Liberia's overall authority is a massive criminal club under the guise of government

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Hebrews 4:12 – The Word of God is alive and active, sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart…. (2) II Timothy. 3: 16-17 – (16) All scripture is inspired by God, and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking errors, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living. (17) So that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed. (NIV)

BY VIRTUE OF ITS CONCEPTION, ESTABLISHMENT, AND SUSTENANCE BY CRIMINALS: THE STRUCTURE CALLED “GOVERNMENT OF LIBERIA” HAS BEEN A CRIMINAL GANG SINCE 1822, AND CONTINUES TO BE SO TODAY, AND WILL CONTINUE BEING SO FOREVER, UNLESS WE PEACEFULLY DISMANTLE IT NOW AND REDESIGN A NEW ONE, WITH BETTER, HONEST PRINCIPLES, PERIOD!!!! HERE IS A DROP IN THE OCEAN OF COUNTLESS PROOFS (1).If you do not feel the call at the sight of human distress, disease or devastation from the right, [then], how can you muster the determination and dedication necessary to serve the unseen, inscrutable, and mysterious God? When you do not love man, your heart will [NEVER] serve God – Sri Sathga Sai Baba, Indian Spiritual Leader…..(2). Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most [etc.], that made it possible for evil to triumph. – Haile Selassie, former Ethiopian Emperor… (3) Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the ones we seek. – President Barack Obama, United States of America







TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) Intro, Accra/CPA’s special arrangements……………………………………………………..1-3 2) Selling our People into Slavery………………………………………………………………..3-5 3) Linking this practice, as immediately above, to Ebola ………………………………………5-10 4) Human Trafficking, a continuing source of GOL revenue generation…..…………………......10 5) Suppression of Economic Progress (NOCAL)……………………………………………...11-16 6) Suppression of Economic Progress (Post contract award audit)……………………………….16 7) Suppression of Economic Progress (RIA)…………………………………………………..16-18 8) Suppression of Economic Progress (LPRC)………………………………………………...18-21 9) Suppression of Economic Progress- Foreign help (Nigerian Oil)…………………………..21-22 10) Suppression of Economic Progress- Foreign help (Japanese Oil) ………………………….23-25 11) Suppression of Economic Progress- Foreign Help (Kuwait Oil)………………………….........25 12) Liberia and Corruption(intro, TI)……………………………………………………………….25 13) Liberia and Corruption (Not a Crime)………………………………………………………….25 14) Liberia and Corruption (UN panel of Experts’ view)………………………………………….26 15) Liberia and Corruption (Wilkins Wrights)……………………………………………………..26 16) Liberia and Corruption (Senate’s Confirmation culture)………………………………….........27 17) Liberia and Corruption (Len Lindstorm)……………………………………………………….27 18) Liberia and Corruption (International image building)…………………………………….......28 19) Liberia and Corruption (Brownie Samukai)…………………………………………………....28 20) Liberia and Corruption (Edwin Snowe)………………………………………………………...28 21) Liberia and Corruption (Executive Mansion Rehabilitation)…………………………………..28 22) Liberia and Corruption (Legislators Oil Consultations)………………………………………..29 23) Liberia and Corruption (Bai Gballa on Konneh, Legislature’s Budget, & SOEs)……………..29 24) Liberia and Corruption (Chris Massaquoi)……………………………………………………..30 25) Liberia and Corruption (Chinese Landlord)……………………………………………………31 26) Liberia and Corruption (Rodney Sieh on Ebola Funds)………………………………………..31 27) Liberia and Corruption (Sen. Henry Yallah on Ebola Money)…………………………………31 28) Liberia and Corruption (Official Money Laundering)………………………………………….31 29) Liberia and Corruption (Charles Russell writes)……………………………………………….31 30) Our Position (the Plain Truth Revolution)…..………………………………………………….31 31) Five questions about moral authority of of any Americo-Liberian Government, including Ellen’s…………………………………………………………………………….32-35 32) Using Truth as our only tool………………………………………………………………........36 33) Funny Characteristics of Liberia……………………………………………………………….39 34) Expert Advice/ Hint on Liberia…………………………………………………………………39 35) About our SEPTOR (Septuplet for Total Rebirth)……………………………………….....40-48 36) About Plain Truth Revolution’s Pamphlets…………………………………………………48-50 37) Concluding Encouragements………………………………………………………………..50-51 38) Our 7 big constituencies………………………………………………………………………...51 39) Special tribute to our Revolutionary Friends of Friends (defacto members of the PTR)………53


The Quran recognizes that certain people are raised up high in this life by God Himself so that they serve as stewards or shepherds for the others, and that this responsibility is a test for them from their Creator, the Almighty Allah or God. For example, Surat 6:165, among many more Quranic verses says, “And it is He (God) who has made you successors (khalifas) upon the Earth and has raised some of you through what He has given you above others in degrees [ranks], that He may try you through what He has given you….”(translated at …). But if we human beings will take these special privileges from God (His instructions to us to lead fellow human beings) as alibis or vantage points for concentrating our thoughts on selfish aims, perpetrated through all kinds of cruel acts and corruption, then of course we must be aware that God’s justice doesn’t sleep, and that He will take the appropriate actions against us at His own time. Even in the Bible, God condemns the shepherds that are only concerned about taking care of themselves at the expense, or to the neglect, of the flock (Ezekiel 34: 2-4). This is the root of all corruption; for it is also said in Surat 28:77 (“), “…And do not desire corruption in the land… Indeed God does not like corruptors.” Contrary to these Divine principles and warnings in all Books of Scriptures concerning the responsibilities that leaders owe to their subjects under God’s watch, the structure called Liberian Government, has always been a concocted scheme for the perpetration of some of the most heinous criminal activities facilitated by joint conspiracies of foreign agents, working through the Americo-Liberians, against the indigenous population of 16 Ethnic African communities in this country. We are also conscious here that if the Liberian Government (established and sustained by proven criminals and their descendants, no matter how many decades on, were to ever perform well, then it would place our trust in God at risk, God forbid!!! This is because all Books of Scriptures, again, (the Bible, the Quran etc.) have said that no one should EVER expect any good to come from out of a bad source. For example, take note of what Jesus said here in the book of Luke 6:43 – 45: (43) A healthy tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a poor tree bear good fruit. (44) Every tree is known by the fruit it bears; you do not pick figs from thorn bushes or gather grapes from bramble bushes. (45) A good person brings out good from the treasure of good things in his heart; a bad person brings bad out of the treasure of bad things….” The burden now rests upon us to prove our claim that based upon their 1822 – 2017 fruits, the Liberian Government is an example of that poor, criminal tree, that continues unabated, to spew out those poor, criminal results, a few of which are listed here as follows: 1. The last round table discussions that ended Liberia‘s 14 year civil crisis was held in Ghana for about 3 months and concluded in August 2003, when mainly criminals, calling themselves political leaders, were only bickering over the rationing of government enterprises or ministries among themselves based upon these institutions’ revenue generating capacities perceived etc. At that occasion, it was agreed that for the sake of expediting the peace process and ensuring the speedy establishment of governance and the reintroduction of some systems, certain key provisions within


Liberia’s already bogus and notoriously violated constitution be suspended. For example, Article 52 (c) of the constitution provides that candidates for the presidency (in an election) must have lived in the country for 10 consecutive years prior to the date of the election; Article 30 (b) mandates that a legislative candidate must have lived in their constituency for not less than a year etc. All these provisions were suspended, thus making all elections since the end of the war in Liberia to be considered as Special Elections. This is how Madam Sirleaf and most of her key officials got to assume power. This same Accra Comprehensive Peace Accord called for the setup of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as another special arrangement, to probe into the numerous accounts of mischief, mayhem, and different forms of atrocities committed against the predominantly ‘Native” population of this country for all those long years of the conflict. This was a mechanism designed by the Accra CPA to curb such unsavory behaviors or campaigns of bloodletting in the future, as the Americo-Liberians are always prepared to perpetrate these crimes over and over, in pursuit of both their campaign of revenge against the Natives for no reason, and their horrible agenda to perpetuate themselves into a political power that they will do nothing with, other than mere STEALING. After tens of millions of international tax payers’ US Dollars had gone into the process and the commission went ahead with their hearings and investigations, and came down with some key recommendations, which included the placement of a 30 year ban from politics on a couple of prominent war actors, like President Sirleaf and most of her key government officials for their proven complicity in the evils of those several rounds of wars that took away multiple hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced over 900,000 citizens, the Liberian Criminal Club, calling itself Government, then immediately recognized the importance of human and constitutional rights. As if this ban didn’t come from a special arrangement like the so-called special elections – suspending key constitutional provisions – that brought these predominantly murderers to power at two different polls; and as if the over 500,000 persons that lost their lives as a result of these Americo-Liberian engineered non-ideological wars didn’t have their parts of rights that were brutally violated, illegal President Sirleaf and her criminal government managed to manipulate the ‘funny’ Liberian Court System to turn down the 30 year ban. The Supreme Court, conscious of the fact that this was a special arrangement in the first place, and that over 500,000 persons’ part of God-given rights had been gruesomely violated by these very people calling for the cancellation of the political ban, was made to declare this very remedial recommendation of the TRC as unconstitutional. The two big questions that all these criminals and their collaborators, including their Supreme Court will face forever, even after this life are: (a) “Where was their so-called 1986 Military Junta Constitution when thousands of poor, helpless people were being savagely beheaded, maimed, chopped to death, killed in cold blooded massacres in this country?” , and (b) If a ban of 30 years from politics is so painful and unbearable that they had to constrain their Supreme Court to rule against it, then what’s about their part of ban imposed through the barrels of the guns, knives and machetes, against our poor people’s inalienable rights to life?


The open secret remains however that those killed were all, or over 99% the “Natives”, a group considered wild beasts in the social dictionary of Liberia. Moreover, as if the Americo-Liberian Chief Justice had been brought on board exclusively to execute this mission against the souls of the Yarkpawolos, Kollies, Deyougars etc., Chief Justice Johnny Lewis resigned just a few months after handing down his ruling. Meanwhile, peers that fought war and experienced other forms of human atrocities like genocide, massacres etc. like Liberia, are busy pursuing justice and bringing perpetrators to justice one by one, severely punishing convicts, in line with their laws, so as to serve as deterrence. Countries like Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Ivory Coast etc. are doing well in this direction, but DULL Liberia, being a criminal state will NEVER seek any true justice for our poor mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers – a dangerous situation which they don’t know will keep blood, hardship, confusion etc. hanging over the head of this rogue state until we adequately deal with it. Fortunately, our research has established that crimes of almost these same magnitudes, started been committed against us since these CRIMINAL AMERICAN BLACK OUTCASTS set foot on our soil on January 7, 1822. So, our best bet now is to combine all these and use some organized transitional justice roadmap to redress all these horrendous past crimes. This is one of the key pillars of the PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTIONARY agenda. Note: The next two accounts that follow (i.e. #2, and # 3 immediately below) are more recent developments, but because they are directly related to the blood of our innocent indigenous population that continue to be wasted by successive Americo-Liberian vendetta-pursuit machinery, called government, against the Natives of this land, we have decided to bring them forward before the several other issues of cruelty and criminalities, that we have to share with you here, about the Americo-Liberian stock and their institutions, including their government, as mentioned earlier. But before delving further into these two very key points, it is worth sharpening your thoughts with two quotations done by two prominent opinion leaders of our times. These wise words will help to put us in the proper frame of mind for an informed judgment. British Journalist James Burke says, “If you don’t know where you come from, then you wouldn’t know where you are going.” Then Steve Jobs, former Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc. said, “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences, so they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have.” 2. That being said, when the Black American criminals that established their “Liberia” arrived on this West African Coast (the Grain Coast), they met 16 indigenous ethnic groups here. But as every argument of their so-called declaration of independence dictates or suggests, they came here to pursue a campaign of vendetta against us – the Bassas, Lormas, Gios, Manos, Mandingoes etc. for how they claimed they were illtreated in the United States and elsewhere while serving as slaves (Liberian History Up


to 1847; A Short History of the etc.).




In pursuit of this evil vendetta, the Black American outcasts (the Johnsons, the McClains, the Bernards, the Weeks etc.) declared members of the 16 indigenous ethnic communities as wild animals and sub-humans. President J. J. Roberts, in his first inaugural address described the ‘savages’ communities (the local people, our dear forefathers), as a “barbarous” country, after he had served as militia leader for years traveling through the bushes and extorting monies from these poor, helpless people in the name of government taxes, without anything going back to our people in return, such as basic social services for these so-called taxes – a trend that continues today almost 200 years on. The next agenda against our people (the “wild beasts”), was a well-organized scheme of international conspiracy facilitated by the Americo-Liberian founders of this country to sell the Bassas, Krus, Golas etc. out like pets and domesticated animals in different sorts of business deals. The so-called “Congo” boys, the Americo-Liberian elites (the Johnsons, Roberts, and Grippons) began this campaign as early as 1857, just within 10 years of their Mickey Mouse Independence, when President Steven Allen Benson sold his first batch of able-bodied Wleehmongars, Sannons, Nyenetues, Tarpehs, Samukais, Massaquois, and so on, to the French West Indies for different slave-related services (In the Cause of the People.., Prof. Twan Wleh). These formal human market transactions involving the so-called Americo-Liberians dealing out boys and men, sometimes women of indigenous descent, continued on, in Liberia, from 1857 with different contract signatories changing periodically. In 1892 for example, President Joseph J. Cheeseman or his immediate successor Hilary R. W. Johnson (reportedly from current President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s line of ancestors), signed another contract with the French under which the Government of Liberia forcibly recruited Liberian indigenous men to work on the Panama Canal; and in Latin America, to serve in the French Colonial Army (In the Cause Of the People…, Twan Wleh, p.38). By 1900, President Garretson Wilmot Gibson signed a human trafficking contract with the Spanish to recruit slave labor from Liberia (again, from among us, the Yarkpawolos and Boakais etc.) to work on Spanish Plantations on the Island of Fernando Poo. In 1914, a convention was entered into between Spain and Liberia to have a Resident Liberian Consul at Fernando Poo and to have a Labor Agent at every point of disembarkation to enhance this formal slave trade (A Short History of the First Liberian Republic, p 24). In that same year, 1914, Liberia renewed her ‘human supply’ contract with the Government of Spain to supply more Yormies, Weahs, Jallahs, Laryees etc. to Fernando Poo. In 1928, a new Labor Agreement was entered into between the AmericoLiberian Elite and another Spanish Company, the Syndicato Agricola de los Territorios Espanoles de Golfo de Guinea for the service of Liberian indigenous workers in Fernando Poo; this time, formally using the newly established, British facilitated armed forces of the country (the Liberia Frontier Force) to round up innocent indigenes (men,


boys and sometimes women), painfully separating them from their family members and loved ones so cruelly to unknown destinations (A Short History Of the First Liberian Republic, p.75; the League of Nation’s Cuthbert Christy Report, 1931, p. 110 etc.). We could go on listing and listing more instances of how we (members of the 16 Ethnic communities) of this West African Coastal territory continue to suffer the scourge of the Americo-Liberian and their foreign conspiracies to decimate our communities and keep our living members in perpetual state of illiteracy, ignorance, gullibility, ‘choicelessness’, defenselessness, hopelessness, and powerlessness etc. – all for the simple but cruel reason of being able to control our destinies, manipulate our lives, use us as objects of experimentations and keep us playing second fiddle forever. Since the crude, traditional form of slavery and other methods of dealing out human beings for profit making have been abolished, the Americo-Liberians have now taken onto different shades of these same exercises. As we speak, as of 2014, Ebola has become the next implicit Americo-Liberian human commercial deal, again, with foreign capitalist support, in furtherance of their well-designed conspiracy against us, the indigenous population of this country, which also is in line with the vendetta that the ‘Congo boys’ claimed they had come to pursue against us, according Liberia’s Declaration of Independence. In an October 2, 2014 article with the, a Texas Nurse is reported to have disclosed how filoviruses like Ebola have been of interest to the Pentagon (the US Department of Defense) since the late 1970s, due to their high death rates and their stable nature in aerosol, which make them attractive for bioterrorism (simply meaning, using sickness as a weapon in war etc.). The Texas Nurse went on to pronounce that Ebola indeed is a bioterrorism weapon. At, (pointed to by the Liberian Daily Observer Newspaper’s website), Ian R. Thorpe writes that for decades now, governments in countries like the US, Britain, France etc. who think that they could one day be [bitter] ‘contenders’ [i.e. in warfare] have been trying to ‘weaponise’ diseases. Then, (pointed to by, made, among others, the following revelations:  That Ebola is US Military bio-weapon’s project using African peoples [mainly Liberians] as Guinea pigs  That the Ebola epidemic is also a business scheme designed to afford Western pharmaceutical companies the opportunity to gain financial benefits from the development and sale of potential treatment drugs  Dr. Cyril Broderick, former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia, and Instructor at an Agriculture College in Delaware, the USA, in a September 9, 2014 article featured in the Liberian Daily Observer Newspaper accused the US Department of Defense of being engaged in the funding of Ebola trials on [healthy] human beings in two of the worst hit Ebola countries in West Africa, further saying that many reports


