(Compiled: January 2013 – January 2016; Drafted: February-December 2016; Published: January 2017)
As we put ourselves in the right frame of mind, God willing, for this great revolution, these are some little but power food for thought, words of advice, or words of inspiration etc. from very key sources, including the Bible, the Quran, Revolutionaries/Philosophers, and Historians/Educators. Please take them seriously. They include: FROM THE BIBLE
As you place your faith in God to make these strong decisions and take their corresponding strong actions, (1) Matthew 6:31-33 say- (31) Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or what wither shall we be clothed (32) For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. (33) For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have needs of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you…..(2)Romans 12:18 – If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceful with all men….(3) I. Kings 22:3 – Then the King of Israel said to his servants. Do you really know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us? Yet we are hesitating to take it out of the hand of the King of Syria?...(4) Eccle. 4:5 – The stupid one folds his hands while is flesh wastes away. Etc.
(1) Without deviation from the norm, progress can [NEVER] be possible – Frank Zappa, American Song writer and guitarist…(2) As we approach the great social challenges of our time, we MUST acknowledge that old thinking will not provide the new solutions that we [direly] need. These [new] solutions [though] will be uncomfortable, hard to sell, and risky to execute, but the cost of not [selling and] executing them will be even much greater – Simon Mainwaring, Australian-American Brand & Advertising Consultant….(3) The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it; ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. – Winston Churchill, British Premiere…(4) Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable – John F. Kennedy, American President..(5) Never neglect details. When everyone’s mind is dulled or distracted, the leader must be doubly vigilant. – Gen. Collin Powell, former Secretary of State etc.
Liberia’s Justifications For Demanding Reparations From America Now FROM THE QURAN
The Quran makes us to understand that to stand up for God’s principles, especially the truth, we must be prepared to go the extra mile; thus for example: (1). Surat/Quran 2:42 – And do not cloak (or confuse) the truth with falsehood. Do not suppress the truth knowingly….(2) Surat/Quran 2:193 – Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends, and the way prescribed by God prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is only against wrongdoers….(3) Surat/Quran 4:75 – And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah, and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children whose cry is, “Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from thee, one who will protect, and raise for us from thee, one who will help. [Courtesy of several scholarly interpretations]
(1) Life must be lived forward, but it can ONLY be understood backward. – Soren Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher…(2) Those who don’t know their History are probably not doing well in their English and Maths – Patrick J’Orouke, American Journalist….(3) History is who we are, and why we are the way we are – David McCullough, American Historian…(4) To forget history is a betrayal [of the pains and sacrifices of those who lived before us] and to deny past crimes is to [keep repeating them, like DULL and STUPID Liberia] – President Ching Jing Ping, China....(5) A good book[or article] is an education of the heart; it enlargens your sense of human possibility; [it educates you about] what the human nature is, [it also educates you] about what happens in the world. [For] it is a creator of inwardness. –Susan Sontag, American Writer
In direct connection to Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, Liberia’s incredible level of mischief, coupled with the level of excessiveness of its confusion MUST be confronted with massive Truth Telling and detailed solution options, so please sacrifice your time to read and re-read these articles well. Thanks.
Note: Apart from other smaller articles for your ongoing reading, we have 7 main revolutionary pamphlets, with four addendums or extensions, totaling 11 revolutionary pamphlets. To save time for reading the main contents in each of the 7 main pamphlet, we urge you to only bother yourself with the reading of the acknowledgement sections of only two of these 7 BIG pamphlets – these two include the pamphlet, “Why is this case considered a revolutionary and game-changing one for Liberia”, which is a stand-alone and a ‘MUST read pamphlet” in its entirety, and the pamphlet, “Why Do We Need a Complete Revolution and How can we go about it”. The remaining 5 pamphlets carry the same content in those preliminary sections, which you don’t necessarily have to go through, once you have done so for the two pamphlets named above. Meanwhile, these preliminary or introductory sections (i.e. the acknowledgements and the dedications) are relatively the same across all of our pamphlets, especially the last 5, which are entirely homogeneous. Thanks for helping to save time, and enhancing your revolutionary reading experience. SPEICAL NOTES: Because of our incapacity to verify every name by its exact spelling or to get the full names of some of our sources for one reason or the other, we are placing single quotes around names whose spellings we were unable to verify and names we also failed to get in full. We apologize if any of your names fall into this category. Entries on our table of contents don’t necessarily suggest subtitles in the main work. They are basically meant to provide clues for what ideas form part of the content on each page Because we are not Liberians, talk less about being Americo-Liberians, who ABSOLUTELY
hate to ‘right’ their wrongs wherever they fall short, and will prefer to go on living in their MESS forever, we, of the Plain Truth Revolution, are open to corrections and updates to these documents or articles every step of the way. We therefore encourage you to please feel free to send your corrections, comments, opinions etc. to any of our articles at or etc. and we will assess those points, and where necessary make the appropriate corrections and updates to our work, then repost the affected material to our internet sites, and inform ALL about such development. Being people of faith in God, we are highly influenced by an argument presented in one
blogpost from a social counsellor called Maria Lourdes Macabasco which suggests that every human being, and by extension every nation or every unit of people, is a house with four rooms – a physical room, a mental room, an emotional room, and a spiritual room. The beautiful argument stressed in Macabassco’s blogpost, which our revolution absolutely agrees with, is that unless we go into each of these four rooms every day to do some clean up, we are never a complete person or entity. Considering these four key dimensions of our national lives, and after having thoroughly dissected our country’s problems, the Plain Truth Revolution is completely convicted that our problem is more spiritual in nature and weight than it is with the other three dimensions, thus, requiring our battle at hand for freedom and the deliverance of our country to be a battle of wills, spirit, and soul, rather than a battle of AK 47s and Rocket Launchers. As such, we back almost all of our arguments with concepts from God’s Holy Scriptures – be it the Bible, the Qu’ran etc. in all of our work because this is our most suitable weapon of choice in this very crucial war without violence for the redemption of the dead soul of our dear country. We believe in the Word of God because all through history it has demonstrated itself as the best lamb to humanity’s feet and the best light to our paths, according to King David. The Word of God illuminates; it clearly reveals to us what is good and what is bad; it shows us who is wise and who is unwise.
It is the ultimate tool in helping us learn the best possible life to live. God’s Word is true, plain and simple. It is the only thing that can sanctify or clean up a very DIRTY, NASTY and DANGEROUS situation like ours in this country. God’s Word is living, active, powerful, and sharper than any double-edged sword – piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of the joint and marrow, and it is the discerner of the thoughts of man’s heart. The Word of God, our Plain Truth Revolution’s weapon of choice, is the only best weapon used for very close range combats rather than long range warfare, and our country’s battle requires a closerange engagement. Again, based upon our background of faith, and with the Word of God being our weapon of choice, we are massive in our information gathering, information dissemination, awareness creation, and all of our other civic actions for that matter because the Word of God has instructed us to do so. For instance, in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 18, verses 13, 15, and 18, we are thought and instructed respectively that the first step, and yea the first principle, to solving any [gigantic] problem, like our country’s problem at hand, is to gather all the facts first, NOT some; the second step is to open up to new ideas, or to invite more ideas in solving the problem, and the third step is to create room for hearing from all, or the both sides of the divide, or parties to the problem. Our writings therefore are massive because they are not intended merely for sensation; they are meant to speak for every generation of our country (past, current and future); they are intended to provide useful leads for all of the 7 big constituencies that our revolution represents etc. Parts of our presentation may appear rather unconventional; some of the facts and arguments we present may appear overemphasized or oversimplified; our article titles also may appear too long and verbose etc. whichever the case, to your inconvenience. If this ever happens, we beg your pardon to muster the courage and read on; make your own sense out of the work. For we are revolutionaries, battling by all means to change a terrible situation, God willing, that sadly no one in our country wants to ever bother themselves trying to solve from the very root, for 2 centuries now. We therefore have vowed never to be restricted – though in a positive and constructive sense – too much by conventions, norms, or protocols. One of our big time inspirations, President John F. Kennedy, America’s 35th President has told us, “Conformity is the jailer of progress and the enemy of growth”, while another compatriot of his, American guitarist and music writer, Frank Zappah says, “Without deviation from the norm, there can never be any progress.” We are inspired by these admonishments to use our common sense in going to the extra mile to make our points very clear and the arguments granular. And sometimes single facts presented many times only serve to support different arguments. The Acknowledgement Section for each one of the pamphlets is divided into three – (a) the personal acknowledgement section, which highlights units, individuals, institutions, and nations that the vision bearer of this enterprise and the primary author of these literatures himself has decided to give credit to for impacting his life; (b) the general revolutionary acknowledgement section, which features every entity, individual, institution, and nation whose influence and activities have facilitated the right knowledge, enlightenment, conditions and so forth to make this revolutionary idea possible; and (c) the Special Revolutionary acknowledgement section, the last section of our acknowledgment which brings in each party that has helped verify all of our historical research findings by adding the current reality flavor to them. (This is a MUST read section as it serves as the main trigger to kindle your final decision about whether to buy in to the Plain Truth Revolutionary idea or to reject it). Welcome on board.
Tarkpor Kartee Moinma G. Kartee Martha Kartee Leahmon Karatee Zaye Kartee Parlone Kartee Zlanwohn Kartee Rufee Kartee Mama Kartee Yarkernah Kartee Zota Kartee Joseph Kartee Zlanser Kartee Mama Kartee
Father Mother (*) Stepmother Sister “ “ “ “ (*)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Brother “ “ “ Sister
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
# 1. 2. 3.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14
Name Alice Wamah Joyful (Preston) Kartee Courage Kartee Stamina Kartee “Festus Johnson”
Relationship Partner/Fiancée Son Daughter Son Foster Son
BLENDED FAMILY Name Relationship Nathaniel Doeward 1st Foster Fthr (*) Beatrice Kor 1st Foster Mthr Ma Filani Kamara Foster Grandma (Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire, *) Soree Kamara 2nd Foster Fthr (Abidjan, La Cote d’Ivoire) Ma Yeilieh Mangoe Paternal GrandMa Ma Menkapoe Tomah Maternal GrandMa John Leabeh Uncle Meiway Barlea “ Augustine Kotee Lohnpea Mentee “ Austin S. Kartee “ Dearzrua Deemi Cousin Histin Deemi “ Alice Fahngalloh Aunty
“IN-LAW” RELATIVES Name Relationship Solomon Wamah “Father-in-Law” (current relationship) Mary Wamah “Mother-in-law” (“) Irene Wamah “Sister-in-law” (“) Linda Julius “Sister-in-law” (“) Mary David “Sister-in-law” (“) Solomon Wamah, Jr. “Brother-in-Law” (“)
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
BLENDED FAMILY cont’d Helena Mango “ (*) Helena Mentee “ Augustine Kotee Uncle
16. 17 18.
TWO PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS Deborah Cringar - former fiancée a. Ruth Sherman - Mother b. Sam Cringar - Father (*) c. Robert Tarpeh – Uncle d. Saturday Tarpeh – Aunt Massa Kennedy – former fiancée a. Hawa Kennedy – Mother b. Mr. Kennedy - Father c. Bunch Kennedy – Brother d. Larry Kennedy - Brother e. Bill Kennedy - Brother
Peat Norman 5. Paul Fanyen Henry Mango 6. Rachel Nuah Mendin Mango 7. Allen Subah Lehmie Mango OTHER RELATIVES
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Name Isaac Dahn, Sr. (*) Isaac Dahn, Jr. Michael Dahn Dahnboy Dahn Gbeahn Fahngalloh John Harmon
Doris Zor a. Gloria (Daughter) b. Delcontee (“) c. Prince son
Landlady [This is a woman of very exceptional patience and consiration]
Tony T. Bleh a. Ladia Bleh (Wife)
“Beyond Friend “
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
ALL-WEATHER FRIENDS (GENERAL) Name Alphonso Togba Manju Kamara Musa Barry Nulleh Ngafuan Samuel Wallace, Sr Esther Wallace Samuel Wallace Jr. Saah Joe John Mulbah Steven Chea Abdulai Yen Morris Paye
# 1. 2.
George Washington Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Barack Obama
OTHER WORLD LEADERS THAT GREATLY IMPACTED OUR LIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
iv ALL-WEATHER FRIENDS (WORKMATES etc.) 1. Victor Badio 2. Bobby Brown 3. Andrew Gibson 4. Veronica Kinapoe 5. Joseph Dennis 6. Philip Sassie 7. Isaac Karmon 8. Paul Jappah 9. Sam Fannie 10. William Morris 17. Alex C. Knuckles 11. Darlington Gbeior 18. Timothy Holt 12. Robert Beer 19. McDonald Wlemus 13. Charles Sherman 14. Augustine Williams 15. Samuel Musa 16. Patrick Wreh
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Ho Chi Minch 13. Nelson Mandela Vladimir Lenin 14. Robert Mugabe Mao Zedong 15. Hifikepunye Pohamba Deng Xiaoping Chi Jing Ping Gus Hall Eugene V. Debbs Steward Alexander John Bachtell Felix Houphoet Boigny Thomas Sankara Jomo Kenyatta
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
MIND MOLDERS/MORAL COACHES/ DIRECT MENTORS Name The Seventh Day Adventist Church All of the Instructors under whose voices I have sat (R. S. Caulfield, Unification Town, Margibi County; Protestant Methodist Resource Center, Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire; University of Liberia; Cuttington University Graduate School etc.) Kamau M. Lizwelicha, USAID/GEMAP Sophie Hobbs, USAID/GEMAP John M. Dukuly John K. Wangolo Harry A. Greaves, Jr. THOSE WHO HAVE PROFESSIONALLY IMPACTED OUR LIFE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER Name S. Alfred P. Harris, II 7. Edwin M. Snowe, Jr. Richard B. Devine 8. Aaron J. Wheagar Aletha K. Hoff 9. T. Nelson Williams,II Belle Y. Dunbar 10. Jackson F. Doe, Jr. B. Felix Zeekeh 11. McDonald Wlemus Timothy Holt 12. Alexander Knuckles
FOUR COUNTRIES THAT HAVE INSPIRED US THE MOST 1. The United States of America 2. China 5. Japan 8. The UK 3. Russia 6. Switzerland 9. France 4. Ivory Coast 7. Republic of Ireland 10. Israel
A. INDIVIDUALS i. LOCAL # 1. 2. 3. 4.
Name President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Dr. Elwood Dun Dr. Amos Sawyer Dr. Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae
# 1. 2. 3. 4.
# 1. 2.
D. ACADEMICIANS/PROFESSIONALS i. LOCAL Name Jacob “Zumah” Jallah Samuel Toweh Martin Kollie Jacob Massaquoi ii. INTERNATIONAL Name Karl Marx John Maynard Keynes
ii. INTERNATIONAL # 1. 2. 3. 4.
E. HISTORIANS i. LOCAL # Name 1. Joseph Saye Guannu 2. Professor Tuan Wleh
Name President Barack Obama Michelle Obama Amb. Deborah Malac Karin Langrin
Prof. Alhaji G. V. Kromah
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ii. INTERNATIONAL Name Hugh Mason Brown Dr. James Ciment Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta Hezekiah Niles Jo Sullivan
# 1. 2. 3. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
LOCAL Name Coalition for the transformation of Lib. Liberia Institute for Public Integrity Center for the exchange of intellectual opinions ii. INTERNATIONAL Name League of Nations United Nations/UNMIL Global Witness Amnesty International Transparency International U S Department of State Conciliation Resources Publish What You Pay Coalition Finance Uncovered, UK US Department of Justice
IT FIRMS/NETWORKS i. LOCAL # Name 1. Lone Star Cell MTN 2. Cellcom Communications 3. Nova Phone
Name Google Facebook
3. Microsoft 4.YouTube
5. Twitter
F. REVOLUTIONARIES # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Name Identities George Washington US Mahatma Gandhi India Martin Luther King, Jr. US Nelson Mandela South Africa Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe Mao Zedong China Deng Xioping China Che Guevara Cuba/Bolivia Jose Mujica Ecuador Fidel Castro Cuba G. THE PRESS i. LOCAL (ELECTRONIC AND PRINT) # Name Type 1. Liberia Broadcasting Corporation/Sys. (LBS/ELBC) Electronic 2. Farbric FM 101.1 “ 3. Voice FM 102.7 “ 4. Truth FM 96.1 “ 5 Sky FM 107 “ 6. Love FM “
vi 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
THE PRESS cont’d Love FM “ Power/Red Power FM “ National Chronicle/Hot Pepper Newspaper Print/online FrontPage Africa “ In Profile Daily “ Public Agenda “ Daily Observer “ Focus “ Heritage “ Spirit of Truth “ INTERNATIONAL (ELECTRONIC AND PRINT) Name Type British Broadcasting Corp. Electronic Radio France International “ China Radio International “ Cable News Network “/TV Al-Jazeera “ New York Times Print UK Guardian “
iii. INDVIDUAL JOURNALISTS A. LOCAL # Name Type 1. Rodney Sieh Local 2. Julius Jeh Local 3. Henry Costa “ 4. T. Max Jlateh “ 5. Mary Williams “ 6. Tetee Gebro “ 7. Tamba Johnny “ 8. Darious Zinnah “ 9. Jordan Poronpea Diaspora 10. Christian Nelson “ 11. Toyouwa Harris “/Analyst 12. George Fahnbulleh “/Analyst 13. Jah Johnson Editor 14. Jerry Wehtee Wion Contributor 15. Jones Nhinson Williams “ B. 1. 2. 3.
INDIVIDUAL JOURNALISTS (INT’L) Robin White Elizabeth Blunt George Turner
H. POLITICIANS/OPINION LEADERS i. LOCAL # Name Identity 1. Prince Johnson Senator 2. Henry Yallah “ 3. Dallas Gweh “ 4. Emmanuel Nuquay Representative 5. Tiawon Gongloe Lawyer 6. Negbalee Warner “ 7. Christiana Tah “ 8. Koffi Woods “ 9. Harry Greaves (*) Economist 10. Sam Jackson “ 11. Simeon Freeman Politician 12. Amara Konneh “ 13. Darious Dailon ” 14. Mary Lorene Brown Educator 15. Zayzay Pewee Other 16. Francis Tamba “ 17. Tabarosa Tarponweh “ ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4.
