. But sadly, they prefer remaining in those places and coping with life because the advantages for them now is numerous as compared to being in some funny place called home, where the forces of mischief and cruelty have taken full control. Our people in exile or out of the country, who are spread all across the globe, wonder every day how they can impact what’s happening home, but the harsh fact remains that this is a very difficult challenge based on too many limitations attached to being away etc. and things like that, so some of them have just given up with
a heavy heart, and some just frustratingly renounce their own citizenship to take on others’. The Plain Truth Revolution represents all of your interests. 7. Grain Coasters (‘Liberians’) are handsome, beautiful, and sometimes very intelligent people, who are quickly attracted by foreign friends, and are quick to build strong foreign friendships. From these kinds of developments, the country and its citizens have built for themselves a whole cloud of foreign sympathizers and well-wishers. All such persons, especially those that get closer to the Liberian tale of barrenness and poverty of ideas sometimes worry about the fate of their friends’ country, but because they are foreigners, they tend to make no major impact – even by advancing ideas. Moreover, because of the world’s massive involvement with Liberia for the past one decade and a half through the UN and other institutions, this cloud of foreign well-wishers, friends, and sympathizers for the people of our country has also broadened. This is Constituency # 7. The heart of true, caring people within this cloud hurt for the realities found within our country, but they seem to have no practical way of solving the problem other than sometimes just advancing ideas, which the owners of the land, the citizens of the country themselves must be willing to put into practice or action before any positive change can come. The Plain Truth Revolution represents the interest and the dreams and aspirations of this cloud also.
OTHER PHILOSOPHIES AND ARGUMENTS OF OUR REVOLUTION First off, our Plain Truth Revolution could be referred to in several different ways, including: an Enlightenment Revolution, an Educational Revolution, a Civic Revolution, an Economic Revolution, a Social Revolution, a Productivity Revolution, a Common Sense Revolution, or Detail Revolution, or Moral Revolution etc. and is not a violent insurrection or bloody maneuver like the ones been perpetrated here always in the past by elements of American background. The Plain Truth Revolution, apart from the many ideologies we have presented above, is also driven or motivated by these and many other simple philosophies, opinions and arguments: 1. We believe that it is when people don’t dig out the facts well and inform the society about it well, that people tend to go to the bushes to fight against one another; it’s most often the laziness of people who know the problem to find way to disseminate it well and provide solution options, that they tend to take the shortcut by finding money clandestinely and buying big, big, guns to put people into the bushes, but if we go through what we are doing now, the process may seem long and cumbersome, but the end result is positive and well sustained. As such, we have done for you 11 main revolutionary articles – i.e. 7 main pamphlets and 4 attachments that we call addendums. The essence first off, of all this work is to establish a new national arrangement based on massive citizens’ awareness, so that we all, as citizens, go into the process of laying our new nation’s foundation well informed, not like the current
deceitful one established under the covers of darkness and lies, which has kept almost everybody blind about what’s going on, for more than 190 years now. Secondly, the number 11 is to prove to you that the new nation we now embark on establishing is one bent on attaching the same level of importance and value to all citizens just as a football team of 11 active players respects all players equally from the goal keeper to the last man, the left winger etc. For example, in our new nation, when we are planning electricity program, we will be targeting all our citizens; and not just a few on Broad Street or Bardnersville Estate; when we are crafting pipe borne water program, we will be targeting all households across our country, and not just those on Newport Street and Water Street; when we are planning educational programs, we will looking at all of our school-going children, not the children in certain parts of Monrovia etc. That way, even if we are to fall short of any of these targets due to resource constraints, the shortage will not be too large and long lasting; but will be something understandable, and something that we will be eager to handle in short time, because of the importance we attach to all of our citizens, and the shame and open injustice that will be attached to serving others and leaving others, all because everyone is informed of their individual importance and rights etc. 2. We envisage to recreate a new and very transparent national arrangement to replace this Liberia, that’s why everything about our revolutionary roadmap is being exposed to the whole world. Apart, our situation is so chronic that it will take God to raise others, even from the outside world, to come to our aid where necessary and permissible, and so, it’s best that we be very transparent with our agenda and all of the very sticky issues at stake now. Moreover, our revolution represents 7 whole constituencies, some of which are our citizens in the diaspora who feel so hurt about what’s going on in their country, but have very limited means to make an impact, while some of our constituencies are also foreign friends who love us so much, and keep worrying why are going the way we are, so NEGATIVELY etc. Every one of our 7 constituencies, including the very United Nations which has used its over $50 billion to bring some level of sanity to our country thus far needs to be well-informed about how we, the original owners of this land, intend now to take hold of our own destinies once and for all, after falling prey to American imperialism and AmericoLiberians barrenness and wickedness –for almost 200 years now. 3. We are solving the problem, or doing the awareness and necessary engagements this time from top down, because our schooling didn’t encourage us to apply only one formula every time in life. Normally, what we are talking about here should start at the grassroots level and grow to the top – i.e. the bottom-up approach in solving problem – but in a very mischievous and ignorant Americo-Liberian Society like this, when critical voices start reverberating from way down the line, the greatest possibility is that they will silenced as quickly as possible before climbing up the
societal ladder, either one cunning way or the other very cruel way. This is because there a small number of citizens who have criminally taken unto themselves all the wealth and power of this country; these people are satisfied with the status quo, and this NASTY kind of societal order in which far less than 1% sit over all the riches of the country through the means of some governmental policies, or authority, and are prepared to keep things just as they are, at all costs because they enjoy the spoils. In such a mischievous environment, one doesn’t start with a good idea from the bottom up, as they risk being quickly eliminated before the good news gets out. 4. We believe that this period, 2016/2017 marks a key milestone in our common history. This period marks the 200th anniversary of the great LIE orchestrated by some of the most revered American statesmen that we all still admire today – a lie, arguing that suspected or even proven criminals can Christianize and Civilize a dark continent, a great LIE that went into the establishment of this kleptocratic, illegitimate, and dismally performing stepchild of America, called Liberia. Another stunning reality is that it took America 169 years to wake up, smell the coffee, and stand up to the throat of Great Britain, the world’s superpower at the time, saying that enough was enough with European colonialism and imperialism; today, we the people of this country, the Grain Coast, have reached similar full mark of a relatively official 169 years of some confused statehood due to America’s funny involvement with our collective lives, and we are therefore telling the world’s only superpower of our times, which is this same great United States of America, that enough is enough with American neo-colonialism and hyper-imperialism, and that therefore, we are now ready for our part of true, legitimate, independence. Others may argue that our country has been on this path of independence before, or has completed this chapter since 169 now, but we will tell all such persons here that this is a misconception, or a lie, at best. Independence can neither be imposed nor can democracy ever be forced upon a people. These both (i.e. both independence and democracy) are a status and a system of governance respectively, that must be desired by hearts from within, and built by a people, from the bottom up, based on their indigenously desired common purpose and vision. But on the contrary, one small group of cruel, ethnocentric, lazy, criminals cannot just sit and write a letter of grievance, embedded within it, some appeal for assistance to another, illegitimate, racist, business institution, and then the latter, just because of hatred for the former, and just to evade certain responsibility – i.e. to take care of the mess that they had created – just decides to tell the group of lazy, illiterate criminals, “we think you must just acquire your independence now, in order to take care of your own problems.” This is the kind of situation that we have been battling with in vain in this place for the past 169 years now. This period also marks a great milestone in our collective history, as it ushers the end of the biggest UN peace mission ever in Africa. As UNMIL leaves, after sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears for our sake, and over