also conclude that the US Government has a viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, Sierra Leone. Note: Meanwhile, directly quoted from the September 9, 2014 Daily Observer story, Dr. Broderick disclosed that Ebola is a genetically modified organism, and also an American Military Industry campaign that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccines to control diseases and improve the health of Black Africans overseas. To give all these and many more arguments some weight, confirms that the US Government made an application for the patent of Ebola since October 2008 and got it later.  Microbiologist Dr. Gil Modlay gave 10 reasons, including the American Government’s ownership of the Ebola Virus patents for why he thinks America is heavily behind this health crisis (, October 3, 2014).  Then we will close up with Nigerian Dr. Peregrino Brimah of or (Every Nigerian Do Something. Ng), who opined that Ellen’s handling of the Ebola Epidemic in Liberia cannot be disconnected from her obligations as a Western puppet and her training in corruption. This is a well-founded premise upon which we can now explain how our poor mothers, fathers and children have been willfully turned into scientific Guinea pigs and objects of business transactions by the Americo-Liberian Government of today, just as it has always been since 1857, as we brought to your attention above. According to BBC, Ebola hit Liberia in March 2014 in the very little Northwestern town of Foya in Lofa County, more than 470 kilometers away from Liberia’s dirty 1822 capital, Monrovia. Because this was an underhand scheme, the virus was allowed to travel quickly into the relatively populated urban Monrovia in about 3 months. According to some health expert’s view expressed on the BBC, “outbreaks are inevitable, but pandemics or epidemics are optional”; meaning, outbreaks can happen at any time, but it is left with authorities to allow them spread like wildfire. In our case, the Americo-Liberians’ sinister agenda against the huge indigenous population (a population they have kept down in life for more than a century and a half by implementing all sorts of cruel governmental policies) was manifested again through Ebola. By July 2014, the virus had taken firm root in Monrovia and its environs. By August 2014, the Government of Liberia had ordered that every ailment in the country be treated as an Ebola case, and that every dead body in the country be left untouched for the Government herself to pick them up to accord them proper burial, health-wise – with all these measures according to them intended to curb the spread of Ebola (caller, ELBC Super Morning Show, August 29, 2014 etc.). Telephone numbers were being provided for toll-free calls so that every home across the country calls to report a sick person or a dead body. Meanwhile, by this time, almost 99% of the already existing poor health facilities across the country had already closed their doors to the public with the explicit consent of the so-called National Government. As if “Operations Kill the Savages More” must succeed at all costs, Madam Sirleaf, with a 9 year presidential experience, acknowledging that her


government didn’t have even rubber gloves and sanitizers to fight Ebola, was instead using money to commission military and police crack downs on ‘suspected’ sick people, killing some in the process. In handling the government’s order of completely taking control of sick people and dead body cases, dead body removal was prioritized over quick attention to sick people because the government and partners had all claimed that Ebola has a more terrific spreading capacity in dead bodies than sick persons. Here are 3 accounts of this claim: a) Ciatta Bishop, Head of the Dead Body Management Team of the Incident Management System of the GOL disclosed in a Sky FM news interview on October 27, 2014 that within the first 72 hours of an affected person’s death, Ebola can be in its most dangerous state of spreading or transmission. b) According to a panelist on one of BBC’s Public Health programs during that same time, Ebola multiplies itself more than 10 times when an infected person has just died c) Assistant Minister, Tolbert Nyensuah, Head of Liberia’s Incident Management System said one Ebola infected dead body could trigger a chain transmission that could contaminate or [infect] an entire community (ELBC News, November 5, 2014. etc. and etc. But very suspiciously and sadly, a government, with all this knowledge, who had instructed its 4.5 million people never to touch sick persons or bury the dead bodies of their loved ones and friends (most of which could have died from Ebola, due to the rapid spread of the virus), could ONLY attend to a call to pick up dead bodies after 72 or more hours – nothing less – within communities right inside the so-called capital, Monrovia and its environs, let alone the rural communities, where people sometimes walk for up to 2 days before reaching nearby ‘mortuaries’ called clinics – this is without any prejudice to our suffering people who are fighting hard to provide these life-saving services through great personal efforts. One can imagine what could happen to sick people if the high priority cases of dead bodies were handled this way. Here are some narrations about people’s experiences with the issue of picking up dead bodies: Rep. Dr. Bhofal Chambers, in a Sky FM News interview on September 8, 2014 said while around the Duala Area in early September, he was approached by an agonized and embarrassed resident complaining that a child had died in the community since the 4th of September, but up to the 6th, when the Honorable Man came around, the body was still in the house. So, he, Rep. Chambers, immediately tried to get in touch with the incident management team’s zonal head responsible for that case, one Maxwell (with the case # being 8001). Maxwell responded that they were aware of the case, but that they had no rubber gloves available yet to come pick up the body.


Meanwhile, in President Sirleaf’s financial report covering this same period, US$29.8 million had been used on the Health Ministry; US$1.05 million had been used on the Defense Ministry to help them provide support for quarantine operations and to ensure security; US$1.722 million had been given to the Police to provide these same kinds of support as the soldiers; the Bureau of Immigration had been given US$0.436 million for border control activities; US$1.11 million had gone to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for burial and cremation purposes; US$0.550 million had gone to the Ministry of Information for Ebola publicity; US$0.325 million had gone also to the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs to provide community water care; US$0.331 million went to the Gender Ministry for community support; and other implementing agencies had received US$0.300 million for fuel oil etc. (, December 3, 2014 etc.). According to credible media reports, Rep. Solomon George, whose constituency covers the West Point Slum Community, angrily threatened to drag dead bodies from his district to line them up in front of the president’s office in protest of the inefficiency of the Ebola Task Force. George Poe Williams of the Health Workers Association of Liberia in an interview with the BBC during this same period lamented that it sometimes took five (5) days of intensive calling before Government could ever pick up bodies from the communities etc. Even the handling of collected bodies was sometimes done so carelessly in a hidden attempt to see this virus spreading. As a case in point, the media had it that more than 20 Ebola bodies were carelessly buried in shallow swampy areas in the Johnsonville Community that even dogs and all creeping scavengers had access to (National Chronicle, August 5, 2014, etc.) In a November 6, 2014 Radio Veritas News cast, the WHO Director, Dr. Margaret Chan said that the greed for profit in the drug industry was contributing to why the actual vaccine for Ebola was not found yet. Professor, President Alpha Conde of Guinea had earlier voiced out similar view as Dr. Chan, when in a BBC Focus On Africa November 3, 2014 edition, he said that Ebola had now turned into a business affair as people everywhere were setting up their little NGOs to come get their piece of the pie. As if the Liberian Government was consciously proving these points right by trying to increase their dead body numbers to meet up with some covertly required business quota, a reported spate of wells and hand pumps poisoning campaigns started during the heat of the Ebola crisis in August 2014. Henry Costa, on his August 5, 2014 Talk Show, the Costa Show, revealed that the country’s police chief confided to him that a perpetrator or culprit of the formaldehyde wells and hand pumps poisoning campaign confessed to him (Chris Massaquoi) that they, the ‘poisoners’ were on that mission to be


able to kill more people. Woods Yonton, co-host of the show, also disclosed that one of the detainees for the well poisoning campaign reportedly confessed that they were over 200, and were well paid to do the job. As he was speaking, Mr. Yonton said one of them had been arrested in the Larkpasee Community, one in Jallah’s Town, and one on Center Street. On this same day, the Inquirer Newspaper was reporting an article entitled, “Three Hand Pumps Poisoned In The New Georgia Community.” Even at Ebola Treatment Centers, this campaign of both savagely and intelligently wanting more dead bodies out of this huge mass of ‘ignorant, helpless’ Ethnic communities continued unabated. Here are some accounts of how things were usually going on at most of the ETUs:  ‘Candy’ Korvah of the C. H. Rennie Hospital (one of the Ebola survivors), speaking at the Ministry of Information’s Ebola Hour on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 said that one of the major problems killing more people in the Ebola crisis was poor care at the treatment centers. She said at the center where she was treated, patients took care of themselves; their breakfast, in the midst of pains from such hemorrhagic fever and intensive medicine taking, usually came at around 11:00 a.m.; lunch came at 3:00 p.m., and supper came around 10 p.m. (ELBC, October 15, 2014)  A patient from another center (assuredly the Island Clinic Center) called in to the Just Another Day Program on Sky FM on October 13, 2014 to complain, among other things, that patients there lacked care, a situation, which according to the patient, was causing more deaths among them  Joseph Tamba of the Health Workers Association of Liberia, speaking at an occasion when the Liberia Business Association’s Boss, D. Maxwell Kimaya was donating food to Ebola patients said, their friends in isolation centers and ETUs had been calling each day complaining about lack of food.  On August 16, 2014, according to Radio 5 News, Dr. Melvin Korkor of the Phebe Hospital in Bong County, and an Ebola survivor himself, bluntly said that the lack of proper care at the ETUs was the cause of more deaths. There could be no better way of establishing the veracity of this suspected “Get More Recorded Yarkpawolo’s Bodies” campaign in order to live up to certain dead body quota from our foreign partners in crime, as usual, than when the Government of Liberia reportedly inflated her Ebola dead body figures by an erroneous 1,000, according to the World Health Organization (Reuters and Yahoo! News, December 1, 2014, The Inquirer Newspaper, December 2, 2014). This Ebola, meanwhile has caused the GOL to receive assistance in both finance and material now over US$250 million, and different pledges now worth over US$5 billion from very credible sources.


3. As if these rounds of criminal self-enrichment using the blood of our poor, innocent people; the different rounds of cash assistance; the different pledges coming from diver quarters etc. were not enough for the Americo-Liberian GOL, the Liberian elite started a new wave of business transactions in the name of this same Ebola again, this time, offering the Yarkpawolos, Boakais, Wleemongars etc. once more as dependent variables in several rounds of fatal scientific experimentations under the canopy of ‘testing’ untested, unguaranteed Ebola vaccines. From two different independent sources (Farbric Radio, February 6, 2015 and, February 17, 2015), the GOL is reported to have received US$56 million to offer its enemies, the indigenous population (sorrowfully with a US$40 death package for each volunteer) as Guinea pigs for Ebola Trial vaccines, with the following sad, but very criminal conditions:  No public awareness before carrying out these testing exercises  The test processes blatantly ignore all international standard operating procedures, including those of the very World Health Organization  No explanation about how sad effects will be handled  No details about previous tests before the commencement of subsequent ones, as the choiceless people have been subjected to three rounds of different trial vaccine sessions now since 2015, etc.  Dr. Stephen Kennedy, an authority of the scheme, the so-called Partnership for Research on Ebola Vaccines in Liberia (PREVAIL) told journalists that in October 2014, the US Government formed some partnership with the GOL on these test vaccine issues. The big question though becomes, “what kind of partnership can the US Government ever establish with DULL, BARREN Liberia in the area of medical research, other than a partnership that will subject the GOL to giving out the Dolos, Kamaras, Baryougars etc. free for experimentation? WHAT ELSE? Mr. Wissedi Sio Njoh, Director of Operations at PREVAIL said the second study sought to enroll 27,000 healthy Liberians (the country boys), and never the children of the Johnsons, McClains, Bernards etc. – all of whom are abroad, at their real home. To reemphasize, in the first quarter of 2015 alone, three separate rounds of unguaranteed, conditional and dubious testing sessions were conducted on our helpless and most often, choiceless people ( Vaccine Trial Team Admits Error, February 2, 2015; Liberians Gradually Becoming Guinea Pigs/March 1, 2015) 4. With efforts to reintroduce the old 19th to 20th century style trafficking of our people for their sinister self-enrichment motives, our current Americo-Liberian leadership is being accused by its own Legislature of trafficking poor, ignorant Liberian sisters, mothers and daughters into modern day slavery. Lawmakers now allege that girls have been trafficked to Lebanon and forced into activities against their will. After some pressure, and a few are reportedly returned, government decides to keep those few at a secret


location, but Rep. Bhofal Chambers demands that the circumstances surrounding the [‘government kidnapped’]girls be made known to the public, adding that the government should not make what he calls ‘adjustments’ before bringing the girls to the public. Rep. Solomon George confirms the historical rooting of this development when he says, “the trafficking of young Liberians to other countries remains an age-old problem in Liberia. (Heritage Newspaper, April 16, 2015). Luckily for history, none of these trafficked girls will ever be children of the original Tubmans, Johnsons, Browns, and Bernards, but daughters and wives of the Kromahs, the Massaquois, the Konnehs, and the Boakais. 5. Because they don’t want majority of the people of this place (which in reality are the “Country” or “Native Savages”) to benefit any sunshine of the huge prosperity of this land, this is how criminally recklessly the Americo-Liberian Governments since 1822 up to this 2017, have been treating our economy. They know too well that this country is very rich and its economy, when managed properly, can be stretched so dynamically that even the unborn children will be placed on payroll in advance, but doing so will go against the preamble of Liberia’s Declaration of Independence. Let’s get few examples of how criminally STUPIDLY people who call themselves American-trained or American-based educated people will decide to take care of their own economy: In its Monday, August 13, 2012 edition, the Daily Observer Newspaper quotes National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) Boss, Randolph McClain as stating that Liberia was not receiving any oil money yet. This was in response to mounting cries from the public about NOCAL’s utter lack of accountability to the state. In Mr. McClain’s words, “NOCAL has up to 7 years to begin drilling oil.” According to the paper, he said, currently, NOCAL’s major source of revenue is the sale of its seismic data to oil companies. He said NOCAL receives about US$16 million a year from this data, apparently meaning that oil money only meant money directly gotten from drilling. This alone was CRIMINAL, as usual. Further, he said, sign-on bonuses and other fees received from companies that sign production sharing contracts are paid into the Liberian Government account. This was August 13, 2012, after several valuable blocks of Liberia’s precious oil had already been sold out – all under dubious arrangements. For example, an April 30, 2012 National Chronicle story entitled, “With No Oil, and No Appraisal of Petroleum Discovery [Yet], President Sirleaf signs Hasty Secret US$10.7 billion deal with Chevron”. President Sirleaf had apparently been re-echoing Dr. McClain’s claims that government was receiving no revenues formally yet from the oil sector. Chronicle then, on May 3, 2012 brought another story entitled, “Contrary to President Sirleaf’s Statement, UP Government Receives Millions in Oil Revenue.” According to this Chronicle investigation, NOCAL receives annual payments from companies that are in possession of the offshore oil blocks. Those companies pay a yearly “for surface” rental fee per block, which amounts to US$99,000 per block; an annual social welfare contribution of US$150,000 per block; an annual training fee per block of US$100,000; a tri-annual hydrocarbon development fund per block of


US$500,000 (meaning approximately $166,170 per block per annum), and a yearly contribution to the University of Liberia of US$75,000. All this put together will mean, according to the paper, that NOCAL receives about US$6 million yearly from land rental fee alone for the 10 original oil blocks sold, which does not show up on any page in the country’s national budget. Each international company pays US$15 million per block to obtain 3D seismic data, with the Government of Liberia being paid US$ 3 million by TGS NOPEC, the seismic data survey company, as a percentage on each $15 million received, which means, government receives US$30 million per annum against these seismic data. The annual social welfare contribution of $150,000 per block will amount to US$1.5 million for 10 blocks per annum; the training fee per block of $100,000 sums up to $1 million; the hydrocarbon development funds per block of $166,670 will total $1,666,700 for 10 blocks per annum; while the yearly contribution to the University of Liberia of $75,000 will amount to US$750,000 per annum. Getting the total of all these will mean that, apart from other revenues collected by NOCAL, which this paper would definitely not have seen all, the company receives around US$40 million per year, calculated as follows, in the absence of drilling, as opposed to Dr. McClain’s claimed US$16 million mentioned earlier: #


1 2 3 4 5

land rental fee social welfare contribution Provision of seismic data hydrocarbon development funds training fee per block contribution to the University of Liberia


ANNUAL AMOUNT 6,000,000 1,500,000 30,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 750,000 US$40,850,000

