(1) Books [i.e. articles, leaflets, circulars etc.] help us understand who we really are, and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and how to die. – Anne Lamott (2) A book [or a brochure, tract, booklet etc.] can be a star too; it can be a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading into the expanding universe. – Madeline L’Engle (3) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read everything – thrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good, you will find out. If it is not good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner
WHY SHOULD EACH CITIZEN HELP SPREAD THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION’S MESSAGE FAR AND WIDE? PREPARED BY THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION’S SECRETARIAT PREPARED BETWEEN: JANUARY 2013 AND JANUARY 2017 Note: Because of our very deep appreciation of the work being done here by the United Nations, in addition to our confidence in the UN to ably govern all world affairs and put up an honest and constructive mentorship for the new nation that we are struggling to establish here now, far more than what the United States can do, we have prepared five big ‘sharables’ or street circulars that we call our big 5 revolutionary statements, symbolic of the UN Security Council’s Big 5, and this is one considered our “First Statement of National Call to Action – Spreading the Plain Truth Revolution’s Message as a Civic and Spiritual Obligation.” Note: The remaining 4 are: (1) Our Statement of Tribute
adies gentlemen, young and old, rich and poor, Christian, Muslim, Hindus to the Mostand celebrated Contributors/Motivators of the boy Plain and Truthgirl, Revolution, (2) Our Statement Of Spiritual Backings, (3) Our Statement of the Key Event that Sparked the Plain Truth Revolution, and (4) Our Second Statement of National Call to Action etc., and just everyone. Watch out for the name Plain Truth Revolution on air, on the Internet, in– a time to peacefully start disobeying the current status quo.”. Please get all of them at once to get a complete idea of the Plain the street corners, at intellectual, attiyethatcenters, big and small entertainment centers, and copy, just Truth Revolution’s agenda for this ONLY or country God hasatblessed us with. Also Note: If you don’t get a street please go to https://web.facebook.com/plaintruth2013 for a copy. Thanks for doing so.
and gentlemen, young and old, boys and girls, rich and poor, Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc., and just everyone. Watch out for the name Plain Truth Revolution on air, on the Internet, in the street corners, at intellectual, or attiye centers, at big and small entertainment centers, and just everywhere in our country. The Plain Truth Revolution is a small group of citizens that our Almighty Creator has decided to use to bring a message of delivery, freedom, independence, and the true fear of God to ALL – we say ALL the human beings in this country. Please don’t be frightened by the name revolution. It is unfortunate that for the past 194 years now; that is, since 1822, the people in charge of this country have restricted the word revolution to only mean some armed insurrection or some armed rebellion, or just some bloodbath etc., but we like to make you understand that one word can have different meanings, and that the true meaning of a revolution is any idea that comes to take a whole people, a whole country etc., by storm; or any exercise that comes to claim everybody’s attention almost at once; and to demand everyone’s input and action, one way or the other, at a particular time. So, while others have been using guns, more than 18 times now in the past, in this country, to make their part of ideas to claim everybody’s attention, and demand everybody’s input, we are using pens, papers, computers, cell phones, speeches and peaceful civic actions, talking the truth massively, to claim everybody’s attention and demand everybody’s input and action for positive, lasting change, once and for all, by the grace of God. We chose to name ourselves the Plain Truth Revolution because, in our exactly 48 months of intensively and systematically studying this country, reading and re-reading through more than 60,000 to 70,000 rough pages of loose information about ourselves and others that had similar problems like ours, and asking God for good sight to see well etc., we first established that the root cause of all of our problems in this country is Great Lies. Liberia was built on the foundation pillars of LIES, we all should know by now that LIE is the mother of corruption, stealing, selfishness, deceit, and all kinds of immoralities, the end result of all, which is War, War, War and War, because God hates lies, and God is not mocked. For example, the first line in the big document that made Liberia a country – the document called Declaration of Independence – says, “All the people of this country are originally from the United States of North America.” You can check this up on the Daily Observer Newspaper’s website at www.liberianoberver.com under the area called ‘Documents’ and then by clicking ‘Declaration of Independence’ or you can get it from page 2 of the book, ‘A Short History of the First Liberian Republic’ written by Professor Joseph Saye Guannue. For everyone knows that this statement that makes Liberia a so-called country or state, is a great LIE. We know for example that the Bassas, the Vais, the Deis, the Mandingoes etc. and all the remaining 16 tribes of this country did not come here from America – only the McClains, the Bernards, the Johnsons, the Tubmans and others with these Western surnames came from America. So because we have accepted this 2nd Great LIE in the Liberian story – please read more of our articles to get to know the first Great LIE – people must throw behind their parents’ name and adopt one of these American surnames, or join the group that these Black Americans set up to promote and sustain these LIES forever in this place, called Government, before you become somebody ‘small’ in this place. If not, you and your children will continue to suffer forever. Because the country was set up by using LIES, and thus, was established for lying, the big law book, called the Constitution, which all the government people and the court houses are
using to do their everyday job, is full of lies, or the promotion of wickedness. If you want to find out more for yourself, just look for this book – i.e. the Constitution of Liberia – or ask someone for a copy and look up passages such as Articles 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 20, most of 21, 26, 27(b), and 97 etc. When you read these articles over and over, or just majority, if not all of this book, and look at how things are happening practically on ground in this society, you will get to know that ALL these provisions, either are lying explicitly, or lying intelligently, or they are strictly promoting wickedness against God’s children here. This is just to name a very few of Liberia’s countless official lies. Moreover, because the country was set up by, and for lies, one must be a great liar, or must have good criminal records, or be prepared to sell or KILL their own conscience altogether, before becoming some big man in Liberia. If not, you fail. Imagine how much lies and criminal activities it took Madam Ellen Sirleaf to become president – we are not even talking about Doe or Taylor – and for the people who are behind us now to vote again, they are not telling us that the biggest challenge that voters, the poor, fooled, and suffering citizens of this country, will have to face again – if they ever allowed themselves to be deceived once more to go stand on line for election under this constitution and current status quo – is how to choose somebody that has a bigger criminal record over Madam Sirleaf, and can lie more than her, because life is progressive. Imagine Doe was a criminal, trying to work on his criminal record before Taylor, another hard-core American CIA-trained criminal than Doe, took over, then Ellen, a