INTERNATIONAL Name Dr. Charles Johnson 5. George Schuyler Sir John Simon 6. Mr. A. E. Yap Prof. S. Raymond Buell 7. Neils Haghns Dr. Fred P.M. Van der Kraij
I. CLERGIES i. LOCAL # Name 1. Solomon Juah 2. Jensen Wallace 3. Simeon Dunbar 4. Evangelist Charles 5. Pastor Sirleaf 6. Kortu Brown 7. Samuel A. Brewer 8. Rev. Gontee 9. Pastor Gemini Getteh 10. Rev. Foday Karpeh 9. Ali Krayee ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Faith/Religion Christian “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Muslim
INTERNATIONAL Name Faith/Religion Ibn Al Qayyim Muslim Hesham A. Hassaballa “ Mohammed Banonleat “ Friday Oravbierre Christian Rick Warren “
SPECIAL REVOLUTIONARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Steve Jobs once said, “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences, so they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem.” He then concludes, “The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better designs we will have.” With this exhortation from Mr. Jobs, we disclose here that on the overall, our motivation to embark on this revolutionary project was at first primarily inspired by a quest to do something about our country’s NASTY, SHAMEFUL history, but then we needed a strong backing too from current events, so, we had to painfully take 4 round years to see if our convictions from historical researches could be strongly backed by enough of empirical proofs from today’s realities – knowing that this time span was reasonable enough conventionally, for such a serious research work. Consequently, the below current event accounts, opinions, experiences, realities etc. have helped us truly connect the dots and thus strengthened our case for this inescapable revolution. We doubt it, that any well-meaning person would read the current event accounts of these narratives, sufficiently backed by history, and still think that we, as a people, can use reforms or gradualist approaches to handle our country’s deadly problem and redeem ourselves from this untold nightmare called nationhood, gain our rightful human status, and make our Creator proud of making us too in His own image. The list below constitutes our Plain Truth Revolution’s revered heroes and heroines through whose inputs our revolution has finally become JUSTIFIED God willing, and we recognize and celebrate them as our special acknowledgements forever. Their collective message to us, in short is: “Plain Truth Revolution, please go ahead, we join you, and stand by you, whichever way possible.” Those heroes and heroines therefore are as follows, among many more to come up in later publications by the grace of God. We’ve placed their contributions under different subheadings. We will start with the historical accounts of how the Black Americans’ Liberia was pronounced DOOMED by its conceivers and designers even before it was established, and how this curse has been acutely pronounced, warned about, and decried by different actors, including prominent people in world affairs up to this point. This will be followed by different accounts of the NASTY state of Liberia from current event realities. Please note that apart from numbered or bulleted names, bolded names of individuals and institutions within any of the text in this section represent some of our special acknowledgements. Welcome to our very special acknowledgement section:
‘Jensen’ Wallace Pastor Simeon Dunbar Pastor Sirleaf, Presenter, Pastor Friday Oravbiere, Pastor Rick Warren President Barack Obam President Chi Jing Ping President John F. Kennedy President Thomas Jefferson Barry Goldwater Hillary Clinton Lee Kuan Yew Karl Marx Mao Zedong
15. Vladamir Lenin 16. John Batchel 17. Eugene Debbs 18. Pank Yan Zeeahoe 19. Sheila Paskman 20. E. Johnson Sirleaf 21. Julius Jeh 22. Nagbe Sloh 23. Lewis Brown 24. Jacob ‘Zuma’ Jallah 25. Irasmus Gaye 26. Jah Johnson 27. John S. Morlu 28. Eratus Bortu 29. Sam Webb
B. INSTITUTIONS 1. Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS/ELBC) 2. World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) II. HISTORICALS ACCOUNTS + PROOFS FROM CURRENT EVENTS OF LIBERIA’S MESSY FOUNDATION A. INDIVIDUALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
By James Ciment (2x) 28. Min. Moses Jackson Nancy Oku Bright (2x) 29. Miatta Fahnbulleh Pastor Solomon Juah 30. Sen. Dallas Gweh Dr. Charles Johnson 31. Aagon Tingba John Randolph, 32. Cllr. Benedict Sannon US Pres. Abraham Lincoln 33. Jonathan Gant Jerome J. Verdier 34 Jonathan Paye-Layleh Dede Dolopei, Oumu K. Syllah, Bishop Arthur F. Kulah, Sheikh Kafumba F. Konneh, Pearl Brown Bull, Gerald B. Coleman, John H. T. Stewart, Massa Washington, Henrietta Joy Abena Mensa Bonsu Hugh Mason Brown Dr. James Ciment Wikipedia/History of Liberia Koffi Woods Dr. Amos Sawyer Dean Johnson Wilfred Bangourah “Darious Dillon” Jim Hunt Brad Henry Min. George Werner
INDIVIDUALS cont’d 35. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 36. Mr. Harry Greaves 37. Ambassador Miatta Fahnbulleh 38. Makita Redd/Wreh, 39. Jonathan Pay-Lay Leh 40. Rep. George Mulbah 41. Rep. Alex Grant 42. Isaac Redd 43. Rep. Gabriel Nyenkan 44. Minister Gyudee Moore 45. Jerelimick Piah, 46. Nagbe Sloh 47. Senator Henry Yallah 48. Mr. ‘Tarbarosa’ ‘Tarponweh 49. Liberian Girls trafficked to Lebanon 50. D. Maxwell Kemayan 51. Dr. Randolph McClain 52. Cllr. ‘Afian’ Sherman 53. John S. Morlu 54. Samora Wolokollie B.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Global Witness UN Security Council Farbric F.M. Liberia’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission 5. US Congress III. SITUATIONS OR REALITIES THAT FURTHER JUSTIFY LIBERIA’S DOOMED FATE A. INDIVIDUALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Steve Kolubah, Amb. Chigozie Obi-Nnadozie, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2x) Rep. Richmond Anderson Mo Ibrahim, 18. ‘Musa’ ‘Menipaket Dumoi’ 19. John S. Morlu Rep. Gabriel Smith 20. Julius Jeh Sen. Thomas Grupee 21. R. Bhofal Chambers Karin Langrin 22. Sen. Oscar Cooper Deborah Malac 23. Saah Gborlie Amb. Tina Intelmann 24. Nicolas Cook Ismail Serageldin 25. Dr. James Ciment Dr. Amos Sawyer 26. Tycon J. Nathaniel Barnes 27. Sir John Simon Keith Morris 28. Darious Deylon ‘Dayboy’ 29. Lawrence Yealue Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta
ix INDIVIDUALS cont’d 32. Tamba Johnny 33. Francis Tamba 34. Robert A. Sirleaf 35. Austin Kawal 36. Darious Zinnah 37. Indi Cal 38. Blamo Nelson
VI. 39. Samora Wolokollie 40. Acarious Gray 41. Augustine Ngafuan 42. Thomas Doe-Nah 43. Dr. Amos Sawyer 44. Cllr. Elijah Saah 45. Rodney Sieah 46. Rev. Lurther Tarpeh
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. 2. 3. 4. V.
Global Witness 14. Common Sense Cllr. Thompson Adibayo Analyst (5x) Cllr. Dempster Brown, 15. Abraham Lincoln Bishop Wilmot ‘Burbroh 16. Oku Bright Gladys Johnson 17. Carl Victor Senator Comany Wisseh 18. Farbric NightTime George Dalton 19. President Obama Mulbah Morlu 20. Tom Woewiyou Robert W. Clower 21. Sam Zemurray Mitchel Harwitz 22. Lee Christmas A. A. Walters 23. United Fruit Comp North Western University 24. Andrew Preston Oxford University 25. Maj. Gen Smedley Butler 26. Com. Matthew Calbraith Perry
27. Cornel R. West 28. J. Yanqui Zaza, 29. Sarah Chayes 30. Noam Chomsky 31. William Blum 32. Nicolas Cook, 33. Library of Congress 34. Dana J. Hyde 35. Wendell Nimley 36. Evangelist ‘Charles 37. Min. Amara Konneh, 38. President Nhuru Kenyatta 39. President Barak Obama 40. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
41. Cllr. Gloria Scott 42. John Morlu 43. Rebecca Murray 44. Philibert Brown 45. Brownie Samukai 46. Martin K. N. Kollie 47. Donald Trump, now US President Elect 48. Mulbah Morulu 49. Robert W. Clower 50. Benedict Sannon 52. ELBC Chris Sirleaf 53. Sen Jewel H. Taylor 54. Dr. Togba Tipoteh 55. Radio France
7. Hassan Kiawu 8. Simeon Freeman Prof. Wilson Tarpeh, 9. Antonio Gutierrez Sen. Geraldine D. Sheriff Melvin ‘Tayglay’ Weah Johnson Bhofal Chambers (formerly Jallah ‘Langlin’) WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT
1. President Abdou Fattah Al Sessay 2. Antonio Gutierrez 4. Mr. Peter Graaf 3. President Barack Obama 5. Rebecca Nanyou
Mr. Karl Marx 5. Sam Jackson Common Sense Analyst 6. President Obama Wikipedia 7. Linda Yu President Sirleaf 8. ‘Hewyikoo Kaiyuma
Thomas Jefferson Tarkpor R. Kartee
B. INSTITUTIONS 1. Conciliation Resources/CR 2. The League of Nations IV.
Roland S. Kartee Alice Wamah Joseph Kartee Tony T. Bleh
5. Preston Kartee 6. Courage Kartee 7. Stamina Kartee
FIRST NEW MEMBERS OF THE PTR 1. Jamel Constance OUR CURRENT DIRECT/INDIRECT MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH 1. Dejure Members: All members of our 7 big constituencies, mentioned in the “Dedication Section” of every written work or article of our revolution 2. Defacto Members (*have all right to decline publicly if not convicted or interested): All those we have acknowledged in our works. For they have always believed in us, and will no doubt believe in our dreams for the country we all equally own. OUR ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FIGURE (PEOPLE THAT HAVE AGREED WITH OUR DEBATES ON SOCIAL MEDIA INCLUDING JOINING OUR GROUPS AND ONLINE COMMUNITIES) 3. Facebook…………….._____ 4. YouTube…………….._____ 5. Google +……………._____ 6. Twitter………………._____ **These figures will be revealed subsequently.
DEDICATION Our Plain Truth Revolution represents seven (7) big constituencies of God’s children (including past, current and future generations of our country and all of our well-wishers elsewhere) to whom we are very proud to always dedicate every work or article we write, and action we take. Our distinguished constituencies include: (a) Millions in their graves today who have died at the direct cause of Americo-Liberian statesponsored and state-promoted mischief, mayhem, atrocities and other criminal activities; (b) Millions in their graves today who have died completely unaccomplished, even though they had vast potentials, but these potentials could never be explored and exploited due to America’s imperialist activities here and the Americo-Liberians’ explicit vendetta campaign against us; (c) Millions alive in our country who have missed out, or given up on the realization of their dreams and fullest potentials in life, all because their country works out every policy behind the scenes to stifle such possibility under the guise of running government; (d) The millions who have suffered untold kangaroo justice at the hands of the ever rotten Americo-Liberian Justice System in this country, and continue to suffer this same fate over and over today; (e) Our entire future generations for whom this cruel national arrangement has laid no foundation, but yet expects all of the magic of nation-building and society-stabilization etc. to be performed by them (i.e. these hopeless, “deprived and destroyed in advance” future generations); (f) citizens in the diaspora who worry a lot about what’s happening to their country, but are just unable or incapacitated, one way or the other, to impact the situation, and (g) foreign friends who love our country, and love us personally as friends, but keep worrying, what the causes are, that this country will not wake up to the true meaning of nationhood, especially for the benefit of all of its citizens etc. All this means that it is only the devil, or the strongest of his lieutenants, who would want to thwart such a great agenda like this Plain Truth Revolution for God’s children.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgment………………..………………………………………………….....i Dedication…………..…………………………………………………………….......x Reference…………………………………………………………………………......a The most appropriate time to demand reparations from America …………………...1 Only we ourselves can take this stance………………………………………………1 We think a national dialogue is best for handling this difference……………………1 We just can’t dodge the sticky issue of relaying a different civic foundation right now…………………...........................................................................................1 8. The so-called ACS colonization was half-hearted and thus fake…………………….2 9. America knows that her claimed free slaves sent here were unproductive and criminal Blacks……………………………………………………………………….2 10. Events that led to the establishment of Liberia, including description of the founders (America’s freed Blacks)…………………………………………………...2 11. Total ACS repatriation done in over 20 years………………………………………..3 12. How ACS could have done better if she had rehabilitated her returned slaves before granting them independence…………………………………...………3 13. How the already indiscipline, criminal, and unprepared freed slaves had nothing in place before declaring their professed independence……………………..3 14. How ACS sent agents to meet Governor McCarthy of Sierra Leone………………...4 15. How were the different American agents involved with the issue of acquiring land to start building their Liberia………………………………………………........4 16. The first GREAT LIE that went into the establishment of Liberia…………………..5 17. The first thing that America MUST give account to us for ………………………….6 18. The second GREAT LIE and act of cruelty that America must now give account of……………………………………………………………………………………...6 19. How Thanksgiving Day’s root derives from the criminal second Ducor Contract…..6 20. How Americo-Liberians defined the indigenous Africans at the foundation of their country, and demonstrated this through their national symbols………………...7 21. Dr. Ciment and Cllr. Gongloe on Natives’ treatment in Liberia……………………..7 22. Harvard Business School Survey on the level of ethnocentrism in the country……...7 23. How the indigenous of this country began to be sold out like pigs by the Americo-Liberians as early as 1857 …………………………………………………7 24. How America needs to now offset the very damaging effects of these and many more human sufferings of our people………………………………………………...8 25. A life time evidence of the Natives’ case as presented by the League of Nations…...8 26. Putting concepts of the Nuremburg Tribunal and the US World Slavery Crimes and Categories of Human Rights Violations into our Congo-Native Scenario………8 27. How devastating the effects of these grave crimes against humanity will continue to suffer the indigenous of this country until something is done…………...9 28. The crippling impact of the Americo-Liberians deadly “Live for Today” mentality 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
on our people now……………………………………………………………………9 29. How all indigenous elements have been subjected to second class citizens’ life one way or the other after the intervention of the world to ease this problem……...10 30. Big questions about how the legacies of these deadly human cruelties could be handled in the absence of reparations…………………………………………….....11 31. The Plain Truth Revolution’s stance now, on these issues………………….............11 32. Can America really defend herself against these claims?..........................................12 33. Additional historical proofs of the mess America has created here…………….......12 34. A critical question on this so-called ACS’ Black repatriation that still haunts America……………………………………………………………………………..12 35. Some proofs of how the U.S. has stood by the side of her Americo-Liberians in their onslaught against the poor Native community……………………………...12 36. America’s open support for presidents that loot and damage our country………….13 A. The American Wonderboy Bill Tubman’s story……………………………14 B. The American Wondergirl Ellen Johnson’s story…………………………..15 37. How America has openly helped to destroy presidents that have meant well for the country………………………………………………………………….22 A. The Bill Tolbert Narrative…………………………………………………...22 B. Samuel Doe, the initial American stooge that woke up lately and smelled the coffee…………………………………………………………...26 38. Why these two productive presidents die the most gruesome of deaths…………....27 39. How Liberia has, and continues to be a badly exploited source of critical resources for America………………………….............................................27 A. The sad story of Rubber…………………………………………………….27 B. The frustrating story of iron ore…………………………………………….29 C. The even more exasperating tale of Liberian Oil…………………………...30 40. How ALL the miseries befalling the ethnic communities in this country derive their roots from America……………………….…………………...30 41. Comparing America’s involvement with Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya with that of Liberia………….………………………………………………………31 42. The kind of friendship we continue to enjoy with America……………...................32 43. America as a safe haven for both proven and alleged Liberian criminals…………..32 A. Charles King, Charles Taylor, Ellen Corkrum….…………………………...32 44. How the United States keeps contributing to, or promoting Liberia’s woes and disgrace…………………………………………………………………...33 A. How America promotes Liberia’s foolishness and encourages them to do more.........................................................................................................33 B. America’s promotion of the mess that Liberians call independence…………34 C. Two of the reasons why America keeps extending loans, grants, bonuses etc. without caring for anything called accountability…………........34 D. Allen Benson allegedly embezzles US$100,000……………..………………35 E. Some of Arthur Barclay’s foolish concessions made just to get loan……......36
F. How Barclay’s stupid citizenship granted to the Natives in 1904 also meant compulsory hut taxes out of us…………………………………...36 G. Arrangements for Liberia’s 3rd major loan of 1912…………………………..37 H. US President Howard Taft’s message to Congress on the Liberian issue……37 I. The arrangement of financial receivership for Liberia’s 1912 loan………….37 J. How Liberia began to renege on implementing terms of this loan…………..38 K. Washington’s response through Secretary of State, Robert Lansing………...38 L. How Harvey Firestone forced $5 million loan in STUPID Liberia’s throat…………………………………………………………………………38 M. Firestone’s open call for the overthrow of President E. J. Barclay just for trying to oppose some terms of his 99 year, 6 cents per acre, 1 million acre Agriculture Concession with VERY STUPID Americo-Liberia...……40 N. Finance Minister Steve Tolbert’s ordeal after aggressively trying to amend the very exploitative Firestone Concession Contract…..................40 O. How America has taught her stepchild Liberia to execute all developmental projects and everything for that matter, only with borrowed money or grants, or wait to get things as free gifts……………….40 i. The less than 75 MW Mount Coffee Hydro plant………………..40 ii. The JFK Hospital ………………………………………………...41 iii. The Barclay Training Center Project……………………………..41 iv. The Liberia Refining Company…………………………………..41 v. The Liberia Petroleum Refining Company……………………….41 vi. The Roberts International Airport………………………………...41 P. America uses her influence to cancel all of Liberia’s debts…………….........42 Q. USAID claims it has used $80 million on good governance in short time to improve Liberia………………………………………………………42 R. Liberia’s new debt in less than 4 to 5 years of debt waiver climbs to billions…………………………………………………………………….42 S. In the midst of swelling debts, Liberia experiences huge budget deficits in 3 years in row…………………………………………………….42 45. Different official accounts of Liberia being an American offshoot………………...42 46. How almost 50% of Liberian presidents have been natural born US citizens, and 98% of the rest American descendants…………………………....43 47. How America MUST listen to this offshoot now…………………………………...43 48. Five instances of America’s many reparation payments or guilt in history………...43 A. US Government vs. the Sioux of Lakota, South Dakota……………………43 B. Alaska Natives receive $1 billion plus 44 million acres of land in reparations…………………………………………………..........44 C. The Klamaths of Oregon, the Chippewas of Wisconsin, the Seminoles of Florida, and the Ottowas of Michigan, all receive reparations from the US Government………………………………………44
49. How people take actions for reparation throughout history……………………………………………………………………………….45 50. America can do wrong anytime and every time like any human being.....................45 51. Germany and World War I and II reparations records……………………………...45 52. Japanese Americans win $2 billion in reparations………………………………….46 53. Several contemporary efforts at winning reparations………………………………46 54. How reparations help us put together our broken pieces………………..………….49 55. How we want our reparation response from America in two-folds now……….......49
INTRODUCTION There can no serious way for the Grain Coast (our country illegally renamed Liberia) to ever tell the world that it is now ready for serious business; that it is now ready for progress; that it is now ready for stability; and that it is now ready for the much talked about peace and reconciliation etc. other than first bringing America to the spot constructively for the stockpile of mess that this country (‘Liberia’) finds itself in, and then making the appropriate demand for reparations from the United States, so that the suffering people, down-trodden for countless years now, and still living with a much bleaker future in this country, can now make up for the many years that the locusts have eaten. For us, the Plain Truth Revolutionaries, no other time is ever ripe for taking this giant, unprecedented step other than now; so, we are calling on all well-meaning citizens of this country, whether home or abroad, to rally around us in constructively engaging our most historical ally, America, to now see reason to openly admit the countless unimaginable wrongs (both historical and current) she has done to the people of this country, and then demand them to make the appropriate amends before we can ever turn a new page and move ahead. The great American Civil Rights Activist, Malcom X said, “Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality; nobody can give you justice, or anything [else for that matter]. If you are a man, you take it.” In our case now as a people, who find themselves left far behind in life as a result mainly of the actions of the United States, planned at the Davis Hotel in Washington D.C. in December of 1816, we are rising up to the challenge, as men, to take the justice, freedom, equality etc. that we so direly deserve, not by declaring war on America [God forbid!] or by challenging her authority in any perceived way whatsoever, but by constructively using History, openly available facts, current realities on ground, and any form of civil and democratic approach at our disposal for handling grievances etc. to bring them to the negotiation table for discussions on how we all can handle the several mistakes that characterized our nation’s foundation, and the many continuing mistakes that have led our country to the very embarrassing condition in which it finds itself today in the comity of nations. No progress can ever be made in this country without first engaging in this kind of dialogue. For the dark issues surrounding our nation are so numerous and grave to be swept under the carpet. And as one social analyst said some time ago, “Not because a topic is too sticky, or too difficult and uncomfortable to bring up, means that it should never be brought up and dealt with at all.” In a certain debate for reparations, someone asked a legal professional this way: “Can anyone today ever be responsible for crimes or offenses that occurred in the past, or for example 100 years ago?” The answer given was of course a resounding ‘Yes’, but with a conjunction that, provided the right conditions were now in place today. The legal professional further disclosed that reparations could be pursued on the basis of Tort Law. Two notions he said, that serve as the bases for all torts, are Wrong and Compensation,
but they also pose a challenge of determining who was wrong and who was negligent, something that can be easily determined in this long-running America-Liberia tale. The United States, through its ineffective, racist, and purely business organization, the American Colonization Society (ACS) decided to so-called “colonize” our country in a half-hearted, uninterested, unserious, disinclined and squarely negligent manner because they had all along, even up to this point, had the conviction that nothing worthy was possible of coming from out of the caliber and grade of Blacks that they fought to “dump” on this soil. America knows that the “dumping” that she did on this West African Coast in the early to mid-1800s only culminated into, and continues to result to a sheer wreaking of havoc on the lives and futures, of generations of people from 16 different ethnic communities in this country. America knows very well, that those “dumped” here (who took advantage of their little Western exposure, sophistication and the support received from back home) and decided to steal the show, to take over every form of leadership; and then to influence every course of events in their so-called new nation, were truly unintelligent, dishonest, indiscipline and unproductive elements that lacked every iota of skills for self-governance and nation building, as evidenced by the NASTY harvest that we all continue to reap today after 194 years of a somewhat ‘formal’ political existence. Conscious of this fact, America, as such, has been trying all through history to make some amends intelligently for the damages caused by her to the 16 ethnic communities of this land by taking on all sorts of initiatives and projects to benefit the Liberian Nation, but their investments, all of which fall into the laps of the same unproductive Americo-Liberians each time, prove to take the country nowhere in terms of progress. One major reason for the continuous failure though, is that the national arrangement that hatched out Liberia was corrupt, dishonest, deceitful and bogus, and as such continues to have disaster written all over it, no matter what efforts are applied to improve it. So the only option we have had all along, and still have today (although with the clock of life fast ticking against us) is to undo and redo this entire national arrangement, but legally and peacefully. As mentioned earlier, the founders of Liberia (those American “rotten apples”, “bad eggs” or “dead woods” etc.) “dumped” on our productive soil were not intelligent, civilized and positively ambitious kinds of people, but unfortunately were people whose own ‘deporters’ and masters had described with four dangerous adjectives that laid the basis for their deportation or ostracism from the American Society so as to afford that country peace and stability. As we will ALWAYS mention with emphasis in all of our writings, the four strong adjectives used by founders of the American Colonization Society and other slave owners and opinion leaders in the South (of the United States) to describe and vet possible candidates for their ACS deportation exercises or so called repatriation scheme after experiencing terrifying slave rebellions like the Gabriel Prossers’, the Nat Turner’s, the Cato’s and the Denmark Vesey’s Rebellions etc. were; promoters of mischief, morally lax, mentally interior, and criminally oriented elements.