US$50 billion of other people’s hard-earned taxes, in expenses, it’s time for us to prove, God willing, that all their investments were worth the salt, and MUST now begin accruing true returns, no matter how sour this advocacy may appear from the beginning etc. 5. We believe that a great country must be established and sustained by great people of morals and fear for God. We also believe that activities characterizing the founding or establishment of countries as such be both inspirational and virtue-packed, with these beautiful realities flourishing throughout its existence, but what we currently know about this place is quite the opposite, with narrations about the founding and onward survival of Liberia up to this point just so uninteresting, boring, and heart-sickening, as they are characterized by queer human behavior to fellow human beings, and just numerous ghastly tales of criminality, dishonesty, brutality, corruption, poverty and the likes all through, from the beginning of their Liberia in 1822 up this 2017. This must change now. It’s time for virtuous men to rise up to the challenge of laying a new national foundation and establishing a new nation that will fear God, not through lip service, and step up to plate by setting up coherent and ambitious national visions and pursuing them with excellence. For Liberia’s current history shows no signs of a civilized people’s history; it resembles tales told of the most savage of untamable and undomesticated wild beasts, with all due respect to our indigenous people who continue to suffer the impacts. This Americo-Liberian country is a complete departure from all civilized norms. This HORRIBLE chapter must come to a final close now with the original owners of the country intelligently taking over their country, not through the barrels of the guns, but through the use of other great ideas. 6. We encourage all Whites, especially our Lebanese brothers and sisters who have been unjustifiably denied their citizenship rights in this country by the cruel, myopic Americo-Liberians to please take the time to go through all of our Plain Truth Revolutionary documents so as to afford all of us a clearer understanding of the key issues at stake to be able to ably buy in to the debate. We also encourage our huge community of Fulas born on this soil, who deserve their rightful civic and political recognition as a bonafide Ethnic Group on their own, but have been unjustifiably denied this status by the same visionless Americo-Liberian suppression machinery called government in this place to take interests in these new developments coming to bring relief to all of us, marginalized people, one way, or the other, in this place. For we truly are now crafting a new nation wherein all human beings under our national wing will be considered equally important in having a voice in what is best for their country; we believe all of our destinies and fate are tied together, and so we must now work together for our collective redemption and forward march as a people, now with one common denominator, this land, the Grain Coast, on this West Coast of Arica.
7. To make sense of all of our writings and podcasts, and any other revolutionary articles of insight for that matter, you must first get to realize or accept the fact that these materials and actions are not coming from Liberians; we are not Liberians, although we claim the land on which Liberia sits as our legitimate own, from God through inheritance from our forefathers who settled here more than 6, 7, 8 centuries ago. We hate being called Liberians, so these articles are not another Liberian thing, as some may soon start referring to them. They are not passive literatures and art works; they are not some other 9 day wonders; they are not another batch of some one-day sensations etc., but are instead solid instruments representing ideas whose times have come finally; they are instruments of lifetime transformation intended for you to actively read and get yourselves into the right frames of mind for taking some lifetime decisions and backing them up with the proper practical actions. Moreover, because they have been designed to impact the lives of both the current and future generations of our dear country so tremendously, God willing, we have framed them to be a source both history and motivations for all of our generations to come henceforth. 8. An interesting thing about our revolution for which we have fortunately coincidentally come up with these 11 pamphlets is that we envisage a new country, or a new civic arrangement that will apply many of the principles of modern football – a game that our Plain Truth Revolution considers a great game of life. Here are some of the concepts from football that we have tipped to apply to our new national life and politics. Please read all of our articles and listen to all of audio and video recordings for more details on these however: i.
We are now fighting for a new country wherein every citizen will be considered equally important just as all 11 players representing a complete football playing team are considered all important.
In football administration, no foreigner plays for a national team – no matter how they play to their teeth. To part ways with Americo-Liberia, only original, undiluted, discipline and full-blooded citizens will play a role in our new public sector.
No lazy and dull person can play sound, winning football, so we seek to create a new society of all hardworking and smart citizens, and the first challenging encouragement for engendering such culture of hard work though, is to read all of this article and all of our Plain Truth Revolutionary articles. They are meant to save our souls, so please read them with love for country.
Just like a national football team, for example, will never permit a mixture of 4th, 3rd or 2nd division players, our new form of government, especially our first Branch of Government, which will have a very huge power, will comprise all
Master’s Degree holders and above, nothing less, because the higher a people’s responsibilities, the greater are the knowledge and skills required of them. This will also stress uniformity v.
Just as a team can get relegated/demoted/barred for poor performance in football, our advocated holistic transitional justice process – covering events in our country from 1822 to date instead of 1979 to date, will see Americo-Liberians completely relegated from politics for 100 years so that we all now together work on their rehabilitation to fit the public space
Just as no good coach or no good team will depend on, or employ only one pattern of play, but will have to change formation every time something major changes during the course of the game, like for example, a coach changing from a 4-4-2 formation to a 5-4-1 formation probably because of the need of a crucial last minute goal, or because of the red carding of one of their players etc., we will change the current funny, criminal Presidential Democracy in this fake country to a Parliamentary Democracy of one chamber or a unicameral Legislature of all Master’s Degree holders and above as a starting point, representing each of our overly-marginalized and suffocated indigenous ethnic groups plus three new and official ethnic groups – the ‘born in country’ White Community, as a separate, legitimate ethnic group, the ‘born in country’ Fula Community, as a separate, legitimate ethnic group, and our ‘born in country’ community of mixed Africans, as a separate, legitimate ethnic group. We will abolish the fake Americo-Liberian electoral districts concept for now. Please read more or listen out on all these.