more advanced criminal than Doe and Taylor, groomed from the American system again, came next. Let’s imagine the credential of the person to come next, if we are to ever be tempted to stand on line again, under this current statehood arrangement. For more than 35 to 40 years intermittently, what should be counted as some of our country’s productive time if we had things right from the beginning, we have been shedding blood using physical force in about 18 different rounds of national crises in the name of venting out our grievances. The first of these bloody civil crises interestingly took half an hour during the Crown Hill Battle in 1822, and the last round yet, which we are praying should be the last, took us 14 round years, beginning 1989. And unfortunately, all of the ugly things that caused these bloodbaths keep getting worse on a daily basis in our country because each time we go to fight or vent out our grievances, we don’t tackle the problem from the root; we look at it with short sight, and tackle it from the surface. We don’t even know the details of our own problems, that’s why we, of the Plain Truth Revolution are saying this time around that, instead of fighting physical war to solve our problem, or to vent out our anger, let’s go on the offensive against the issues causing us all these nightmares with the use of book instead of physical force every time. Book comes from God, and it has in it the solutions to all of mankind’s problems. So let’s try it and see. Let’s read, write and talk in massive details about our problems instead. And so, being convinced by God’s grace, that this is the final and right way of solving the biggest of our country’s predicaments, we decided to take the lead by placing all these details on paper, relatively, summarizing and re-summarizing, and out of love for fellow citizens, taking hard copies of these writings out in the fashion you see us doing. If you doubt for example that the Bible and Quran, our two most popular Books of Scriptures in this country, support this argument, then please check up these 3 passages, among many more: a. Hosea 4: 6 – My people will be silenced because there is no knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from serving as My priests, and because you have forgotten the law of your God, I Myself will forget your sons.
b. Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision, the people go unrestrained, but happy are those who observe the law. c. Qur’an 17:36 – You shall not accept any information unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them. (from http://www.quran.mu..) A nation where everyone is so preoccupied or busy only with their personal problems without regards to issues that affect the general society, to the point that almost everyone is worried about what they will get today, and not what will happen to their country (for example 50 years from now) is a DOOMED society forever. And this is Liberia’s problem. This is the fate that our detractors have tied us to, and expect us to remain there forever, but we can now rise above their conspiracy because they are NOT God – God forbid! And to change this gloomy fate, it means everyone now must start taking this country’s business seriously, and start putting it on their personal shoulders and heads in an active and very honest way. For example, everyone must now start asking themselves questions such as: Why should we have government, managing all of our plenty resources, and then we still will be suffering or worried for children’s school fees? In many countries in the world, school is free, or it may be credited to whatever extent available. Why not this place, when we have numerous resources with a very small population? How many companies – both domestic and foreign-owned – do we have in this place, and how many millions do they give to government each year in different contributions such as fees, dividends, corporate/business taxes etc. for government to share revenues with us in different ways too, such as building new roads, providing high-quality electricity supply across our county, and giving all the unemployed, old age, crippled people etc. certain money every month. This is what many countries around the world – if not all now – do for their citizens. In fact, this is the essence of establishing a country – so that citizens, at every level, can be taken care of by the government, using the resources of the country. When will our government ever afford buying brand new public buses, brand new air planes, and trains etc. to make life easier for the people of this country? All of these are the essence of establishing and running a country, but NOT, and we say NOT, with emphasis, for a less than 1% of a country to keep CRIMINALLY possessing all of the material values of the country in the name of being in some government, while 99.9% live in deadly and painful poverty. For being in government does not make any citizen more valuable or better than any other citizen We see a different, CRIMINAL idea of government in this country since 1822. Is it that we fall in the trap of what the Bible talks about in Hoses 8:4, that some governments, [or some forms of government, or some culture of government], are just NOT approved by God, and can be very fake no matter how long they may be in control, or in style, in a given place? We believe, for example, that whether someone is born in Europe, Africa or America, we are all God’s children, and He means well for all of us, His children everywhere. But because He Himself can’t leave His Heavenly throne and come to share the cake of life, that’s why the idea of selecting people among us, under the banner of government, to share all of the ‘cakes’ of life, as approved by Him, and NOT meaning that those selected to play such Godly role are better or superior than the others, just because they are in government, as is done in this criminal Black American country that has every meaningful idea about life turned upside
down. The below Bible verses, for example, depict some of God’s wonderful wishes for His children, that He designates government to carry out, just as governments in Europe, America, Australia, and many parts of Africa etc. are doing for all their people. Governments do these great jobs using different theoretical instruments: sometimes you may hear about Universal Social Protection or Universal Social Insurance etc. In fact the big world body called UN, mandates all these good things to be done for everybody everywhere through their instructions sent to all members: that’s why you hear people talking about such things as Millennium Development Goals (or MDGs) or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) etc. These are just some of the good, good wishes of God for ALL of humanity therefore: a) Psalm 23:1 – [Once] God is my shepherd, I will not lack anything [good]. *We hope people could interpret beyond the lines when reading these Bible or Quranic verses. b) Psalm 34:10 – Even strong lions have [sometimes] been reduced to hunger, but those seeking God [sincerely] will lack nothing good c) III John 2 – Beloved one, I pray that in all things, you continue to prosper and enjoy good health, just as you are prospering d) Job 36:11 – If they obey, and serve Him [meaning God, sincerely], they will live out their days in prosperity, and their years will be pleasant etc. But let’s be informed with emphasis of a serious caveat or warning here that it is ONLY by treating one another fairly and equally, under a fair system of justice, will any of these goodies of life, as promised by God Almighty, ever be possible, especially covering everyone’s interests, no matter how much Economics and Law we know from Harvard’s main campus at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Proof: Deuteronomy 16:20 – Justice [and only] justice, you should pursue, so that you may keep living and taking possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Having made this lifesaving point clear in Deuteronomy 16:20 above, we come to this next key reason for why we are calling on all