This is without the huge signing bonuses for each oil block deal. The paper further indicated that all of these payments are enforceable under the financial laws of Liberia, which include the 2000 Petroleum Law, 2011 Tax Law, and the Production Sharing Contracts entered into between the Government and the oil companies. Still further, according to the paper’s investigation, they contacted a Ministry of Finance’s source to probe into just one of these many oil transactions, the US$120 million received from Chevron by a Nigerian National, Prince Ezi, who purportedly owned Liberia’s Oil Blocks 11, 12 and 14, and not a penny of this amount ever entered government’s coffers as taxes. Still in the oil industry, during the heat of the Ebola war, news broke out that as part of the government’s usual criminal comportment of igniting or magnifying crises to use them as cloaks or canopies under which they would easily ‘cannibalize’ the resources of


the country, the Liberian Government was making hasty arrangements to sell or resell four of the nation’s oil blocks, again, in the name of generating money to fight Ebola. In response to these news, on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, a pressure group under the banner Concerned Liberian Citizens” headed by Radio Talk Show Host Henry Costa, staged a peaceful protest on the grounds of the Capitol Building regarding the ratification and planned sale of these oil blocks. The group presented a petition calling on the Legislature not to ratify the sale of the remaining oil blocks and future sale of any oil blocks until at such time when the ongoing reform process is completed and ensured of citizens’ participation. The protesters also expressed their suspicion that the Legislature had received some money as usual in bribes to expedite the auctioning of these additional oil blocks in the news. The Catalyst Newspaper, referencing a Legislative source they described as unimpeachable, claimed that the House of Representatives’ undisclosed dialogue they had had earlier with officials of the National Oil Company and the Ministry of Finance focused on the ratification and potential sale of offshore blocks 6, 7, 16 and 17 to an undisclosed foreign power. According to the July 25, 2014 edition of the FrontPage Africa Newspaper, House Speaker Alex Tyler, in a brief interview with reporters after this meeting claimed not to have any knowledge about any such information about potential oil block sales. The paper quotes Tyler as saying that the meeting with NOCAL was to discuss a work plan, which he could not give any further details about. For his part, Senate Protemp Gbehzongar Findley declared that the claim of government’s planned sale of oil blocks, as presented by the Concerned Liberian Citizens in their protest was false and misleading. He questioned the legitimacy of the group, according to a July 2014 report of the Catalyst Newspaper, noting that he had never heard about any such group with that kind of name before. Sen. Findley went as far as accusing Liberian Businessman and politician, Benoni Urey, of being the mastermind of this group to sway government’s attention from doing the people’s work. There were still many concerns coming from different quarters; for example:  A Liberian, George Fahnbulleh of Arizona, the USA, spoke around mid-2014, disclosing how he saw on NOCAL’s website some ad expressing Liberia’s interest to sell some oil blocks. NOCAL apparently took down this ad quickly to avoid noise. On August 5, 2014 (when Ebola was now seriously rampaging), the Liberian Government criminally bravely announced the opening of the Liberian Basin Bid Round for four oil blocks: 6, 7, 16 and 17 ( According to this source, Global Witness, a British integrity institution, being cognizant that following a long series of scandals in Liberia’s just emerging oil sector, in 2012, the government had pledged not to award any new oil concessions until it has first passed new legislation (which now exists as the Petroleum Act, that has not yet been enacted), came in quickly with some strong warnings against this Liberian Government’s move. The British watch dog group put its case succinctly as follows “Global Witness recognizes Liberia’s needs for revenue, [which is so pressing during this] current Ebola crisis. [GW knows that] the Liberian Government would seek immediate funds in the form of oil contract signature


bonuses in order to provide desperately needed medical supplies, outbreak education materials, and health workers [compensation etc.]. However, awarding oil concessions quickly and at a time when the government is in crisis is RISKY… There is a risk that contracts negotiated when the government urgently needs revenue will result in terms that are less advantageous [with respect to] long-term production. Additionally, Global Witness believes that countries facing a decision to extract proven or potential hydrocarbon reserves should consider how such extraction should affect the world’s pressing need to tackle climate change, the impacts of which will fall disproportionately on people and countries who are among the poorest and most vulnerable. But perhaps, the largest concern attached to the current Liberian bid round [held in different lands, Europe and America] is that it is not guided by a legal framework with modern accountability, governance and transparency safeguards…” In the midst of all of the official denials and these strong warnings (coming from both within and outside), the Government of Liberia, through NOCAL clarified on August 12, 2014 with some criminally confusing language, stating that the oil blocks, now out for international competitive bidding, were neither being sold, nor being auctioned contrary to media reports.” NOCAL went on to say, “To suggest that the blocks are being sold, presupposes that Liberia loses ownership. That is not the case; the Liberian state owns the oil under the sea bed. NOCAL is instead holding a bid round for old acreage, which includes LB-6, LB-7, LB-16, and LB-17, which were made available under earlier bid rounds held years ago under the 2002 Petroleum Act…” ( By mid to late December 2014, the Insight Newspaper’s online edition ( published a story entitled, “Four Oil Blocks ‘Illegally’ Sold”, wherein former NOCAL boss, Mr. Christopher Neyor accused the Government of Liberia of semi-clandestinely selling oil blocks while hiding behind focusing attention on Ebola fight. He said, “It’s a pity that not only were these oil blocks sold in the midst of the Ebola pandemic and against the opposition of a cross section of the citizenry, but the entire sale process was illegally done under the prevailing New Petroleum Law of Liberia, adopted in June 2002. He said that he has a strong belief that some stealing is being perpetrated against the state. The government has since then only been speaking to the sale of one of the four suspected oil blocks – Block 16 (Daily Observer, December 19, 2014, FrontPage Africa, December 17, 2014;, December 31, 2014 etc.) Although done at an earlier date, there could be no powerful way to confirm government’s criminality in the handling of the country’s young hydrocarbon sector, than when Hon. J. Emmanuel Nuquaye, in a May 8, 2012 letter to the Speaker and members of the House of Representatives said, “We established through NOCAL’s report that all of the existing production sharing contracts violate sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.7 of the Petroleum Law of 2002. Section 3.3 mandates a 20% free carriage equity for


NOCAL in all PSCs on behalf of the Liberian people; Section 3.4 requires that 10% of shares of each contract be made available at fair market value for Liberians to buy and participate in the oil sector; and Section 3.7 requires that 12 – 18% royalty of gross production be paid as taxes to the Government of Liberia ….Today, Hon. Speaker and members, we are confronted with [a] situation where 10 PSCs grossly and flagrantly violate our Petroleum Laws…” Liberia’s stupidity and criminality do seriously embarrass fellow West Africans, so much that a Ghanaian, an apparent journalist and political commentator, Mr. J. A. Kuffor, writing about the criminally exploitative nature of the country’s oil deals thus far, posed the following puzzles:  Where is the [Liberian] Government rushing to?  Is President Sirleaf considering some early retirement in the coming months?  Has the government considered building local refineries to process the crude oil, or, the crude oil will be shipped to Europe and America, and the refined product brought back to Liberia at exorbitant prices?  Has the government considered training local engineers to take over the management of the industry within the shortest possible time?  Why should African leaders allow such lucrative and sensitive sectors of their economies to be held hostage by a few foreign corporations [like this] always? Kuffor brings in another West African, Mr. Okechuku, a PhD student at Oxford University who wondered:  When Liberia was in crisis, did the US and Canada [ever rush] to send any help? I am shocked at how a country’s wealth is being given away for peanuts”  Is this the reason why the President was given the Nobel prize some time ago? 

It’s a shame, no nationalism, no patriotism of any kind. How can a country that has suffered a decade of economic hardship settle down for some 10% royalty in a multibillion dollar resource like oil? [Let’s sadly note that Okechuku apparently doesn’t know here that Liberia’s royalty benefits in all the oil deals thus far stand at around 0.0083% instead of the beautiful 10% he has been put under the impression to believe].

 Why are such sensitive agreements always held in the corridors of secrecy when the destinies of entire generations depend on them?  Why must the good people of Liberia allow only a few selfish, greedy and corrupt politicians to negotiate on their behalf in camera? Mr. Kuffor concludes with this caveat, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the beginning of a long walk to perpetual poverty and economic impoverishment in Liberia as big oil


corporations begin to loot Liberia’s oil wealth. [The available information suggests], for every $100 billion of profits made by these [foreign] oil corporations, Liberians will be getting some $10 million donations ( [Again, Mr. Kuffor is still thinking that Liberia stands to benefit 10% later in oil royalty, not sadly knowing that the reality is a painfully incomprehensible 0.0083% because hard-core criminals have been in control of our country since 1822, and they continue to do so up to today]. To conclude on this point, at an awareness raising program of the Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LEITI) in May of 2012, CENTAL (Center for Transparency & Accountability in Liberia)’s boss, Mr. Thomas Doe Nah indicated that rampant corruption and unfairness in the country have made natural resources now a curse rather than a blessing (Daily Observer, May 28, 2012). 6. People who willfully break the laws are criminals. The British group, Publish What You Pay Coalition, a UK-based integrity institution alarmed sometime in 2013 that its attention was drawn to the Liberian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s sanctioned post contract award audit reports wherein it was established that government grossly violated all her own laws in awarding contracts since 2009, the scope of the investigation. According to the group, the auditing firm (Moore Stevens of Great Britain) had established among other things that the following key best practices and available laws were [willfully] breached by government in awarding her contracts, including: a) Failure to appoint entity concession committees b) Failure to hold stakeholders’ fora c) Failure to comply with public land laws in terms of duration for agricultural concessions etc. ( Almost all, or about 98% of the over US$8 billion worth of natural resource contracts signed by the Liberian Government since 2009 have violated Liberian laws (Moore Stevens Report – May 2013) ( Some sources that prove the Liberian Government’s Criminal activities include the LEITI sponsored Moore Stephens Post Contract Award Audit of 2012, as mentioned above; the House of Representatives’ Ways, Means & Finance Committee’s Chairman’s May 2012 communication to the Speaker; the Publish What You Pay Coalition 2013 Report; the Liberia Institute for Public Integrity’s 2013 Report etc. 7. The Roberts International Airport is one of the key revenue generating institutions left disgracefully ‘un-rehabilitated’ since the end of the country’s civil conflict over 10 years ago, but sadly, this place has been a source of criminal self-enrichment by the AmericoLiberians from historical times up to present, probably because this is a 1940’s makeshift, quick impact US Military project purposely for World War II operations, and America is the sponsor of Americo-Liberian criminalities. This spate of criminal selfenrichment using the RIA started from the very beginning of the operations of this airstrip in the 1940s. Credible information has it that Pan America Airlines (Pan-AM)


took over the running of this airport since the 1940s and shared proceeds with successive Americo-Liberian elites up to the 1980s when Pan-AM divulged management responsibilities to the Liberian Government. The same source revealed that none of these shared proceeds with the Americo-Liberian elites for this period of more than four decades could ever be traced on the Liberian Government’s financial books. This use of the RIA as a means of criminal self-enrichment has been sustained and is currently being demonstrated by Madam Sirleaf and her cohorts as follows: a. The National Chronicle investigated and published a scheme allegedly designed by the Executive Mansion to pocket US$100 million of loan money that was to be offered by the Equatorial Guinean President Theodore Obiang Nguama in 2013. The Executive Mansion tried to refute this story but some of the major claims presented in this report already started filtering in as true, almost a year or two on (National Chronicle, June 14, 2013) b. In the name of rehabilitating the RIA runway, former Airport Managing Director and a number of business partners and the Board Chairman were indicted for stealing a combined amount of about US$1,283,333 between 2012 and 2013, according to an August 2013 story in the People Newspaper. When the indictment was released, the same government facilitated the escape of the prime suspect, Madam Ellen Corkrum. Government announced it had issued an indictment against Miss Corkrum, but the suspect, addressing herself to these issues from her actual home, the US, repeatedly described government’s claim of ever filing an extradition suit against her as a mere [scam](Farbric FM, Radio LIB Online, Sky FM) c. On January 15, 2014, the Microscope Newspaper wrote that RIA, under another allegedly corrupt Americo-Liberian called Richelieu Williams was claiming to have within 3 months (April to June 2013) used US$10 million for work, material and services. The paper claimed that the brother-in-law of the President and Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Dr. Edward McClain had been the one instructing the Finance Ministry to disburse these funds to the RIA – a development resembling a presidential or Executive Mansion’s criminal project, as usual. d. Ellen Corkrum, explaining some of the embarrassments she encountered while serving as Airport Managing Director under Madam Sirleaf told Sky FM’s Just Another Day on July 25, 2014 again that USAID (the US Agency for International Development) gave the Liberian Government US$3.4 million to rehabilitate the RIA runway; Delta, an American Airline, gave the Liberian Government US$1 million for works to improve the airport, especially for closing some of the numerous potholes on the runway. She said Delta’s decision to pull out of the country in 2014 was also hugely influenced by the level of inconveniences their planes were facing with these countless potholes on OLD, DULL Liberia’s foreign-built and only airstrip. SHAME UNTO SO-CALLED AMERICO-LIBERIAN NATIONHOOD!!!!


e. According to the Liberian Senate, US$10 million was allocated in the 2013/2014 Fiscal budget FOR the revamping or rehabilitation of this same Roberts International Airport’s Runway. But in a joint communication dated March 4, 2015 to the Senate Protemp, three Senators complaint that the Ministry of Transport had not been able to do any work on the airport, as the president was again sending in a new request to the Legislature for the approval of a US$60 million financial package for RIA rehabilitation – 95% or more of which would be gotten through loan. When the Senate invited the Transport Minister to come and speak to these issues, because Minister Angela Cassell Bush had to also use this opportunity to defend the need for this new $60 million request, she appeared before the Senate as fast as possible clarifying that some of the last budget year’s Runway Rehabilitation $10 million had been used by the RIA authorities to do such things as paying staff salaries and company’s debts, but strongly encouraged the Senate to ratify the new $60 million deal (; etc.) 8. This careless wave of criminal waste and immoral self-enrichment at the Roberts International Airport is not unique to this entity, but a modus operandi at almost all of the Americo-Liberian SOEs. Here is another narration from the so-called Liberia Petroleum Refining Company, which only stores finished petroleum products for mainly Lebanese businessmen. The dilapidated and dangerous state of this company’s 1960s facilities had been seriously decried by foreign importers and other business partners, even before the end of Liberia’s bloody 14 year civil crisis, to the point that foreign importers and other business people were threatening to pull out, or stop importing products. This pressurized the Edwin Snowe Management Team (2003 – 2005) to commission a tender process that culminated into the signing of a US$12 million ‘urgent’ rehabilitation project between LPRC and a Lebanese firm, the Mechanical Engineering Group (MEG) for this job, which included extending the storage capacity, replacing faulty meters and pumps, replacing corroded pipes etc. But one year later, when Madam Sirleaf took over, she sent Harry Greaves to manage LPRC. According to Mr. Greaves, the MEG contractual terms were not favorable for the entity and the country, so he began his part of ‘urgent’ LPRC rehabilitation process in October 2006. A Daily Observer September 9, 2009 edition quotes Mr. Greaves as saying that the Edwin Snowe-brokered US$12 million rehabilitation deal with MEG was inadequate; it lacked the necessary improvements and maintenance requirements; and it was intent on performing superficial patchworks, for which he terminated this contract. The Liberian Legislature, whose finger has to be in every business pie, was nowhere to stop this process. Consequently, the final bidding, from Mr. Greaves’ end, for the expansion and modernization of the LPRC Product Storage Terminal took place on February 19, 2009. Meanwhile, before this February 19 event, which concluded LPRC’s second post-war rehabilitation attempt, the Greaves’ LPRC Management and Board had embarked (in 2008) on a long roadshow, selling this rehabilitation agenda, which took the MD, DMD, Board Chairman, PR Manager and other top officials to different


locations both at home and abroad, including the University of Liberia Campus, the African Methodist Episcopal University’s Campus, UNMIL etc., and different states in the US, including Minnesota, Maryland, Texas, among others, using hundreds of thousands of United States Dollars. At the end of this usually expensive international competitive bidding process, a UK-based firm, Zakhem International Construction Ltd, was selected on May 1, 2009 to begin the 3-4 year rehabilitation of LPRC at US$24.7 million, with actual works slated to begin by October 2009 (LPRC Press circulars, Daily Observer, September 9, 2009 etc.). Zakhem was to construct few new tanks in order to increase LPRC’s storage capacity; install new on-shore pipelines etc. and as part of the overall project was also the construction of a new jetty, which was to be separately funded by the World Bank. From reliable sources, including the author of this work, LPRC, after expending hundreds of thousands of US Dollars to conduct this bidding process up to the point of selecting Zakhem Int’l, also paid some special cash advance of US$500,000 to the firm – meaning that over US$1 million went into this new rehab contract’s preparatory stages. But sadly with Liberia being a rogue state, after some rigmarole broke out in the Legislature, prejudicing Mr. Greaves for allegedly not dishing out some money to them, and for his (Greaves’) action of further exposing the Legislature and the Executive for asking for their share of any ‘spoils’ from this contract, President Sirleaf sided with the Legislature and out-rightly cancelled this approved international contract, and further dismissed the contract negotiator, Mr. Greaves on September 7, 2009. Two days later, on September 9, 2009, Madam Sirleaf brought on board, a real crony and criminal stooge, Mr. Thomas Nelson Williams as the new Managing Director. Mr. Williams, right away started the formalities for his part of the ‘urgent’ LPRC rehabilitation project. Another round of expensive tender process began, and on October 22, 2010, Williams signed on with Motherwell Bridge Ltd, UK, for the rehab project: same scope of work, same minimum duration of 36 months as that of Greaves’ etc., but now with the consent of the Legislature and the Executive, after apparently greasing palms. Williams lied that the contract cost US$22 million, just to put the public under the impression that he had saved the Liberian economy US$2.7 million; meaning that he was a good contract negotiator over his former boss man Greaves. The actual story, as narrated by the company’s former Board Chairman was very different however. According to Cllr. Negbalee Warner, the contract dubiously had no definite price, and Mr. Williams, way later on, in 2011, brought to the Board’s attention an instrument he called “Amendment to the PST Contract”, signed between the LPRC Management and Motherwell Bridge Ltd. on the same date of the main contract (October 22, 2010) by which LPRC, among other things, took on the sole responsibility for all tax obligations to be incurred by MBL, including duties, fees, and other charges ought to be paid to the Liberian Government by this foreign firm (FrontPage Africa Newspaper, February 13, 2012). Mr. Williams also single handedly paid some huge amounts upfront to this company that raised eyebrows both at home and abroad.