OTHER MISCELLANEOUS MOTIVATIONS OF THE PTR MOTIVATIONS FROM ISSUES OF CURRENT EVENTS We believe, each time journalist risk their lives and dig up stories to bring to us, whether through print or electronic media or whatsoever means possible, it is intended for us to exploit facts and ideas from these reports or stories, add them to our own existing knowledge, and apply them in changing our lives, our environment, and our world at large; we believe no bit of information is intended to be wasted. So in our “AmericoLiberian” case for example, each time you listen to a talk show, a news bulletin or magazine, or a public service program, or any piece of information for that matter on Farbric FM, ELBC, Voice FM, Sky FM, Truth FM, LIB 24 etc. you get something or some piece of information that tells you that certain things are not right within your society and therefore, “please use me to prove or discover this fault more and then construct solution options for tackling the problem.” But it only takes people who are willing and ready to think and act for themselves, or on their own, to understand and utilize the work of our best friends, the media, this way – a tendency, a culture, which has
been lacking in our society for all these long years of our existence now, which the Plain Truth Revolution endeavors to inculcate at all costs – that’s why we are taking the lead in this way God willing. Therefore, let’s bring you just a gist of the many issues in the news which are enough to tell us that nothing can help us out of the MESS we find ourselves in, other than a complete revolution, a complete change, a complete reformatting of the current national structure, a complete dismantling of the current fake national foundation, a complete dismantling of the current social order, and a thorough breaking down of the current religious, political, sociological and economic status quo. Anything less than this brave, painful step, we are just jokers in this life, and we will remain running around in circles until our Creator comes back to judge this place. A. MOTIVATIONS FROM CURRENT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, LEADING OPINION LEADERS, AND NEWS MAKERS The country is so disorganized and indiscipline to the point that the President, the one who is supposed to be the face of the country, the pride of the country, the best brain of the country at the time, the role model of the country, the example for all of the children and students in school, the moral compass of society etc. just does and talks anything unchecked and unchallenged at any time. There’s a so-called democracy, claimed to existing here with such key tenets as Checks and Balances and Judicial Review mockingly in place. Let’s just give 3 examples here: 1. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – “….Many persons in the Government, [i.e. in my current government] have their American citizenship documents, but I don’t want to talk all” (UNMIL Radio’s Talk with the President, replayed on Voice FM 102.7’s Costa Show, June 24, 2015) 2. President Sirleaf talks to Torwon Sullunteh - few of the key points she stressed are as follows: (a) India and China told her that the Liberian Government is too slow, and that they want to help people who want to help themselves; (b) The Liberian Government travels all around the world for help because of 3 main reasons: (1) iron ore and rubber prices have dropped on the world market, and so the country has no way out for now, economically; (2) the country’s budget is too small for undertaking key projects, and 80% of this already small budget goes to paying people who go to play cards behind their desks, calling themselves civil servants in government offices; and out of the balance money left in the small national budget, bulk goes to America as remittances [from her top government employees], a trend that her mouth is too small or heavy to address (UNMIL Radio, Talk With the President, December 1, 2015) etc. and etc. 3. Journalist Keith Morris says there’s no coordination in the administrative structure of the whole country; he says, there’s a serious climate of deceit in the entire structure called government, so much so that government officials come to the public and talk different
things, but behind the scenes, they mean quite different things. Fellow Legislative Reporters ‘Dayboy’ and ‘Musa’ confirm their colleague’s assertion and decry the lack of seriousness and honesty in the entire governmental structure, with emphasis on the National Legislature too. (Farbric FM. New Dawn, August 26, 2015)
4. Rep. Bhofal Chambers, Maryland County – bitterly decrying the country’s management and leadership deficit, he made these points: “….Ebola has now turned into the biggest excuse for our failure to do the things that we owe our people to do; meanwhile, this was a mere $10,000 problem if we had our governmental act together…..The UK Prime Minister and the US President themselves, all have acknowledged that Liberia does have all of the resources to develop, but that its biggest disease is a huge management and governance deficit….” He then disclosed that he wrote a bill of impeachment against President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf some time ago primarily on the issue of the US$263 million squandered or criminally misused by the Executive on international Public Relations and image building campaigns, but none of his fellow colleagues in the House would buy in, despite the [barrage] of evidence he presented, and in the midst of the fact that even some US Congressmen had already corroborated or confirmed his claim, citing for example, how Congressman Alex Knott confirmed a 2010 $50 million used by the GOL in this same direction (image building), and another report of how Liberian Government money was used to support a candidate in the Virginian State gubernatorial elections etc. He said he also included in the argument of the impeachment bill several other criminal dealings of the Executive and the President, with emphasis on their continuous squandering of international support intended to bring relief to the suffering people of the country and to aid Liberia in its infrastructure recovery process, including for example: (a) the US$30 million given by Libya to boost rice production in Foya, Lofa County, which vanished in thin air up to date; (b) a US$13 million grant given by the European Union to alleviate maternal mortality, which lost on its way before the public could hear about it; (c) the multimillion dollar Nigerian Oil grant intended to help our economy to recover, which the President cannot as yet account for; (d) the Japanese US$13 million oil grant, which got instantly dissolved in [the wings of the Executive Branch’s corruption eagle], and many more…etc. – Farbric FM New Dawn, January 14, 2015) Here are a few accounts of how Legislative authorities and actors themselves do complain about the system they are using to run the country: 5. Senator Dallas Gweh of RiverCess County expresses his utmost frustration at how everything is upside down in the education sector, and in fact, in the general running of government in the country, and therefore admonishes that we get down to the bottom of all the problems in this place (Farbric New Dawn, December 1, 2015)
6. Senator Oscar Cooper of Margibi County voices his regrets about how the country’s leadership is proceeding. He says the government is not producing any positive change, and calls for concrete action right now as history stands to judge all of us after here. (ELBC. August 11, 2015) 7. Isaac Redd, Director of Press & Public Affairs at the House of Representatives, lamenting on how everything runs upside down in the country says, even the issue of roads in this country depends on where the president goes. He then protests, “our country just can’t go this way, and we need to jumpstart everything from the beginning all over again. (Farbric New Dawn, November 12, 2015) 8. Senate Protemp Amah Z. Jallah - responding to the many inadequacies in the national budget process, with emphasis on budgets of top officials like himself, says: “It is not about my office, it is about the structure of the country’s budget….We have seen some [problems] all throughout the structure of the government that’s why we have commissioned a study…We are talking here about a revolution within our [entire] budget process (Farbric New Dawn, October 27, 2015) 9. Senator Geraldine Doe-Sheriff – indicating her disappointment about delays in the implementation of the country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report’s recommendations which seeks a ban against some current government officials for 30 years from politics, and also seeks reparations for victims of the numerous human rights abuses that went on in the country, she says, “the country must be swept clean before anything good can ever happen here” (ELBC, October 28, 2015)