citizens to spread this Plain Truth Revolutionary message like a wild fire for change. It is open secret that almost everyone in this place is now tired with our country’s complicated mess that seems NEVER to have some solution in sight. This is causing many persons who believe in their God to tirelessly pray in their secret corners for His intervention, which is the ONLY way out, of course. We then believe therefore that God wants to come in, but how will He do this when we keep sitting and tolerating a huge stockpile of uncorrected injustices and innocent blood, talking and doing nothing about them. We continue to sit over too many deadly issues of injustice, and we are sadly thinking that we can leave them unanswered and expect God to rush into our situation, IMPOSSIBLE!!! The greatest mistake we continue to make in this place however, is by overlooking the unimpeachable fact that the working of our relationship with God is a two-way street. We must play some strong role before He comes in, and works His wonders, in completion. Let’s look at some files from within Liberia’s huge portfolio of uncorrected gross injustices, that we must take steps at addressing now, if we really wish for our Heavenly Father to come into our situation and start wiping away our national tears: 1) Imagine the issue of our so-called Thanksgiving Day. American Navy personnel come and use gun to our forefathers’ heads to get their piece of land to dump people that America
says don’t fit within their society anymore, then these American military personnel force $300 worth of old shoes and smoke fish, and other things on our people, additionally promising our poor, defenseless forefathers some cash payment for their land, to be done later. The Americans didn’t stop there, but further coerce our Native forefathers to sign paper for them to take to their masters in New York and Washington DC, somewhat formally accounting for this arm robbed piece of land, which we call today Cape Mesurado. Our poor forefathers, again, defenseless and choiceless, decide to just compromise and accept these STUPID offers for their land, with another deceitful condition set by the Americans that they were just settling down their ‘unwanted Blacks’ for a while to find their rightful original homes on the African continent later. Our forefathers, already been placed at gun point earlier to give their land, and fearing a repeat of this deadly experience, had to accept this second lie, as a form of relief. After some time, instead of arm robbed Cape Mesurado, the unwanted Black Americans, with the support of their America, started to encroach on our people’s land even further, with the promised cash balance for Cape Mesurado still just being a scam. Our Native forefathers, after several ignored complaints, get on the rampage with their bow and arrows in protest for their lands and to also protest the LIES being used on them by these strange bedfellows. In response, Americo-Liberians use their military-style, American-supplied riffles and massively kill our Native people for agitating for their own legitimate property and right, with bow and arrows, as their action of last resort. After these horrendous atrocities and crimes against humanity, committed in what Liberian History calls the Crown Hill and Forte Hill Battles, a compromised date in November 1822, the month of these crimes against humanity, is set and first adopted by the Americo-Liberian Colonial Legislature and later so-called legitimized by them in 1883 as National Thanksgiving Day. We still celebrate this curse today, and God is not mocked. 2) E.J. Roye, the 1st Black-skinned Americo-Liberian, who seemed to be one of the variances among the average criminal Americo-Liberian breed or ethnic group comes to power with some beautiful plans for the entire country, while showing a strong will and taking practical steps to execute these plans, according to history. Roye is caught and gruesomely murdered by a group of people calling themselves some kind of revolutionaries, and this devilish act is legitimized by the so-called Americo-Liberian Legislature. All this mess happened between 1871 and 1872. 3) In June 1955, in a so-called Americo-Liberian election year, Samuel Coleman, an opposition to President Tubman, and his John Coleman, are gruesomely murdered by state security for some alleged act, and their bodies dragged into the funny, dirty streets of Monrovia in a very savage manner like apes behaving. This goes with impunity. 4) In 1980, a man, fully established in Liberian history, whether oral, written, empirical or otherwise, as the country’s most productive and visionary president ever, President William Richard Tolbert, is grabbed and savagely slaughtered like a bush cow (without prejudice to this man, and peace be to his ashes) in the very eyes of citizens in the name of some revolution, not to even mention what happened to scores of his government officials on light poles at dirty Monrovia beaches. The biggest law book of the country, the socalled Constitution, which is telling people to vote once more to elect people to office for 9 to 18 years again, a book that is supposed to make sure that every crime, no matter how
long in the past it was committed, is dug out and investigated etc., rather strangely states in its Article 97 that no soul should ever seek any form of justice for that kind of very brutal and inhumane treatment received by sitting President Tolbert and all of his government officials. Yet, life is going on with ease in the Black Americans’ Liberia. 5) In 1989, a group of people from the United States again, waged some war that in 14 years killed over 500,000 of our citizens who had the same feelings, ambitions, emotions and taste for food like ourselves today, while exiling millions, who suffered excruciating circumstances in strange lands, with some even dying without befitting burials outside of their home. To bring some relief for all these massive sorrows, the Accra Comprehensive Peace Accord of August 2003, which gave some grace to the main killers and perpetrators of all these terrible crimes to go ahead and occupy their political positions, since that was why all this carnage had been wrought in the first place, also created room for something practical and genuine to be done for those who died or suffered and continue to suffer effects of this carnage through some process called the Truth & Reconciliation Process. TRC, for example recommended for some money to be paid to people who lost their immediate family members, and for all those who actively took part in killing people during those dark days, to leave all government offices for 30 years. The structure called Liberian Government, even though almost all major actors within it are there today because of the special graces offered them by the Accra CPA, said all the provisions to take care of the blood and suffering of our common people are not in accordance with this constitution that they are asking people to obey and go stand on line for election again. The good people of Americo-Liberia have agreed to their politicians and their constitution and are so eager again to go stand on line because this is the only way they have learned that people can solve their national problems. 6) On a regular basis, people disappear in this place and die in cold blood without anyone having to get any head and tail about who killed them and why. While it is true that the world is full of wicked things, true justice systems exist so that people can know who killed whom, and why. But this is not so in Americo-Liberia, that’s why the country can’t even afford to electrify itself, but prefers to remain always dark. In the past recent years, a few of the mysterious deaths without justice or even sound information include those of such persons as: Saah Fayiah Gborlee, Keith Juba, Michael Allison, Victoria Zayzay, and Harry Greaves. This is according to the FrontPage Africa Newspaper, and many deaths happen involving poor or unpopular people that don’t go to the newspapers or radio stations. 7) Our history has recorded more than 18 rounds of wars, coup d’etats and national riots in this place, with each of these crises taking away the lives of between hundreds, thousands, and hundreds of thousands of our precious human beings and citizens like ourselves. Like the first 6 categories of uncorrected injustices above, no justice has ever been sought, or even no attempts have ever been made for justice covering these categories of deaths too, up to this point. For example, when you go through Liberian history, apart from the Forte Hill and Crown Hill Battles we mentioned earlier, you will read about such battles as the Kru War that lasted for at least 1 month and 3 weeks (1856); the Grebo War, fought for at least 6 months (from 1856 – 1857). Then the Combined Uprisings of the Inland and Coastal Tribes which took place for a little over 6 months in 1864; then still the Cape