To prove the added unproductiveness of this deal, an urgent 36-month October 22, 2010 rehab project for a facility whose serious dilapidated state had been decried both locally and internationally for the past 10 years or so, was been proudly announced by both LPRC and Motherwell in 2014 (4 years on, and shortly before the intensification of Liberia’s most talked about Ebola crisis), as expected to be completed between mid2015 and early 2016 – no definite date, although all this was still a Grand Scam. Accounts of the kinds of benefits Mr. Williams, his top management team, and the Board of Directors were accruing from this dubious contract on the backs of the poor, suffering people of this country were adequately presented in a whistleblower letter to President Sirleaf in the New Democrat Newspaper’s March 19, 2013 edition, with LPRC’s criminally condescending responses to these claims brought in the Concord Times Newspaper’s April 17, 2013 edition. In the 4th year of this 36-month “20032005’s” urgent rehabilitation venture, LPRC announced sometime in 2015 that Motherwell had just completed 5 out of 14 tanks to be reconditioned etc. Madam Sirleaf’s response to these embarrassing economic news from a place that should be considered an economic lifeblood of the country was a matter of showering praises. For example, the media outlet, once citing Executive Mansion sources, reported how the President lavished praises on T. Nelson Williams and the Motherwell Management for their continuous jobs well done. With the intensification of the Ebola virus outbreak in mid-2014, almost inching into the 5th year of this 36-month urgent LPRC rehab project, Motherwell pulled out of Liberia based on health concerns, leaving more than 50% of the company’s shameful 43 Metric Ton facility’s revamping activities undone, and this was it. With money growing on trees in Liberia, especially at state-owned business enterprises, LPRC posted another international competitive bidding invitation document (the 4th post-war rehab tender formalities) in the local dailies in February 2015, with the following scope of work – almost similar to that of the same 2003-2005 Edwin Snowe Management’s MEG rehab contract’s scope of work: Construct new storage tanks in the existing tank farm Install all new piping within the tank farm Construct new Truck Loading Racks and piping facilities Install new fire protection system Install new power generation system Complete construction of newly installed tanks etc. The new management team of Prof. Senator Sumo Kupee too, which took over from Mr. Williams in April 2015, has been crying out for US$20 million to carry on his part of “urgent LPRC rehabilitation project”, according to very reliable sources. In fact, beyond human understanding about how money grows on trees, and about how economic STUPIDITY in this place has no match anywhere in human history, a fifth round of post-war rehab tender process formalities at the LPRC was being disputed


April 2016 by New-York-based VREX Remodeling Inc., one of the seven companies that were prequalified for LPRC’s so-called expansion again, contending that this criminal Americo-Liberian institution had surreptitiously awarded to one Lutech Engineering & Project Management Consultant FZC JV, in violation of Part V., Section 62(3) of the PPCC Act of 2010, an allegation which LPRC was found guilty for, by the Complains, Appeals, and Review Panel of the PPCC in April 2016, after which LPRC’s defense was that one Letech Engineering & Project Management Consultant FZC JV took part in the bidding process, which in her leading reading was equivalent to Lutech Engineering & Project Management Consultant FZC JV. At the end of the day, LPRC was authorized by the courts, according to the New Dawn Newspaper’s April 12, 2016 edition to do a rebidding for this same Urgent 2003-2005 initiated rehabilitation of the LPRC. As we speak this 2017, there is no significant difference between the very dilapidated 1960s to 1970s LPRC facilities that the business people have been crying about since the 1990s, to the point that multinational, more than half a trillion dollar French oil giant, TOTAL, has got to construct her own loading rack at her own premises, running an enclave business district in Americo-Liberia due to the very indescribable level of mess and dangerous joke that it sees in the Americo-Liberian public sector. Meanwhile, Liberia has between 2006 and now sold and resold up to 14 natural oil blocks (some spanning over 625,000 hectares), but does not even import finished petroleum product for sale on its own, talk less about dreaming to venture into oil refining anytime. State-owned enterprises, instead of generating revenue massively for the country, have turned into enduring liabilities on poor citizens’ meager contributions to the state through taxes. In early February 2015, Finance Minister Amara Konneh announced that SOEs (whose maximum contribution to government normally amounts to a combined US$10 – 15 million per annum), now have an increment in their overall expenses from US$74 million to US$147 million, as observed now during the past 4 years (the News Newspaper, February 3, 2015). Economically naïve and criminal President Sirleaf, instead of working swiftly and smartly to remedy these kinds of NASTY economic outlooks, is ALWAYS in the air, with huge Executive delegations from one continent to another begging for philanthropic assistance in the name of the country, just to in turn steal whatever will come out – oh what a largely useless stock of people called the Americo-Liberians! 9. Even if foreign governments, who are sadly aware of this NASTY situation of a small group of miscreants, calling themselves Americans, who have decided to seize the destinies of millions of Ethnic Dolos, Boakais, Konneh, Leighs, Weahs, etc., using them against one another so cruelly etc., try to chip in to provide support that these ordinary people will at least benefit a bit from (since they can’t benefit from their own riches), the cruel Americo-Liberian Massive Corruption Machine, calling itself government, will again sit over these assistance packages and eat all from the poor people. WHAT A TERRIBLE HELL OF MESS! Get a little bit of such developments as follows:


There is a maxim that he who teaches you how to fish does better for you than the one that throws bones at you every time (or gives you handouts). Criminal Liberia does not understand this fact about life yet, and what makes this situation worse during this age of Madam Sirleaf’s Liberia can be viewed from two different perspectives: (a) First and foremost, the sustenance of the original strategic Americo-Liberian Plan of not encouraging any form of economic or social activity that will lead to a wider positive sunshine on the larger population, over 99% of which are the Americo-Liberian’s explicit enemies, and who are meant to remain second class citizens as Arthur Barclay designed it when he was terribly squeezed against the wall, and wanted some loan. (b) the second reason being, Madam Sirleaf is so corrupt and myopic that she thinks that when she goes out and cries in the name of the country, and friendly leaders try to respond positively for the sake of the suffering masses by providing different forms of economic assistance packages, then it means that she has succeeded because of her beauty and smartness at playing with words, and so those packages are exclusively meant for her, and her cronies’ personal benefit. Since 2006, for example, friendly nations have decided to help Liberia fish for herself by providing different forms of business packages for the country to take advantage of and improve her own DISGUSTING economic situation. With these packages too, Liberia’s friends have also been testing the country’s business intelligence and productivity – with DULL Liberia thus far failing in all these tests due to inherent criminality. These packages have been many, but we are going to only focus on three – three of the most outstanding cases only in the lucrative oil sector: a) In 2006, the Nigerian Government extended an economic assistance package to Liberia by arranging a deal between their Nigeria National Petroleum Company and the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company whereby the NNPC would supply 10,000 barrels of crude oil per day for 1 year (as an initial test) for the GOL to sell this product [presumably] on a commission basis. But according to sources, because of OLD, DULL Liberia’s lack of capacity to even handle crude oil, coupled with its inability to conduct sales activities at any time on her own, LPRC got into a very shady arrangement with the Nigerian branch of a predominantly Chinese Oil Company, called Addax Petroleum Ltd. to lift and deal the oil in LPRC’s name for some apparent proceeds sharing. An audit report into this oil deal prepared by Auditor General John Morlu, in 2011 complaint of many irregularities to the extent of establishing that the three parties in this deal – NNPC, LPRC, and Addax – performed in a completely informal and casual manner. For example, Mr. Morlu said, “Even though the NNPC did not sign the prepared agreement with LPRC for the supply of the agreed 10,000 barrels of crude oil per day, the former went ahead and shipped the oil – a situation, Mr. Morlu described as unexpected in business deals. At the close of a one year period, in the name of Liberia, it is reported that Addax ended up cheating the NNPC by lifting an excess of 1,002,796 barrels instead of the originally designated 3,650,000 – meaning, she lifted 4,652,796 barrels, which cost US$318,761,591.24. The report said that the revenue


raised for the Liberian Government through the deal was understated by US$104,991.32, and Addax overpaid fees on its crude lifting as reported by the LPRC to the tone of US$6,599.88. As a result, the net shortfall in revenue reported was US$98,391.44. But Morlu emphasized that all of the prevailing circumstances demonstrated that the Nigerian Oil Deal was characterized by a complete lack of transparency, making it difficult to indicate whether value for money was ever achieved. Even the very Addax Petroleum Ltd. that Liberia claimed lifted and sold on behalf of LPRC, and which over-lifted in the amount 1,002,796 barrels, when contacted by the Daily Trust, denied ever doing business in the name of Liberia. (This too is criminal Liberia.). Conclusively, friendly Nigeria could no longer continue with this deal. What people might not understand here is that this one rotten apple, called LPRC had managed to quickly contaminate Addax and NNPC, and thwarted the well-intentioned Nigerian plans to help the country – all because a few Americo-Liberian elite members were so desperate to enrich themselves as normally, and with pleasure, on the blood and back of the vast poor, indigenous majority who deserve nothing good in life in this country. b) The Government of Japan extended a grant of One Billion One Million Japanese Yen (¥1,100,000,000) in petroleum products to the GOL under a grant arrangement, provisions of which were covered in an Exchange of Notes dated March 8, 2011 for the purpose of contributing to the socio-economic development of Liberia. The handling of this deal was so shady again to the extent that at the end of the day, the General Auditing Commission established numerous dealings of dishonesty and lack of transparency, leading to the following recommendations, among others:  That Aminata & Sons Inc., the company illegally chosen by LPRC to sell the product on behalf of the country, be made to restitute or deposit US$5,788,134.01 into Government Account #0220630001709 at the Central Bank of Liberia, as this excess income was unjustly accrued to the company as a result of the transaction. This amount included US$16,000 set aside by Aminata & Sons for external audit purposes, since there was no evidence that an audit was conducted, as supported by LPRC’s final report, and that Aminata & Sons should deposit this money in 30 days, from the date of the submission of this report to the National Legislature. Aminata & Sons was also requested to submit a copy of the deposit slip to the Office of the Auditor General for validation, and that failure to do so, the Ministry of Justice was mandated to institute debt collection actions against Aminata & Sons.  That the LPRC Managing Director, Mr. T. Nelson Williams should be censured by the President for not protecting the interest of Liberia by ensuring that proceeds of the sales, less a reasonable commission was deposited in the account of the Liberian Government. Because the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the donor, the Japanese Government, and the recipient, the GOL, called for a threshold amount of US$8,504,177.50 to be placed into this special account out of a principal of


US$13,083,350 worth of petroleum products, whose sale and profits at the minimum of wholesale price should amount to between US$$17,889,454.11 and US$18,275,411.50 depending on the sincerity of the sale agent, DULL, DIRTY, AND DISHONEST LIBERIA placed the exact threshold amount of $8 million above, into the escrow account and Rogue Sirleaf and her deputy, T. Nelson ate the rest of the money, according to reliable sources.  For Miatta Beyslow, GAC recommended that she be censured by the President for not monitoring the deal to ensure that the terms and conditions were enforced by LPRC, and also for awarding a deep discount of US$4,584,292.90 to Aminata & Sons without any basis. At the end, a business gesture also intended to both test Liberia’s honesty and productiveness, so as to open windows for more opportunities and more of such ventures in the future, turned out, in its first trial, to be an indictment of the Liberian Government through LPRC and the Commerce Ministry, of financial theft in the combined tone of US$10,372,426.91. With respect to the shadiness of this deal, a whole Board Chairman of the LPRC, Cllr. Negbalee Warner, had to resign his position, coupled with other things, when he said in the FrontPage Africa February 13, 2012 edition that, “I resigned because I refused to be the Chairman of the Board of Directors of a corporation that is saddled with questionable transactions and which will report only US$8,504,177.50 as total proceeds of mixed oil grant purchased by a foreign government with an amount of US$13 million.” LPRC’s Public Relations Manager, Madam Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence, dishonorably reacting to this GAC report said that the Japanese Oil Grant was managed with the highest degree of transparency, professionalism and efficiency, also stressing that the Government of Japan was so pleased with the management of this grant that they were contemplating releasing a second grant to Liberia in 2012 (FrontPage Africa, February 13, 2012). According to the Heritage Newspaper, all of the GAC recommendations, some of which are above, about the manner and form in which the Japanese Oil Grant was handled have yet to be executed by the Government, as those blamed for wrongdoings have not been prosecuted or reprimanded yet. Conclusively, friendly Japan, like Nigeria, who according to the LPRC Public Relations Boss, Madam Karnga Lawrence, now in the Senate, was so pleased and wanted to bring in more petroleum products for the Liberian people, had to disappointingly terminate this assistance package permanently (Daily Observer, August 31, 2012; FrontPage Africa, February 13, 2012 etc.) It is just these few days, late 2016, trying to immorally justify some fishy grant money from the US Millennium Challenge Corporation, that the criminal GOL says it has perused Mr. Williams’ and others’ case, after which it sees no need to continue with prosecution, for which they were acquitted of all wrongdoings– their old, dull tricks that everybody in


this country is now aware of, and fed up with. (, November 2016) c) On December 8, 2012, the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company announced that it had entered into discussions with the Kuwaiti Petroleum Company for the supply of petroleum products at concessionary price. In a press release, LPRC disclosed that the deal was a result of a request made by President Sirleaf during a visit to Kuwait. LPRC said this was a special arrangement between them and the KPC for the supply of petroleum products at discount price to enable the company bring relief in the form of fuel subsidy to the Liberia Electricity Corporation, the National Transit Authority and JFK Medical Center, among others. According to the Liberian so-called refinery, the intention of this deal was to help reduce the high cost of fuel and pass on the savings by expanding services to larger segments of the population, including vulnerable sectors. For example, LEC will expand services, NTA will reduce fares etc., according to the release. But through later investigations by the Heritage Newspaper, it was disclosed that contrary to the announcement made by LPRC that the Kuwaiti Oil Deal was among other things, intended to enable them bring relief in the form of fuel subsidy to the LEC, NTA, and others, the deal was actually intended to benefit certain government officials (names withheld) as in the case of the Nigerian and Japanese Oil Deals previously. Apparently as a result of the murkiness of these initial circumstances, the Heritage reports that the announced Kuwaiti Oil Deal was supposedly been terminated prematurely (Heritage Newspaper, February 2, 2015) 10. Corruption is a very deadly crime that has the potential to damage millions of persons just within a twinkle of an eye. Corruption has been declared by all major opinion leaders and well-meaning world bodies as the deadliest roadblock to any form of human progress. With this threat definitely being the most effective tool to use to keep progress stifled in this country forever against the 99% indigenous people, since the other 1% or so already have their homes abroad, the Americo-Liberians have, and continue to do all they can to keep its flames (meaning Corruption flames) burning high. This is because in the end, it is they and their principal (America) that enjoys all of the spoils that corruption brings to the table. Let’s bring you a tip of the iceberg of the accounts that demonstrate how this country truly loves corruption because its frontrunners, the Americo-Liberians, tremendously gain their wealth, power, and superiority exclusively from it: a. During Liberia’s ‘certification’ as the world’s most corrupt country in 2013, Transparency International is reported to have placed key emphasis on a section of their investigations which reads, “In Liberia, 86% of residents surveyed said that their government was ineffective at fighting corruption..” This was the largest portion of any of the 107 countries that the TI surveyed for that year (


b. According to all of US State Department’s Human Rights Reports on Liberia, the [immoral] Liberian Government has yet to define corruption as a criminal offense. It is based upon this reason that corruption is only being used in the country as a political witch-hunt tool and not any serious matter. In October 2014, for example, the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission indicted several former and current officials of government, including for instance, Sinoe County Superintendent J. Milton Teahjay (for misapplication of entrusted properties, misuse of public money, illegal disbursement of public money etc.); House Speaker Alex Tyler and Rep. Adolph Lawrence (for dubiously handling workmanship payments to lawyers in the tone of around US$125,000 etc.); Dr. Foday Kromah of the National Oil Company of Liberia, among others (, October 24, 2014). A few months later, according to ELBC and other outlets, the list of indicted officials spanned to names like Dr. Evelyn Kandakai and others. But true to its criminal nature, in the midst of these supposedly serious criminal indictments, Mr. Teahjay left his corruption indictment hanging over his head and went into a special senatorial election two months later and won the polls; Foday Kromah went into this same electoral process but was unfortunate to have lost; Alex Tyler still comfortably sat as Speaker of the House for two years or so, and left his post based on external pressure for a different political case, with his colleague Adolph Lawrence comfortably working as a ‘legitimate’ lawmaker, while that case involving them gradually dies, especially as the key whistleblower against them has died so mysteriously. Madam Kandakai reportedly won the blessing of the government to become head of the country’s branch of the West African Examination Council. In one of the latest US State Department’s report on Liberia, featured in the February 28, 2014 edition, it is reported that the Liberia AntiCorruption Commission received 25 cases, investigated 23, and recommended four for prosecution with all resulting to no convictions. c. According to the FrontPage Africa editorial for April 15, 2015, a UN Panel of Experts stated in their June 2007 report that Liberia’s war on corruption was a lip service. d. According to more than one credible source, in 2011, former Solicitor General Wilkins Wright and Justice Minister Christiana Tah nicely put together an analysis of multiple audits conducted by the General Auditing Commission and submitted the report to President Sirleaf, of government officials deserving prosecution based on the extent to which the audits established their violation of the public’s trust through corrupt acts. The president promised to approve these prosecutions, but this promise turned out to be another scam as usual. To date, media reports have it that ten or more years into this administration, out of 107 audit reports released by the GAC, only two have led to prosecutions [lopsided ones at that rate, usually to target the Natives or other people considered not socially or criminally well connected within the Americo-Liberian society].