Government Officials and Other Active Political Actors have also pictured the following bleak picture about this Americo-Liberian country: 10. Dr. Amos Sawyer, head of Liberia’s Governance Commission – in his description of some dangerous national phenomenon he claims is plaguing the society, he says: “If we have any kind of problem in this country, in 8 out of 10 cases, at least, we first think about what donors can bring to the table instead of how we can first assess our own capabilities and resources to tackle the problem”……“This too much of stakeholders, stakeholders notion”, Dr. Sawyer says, “terribly dilutes our citizenship responsibility….” (ELBC, SMS, December 18, 2015) 11. Decrying the country’s very messy educational sector, Education Minister George Werner says, “When the settlers came here, they set up an educational establishment only intended for the privileged few.” (ELBC, September 25, 2015) 12. Simeon Freeman, Political Leader of the Movement for Progressive Change Party, badly frustrated about the country’s education sector, among other things, says only radical approaches can help this country now, and that he’s prepared to align himself with any radical actions now to change the country (Farbric FM. New Dawn, July 31, 2015)
13. Prof. Wilson Tarpeh, top official of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change Party recommends some radical intrusion to solve Liberia’s chronic problems, although he was placing emphasis on an intrusion that would emanate from his party
(Farbric FM. New Dawn, January 20, 2016) 14. Mr. Thomas Doe-Nah, head of the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) says Liberia does not want to think for itself in finding solutions to her own problems, but that we want to hire foreign consultants to bring us ideas. He says education in this country needs a complete revolution because the country is not going anywhere in education (ELBC, February 2015)
15. ‘Menipaket Dumoi’, Secretary General, Liberia People’s Democratic Party….in his words, “One of the main reasons for the proliferation of political parties in this country is sadly because of the growing abundance of political and civil grievances…”(Farbric FM. New Dawn, December 15, 2015) etc. Here are other opinion leaders’ views about the NASTY foundation of the country: 16. African Methodist Episcopal University’s Dean Johnson says, Liberia’s declaration of independence was imprudently thought out and was untimely. He continues that the country needs a renaissance or complete rebirth (Farbric FM. New Dawn, March 16, 2015) 17. Mr. Wilfred Bangourrah of the President Protemp’s Office of the Liberian Senate says, Liberia was founded on false premise, and that we need to go back to our foundation papers to make some more adjustments (Farbric FM. New Dawn, March 16, 2015) 18. Darious Dillon, Stalwart of Liberia’s Liberty Party – He says here in sum, Liberia is being bogged down with a dangerous mindset; that is, that people were made to come here outside of their will, to build a country, but in reality, these people are still conscious that this place is not their home. [Note: Mr. Dillon was referring to the self-imposed frontrunners of this society, in the persons of the Johnsons, the McClains, the Tubmans, the Barclays etc.]. He continues, “….It is very sad that a whole people will keep going without any sense of direction” [in terms of self-determination and independence in thoughts and actions]….Liberia is sadly a country powered by no national direction; no ideology, no common philosophy; and just no common vision at ALL…..” [just as its frontrunners also lack these] - (Love FM. December 11, 2014) etc. and etc.
C. WHAT SHOULD ALL THIS SIGNIFY IN THE END? In the reading of the Plain Truth Revolution, including the millions of level-headed people across our country, all this signify time for genuine total change. All of the funny accounts above, including thousands more that we have been able to gather in other articles of ours prove that change is now inevitable, as wanting to continue managing with the current design will cause us more harm than good. Let us not forget that all of
the funny fruits we continue to reap today as a people are happening or coming about by design, and not by accident. This is how the frontrunners of this society designed their national foundation, and nothing one can do about it besides working along with fellow citizens to break down their funny foundation and build a new one, and that’s what the PTR is in the vanguard of doing, God willing. That’s why all these writings and actions now, by the grace of God. In our world of computer, when a design is wrong, we don’t keep editing it, but we undo it and redo it. But before all this can happen we must embrace the natural phenomenon or culture of change. In the case of this place, we now need a change of our national social contract, which is the foundation of society because God Himself has demonstrated such change in policy towards us before. Who are we then, to refuse a genuine change for our own good and for our Creator to be glorified most importantly? While God Himself does NOT change as a supernatural being, He does change some of His dealings or policies, or as a sociologist would say, His part of Social Contract with us, humanity, at times based on time and conditions. For example, the Book of Hebrews 8:10 indicates God’s signing of a new contract with humanity, a contract/agreement which ties us no longer to old traditions of the past, but a new tradition wherein all of us human beings (NOT Christians, NOT Muslims, NOT Hindus etc. specifically, but ALL) will be known as God’s children by how we respect all His laws, which He said will be written on each one of our hearts that no one will have to tell us who God is, or what is right, and what is wrong, or what is false and what is true, or what God hates and what He loves etc., but that these things will be engraved on our hearts. We therefore think that it is time too in this country that we change the DIRTY, confused social contract, if one even exists, that was established by the likes of Jehudi Ashmun, J. J. Roberts, Thomas Buchana and the likes which is based on HATRED for the 16 indigenous ethnic groups of our country, and that therefore has caused a very confused situation with the passage of time in this place. The Americo-Liberians’ part of the Social Contract, if one ever exists, is fake and treats human beings like animals. So it MUST be changed now before we take any more steps ahead as a people. Here are further explanations and justifications for this much needed massive change or revolution apart from the ones mentioned above: a) Sheryl Nussbaum of the Powerful Learning Practice Inc. teaches that to climb up or be great in life, we must be prepared to willfully breakdown old structures or old relationships and start all over again because maintaining the status quo in many instances drains us of our creative urge and leaves us stagnant. b) We need change in this country, and not just any change for change’s sake, but great positive change at a very large scale and magnitude, sweeping across every aspect of our lives, ranging from religion to politics to economics etc., and this is something only achievable through some form of socio-political revolution
c) In the words of the great US Social Democrat and Civil Rights Leader, Cornel R. West, we greatly need a reevaluation of our values; a reinvigoration of our public life, and a fundamental transformation of the way we think and live in this place – and all this can only be achieved, according to him through a form of sweeping social revolution d) Liberia is an absolutely illegitimate nation state, first in line with the principle of simple laws, then in line with the true meaning of republicanism and Westphalian Sovereignty: It’s declaration of independence contains a fundamental lie; the national vision or dream of the country is criminal, which is, to seek revenge against an innocent, defenseless tribal population; the country has no sound or working social contract, and Liberia was established by criminals based on every available data and empirical reality. e) States are set up to cater for, and to show concern for every single citizen, no matter their economic status or social background, but Liberia instead is a very sharp and glaring contradiction of these realities. Liberia rather works to stifle the potentials of a vast majority of its people and to subdue their God-given talents, just to maintain the superiority of the Americo-Liberians. f) We have gone to school and learned many courses, each of which is supposed to impact our lives equally, or at least equally. For too long we have overlooked History and its tremendous impact on our lives. We think it is time too for history to touch our lives in a positive sense and give us this positive change that we so desire now. g) Life without change is just static, boring and dull; and this is the sad plight of this Black American country, that’s why we demand change now to overturn such sad plight h) There is so much information out there about us, and for now; we believe that the whole essence of information is for us to use them to improve our world. They are not intended for mere pleasure or entertainment. It is time now to make use of our stockpile of information for a change that will lead to sustained progress; and finally for now, i) We need a new progressive society with better and productive traditions and cultures, and experience has shown that new and better things can never be constructed on the old, faulty foundations of the past; as a result, we need to destroy most of what has been built in the past, so as to be able to construct our new, envisaged society. etc.