Palmas War, which could be called the Second Grebo War, that lasted for about this same duration, or slightly over 6 months between 1875 and 1876. The next batch of wars included the Mixed Tribal Wars or Confrontations that took place for about 7 years, then the Bloody Battle of 1900, the Kru Rebellion of 1915, and the Gola War of 1918, before the Sasstown War of 1931 to 1936. All these are according to Liberian History books written by Professor Joseph Saye Guannue. The interesting, but fearful thing you will notice, however, is that the first Battle that began Liberia, the Crown Hill Battle, lasted for half an hour, and then the most recent one yet (we pray it be so), lasted for 14 years. Nobody cares about what innocent people suffered through all these wars, yet there are internationally recognized laws that govern war, and Liberia, still interestingly wants things to remain like this, for the country to prosper. When tracking injustices in the world, Americo-Liberia scores a very huge mark as a land of great injustice. One British charity called Conciliation Resources says Liberian Government institutions, down to their courts, were set up to further suppress the Natives, or to exert Americo-Liberian dominance over the Natives. In Liberia, there’s a different set of laws for the McClains, Bernards and Johnsons, while there is a different, criminal set for the Yarkpawolos, Dolos, and Kromas, who are the only people that do wrong things in this country. 8) There are two ways of acquiring citizenship – either by being born on a soil, or by close parental blood connection to that soil – but Liberia is so unjust to the point that it says all the Whites, God’s own children, that are born on this soil will NEVER be citizens. This is according to Article 27 (b) of the so-called law book. But these same people can be sending their pregnant women to go and deliver in the Whiteman’s home’s for the babies from these deliveries to become citizens of the same White people’s homes or countries. For Fulas and others who have been born on this soil for some time, they still have no recognized space in the Liberian society as official Ethnic groups, which is unfair. By right, when we are counting the different official Ethnic groups of this country, we should no more be talking 16, but the Fulas should also be included. These are all gross injustices that God hates, and we MUST do something from our human efforts about them right now. 9) Based on facts like the immediate one above, we want everyone convinced that we are
doing all this because we see a big problem coming very soon that we want God to help use us to avert. The way that this noble calling of leadership and the delicate responsibility of governance are being criminally and dangerously joked with in this country has come a very serious crisis point. The thing called government in this place has sadly been used in a very criminal sense by some less than 0.001% of the population to keep the huge remaining masses in destitution, poverty, and all sorts of unimaginable shocks to human life. What people are getting to know now, we fear that if the calls of our revolution are not quickly heeded to, and we allow something to spark here again under this cursed Liberian statehood because of our unwillingness to accept the plain truth and welcome a radical, positive change, there’s a huge possibility that this country will set another painful record again. Everyone knows how in the 1980s and 1990s, people in authority with their guns strangely sought after tribes (for example Doe and his people looked for Gios and Manos to bury alive in mass graves on the beaches; Taylor and his boys were looking for
Krahns and Mandingoes to eat alive, and do savagely mischievous stuffs like that. What could happen here if leadership and governance are not quickly set properly right now will be sad rounds of arm insurrections and disturbances wherein the targets will not anymore be tribes, but instead a deadly search for any soul that has links to this evil America and Americo-Liberian gang in this place called government, which thinks it can only survive by keep fooling the masses and keeping the citizens illiterate and terribly unattended to always. A hint to the wise should be quite sufficient!! Let us host our national conference and boldly discuss all of our burning issues right now. Let’s remind you of what one Evangelist Charles prophesied in 2014 that was broadcast on the Power TV. First off, let it be well known to all of us that true children of God don’t prophesy for it to go in vain. It might not happen instantly, but it truly does happen. The Bible makes us to understand in Amos 3:7 that God will not do anything unless He reveals it first to His servants, the prophets. We like to sound this as a caveat to the current government and all their powers supporting them to take the issue of this demanded national convention which will facilitate a new leadership and governance arrangement for our people, thus facilitating a graceful turning over of the current powers, seriously. If everyone’s memory serves them right, when Evangelist Charles of the Bethel World Outreach Ministries Cathedral in Monrovia was announcing this vision he had received about some imminent bloody cloud hanging over the country, he warned Madam Sirleaf and her VP Boakai to resign, suggestively to create room for the country to discuss its fate and future under some different kind of arrangement. He was not asking them to do so through elections, and he was categorical that the driving force behind this looming dark cloud was the hot air of tribal and ethnic marginalization that keeps sweeping across the country in different forms. Our revolution endeavors to demand a blanket justice package (what the book people called a comprehensive Transitional Justice Process) for all the atrocities we mentioned earlier throughout our history, plus all these societal wrongs and acts of injustices that continue to increase in this place on a daily basis. That’s why we demand that all Whites born on this soil gain their unconditional citizenship so that we all, employing justice and genuine rule of law can now work together to make this beautiful land of ours a paradise by the grace of God. A society wherein some people count and others don’t count is a HOPELESS, LOST, and DISASTER-PRONE society forever. The current Chinese President, our revolution calls him Mr. Xi Jing Ping, the Great, has said, with a little bit of paraphrasing here that: when we forget history, it is a great betrayal of the people that lived before us, and when we deny crimes that happened in the past, whether yesterday or in 1822, we are just saying that these crimes must keep repeating themselves. Additional reasons for why everything about this revolution must be spread like wild fire by everyone in this country and elsewhere, with connection to, or interest in this country, are as follows: Note: We consider this assignment as people’s obligation to God too, not just to humanity alone: 1. People will come after us, and will have these writings as pieces of evidence, and an opportunity to know who did what for them to survive, and who worked in their interest and who did not.