It became a somewhat national emergency to rid troublesome Blacks out of the American Society based upon the above four criteria so as to afford the North Americans some peace of mind. A few group of ante-bellum South Americans (not the continent) quickly took advantage of this “national emergency” and embarked on a purely profiteering and somewhat racist enterprise under the banner, the American Colonization Society. For the 20+ years of the ACS’ repatriation exercise, they had carefully rounded up, based on the yardsticks above, about 13,000 out of a swelling total black population of 4+ million. When President Abraham Lincoln (before becoming president though) got to understand the main secret intent and the modus operandi of this so called ACS repatriation scheme, he denounced the enterprise and described it as “IMMORAL” (, etc., even though to put it diplomatically as usual, he quoted by one source as saying that he had made this comment because Blacks had fought alongside Union Forces during the American Civil War. Sadly for our country, after “dumping” these unwanted Blacks, on our clean and productive soil, knowing the kind and quality of people they had managed to impose upon us, the Grain Coast, instead of following up to rehabilitate, educate and nurture these people into maturity, discipline and productiveness, before letting them loose into some autonomy, the United States Government and the American Colonization Society deliberately refused to do so. So then, these unprepared, uncivilized, indiscipline and uneducated “dumped” Black American immigrants quickly requested their independence (one way or the other) out of the somewhat protectionist arrangement they had been briefly subjected to by business oriented ACS. Immediately upon premature Liberia’s ‘request’ for independence, an already bankrupt ACS (though with their mission already accomplished), even modified the request in favor of autonomy, and then finally granted the Americo-Liberians their Mickey Mouse independence in 1847. All this translates into the sad conclusion that Liberia was never formally colonized, when America herself knows that to have attained the level of discipline and maturity that turned her into a great super power today, she had to be colonized conventionally by Great Britain for over 160 years. But ACS quickly granted “indiscipline and premature Liberia this rash independence when the territory never even had any genuine schools, health facilities, road etc., talk less about having any forms of working systems in place. We think if America was not ready to colonize and help bring up fellow less privileged and less sophisticated human beings like our 16 indigenous communities at the time, and even their own Black Immigrant community that they had imposed on our country at the time, they should have let us alone to be fully colonized and nurtured for sound nationhood by other Western powers like France, Britain or Germany, which would have prepared us well for sound nationhood later. Our country and its people would have been educated and refined than the kind of terrible mess we now find ourselves in today as a result of America’s negligence with our destiny, generations after another like this.
Based upon their laziness and lack of every form of innovation, the Black American settlers (the Americo Liberians) adopted completely facsimile (or direct photocopy) versions of the symbols, emblems, creeds, concepts and systems – though all in twisted forms – from their master, America; as they mockingly and damagingly put aside all of the toughest, austere or disciplinary aspects of these beautiful borrowed creeds, concepts and systems, and only adopted their much softer and comfortable aspects, or put another way, adopted them only in words, but not in deed. So the dominant culture of the Settlers’ or Cogoes’ Liberia has been one that hates discipline; plays with serious matters or business; promotes the concept and desire of achieving everything good on silver platter, and unthinkably promotes impunity etc. In Liberia, there is nothing like swallowing better pills to remedy life threatening problems; everything here is about a mischievous ‘easy’, ‘easy’, and almost 200 years have gone by now with no collective achievement in any one positive area of life. We have been using the word “dump” and the expression “dumped on us” all above. Let us now get some explanations about how this dumping of “Unwanted Blacks” on our soil by America was done before delving more and more into the substantial issues justifying our demand for reparations from the world’s greatest nation now. According to reliable historical sources including, Liberian History Up To 1847 and so forth, when the American Colonization Society decided to embark on her clever “cleanup campaign” of the American Society in 1816, they sent their agents to England a year later to seek British permission and assistance in finding land for them around West Africa, here, where they would dump their increasing number of troublesome and “unwanted Blacks.” ACS took this approach because Britain, in their opinion, was an old hand in the business of disposing of unwanted people this way, since in fact the Britons were the first to have started a Black Resettlement Scheme using Sierra Leone in 1787. Britain sent them (i.e. ACS Agents) over to Governor Charles McCarthy, who was already in control of things in Sierra Leone. It is not quite clear whether the Americans followed up on these talks in Britain by sending a separate team to meet Governor McCarthy in advance of starting their so called Black Repatriation. Be that as it may, the ACS prepared her first shipload of around 84 Black Immigrants bound for Sierra Leone in early 1820 on board Elizabeth, the Mayflower, accompanied by both ACS and US Government agents. When agents Samuel Mills and Ebenezer Burgess on behalf of the ship crew disembarked in Sierra Leone and made a request for space to Governor McCarthy, their request was outrightly rejected by the Sierra Leonean British Governor. The Governor then probably referred them to Shebro Island, where Native Kings were in charge of things, although part of the Sierra Leonean Protectorate or Colony. So the Americans went on to Shebro Island with this embarrassing 88 member crew. Apprehensive about such a mass movement of strange people, and perhaps already conscious of this “devious” American scheme, the African Kings at Shebro refused this suspicious crew again, but accommodated them temporarily however, to stick around, until they could find a suitable location. By this time, hell was already breaking loose on the Elizabeth family, as they had started contracting
malaria and dying in their numbers, but agents on the mission were apparently mandated never to return with this group, no matter what the case was. When the news about Elizabeth crew’s deplorable conditions hit back home, the US Government and the ACS sent a reinforcement and rescue ship, the Nautilus, comprising some more “unwanted Blacks” interestingly and additional ACS and US Government agents with a renewed mandate. It was elements from this reinforcement crew (in persons of Jonathan B. Winn and Christian Wiltberger) that sailed Southeast of Sierra Leone to present day Liberia to search for land, since Sierra Leone had totally refused and the American immigrants were now dying day after day at Shebro. Winn and Wiltberger again failed to secure a land deal in present day Liberia (then the Grain Coast always) apparently owing to the same apprehension that gripped the Native Kings at Shebro, but unfortunately these tribal kings’ refusal never had some Western power backing too like what happened at Shebro. Badly determined never to return their rotten apples back to America, or not to fail on this highly profitable mission, Agents Winn and Wiltberger decided to seek the intervention of US Navy Officials on board a different US facility, the Alligator Battleship that was stationed around, or patrolling the Atlantic Ocean, apparently to put up some support military for this same mission. Mindful of the African Kings’ pre-conscience about this immoral scheme, and also determined never to fail again, in their efforts to obtain some piece of land as the immigrants kept dying at Shebro, US Navy Surgeon Eli Ayres and Captain Robert Field Stockton, both from the USS Alligator Battleship arrived at Cape Mesurado or Ducor on December 11, 1821 to resume the failed land talks initiated by Winn and Wiltberger, but this time, putting aside sincerity and transparency, and employing some form of “tricks and addifice” coupled with coercion in the end in order to succeed at all costs, and they finally succeeded. So to first win the attention and sympathy of the Native Kings who had gotten wise up to this evil agenda to some extent, Officers Eli and Robert, disclosing that they were acting on behalf of the US Government, put these Native Kings under the impression that they wanted their crew members (the Black Immigrants) to settle down temporarily at Cape Mesurado, during which time the actual origins of each of these Black Immigrants on various parts of the continent would be determined for them to be taken later to their final and rightful destinations. This was the first GREAT LIE that laid Liberia’s foundation, and thus began the destruction of the nation’s moral fabric. A proof of how this big lie was insinuated can be found on page 29 of the book, “Liberian History Up To 1847: This is a major crime that America must confess formally and also pay reparation for. Telling the Native Kings such a big lie made room for the Americans to be considered for further discussions on the land issue, a round of discussions referred to in Liberian History as the Second Ducor Contract. Cognizant of the fact that this explanation could never suffice in any report to be sent to their bosses across the Atlantic (the US Government and the ACS), Messrs. Ayres and Stockton had to maneuver to get the actual mission
accomplished once they now had the time to go into discussions with the Native Kings and their subjects at the Second Ducor Conference of December 1821. Eli and Robert needed to give account of a definite land purchase deal and a permanent settlement plan for these “rotten apples” so as to win them (Eli and Robert) some accolade or heroic recognition, and most importantly, to bring a final sigh of relief to the ACS and the US Government. Remember few paragraphs before this, we brought you the four dangerous qualification yardsticks for the Blacks that were targeted for deportation through this ACS Resettlement Program, as mental inferiority, moral laxity, criminal orientation and mischief making. Still at the Second Ducor Conference, the sticky issue remained however that, according to the tribal kings and their subjects, tribal lands were communal and could not be sold. It was based on the Native Kings’ and their subjects’ insistence (especially King Peter and his subjects’ insistence) upon this crucial point that pricked Captain Robert Field Stockton to draw out his pistol (handgun) and point it as the head of King Peter while at the same time, he ordered his warship, the USS Alligator, to start drawing closer to the Liberian shore, in a rather belligerent and frightening fashion to where the discussions were being held; all this, to coerce the Native People into giving up their land for a so-called purchase, which the Natives finally did in fear for their lives. To make this scam to appear as a formal business deal (because it must be formally documented and sent to the ACS and the US Govrnment), Eli and Robert arranged a fake price tag for the piece of land, Cape Mesurado, although the exact price is not specified in history – and did a part payment in kind of $300 worth of assorted stale goods comprising smoke fish, old pairs of shoes, salt etc., and promising to pay the unspecified balance in cash at a later undisclosed date. This was the second act of cruelty on the part of American Operatives that characterized the foundation of Liberia, as this very piece of land, whose purchase was faked, and forced, Cape Mesurado, was the piece of land on which the building of Liberia began. This development defined the enduring dark fate of the so-called new nation. The Masonic Craft Temple, from where the Settlers run the activities of their Ancient and Accepted Free Masons Fraternity (a fraternity referred to in Liberian History as the 4th Branch of Government because this is where according to sources the fate of the huge indigenous population of this country is cruelly decided behind closed doors) is situated on this Cape in Monrovia. The United States Government must give account of how Servicemen Robert Stockton and Eli Ayres acquired Cape Mesurado and how this acquisition has gone a long way in unleashing misery, devastation and sorrow upon generations and generations of the indigenous communities in this country for the past 194 years now. To conclude this story, Robert and Eli then documented their criminal deal and sent it to their bosses across the Atlantic, while Eli, with a huge sigh of relief went on to Sierra Leone and started evacuating the Black Immigrants to their newly, criminally found home, Cape Musurado, now Liberia. In an even more astonishing development, it is narrated that the settlers and their bosses never paid the balance unspecified cash amount owed to the
Natives for Cape Mesurado, and when the poor, frustrated Natives, for this, and some other reasons decided to agitate for their rights against the Americo Liberians, the settlers, with their sophisticated weaponries and support from their White bosses across the ocean, massacred the armless tribal people – our forefathers – in two recorded skirmishes or wars (the Fort Hill And Crown Hill Battles respectively). Then later, these criminals, using their so-called Government of Liberia authority, chose one common date of celebrations to commemorate these crimes against humanity, and decided to declare that date a national holiday, Thanksgivings Day, to be celebrated by all - both Setters and Natives alike across this country, and these cursed celebrations continue painfully to this date. America is responsible for the almost 200 years of devastation in the lives of the vast indigenous population of our country at the hands of her Americo-Liberians. Here is one very convincing proof. The Americo-Liberians were implicitly emphatic that they had come to pursue a nasty vendetta against the Natives here in return for the alleged bad treatments that they (the deported Blacks) had suffered in America while there as slaves. For this reason, they excluded the Natives from every arrangement giving birth to their new political entity, Liberia. The name of the country, its emblems, symbols and creed etc. all disregard the interest and importance of the 16 Ethnic Communities, the original owners of the land. The settlers declared us, tribal Africans, as wild beasts; a barbaric nation, or savages; treated us as such, and continue to do so today. (Joseph Jenkins Roberts’ First Inaugural Address of 1848 and Civics for Liberian Schools, 1966, by A. Doris Banks Henries). To formalize their intent and actions for pursuing this vendetta against the Native people, this is how they put forth their justification in Liberia’s funny Declaration of Independence and also in the country’s first constitution, which still reign supreme today: “We the people of the republic of Liberia were originally the people of the United States of North America. In some parts of that country, we were debarred by law from all rights and privileges of men. In other parts, public sentiment, more powerful than law, frowned us down. We were everywhere shut out from all civic office. We were excluded from all participation in the government. We were taxed without our consent; we were compelled to contribute to the resources of a country which gave us no protection..” (A Short History Of The First Liberian Republic, p. 2). Note: to get more details on how the Johnsons; McClains; Weeks; and the Tubmans have unwaveringly stood by these convictions against the Natives up to this year, 2017, please read our revolutionary pamphlet, “Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin; Who Accounts And Makes Amends For It New.!” The treatments of elements from tribal backgrounds are so alarming and unspeakable to the extent that Dr. James Ciment of New York once described the Americo-Liberian vs. Native debacle as Liberia’s Original Sin; veteran Human Rights Lawyer, Cllr. Tiawon S. Gongloe described it as a defecto “Black Apartheid”; and these treatments and developments have also led to researchers from Harvard School of Economics declaring Liberia in 2002, after an official survey, as the second most ethnically divided country on the planet over such ethnically crowded countries like Nigeria (with over 250 ethnic groups) and Papua New Guinea (with over 850 tribal groups). History has proven over and over the terrible behavior
of the Americo-Liberians against the Natives, ranging from the Settlers’ dehumanization of the vast tribal population while collecting compulsory taxes from these poor, jobless people, using their undisciplined and ruthless Liberia Frontier Force; the grabbing like animals of young indigenous men and boys, and selling them out into slavery beginning 1857, continuing through to the mid-20th century; the grabbing of indigenous men and boys with force and turning them into human pawns and domestic laborers on private farms, government projects and huge concessionary plantations like Firestone etc. for peanuts or nothing, to the denial of the vast indigenous population of the right kind of education, healthcare, roads and other social services, just to subject the Natives perpetually to second class citizens after having initially referred to them as wild animals and savages. As the legacies of these cruel Americo-Liberian policies and actions continue to play themselves out, and have even reached their highest peaks today, the compelling need to offset these decimating legacies and consequences with tangible indemnities and amends can never now be postponed. Imagine that it took a scathing League of Nations’ 1931 Report highlighting the Settlers’ cruel policies against the indigenous community before a remorseless Monrovia-based Americo- Liberian elite could ever begin constructing few miles of dirt roads into the interior of the country and building few substandard schools and clinics in the Native communities. The League of Nations summarized its findings on this painful Liberian “Congo vs. Native” scenario as below, and this is a life time evidence for the Native Community against the Americo-Liberians, unless a radical U-turn is made. The League in its 1931 Cuthbert Christy Report warned the Settler Liberian Government against their treatment of the Natives for what they described as the Government being in the business of “systematically fostering and encouraging a policy of gross intimidation and suppression for years in order to suppress the Native, prevent him from asserting himself in any way whatsoever, for the benefit of the dominant and colonizing race, although originally of the same African stock as themselves.” If this very strong finding from the League should be quite sufficient to indict the AmericoLiberians for some major breaches, which indeed it is, then let’s look at the categories of crimes and offenses that could best fit this indictment, all of which again will fall on America’s head as the major partner in crime to her Americo-Liberian perpetrators. 1. According to a reliable source, the charter of the Nuremburg Tribunal defined crimes against humanity as murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts against any civilian population whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated. Moreover, under the US World Slavery Crimes and Categories of Human Right Violations, Volume 1, the following breaches can be cited when recounting the indigenous Liberians past and current experiences with the Americo-Liberians. These breaches mainly fall under the human rights violations category:
The unlawful abduction of people Any act of unlawful behavior performed against slaves (and by extension performed against domestic serfs and human pawns like in the case of Liberia), including for example, general torture, raping, kicking, whipping etc., and, Creating intentional psychological damage to a people From the Nuremburg Tribunal’s definition of crimes against humanity above, three of which neatly fit into the Liberian scenario as underlined supra, to the US World Slavery Crimes and Categories Of Human Rights Violations, 3 counts of its provisions which are featured above, that also match the Liberian scenario, including many more crimes that legal minds could further discover and categorize from these 194 years of gross Native oppression in this country, the Americo-Liberians and their masters are quite culpable of more than 6 counts of crimes against humanity and human rights violations, the effects of all, which when considered, have set the lives of all elements of the indigenous community far back for more than 10 generations. In the midst of all these odds, however, members of these two separate and rival societal groups (the Settlers and the Natives, with the rivalry caused by America anyway) have still managed somehow to cohabit and partially integrate with the long passage of time, but another major negative development that adds insult to injury is what has transpired as a result of this little integration, interaction, and the Americo-Liberians’ power, authority and influence over the entire society; owing again, to their little exposure and vast support from America. As we speak, the Black Americans have for long years now been very successful at inculcating a seriously damaging mindset or culture into the entire Liberian Society that one wonders when and how can we de-root this very unproductive way of life from our society because of the extent to which it has become so entrenched. A good reparations payment from the United State however can immensely help with some of these arduous challenges. According to world history, African Americans had to adopt what the social scientists refer to as the “Live For Today” mentality or culture in response to conditions they were faced with during slave days. Live For Today is a set of survival techniques that the Blacks had to employ in passing on from one day to another while living in servitude, and even after gaining freedom, because they possessed so little in the Americas and Europe that everything had to be consumed for survival today because tomorrow wasn’t promised. This is the very culture that the Americo-Liberians (most of whom had come from the antebellum South in the United States) brought to the Grain Coast; and because, as we said earlier, they were not followed up to be thoroughly rehabilitated, refined and educated, they sadly have implanted this mentality so profoundly into their poor, helpless indigenous Liberian compatriots, and this culture commands a very strong grip over the entire Liberian society today.