Extensive experience has proven that it doesn’t take one million persons at a time to bring about change, but instead a very committed few, that’s how we view life from the perspective of the Plain Truth Revolution. Our Revolution does not have a large membership as yet. We are however proud so far of a sizeable number that God can use to change our society through His grace, as we work aggressively to attract more followers. For now, we do have four modes of membership: In-person membership, membership through social media, virtual members in spirit and virtual members in the soul. We hope all this doesn’t sound so strange: don’t forget we are speaking in revolutionary terms here. Our undisclosed size of in-person members include first and foremost all members of the Kartees family, all of our relatives, and very closed associates. We hope to disclose the names of other in-person members in subsequent times. We now have an initial total of 500 members on social media. Our virtual members in spirit mainly constitute all those who were acknowledged in our work, not in anyway because they and us have had any sharing of ideas or any meeting of minds with respect to anything for that matter, but because these are people who have believed in us all along, and will be willing to support our ideologies. They also include all those living persons we have dedicated our work to, and the living family members and relatives of deceased persons to whom we have dedicated our works. Moreover, we represent the voices and interests of seven (7) giant constituencies across our country and the world at large. All constituency members alike are members in spirit. Our virtual members in the soul are deceased persons to whom we have acknowledged and have dedicated all of our revolutionary work thus far. ABOUT OUR MEMBERSHIP FOUNDING MEMBERS OF THE PTR 1. 2. 3. 4.
Roland S. Kartee Alice Wamah Joseph Kartee Tony T. Bleh
5. Preston Kartee 6. Courage Kartee 7. Stamina Kartee
FIRST NEW MEMBERS OF THE PTR 1. Jamel Constance OUR CURRENT DIRECT/INDIRECT MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH 1. Dejure Members: All members of our 7 big constituencies, mentioned in the “Dedication Section” of every written work or article of our revolution 2. Defacto Members (*All those whom we have acknowledged in our works. For they have always believed in us, and will no doubt believe in our dreams for the country
we all equally own. It must also be made crystal clear here that all these people and institutions have the right to decline our membership publicly if not convicted or interested): OUR ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FIGURE (PEOPLE THAT HAVE AGREED WITH OUR DEBATES ON SOCIAL MEDIA INCLUDING JOINING OUR GROUPS AND ONLINE COMMUNITIES) 1) Facebook…………….._____ 2) YouTube…………….._____ 3) Google +……………._____ 4) Twitter………………._____ **These figures will be revealed subsequently.
SOME CAVEATS AND STRONG WARNINGS TO THE POWER THAT BE (AMERICA AND HER AMERICO-LIBERIAN), INCLUDING ANY WOULD-BE ENEMIES OF PROGRESS TO OUR REVOLUTION 1. All that we advocate and demand for our country right now through this Plain Truth Revolutionary project is a peaceful CHANGE for the better. That’s why, instead of traveling to some place to get military training to come back to kill poor, innocent people in the name of revolution, that in the end is intended to bring one individual to power without any winning ideology like all of DULL Liberia’s so-called revolutions of the past, or like what the frontrunner of this society have mischievously made us to believe is the only definition of revolution etc., we have instead taken years to read and write adequately about our country’s problems, including advancing peaceful solution options that will address everyone’s interest by the grace of God, and, are now ready to push this agenda through His grace. But if anyone thinks that by us using the pen as our weapon of choice, we are so weak and defenseless, and they therefore start planning mischief against us instead of agreeing to our demand to sit around the table to start debating and addressing these ever CRIPPLING issues, then the aftermath will be very calamitous and disastrous for all of us because God just doesn’t allow evil people molest His chosen ones and go scot free. Everyone knows God’s reactions in anger can be very disastrous, and we don’t want this kind of scenario any more, by His grace. So if anyone thinks that the bad people of this country have been so aggressive, intimidating, and violent in ensuring that the principles of the devil, such as gross injustice, corruption, selfishness, greed to point of leaving more than 4 million dying from hardship and poor quality of life every time
just for the benefit of a few handful of people under the guise of some government or elite to survive and own everything etc., and as such, want to continue this trend of wickedness forever, then they will be surprise at how the forces of good, backed by our God of Hosts or our God of Armies, can even be much aggressive in defending His principles or lifting His part of flag up high above those of the devil. They will be surprise at the level of efforts – to any length permissible by God, that the forces of good are now about to exert in taking back our country once and for all, from the forces of evil. A hint to the wise is quite sufficient. 2. We are adapted to using very strong words, all of which depict the truth, instead of advocating for war, which also is justified by the level of nonsense going on against our people in this country. We use all these strong words, but with profound due respect for our dear compatriots because we know that we all have been drawn into this nasty reality because of the reckless and selfish actions of some of America’s revered forefathers, which we all still cherish today. But we must speak the harsh, stark truth with every iota of emphasis, if something is to be done about our disgusting situation now, as soft words and diplomacy will never take us anywhere. The painful reality remains that to call yourself a child of the Almighty God, made in His image and likeness, made to uphold and defend His principles etc., according to Biblical, Quranic and other Scriptural verses, like for examples, II Corinthians 10:46, Ephesians 6:12; and Surats 4:75;8:39; and 2:193 etc., and you allow foreign imperialists and exploitative capitalists, working through their criminal agents on ground called government, to, (sorry for the expression) “Beat ‘dumboy’ in the ‘behind’ of a people, or put another way, make big ass out of a people like this forever, in the name of running a country”, or running some government, is the worst thing to accept in this life perpetually, and also a serious affront to our Creator, God forbid. This nonsense called Liberia MUST change now for a better arrangement that will respect each one of God’s children equally in this place, if not there will be no more resting here again, God willing. 