2. We want this very peaceful and innovative civic endeavor to be sufficiently distinguished from those criminal maneuvers through which cruel people have been inflicting free pains and sorrows upon our people in this place, in the name of revolution and change, which only continue to make life worst off for us for us with the passage of time. That’s why our approach is different and strange by the grace of God. We want this very peaceful civic project to sufficiently distinguish the sheep from the goat in our home; the good people from the bad people; those who want the current status quo that keeps a less than 1% of the population sitting over the nation’s wealth, while 99.9% suffer untold deprivation to continue, from those who want the social order to change for the country to now begin to properly take care of all of its citizens alike; the unproductive from the productive etc. We believe that there are a supermajority of our citizens, but sadly incapacitated, who are totally against the current social order in this country and want it changed unconditionally, but they just don’t know how and when, but they are in their secret corners praying. We therefore want for the voices of such honest people, wishing for the genuine good of society, to now be loudly heard, and their actions broadly seen, facilitated by sound community and grass root leaderships etc. We also believe that there are those who too, are hell-bent on keeping this way of things intact, even with their sweat and blood, unfortunately. These are people who want to maintain a status quo that keeps deceiving people in every good thing about life, from quality education to good roads; to good healthcare delivery and facilities; they keep lying about the realities. This is a status quo that hates to hear the bold truths about things and wants us to keep sugarcoating in deceit. So by exposing everything about our revolution in this grand style and manner, our fellow citizens and the whole world will see who will want to stand up and fight against these kinds of lifesaving ideas from us, and by this, the sheep can be separated from the goat. So, because we believe the power of book/education, and we are academicians, we are arguing that the same way lies have soaked the society, we need massive truths to combat these lies if we are to ever change this society and make God proud of us too. Let’s remember from our high school physics that Sir Isaac Newton said in his Newton 3rd Law of Motion that: to every action, there [should] be an equal and opposite reaction. Remember our country’s lies are so strong, brutal, conscious and overwhelming. So you need bold, strong, conscious, and overwhelming truths to offset these lies and bring about a new society based on truth telling and all its lieutenants of: Justice, Hard work, Morality, and Mutual Love for everyone – this is the goal of the Plain Truth Revolution. And the very first step of this revolution is to create a massive awareness of the country’s problems through whatever peaceful medium available. The second step is for all of us to demand a citizens’ National Conference or Convention now, to discuss the country’s problems and decide some new solutions before any soul ever rests in this country, and not to go and vote now. We are saying, as we speak, voting is not the solution to our problem, but will provoke God’s anger more against us. We are saying the overall goal – considered a national emergency now – is to peacefully undo this Liberia (‘Lie_and_be_here’) and lay the foundation of a new country right now, based on Justice and Love. For we just can NEVER build a strong and productive nation on a foundation laid by criminals (J. J. Roberts, Steven A. Benson etc.), and a foundation laid on pillars of DECEIT and BIG LIES etc. – this is just IMPOSSIBLE, fellow citizens and parts of the world that are interested in what’s happening here. For God does not like lies. The idea of Liberia just can’t work, no matter how long America and the Americo-Liberians fight to sustain it!!!! This explains the goal
of our Plain Truth Revolution. And so, since a country’s business is everybody’s business, and NOT just few people’s business, that’s why we are saying, everybody should try to lay hand on a Plain Truth Revolution article or articles (be it a pamphlet, be it a street circular, a leaflet etc.), or all of them, and share it to the community at large. Don’t forget that by doing this, you will be doing God’s work and your refusal also will be counted against you by Him. We are quite confident of this strong assertion. So, as you hear about any Plain Truth Revolution’s action (s) – whether talk show, press conference, civic action etc. – anywhere, please get copies of any of these articles and begin to share them as much as possible. You will be sowing for yourself a very rewarding seed for life. Those who can read, please help anyone out, who can’t read. 3. Here is another key reason why we want these messages spread like wildfire to produce us more witnesses by the grace of God: Americans, the main people – through their governmental actions, though - who have imposed all of these mess upon us – have been of late, busy encouraging us directly, to fight to change our own situation around for ourselves, rather than waiting for some World Bank, some EU, or America, or UN etc. to come and do it for us – this is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!. So, by bringing every citizen on board through these campaigns and physical media of massive information spreading and awareness creation like these, we will be creating an opportunity for all of us to watch out and see how this America will react to our own indigenously strategized approach for genuine change, God willing. Here are just a few of the very powerful words of encouragement from our good American friends to put us to work in a different way to free ourselves from this huge mess we find ourselves in: i.
In 2010, Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, speaking on behalf of the United States, at some Internet Freedom occasion quotes President Obama as saying, “the more freely information flows, the stronger societies become.”