An overall characteristic of the Live for Today mentality is a destructive and unproductive orientation that keeps people very naïve, parochial, and narrow-minded about their own potentials, their own communities, their society and their future. With the Live for Today mentality, for example, when one builds, he thinks he builds for today, he thinks he builds for his, and his generation’s use only, and he thinks he builds for only his own pleasure etc. The Live for Today culture makes people restrict themselves to understanding issues only below the lines, not making any effort to understand things between the lines, talk less about going beyond the lines. Live for Today leaves a whole people limited in their approaches and methodologies for tackling deep rooted problems by keeping their attention only on the surface of issues and problems. This means for example, that even though a given and applied formula, evidently doesn’t work after more than 100 years of trials, it must be maintained and sustained because it was proposed by mom, dad or grandpa. Live for Today is a good weapon used to keep generations of people in a permanent state of sincere ignorance and conscious stupidity, whereby people know very well that they are acting in their own worst interests but they refuse to change the course; they refuse to adapt to new ideas; new circumstances and new changes. When people deliberately refuse to delve into things deeply for clearer understanding because of fear that, that particular understanding will cause anxiety within them, and make them feel guilty, or that, that particular understanding simply will lead to a deep change in their existing state of mind (their comfort zone); or, put another way, that that understanding will interrupt their existing neurotic equilibrium etc.; then these people are good examples and ambassadors of Live for Today, as Liberians (or vast majority of Liberians) sadly are. With Live for Today, people think and prioritize what they can eat, drink and wear this month, far above issues of idealism and principle. A good symptom of a Live for Today environment shows up when people are only interested in reading one page leaflets for sensation and mere pleasure rather than religiously or meticulously going through a 40-page document so as to ascertain facts or claims and be able to make informed decisions. In a purely Live for Today society, life is all about I, me, myself, my family, relatives and close friends all the way, but with no much concern about my community, my city, my county and of course my nation etc. Live for Today pushes or restricts people in positions of authority, who have the opportunity to make all the policies and take all the key decisions (though they know their actions and policies will impact millions and affect generations), to design systems that will glaringly suppress a vast majority perpetually in the interest of few, all because they must keep their jobs intact and maintain their so-called superiority, when they know that in the end, this kind of situation ultimately will blow out in everybody’s face etc. This is the kind of counterproductive mentality that has thoroughly permeated our society within these 194 years of existence as a somewhat political entity. The question again is how can we root out these kinds of mindsets and orientations from our population now? Still with this little semblance of integration facilitated mainly by the interventions of other civilized nations of the world, it still remains increasingly evident that the AmericoLiberians have, and continue to do everything within their powers to keep the vast Native
population of the country at a permanent level of second class human beings in line with a well-planned objective they had established at the very beginning of their nation, Liberia. As we mentioned earlier, generations of indigenous Liberians have, and continue to be denied quality education, better opportunities to accumulate wealth; and, even though this may sound strong in the ears of others, the indigenous have, and continue to be denied quality healthcare services so as to facilitate their ever poor health, very short lives, and unrealized potentials, all aimed at keeping the Black Americans at the very top of the socioeconomic ladder eternally. This trend leaves a wide open room for them to be worshipped as the most educated class, the most ‘well-to-do families, the highly intelligent folks, the most civilized stock etc., when in fact they are just the opposite of all these. With respect to the above, several questions come to mind that need to be answered by all of us (including America and her Americo-Liberians) pertaining to this confusing and complex Liberian scenario, and some of the questions are as follows: a.
After 194 years of existence under these, and many more of the appalling and deep rooted conditions that we are discussing here, one would then imagine how on earth, without an extra-mile solution or step, like a physical reparation payment by America, for example, can a Native Liberian ever recover and catch pace, in terms of personal growth and development, with any 21st century peers elsewhere?
b. Results from our research and many other accounts of history point to the kinds of inhumane treatments the indigenous people of this country have had to suffer repeatedly at the hands of the Americo-Liberians, ranging from their abductions to be sold into slavery; their forcible recruitments to perform different kinds of serfdoms; their unmerciful floggings at the hands of the Settlers ruthless Liberia Frontier Force in the process of extorting monies from (the Natives), in the name of taxes, fines, collections, rallies etc., to the act of deliberately denying these Natives every form of quality social service. Who now accounts for all these and many historical and present day crimes whose devastating impacts define who we are today? c. The scenarios of (a) and (b) above are sustained by a strong culture of impunity and a gross lack of respect for justice, all of which continue unabated to the very date of writing this pamphlet. The big question becomes, how do we correct these deep rooted societal problems now? Is it by glossing over historical crimes and then preaching empty talks of peace and reconciliation? d. What sort of peace and reconciliation can ever be achieved at the price of sacrificing true justice at the altar? And what justice will be considered true justice when it ignores gross breaches and acts of violations of the past that are gravely impacting today’s life and activities? The questions are indeed so many, but the Plain Truth Revolution sees as a bottom line that we, as a people, need to take some concrete actions now in handling our unresolved past. As such, for our fellow compatriots, the Americo-Liberians, we are advocating a 100 year
ban against them from all political activities in our country because they have over-proven their gross inability for self-governance and leadership, just in line with America’s constant perception and apprehension about them. For the American Government, we demand reparations not in cash but to construct for us a new world class capital city with paved roads connecting it to all of our counties’ capitals. This will enable our nation, with its leadership in the hands of the country’s original and rightful owners, the Natives, to now focus heavily on other key ingredients of life that we have badly lacked for almost 200 years now, beginning with massive food production and quality public education provision, and then continuing on to the systematic provision of the remaining basic social services such as stable and reliable health care and electricity etc. for our people. There is absolutely NO way for the American Government to defend themselves against our claims of their strong role played in the past, and that they continue to play today in destroying the future of our country, so we are going to provide additional proofs because this is a massive case, calling for a massive demand, and thus a case that our current generation is willing to sacrifice its comfort and life for, if that’s what it takes. First of all, what is the essence of living if we cannot change a situation that continues to hold us down forever? In this vein, and to further strengthen our case, we have several proofs, some of which appear below, that the American Government has been found always either standing by the side of her Black Immigrants and their descendants in suppressing and oppressing our indigenous communities, or that they (America) have been taking actions that directly contribute to the pains, agonies and miseries of our Native population - acts, all of which are permissible in any court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution. Let’s take the following carefully selected instances, although they have been countless since December 1816: 1. Congress (US) disbursed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) to the American Colonization Society in 1819 to facilitate the voyage on February 6, 1820 of the first ship, Elizabeth the Mayflower, to this beautiful, but later destroyed West African Coast with 88 immigrants (, Liberian History Up to 1847 etc.) 2. The Virginia State Congress set aside Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) each year for 5 years to aid and support the ACS’ mission, and the ACS moreover received several thousands of dollars from the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Maryland and other state Legislatures as sponsorships to help dispose of their “unwanted, unproductive” Blacks on our soil ( The question remains, if these people were proven to be “unwanted and unproductive” in America, what makes these different Legislatures to think that they will be wanted and productive on the Grain Coast? We need a concrete answer from America for this simple question now! 3. Three key American Presidents (Thomas Jefferson, James Maddison, and James Monroe) directly and openly supported the work of the ACS, while a 4 th very conscious one, Abraham Lincoln, later stopped his support and denounced the scheme as “immoral” (
4. Maryland Congressman, Robert G. Harper, coined a selfish and divisive name (Liberia) for our country, and Prof. John S. Greenleaf infused and cunningly projected the meaning, intent, and other characteristics of this cursed name into all of the civic and legal frameworks and official documentations of the so-called new state, all of which remain intact today, despite the fact that they do not represent the wishes and aspirations of over 98% of the country’s population (Liberian History Up To 1847). 5. US. President Grover Cleveland provided the justifications for America’s actions in Liberian affairs when he spoke of the moral right and duty of the United States Government to help Liberia [in all her deeds]. This is how President Cleveland put it his 1886 message to Congress, “It must not be forgotten that this distant community (Liberia) is an offshoot of our system” ( ). 6. The American Government has consistently taken side with, and aided the Americo Liberian elite in silencing tribal dissents and revolts without first trying to establish and even remedy the root causes of these misunderstandings. Here are a few notable cases: *Note: Sorry that chronology is not thoroughly observed here. a. In December 1821, the Americans had their naval vessel, the Alligator, advancing in a belligerent mood to the Grain Coast shores while pistol was being pointed at the head of African King Peter by an American Serviceman during discussions for the piece of land that started Liberia ( b. The Kru, Grebo and Gola tribes, fed up with how the cruel Monrovia based settler elite government persistently sat by, extorted money from them in the name of taxes, without the provision of any social services to them, while at the same time imposing itself upon them by interfering with their age old trade activities with seafarers and other foreigners, rose up against the Liberian Government in rebellion. One outstanding experience was in 1893 when the Grebo Tribe attacked the settlement of Harper, Maryland. Despite the fact that the Grebo had a legitimate concern, and this was a domestic issue, troops from the US Gunboat, Gorronomah, in response to the Greboes’ move, were sent to Harper to fight and kill these unsophisticated tribesmen on behalf of the Monrovia settler elite. ( c. In 1915, the Coastal Kru People, who had decided to resist Monrovia’s authority for the same reason given above, rose up in rebellion; this time, declaring their loyalty to Great Britain and demanding annexation by Sierra Leone. In response, the United States diverted its USS Chester (warship) to Africa (Liberia) when this ship was en route from Turkey back home to America. USS Chester squashed this Kru uprising, again, in favor of Monrovia. (“) d. In 1876, Captain A. A. Semmes used his gunboat, the USS Alaska, to carry Liberian President James S. Payne to Cape Palmas for the settlement of a domestic war with the Greboes (1875-1876). Surely, this was in favor of Monrovia again. 7. America has persistently and openly stood by the side of those Liberian Presidents who have proven to be bent inconceivably on exploiting all of the nation’s resources as much as possible in favor of American business interests, even if it meant standing by the side of these criminally exploitative presidents till their death in power, regardless of any presidential term limit in Liberia’s so-called democracy.
On the contrary, for those Liberian presidents that have attempted to stand by certain moral principles in protecting the interest of the country, and trying to liberate its people from misery, poverty, and a strong dependency syndrome, America has demonstrated beyond all doubts its unwavering determination to ensuring that these kinds of wellmeaning and productive presidents are booted out of power by any means possible, even if it meant through broad day killing. We will provide two examples of each opposing case here as follows; (A). Criminally Exploitative Presidents (Very Notorious Ones) i.
William Vacanarat Shardrack Tubman (1944-1971) - As Maryland County Senator in the 1920s, America’s “Wonderboy” Bill Tubman was a private lawyer for Businessman Harvey Firestone. During this same time, Private Attorney and Senator Tubman co-sponsored and introduced the bill to grant Firestone a 99-year, 6 cents per acre, 1 million acre Agricultural Concession Agreement on behalf of his employer, Firestone, in the Liberian Legislature. This bill went through (A Short History of the First Liberia Republic), and Firestone, world’s one time largest rubber plantation, operated and still operates today, the most exploitative business arrangement ever in mankind’s history. Please visit and also read “In The Cause Of The People, D. Tuan Wleh”, and “A Short History Of The First Liberian Republic” for more details. During the first year of this deal, Liberia received $2,000; the Liberian military was used to forcibly recruit tribal men and boys to work on the plantation; hundreds of thousands of indigenous Liberians were evicted from their long-owned lands without any form of compensation or alternative living facility; the Liberian Government, far later into the operations of the company, received 1 cent on every ton of rubber exported, and later Firestone began paying tribal workers between $3 and $4 per month for working more than 10 hours a day in planting and tapping their rubber. There were mounting criticisms both domestically and internationally, with some coming from the League of Nations against the Firestone Arrangement but all fell on deaf ears as usual, because this is about an American interest. In one letter to a New York publisher 30 years later, American “Wonderboy” William Tubman, and Firestone Retained Lawyer and initiator of the bill 30 years ago, rationalized that the loan terms (one of the key, but terribly exploitative provisions in the Firestone Agreement) was accepted for political reasons but not for business purposes. Tubman became president in 1944 though, after his company had started operating for few years and he ruled for 27 unbroken years till his death. The next place Tubman extended his exploitative tentacles on behalf of his American partners in crime was the country’s iron ore sector after they had completely conquered the rubber sector. In 1945, he concluded an 80 year deal with American Company, Bethlehem Steel (later called, out of scam, the Liberia Mining Company) to mine iron ore form Bomi Hills. Bethlehem Steel was given exclusive rights, other than just mining iron ore, to extract all other mineral resources free of charge, like in the case of
Firestone too, from its concessional area of 3 million acres. To fool the masses as usual, the Tubman Government ridiculously excluded gold, diamond and platinum from the mineral free ride given to Bethlehem Steel. The price of iron today has dropped on the world market, but a ton of pig iron (unprocessed iron) costs between $30 and $95 according to some reliable source, however at the time of Tubman, when the demand for iron ore on the world market was at its peak, Tubman Liberia received 20 cents on every ton (or 2,000 pounds) of exported iron ore willingly reported by the concession company, and out of this payment to government, history says, Liberia had to pay to the concession company depletion and other fees which reduced the 20¢ share, per 2,000 lbs to a much lower amount. Because of the sweet heartedness of this Bomi Hills deal, a smart Bethlehem Steel, took advantage of this great opportunity, exploited the country as fast as possible, and in less than 35 years of an 80 year arrangement, all the resources were depleted from Bomi Hills, and Bethlehem steel concluded operations in 1977 instead of 2025 (A Short History Of The First Liberian Republic). Another more than 250 million-ton deposit of iron ore at Mount Nimba was given away by Mr. Tubman to LAMCO, a joint venture, predominantly American controlled, in 1953 for a 70 year operation under almost similar arrangement as the Bomi Hills Deal. According to Liberian History, Mr. Tubman, always supported by America, amended the constitution to remove presidential term limit and he was in power for 27 unbroken years, and even died in office in 1971. ii.
Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2005-present) - before becoming president, Madam Sirleaf had been involved in a number of bloody maneuvers that dealt some of the gravest casualties on the human capital of this country. Wikipedia reports that Madam Sirleaf was one of the 3 co-founders of Liberia’s biggest warring faction in the 1990s the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL). According to this and other accounts, the political and financial aspects of the NPFL were conducted by Madam Sirleaf from her base in America. NPFL was estimated to have had around 25,000 combatants and they orchestrated a wide range of human rights abuses and grave crimes against humanity including unspeakable massacres, tortures, kidnapping, and a number of political assassinations (including the assassination of one of the most prominent indigenous sons of the soil, Mr. Jackson F. Doe). In addition to the Liberian civil war, the NPFL was also noted for spreading war within the sub region, including Sierra Leone. When Mr. Taylor, Ellen Sirleaf’s co-founder or co-founding mate of the NPFL allegedly began to put up some non-cooperative postures against her whims and caprices, the Americo-Liberian Iron Lady reportedly supported two successive armed struggles against Mr. Taylor again - one, through the United Liberation Movement of Liberia (ULIMO) and the other through the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD). In an early 2014 WikiLeaks published in Liberia’s Microscope Newspaper,
Madam Sirleaf in a long discussion with the then US Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Howard F. Jeter, revealed her closeness to the both armed factions - ULIMO and LURD. To demonstrate her utter lack of remorse of conscience after orchestrating all these acts of mayhem, mischief and terror against the Liberian people (mainly the tribal people, who don’t have any means of ever undergoing “check-in” formalities at the Roberts International Airport in times of trouble), Madam Sirleaf slapped the international community in the face by manipulating her Americo-Liberian Supreme Court to rule against the only recommendation in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Report intended to show a little concern for the hundreds of thousands of mainly poor indigenous Liberians that had died during this conflict that she initiated. This was happening when the American “Wondergirl” had already gotten what she wanted all along; i.e. a seat in the Liberian Executive Mansion to be so-called first democratically elected female President of Africa. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), a special international community funded arrangement was set up to among other things, probe into the causes and effects of the many rounds of wars that had killed over 500,000 to half a million of our mainly poor Natives of this country and destroyed properties beyond measure, identify the direct perpetrators and victims of these many conflicts, and to institute some actions against proven perpetrators so as to serve as a deterrence for any such actions in the future. Madam Sirleaf and a few others in her government were indicted for their roles and complicity in these bloody national experiences, and as such, were given 30 year ban from all political activities in the country. Being more humans and more important than both the hundreds of thousands of people that their enterprise had killed, and the millions whose lives they had set far back as a result of their over 14 years of bloodbath and anarchy, Madam Sirleaf and her other indicted officials manipulated the country’s rotten Judicial System and made the un objective Supreme Court to declare the TRC’s ban as unconstitutional, as though this constitution was not around when over 500,000 of our people, according to official records, were murdered in cold blood by a power-hungry Madam Sirleaf and other accomplices and cohorts. But even more interestingly for her track records, this American “Wondergirl” had been linked to some bloody and other violent and rebellious activities well before the NPFL enterprise., for example, in its Tuesday, June 7, 2011 publication reported that Johnson Sirleaf was a mastermind behind Liberia’s failed November 12, 1985 coup d’etat. According to this publication, the Liberian Iron Lady’s alleged insults rained on sitting President Samuel K. Doe, such as using the expressions “ignorant and illiterate” to describe him and his government, including her other anti-government activities while in the United States, landed her into jail for the first time [when she came back to Liberia]. Out of frustration because Samuel Doe had refused to accept any arrangement to do a re-run of the 1985 disputed elections that Madam Sirleaf and others claimed Doe had rigged, the
Americo-Liberian Iron Lady ran back to the United States to plan a coup that would soon cause the death of Gen. Thomas G. Quiwankpa and a terminal tribal dissention between the Gios and the Krahns that would ultimately result into the plunging of an entire nation into unrestrained bloodbath. Ellen was briefly locked up again by the Doe Government after she was caught on tape in the company of coup makers headed by Quiwonkpa on November 12, 1985. According to this site, there is an evidence to corroborate the claim that Ellen was the brain behind this early Tuesday, November 12, 1985 abortive invasion. The site further narrated that after the American Corruption Queen’s release again for this incident, she ran back to the United States, this time around to plan a full scale war, using a man, Charles Taylor, who had allegedly stolen $900,000 from the Liberian coffers and was locked up in the US awaiting extradition because of this alleged theft. This president, who had planned all the mayhems and bloodbaths against the country from her base in the United States, has now been using the almost 10 years of her administration demonstrating to the world the reasons why America landed her all of these incredible support to wreak such havoc on an entire nation from the 1980s all through to her two successive so-called election victories, up to date. Just as the American “Wonderboy” Bill Tubman opened up the country’s resources to American business interests for massive exploitation, American “Wonder Girl” Ellen Sirleaf has for the past 10 years of her administration even openly called on her American bosses for a real 21st century natural resource feast in Liberia, in appreciation of the many priceless support landed her during her years of orchestrating carnage against the Liberian tribal communities. Madam Sirleaf has auctioned out a lot of the country’s resources to her American business interests, but for time and space sake, we are only going to highlight a little bit of what has happened within the country’s emerging oil sector, because this is the most important natural resource the country can now boast of. The Daily Observer, Monday, August 13, 2012 edition discloses that Liberia currently has 30 concessionary oil blocks – 17 deep water blocks from the continental shelf (meaning on, or near-shore blocks) to water depths of 2,500 to 4,000 meters, and 13 ultra-deep water blocks, to water depths of 4,500 meters, which comprise the country’s off shore acreage. Of the 17 deep water blocks (meaning, as we said above, those close to the shore and thus easily accessible than the 13 ultra-deep water blocks), the Sirleaf led Government has officially auctioned (or as one would term it in the Liberian parlance, “banjoed) over 10 (in their supposedly order of profitability and importance). And of the 10 key oil blocks earlier auctioned out by Madam Sirleaf and her predominantly TRC indicted Government, 8 blocks have gone to American business interests as follows: (a) Anadarko ------------------------- ---Oil Blocks 10, 15,16,And 17 (b) Chevron -------------------------- ---Oil Blocks 11,12 and 14 (c) Exxon Mobil -----------------------Oil Block 13 (National Chronicle, May 30, 2012 and FrontPage Africa, early April 2013 etc.).