3. Every message from the Plain Truth Revolution represents the voices and cries of 7 huge constituencies of God’s mainly oppressed children on this side of the globe, and people elsewhere on the planet with some connection to this place. As such, if any one, whether now or later, finds within themselves any intention of crafting wicked plans against elements of the Plain Truth Revolution, such as plans to murder/assassinate any of our identified members, or any open and secret sympathizers/supporters/well-wishers of our revolution etc., or a plan to persecute/humiliate any of such persons; or a plan to throw any form of monkey wrench whatsoever into these very peaceful civic and intellectual endeavors of ours to liberate our people from this 2 century old mess that we find ourselves in, called country, they should think twice, as God will surely put up a very stiff resistance to
any such move because He’s now ready to set His children free. So for example, if you plan to kill, torture or silence the voice of any one member/associate/affiliate etc., of the Plain Truth Revolution, then it should be known to you, that you will also equally mean trying to stand in the way of justice for our thousands of tribal forefathers whom the Americo-Liberians have been unjustifiably and mischievously killing here since 1822, when they declared some of the dates of these mass murders of our poor tribal ancestors as so-called National Thanksgiving Day today; when designing any evil action or agenda against the PTR, you should be aware that such maneuver will mean an attempt to silence peaceful advocacy for our countless future generations whose means of ever surviving and making progress have already been callously hijacked from them in advance by the criminally careless running of socalled statehood by the Americo-Liberian that started in this place since 1822, and continues up to this 2017, poised to continue forever, when radical actions are not taken by ALL of us right now; anyone planning against our revolution in any form whatsoever should bear in mind that they would be saying a big “To Hell With You” to our millions of citizens who now lie in their graves unaccomplished or unachieved in every way possible owing to the very criminal and cruel official policies of the Americo-Liberians’ white collar terrorist organization they established in this place since 1822, that they call some National Government or GOL; standing against the PTR’s agenda will still mean a blatant lack of regards for the precious blood of the hundreds of thousands of our poor, defenseless people whom the Americo-Liberian war machineries in elements like Taylor, Ellen and others, killed in this place since 1989, but their so-called elected governments are making every frantic effort at ensuing that everything about redressing these dead people’s terrible plight through the TRC process be remorselessly swept under the carpet since they (our victims of these wars) are not real humans, but are ‘savages’ in the social dictionary of Americo-Liberia; muzzling the PTR in any fashion will amount to muzzling the voices of the hundreds of thousands of our people who continue to suffer the very crude forms of jungle justice dispensations at the hands of iniquitous structures set up by the Americo-Liberians in this place, called courts, intended to further kill and suppress our people forever etc. and etc. 4. We have drawn for all of us here a very clear battle line. There should probably now be one set of misguided citizens who love and believe in this present societal order, and thus are prepared to fight for it, and another distinct group of enlightened citizens, who absolutely disagree with the current status quo, and are ready to take actions now for change. There’ nothing now in our national dictionary called standing on the fence, standing in the middle, or remaining neutral. This is because God Himself is now ready to intervene in our country’s chronic situation, but He needs every citizen’s input, one way or the other, as the country is for every citizen and not for any single
persons. John Kennedy, one of our big inspirations, and America’s 35th President, gave this warning some time ago to people who love neutrality in difficult times, when he said, “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” We don’t want to be caught up in this situation. We must contribute something to this indispensable and undodgeable struggle. But to help us truly break this neutrality culture and choose one side of the battle line, the Plain Truth Revolution, the active force in this battle of wills, has been used by God to prepare for you 11 key revolutionary reading materials (comprising 7 main pamphlets and 4 addendums), and has placed them at your disposal free, at www.facebook.com/ …There are other miscellaneous materials in addition to these main pamphlets for your extra reading, if you are interested. Let’s make mention of all of them here, as follows: MAIN PAMPHLETS 1. Why Is This Case Considered A Revolutionary And Game-Changing One For Our Country” – this is Pamphlet #1, a “MUST READ”, and it treats in detail about how our experience at the LPRC neatly ties in with almost all of Liberia’s 194 year problems. You can get a copy at www.facebook.com/plaintruth2013; https://is.gd/cO3rbV; https://is.gd/cyZm54; https://is.gd/SnsihD. And on Google drive, it is put in both Microsoft Word and personal document formats. 2. Why Do We Need A Complete Revolution, And Not Reforms, And How Can We Conduct This Revolution” – Depending on the depth of a people’s problems, they can decide to employ gradualist, reformist political solutions, or a complete going back on the drawing board to redesign their state structure. We are saying our country must employ the second formula now – JUST NO IF AND THEN ABOUT THIS. 3. Liberia: A Small, Failed, Dirty Country, Built on the Pillars of Corruption – Here are the proofs” – This pamphlet proves beyond all your doubts – with historical evidence from 1816 to current events this 2016, that the structure or political entity called Liberia, was built on the foundation pillars of corruption and its lieutenants of deceit, ethnocentrism, chicanery etc. and until this structure is theoretically, politically, legally, and psychologically dismantled, no fight against any societal vice in this country will ever succeed. 4. Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Makes Amends For It Now?” – Liberia had been torn apart by negative ethnicity – the one called ethnocentrism, even before it was established in 1822. With ethnocentrism, one group of people say they are the superior over the rest of the people. And in fact, because Liberia’s part of ethnocentrism is so extreme, as predicted by the US Congress in 1817 that this place would be a land of aggravated mischief, the Americo-Liberians