At her independence day speech on July 4, 2014 at the US Monrovia Embassy, Ambassador Deborah R. Malac assured the people of this country that one of America’s biggest roles now, in helping us out of this ugly situation will be to advocate for an atmosphere that will tolerate and promote alternative and dissenting views, including public discourses, characterized by civility and mutual respect. This is according to ELBC, July 4, 2014. Then commenting another time on the funny thing we call an Economy in this place, she said, “I know Liberians tend to think of concessions as the one model for foreign investment, but that model is increasingly outdated.” - (extracted from the Global Witness Report, “The New Snake Oil”, of 2015
US Liberia Embassy Official, Madam Sheilla Paskman, in July 2014 offered her candid advice to the people of this country that: in order for us to attend to our huge societal problems, we will have to use our current potentials, instead of waiting for some other people to come in the future to do so. But she said the road to achieving this however, is not, and we repeat here NOT, by waiting to hold some public office first, but instead, by putting up some form of strong community or grass root leadership etc. This is according to a local radio news on July 26, 2014
Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Madam Linda Thomas Greenfield, in her last visit to Liberia in May 2016 sounded the following caveat to the power that be in this
country, according to the local dailies, saying: “Let me stress, violence must be avoided at all costs [now], and no one should die in an effort to express their political beliefs [about their country, i.e. Liberia]. etc. This America interestingly knows that NOTHING we are currently doing here will work, and that we need to take some radical, extra-mile step like what they did in the 1770s against Great Britain, if we are to ever free ourselves from this HELL OF MESS, called statehood. So let’s see how they will react – in their world of sincerity and honesty – to both these initiatives from our Plain Truth Revolution, and how all citizens, wishing for genuine change, are going to be reacting too from these rallying cries championed by the Plain Truth Revolution. THIS TRULY, IS THE BIGGEST MORALITY TEST EVER FOR THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To convince everybody overwhelmingly, there are more than sufficient reasons why we believe that these messages must go out far and wide, to ALL, across our country and the world – especially parts of the world with interest in this place, and so we close on several of these additional reasons here again, as follows: a. We want to follow some of the very good examples of America – which is a culture of according utmost respect to each citizen. If we respect one another equally, anything we wish for our country, we will fight to share it with one another – whether in disagreement or not – because, in the end, it is about all of our individual and combined destinies; thus, requiring all of our individual actions, whether for, or against. When the Americans were about to change their country for good, great revolutionary leaders like George Washington, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin etc. wrote multiple pamphlets for their citizens, using their bare hands and natural penmanship and traditional ‘scroll pens’, and using horses to distribute these pamphlets either secretly or openly to every citizen as possible, to every possible community across the United States. This is love; this is mutual respect; this is honesty; and this is justice, and God does go the extra mile too for people who show all of His children respect to this extent. b. We want every citizen now to adapt their own peaceful strategies of going on the offensive against each of our country’s major problems instead of keep complaining about them. We believe, just as it is in the game of football, no group of people will ever survive or score any mark in this life, if they only decide to remain on the defensive, or by just complaining, complaining, and complaining, in this case, about their problems. So in this country for example, we can sit in our houses, our offices, our cozy radio studios, our cars etc., or we can call on talk shows and sleep at attiye/intellectual centers and so on, and complain all year about how America’s imperialism is killing us in broad day light, and holding our huge potentials hostage forever; or how Americo-Liberian ethnocentrism is ripping apart our society day after day right before our very eyes since 1822; or how the deeply entrenched culture of corruption continues to disgrace us as a people every hour that comes by etc., once we don’t get up to get on the offensive physically, dramatically, and practically (meaning through peaceful and constructive means) against those who have planted these Bad Seeds and continue to water them in our society, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will ever change. In fact, things will just continue to get worst and worst, as the minutes and hours come and go. Everyone knows by now that we are at the very brink of some “Dog Eat Dog” situation in this
place again, and after such stage, the next thing that comes is War. These are the major fruits of what America is implementing here through their Americo-Liberians in theories such as Capitalism and some fake Electoral Democracy. That’s why, this small group of simple citizens just like anyone else out there, is encouraging all of us, God’s children, to come together under one religion called TRUTH; one political party called the Truth Alliance or Truth Coalition, and one football club called the TRUTH United, to go on the offensive against the root of all this evil within our society, and that root is not abstract, it’s not in the skies, it is human beings. According to the great German Academician Karl Marx, you can’t tackle issues without the human beings that are causing and leading the issues. And this does not in any sense mean that we should antagonize people physically or destructively – God forbid! We can only go about this spiritually, intellectually, mentally etc. and by other constructive means such as physical and dramatic civic actions. When a serious and productive people establish sufficiently where their problems or the source of their problem is, just as the police people would do when they discover a criminal hideout, they chase out the problem source or make it to run away from them, but in this case, we can only succeed, if and only if we honestly employ God’s just principles, because in the end, it is only He who fights, not us. He is the God of Armies. Both the Qur’an and the Bible have instructed us to fight against each one of the big, big, problems that continue to hold this ‘Liberian’ (although we prefer calling it Grain Coast) society down, including Great Lies, Massive Corruption, Unimaginable Injustice, Oppression, Marginalization, Imperialism, Colonialism etc. Here are just a few proofs Qur’an i.
Surat 8: 39 – And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevails justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, [meaning if they cease from wreaking their havoc on innocent human beings], verily Allah sees what they do.”
Surat 4: 75 – And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah, AND OF THOSE who, being weak, are ill-treated, (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children, whose cry is, “Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from Thee, one, who will protect; and raise for us from Thee, one who will help etc.
Bible i.
I Kings 22:3 – Then the King of Israel said to his servants: “Do you really know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us? [or put in our shoes in this country, ‘Do you really know that this country belongs to us, the Yarkpawolos, Sendolos, Nagbes, Boakais etc. and not America or her superimposed Tubmans, Bernards, Johsons, McClains etc.]. And yet we are hesitating to take it back from the King of Syria?
Ecclesiastes 4:5 – The stupid one folds his hands while his flesh wastes away.
Joshua 18:3 – So Joshua said to the Israelites, “How long will you put off going in to take possession of the land that Jehovah, the God of your forefathers, has given you?
Matthew 11:12 – From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of the heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it.
Ephesians 6:11-13 – (11) Put on the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the devil. (12) Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. (13) For this reason, take up the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to resist the wicked day, and after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm.