11. Based upon credible information, the Liberian Senate confirms between 99.5% and 100% of Executive nominations regardless of their qualifications. The National Chronicle Newspaper even suggested once that over 80% of the ‘higher ups” in the UPled government were foreigners [Americans]. Here is how the Americo-Liberian Senate does her confirmation of appointed functionaries. According to the current Senate Health Committee Chair, Dr. Peter Coleman, at the time of former Health Minister Walter Gwenigale’s evaluation for confirmation, several sticky issues arose for which Mr. Gwenigale was rejected unanimously by the Senate. Some of these issues included Gwenigale’s comportment, his age etc. But later, he, Chairman Coleman was called by President Sirleaf [cajoled and scammed] to go back and prevail upon his fellow senators to confirm Gwenigale, who the president assured, according to Dr. Coleman, would just hang on for a while and then be removed. Dr. Coleman quoted the president as saying, “The oldman will serve just for one year and will be replaced” – a commitment from the president that turned out to be a big scam. According to Dr. Coleman, while he was serving as Health Minister under Charles Taylor, Mr. Gwenigale worked under him as a Surgeon at the Phebe Hospital in Bong County, where he (Dr. Gwenigale) remained until his honorable retirement in 2002. Dr. Coleman spoke with Mary Williams of Love FM on October 29, 2014. In another revelation, Sky FM News, on October 31, 2014 played a recording of voices across the Senate floor, wherein some senators were heard making true life confessions about the criminal way they carry on confirmations of Executive appointees. These confessions came about after the lawmakers had just conducted some of the unsuccessful votes in favor of the dismissal of Health Minister Walter Gwenigale who had turned into some thorn in their flesh. One senator said, “Each time the president nominates, before the next day breaks, that person has already been confirmed…” Pundits however considered these waves of confessions as some of government officials’ tricks to win the sympathy of electorates, especially as these developments were going on shortly before the 2014 so-called Special Senatorial Elections in which many of these senators were running for reelection. This too is one of the sad ways in which the Americo-Liberians designed their country to persistently be prone to the terrible ‘tyranny of a huge mass of ignorant’ population – a situation which benefits the ‘Congo’ boys in the end. 12. In his book, “Corruption 101, the Liberian Style”, Canadian Businessman Len Lindstrom documented key facts, events, and laws pertaining to the case of his company, Liberty Group of Companies vs. Government of Liberia (Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy) in which his company was fighting for justice in the midst of gross corruption, extortion, economic sabotage, impunity, violation of court injunctions, bought off lawyers, tampering with court official documents, and repeated flagrant attempt on the sanctity of the courts – all of which he describes as illegal actions on the part of the Liberian Government. According to Mr. Lindstrom, the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy’s Executives, in their insatiable greed and strong sense of impunity


ignored the orders and rulings of the courts and continued with their clandestine operations of selling his company’s properties as though the executives of this ministry were a law and gospel unto themselves, and could get away while spitting in the face of justice.” Lindstrom said during the court process, government officials attempted to bribe the judges as well as his company’s General Manager, all to no avail; but said, it appeared that they were eventually able to buy off the company’s original lawyer as it was now discovered that critical transcripts were removed from the official records on two separate occasions, and that this unscrupulous lawyer, who had eaten almost US$200,000 in legal fees had also made secretive, arbitrary, and very damaging changes to the original appellee’s brief filed in the Supreme Court, which was obviously an overt attempt to undermine Liberty Group of Companies and to sabotage the entire case against the Liberian Government. The fate of this case still hangs on in limbo. 13. Maternal mortality remains high in the country, as constantly decried by the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador here, and others. In other developments, in the very so-called capital city, children in public schools still sit on the floor; Liberia continues to remain the world’s first or second poorest country, and a 2013 food security report disclosed 13 out of Liberia’s 15 counties to be grossly food insecure, as the country imports almost 99% of the little it consumes etc., but the Government of Liberia has criminally been using hundreds of millions of US Dollars (reportedly US$263 million) on so-called image building and public relations campaign to paint a different positive picture of what’s happening in the country to the outside world. This is according to Representative Bhofal Chambers, as reported by local media outlets in early 2014, and finally confirmed by the US Justice Department to even suggestively be over US$500 million by now. 14. Secret recordings released by former Roberts International Airport Managing Director, Ellen Corkrum, featured the country’s current Defense Minister, Brownie Samukai scorning and disparaging his own government, the Liberian Government, for rampant corruption and blasting the president for promoting corruption by willfully keeping proven corrupt officials in government (the Informer Newspaper, August 14, 2013). At the Ministry of Information press briefing on September 5, 2013, Minister Samukai confirmed the validity of this recording ( 15. In a regularly played clip of the voice of Representative Edwin Snowe on Love FM, this key government official is heard confirming that the Liberian Legislature has been in the business of approving concession contracts that DO NOT serve the interest of the nation (heard by the author on February 20, 2014). 16. Since fire gutted the fourth floor of the Executive Mansion in July of 2006, the President and her office staff have been working as internally displaced persons at the Foreign Affairs Ministry. There were credible news that the total cost of repair for this single floor was established by experts as US$7 million. On November 28, 2014, ELBC quoted Rep. Byron Brown of Grand Bassa County as saying that since this fire incident,


the government has been allocating money in the national budget for the speedy renovation of this seat of the President almost every year. Rep. Brown said that over US$14 million had now been allocated for this purpose since 2008 up to present but sadly with no signs yet as to when the President will ever leave her Foreign Ministry [IDP Camp] to move back to her rightful office, which criminally has not yet been renovated in the midst of all these yearly budgetary allocations exclusively for this project. 17. Representative Bill Twehway, exposing some of their criminal modus operandi at the lower House explained to ELBC Radio on January 20, 2015 how the House of Representatives received US$1.2 million in 2013 for some oil consultation but the Speaker willfully misinformed the Liberian populace that they had received $1.1 million; given the Senate $200,000, and taken $900,000 for their part of consultations. Representative Sam Korgar is reported to have elaborated more on the 1st Branch’s criminality according to the January 19, 2015 edition of the Microscope Newspaper. Former Montserrado County Superintendent Grace Kpahn, challenging any lawmaker to face her with contempt charges for making these public statements against them, accused the Legislature of failing to pass bills that will have positive impact on the electorates, but instead only being anxious to pass concession agreements at 4G speed merely for personal benefits, further describing Liberia’s lawmakers as elements that lack moral standards and civility ( 18. (a) A letter to Minister Amara Konneh dated May 18, 2012, and in the possession of the Daily Observer Newspaper showed how the Auditor from the Internal Audit Division of the Ministry of Finance had caught three top officials in the Ministry [using different titles] to corruptly withdraw money from government coffers for their personal gains. The single instance of tracking this scheme’s illegal transactions for these three top officials (Boom M. Wilson, Cassel Bush and Emmett Kaye) amounted to US$16,358.14 (, October 9, 2014). Voicing his concerns about this kind of development, Mr. Bai M. Gbala, Sr. expressed strong fears that if one round, involving only 3 officials, of what seems to be an established culture of such illegal payments will sum up to this amount, he then wonders [first,] how long has this scheme been in operation and [secondly what the overall impacts will be like]? (b) Apart from their very huge salaries, allowances, vehicle purchases, and other secret incentives, members of the Legislature, with no obligation to accounting, or with immunity to any form of audit, do have hundreds of thousands of US Dollars allocated for miscellaneous office expenditure. For example, Mr. Bai M. Gbala, Sr., referencing office expense budgets for just three members (the top 3) of the Legislature in the fiscal year 2013/2014 budget disclosed the following: Office of the speaker……………………………………….US$766,357 Office of the Deputy Speaker……………………………...US$700,302


Office of the Senate Protemp………………………………US$846,653 Total ……………………………………………………..US$2,313,312 According to Mr. Gbala, the accounts constituted in the expending of these amounts include such things as rent, electricity, automobile insurance and repair, newspaper purchase, transport equipment etc. Meanwhile, a late April 2015 investigation done by ELBC Radio reveals how shamefully at the Legislature, many restrooms are closed for use due to lack of water supply because the first branch owes the Liberia Water Sewer Corporation some US$3,129, and this embarrassing situation has even been the cause of two visitors at the Legislature defecating on themselves (or in the Liberian parlance, shitting on themselves) sometime recently. In addition to this embarrassment in government, Mr. Gbala also claims that revenue generating state-owned enterprises, such as the National Port Authority, the National Oil Company of Liberia, the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company etc. earn income though, but refuse to subject themselves to payment of such things as income taxes, [defined dividends] etc. (, October 14, 2014). Notwithstanding, the level of poverty in Liberia is so unspeakable; the country’s economic disparity is beyond measure; and FrontPage Africa’s April 15, 2015 edition mentions how US President Barack Obama frowned on the deplorable social and economic conditions of Liberians, especially those living outside of Monrovia when he told the president [Madam Sirleaf] at the White House recently that he wants to see shared prosperity expanded beyond the confines of Monrovia – imagine such a disgrace! And President Obama doesn’t even know unfortunately that Monrovia itself is home to some of the horrific experiences with poverty in this whole round world. 19. In mid-2013, the Government of Liberia indicted key officials of the Liberia Airport Authority, the Roberts International Airport, and other institution(s) for multiple crimes, including economic sabotage, theft of property, criminal conspiracy and so forth. (the People Newspaper, August 2, 2013 etc.). The prime suspect in these indictments was the Managing Director of the Roberts International Airport, Madam Ellen Corkrum. According to reliable sources, including, the President, in a high-level meeting instructed her security and immigration authorities to stop this key suspect, who is an American, from fleeing the country. But the country’s Police Chief was reportedly caught on tape facilitating the smooth escape of indicted Miss Corkrum and providing her all of the necessary pieces of advice to help her quickly get out of the country ( This Police Chief, Col. Chris Massaquoi meanwhile still hung on to his position and enjoyed every bit of confidence and support from the President and the entire government for years after this incident, until he reportedly came across some international job opportunity, which prompted his apparent request to the President to have him replaced, as he traveled. In May 2014, Col. Massaquoi publicly dismissed and turned over to the Americo-Liberian courts two newly-trained police officers (of the lowest ranks, Officers Humphrey Karn and Varney


Massallay), with one of them, for allegedly taking bribe from a taxi driver in the tone of around US$0.16 (L$30.00), and the other just [merely trying] to solicit bribe, according to the Police Director (ELBC News, May 24 – 26, 2014; etc.). 20. One corrupt activity performed by this Ellen-led government was the reported signing of some rental contract between the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) and some Chinese landlord which commits LTA to paying US$385,000 per year; and as of the year 2014, she had paid 3 years upfront to this unknown Chinese landlord in the tone of US$1,155,000 ( 21. Appearing on the Sky FM 50-50 phone-in- talk show on September 22, 2014, FrontPage Africa’s Managing Editor, Mr. Rodney Sieh disclosed that the donations coming from different sources to Liberia to boost the fight against Ebola were being recorded by the Liberian Government as their own purchases. 22. According to Radio 5’s August 6, 2014 news presentation, Lawmaker Henry Yallah of Bong County revealed that the Liberian Government had received US$10 million from USAID to fight Ebola, but there was no account of this money anywhere on the Liberian Government’s books 23. On February 12, 2015, the FrontPage Africa Newspaper reported a story entitled, “Liberia Must Move to Recover Exported Millions.” This publication was in response to leaked analyses by an international consortium of investigative journalists indicating that Liberia ranks 57th among 203 countries with respect to having stolen ‘national’ monies kept in foreign, especially Swiss Banks. The amount this report had uncovered by then was US$59.5 million deposited by Liberian Government criminals into foreign banks. According to the publication, this figure could be much higher based on the number of activities that took place in Liberia during the civil war, involving foreign individuals who operated as foreign investors, and those transacting deals with foreign leaders. Expressing his pessimism about Liberia’s ability to ever retrieve any of these stolen tens, if not hundreds of millions, Mr. Bai Gbala lamented how Liberian criminals that connived with these foreign firms to defraud the country are now big shots in government ( February 17, 2015) 24. According to one Charles Russel that wrote from Philadelphia, to be an active member of the Unity Party-led government, never tell the truth; your lies should be consistent; [just] go ahead and loot the country’s resources, and never hesitate to intimidate media institutions that speak the truth etc. ( Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has become the CEO for the Industry of Corruption in Liberia, October 13, 2014) If all of the above, including many more that we can’t afford to bring all here at once, about the Liberian Government; about those who established it; and about those who are currently sustaining it, are true, or even if up to 70% of these are proven true, then we, especially of


native backgrounds in this country, have no more alternative, but to declare the following positions, which we will now pursue with our blood, sweat and tears until we take back our country and induct true Godliness, civilization, decency, productivity, prosperity etc. because what’s currently happening is a big HELL OF MESS. Apart from all that we have revealed above, and even many more available scarring facts, majority of these people (forming the so-called Americo-Liberian Government, from the top), have been formally indicted and convicted in a special internationally approved judicial arrangement – the Truth and Reconciliation Process – as hardcore criminals, for countless human rights abuses and war crimes, such as, the cold-blooded murdering, maiming, raping etc. of our poor people, and the willful infliction of economic and psychological trauma and agony on our ever suffering masses. Where is their moral authority then, to be masquerading as government officials and dispensing kangaroo justice against our people in this country perpetually, as we sit by and look because it is not our turn? As such, it has become to us as an abomination to continuously sit by and allow white and red-collar criminals, disguising themselves under some unruly gang called government, to keep breaking every law themselves, while at the same time cruelly subjecting our poor people to inhumane treatments and illegal, and long jail sentences in the name of dispensing justice. Nowhere in the world have criminals ever dispensed justice. Why for example would these criminals sit there in most instances and create the condition for choiceless and defenseless people to agitate for their survival and wellbeing, and when these agitations go the wrong way, mainly due to the so-called government’s own ineptitude and negligence, then they grab our poor people and treat them always like domesticated animals? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, GOL. We now begin the process questioning your moral authority, and your social and democratic legitimacy by posing to you the following key questions, among many more we will still have to pose to you, God willing, if you think you can defend yourself, rather than submit to these claims so that we all can now together find solutions by the grace of God: 1) What kind of justice system do you have when you use our meager state resources (hundreds of thousands of US Dollars in a single case, for example, the Hans Williams’ case), conducting four different autopsy formalities, just to free this one Americo-Liberian rape and murder convict, but you are very cruel enough, in order to use us as your cannon fodders and sacrificial lambs etc., to round us up from our poor homes and villages in Grand Gedeh, brutally separating us from our livelihood activities and our family members and loved ones in the name of fighting crime for neighboring Ivory Coast, and pretentiously satisfying the United Nations, by sending us to jail for life? Among many genuine points, you were neither formally requested by the Ivorian authorities to help them arrest any suspected criminals, nor were you given a list by the Ivorian authorities to help them perform any such role; the Ivorian Government did neither arrest and turn us over to you based on some bilateral arrangement, nor did you go and arrest us on Ivorian soil, your alleged crime scene, or arrest us at the border,


crossing with arms or ammunition to and from the Ivory Coast; no one as yet even understands the workings of your so-called anti-mercenary laws etc., but you went ahead, in pursuit of your age-old vendetta against the Natives, and arrested us from our homes, and locked us up for life because our names are Nyezee Baway, Isaac Taryon, Stephen Gloto, Prince Youty, Emmanuel Mah, Moses Baryee, Moses Sarpee, Sam Tarley, Jacob Saydee, Mohammed Massaquoi, and 3 borrowed/adopted surnames of James Lee Cooper, Morris Cole, and Alfred James (Daily Observer, December 2, 2014;, March 19, 2015 etc.), and we are not sons of the original Browns, Williams, Weeks etc. But be aware that we are closing in on this NASTY 200 year old chapter now, God willing. 2) What moral authority does your Justice system have over us, when it can indict a Clemenceau Urey, a Stephen Dunbar, a whole Legislature etc. (with the complicity of the President) for economic crimes you all committed since 2006 – 2007, and the countless concession laws you have, and continue to break, with no action taken, but this same government, with its justice system will have the audacity to sentence us, poor, helpless people to 10 year imprisonment just because we demonstrated for our own economic rights (which will NEVER be given to us by any Americo-Liberian Government), and some things went wrong in the process? Did you ever take into account who created the conditions for these unbearable realities in the first place, that are leading to these strong resentments and consequential actions? Have you ever realized that government in this Black American outcasts’ country doesn’t provide any fair recourse to justice for any of these problems? If you disagree, can you show any proof of one case? Do you know that apart from stealing our resources under the guise of signing concession agreements, your head, the President, has been in the business (according to our county authorities) of “crediting” the little proceeds that supposed to come to us yearly? Have you addressed yourself to any of these NASTY situations? Then instead of arranging a reasonable roundtable session for us to resolve these issues and share the blame for what has happened (the claimed destruction during the demonstration that was beyond our control), you have decided to use your already rotten court system to sentence us to 10 year imprisonment ( /Weeping in Bassa – 12 defendants guilty for multiple crimes”; Voice FM Costa Show/April 20, 2015; Fabric FM News, April 21, 2015 etc.). This we know, is all because our names are Fred Saye, Yei Dokie, Prince Zeaduah, Jerome Zumeh, Wilson Gondo, Wuo Gballah, Peter Zuweh, William Gbanda, Saye Jebolo, Saye Garteh, and Oretha Gono, and we are not the children of the Ureys, the Johnsons, the McClains etc. But the time has come to resist you to the letter, God willing! 3) Your partial Americo-Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission will repeatedly bring up cases like those involving the mismanagement or simply the stealing of County and Social Development Funds by Legislative and Executive Officers (LACC 2013 annual report for instance); cases of corruption involving key members of the Executive Branch (“); cases involving big names, for example, like Speaker J. Alex Tyler, Rep. Adolph


Lawrence, Superintendent/Senator J. Milton Teahjay etc. and many more, and there will be absolutely NO court appearances with respect to these kinds of so-called indictments because the perpetrators or the suspects of the alleged crimes are Tylers and Lawrences or criminally well-connected Native stooges, but this same Anti-Corruption Commission will ensure at all costs that people bearing the names like Beatrice Munnah Sieh, Albert Bropleh, Lusu Sloghn, Jenkins Yonly, Jonathan Geegbae, Patrick Akinremi, Anthony Nyonle etc. are harassed and made to appear in court – to the point of handcuffing some of them in the streets (even if they will not be found guilty by the courts, since it’s now proven that corruption is not a crime in Liberia, but an instrument of witch-hunt used when you want to get at someone). Your main point here, in many cases, is that people bearing these names must be disgraced, but you will do all you can, through delay tactics and other forms of tricks, to ensure that the dignities of people bearing the other surnames are preserved (, October 24, 2014/ Liberia’s Graft Agency Submits Top Dogs For Prosecution; Daily Observer, January 4, 2013 etc.). But be aware that a countdown to the abolition of this kind of uncivilized dispensation of justice has already begun! Let’s not forget what Martin Luther King, Jr. said once: “Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, but when they fail in this purpose, they become the dangerous structured dams that block the flow of all social progress.” 4)