here say they are the human beings, while the rest of the 16 indigenous African Ethnic groups are animals, and as such, all policies of the Americo-Liberian Government are tactically geared – mischievously behind the scenes – to uphold this claim and belief. This pamphlet will drill you through how the Plain Truth Revolution has established this bloody reality, and has advanced its solution options in line with Divine principles 5. “How Liberia Sadly Makes Mockery Out Of The Divine Concept Of Justice” – Because the founders and societal frontrunners of Liberia themselves are predominantly criminals, and because they have an inherent hatred for the Natives, justice in this place is a complete mockery. This pamphlet gives you more details. 6. Liberia: A Name Associated with Misery, Poverty, Failure etc. It Must Be Changed Now!! – Just as Rep. Bhofal Chambers once said, “People change their names at certain times in order to redefine their purpose in life”, our revolution believes that its time to change this deceitful and divisive name called Liberia for a new name, as we redefine our country’s main purpose. We believe that the funny name, Liberia, is bent Hell-wards, and it’s heavily impacting our good people, and it must be changed now. Please access this pamphlet for more details. 7. Liberia’s Justifications For Demanding Reparations From America Now” – We believe all of the mess gravely affecting our society today were primarily imposed upon us by America, and she’s hell bent on continuing this trend for her economic gains if we don’t bring these facts to their attention right now, and seek appropriate reparations. ADDENDUMS 8. How Based On Its Origin, And Today’s Realities, The Structure Called Liberia Is A Big Criminal Gang, That Must Be Peacefully Dismantled Now For A Better One, Based On Better Principles. This is the first addendum to Pamphlet #1 and can be found on the same sites as the others. This addendum brings to light how almost all of the activities of the Government of Liberia, from 1822 up to this date, are downright criminal, or, are at least characterized by criminalities. 9. How, Based On Her Ancestry, And All Her Current Performance Profile Thus Far, Americo-Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Has Got No Moral Authority Over Any Native Person For That Matter. We now endeavor to establish a new society where national leaders and all those in authority will first be of good moral standing, that’s why we decided to emphasis on this Americo-Liberian professedly ‘most educated and best’, so that those wanting to serve in our new nation will have the first ugly example to avoid in Americo-Liberian leaders.
10. 17 Solid Reasons Why We Should Demand Independence Now, Rather Than Going To Stand On Line Again In 2017 In Another Stupid Americo-Liberian Elections. – This pamphlet outlines several reasons that we believe, speak to our good people’s senses about why election now, is not a good solution to our country’s huge fundamental problems. Let’s remember that it’s only a stupid group of people who will keep using the same formula over and over again that does not produce them any genuine results. Please take this pamphlet seriously 11. If This Is The Best Of Americo-Liberian Leaderships, In Harvard-Trained Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Then What Else Are We The Natives Waiting For To Constructively Snatch Their Arm Robbed Country Out Of The Hands Of America And Her Americo-Liberians. We say, the dangers for not acting in this direction right now, are already at our door steps. Note: Everyone, from the honorable Nobel Prize Committee to Forbes Magazine, to a long list of world leaders and opinion leaders, to Americo-Liberian Government officials etc., is lavishing praises on this AmericoLiberian “Iron Lady” as Liberia’s best, and her government as Liberia’s best. Yes, we agree with you all, but we are now saying that based upon this fact, it is now clear that we don’t belong to this NASTY state structure anymore. Other supplementary articles for interested readers include: 1. About the Plain Truth Revolution (the article you are currently reading) 2. LPRC Case to the LACC 3. Kartee’s Letter to the US Embassy 4. Kartee’s Second Letter to Mr. Sumo Kupee 5. Kartee’s Second Letter to President Sirleaf 6. Kartee’s so-called Dismissal Letter 7. LPRC’s follow up letter to dismissal action 8. Board of Directors’ final concurrence letter for dismissal action After reading our pamphlet or articles, please share your thoughts with us at plaintruthrevolution@gmail.com, plaintruthrevolution@yahoo.co.uk, or plaintruthrevolution@hotmail.com. We are also entertaining any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to further encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above. We also have other social media sites. Our Facebook page is https://web.facebook.com/plaintruth2013. We have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), and at https://is.gd/cO3rbV and https://is.gd/cyZm54 respectively, plus Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, and at https://is.gd/SnsihD. We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube
presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at http://youtu.be/cTCeDYD8gw. You are also encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as a last option. Finally, before we close, while we have acknowledged a long list of people and institutions in all of our work, that truly deserve our honest acknowledgement, there are those who went beyond the call of duty in either inspiring us or supporting us one way or the other, or comporting themselves or taking actions that contribute to the compulsory nature of this revolution for our country right now. They deserve our extra-ordinary recognition, and are thus acknowledged here as follows: You may please read one of our Big Five Statements, the one called “Our Celebrated Heroes of Change” for short, to get some relative detail on each of these individuals and institutions for which they have been accorded our special recognition in this fashion. Note: We prefer arranging the names in the amateur categorizations below for certain reason. INDIVIDUALS 1. Thomas Nelson Williams, II and Jackson F. Doe, Jr. – MD and DMD/A of the Liberia Petroleum Refining (Storage) Company respectively 2. Aaron J. Wheagar, DMD/O, LPRC 3. Elizabeth M. Tubman, Comptroller, LPRC 4. Rev. Dr. Herman Brown, Board Chairman, LPRC 5. All LPRC Board Members of my time: Dr. Herman Brown, Mr. T. Nelson Williams, Mr. George Kpawulu, Mrs. Ophelia Freeman, Dr. Henrique Tokpa, Mr. Manyu Kamara, Atty. Tupee