An analysis by the National Legislature of the deals that gave out all of the 10 oil blocks, according to a National Chronicle’s Thursday, April 26, 2012 publication succinctly suggests that Liberia only has a 3% average equity ownership out of 100%; no stock/share purchase provision for its citizens in any of the companies that will be drilling, or that are currently drilling oil in the country, and that this dull West African Country will only be receiving 0.083% in royalty out of a legally required 18%. Just to provide you a little more detail about how the lawmakers put it, let’s bring you a quick review of the paper’s story, as introduced above. According to the publication, the Liberian Legislature observed that while the New Petroleum Law of Liberia provides for a mandatory equity interest of 20% ownership for NOCAL (Liberia) in all petroleum exploration and production sharing contracts, 6 out of the 10 existing oil contracts are silent on NOCAL (Liberia’s) 20% ownership, 3 provide for 10% ownership, while 1 excludes ownership, altogether. Then comes section 3.4 of the New Petroleum Law, which provide for 10% stock purchase by Liberians in every oil contract. According to the Legislature, 6 out of the 10 existing PSCs are silent on stock purchases, while 4 exclude any stock purchases. The final section of the New Petroleum Law grossly violated is 3.7, which provides for a mandatory royalty payment of between 12-18% on gross production, depending on whether the production is off or on-shore. According to the Legislature again, 6 out of the existing 10 PCSs are silent on royalty payments, while only 3 provide for 5% royalty payments. Here are some of the things that transpired during the signings and ratifications of these big oil deals, especially those involving the big American Oil Companies. The below excerpts come from a report of the Liberian Oil Sector released by ProPublica, a US Foreign Service Publication, and then later published by a Liberian local daily, the National Chronicle, on Monday, April 30, 2012. This Is How Chevron Got Liberia’s Oil Blocks 11, 12 And 14 (Excerpts) According to a report from the Liberian General Auditing Commission (GAC), a series of bribes, around US$120,000 was allegedly paid between 2006 and 2007 so that the Legislature would grant two small firms (Oranto and Broadway Consolidated) the rights to four oil concessions off Liberia’s coast. One of those companies, Oranto, a small Nigerian company, which purchased rights to 3 of the offshore properties (Blocks 11, 12 and 14) sold these concessions to Chevron. No one has ever been prosecuted or charged with wrongdoings for these alleged bribes. According to a cache of US Diplomatic Cables obtained by ProPublica under the Freedom of Information Act, both President Sirleaf and the US State Department pushed for the three allegedly tinted concessions to be sold to Chevron, even after the allegations became public. On March 30, 2010, the GAC Report leaked out, and newspapers in Monrovia trumpeted the details of the alleged bribes. Within hours of the media reports, Chevron officials contacted [the US embassy in Monrovia] seeking further information and expressing concerns about the implications for Chevron’s compliance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, according to another US Diplomatic
Cable obtained by ProPublica. The cable, dated, April 28, 2010, and sent to the Secretary Of State, the Justice Department, the National Security Agency, and other agencies in Washington DC, describes a scramble of closed door meetings. Chevron’s grave concerns over the issue prompted the company’s President for Africa and Latin America, Mr. Ali Moshiri to fly to Liberia for private discussions with Madam Sirleaf on April 20, 2010. The cable says Moshiri also met with the US Charge d’affaires in Monrovia, while William Burns, the then [Under] US Secretary of State for Political Affairs, arrived and met Madam Sirleaf and the US Ambassador to Liberia, Madam Linda Thomas Greenfield. In the GAC report mentioned above about this deal, Auditor General John Morlu recommended that the Oranto and Broadway Consolidated contracts be nullified – meaning that those companies would have lost the rights to sell the concession to Chevron, Exxon Mobil, or any other company. In that case, the Government would have had to reopen a new bidding process on these offshore properties, a major worry for Chevron. According to the April 28, 2010 US Diplomatic Cable, Chevron feared that, “ the allegations alone would have cast doubt on the concession’s legitimacy and open the door for a future GOL decision to nullify the contracts.” According to the cable further, Chevron had another worry: that the US Department of Justice might find it guilty by association if it could not establish a sufficient firewall between itself and a partner company that might have been involved in corrupt practices….. The US Government had invested more than $84 million over the last several years (beginning 2007) into a variety of anti-corruption and good governance programs, according to the USAID. Chevron wanted no legal liability, and Sirleaf too had made fighting corruption her major campaign promise – though a usual scam – but each of these players also had other interests (just as Tubman had described the Firestone Deal as strictly political and not business). Chevron wanted at all costs the lucrative oil reserves off Liberia’s coast; the US Government wanted a US Company to have access to this strategically important potential energy source, while Ellen Sirleaf wanted some economic gains from these deals for her country (we should say here though, for her private and family gains), and wanted these economic activities spearheaded by an American company. In the end, Sirleaf effectively addressed one of Chevron’s concerns and fears, that the GOL might come back one day to nullify these contracts. The cable said that Sirleaf told the US Ambassador Linda Greenfield that she is willing to give Chevron what it needs, in terms of Legislative approval for comfort. So for Chevron, the only remaining question was its exposure to US Legislations on legal actions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). “Chevron does not have any liability for its reacquisition conduct”, Philip Urofsky, a former Federal Prosecutor who pursued FCPA cases at the Justice Department, said in an interview. As for Oranto, Broadway, and NOCAL, [the expert says], they are not American companies and were not subject to FCPA at the time of these bribe payments.
…. Chevron then acquired 70% of Oranto’s stake in the offshore properties (Blocks 11, 12, and 14); the terms of the deal are not known. But in August 2010, Chevron was added to the alleged bribe tinted contract between Oranto and NOCAL that the Legislature ratified back then in 2009. Chevron gained the rights to develop the three offshore blocks, and it agreed to pay almost US$10.5 million to the GOL and disburse US$10.5 million in tax deductible Community Development Funds over 5 years... In a cable, the US Embassy estimated the potential value of the investment at US$10.7 billion. The Embassy declined to make Ambassador Greenfield available for interview, but she celebrated the deal in a January 25, 2011 cable with the subject, “Outreach And Commercial Success” when she wrote, “ Embassy intervention and advocacy ensured a level playing field that resulted into Chevron signing a $10.7 billion [*sic] contract – this constitutes the largest concession in Liberian history.” Here Is How Exxon Mobil Finally Got Block 13 (the apparent richest of all the blocks thus far) Block 13, totaling more than 625,000 acres offshore Liberia, in water depths ranging from 250 to 10,000 ft. (75 to 3,000 meters) fell into the Americans’ hands finally on April 5, 2013 after it had changed hands more than once. In 3 separate FrontPage Africa reports, all dated in April of 2013, Reporter Seltue R. Karweaye, in one of the publications reported that the awarding of Block 13 was discussed among the Canadian Overseas Petroleum Ltd., ExxonMobil and the Government of Liberia in secret, and signed in New York, the USA, but the deal leaked out later. Seltue lamented how it was unfortunate that Liberian negotiators at the secret New York talks didn’t even understand that oil exploration was a long term investment, and as such, contracts needed to establish how rents will be divided between government and companies as well as how costs and risks will be shared. Moreover, according to the reporter, the New York Agreement gave ExxonMobil 80% and COP Ltd. 20% of Block 13, and was approved by President Sirleaf, who according to Mr. Karweaye signed the appropriate paperwork related to the PSC to be sent to the Legislature for ratification. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was reportedly left out of the negotiations; meaning no environmental issues, or at least no substantial environmental issues were even considered. Seltue also claimed that there were no provisions for future price increase of oil. Another report alleged that prior to the ratification of the contract, which had been heavily protested by Civil Society Organizations and some members of the public and professional opinion leaders, members of the two Houses of the Legislature were for weeks seen in secret meetings here and there, as lobbying intensified to ensure the smooth passage of the concession as usual. At one point, speculations surfaced that members of the Legislature were requesting US$5 million as kickbacks to ratify the agreement, an allegation they tried to refute, but even at the very Legislature, Reps. Aquarius Gray and Bhofal Chambers accused negotiators of Block 13 of violating
several sections of the country’s Petroleum Laws, claiming among other things, that they will not allow themselves to be used by the Executive to have a bad stigma on their image. Allegedly again, US$2.5 million was used in the end to lure the normally poor and unprincipled Legislature into the final ratification. FrontPage Africa reports that Madam Sirleaf breathed a sigh of relief on Monday April 8, 2013 at a cocktail reception in honor of the ExxonMobil executives who were in Monrovia to do the final pieces of the contract. At the occasion, which was held at the residence of US Ambassador Deborah Malac, Madam Sirleaf was quoted as saying, “Everyone knows that we have been trying our best to land the major players into our petroleum sector, and we found that we had landed THE BEST OF THE BEST in Exxon; we knew we were on our way; Sirleaf told the gathering, which included diplomats and her senior government officials. She said further, “It took a lot of work. There were many times when we went into hitches, but we are glad that it is now over. It has been a great adventure and we are so happy that that great adventure came to a successful conclusion with ExxonMobil being a great partner to Liberia”. The explanations above account in summary for how four of Liberia’s ten oil blocks were auctioned by Madam Sirleaf (the American “Wonder Girl”, like “Wonder Boy” Tubman during his days) and her government, including the most important block thus far, Block 13. All other contracts in the oil sector, as the Chronicle Newspaper narrated from the beginning of this section were signed in similar exploitative, cruel, myopic and corrupt manner. To seal this claim up, one of the few most astute members of the current Legislature, House of Representatives’ Ways, Means And Finance Chairman, Hon. Emanuel J. Nuquaye, in a May 8, 2012 letter to the Speaker of the House (published in the National Chronicles, Wednesday, May 9, 2012 edition) disclosed the result of his committee’s investigation of all of the existing 10 oil contracts [at the time] that they were all flawed. In Hon. Nuquaye’s direct words, “We established through NOCAL’s Report that all of the existing Production Sharing Contracts violated Sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.7 of the New Petroleum Law of 2002.” He further strengthened this assertion elsewhere in his communication as follows: “Today, Hon. Speaker and members, we are confronted with the same situation (referring to the awarding of contracts carelessly in the past) where 10 production sharing contract (PSCs) grossly and flagrantly violate our petroleum laws.” Even Block 13 that changed hands after Mr. Nuquay’s letter, still falls within these descriptions, including the few more following Block 13. Interestingly, just 4 months after hosting Chevron’s CEO, John Watson at her office to congratulate him, and to brief him about all that her government, Chevron Executives in Liberia, and the US Embassy had gone through to [criminally] secure Oil Blocks 11,12, and 14 for the company, a notoriously bloody-handed Ellen Johnson Sirleaf won the Nobel Peace Prize by October 2011, the same month she went on to win the so-called Presidential
Elections that gave her another 6 year mandate to be able to have more time to auction out our country’s remaining resources to her American partners in crime, when she Lied, Lied, and Lied repeatedly in the past that she wanted to set an example and a precedent in Liberia like what Nelson Mandela did in South Africa by just serving a single term. An America that spends billions, and trillions professedly promoting good governance, transparency and accountability, while also using billions and trillions of dollars purportedly fighting dictatorship and communism around the world has supported a bloodthirsty power seeker and they have fought to ensure that she succeeded in Liberia. The major ironies in this America-Ellen manipulation of Liberia continue to be for example: (a) How can a world superpower that professedly promotes and stands for good governance and transparency still be supporting a leader running the MOST CORRUPT COUNTRY in the whole world, according to very credible sources, including the very America? (b) How can the world most powerful democracy still be throwing its weight behind a country that has miserably failed to uphold the most basic principles of human rights and democracy, with such key growth capitals like social trust non-existent, to the extent that even the presidency can never be trusted for a moment?, and (c) How does America feel morally, pumping money over and over into the Liberian Governance System when it is established from all indications that this country runs the most fake of democratic institutions in the world, considering its old age and the level of support it enjoys regularly to build its democracy? (B). Somewhat Principle- Minded and Nationalistic Presidents (The Most Notable Ones) 1) William Richard Tolbert (1971-1980) - One of the greatest things President Charles Taylor would be remembered for in the eyes of the Plain Truth Revolution is how he classified each denomination of the country’s paper money printed during his regime by ordering them in some form of rankings based on his perceived outstanding presidents of the country with respect to performance. The Taylor Government was very discerning in this process to have ranked Liberian presidents in order of performance and importance by placing President Tolbert at the top, and then bringing President Doe next to Tolbert, as reflected in the current Liberian $100 and $50 respectively. Tolbert, in the eyes of the Plain Truth Revolution, was the most intelligent, most visionary and most productive leader of the American Settlers’ Liberia. This man understood the real meaning of sovereignty and independence as can be ascribed to a nation and a people. Among the many positive examples and sound leadership actions taken or performed by Tolbert are the below, according to the book, “ A Short History Of The First Liberian Republic” and other reliable sources: To grow the country’s economy, Tolbert improved the method of tax collection, stressed punctuality and enforced accountability Liberia never had its own plane or ship, and it still shamefully is today, but Tolbert’s predecessor, the American “Wonder Boy” Bill Tubman owned a private yacht. 18
months into Tolbert’s Administration, he had sold his former boss’ yacht [to put the proceeds into public use apparently] Tubman had his own street intelligence service, spying on his so-called and would be enemies. They were called Public Relations Officers (PRO) and were on government’s payroll. Out of the Civil Servants’ meager salaries, Tubman approved several payroll deductions from them, including deductions for his birthday celebrations each year and contributions to his True Wing Party, the party that effectively put Liberia under a one-party system for almost a century or more. Tolbert abolished all these senseless payroll deductions, closed down PRO service, and then increased Civil Servants salaries. Concession agreements under Tubman were so messy, with no sound provision in favor of the country. Tolbert reviewed several, if not all of the past contracts and made some major amendments. One notable case was that of the Firestone Contract, but intriguingly after a serious quarrel ensued between the Firestone Authorities and the Tolbert Government, represented by his brother and Finance Minister, Steven Tolbert over new proposed amendments from Government, Steve mysteriously died in a plane crash before the proposed Firestone amendments were negotiated, finalized and approved. Unlike almost all of Liberia’s Presidents, Tolbert never ran any form of puppet government. His foreign policy was grounded in genuine non-alignment, for him, the interest of Liberia and Africa surpassed all else in the truest sense of independence, and freedom of conscience. Tolbert’s Liberia established diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union, Cuba, China etc. (Eastern Bloc Countries, all of which are Communist Countries). It also severed ties with Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, although it kept supporting the US in Vietnam. Tolbert was the only Americo-Liberian President who could communicate intelligibly in an indigenous Liberian Language, Kpelle, and during his administration, the majority of Liberians began to take a greater pride in different aspects of their native or traditional culture, including dress code. Tolbert was the only Americo-Liberian President proudly noted for almost always matching his words with his deeds. For example, he believed in the full integration of all citizens from different backgrounds into mainstream society in pursuit of stability, development and shared prosperity through equal opportunities and mutual respect. This is how he pleaded his case in the only inaugural address he ever made as president in 1972: “These then are the makings of what we have chosen to call the Wholesome Functioning Society, a society which shall require the total, dynamic, and individual involvement of every Liberian, and of all, within our border for an ever spiraling advancement of productivity and achievement. Especially devoted to discipline and an order under law, the Wholesome Functioning Society must express concrete concern for the poor and underprivileged, and must ensure security and protection for its citizens, and their freedom from fear and intimidation. It must guarantee opportunities for all, with the corresponding responsibility that all must be equally dedicated, as a prerequisite, to enjoyment of the benefits to be derived therefrom.”
True to his inauguration speech, among other things, the Tolbert regime opened up the country’s foreign scholarship programs to more indigenous Liberians, thereby providing for an unprecedented opportunity for more Natives to get exposed and educated than any other time in the country’s 125 years plus history by then. Tolbert reportedly created additional colleges at the University of Liberia and improved enrollment levels. In line with his vision, he knew that Agriculture was the bedrock of the country’s economy and that small business was the engine of economic growth. As such, to be honest in demonstrating these concepts and beliefs, he took the first steps as an effective leader. Tolbert had a very large farm and was involved in different kinds of massive Agricultural productions, including rice production. Tolbert also ran the largest business establishment ever in Liberian-owned business history, a corporation (the right form of business for serious and productive people), and most interestingly a conglomerate, called the Mesurado Group of Companies. Moreover, cognizant of the fact that he needed to take some hardline approach to push everyone into these kinds of activities (especially taken into account the “slow wittiness and laziness” of the Liberian Society, without prejudice to our people who have been subjected to all these), instead of just making big, empty speeches all around the place, Tolbert introduced a very strong formula to first tackle the issue of food insecurity. After several verbal admonishments and encouragements for all to get back to the soil and produce food, and he saw that people were out for joke, Tolbert and his government announced a planned ban on the importation of the country’s staple, rice, and also a planned increase in price on any imported quantity of the product in the country at the time – with all these measures simply intended to push people to get back to the soil and produce just as the President himself was doing. William Tolbert was a free, open, responsive and tolerant leader and not a cruel selfish dictator like the rest of his fellow Americo-Liberian colleagues and elites. Just to prove this point, let’s give you two examples: (i)
When Tolbert visited the US in 1979, Charles Taylor, as head of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA), led a demonstration outside of the Liberian Mission in New York to protest Tolbert’s policies. Rather than ignore the rally leader, Tolbert asked Taylor to debate their bones of contention with him, the President. Taylor came forward and freely engaged the President in a public debate and outshined the President in the debate, but then went beyond his bounds by declaring that he (Taylor) would take over the Liberian Mission in New York. For this statement, he was arrested and jailed. Instead of pressing charges against the jailed rally leader as others would prefer, Tolbert, conscious of the fact that Taylor was just speaking out his mind, and also impressed at Taylor’s arguments, decided instead to invite Charles to Liberia so as to come and get a firsthand experience of how things were progressing back home. Taylor took advantage of the President’s invitation and came as part of a ULAA delegation.