II Corinthians 10:3-5 – (3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare according to what we are, in the flesh. (4) For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things [such as superpower and state-sponsored lies, corruption, injustice, oppression etc.]. (5) For we are overturning reasoning, and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to [that of] Christ. ****Ladies and Gentlemen, imagine the American Government and their American Colonization Society claiming in the early 1800s, that Black Criminals who were, in their own words, polluting and terrorizing the American Society, could be dumped somewhere in West Africa so that they can ‘Civilize’ and ‘Christianize’ the dark continent of Africa. Where are the true ‘civilization’ and ‘christianization’ in this particular part of Africa, called ‘Liberia’ today? Is God ever mocked? We of the Plain Truth Revolution say a big, big, NO, NO, and NO!!!!
c. Former American President John F. Kennedy says, any one person can make a difference for their country, and so, everyone person must try. Our Plain Truth Revolution is inspired by this man so much too, and we believe in this statement he made. That is why we have decided through these activities, to afford everyone an opportunity to make a difference by providing all of us the right information upon which to act by the grace of God. d. We are confident that the time for fighting and standing up for good ideas rather big names and money has come in this country. And one French man called Victor Hugo says, when the time for good ideas come for a people, it is NEVER good for any army, or any power that be, to stand in the way. Like for example, in this country now, we are saying: it is time for our true independence; and it is time for our children to go to good, quality schools, free of charge because we have got all of the resources for it; it is time for our police people to wear clean, computerized uniform sets and get good salary every month, with all the 21st century policing equipment, including such things as modern operations helicopters, brand new operations vehicles, state-of-the-art crime labs etc. bought by their own government so that they can do their jobs without fear or favor – and not people’s old things donated every time. We also need a huge army too, like our friends, other countries, a military that must be well-schooled, and well equipped with modern things. And why will we not be talking about such things as military helicopters, war ships, war planes etc. for a 194 year old country’s army during this day and age? We need to now start building for ourselves good two-lane and 4-lane roads with our own money, and start working towards building double-decker roads, as others have already started constructing triple-decker roads. For airports, we believe we can build for ourselves multiple world class airports all across our 43,000 square mile country – and all this can happen, IF AND ONLY IF, we obtain our true independence. Our citizens, our children etc. need zoos to go to every weekend and holiday all across the country so that
they can be able to see for themselves, for example, what a living lion, leopard, elephant, chimpanzee, tiger, and even a boa constrictor etc. looks like, and how these mighty living things can move around and grab their preys or even play with human beings when properly tamed etc. This is entertainment, and NOT always only stout and beer bottles in every corner etc. We believe that the time for all these productive ideas has come, and because the current design of statehood and government is not meant for these kinds of ideas, but for LIES, REVENGE, STEALING, CORRUPTION etc. – all of which result to POVERTY, ILLITERACY, UNDEVELOPMENT, UNDERDEVELOPMENT and painful things like these, they definitely will want to up some resistance. And to use peaceful means and massive education, that’s why we call this civic endeavor a revolution. President John F. Kennedy again is said to have suggested once that revolution is a must in a people’s lives, and when a power that be tries to resist peaceful revolution, they only then invite upon themselves a violent and bloody revolution, but revolution must come when a people come to their senses for real change to happen. So by spreading our message so massively, we expect many witnesses to attest to what the government will do in reaction to these productive ideas for genuine change. e. God has helped us to design these writings in such a way that they basically cover all of what we, the people of this country’s actions, will be judged against, both in this life and the life hereafter, and so, we expect every citizen – not just a few, even those who can’t read and write – to make efforts as much as possible to understand these articles. This is possible, once you have a self-pride and know that you are part of Gods’ children, and therefore that your contribution to life is also equally important as the book people. f. We expect, and in fact, it is mandatory for each person receiving any one copy or article of these works to try hard to distribute or re-share them to as many persons as possible because it’s about everyone’s life and is about God’s interest in how each of us can act now. Remember we are guilty for committing genocide in this country one way or the other, when we sit supinely and do nothing about the innocent blood of our people been wasted since 1822, and the way our current system of life keeps destroying all of our future generations right before our very eyes. Come to think about it, when we sell all of the iron ore, oil, gold, diamond, timbers, bushes etc. now, without having anything substantial to point to, even for current generations, much less to talk about future generations, then we all are committing genocide. That’s the fire we are playing with in this country, and thinking that being passive about these things will spare us of judgment. This is an opportunity for us to act and vindicate ourselves before God for committing these acts of genocide in our everyday life. And finally for now, we, as a people (‘Liberians’, though we hate to call our good people this way), have reached a dangerous point at which God’s wrath can descend upon us at any time. We must all now work together fearlessly, and in truth – to avoid hitting that red line point against our Creator. There is no joke about this. When a people consistently refuse to stand up for principles, but rather decide to keep treading the same road of living only for today; when a people decide to consistently respect man more than God (in this case, America and AmericoLiberians more than God); when a people decide to tolerate the wasting of innocent blood consistently without any thing being done about it; when a people become so attached to
corruption to the point that corruption is striped to the brains of their unborn babies; when a people decide to accept big, big, lies and deceit, and decide to live with these evils forever without making any genuine collective efforts at correcting these lies and deceit etc., they make God, their Creator, shame, and regretful of ever creating them in His image and likeness, and when this shame and regret get to Him (God) too much, He closes His eyes, takes a deep breath, and wipes them off, to clean the slate for a new breed of human beings. This is the very dangerous point that we the people of this country have now reached. And when God reaches this point, He has different techniques to employ for such operations, as depicted in different Bible passages including Ezekiel 14:12 onwards. For example, He may choose to do so through such instruments or techniques as wars, pestilence, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes etc. So back home, for instance, imagine one earthquake hitting dirty, old, 194-year old Monrovia. In the Bible, the examples are so many about how God took sweeping actions because of the same kinds of mess we find ourselves in here, without improvement in sight. For example: a) In the Book of Genesis 6:11 onwards, God told Noah that He (God) was about to take action because the Earth (remember, saying the Earth at that time, was like referring to a single nation) was full of violence and He didn’t want it that way. Remember we said earlier that Liberia has gone through more than 18 rounds of bloody national crises. And with the entrenched culture of wasting innocent blood and society’s tolerance of such practice, coupled with the deep seated willingness to accept lies, corruption, stealing etc., all of which turn out into bloodbath eventually every time, we can now compare ourselves with that Earth referenced by God to Noah at that time. b) God had gotten so annoyed with the people of several Middle Eastern communities including Negeb, Shephelah, Kardesh-Barnea, Gaza etc., and ordered Joshua to go and slaughter everyone there, including men, women, children and babies, according to Joshua Chapter 10. c) In Genesis 18:20 onwards, God’s justification for deciding to strike Sodom & Gomorrah was that the outcry against them (for instance, the outcry against Liberia for corruption, corruption, corruption etc. to the point that she has almost drawn the whole world into this corruption web) was so great and that their sins were too heavy. Let’s also take for example what Proverbs 6:16 – 19 says about too much lies and the shedding of innocent blood). Some of the outcry against this country could be how it has shamefully allowed itself to be an enduring mockery to statehood and an everlasting liability on the rest of the world community despite the fact that we who live here have the same brains, legs, arms etc. as the people in China, Russia, the United States or Ivory Coast), but the only thing we know is to complain, complain, steal and beg, beg, and beg. d) For practicing the culture of falsely accusing good people, especially well-intentioned leaders, in addition to other defiant acts to God, God stroke more than 14,700 in punishment at once in Numbers Chapter 16. e) Because of the children of God’s worship of a false god and their persistent inclination to doing evil things remorselessly, God made the children of Israel at one point in time to kill one another in short time, on demonstration of His anger. This is according to Exodus 32 etc.