Enid Taylor, Mr. Nohn Rebecca Kidau, and Rev. Emmanuel Bowier 6. Mr. Kamau M. Lizwelicha and Mrs. Sophie Hobbs 7. Messrs. John M. Dukuly and John K. Wangolo 8. The Seventh Day Adventist Church 9. Mr. Mitchel Markowitz, former American Peace Corps Volunteer to Liberia in the 1970s, and Physician, Mr. Tomah Mahn (deceased) 10. Mr. Tarkpor R. Kartee and Mrs. Moinma Gweh Kartee (deceased) 11. All those that played guardianship roles in our upbringing: (1) Mr. Nathaniel M. Doeward (deceased) and family, including Mrs. Beatrice Kor Doeward, Maureen Doeward, Olie, Tetee, Florence, Agnes etc. (Unification Town, Margibi County, Liberia); (2) Ma Filani Kamara (deceased), including son, Mr. Soree Kamara and family (Danane and Abidjan respectively in the Ivory Coast); (3) Mr. John A. K. Leabeh and family, including Mrs. Anna W. Leabeh, Duanyen, Marnue, Laytopoe, Menmond etc. (Monrovia, Liberia) 12. All of the Instructors under whose voices we have sat, including those from the R. S. Caulfield Elementary & Junior High, Unification Town, Margibi, Liberia;
Protestant Methodist Resource Center School System, Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire; the University of Liberia, and the Cuttington University Graduate School etc. 13. Mr. & Mrs. Solomon and Krubah Wamah, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester and Linda Julius, and Mary David: 14. Victor G. Badio, Bobby G. Brown, Philip S. Sassie, Augustine W. Williams, Paul S. Jappah, Patrick Wreh, Andrew G. Gibson, Al Lewis, and Musa Barry etc. 15. Doris Zor and her children (Delcontee, Gloria, Prince etc.) of Bardnersville 16. My Significant Other, Miss Alice Wamah and our 3 children: Preston Merciful Kartee (or Joyful), Courage Kartee, and Stamina Hero Kartee 17. ‘President’ Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 18. [Nyezee Baway, Isaac Taryon, Stephen Gloto, Prince Youty, Emmanuel Mah, Moses Baryee, Moses Sarpee, Sam Tarley, Jacob Saydee, Mohammed Massaquoi, and the 3 borrowed/adopted surnames of James Lee Cooper, Morris Cole, and Alfred James]; (Fred Saye, Yei Dokie, Prince Zeaduah, Jerome Zumeh, Wilson Gondo, Wuo Gballah, Peter Zuweh, William Gbanda, Saye Jebolo, Saye Garteh, and Oretha Gono); {30 motorcyclists arrested in April 2015 for protesting for the wrongful murdering in cold blood of their fellow riders at the hands of AmericoLiberian security forces wearing batches and other insignias that absolutely neglect the interest of the forefathers of the bike riders, the Yarkpawolos, the Janjays, the Yormies etc. which still continues to be so today; the 20+ protestors arrested and jailed in Greenville, in 2015 as a result of the government-provoked Butaw, Sinoe County Golden Veroleum riots etc.}; ([Mr. Albert Bropleh, Dr. Lawrence Bropleh, Professor Wilson Tarpeh, Mr. Moses Wogbeh, Lusu Sloghn, Jenkins Yonley, Jonathan Geegbaye, Patrick Akinrenmi, Anthony Nyole, John Kamara, Benedict Sargbeh, David Blayee, Torwon Yanty, Aloysius Jappah, Wesley Jlue; Humphrey Karn, and Varnie Massallay etc.]); Charles Taylor, Chuckie Taylor, and Tom Woewiyou etc. 19. George McGail, Samuel W. Seton, Didhwo Twe (also D. Twe), Magbay Boyah, T. J. R. Faulkner, Presidents William R. Tolbert and Samuel K. Doe, Jackson F. Doe, Sr., and current Senator Oscar Cooper of Margibi County 20. Dr. Elwood Dun 21. Our Plain Truth Revolution’s 7 big constituencies 22. Representative Emmanuel Nuquaye, Margibi County, former Ways, Means, and Finance Committee Chairman and current Speaker of the House 23. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama 24. Tony T. Bleh and family 25. Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe 26. Jordan Poronpeea (cka Jordan P)– a US-based Liberian Journalist 27. Jerald – a US Monrovia Embassy Staff (0777084337) 28. LPRC Whistleblowers 1 and 2 (Kabineh Sumawolo) 29. Sir John Simon of the British Foreign Service – 30. Dr. Charles Johnson of the League of Nations’ Investigation team –
31. Hugh Mason Brown, Washington D.C.-born African American Educator and Gospel Minister 32. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta of the Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA 33. Dr. James Ciment, New York-based History Professor 34. Nancy Oku Bright, Producer of several films on Liberia now, including: Liberia: America’s Stepchild (2002); Liberia: An Uncivil War (2004), and Liberia: The Promised Land etc. 35. Nicolas Cook, US Congressional Specialist on African Affairs 36. Neil Hahn, British Researcher and Lecturer in Political Economy at the London University School of Oriental and African Studies 37. Robert W. Clower, George Dalton, Mitchel Horwitz, and A. A. Walters – all reportedly of North Western University in the United States and the Oxford University in the United Kingdom respectively 38. Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, Lecturer of Political Science at the University of Indiana, and current head of the Americo-Liberia’s Good Governance Commission 39. Mr. John S. Morlu, Former Auditor General of Liberia 40. Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh and Senator Jewel Howard Taylor 41. Mr. Donald J. Trump, 2016 Republican Candidate for President, now President Elect of the United States 42. Hezekiah Niles and Robert Field Stockton 43. Cornel R. West, William Blum, Noam Chomsky, Smedley D. Butler, and Edward Snowden etc. 44. Antonio Gutierrez – UN Refugee Boss 45. Senator Steve Zargo, Atty. Koffi Woods, Activist Vandarlark Patricks, Dr. Amos Sawyer, and even the EU etc. INSTITUTIONS/ENTITIES 46. Microscope Newspaper, The People Newspaper, National Chronicle Newspaper, and the New Democrat Newspaper 47. In Profile Daily Newspaper 48. The New York Times 49. The United Nations 50. The Great United States Government 51. The UK and its Government 52. US Department of State 53. US Monrovia Embassy 54. Conciliation Resources or CR 55. The League of Nations 56. Global Witness 57. Moor Stevens Auditing Firm, UK 58. ProPublic and PBS Frontline: (represented by a few of their journalists/employees: Jonathan Jones, T. Christian Miller and Marcela Gaviria etc. respectively)
SOME OTHER POWERFUL COUNTRIES WE SHOULD LEARN FROM 59. France and The Republic of Ireland 60. Russia and China 61. Japan and Switzerland 62. Israel and Ivory Coast CONTINUATION OF INSTITUTIONS/ENTITIES 63. The Liberia National Police (LNP) in general, through the following top officials, in particular: (Cols. Chris Massaquoi, A.B. Kromah, and Sonkarley; and Officer John Saah) 64. Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinions (CEIO) 65. Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) 66. ELBC, Voice FM, and Farbric Radio 67. Google Search Engine 68. Samuel Wallace’s Family & Home, Al Lewis’ Winn Business Center, and Nulleh Ngafuan’s Internet Café Thanks.
****To be updated as regularly as necessary.