After the deadly rice riots of April 14, 1979 that took away several lives and destroyed properties massively in Monrovia, the leaders of the riots, most of whom were people schooled by the Tolbert Administration mainly through foreign scholarships, were arrested and jailed as usual, but unlike other Americo-Liberian
leaders that would fight to get their proven or perceived political enemies killed one by one secretly or deal them severe pains, Tolbert, in a very short time freed all those that were placed behind bars. All of these and many more actions, programs, etc. proved that Mr. Tolbert meant too well for the Liberian state, 98% of which compromises the indigenous population; meaning, in short, that Tolbert strongly worked to lift the indigenous people out of their enduring state of destitution and deprivation. And as we said earlier, he spoke one of the indigenous languages fluently and he also constructed a huge family complex in the interior among the common people, the Belefana Farm, for example. As a result of all these strange developments from a president in an Americo-Liberian nation, established through evidence to pursue a very serious vendetta against the tribal people, Tolbert had dug his own grave. Struggling to play the twin mother role – i.e. remaining committed to his Americo-Liberian background while at the same time fighting the cause of the indigenous population, Tolbert got easily knocked down by traffic in the middle of the road. By bringing into several levels of government young and qualified indigenous Liberians, Tolbert got into serious trouble with his True Whig Party’s Old Guards, who were now working out every modality behind the scenes to dump Tolbert. By attempting to make Liberia self-sufficient in food, and pursuing a genuine nonalignment agenda, whereby he set up embassies and exchanged ambassadors with key eastern bloc countries, the United States, in addition to their defecto anger about Tolbert’s pursuit of better lives for the indigenous, was also doing everything possible behind the scenes to see Mr. Tolbert’s downfall, as Liberia, truly in the eyes of America, was never meant to exercise genuine independence. Just as they had allegedly masterminded Steve Tolbert’s mysterious death over the Firestone Contract amendment saga, the United States also allegedly cleverly pitted Tolbert’s own educated Natives to hunt him down since he loved them so much and would be so over-tolerant” with them. The Progressive Alliance Of Liberia, PAL (that shook the foundations of the Tolbert Government until his allegedly assisted brutal killing by an illiterate and ill-prepared Samuel K. Doe, who would then govern like a lost ball in high weeds for long before waking up to smell the coffee) was established right in New York, the USA in 1975 under the leadership of Gabriel Baccus Matthews, who was serving as an official of the Liberian Consulate in New York. In further demonstration of America’s support for Tolbert’s brutal killing by Doe’s People’s Redemption Council (PRC), history has it that even though this PRC came to power unconstitutionally, it was quickly recognized officially by the world’s greatest example of democracy and civilization, America. Shortly after the April 12, 1980 coup, the US Government provided a $43.5 million loan to the military junta to construct housing units for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia. President Ronald Raegan quickly and unprecedentedly increased financial aid to Samuel Doe’s Liberia from the previous $20 million in 1979 to $75 million per year beginning 1981. Between 1980 and 1986, Samuel Doe Liberia had received over half a billion US Dollar in financial aid (not loan), the highest ever between 1848 and 1981. When Samuel Doe dishonorably rigged the elections of 1985, this is how the then US
Secretary of State for African Affairs, Chester A. Crocker put it when he testified about the elections before Congress. He said that the election was imperfect, but at least, it was a first step towards democracy (although Chester knew Liberia started practicing democracy since 1847, when her first elections were held September 27, 1847 and after this, people went to the polls to vote after every two years up to the 1900s, and then after every 4 years after the early 1900s). He further justified his support for the results with the claim that in any case, all African elections were known to be rigged. Mr. Crocker was saying this when almost all of the foreign observers at the polls had declared the elections massively fraudulent and most of the elected opposition candidates had refused to take up their seats. Finally, although Tolbert, as a mortal man, had his own negative side, he proved to have meant excellently well for the larger population of the country, and from the records we have about America’s support to leaders before and after Tolbert who danced strictly to the American tone, it can safely be concluded that Tolbert’s gruesome murder and the crushing of his government was masterminded by America herself and facilitated by aggrieved Americo Liberians over his closeness with the indigenous people. 2) Samuel K. Doe (1980 – 1990) - Although he came to power barbarically and unconstitutionally, while at the same time ill-prepared and immature, just by the fact that Doe was a Native, the only one thus far in the Black American Settlers’ Liberian History, he was naturally nationalistic and had that true love for his mother country. Even though he was blundering here and there to the taste of America, while enjoying their assistance in his ignorance, Doe moved ahead to equip himself intellectually and began reading between the lines with the passage of time. He became more aggressive at undertaking development projects and embarking on more reform agendas, especially beginning the middle part of his administration to his part of gruesome demise. America, and her Americo-Liberians again, started getting apprehensive that the indigenous were improving and getting more powerful under Doe. As usual, it was now time to use intelligent tactics to entrap Doe. Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and others, from their bases in America, cleverly devised a wedge between Samuel Doe and Thomas Quiwankpa, both high ranking members of the ruling military junta. This wedge degenerated into a big sectional or tribal divide between the tribes of the both men, which interestingly, have had some earlier history of tribal minor conflict. According to, Madam Sirleaf was caught on tape in company with the coup implementer, Thomas Quiwankpa in November of 1985. When this coup failed, and Gen. Quiwonkpa was killed by Doe, the stage was now perfectly set for the real bloodbath to come. Coup d’état was no more a workable choice for both America and her Americo Liberians. It was now time to engage into a full scale war, as Doe too had become wise up to their dirty plans, and was now more stubborn and powerful. The best foot soldiers in the anti-Doe campaign eventually became Quiwonkpa’s tribal people, the Gios or Dans, who too as a result of Quiwondpa’s failed coup had unfortunately turned into Doe’s worst targets.
America, world’s biggest advocate of moral rectitude, good governance and democracy, with all their very sophisticated prison facilities, reportedly announced to the world that Charles Taylor, the man that would eventually lead the bloody campaign against Doe, as the military leader of the rebellion, had broken jail in Boston, Massachusetts. Taylor, an American CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) agent, also working within the Doe Government as a top official had allegedly stolen US$900,000 from the Liberian Government coffers, fled to his home, America; was arrested and imprisoned awaiting extradition to Liberia at Doe’s formal request before he broke jail and resurfaced as rebel leader against Mr. Doe a few years later. Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who possibly had been instrumental in the facilitation of Taylor’s alleged jail break from the Plymouth Corrections Palace, now worked along with this indicted criminal from their usual base in America to establish one of the deadliest rebel groups in African history to come and unseat the Doe Government. They planned and worked from America; came down with their war, and they succeeded at killing over 500,000 of our people, almost all indigenous, and then killing Samuel K. Doe in the end, just to ironically take their country back from the hands of its original owners – the 16 indigenous Ethnic African communities. America, now was happy that her so-called freed slaves had regained their country, after a poor Native, who was given the opportunity to accomplish certain mission for them had now become wise up and was refusing to be used as a perpetual stooge any longer. These have been the two most productive presidents thus far in the American Settlers’ Liberian History; but more importantly, they have been the only two, leaning more on the side of improving the indigenous lives; and for this reason they have had the devil to pay, by being the only two to be brutally killed, according to available information since the country was established in 1822, although the murky story of President E. J. Roye could designate him as a possible 3rd candidate to match a little bit of these qualifications. America still has yet something to explain about these two deaths. 8. Our land has been a strategic reserve for critically needed resources for America at very timely bases, but they have always been ungrateful and cruel to us, by dishonestly duping us out of these much needed resources, which in the end benefit them so immensely beyond measure. Working in cohort with their Americo-Liberians in criminally exploiting these resources from our land under the cloak of legitimate or official deals will never be an excuse to consider here. Let’s bring you the actual story behind rubber, iron ore, and recently natural oil, with respect to this claim #8: A. RUBBER – According to, Harvey Firestone had just struck a deal with the Ford Motors Corporation to produce tires for this giant vehicle manufacturer, but Britain, who was producing 75% of the world’s rubber at the time while America was consuming 70% of this production, decided to cut down, or completely cut off its rubber production from her colonies of Ceylon (now Sri
Lanka) and Malaya (now Malaysia) through the James Stevenson Act of January 1, 1922. US business interest was adversely affected by this British protectionist scheme (the James Stevenson Act), as any 1 cent per pound increase in the price of rubber at the time meant a financial loss of $8 million to the American economy as it consumed 2/3rds of the world’s total rubber output at the time . This clampdown or cut in the flow of raw material from Britain was a grave economic pain for young corporate America. Due to the toll that this situation was placing on the US Economy, Congress immediately enacted a bill in 1922 providing up to $0.5 million for an assessment of possibilities for America to obtain natural rubber resources independent of European connections. Known for the slogan, “America must grow her own rubber,” Firestone had carried out some lobbying at the Whitehouse and the Department of Commerce prior to this congressional action. With this clear signal from the US Congress, industry leaders launched their expeditions for the cultivation of natural rubber. The Ford Motor Company decided (as its contribution to the process) not to leave this challenge with its tire manufacturer, Firestone alone. So Ford began exploring some opportunities right home, in Florida; nothing yielded; it then went onto Brazil, where bad relations invited massive failures as well. Goodyear, another American tire giant, went to Costa Rica, and failed. Firestone sent teams next door to Mexico, and then to Philippines, and all these became failures. Political instability in Mexico, and anti-America sentiments in Philippines etc. aborted the missions. He then dispatched another team to their West African Farm, Liberia, as they’ve strategically envisaged it when they were recognizing Liberia’s independence in 1862, i.e. for pure business purpose. The reports from his experts dispatched to Liberia satisfied Firestone, and he decided to move on quickly, declaring, “We are trapped in a maneuver for British imperial advantage…….we can minimize the immediate cost to America by meeting an invading nationalism with a defending nationalism.” When the bill granting the Firestone Concession was introduced in the Black Settlers’ Legislature for approval, it was met with tremendous opposition for its unimaginably exploitative terms and conditions. However, President Charles King, former President Arthur Barclay, Secretary Of State Edwin Barclay, and Senator William Tubman, original sponsor of the bill, staunchly advocated and defended the bill. Arthur Barclay and Bill Tubman were already Firestone’s Private Lawyers, eventually, the bill for Firestone was passed, giving the company 1 million acres of land at @6 cents per acre, for 99 years, 1% tax on the value of rubber exported, no compensation for those to be evicted from lands to be used for planting (since these were tribal people and had no value), almost free labor to be provided by government (which eventually would be forciby recruited from among the same indigenous people using Liberia’s combat trained military forces, the so-called AFL today) etc. At the final signing ceremony, Harvey Firestone made the following remarks “The greatest concession of its kind ever made has now been realized.” This billion dollar company, Firestone, then went on now to operate the world’s
largest rubber plantation in Liberia from a deal that government NEVER one day received up to a straight $7,000 in any lump sum payment out of. The terms, conditions and realities surrounding this contract shocked the whole world to the extent that people from all walks of human life voiced their concerns and oppositions against it. For example, the 99 year duration was so strange to both Common law and American Jurisprudence. When Lord Leverhulme for instance, wanted to undertake a palm oil plantation in West Africa on a lease of 99 years, under Common Law, that number of years was considered void because the lease period was considered unreasonable. In England too, an Act forbade aliens from acquiring such leasehold interest by deed from a lessor. The principle is further reinforced in certain states in the US Federation, where constitutional provisions prohibit land ownership. In Morrison (Tennessee or Illinois, in the US), for example, a court held that a lease of 99 years is such an unreasonably long period that it falls within the constitutional prohibition of alien land ownership. Some official of Liberian Government opposed the deal. Secretary of State Edwin Barclay, who initially supported the bill in the Legislature, now somersaulted in strong opposition, especially to the extra compulsory loan offered by Firestone to enable him completely grab Liberia by the short hairs. In this direction, Barclay dispatched a strongly worded letter of opposition to the Chief American Diplomat in Monrovia at the time, but Washington, through then Secretary Of State, Robert Kellogg, responded in a communication warning Monrovia to accept all of Firestone’s offers. This is how secretary of state Kellogg put it, “It would seem most unfortunate should a disagreement as to the exact terms of a loan prevent or delay the conclusion of a contract, which will, in all probability be of immense advantage to Liberia.” Professor Raymond Leslie Buell of Harvard criticized the Firestone Labor Recruitment Arrangement. He said Firestone was getting recruits and creating a financially profitable activity for the Liberian Government by establishing a labor procurement system that was similar to the compulsory labor practice observed in European colonies at the time. Buell said Harvey Firestone was bound to run into demographic impossibilities from his statement that labor was “inexhaustible” in Liberia and that it would take 350,000 men to satisfy his (Firestone’s) plantation requirements. Even Cuthbert Christy of the League of Nations revealed that Firestone was Liberia’s major problem. Also, a Dutch Financial Expert attending one of the League’s meetings described the Firestone Arrangement as unfortunate, and that the Firestone workforce was a “dead loss” to Liberia in view of the population density of the country. He said it was in Liberia’s best interest for Firestone to leave the country. This multibillion dollar company still draws money out of our country up to this 2016 with even more empowered mandate for further unheard-of exploitation.
(B) IRON ORE - Iron Ore mining in Liberia started with an American Company, the Bethlehem Steel, in 1945, in another “laugh all the way to the bank” deal. Tubman gave a 3 million acre concession to Bethlehem Steel (later renamed Liberia Mining Company to make fool out of the Liberian public) to mine iron ore principally, and then to extract other valuable mineral resources free of charge for 80 years from the Bomi Hills. In around 32 years, of this sweetheart deal, Bethlehem Steel had quickly exploited all of the iron ore and mineral resources and she closed down. Tubman also gave away a deposit of over 250 million tons of our high grade iron ore to another joint venture dominated by the Americans, called LAMCO, for 70 years, in 1953. (C) NATURAL OIL - According to the US Foreign Service Publication, ProPublica, the scramble for natural oil deposits in Liberia stems from a deep US energy security interest. According to this source, the US had been pursuing oil exploration possibilities around the world, including West Africa, in order to be less reliant on oil producing nations in the volatile Middle East before this issue of potential oil deposits being in Liberia emerged. In one of their leaked diplomatic cables, a source whose name was redacted (withheld) according to ProPublica, cautioned that if Chevron backed out of the Liberian deal [because of the surrounding corruption and other legal concerns], the Liberian oil field would be taken over by Russian and Chinese firms, implying that American companies, through hook or crook, must take charge of the Liberian oil wealth, as the case currently is. It continues to sadly be like this all because gaining such UNFAIR business advantage over others in the Liberian natural resource feast is the primary reason for which America recognized this country’s so-called independence in 1862. As a result of the suggestion from this cable, American companies now have control over 8 or more of the more than 10 oil blocks auctioned thus far by Madam Sirleaf and her government in deals in which Liberia logically has an aggregate 3% equity stake, out of a required 20%; no future stock purchase provisions or guarantees, and a 0.083% royalty stake out of a required 18%, as the drilling of this precious resource has already begun. (National Chronicle, April 26, 2012, May 3, 2012 and May 9, 2012). 9. Absolutely all of the outstanding experiences of misery, bloodshed, hardship, agony and so forth that have befallen the 16 tribal communities of this country since that fateful December 1816 meeting at the Davis Hotel in Washington D.C. to establish the American Colonization Society have had their roots and support from America. Let’s just zero in on the major bloody experiences and civil crises in recent years: a. April 14, 1979 Rice Riots – PAL, or the Progressive Alliance of Liberia was the brain behind the Rice Riot, which was a major precursor to the 1980 coup. PAL was organized in the United States of America in 1975 under the leadership of Gabriel Bacchus Matthews, who was then the Vice Consul at the Liberia Consulate in New York. b. The 1985 Coup – reliable sources have it that after the 1985 elections that were allegedly rigged by President Samuel Doe, and his NDPL (National Democratic Party of
Liberia), Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a US educated person and permanent resident, who had come down to Liberia for some elected position, but was frustrated about the election results, ran back to the United States and began campaigning for economic sanctions against the NDPL Government. This endeavor did not seem to be yielding fruit, so Ellen is next best option was to plan a coup against the Doe Government from her base in America. Ellen was briefly locked up by the government after she was reportedly caught on tape in the company of the coup makers in November 1985. This particular political maneuver by Madam Sirleaf did not only lead to the death of Gen. Quiwonkpa, as we’ve pointed out repeatedly in all of our work, but also led to a deadly tribal divide between the Krahns on the one hand and the Gios and Manos on the other hand that plunged the entire nation into an uncontrollable carnage and mayhem. c. The First Liberian Civil War (1989-1997) – the group that initiated and was the major actor in this war was the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), which was established by three (3) persons based in the United States of America, including Charles Taylor, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Tom Woewiyu. To really corroborate the American support, Charles Taylor, an employee of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and also a high official in the Doe Government who allegedly stole $900,000 from the Liberian Government coffers and fled with it to the United States, was arrested by the US Government and jailed, and while awaiting extradition to Liberia, got reportedly freed by the US Authorities and encouraged to work along with another key American permanent resident (probably a bona fide American citizen), Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, to plan and execute a full scale war against the Liberian State, over 98% of which comprises tribal Africans – who had earlier been described as wild beasts by the Americo Liberians. The US, which is a widely known mother of democracy and modern civilization is meanwhile all around the world using trillions of dollars in the name of imposing human decency, rule of law, and the promotion of democratic tenets and governance. The United States for example used around $320 billion (2008 dollar equivalent) to intervene in a Korean domestic affair between 1950 and 1953, professedly fighting to impose modern democracy. From 1965 to 1975, it cost US tax payers around $686 billion (2008 dollar equivalent) to go fighting against the spread of communism in Vietnam, to no fruition (US Congressional Research Service Report of July 2008). The Second Liberian Civil War (1999-2003) – the initiator and major player in these rounds of bloodbaths in the country were the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), another group whose establishment is evidently linked again to US permanent resident and probable citizen, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. LURD also had a strong indirect US Government support. A WikiLeaks’ early 2014 revelation establishes Madam Sirleaf’s link with LURD, while Wikipedia also reports that based on Charles Taylor’s support for the Revolutionary United Front Rebels of Sierra Leone (RUF), Great Britain and America began pumping money in support to the Guinean Government, who in turn was providing all of the support to LURD. Ironically, the same vices (cruelties) that America was supporting in the case of LURD here (that is, raining terror on innocent people for power and wealth, or going against the tenets of democracy in pursuit of power and wealth etc.) are almost the same vices America was, and even to date, continues to use billions and trillions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya etc. to fight against, just as mentioned
in other cases in point (c) above. In a recent daily’s report, America’s Operation Enduring Freedom, intended professedly to free Afghanistan from terrorism and other forms of political vices, is now costing the US Government roughly $10 billion per month. According to this same source, the US Military had spent about $1 billion so far in Libya, playing a bigger role than it had anticipated earlier, quietly implementing an emerging covert intervention strategy that the Obama Administration hopes will let America fight small wars with a barely detectable foot print. Even more incredibly, according to while the bush administration in 2003 estimated the cost of the Iraq War (Operation Iraq Freedom) to be around $50 to $60 billion, a new report released in early 2013 indicated that the total US taxpayers’ money spent on Iraq had climbed up to $1.7 trillion, according to the Cost Of War Project. And the numbers keep rising. When future disability payment for veterans, interest payments, and other expenses are taken into account, the source opined, the total cost of the Iraq War could surpass $6 trillion. This is just a tip of the iceberg considering what America is spending around the world in the name of combating political and social vices, but this same America sits there and proudly allows people to persistently use her backyard and her resources to wreak havoc on Liberia in the name of revolution when there are proven other ways to revolutionize a country apart from the culture of getting into the bushes every time to destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of people; to displace and exile millions, and to destroy priceless amount of properties, thus setting lives far back every time. This is the kind of relationship we can boast of with America for almost two centuries now, as indigenous people of this country, which brings us to the strong conclusion that currently, America neither has a legal two feet to stand on, nor do they have any moral grounds to reject or even delay a positive response to our demands for some huge reparation settlement from them now. More frustratingly here, in addition to the long NASTY trend discussed above, whereby people comfortably base themselves in the United States and successfully plan and execute mayhem and terror against Liberia with impunity, America also has turned itself into an unequivocal safe haven for Liberian criminals, and a big PROMOTER of impunity in the country. Three examples follow: Liberian President Charles King was implicated into a series of crimes ranging from the illegal use of the Liberia Frontier Force (LFF, now called Armed Forces of Liberia or AFL) by his government against the Natives to the illegal shipment of our indigenous people as “human cargo” to Fernando Poo and Gabon by the Cuthbert Christy Commission in the early 1930s. The Commission even pointed out in its report that King, his Vice President Yancy, and other officials were receiving $45 for each living head of indigenous men and boys they exported to Fernando Poo, and that they used the LFF to forcibly grab these powerless, innocent people. This indictment caused Charles King, along with his V.P. Allen Yancy, based on the advice of William Tubman, a lawyer, and relative of Charles King, to quickly resign and escape impeachment and subsequent legal proceedings. Charles King resigned and was never prosecuted. When
his relative, Tubman, became president, indicted Charles King was appointed by Tubman as Minister (Consul) to Washington DC, and was elevated to Liberia’s first Ambassador to the United States from 1952 to 1952 (A Short History of The First Liberian Republic). A strong advocate of transparency and rule of law, and a perfect dictator to Liberia, America never opposed this kind of gross disrespect for decency from a morally and mentally bankrupt Liberian leadership. According to Liberian History, when the 1980 coup took place, a guest that had come at the invitation of the victim of the coup, murdered Tolbert, Charles Taylor, swiftly took advantage of the existing anarchy and secured himself the position of Director General of the General Services Agency, or the GSA, from the military junta that had just gruesomely killed his host, Tolbert. Shortly after this development, Taylor was charged by the Liberian Government for embezzling $900,000, as we have repeated in other narrations above. As Americo-Liberian criminals normally do, Taylor fled back to his home, the United States. Nevertheless, Liberia requested the American Authorities to send Taylor back to stand trial. The US Government in response, arrested and jailed Taylor, pending extradition; lo and behold, this was a scam. Few years later, CIA Employee, Taylor surfaced as leader of one of the deadliest rebel groups in African History against the Doe Government. In mid-2013, the Liberian Government indicted dual citizenship holder (Liberian and American citizenships), Ellen Corkrum, and others for multiple crimes, including economic sabotage, theft of property, criminal conspiracy etc., but the same government intriguingly helped indicted Corkrum to flee back to their home, the United States. In another scam move as usual (though not like in the Taylor’s case), the Liberian Government reportedly filed for an extradition of Madam Corkrum (the People, Friday, August 2, 2013; the Informer, August 14, 2013 etc.). Later, Madam Corkrum, in conversation with journalists from her comfort in America, dismissed the Liberian Government’s claim of ever officially requesting her extradition. She also dismissed claims that she had run away to avoid charges, concluding with a strong condemnation of the Liberian Justice System. 10. Apart from conniving regularly with Americo-Liberian belly-driven and visionless leaders to massively pillage our country’s natural and other resources, as we have sufficiently dealt with above, America has also dishonorably been in the business of wanting to please her former slaves (her Americo-Liberians) as a probable means of healing some perceived wounds created some time along the way in history, and in the process, continue to damage the lives of people from 16 distinct Ethnic African communities of the country while at the same time exposing themselves (America) and Liberia to open disgrace in the eyes of the rest of the world. Most of America’s actions intended to somewhat appease her Americo-Liberians have, to the opposite, caused Liberia to sell her own birthright explicitly or damage her own image, damage her little financial and other resources, while also exposing her mental inferiority and very deep limitations to peers within in the comity of nations. For example, the United States Government knows that her former slaves sent here lack all forms of discipline and moral rectitude, talk less about maturity and self-governance, but she has never taken any major steps before to inculcate discipline into these people or to openly ‘punish’
them at times in an attempt to get things right at least. Most actions by the US, on the opposite, have exacerbated the bad side of things with respect to this toxic situation. In fact, ironically, because it’s in America’s best interest when these former slave descendants and owners of Liberia keep behaving foolishly (mismanaging loans, grants and other financial aids and mortgaging the country’s resources for peanuts etc. or just absolutely being very careless about the economy of the country), the United States promotes their foolishness and creates room for them to do more, at the saddest detriment of the poor, 16 ethnic communities of the land. Let’s prove these strong claims with a few examples here as follows: a. This trend started with the issue of Liberia’s request for independence. According to the book, “Liberian History Up To 1847, on April 15, 1845, the Little Ben, a British owned vessel, was seized in Grand Bassa County for violating the customs regulations of the Liberian Commonwealth, a non-independent territorial arrangement and a quassi protectorate of the already bankrupt American Colonization Society. The British wasted no time in demonstrating power by taking their vessel back from weak and insignificant Liberia, but to teach Liberia further lesson, the British extended their fury to seizing a Liberian private boat (the John Seys), belonging to alleged human (i.e. indigenous people’s trafficker), Stephen Allen Benson. The British took the seized vessel, John Seys, along with them to Sierra Leone and charged the vessel, or at least its owner (apparently assuming that the boat belonged to the commonwealth) with slavery. In Freetown, a court found the Liberian Boat (or the owners of the boat) not guilty for slavery and freed it. Governor Joseph Jenkins Roberts took up this matter up with the ACS. In the end, a racist and bankrupt ACS, which knew very well that Liberia was nowhere yet in terms of self-governance, criminal rehabilitation, maturity and education etc. proposed to J.J. Roberts that the best way to have prevented these kinds of inconveniences was, to the taste of the already indiscipline Black American criminals, for Liberia to declare her independence. The ACS communicated this opinion to Liberia on January 18, 1846 this way, “That the time has come when it was expedient for the people of the commonwealth of Liberia to take into their own hands the whole work of self-government, including the management of all their foreign relations.” Based on this advice, an already unprincipled and less perceptive, less intelligent and indiscipline Liberia quickly declared her independence from this mere business club, the ACS, so interestingly on a kind of silver platter like this. Liberia got independent when she sadly could not point to any genuine school building, healthcare facility, or road, talk less about any soundly educated persons within such group that was yearning for this independence. So the country’s foundation was laid sadly by a bunch of strictly illiterate and poor numbskulls. Knowing very well that this wasn’t a reliable national arrangement, America herself shamefully was hesitant for more than 14 years to recognize the independence of a country that their own ACS had granted independence to. All through history, America dishonorably has been skeptical about Liberia’s ability for self-governance, and these skepticisms have proven right for almost 200 years now.