While your Kangaroo Justice Corruption Fight will exempt names like T. Nelson Williams (though his name appears in countless General Auditing Commission Reports for multiple acts of corruption and malpractices whose monetary values are beyond measure), Augustine Ngafuan, Amara Konneh, Dr. Chris Toe, Louseni Donzo, Miatta Beysolow, Rennie Jackson etc. (because these are special names that perform special stealing missions for top officials, for which they have grown legally above Liberian Laws), your corruption fight’s axe is so fast to fall on the heads of names like poor Pewee Flomo, the NOCAL Junior Accountant that your Judiciary jailed for two years the last time and asked to restitute US$16, 000 (ELBC, August 27, 2014), when NOCAL itself cannot account in any way for the tens of millions of US Dollars it earns in this country every year to the point that it has even now gone bankrupt; the poor Native Wesley Jlue of the National Drugs Service that your Judiciary sentenced in 2015 to 5 years imprisonment for what you called the stealing of US$179,183.06, while your Finance Minister stole US$13 million intended for the health sector in 2013 and you can never convincingly account for the over US$460 million that has been reportedly used on the health sector since 2006 (Radio Veritas, April 1, 2015). You again used your partial and criminal justice dispensation techniques to illegitimately jail some former officials of the Forestry Development Authority for what you call economic crimes involving the alleged issuance of Private Used Permits for logging. Because these guys bear such surnames as Moses Wogbeh, John Kamara, Benedict Sargbeh, David Blayee, Torwon Yantay etc. and they are not connected in your highly mischief-making institution called government, they have been sentenced for 10 years, while a name like


Florence Chenoweth and others who headed these people and approved all the so-called illegal PUPs go scot-free swimming in the river of impunity (FrontPage Africa, April 3, 2015 etc.). Meanwhile for corruption, with the preponderance of proofs you had against the former Charles Gyudee Bryant’s interim government and the international pressure for you to set a new legal precedent in the fight against corruption, you went ahead and acquitted ALL of the accused top dogs in that government like Mr. Bryant himself, Edwin Snowe, Richard Devine, Orishall Gould etc. on grounds that Government lied on these names, as they were never involved with any acts of economic sabotage, or any forms of economic crimes at all (, June 3, 2009). Even the Amnesty International bitterly decried this ugly situation and described your action as a major setback in the fight against corruption ( The sad picture that you continue to demonstrate when it comes to the dispensation of justice can be equated to what Aristotle meant when he said, “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals, but separated from law and justice, man becomes the worst of all animals. This is the NASTY situation that we must fight to turn the tables against now, as this country continues to run like an animal farm since the Black American criminals, your forefathers, landed on our soil in 1822. 5) About five years back, your head, the President lied to the country (chicanery) that you were going to create 20,000 jobs per annum (mainly targeting the youths). This lie continues to endure today. While we, the helpless and disappointed youths (over 99% of which are children of the Yarkpawolos again) try to find some living by taking onto riding motorbikes as a form of self-employment, we have now turned into a target of deadly attacks by members of your Security Forces. Your army and your police officers who bear batches with flags and other symbols that brutally neglect the interest of the ‘Yarkpawolos” began a wave of killing us (peaceful, armless bike riders) some time ago in 2015, to the point of killing three of us for no reason just within a short space of time (Fabric FM News, April 21, 2015). Pushed to the wall because we have a system that cares less about citizens, we took to the streets in protest, and in the process, rioting ensued that saw some properties get destroyed. Instead of first getting to the drawing board to solve this problem through some fair and transparent blame sharing (knowing that you are the root cause of all this), your first step, as usual, was to grab 30 of us (genuinely protesting sons of the Yarkpawolos, the bike riders) and arraigned us in court for multiple crimes, including so-called criminal attempt to murder, criminal attempt to rape, criminal mischief etc. (, April 24, 2015 etc.) without the world first hearing about what had become of your agents who had cold-bloodedly murdered our friends for no reasons. The next news that will come from your kangaroo courts, we know, will be long jail sentences for us, in addition to the already long pretrial detention we are painfully suffering first. Again, we say here, your institutions lack all remorse of conscience, and we are going to resist this move to the letter God willing – no matter what we are going through today.


We pause for now, but know everyone bears us witness when we say that an AmericoLiberian Government lacks every moral authority and legal two feet to fight crime, due to its own criminal pedigree and record. Moreover, every historical source, including the very Declaration of Independence of Liberia validates that the Liberian state is an enduring conspiracy against us, the Golas, the Bassas, the Kpelles, the Deys etc. of this country. Several international institutions, including the League of Nations, Conciliation Resources of UK etc. validate this claim. But the Americo-Liberians, as cleverly mischievous as they are, have always largely used members of these same targeted African Ethnic Groups against the rest, so that it appears as if, for instance, it is an Armah Jallah who is the cause of Gbarpolu’s problems, or an Amara Konneh is the one causing problem for the country’s health sector etc. This has been the strategy since you came here in 1822. But knowledge, wisdom and time have caught up with you – making it incumbent upon the true and undiluted Boakais, Konnehs, and Jallahs to now embark on a good fight to take back our country, if not, we keep running around in fruitless circles as a people. Remember history is a vast early warning system. No country founded on injustice can ever succeed. As such, when people establish the actual nature of their problem, as we have done now, the only next step is to take action at solving the problem, and solving problems calls for leaving our usual defensive posture to getting more aggressively on the offensive. This land is ours, and we can only get it back from America and her barren and mischief-making Americo-Liberians by beginning now to focus all of our actions going on the offensive. But as it was told of the children of Israel in the Bible, we can only go on this offensive using the Principles of God, in our case Truth, Justice, Mutual Love and Respect, then the rest will be handled by God Himself. We need genuine peace, stability, growth, morality etc. in order to graduate once and for all from this 200 year-old DISGUSTING situation we call statehood. However, as one American Islamic cleric, Louis Farrakhan Mohammed said, “There really can be no peace without justice.” He furthered, “There also can be no justice without the truth. And there can no truth unless someone rises up to tell the truth.” Truth is so vital as the starting point because from it, all else will come. The Liberian newspaper, In Profile Daily, in one of its editorials, emphasized the healing power of Truth in the following way: “…Truth has been tested and proven as the gateway to freedom. When the truth is established and embraced, the solutions to problems normally emerge; harmony ensues, while reconciliation becomes an inevitable way forward [without making huge budgetary allocations for it]. In the absence the truth however, there can never be any atmosphere of cordiality and peace because hearts will continue to be loaded with sour feelings in addition to the spirit of vindictiveness. The truth must therefore be confessed. This because it is in it, that lasting solutions to national problems can be harvested. The truth leads to justice and freedom. It leads to genuine unity and national reconciliation. It provides healing and stability in a given place. It leads to sincere forgiveness, harmony, and a renewed sense of togetherness between and among people…”


But to rise up and tell this truth, as Louis Farrakhan has said above, can be the most dangerous and daunting challenge for any society. For this country, for instance, it has now taken almost 200 years without someone rising up to pull the bull by the horn and tell this truth with supporting actions no matter the consequences. Two other notable opinion leaders and writers admonish us in this direction as follows: The former Ethiopian Emperor, Mr. Haile Selassie said, “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when justice mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph. “ American Civil Rights Activist Malcolm X stated, “Nobody can give you freedom; nobody can give you equality or justice or anything [for that matter], if you are a man, you take it [or go for it].” But in a country like “Liberia”, where the society has been immersed and submerged into LIES, LIES, and LIES, any campaign based upon truth telling strictly turns out into a revolutionary act – that’s why the Plain Truth Revolution. Every current event; every historical fact; every intellectual and scholastic masterpiece on this Dull country etc. establishes the fact that America and her Americo-Liberians had gotten it all wrong with the spiritual, moral, economic, political, psychological etc. arguments and ingredients that went into the design of this Liberia, beginning with that fateful Southern Slave owners’ meeting we’ve always mentioned in this text that brought forth the American Colonization Society. For example: a. Young Martin Kollie of the University of Liberia describes this Americo-Liberian state as follows:  A global recycle bin where waste products of all kinds [including problematic human beings] are sent for storage…, and this is truly how America and the ACS sadly designed Liberia  Martin also laments how Liberia has turned into a trash can and a garbage ground for foreign experimentation and exploitation ( * Martin apparently didn’t know that this has been Liberia’s fate since 1822. b. The British described Liberia as a mere philanthropic experiment, according to Prof. Joseph S. Guannu’s Liberian History Up to 1847 c. Jacob Massaquoi and Lawrence Zumo, both Diaspora Liberians, had the following sad descriptions of Mama Country, in their debate for placing this failed, rogue state under trusteeship (


 A country in which majority of the people live in grinding poverty and deprivation, while a tiny fraction of the citizenry bask in stupendous wealth and unbridled (unchecked, unrestrained, unchallenged) political power  A tiny problem-prone West African State that for nearly 200 years has continued to baffle the best gnomes (malfunctions, glitches, bugs etc.) of proper governance and geopolitics  A nation with structural governance deficit and lack of justice  A country with an extreme form of limited statehood  A country with a 2 century old history of stagnation, misrule and economic retrogression, and one that is also cursed by serious historical missteps and continuing layers upon layers of uncorrected injustices  A country that has remained in a perpetual state of failure so much so that any system perturbation to it (in the Liberian parlance, any bush shaking) will always degenerate into a major threat to world peace, world health, and world security  A country with so many bad externalities that its problems are surprisingly immense and ultimately threatening to frontiers that span beyond its own borders d. This is a country which has now gone through more than 18 different experiences of substantial bloodbaths in its 194 year history, with the last round lasting for 14 consecutive years, which the whole world has been trying to relieve in these past 13 or so years, using over US$50 billion, and sadly, it has again produced another global worry called Ebola, which is leading the international community into another untold waste of around US$10 – 15 billion. While this is ongoing, Liberia’s State Radio, ELBC reported some time ago that a serious post-Ebola medical challenge is now emerging as the country takes on its Ebola free status. This new health challenge, which is due largely to Liberia’s carelessness, vulnerability, ineptitude, and criminality etc. will soon turn into a world problem. It has to do with multiple Ebola survivors now coming down with different health complications including blindness, impotency, facial and other body deformation etc. Poor Jemama Konneh of Monrovia’s suburban Brewerville is the living witness and a major victim. (ELBC, April 20, 2015). e. Liberia is a country that, during the course of its recent 14 year civil war, was described by former Tanzania President Julius Nyerere as “first and foremost” an African problem, with respect to the economic crisis and overhead that it was posing to fellow African countries, as Liberia’s 21 different rounds of peace accords and other warrelated activities kept placing serious economic strain on the meager resources of the African governments that were involved in resolving the crisis ( f. This is a country that has had 200 long years of pseudo national existence and a very delusional sovereignty (


g. Dr. James Ciment of New York describes the Liberian debacle as a [living] example of America’s ugly affairs with slavery, which produced an illegitimate, yet potently abrasive (cruelly rude) child named the Republic of Liberia, a nation with a twisted approach and [a thwarted] modus operandi (idem) h. Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe labels Liberia as a country whose [professed] dream remains elusive, and a country still fighting to live up to the true meaning of its name after one century and a half, and a country that practices a defacto Black Apartheid etc. ( i. Liberia Business Association Boss, D. Maxwell Kimaya claims that the country is a place of Economic Apartheid. j. Politician Darious Dillon says, Liberia is the only country on the planet that if you travel and come back 25 years later, you will always see all the communities just as you left them, if not even in much worse conditions. But just as a building must be constructed based upon the design, input or advice of a construction or civil engineer, the construction of nationhood or statehood must be advised and informed by seasoned political and civic engineers. If this is true, then there can be no clear cut way to conclude this embarrassing Liberian debacle other than what the astute professor and authority of political science at both the University of Liberia and the Indiana University in the USA, Dr. Amos C. Sawyer said about this country. Prof. Sawyer, after all of his historical and empirical analyses of this country, is quoted by Jo Sullivan of the Salem Public Schools in the US as saying that “the idea of Liberia was flawed in conception, design and implementation” (’_Guide_Prepared_By_Jo_Sullivan, Salem Public Schools etc.) Now, ladies and gentlemen, follow countrymen, as children of God and honest patriots, the big challenge we have now is “what do we do with this glaringly embarrassing reality”? “Should we sit by and allow this big mess called Liberia to flourish?” Will this established mess be able to fix itself out with the passage of time, and not with the sweat, blood and tears of men and women taking matters into their hands and standing up for change”? etc. We, of the Plain Truth Revolution, being children of God and counting on His miraculous power do believe that something can be done about our country’s situation now, but the truth MUST be unequivocally established first – no mincing words, no matter how difficult it may be to put these harsh truths out. We also believe that God works wonders for human beings, but does not do so in a vacuum, or in an empty space, or over nothing at all. He loves to miraculously add up to what we already have – whether as dreams, roadmaps, game plans etc. That’s truly who our Creator is!!! In the Bible, for example, when Moses was faced with the challenge of how to cross the children of Israel through the Red Sea, with Egyptian troops already closer to them, He asked Moses to use whatever was in his


hand. Of course Moses only had a rod in his hand, and everyone knows what became of this rod, or what Moses accomplished with this rod. When Jesus’ disciples were terribly challenged with the issue of feeding over 5,000 hungry people that had come to listen to the gospel message, but got hungry, Jesus asked the disciples to bring whatever they had available, and they brought 5 loafs of bread with 2 pieces of fish, which He turned into surplus to feed all 5,000 persons with enough of left overs etc. In the case of the Plain Truth Revolution, with our Liberian problem perceived and established as the greatest of all social problems in this world, during this 21st century, we do have a 7-point revolutionary agenda, we hope to win souls to help the country pursue very aggressively. We would not have gotten out so publicly, beginning to pull this old bull by the horn, if we hadn’t properly constructed these 7 points, with a game plan on how they can be achieved for our dear country by the grace of God. Our 7 revolutionary points are also referred to as Septuplet for Total Rebirth (SEPTOR). Although we are of the firm conviction that our country has got everything wrong from the very beginning, and sadly, that this curse of keep having everything terribly wrong continues unabated to date, for which a complete revolution is the ONLY way out of our situation, our revolution aims to first tackle these 7 key issues. As such, we do demand the legitimization and subsequent commissioning of these 7 revolutionary provisions at a proposed, but also demanded National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention (NRCC or NRC2) to be held as quickly as possible (i.e. between now and the close of 2017, at which full and bolder national debates into these issues will be conducted, with results adopted, and that all other new adjustments, provisions and amendments to our new national framework will be considered for action. Provisions within our SEPTOR, which place more emphases on what today’s scholars call “juristocracy” or the judicialization of politics therefore, are as follows: 1. A national mandate or resolution declaring (or if one may say re-declaring) our independence. What we have here is NEVER an independence. A few criminals just assembled themselves somewhere and imposed some very limited level of sovereignty on us just for their own personal gains. We must gain our true independence from America and her Americo-Liberians now. 2. A national mandate for the rewriting of a completely new constitution. 3. A resolution/national mandate for the complete change of name for our country, and a redesign of all of its emblems and symbols 4. A national resolution for the compulsory and immediate setting up of a Claims Court under the new national arrangement 5. A national resolution mandating the commissioning of some legal proceedings against the United States Government in pursuit of reparations, which must comprise two components: (1) a written apology from the U.S Government for all of the wrongs they have committed, and continue to commit against our country and its people, as shall be authenticated at the proceedings; and, (2) the construction of a new world class capital


city, with modern zoning standards, connected to all 15 counties’ capitals with paved roads. 6. A national resolution mandating the commissioning of legal proceedings against the Americo-Liberian ethnic group of this country, in pursuit of a 100 year ban from politics and governance for all their cruel activities against the indigenous population and their complete failure to ever put up any form of sound and responsible leadership and selfgovernance in this country, for which our country can boast of no substantial achievement for its very old age. These claims plus more will be established and authenticated at the proposed proceedings. 7. A national resolution on the compulsory and immediate setup of a Ministry of Civic Education, to begin operations concomitantly with the coming into being of the new nation. This will be the most staffed and the busiest of all ministries in our new country from the word go until later, or forever. The last unnumbered agenda item of course will be Miscellaneous, which will include several distinct points, as follows: One of the miscellaneous points of our NRCC will be the unconditional replacement of the unproductive Presidential form of Democracy we have now, to a Parliamentary Democracy, wherein we will have some ceremonial president (called head of state), though with reserve powers, and a Prime Minister to head the Government, meaning the Executive and the Legislature. Some of the key arguments that are going into this change include: (a) we want to try out something new, which looks more promising than the old one, for helping us to speedily move forward, as a badly left behind people on this Planet; (b) we are tired with the practice of putting all of our eggs into one basket, especially in a twisted way, as is being done currently, whereby all power just sits in one American Colonial master surrogate, called President in this place, who just does everything here, at their will and pleasure, unchallenged and unchecked. We now want two most powerful persons, a head of state, and a head of government – with distinct functions too – in our country, who also will be accountable to the authority of a 57-member welleducated, principle-minded, and well-organized Legislative body, representing the cream of the crop of our 16 indigenous ethnic groups, and our other three key communities of citizens by birth (the Whites, the Fulas, and a small, separate group of other Africans). There is a little reservation here on these last three groups with respect to top leadership position in Government for now, until proper adjustments are made). (c) One of the commonly attributed advantages to the system that we now demand, i.e. parliamentary system, is that it is faster and easier to pass legislation, as the executive branch is formed by the direct or indirect support of the legislative branch and often includes members of the legislature; (d) In addition to quicker legislative action, parliamentary governments, do have attractive features for nations that are ethnically, racially, or ideologically divided; (e) In a parliamentary system, with a collegial executive, power is more divided; (f) The Prime Minister is seldom as important as a ruling president, and there tends to be a higher focus on voting for a party and its political ideas than voting for an actual person etc.