There are many more examples in the Bible about how God can make up His mind to exterminate a whole people using different techniques, mainly for their lack of faith in Him and for their unrestrained sinful and iniquitous activities including: excessive corruption and other moral impurities. In these cases, God’s major argument, just as in Numbers 32 and Genesis 6:56 for example, has been unrestrained sinning and the commission of iniquity without remorse. But the good thing is that before Heaven reaches this point, before we human beings reach, or cross those red lines of His, He raises up someone or some people to detail all the facts which could be used against us to justify His actions. This is usually unknown to us, human beings. That’s the role we are confident the Plain Truth Revolution now plays. That’s why we feel very compelled to put out all these details without fear or favor. But it does not mean that we are any better, any braver, or any righteous, or special than anyone out there. It is just that God has His own yardstick and decides whom to choose, and at which time, to do what, because only He knows everyone’s heart and their abilities. That’s all. Before we close, we will keep warning the power that be and their backer, the United States of America, to be very careful how we handle all these debates. We are out for peace, peace, and peace all the way, that’s why, in all of our strong words, and the venting out of grievances, we are advocating for a national get-together to discuss these many grave national issues. War mongers and brutal people will not be speaking like this. In fact, many persons before us have been advocating for different kinds of national dialogues, including Senator Steve Zargo, Atty. Koffi Woods, Activist Vandarlark Patricks, Dr. Amos Sawyer, and even the EU etc. – all have stressed some sort of national dialogue before anything called election is ever held in this country – we are just trying to take full leadership of the process, and to reinforce it by the grace of God. We remain confident that there will be no heightened emotions and mafia-style elimination or assassination plans and witch-hunting (that we sufficiently know the United States and her Americo-Liberians for) in this process because we have reached a point where anybody making such mistake will categorically be pitting the 16 indigenous Ethnic groups of this country, plus 3 new groups added by our Revolution, against America’s surrogates – the Americo-Liberians, and the result of such struggle may be very catastrophic for the entire world. So, though our problems and differences are so wide, let’s sit on the family table and thrash these differences out. It’s very possible, it just needs strong, honest leadership, and the sincere commitment and cooperation of all citizens now, as God has developed and empowered the Plain Truth Revolution to put up such leadership. Let’s remember God’s justice does not sleep, and even if we humans feel that it is sleeping, US President Thomas Jefferson once said, then it does not sleep forever. God is now ready to liberate His suffering children here, and no one should dare stand in the way, as no group of people were created by God to remain slaves to the others forever. Finally, we want everyone to be witness for the things we are advocating on behalf of our eversuffering people in this place, and for how we are doing our part of advocacy because we know there will be detractors. And we want the detractors to know all about what we are preaching for our country. This may change the detractor’s mind about doing or thinking harm. But if they harden their hearts and do any harm to any soul championing these just causes on behalf of our people, we are confident that our God will strike back. Let any stubborn detractor be warned or reminded that one jot of the blood of a child of God – especially in pursuit of His just cause – can be very bitter for the enemy, with far-reaching consequences.
Thanks. Special Note: Apart from the 11 big reading materials (i.e. our 7 main pamphlets and 4 addendums) and several other articles we have prepared and placed on different social media sites detailing the ugly Liberian tale that God wants to change now, this is one of the big Five, easily distributable leaflets or circulars we have prepared that everybody needs a copy of, as some detailed prelude, or some intelligent summaries of the other works that have been done. The remaining 4 are: (a) Our Second Statement of National Call to Action – a time to peacefully start disobeying the current status quo (b) Our (PTR)’s Most Celebrated Contributors/Motivators: Our Heroes Of Change, (c) How The Magic Formula: Roland Kartee + GOL + US GOVT. = His fake dismissal case at the LPRC
A Brand new country ALL UNDER UN (replacing Liberia) SUPERVISION
and (d) The Spiritual Backings Of Our Plain Truth Revolution. Note that (c) is also called our Statement of the key event that sparked the Plain Truth Revolution. These circulars or mini-pamphlets, or quickly sharable materials by everyone, are 5, and they are in the number 5 to symbolize the United Nations’ Security Council’s Big 5, as our way of always identifying with, and paying homage to the UN for their great sacrifices being done here, which we believe has also enabled us, God first, to come up with these great ideas to change our country now for the better, by the grace of God. For they will encourage people – all, to now search for the other detailed materials that will help prepare everyone for this change that has begun to sweep across our country. We keep saying everyone because Liberia, apart from being a threat to its own citizens, has also grown to be a major threat to world peace due to the double lacks of independence and governance. So we want every peace-loving and concerned human being – especially with some link to this country, or some small interest in this country to get involved with these lifesaving debates. If you don’t manage to get copies of these mini-pamphlets in hardcopies from street corners, then we encourage you to please visit our websites for copies, and all the other information about this revolution thus fair. Accordingly, our Facebook page is https://web.facebook.com/plaintruth2013. We also have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), which are at https://is.gd/cO3rbV and https://is.gd/cyZm54 respectively, plus a Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, also at https://is.gd/SnsihD. We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at http://youtu.be/cTCeDYD8gw. You are additionally encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as an option. We highly urge you to please share your thoughts with us at plaintruthrevolution@gmail.com, plaintruthrevolution@yahoo.co.uk, or plaintruthrevolution@hotmail.com. You can further share with us any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above.