America has repeatedly been giving out loans, or been part of, or supported repeated processes that give out loans and other forms of financial assistances to a so-called elite hegemony that utterly lacks all financial management and all other forms of managerial and administrative skills. Over and over again, under the Americo-Liberians, this country has shown no record of ever one day paying back any loan completely and independently or even accounting for a loan or any form of financial package appropriately. America has never convincingly clamped down hard on any Liberian leadership for stealing, misapplying, or mismanaging loans and grant moneys (the bedrocks of the country’s economy); but instead, has resolved to be repeatedly lending Liberia money and giving them grants in the midst of all these embarrassments; apparently, because some huge benefits go back to America behind the scenes. One good explanation behind this American action has been that it’s common knowledge that each loan, grant or aid extended is accompanied by American citizens who come as expatriates to implement earmarked projects , and in the process, they enrich themselves by carrying back the same monies through very fat salaries and compensations. And moreover, each mismanaged financial package creates a good room for the further exploitation of Liberia’s many vulnerable natural resources in place of that mismanaged financial package. Over 150 years now, America always dishes out huge financial packages for good governance or the development of certain sectors within the country’s socio-economic and political landscapes like healthcare, education, business etc., though almost 2 centuries on, nothing substantial can Liberia ever produce in any of these sectors, while very generous America still continues to pump in more financial support even up to this 2016. Let’s look at a few key examples that substantiate all the claims again, only in this section: (i)
Some historical account has it that few years after Liberia’s mickey mouse independence, the country started receiving various forms of financial packages, including grants and aids from philanthropic bodies and individuals in the United States, but as early as 1864, a Legislative inquiry into the issue of corruption and the stealing of borrowed funds from government’s coffers, conducted by a special committee reported that over One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) had been embezzled by Steven Allen Benson, the man for whose private vessel, the John Seys, Liberia rushed into her premature independence.
In 1871, the Liberian Government contracted a $500,000 loan from one British firm. The loan was concluded by President E.J. Roye, assisted by Secretary Of State Hilary R. W. Johnson (the speculated grandfather of current Americo-Liberian President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf), the Liberian Consul General in London, David Chinery, and another Liberian Government official, only referred to as one Anderson. To complicate matters, Anderson is reported to have fled with an unspecified amount of this money to an undisclosed location. In the end, Liberia only received $135,000 out of a $500,000 loan to be paid back in 35 years with huge annually compounded interest. With the overthrow and subsequent alleged murder of E.J. Roye, the fate of the balance $135,000 was even shadier. Liberia was never able to pay back this loan.
By the time of Arthur Barclay’s presidency, Liberia’s economic condition had badly worsened again. The country was in search of a new loan to both attend to her employees’ payroll and to pay her ever-climbing 1871 failed loan. As this Black American country has never been a responsible and active revenue generating country, but a dreadful consuming country, her only economic solution was to find another new loan. Arthur Barclay had to make a lot of concessions and compromises to make this new loan possible by 1906. In this direction, Barclay took some ridiculous and unprecedented steps, including the following: Because Britain, the source of the new loan, complaint consistently about Monrovia’s ill-treatment of the tribal people and the hinterland, Barclay PRETENTIOUSLY granted an unconditional citizenship to all indigenous people (the savages) for the first time, 57 years after independence, in 1904. This move, however also made it easier to justify an upcoming policy to ‘extort’ $1.00 out of each hut in the interior in the name of taxes, according to reliable sources. There was a concession company exploiting wild rubber in Liberia, called the Liberia Rubber Company (LRC), owned by a Briton, Sir Harry Johnson. Since this loan was to come from Britain, and Liberia was in a “financial bad book” with Britain from the mismanagement of the 1871 loan, President Barclay needed to sell all of his, and his country’s birth rights to Sir Johnson in order for him to convince the Britons on Barclay’s behalf. America knows all this story. Liberia adopted the British pound sterling as its official currency and invited the British Bank of West Africa, which became the only bank in the country. This was not enough Barclay assured Johnson that upon getting the loan, he would give his government’s targeted project of building some few miles of road to Johnston’s company, although the LRC was a wild rubber exploitation company. In this respect, Barclay and Johnson quickly worked to change the Liberia Rubber Company to the Liberia Development Company (LDC). Barclay gave LDC rights over Liberia’s four existing countries and gave him right to prospect for any other minerals, like gold and diamond, in two of the four countries. The LDC also had the right to establish its own police force to man its areas of operations etc., when Liberia never had one police force since its Mickey Mouse independence. The $500,000 loan was then approved and disbursed by Erlanger & company in 1906. The company demanded an extra “flexibility fee of $30,000 annually, apart from the interest and actual principal payment. Barclay transferred $200,000 of this amount to Sir Johnston’s LDC to construct roads in Liberia. Barclay also gave Johnston a personal loan of $35,000 from the balance. Although not explicitly mentioned, Barclay probably paid $105,000 against Liberia’s old 1871 loan, and the Liberian Government was left with $160,000, which she used to purchase two vehicles and to build few miles of near Monrovia. The country had gotten into another trouble with people’s money.
(iii) Liberia was now in a big mess with Britain, the only country that could easily extend her loans at the time, and economic hell was already racing in Liberia. The country now began to cry on “Mama” America in just 4 to 5 years’ time for intervention as it could not pay the first few installments of this new loan. Liberia was begging America to help her secure around $2 million again in loan from any other source possible, but as a matter of their normal culture, the Americo-Liberian elite had to add some flavor of lies to make their case strong. They complaint that they were
under serious threat of encroachment from Britain and France, and as such needed to fight back – as if they could ever. Although some encroachment was actually going on, Liberia’s true intent for this loan was not to use it to fight back because they knew they never had the intelligence and skills to do so, and they will NEVER have the required intelligence and skills to EVER do so in this life. Their only targets were to pay back some of their troubling arrears with British firms; to pay government workers some back pay; and as a culture, to steal the balance. The United States, knowing the mess about Liberia’s handling of money that has never, and will never improve, owing to the inherent character of the people in charge of things, managed to join Britain, France and Germany to approve a US$1.7 million loan for Liberia in 1912. It was not easy though, to convince the US Congress to approve this move by Washington. President William Howard Taft had to devote a considerable portion of his first inaugural address to Congress on December 7, 1909 to the Liberian question, noting the historical ties between the two nations that in his words, give an opening for a wider intervention when Liberia complaint to America that she was faced with serious external threats. Here is an excerpt of what President Taft told congress “It will be remembered that the interest of the United States in the Republic of Liberia springs from the historical fact of the foundation in an early treaty with Liberia, in which there is a provision under which the United States may be called upon for advice or assistance. Pursuant to this provision, and in the spirit of the moral relationship of the US to Liberia……” At this point, America had established that the best way to handle this stupid offshoot of theirs and its predominantly foolish leaders was to massively exploit and make mockery of their so-called independence. So in the end, $1.7 million was approved and ready for disbursement to foolish Liberia, but with very ignominious and terribly exploitative conditions. America placed Liberia into something called financial receivership for the administration of this loan, whereby the Liberian President was compelled to appoint an American to serve both as the General Receiver and Financial Advisor to the Liberian President. Britain, France and Germany provided Subordinate Receivers to administer this one loan given to a socalled independent country – with all this happening under the supervision of “Uncle Sam.” An American officer came down to replace the then British Commander of the Liberia Frontier Force (LFF), now Armed Forces of Liberia. This loan retired the 1906 loan, and customs collection was booming; initial installments were been collected by the Western financial experts who themselves were in charge of revenue collection, and these foreign experts’ fabulous salaries, as usual, were forthcoming until 1914 when other interferences like World War I effects etc. stepped in, and things started declining. The Liberian Government, also in line with the terms of the agreement, which provided for them to effect some changes in the interior governance of the country, began to deliberately renege, as this however; (meaning, living up to the terms of agreements), has always never
been a priority in the Setters’ Liberia. To add insult to injury, because the Liberian President was responsible for approving allotments made by the foreign financial experts, the Liberian Government decided to cut down the salaries of receivers and reduce the loan installment payments. Hell broke loose and America got mad. Then Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, evidently angered over the conduct of the Liberian Government, dispatched a strongly worded massage to Monrovia warning that his government could no longer be subjected to criticisms from the other foreign powers, as regards the operations of the loan agreement. In Lansing’s words, “The United States can no longer countenance the failure of the Liberian Government to carry out administrative reforms.” He then gave an ultimatum that unless the Liberian Government immediately increased the power of the US General Receiver, Liberia could no longer count on US cooperation. This general lesson was not enough for America to begin prevailing upon Liberia to practice some form of austerity and begin focusing more on generating its own revenue rather than always borrowing and seeking grants and largesse all around the place to even pay government workers. The 1912’s $1.7 million loan money was soon exhausted with Liberia heavily strangulated again. (iv) By 1918, Liberia again was virtually praying to America to grant her a $5 million loan to be able to pay off her $1.7 million arrears that was growing by the years in interest. Based on her stupid economic policies and her nasty loan record, the US Congress rejected this request, but something good was in the pipeline for Liberia in 6 to 7 years’ time, and since this was a government loan (i.e. the $1.7 million) that no one could be placed behind bars for it, the government managed and held on with their ever growing arrears all around the place, both domestic and international. When America and Firestone had gone from place to place in search of suitable land for massive rubber production and they failed, but got the green light in Liberia, astute, but also exploitative businessman Harvey Firestone, fortunate to have met a bunch of economic fools, clutching at straws, decided to entrap them in a $5 million loan from his personal pocket so as to enslave his landlord, the stupid Liberian Government for life, as he exploited the country for 99 years. Firestone was doing all this with the explicit backing of the US Government. Firestone knew very well that the Liberian Government would never independently pay this $5 million loan with a 7% interest compounded annually, so he forced them, with the backing of the US Government, to accept this loan during the signing of the 1926 Firestone 99 year, 1 million acres @ 6 cents per acre, 1% tax on each ton or so, of exported rubber etc. concession agreement (please read about the “K” Clause in the 1926 Firestone Agreement). Furious about this painful mandatory condition attached to the Firestone Agreement, this is how then secretary of State Edwin Barclay addressed the American
Government about the issue, “The fundamental position which the Liberia Government takes upon this question is that it is politically unadvisable in our view to place the Republic under financial obligations to any private concerns operating in the country under grants from the US Government. This is a line of policy from which there can be no departure. Secondly, in the changed conditions which now obtain in the country, no loan could be negotiated with a private concern upon the terms and conditions of the agreement negotiated by the Liberian Mission to the US in 1921. The reason being that any rights the Liberian Government, for political purposes, would be willing, with every confidence to accord to the Government of the United States or any obligations which they would be willing to assume vis a vis said government, they can neither find themselves able to accord, nor undertake towards a private concern however well recommended.” Washington responded to Liberia’s position through E.J. Barclay in a letter from Secretary of State Robert Kellogg that warned Liberia, among other things as follows: ”It would seem most unfortunate should a disagreement as to the exact terms of a loan prevent or delay the conclusion of a contract which will in all probability be of immense advantage to Liberia” Liberia, already pushed against the wall economically as usual, was compelled to comply with the ‘K” Clause and accept the $5 million loan from private Businessman Harvey Firestone’s pocket as he took control of fertile Liberian soils and the country’s free and inexhaustible indigenous labor force to begin his billion dollar rubber project. Firestone knew that the Liberian authorities were irresponsible, so he did not disburse the $5million to them; instead, he himself held the money, brought in a financial management subsidiary of his company, called the Finance Corporation of America to take on the whole Liberian financial sector. It was this group that collected all of Liberia’s revenues and they were the ones who disbursed the $5million loan according to their own wisdom. Since Liberia was in different arrears starting mainly in 1871, although the Daniel Howard Government had paid some portion of the 1921 loan, the FCA used a little over $2.5 million of the $5million to clear all of Liberia’s outstanding debts with Britain and other countries. Liberia had other commitment to Firestone as per the contract’s terms and conditions, and she was also responsible to pay FCA workers, so the FCA used some portion of the rest of the $5million loan settling all these little obligations for the Liberian Government and at the same time paying against this new loan’s installments on behalf of Liberia as installments fell due. Liberia, had by this FCA’s action or intervention, cleared all past arrears and now began paying against her new $5million loan from Firestone. Firestone was also using monies due the Liberian Government from the concession contract to pay against the loan’s installments as they fell due, but all this could not help Liberia to complete payments against the $5million Firestone loan with its compounded annual interests on time. In effect, as a result of this extra obligation Liberia had with
Firestone, the country never received any lump sum land rental fees in excess of $7,000 from this giant 99 year-concession ever. When E.J. Barclay became president in line with formalities for presidential succession, he made some attempt to drastically amend the Firestone Agreement, but in the process, some more of the conditions even turned worse against Liberia. Barclay even got mad at the FCA staff and fired them all at one point. This however angered Harvey Firestone so much that he openly began a campaign against the Barclay Government, going as far as inciting Barclay’s detractors to overthrow him. When Firestone could not get the right response from Barclay’s detractors and political enemies to effect this overthrow, he then turned to US President Hoover (who was already on his way out) to take over Liberia. Under-US secretary of State (probably for African affairs) William Castle suggested internally that American dominance should be exercised façade (concealed or covered up), indicating that the US Government was not only protecting Firestone from the scandal, but also considered the Company as a viable US surrogate. When Steve Tolbert, tried to come down hard on the incredible exploitations of this Firestone Agreement in the early to mid-1970s, he mysteriously died in a reported plane crash before his proposed amendments were reviewed and signed by the government and Firestone Authorities. In the end, instead of history furnishing us with huge payments made by Firestone to the Liberian Government in corporate income taxes, land rentals, royalties, dividends, corporate social responsibilities etc. and stuffs like that, it is the Government of Liberia that suffered paying back huge debts to Firestone until 1952, after 26 years of granting Firestone this concession. Liberia, being a country of gross sycophancy, had the following inscriptions on a giant statute of Tubman for finally completing the payoff of the $5 million Firestone loan: “This monument erected by the people of Liberia is dedicated to the great relief brought to the country by the Tubman Administration and strangulating effects on the economy of the nation..” * They had forgotten, or were just ignoring the fact that it was this same Tubman who in fact had placed Liberia into this Firestone mess for which he was implicitly rewarded 27 unbroken years of presidency. ( (v) Apart from these major loans that Liberia has got no records yet of ever paying any back successfully or independently, America, her friends, and other financial institutions that she wields tremendous influence over, like the World Bank, continue to encourage Liberia to seek for more loans and other financial packages up to this 2017. No government project is ever implemented in this country without some form of loan or grant. Let’s give a few examples here, beginning with the 1950s and the 1960s, continuing up to this 2017: In 1963, the Government of Liberia contracted a World Bank $24.3 million loan for the construction of the Mount Coffee Hydro Power Plant in Harrisburg, Montserrado
County. There are no records of whether this money was ever paid back or paid back successfully ( In 1961, the John F. Kennedy Medical Center’s construction project commenced with Liberia’s receipt of a $6.8 million loan and a $9.2million grant, all from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) (Idem). There is also no convincing record that Liberia ever paid back this loan successfully or even paid some back. Shortly after the April 12, 1980 coup, the US. Government provided $43.5 million in loan to Samuel Doe’s Liberia for the construction of housing units for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia, AFL [especially in appreciation of their ‘good job’ in killing Tolbert]. (Message From the Head of State and President of The Interim National Assembly on the Occasion of the 28th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Day, February 11, 1985). There are no records that this amount was paid successfully by the Doe Government, but there are speculations that some of Doe’s problems with the United States started when he developed an ambitious plan to pay back every cent Liberia owed the US and to even become a debt free country. This allegedly angered the United States. Liberia could not afford constructing a refinery on her own. It was two American companies, Sun Oil Company (also called SUNNOCO) and Dynalectron Corporation, in the 1960s that constructed and ran the Liberia Refining Company (LRC). When the facilities got gutted by fire around 1968 or so, the two American companies pulled out, leaving the scrap with Liberia, which said it purchased the scrap on August 31, 1978 to create a state owned limited liability company to be called the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company. Backed by a consortium of banks that provided the new company huge lines of credit, the company began elementary refining operations. Apparently, poor handling of credits and poor levels of production made the consortium of banks to withdraw their line of credit in less than 5 years. As a result, LPRC stopped refining. It then began to only import, sell and store products for foreign capitalists. Because of Liberia’s lack of industry and innovation, LPRC failed to continue with importation of finished products for sale, although it will fight to lay some blame on the civil crises. Today, LPRC only stores products for business people and survives absolutely on storage fees (LPRC 2004 Yearbook: An Enduring Success Story, So Called, and Wikipedia). The nation’s only international airport and standardized sea port, RIA, or Roberts International Airport, and the Freeport of Monrovia, are U.S Military quick impact projects during World War II operations, with little Firestone contributions reportedly. After World War II, Pan American Airlines ran the RIA and shared proceeds with the Liberian Government up to the 1980s, but there are no records of where Liberia’s share of these huge proceeds ever went. This only airport is now terribly dilapidated today, and the Liberian Government seeks loans and grants aggressively to rehabilitate it - just as it has been doing too with the Freeport of Monrovia (, A Short History Of The First Liberian Republic etc.). By June 2010, the international community was completely waiving a total debt of US$4.9 billion on Liberia that no one can quite give account of how this money was
used. This is happening at a time when roughly over US$50 billion has been used or lost to war activities and the search of peace in Liberia between 1989 and 2016. By 2011, USAID (the U.S Agency For International Development) had within 4 years, as of 2007, spent over $80 million just to boost transparency and good governance in Liberia (ProPublica, National Chronicle, 2012 etc.), but the results have been that Liberia has been declared as the world’s Most Corrupt Country twice in 3 years (2010 and 2013), and is rated in Fund For Peace’s 2013 update of its failed states tracking as “Critical”: meaning, a country at the brink or precipice of total collapse in governance and thus, far from stability. In less than 4 years of the waiver of $4.9 billion in unproductive debt, the international community led by America has provided new loans and grants to Liberia well around $2billion (President Sirleaf Annual Message to the Second Session of the 53rd Legislature, National Chronicle, January 30, 2013; Update of the State of the Economy by Finance Minister Amara Konneh, the News Newspaper, September 19, 2013 etc.). Meanwhile, as these loans, grants and other financial packages increase, budget short falls get massively exacerbated in this AmericoLiberian Country. Senator Isaac Nyenaboe in an early June 2014 appearance at a local station in Monrovia revealed the recent trend of budget shortfalls for the past 3 years as around: $26 million for 2011/2012 fiscal year; $42 million for FY 2012/2013 and $74.5 million for FY 2013/2014. The U.S Ambassador to Liberia, head of the donor community, reacted to these embarrassing economic developments by warning her children (an irresponsible 167 year old country at the time and its irresponsible leadership) not to spend money beyond their means. The issues we have outlined above in all these discussions are just more than enough to get people even immediately rampaging in demand for indemnities or reparations, but here are additional related or similar issues that Liberia (mainly the vast indigenous population) could take cue from and make her case even stronger. It is considered by all in the world, even the United States that Liberia is an offshoot of America (only that it has thus far been a bad example of America in Africa). For example, as we might have earlier mentioned, President Grover Cleveland acknowledged this is his 1886 message to Congress when he said, “It must not be forgotten that this distant community (Liberia) is an offshoot of our system…..”; President William Taft recounts some historical ties between the two nations as a reality that gives an opening for a wider intervention of America in Liberia when he spoke to Congress in 1909 etc. Several key sources also recognize and speak about these special historical ties between America and ‘Liberia’. For instance, Britain’s then Ambassador to the UN, Sir Jeremy Greenstock once suggested the U.S., as the nation that everyone thinks should be the natural candidate to lead in anything concerning Liberia because of its historical ties with this West African Nation.