Some other findings, according to Wikipedia, that substantiate our claims here are as follows, among many more: (a) In his 1867 book “The English Constitution”, Walter Bagehot praised parliamentary governments for producing serious debates; for allowing change in power without an election, and for allowing elections at any time; (b) Some scholars like Juan Linz, Fred Riggs, Bruce Ackerman, and Robert Dahl claim that parliamentary governments are less prone to authoritarian collapse. These scholars point out that since World War II, two-thirds of Third World countries establishing parliamentary governments successfully made the transition to democracy. By contrast, no Third World presidential system successfully made the transition to democracy without experiencing coups and other constitutional breakdowns; (c) A recent World Bank study found that parliamentary systems are associated with less corruption etc. Therefore, during its concluding stages, the National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention will set up a Revolutionary ad hoc Elections Commission which will later conduct elections among our 19 qualified ethnic groups for a 57-member Revolutionary Interim Parliament immediately succeeding the convention. Our research categorically establishes that the Grain Coast of today, (i.e. “Liberia”) now has 20 ethnic groups – which include the 16 indigenous African Ethnic groups, the Americo-Liberians, a sizeable group of White citizens by birth (predominantly Lebanese), a sizeable group of Fulas, who are citizens by birth, and need to be distinguished as a separate ethnic group, and finally, a Minority Group of other Africans, who are either defacto or dejure citizens here by birth, including some small number of Ghanaians, Ivoirians, Nigerians etc. who will constitute their own ethnic group. We use 19 qualified ethnic groups above to maintain that Americo-Liberians, based upon all of the available historical and current event realities, are non-political or nonleadership materials until they are rigorously rehabilitated and disciplined, thus making them absolutely unqualified for any effort at self or national governance right now. This is a no-compromise argument of the Plain Truth Revolution. Note: If you really want why more emphasis is being laid on Ethnic Groupings in our revolution, then please get the pamphlet, “Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Accounts and Makes Amends for It Now!!” and read more; then further go, please to our YouTube website and download our podcast about how we want to use the other side of Ethnicity called Ethnic Mapping or Profiling to unlock our country that has been locked by America and her Americo-Liberians using the very negative key of Ethnicity called Ethnocentrism. With this clarity made, the first major responsibility of our demanded Revolutionary Parliament is the setup of a complete interim government through Parliamentary votes and other processes. What will make this proposed Parliament truly revolutionary is the fact that our ad hoc commission will be instructed to conduct elections from among the 19 qualified Ethnic groups to elect 3 members of parliament (MPs) each, whose qualifications will be restricted to such key things as: (a) At least a proven Master’s Degree and above; (b) Must be able to appreciatively speak the local language which he/she represents;


(c) Must have very little or no prior active engagement, if possible, with mainstream “former” Government of Liberia; (d) Must be permanently resident in our country; (e) Must be relatively established, and of good moral and ethical conduct etc. Note: Education will be a very serious priority here, and a priority of our new nation henceforth because for far too long, our criminal Americo-Liberian counterparts, who have been ‘front-running’ their society, have kept us under the fake impression that education doesn’t matter; they have joked with education, such that almost 99.9% of even the very few ‘educated’ people in this country are sadly half-way educated, and so, all of their solutions to burning problems of our times are half-baked. For instance, these criminal Americo-Liberians, have always had a first branch of government, with predominantly illiterate elements, and sometimes completely numbskulls etc., and expecting to ever make progress with such a NASTY condition, failing to realize that sound, quality education is the foundation for all that we do successfully on this Planet. Let’s get a gist of what a US Congressional Research Expert on African Affairs, Mr. Nicolas Cook had to say about Liberia’s 21st century Legislature, which is also representative of the entire government, then we will back Mr. Cook’s claims with observations made by a few local Legislative reporters too, about the current Legislature/government, including what even a lawmaker himself said, all of these without prejudice to our fellow countrymen, who we believe one way or the other, have been subjected to these mocking situations by America and her Americo-Liberians: Nicolas Cook: “…A key impediment (meaning, some of the obstacles to putting up maximum leadership for the country) is the relative inexperience of many of Liberia’s legislators. ….In meetings attended by the author (referring to himself, Mr. Cook) in July 2006, many members expressed a need for instruction or information regarding the basic functions of being a legislator, the workings of the committee system, and the legislature’s oversight, appropriations, authorizing, and constituent relations roles. In many cases, Members are unable to turn to their own personal staffs to provide expertise on legislative functions because, as it is common across the public sector in Liberia, many staff lack appropriate training or job-specific skills….. The two chambers largely lack bill drafting expertise, and most bills are drafted by the executive branch or by outside organizations. Parliamentary record keeping capacity is also limited; legislative debates and votes are recorded by hand, in part due to a lack of audio or stenographic recording equipment. Legislative debates and decisions, therefore, are reportedly often documented incompletely and sometimes erroneously….. Some Liberians, including some legislators, as well as outside observers are also concerned that legislators’ lack of knowledge regarding their normative and constitutional roles as representatives of the public might cause some to seek to use their offices for purposes of private gain, rather than to serve the public. Such concerns were highlighted in October 2006 when, just prior to the slated start of a U.S.supported project to rehabilitate the Capitol Building, several Liberian news reports described acts of alleged “looting” of the Capitol Building by some Members (i.e. lawmakers) and staff of the Legislature, who were reported to have removed and


appropriated government property for personal use from the Capitol. Similar concerns reportedly arose in relation to Legislative negotiations relating to the recently enacted Forestry Law Reforms. According to informed observers, during talks prior to the passage of the Forestry Reforms, some Legislators made remarks suggesting that they viewed a successful outcome of the reform process as being one in which they personally—as persons…, in contrast to [people representing] the general Liberian public itself— could directly benefit from [the ongoing] processes, such as the allocation of forestry concessions or revenues…...( Liberia's Post-War Development: Key Issues and U.S. Assistance: Nicolas Cook, Specialist in African Affairs - May 19, 2010: Congressional Research Service: 75700: : RL33185 : CRS Report for Congress: Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress). Then comes Farbric F. M.’s New Dawn presentations for August 26, 2015 and November 17, 2015 respectively, featuring a few Legislative reporters making comments on the workings and comportment of the Liberian Legislature thus far, which again is representative of the whole government, capped by comments once made by Rep. Gabriel Smith of Grand Bassa County. Sorry that we could not get some of the reporters’ full name: (a) Keith Morris: …There’s no coordination in the administrative structure of the whole country…[There’s a serious climate of deceit in the government, so much so], that people/officials come to the public and talk different things, but behind the scenes, they mean quite different things…(Farbric New Dawn, August 26, 2015) (b) Musa: - The Legislature is always in agreement with the Executive just for the sake of appeasement (…(Farbric New Dawn, August 26, 2015)); “…..Grand Cape Mount County appears like it doesn’t even have any representation; Rivergee has lawmakers who only back others’ arguments on the floor, but don’t bring up any substantial issues on their own; for almost the entire 4th sitting of this 53rd Legislature, Grand Gedeh County Zoe Pennue for example, only commented once during a debate on the TRC etc. (Farbric New Dawn, November 17, 2015) (c) Dayboy: - the presidency is not administratively organized [at all], and the Legislature is noted for [mere] grandstanding….” (Idem) (d) One of them suggested that the Speaker has no regards for Parliamentary best practices, with no one even daring to bring him into check. They said, in demonstration of this handicap, during the peak of the Speaker’s ongoing US$25,000 corruption saga, he mockingly selected all those who were on his side to form an investigative panel to try those who opposed him (i.e. the few of their colleagues who were rampaging because their letter to plenary against the Speaker was not placed on the body’s agenda for discussion). At the close of the day, all those that opposed Speaker Alex Tyler were adjudged guilty and punished. (Farbric New Dawn, November 17, 2015) Rep. Gabriel Smith, Grand Bassa County – Responding to, or addressing concerns about the Legislature’s own share of the blame in all of the economic mess being experienced by the country, he bluntly says, “We too, as lawmakers have limitations. We pass on these


agreements [referring to Liberia’s always bogus, criminal concession agreements] with little or no knowledge on the sector. We rely on the expertise of a few of our colleagues to advise us, and by that, we make the political decisions…” ( Blame Game...) Note: No breed of leaders with such careless, ignorant and criminal comportment, under such a criminal superstructure, like the GOL, can ever bring sanity, talk less about development to a people, even if afforded 1 billion years to keep trying!!!!This again, is without prejudice to our fellow countrymen. Back to our main point, not to make things difficult for the new Revolutionary Parliament, the Plain Truth Revolution proposes in advance a list of possible Interim Presidential candidates, i.e. the first ceremonial president of our new parliamentary democracy, which the Legislature shall be voting upon. Plain Truth believes in these names because of several reasons, including (a) their established in-depth knowledge of the “Liberian” problem; (b) their deep and proven Ethnic African backgrounds, (c) their very high levels of education or professionalism, (d) their observed strong stances on issues; and (e) their convincingly demonstrated principle-mindedness etc. As such, our possible candidates based on these and many more beautiful yardsticks, for the proposed Revolutionary Interim Parliament to vote upon as Interim Head of State, to lay the foundation of our new country in line with the Septuplet for Total Rebirth (SEPTOR), are as follows, not to waste any time: 1. Prof. Dr. Joseph Saye Guannue 2. Mr. ‘Tarbarosa Tarponweh’ 3. Pastor Solomon T. Juah 4. Imam Ali Krayee 5. Cllr. Tiawon S. Gongloe 6. Dr. Tokpah Nah Tipoteh 7. Rodney Sieh 8. Mr. Thomas Doe-Nah 9. Dr. Yarsuo Weh Dorlaie 10. Prof. Dr. Twan Wleh While we desire to completely break with the past, in terms of such things as Liberia’s usually crowded playing field of candidates that confuse already deluded voters, we are also mindful here that some of the people nominated by our revolution above may decline their nomination, while others, instead of standing, may want to place their support behind another nominated colleague. The Revolutionary Parliament too will also have to do its own due diligence in line with some of its own set of criteria. If all these variables go into place, we may then expect a race of at least 3 or 4, which will make the race competitive. But one thing that the Plain Truth Revolution is assured of, by God’s grace, is that with the criteria set for parliament members above, we will have a very educated, principle-minded and nationalistic Legislature, which will rigorously checkmate the actions of the Interim President that they themselves shall have elected, in line with our SEPTOR. We are also


confident that any one of the persons named above, when chosen as President by our Parliament, cognizant of what this country has gone through, and is still facing today, will put aside their selfish interests and serve God’s suffering children in this place excellently. We have chosen them because we believe in their abilities, and not for any favor, and these choices are being made without anyone of the party’s prior knowledge or consent. It is revolutionary. Other miscellaneous issues in addition to this could be brought in at the convention. Suggestions, recommendations and proposals covering different concerns will be entertained from all delegates to the convention, then acted upon, and finally documented appropriately. The Plain Truth Revolution is very proud of the United States of America, and we (meaning our envisaged new nation) strongly aspire to be like them in splendor and magnificence, by copying all of their good examples (in their entireties, and not negatively partially, like what you the Americo-Liberians have done here). To this effect, history has told us that America didn’t survive and become as strong and great as we see it today based upon the discussions, debates and arrangements done at a single pre-independence national consensus building activity or meeting like in the case of DULL Liberia today. Our history says three different rounds of citizens’ groupings, though with the same authority and overall agenda, selected from all of America’s existing thirteen states by then, met at different scheduled times, debating different issues in response to the challenges they had at hand, in a form of rebel arrangement that they referred to as congresses, outside of the power that be, which was the British Parliament, in the UK, that decided issues for the Americans, reportedly in consultation with some Colonial State Legislatures on ground. These three different rounds of citizens’ groupings or congresses, which actively met and performed different key functions such as making the case to their colonial master, Britain, for America’s independence, designing the independence struggle, declaring the war for independence, designing the first constitution, designing the federal system of government etc. became known as the First Continental Congress (which for example met from September 5 to October 26, 1774 at the Carpenter’s Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), the Second Continental Congress (which met regularly between May 10, 1775 and March 1, 1781), and the Confederation Congress (which met from 1781 to 1789), that eventually set up a suitable administrative structure for the Federal Government and finally gave in to the Federal ‘United States’ Congress in 1789, after the adoption of a new Federal Constitution around this same time. So in logical terms, the current US Federal Congress that started in 1789 could be referred to as the fourth, but now more legitimized convention or congress, that set the real foundation for what we now call the United States of America today; whereas, for Liberia, only that STUPID, grossly partial pre-Mickey Mouse independence convention, held from June to July 1847, still forms the basis for statehood in this funny, illegitimate AmericoLiberian arrangement called country. Woe unto a lazy people, with no substantial accomplishments in their entire 2 century old lives!!


This 4th and last outstanding ‘Continental Congress’ produced an entirely new constitution that created a much more powerful and efficient central government, one with a stronger president and powers of taxation, and a much more improved form of government than the old Confederacy. This fourth round of Congress was conducted under the great, able leadership of Mr. George Washington (who was called from private, non-political life on his farm in Virginia, where he was resting after winning the 8 year-long Revolutionary War, 4 years back). This was the beginning of the Federal Arrangement (one could say, the beginning of the real America), with George Washington voted at the convention to be the Federal Government’s first president (1788 – 1796) – a man who was later petitioned, according to sources, to go for a 3rd, 4-year presidential term because of his military and political smartness, and especially owing to the fragility of their new state, BUT categorically rejected this petition, leaving office with a strong warning and advice for all future American leaderships and generations, among other things, against any forms of foreign influence, constitutional violations, and the mushrooming of political parties – terming these tendencies as DANGEROUS to the stability and progress of any state (; Washington etc.). America, also, in its 240 year history has had around 27 Nationally Approved Constitutional Amendments – each of which covered multiple strategic and cross-cutting issues that have, and continue to substantially enhance the American Society. As we earlier hinted, on the continuous BAD side of history however, we have established that DULL Liberia still thrives for almost 170 years now on the myopic, bias, ethnocentric, and criminal arguments and arrangements made at a single pre-Mickey Mouse Independence National Convention of only the Johnsons, Bernards, Grippons etc. held from June to July of 1847. It is this CRIMINAL Convention that validated STINGING LIES such as: (a) all of us here are from North America; (b) the love of liberty brought us here from North America, and so, our country’s name is Liberia, due to this love of liberty; (c) we inherited a complete wilderness when we came here from America, and all that we met on ground in this ‘wilderness’ were wild beasts and not humans like ourselves etc. That is why the resulting object of this 1847 convention (i.e. this criminal Liberia), almost 200 years into its existence, continues to possess all of the NASTY profiles and records, including for example, a so-called democracy whose social contract, if one even exists, can be described as unilateral, informal and voidable, instead of being bilateral, formal and valid, between the citizens and the government; a failed project calling itself a state; a horrible warning to the world at large; a faulty ‘hyperbola’ that never holds water in any of its worthwhile endeavors etc. In fact, nations (like how business units are validated by their Articles of Incorporation), should be validated by their Declaration of Independence. And just as one proven lie in an Articles of Incorporation legally renders that document invalid, a single proven lie in a Declaration of Independence should legally render this document utterly useless too. To still be thriving on these very GREAT LIES almost 200 years on,


sadly demonstrates too much of laziness, fear for concrete change, terrible disregard for fellow human beings, no matter how long in the past they lived, and a fatal lack of fear for our CREATOR, whose eternal principles of JUSTICE, MUTUAL RESPECT, AND LOVE can NEVER sleep, no matter how long it takes. ALL THIS EMBARRASSMENT MUST CHANGE NOW, GOD WILLING. The Plain Truth Revolution demands that instead of keep banging our heads on brick walls building substandard roads, inferior quality hydro-plants, and keep carrying out haphazard infrastructural projects (all on borrowed monies) etc., that in the end will still do us nothing good owing to curse, this current administration, your government, should suspend all such investments or projects, and use their allotted funding to facilitate every process leading to the holding of this proposed, but demanded National Convention for Rebirth. We feel too much pressed against time, particularly based on our desire and conviction that current US President Barack Obama and the United Nations Mission In Liberia must have some momentous stakes in these processes that promise to produce a new powerhouse in Africa that will now truly represent America’s boldness and dynamism in Africa, and that will also prove a tremendous return on the tens of billions of foreign US Dollars that the United Nations has, and continues to spend on this tiny, DULL country since 13 years now. In pursuit of this agenda, it is our prayer and urge that all well-meaning citizens across this country establish themselves into multiple small community or civil society groupings (aiming to tackle this burning civic obligation for change from different positive angles), in addition to joining hands with us to launch an immediate campaign of gathering at least 10,000 signatures to petition the current Legislature to commission a referendum for the holding of this urgently needed National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention (NRCC) that will expressly discuss the demands of this revolution. Because this is proudly the introduction of our nation’s Age of Enlightenment – no matter how late ours is coming, we have prepared 11 revolutionary pamphlets or literature, including this very one, to put you into the right frame of mind for this national enterprise because as you may be aware, information is the precious oil that lubricates any democratic process. These pamphlets try at best to put up arguments in defense of each of the points within our SEPTOR. They include: 1. Why Is This Case Considered A Revolutionary And Game-Changing One For Our Country” – this is Pamphlet #1, a “MUST READ”, and it treats in detail about how our experience at the LPRC neatly ties in with almost all of Liberia’s 194 year problems. You can get a copy at;;; SnsihD. And on Google drive, it is put in both Microsoft Word and personal document formats. 2. Why Do We Need A Complete Revolution, And Not Reforms, And How Can We Conduct This Revolution” – Depending on the depth of a people’s problems, they can decide to employ gradualist, reformist political solutions, or a complete going back on the drawing board to


redesign their state structure. We are saying our country must employ the second formula now – JUST NO IF AND THEN ABOUT THIS. 3. Liberia: A Small, Failed, Dirty Country, Built on the Pillars of Corruption – Here are the proofs” – This pamphlet proves beyond all your doubts – with historical evidence from 1816 to current events this 2016, that the structure or political entity called Liberia, was built on the foundation pillars of corruption and its lieutenants of deceit, ethnocentrism, chicanery etc. and until this structure is theoretically, politically, legally, and psychologically dismantled, no fight against any societal vice in this country will ever succeed. 4. Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Makes Amends For It Now?” – Liberia had been torn apart by negative ethnicity – the one called ethnocentrism, even before it was established in 1822. With ethnocentrism, one group of people say they are the superior over the rest of the people. And in fact, because Liberia’s part of ethnocentrism is so extreme, as predicted by the US Congress in 1817 that this place would be a land of aggravated mischief, the Americo-Liberians here say they are the human beings, while the rest of the 16 indigenous African Ethnic groups are animals, and as such, all policies of the Americo-Liberian Government are tactically geared – mischievously behind the scenes – to uphold this claim and belief. This pamphlet will drill you through how the Plain Truth Revolution has established this bloody reality, and has advanced its solution options in line with Divine principles 5. “How Liberia Sadly Makes Mockery Out Of The Divine Concept Of Justice” – Because the founders and societal frontrunners of Liberia themselves are predominantly criminals, and because they have an inherent hatred for the Natives, justice in this place is a complete mockery. This pamphlet gives you more details. 6. Liberia: A Name Associated with Misery, Poverty, Failure etc. It Must Be Changed Now!! – Just as Rep. Bhofal Chambers once said, “People change their names at certain times in order to redefine their purpose in life”, our revolution believes that its time to change this deceitful and divisive name called Liberia for a new name, as we redefine our country’s main purpose. We believe that the funny name, Liberia, is bent Hell-wards, and it’s heavily impacting our good people, and it must be changed now. Please access this pamphlet for more details. 7. Liberia’s Justifications For Demanding Reparations From America Now” – We believe all of the mess gravely affecting our society today were primarily imposed upon us by America, and she’s hell bent on continuing this trend for her economic gains if we don’t bring these facts to their attention right now, and seek appropriate reparations. ADDENDUMS 8. How Based On Its Origin, And Today’s Realities, The Structure Called Liberia Is A Big Criminal Gang, That Must Be Peacefully Dismantled Now For A Better One, Based On Better Principles. This is the first addendum to Pamphlet #1 and can be found on the same sites as the others. This addendum brings to light how almost all of the activities of the Government of Liberia, from 1822 up to this date, are downright criminal, or, are at least characterized by criminalities. 9. How, Based On Her Ancestry, And All Her Current Performance Profile Thus Far, AmericoLiberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Has Got No Moral Authority Over Any Native Person For That Matter. We now endeavor to establish a new society where national leaders and all those in authority will first be of good moral standing, that’s why we decided to emphasis on this Americo-Liberian professedly ‘most educated and best’, so that those wanting


to serve in our new nation will have the first ugly example to avoid in Americo-Liberian leaders. 10. 17 Solid Reasons Why We Should Demand Independence Now, Rather Than Going To Stand On Line Again In 2017 In Another Stupid Americo-Liberian Elections. – This pamphlet outlines several reasons that we believe, speak to our good people’s senses about why election now, is not a good solution to our country’s huge fundamental problems. Let’s remember that it’s only a stupid group of people who will keep using the same formula over and over again that does not produce them any genuine results. Please take this pamphlet seriously 11. If This Is The Best Of Americo-Liberian Leaderships, In Harvard-Trained Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Then What Else Are We The Natives Waiting For To Constructively Snatch Their Arm Robbed Country Out Of The Hands Of America And Her Americo-Liberians. We say, the dangers for not acting in this direction right now, are already at our door steps. Note: Everyone, from the honorable Nobel Prize Committee to Forbes Magazine, to a long list of world leaders and opinion leaders, to Americo-Liberian Government officials etc., is lavishing praises on this Americo-Liberian “Iron Lady” as Liberia’s best, and her government as Liberia’s best. Yes, we agree with you all, but we are now saying that based upon this fact, it is now clear that we don’t belong to this NASTY state structure anymore.

If one were to find another name for our Plain Truth Revolution, they would better call it a “Reading, Writing & Civic Revolution”; a “Common Sense Revolution” or an “Enlightenment Revolution” etc. So even if you cannot read ( a pitiful condition that the founders of this failed state and their descendants, up to this age and time, keep subjecting bulk of us to), we advise that you still get copies of these revolutionary items and take them over to your children or neighbor and friends to help you go through them. We also hope to get out there to you in the communities to educate you God willing, as foot soldiers, to better inform you, our suffering people, so that we all can make informed decisions and take the right collective actions by the grace of God to change our situation around for the better. We encourage our fellow compatriots not to be frightened by this big English word called ‘revolution’. It is only the evil people who can make it turn sour, but it is not meant to be sour. It is also a civilized approach to solving chronic problems. Let us take the courage; take our future into our own hands, and change our situations around under responsible community-based and other different forms of grassroots leaderships. Just as Mr. Peter Graaf, leader of the UN Intervention Team in Liberia once said during the Ebola crisis, let this Plain Truth Revolution be a matter of communities taking responsibility for their own future – not waiting for the government; not waiting for the United States; not waiting for the United Nations or the international community, as our current leaders have made us to believe to be the ONLY way out. The word revolution may just sound so big and fearprovoking, but it is just the same as every major endeavor or enterprise that men can undertake everywhere to change their lives, in such things as economics, technology, education, politics etc., or taking all together at once. Yes, it may sound difficult to do, but it is truly doable, as we will neither be the first nor the last. For many countries have successfully executed meaningful revolutions, and today, their situations have changed for


the better. One revolutionary quote from British Scientist and TV Show host, Sir. Arthur C. Clarke says, “Every revolutionary idea seems to evoke three stages of reactions, which can be summed up as follows:  It is completely impossible  It is possible, but it’s not worth doing, and  I said it was a good idea all along.” For the power that be, you must understand that when things have gone so wrong in a society to the point that a group of people will no longer understand themselves or take hold of anything substantially, the only solution is to entirely uproot old, failed systems and replace them, nothing like face lifting old unproductive systems. This can be done peacefully. But John F. Kennedy says however that if you the power that be refuse to accept a peaceful revolution, then you make a violent insurrection inevitable. In our case, we say it is our prayer that it be peaceful because in the end, all of our destinies are tied together, despite the inevitability of this change now. To close, please be informed that the Plain Truth Revolution represents 7 big constituencies of God’s children, and as such should never be considered a force to joke with, or to want to destroy. We stand all for all of the below: (a) Millions in their graves today who have died at the direct cause of Americo-Liberian statesponsored and state-promoted mischief, mayhem, atrocities and other criminal activities; (b) Millions in their graves today who have died completely unaccomplished, even though they had vast potentials, but these potentials could never be explored and exploited due to America’s imperialist activities here and the Americo-Liberians’ explicit vendetta campaign against us; (c) Millions alive in our country who have missed out, or given up on the realization of their dreams and fullest potentials in life, all because their country works out every policy behind the scenes to stifle such possibility under the guise of running government; (d) The millions who have suffered untold kangaroo justice at the hands of the ever rotten Americo-Liberian Justice System in this country, and continue to suffer this same fate over and over today; (e) Our entire future generations for whom this cruel national arrangement has laid no foundation, but yet expects all of the magic of nation-building and society-stabilization etc. to be performed by them (i.e. these hopeless, “deprived and destroyed in advance” future generations); (f) citizens in the diaspora who worry a lot about what’s happening to their country, but are just unable or incapacitated, one way or the other, to impact the situation, and (g) foreign friends who love our country, and love us personally as friends, but keep worrying, what the causes are, that this country will not wake up to the true meaning of nationhood, especially for the benefit of all of its citizens etc.

All this means that it is only the devil, or the strongest of his lieutenants, who would want to thwart such a great agenda like this Plain Truth Revolution for God’s children, and if they are


tempted to try anything murky or mischievous as usual, the aftermath will be very catastrophic and disastrous for everyone – something we all pray against, that’s why this strong very caveat for peaceful and civil interactions and engagements every step of the way. Having made all these points clear, we therefore urge you to please find our other numerous revolutionary materials to start reading them for us all to get on fire in unison for this much needed change by the grace of God. In mean time, we encourage you to please share your thoughts or any concerns at any of these provided email addresses herein, i.e.:,, or We are also entertaining any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to further encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above. We also have other social media sites. Our Facebook page is We have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), and at and respectively, plus Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, and at We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at You are also encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as a last option.

Thank you so much for helping to change our country and making our world a safe place for current and future generations, as Liberia now truly poses a major threat to its own people and the rest of the world due to its dangerous lack of the presence of leadership and governance.



While we have acknowledged a long list of people and institutions in all of our work, who truly deserve our honest acknowledgement, there are those who went beyond the call of duty in either inspiring us, or supporting us one way or the other, or comporting themselves, or taking actions that contribute to the compulsory nature of this revolution for our country right now. In short, the list below, which constitutes our defacto Plain Truth Revolution members won their place in this list either because they motivated us through their great excellence or through their gross negligence or very dismal performance, the both sets of behaviors which all contributed to our desire to ask God to grant us all of the courage and other virtues we needed to change our country through this civic agenda. They deserve our extra-ordinary recognition, and are thus acknowledged here as follows: Note that you access one of other articles called “Statement of Our Most Celebrated Heroes of Change” for some relative details about these special individuals’ and institutions’ contributions. INDIVIDUALS 1. Thomas Nelson Williams, II and Jackson F. Doe, Jr. – MD and DMD/A of the Liberia Petroleum Refining (Storage) Company respectively 2. Aaron J. Wheagar, DMD/O, LPRC 3. Elizabeth M. Tubman, Comptroller, LPRC 4. Rev. Dr. Herman Brown, Board Chairman, LPRC 5. All LPRC Board Members of my time: Dr. Herman Brown, Mr. T. Nelson Williams, Mr. George Kpawulu, Mrs. Ophelia Freeman, Dr. Henrique Tokpa, Mr. Manyu Kamara, Atty. Tupee Enid Taylor, Mr. Nohn Rebecca Kidau, and Rev. Emmanuel Bowier 6. Mr. Kamau M. Lizwelicha and Mrs. Sophie Hobbs 7. Messrs. John M. Dukuly and John K. Wangolo 8. The Seventh Day Adventist Church 9. Mr. Mitchel Markowitz, former American Peace Corps Volunteer to Liberia in the 1970s, and Physician, Mr. Tomah Mahn (deceased) 10. Mr. Tarkpor R. Kartee and Mrs. Moinma Gweh Kartee (deceased) 11. All those that played guardianship roles in our upbringing: (1) Mr. Nathaniel M. Doeward (deceased) and family, including Mrs. Beatrice Kor Doeward, Maureen Doeward, Olie, Tetee, Florence, Agnes etc. (Unification Town, Margibi County, Liberia); (2) Ma Filani Kamara (deceased), including son, Mr. Soree Kamara and family (Danane and Abidjan respectively in the Ivory Coast); (3) Mr. John A. K. Leabeh and family, including Mrs. Anna W. Leabeh, Duanyen, Marnue, Laytopoe, Menmond etc. (Monrovia, Liberia) 12. All of the Instructors under whose voices we have sat, including those from the R. S. Caulfield Elementary & Junior High, Unification Town, Margibi, Liberia; Protestant Methodist Resource Center School System, Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire; the University of Liberia, and the Cuttington University Graduate School etc. 13. Mr. & Mrs. Solomon and Krubah Wamah, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester and Linda Julius, and Mary David:


14. Victor G. Badio, Bobby G. Brown, Philip S. Sassie, Augustine W. Williams, Paul S. Jappah, Patrick Wreh, Andrew G. Gibson, Al Lewis, and Musa Barry etc. 15. Doris Zor and her children (Delcontee, Gloria, Prince etc.) of Bardnersville 16. My Significant Other, Miss Alice Wamah and our 3 children: Preston Merciful Kartee (or Joyful), Courage Kartee, and Stamina Hero Kartee 17. ‘President’ Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 18. [Nyezee Baway, Isaac Taryon, Stephen Gloto, Prince Youty, Emmanuel Mah, Moses Baryee, Moses Sarpee, Sam Tarley, Jacob Saydee, Mohammed Massaquoi, and the 3 borrowed/adopted surnames of James Lee Cooper, Morris Cole, and Alfred James]; (Fred Saye, Yei Dokie, Prince Zeaduah, Jerome Zumeh, Wilson Gondo, Wuo Gballah, Peter Zuweh, William Gbanda, Saye Jebolo, Saye Garteh, and Oretha Gono); {30 motorcyclists arrested in April 2015 for protesting for the wrongful murdering in cold blood of their fellow riders at the hands of Americo-Liberian security forces wearing batches and other insignias that absolutely neglect the interest of the forefathers of the bike riders, the Yarkpawolos, the Janjays, the Yormies etc. which still continues to be so today; the 20+ protestors arrested and jailed in Greenville, in 2015 as a result of the government-provoked Butaw, Sinoe County Golden Veroleum riots etc.}; ([Mr. Albert Bropleh, Dr. Lawrence Bropleh, Professor Wilson Tarpeh, Mr. Moses Wogbeh, Lusu Sloghn, Jenkins Yonley, Jonathan Geegbaye, Patrick Akinrenmi, Anthony Nyole, John Kamara, Benedict Sargbeh, David Blayee, Torwon Yanty, Aloysius Jappah, Wesley Jlue; Humphrey Karn, and Varnie Massallay etc.]); Charles Taylor, Chuckie Taylor, and Tom Woewiyou etc. 19. George McGail, Samuel W. Seton, Didhwo Twe (also D. Twe), Magbay Boyah, T. J. R. Faulkner, Presidents William R. Tolbert and Samuel K. Doe, Jackson F. Doe, Sr., and current Senator Oscar Cooper of Margibi County 20. Dr. Elwood Dun 21. Our Plain Truth Revolution’s 7 big constituencies 22. Representative Emmanuel Nuquaye, Margibi County, former Ways, Means, and Finance Committee Chairman and current Speaker of the House 23. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama 24. Tony T. Bleh and family 25. Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe 26. Jordan Poronpeea (cka Jordan P)– a US-based Liberian Journalist 27. Jerald – a US Monrovia Embassy Staff (0777084337) 28. LPRC Whistleblowers 1 and 2 (Kabineh Sumawolo) 29. Sir John Simon of the British Foreign Service – 30. Dr. Charles Johnson of the League of Nations’ Investigation team – 31. Hugh Mason Brown, Washington D.C.-born African American Educator and Gospel Minister 32. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta of the Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA 33. Dr. James Ciment, New York-based History Professor 34. Nancy Oku Bright, Producer of several films on Liberia now, including: Liberia: America’s Stepchild (2002); Liberia: An Uncivil War (2004), and Liberia: The Promised Land etc. 35. Nicolas Cook, US Congressional Specialist on African Affairs


36. Neil Hahn, British Researcher and Lecturer in Political Economy at the London University School of Oriental and African Studies 37. Robert W. Clower, George Dalton, Mitchel Horwitz, and A. A. Walters – all reportedly of North Western University in the United States and the Oxford University in the United Kingdom respectively 38. Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, Lecturer of Political Science at the University of Indiana, and current head of the Americo-Liberia’s Good Governance Commission 39. Mr. John S. Morlu, Former Auditor General of Liberia 40. Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh and Senator Jewel Howard Taylor 41. Mr. Donald J. Trump, 2016 Republican Candidate for President, now President Elect of the United States 42. Hezekiah Niles and Robert Field Stockton 43. Cornel R. West, William Blum, Noam Chomsky, Smedley D. Butler, and Edward Snowden etc. 44. Antonio Gutierrez – UN Refugee Boss 45. Senator Steve Zargo, Atty. Koffi Woods, Activist Vandarlark Patricks, Dr. Amos Sawyer, and even the EU etc. INSTITUTIONS/ENTITIES 46. Microscope Newspaper, The People Newspaper, National Chronicle Newspaper, and the New Democrat Newspaper 47. In Profile Daily Newspaper 48. The New York Times 49. The United Nations 50. The Great United States Government 51. The UK and its Government 52. US Department of State 53. US Monrovia Embassy 54. Conciliation Resources or CR 55. The League of Nations 56. Global Witness 57. Moor Stevens Auditing Firm, UK 58. ProPublic and PBS Frontline: (represented by a few of their journalists/employees: Jonathan Jones, T. Christian Miller and Marcela Gaviria etc. respectively) SOME OTHER POWERFUL COUNTRIES WE SHOULD LEARN FROM 59. France and The Republic of Ireland 60. Russia and China 61. Japan and Switzerland 62. Israel and Ivory Coast CONTINUATION OF INSTITUTIONS/ENTITIES 63. The Liberia National Police (LNP) in general, through the following top officials, in particular: (Cols. Chris Massaquoi, A.B. Kromah, and Sonkarley; and Officer John Saah) 64. Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinions (CEIO) 65. Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC)


66. ELBC, Voice FM, and Farbric Radio 67. Google Search Engine 68. Samuel Wallace’s Family & Home, Al Lewis’ Winn Business Center, and Nulleh Ngafuan’s Internet Café May God bless us all. To be updated as necessary…..

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