Since the so-called independence of Liberia in 1847, 10 out of the country’s 22 “physical” presidents thus far, apart from being Americo-Liberians like 21 out of the entire 22, were natural born citizens of the United States who immigrated to Liberia before assuming the presidency according to Liberian history. If America respects all of these powerful views and observations about this relationship, then she has got no reason why she must not consider ‘Liberia’ as an offshoot, and if Liberia truly is an offshoot, then it is time to listen to, and meet the demands of this offshoot, just as she has been listening to, and meeting the demands of her own offspring and offshoots back home in North America. Liberia will not be the first relative of America to put this World Super Power on the spot with an issue and then demand reparations. Even in America’s own backyard, its own subjects have built cases against the Federal Government and won huge reparations, even winning these historic cases at the level of the U.S Supreme Court. If this is true, which is so, then why can’t ‘Liberia’, who has got more than overwhelming evidence of gross mistreatment, exploitation and undue advantage by America, pull the bull by the horn once and for all and demand some huge reparations from this America now? For we have got no time ripe to take such a giant step than now. We are in a race against time, as a people, and must take advantage of every opportunity right now to make up for the many decades, scores and centuries that “human locusts” like America and her America-Liberians have eaten from us. If you are doubtful about our claims that America’s own subjects have been taking her to task constructively and winning huge reparations like what we are about to do in this country now, let us bring you about five instances in history ( etc.), beginning with the longest legal battle for reparations ever recorded in U.S Jurisprudence: a. In 1918, Native American Indians, referred to as the Sioux of Lakota in South Dakota hired an attorney and filed a lawsuit against the U.S Federal Government for what the Native Americas claimed was a ‘historical’ breach by the U.S Government of the Fort Laramie Treaty, signed with their parents in 1868 over the Great Sioux Reservation of tens of millions of acres of land, in a region collectively known as the Black Hills. According to credible historical source, owing to Congressional Acts, in less than 20 years of the Fort Laramie Treaty, the Sioux Nation shrunk from 134million acres to less than 15 million. The Sioux lost their case in 1923, but took an appeal to the U.S Supreme Court; the court delayed ruling until 1942, against the Native Americans. In 1946, the Sioux refiled their case with the newly established Indian Claims Commission, which again dismissed the case as already been determined by the Supreme Court in 1956. The Sioux reinstated their claim on grounds that they had been initially represented by an inadequate counsel. In 1973, the American Indian Movement began the first organized extra legal battle for the Black Hills. The Movement occupied a cemetery in the Black Hills Region called the Wounded Knee Cemetery on Pine Ridge Reservation to alert the world about the
vested economic interest that the U.S Government held in the Hills and the extent to which that interest influenced U.S Government policies and Federal Court cases regarding their land. In 1974, the Indian Claims Commission decided that the U.S Government had taken Sioux land in violation of the 5th Amendment because it had not paid just compensation, and subsequently awarded the Sioux $17.5 million (the estimated value of the land at the time of its appropriation) plus 5% interest calculated annually since 1877 for a total of $105 million. The U.S Government appealed and the Federal Claims Court reversed the decision on grounds that the claim had already been litigated and decided in 1942. However the Claims Court also found a riper and rank case of dishonorable dealings that it declared “will never, in all probability, be found in our (American) History.” As such, in 1979, the U.S Claims Court (or Court of Claims as is commonly called) found that the 1877 Act that seized the Black Hills in South Dakota from the Sioux violated the 5th amendment. According to the Claims Court, the Federal Government had taken over the Black Hills unconstitutionally, and so the Court reinstated the $105 million indemnities, but Federal Government appealed again. In 1980, in the case United States vs. the Sioux Nation of Indians, a “fair and just” U.S Supreme Court found that the Congressional Act of 1877 constituted, “a taking away of tribal property which had been set aside by the Treaty of Fort Laramie for the Sioux exclusive occupation” and thus upheld the $105million award to the Sioux. More rigmaroles have ensued over the award and the Indian claims surrounding the award, but the American Indians have refused to take possession of the $105 million that they have fought for over 90 years to win, on grounds that they are not selling their sacred land and that the U.S Government should both turn over to them the Black Hills and then pay the money additionally as compensation for the billions of dollars of wealth that had been exploited in gold and other resources from the Hills by the Government, and other damages done while American Whites illegally occupied and exploited their (Sioux) lands. Since this was a Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Natives, their unclaimed $105 million has been growing interest as of 1980, according to credible sources, and a 2012 value of the money stood at $1 billion in unclaimed reparation benefits for these Native Indian Americans. Still some others include: b. In 1971, the USA paid $1 billion + 44 million acres of land to the Alaska Natives in reparations c. In 1980, the U.S Government paid as reparations $81 million to the Klamaths (an indigenous American ethnic group) of Oregon. d. In 1985, America paid $31 million as indemnities to Chippewas of Wisconsin (another indigenous American Tribe) e. In 1985 again, the Federal Government paid $12.3 million to the Seminoles (again, another American indigenous group) f. In 1986, America paid in reparations $32 million to the Ottawa’s (an indigenous ethnic group) of Michigan, based on the breach of an 1836 Treaty etc. and etc.
These examples should be enough to motivate and encourage all well-meaning citizens of this country that we are not alone when it comes to suffering these kinds of vices and we will not be recorded alone to be taking such a giant stance. It may appear too difficult to do especially taken into account how deeply we have gotten ourselves tied to America’s apron’s string, but with determination we can constructively engage America and succeed, which will mean an unprecedented leap for us in life and a total final liberation of ourselves. If others can do it, we also can!!!! And just to give you more encouragement that this issue of demanding reparations in not solely an America vs. its Native Indians or Native Tribes thing alone, but instead a worldwide concept with deep-rooted background, let’s finally bring you some brief history behind the issue of reparations worldwide, coming from the 20th to the 21st century just to prove to us in this country that all around this world in which we live, each time people felt cheated or taken undue advantage of etc.; no matter by whom, and when, they took some genuine action and never sat by waiting for an angel to come and redeem them. The other side of demanding formal apologies or making some appropriate amends and reparations is that it serves as a strong deterrence for any future reoccurrence of ugly situations. If Liberia had risen up to this challenge ever since, many of the mess we see around us today that have placed our lives, both individually and collectively, far behind would not have been happening because no one in their right mind will like to be booked and punished for one thing over and over. Secondly, we should never think that because it is America, so they can’t do wrong; for they are not super human beings, and can err every time like me and you. With that said, let’s get back on track with some world history about the issue of demanding and getting reparations: a) According to, at the conclusion of World War I, Germany was made to agree to pay some unspecified amount of reparations in the armistice agreement of November 1918. At Versailles, France, they were required to sign a treaty that assigned full responsibility (blame) to them for causing the conflict, in accordance with (Article 231, “War Guilt Clause of the Versailles Treaty), which called for the creation of an international reparations commission to determine the amount of damages suffered during World War I. The bill was tallied in April 1921, when the commission determined that the damages caused by Germany amounted to $30 billion or 133 billion gold marks. Germany made an initial payment of $250 million in September 1921, but an already economically suffocated Germany, as a result of the war, plus this kind of huge upfront reparations payment plunged the country into further economic crisis that the payments were halted, and things remained at that, until World War II broke up in 1939. b) After the end of World War II, Israel and all Jewish victims took West Germany to task to make reparations against NAZI persecution meted out against them during the war.
The outcome of this endeavor was that the Israeli and Jewish victims won for themselves more than $38 billion in damages paid out of German coffers or resources ( etc.) c) Because the Austrian Soil was used during some of the NAZI aggression against the Jews in World War II, the Austrian Government, by February 1990, ratified a package of $25 million more in support to holocaust victims to be paid over a 5 year period to Jewish institutions to be spent on the elderly and handicapped in Israel, the USA, Austrian and other countries. This $25 million was complementing an earlier award of $65 million in social security benefits to holocaust survivors born in Austria before 1930, eight years prior to the an schuss ( d) Japanese Americans’ internment (wartime confinement) was the World War II internment in “War Relocation Camps” of over 110,000 people of Japanese heritage who lived on the Pacific Coast of the United States. The U.S government ordered these internments in 1942, shortly after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. This internment exercise was carried out unequally with respect to geography: all those who lived on the West Coast were interned, while in Hawai, where over 150,000 Japanese Americans, comprising over 1/3 of the population lived, only 1,200 to 1,800 were confined. President Franklin Roosevelt authorized the internment, which allowed local military commanders to designate military areas as Exclusion Zones, from which any, or all persons may be excluded. This power was used to declare that all people of Japanese ancestry were excluded from the entire Pacific Coast, including all of California and much of Oregon, Washington, and Arizona, except for those in internment camps. In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of these exclusion orders. But in 1980, President Jimmy Carter conducted an investigation to determine whether putting Japanese Americans into internment camps was justified well enough by the American Government. President Carter appointed the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) to investigate the camps. The Commission’s Report, named, “Personal Justice Daniel “found little evidence of Japanese disloyalty at the time, and recommended the Government to pay reparations to the survivors. This formed a payment of $20,000 to each individual internment camp survivor. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed into law a legislation that apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S Government. The legislation gave excuse that the Government’s actions were based on race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership. The U.S Government then disbursed almost $2 billion in reparations to Japanese Americans who had been interned and their heirs ( e) Even though Blacks and other minorities were suppressed and marginalized in civilized Western Nations in Europe and America during certain times in history and still suffer some traces of those legacies today, the governments in these nations however have almost always been so responsible enough to develop, and to provide all of the basic
social services for everyone alike, to live decently and realize their fullest potentials in life, unlike the case of Liberia, where governments have almost all been very cruel and irresponsible in their commitment to the nation. This horrible practice on the part of these people is unfortunately backed consistently by a corresponding cruel and exploitive U.S Government foreign policy objective for Liberia. But despite all these encouraging realities in the Western civilized nations, there are still calls all over the place for reparations to be paid mainly to the descendants of Blacks, who suffered so much during the dark slave days, and these calls have been gathering momentum during the very recent past. For example, around 1999, the African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission (AWRRTC) called for the West to pay $777 trillion to Africa within 5 years as reparations for slavery. This demand of course didn’t hold water because of its overly ambitious nature, but a process was, and a caveat was sounded. In Jamaica, in 2004, a coalition of Rastafarian Movements argued that European countries formerly involved in the slave trade, especially Great Britain, should pay £72.5 billion pounds to resettle 500,000 Jamaican Rastafarians in Africa. The British Government refused, but again, a caveat was sounded here. In 2011, Antigua and Babuda called for reparations at the UN, saying that segregation and violence against people of African descent had impaired their capacity for advancement as nations, communities and individuals; this debate should be ongoing. In 2012, Jamaica revised its Reparations Commission, to consider the question of whether the country should seek an apology or should seek reparations from Britain for its role in the slave trade. Also in 2012, the Barbados Government established a 12-member Reparation Task Force to be responsible for sustaining the local, regional and international momentum for reparations. Barbados is currently leading the way in calling for reparations from former colonial powers for the injustices suffered by slaves and their families. In 2013, in the first of a series of lectures in Georgetown, Guyana, to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the 1763 Berbice Slave Revolt, the Principal of the Cave Hill Campus of the University of West Indies, Sir Hilary Beckles urged the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries to emulate the position adopted by the Jews who were persecuted during the Second World War and have since organized a Jewish Reparations Fund. For the United States, despite the fact that Blacks and Whites now enjoy almost exactly equal opportunities with even a Black, or Colored, now being elected twice democratically to the presidency, in an originally White country, there is a bill currently before the U.S Congress proposing reparations for African Americans for the sufferings endured by their forefathers during the slave centuries. Imagine the case of Liberia, which for example, despite being originally owned by the 16 indigenous African groups, an indigenous of the land wanting to be president must have to commit murder and massacre all over the place before once in a 130 years’ time history ever assuming the presidency etc.; unlike America where everyone enjoys the basic social services like electricity, communication, affordable healthcare, sound education, state of art road and airport facilities etc. none of these have
ever succeeded since almost 200 years now in Liberia, with basic social services only intended for the very few Americo-Liberians and a very negligible number of relatively privileged indigenous people. Up to this 2016 for example, few hours a day, low quality electricity is being enjoyed by an insulting less than 0.005% or (or a questionable 25,000/4.5million) of the population. The bill mentioned above in the US was introduced by Detroit Congressman and Democrat, Rep. John Conyers in 1989. Rep. Conyers’s bill proposed a measure to set up some 7 member commission with an $8 million budget to examine the legacy of slavery and make recommendations to Congress regarding appropriate remedies. These would specifically include whether the U.S Government should offer a formal apology and whether any form of compensation to the descendants of African Slaves is warranted. The bill also seeks to acknowledge the fundamental injustice, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States. So far, Conyers’s bill has still been suffering some obstacles. It was referred to a House Committee on February 9, 2009, and is still sits with no hearings or votes scheduled for it yet. However some high point for this legislation came in December 2007, when hearings on it took place before the House’ Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. During a Presidential Primary debate on CNN on July 24, 2007, when quizzed by Anderson Cooper about his position on reparations, Mr. Obama suggested that he instead favored spending to improve education. He was apparently being careful not to get mixed up into any form of racial debate. Mr. Cooper however asked 8 of the Democratic Presidential Candidates whether any of them favored reparations, and it was only Rep. Dennis Kucinich who said “Yes I do. The Bible says we shall be, and must be repairers of the breach, and [I think] a breach has occurred.” For our ‘Liberian’ scenario now, the excesses from the Americo-Liberians and the U.S Government are so overwhelming that no other solutions can ever help us out short of the some double-edged remedy of imposing a 100 year ban on the Americo-Liberians from all public life and slamming a major reparation obligation on the United States Government. Of course all must pass through some legal or legitimate channel. Against the American Government, we are particularly pressed for reparations based upon the following and other reasons: Reparations will bring America to book for the numerous ills her involvement with us have led to, and continue to lead to; and as such, they will have to pull out of all our affairs and give us chance, so as 5-sensed human beings too, we can at least be able to plan our own lives independently, and live our fullest potentials with freedom. We love America, we love democratic tenets or democracy in general, but we want to try all these now, outside of their dominant, painful, and proven counterproductive influence. Respiration will repair the numerous past damages; it will incorporate our long time down-trodden tribal communities more fully into the benefit of larger society, and will let everyone know the crimes and sacrifices of the past, the history of suppression and cruelty that forms an important part of our national experience. This is for the oppressed,
the vast indigenous population of this country. For the oppressors, the U.S. and her Americo-Liberians, reparations will provide for some closure, some sense of the very important facts that injustice have now been corrected, and most importantly, this will usher in the dawn of glorious opportunities to improve the entire nation and in fact, remake a more dynamic and prosperous nation. By this move we, as a country, will be able to get to the point at which we shall have removed the yoke from our midst, the pointing of fingers, and the shifting of blames. In the words of ‘Reparationist’ or Reparation Advocate Magee Andrews, as he wrote in his article, ‘’The Third Resurrection’’, once there’s a reckoning; once the reparation is settled, other key national priorities can now be tackled exclusively. In the ease of our country, we can now pay keen attention to such things as self-sufficiency in food, massive quality education projects, and the provision of basic social services like healthcare and electricity etc. under the watchful eyes of more obligated, more pressured or accountable (in terms of expectations and performance), and more responsible leaders acting in a free and independent environment, only pursuing/seeking the interest of their citizens. Although there may never be a complete accounting of the cost imposed by almost 200 years of systematic and sustained marginalization of the indigenous population of our country, the scores of years of forced labor, the official trafficking of our young men and boys into foreign lands like Fernando Poo, Gabon etc. as slaves, including the untold discrimination suffered by tribal people in trying to acquire already inferior quality education; the difficulties endured by our people to obtain already poor healthcare services etc., reparations, or the acknowledgement of these key historical facts will make the indigenous of this country to be satisfied not only with what is just, but also to be satisfied with the knowledge that they have contributed to bringing the country to where it is today in its existence, although such efforts have been overlooked and they haven’t yet received anything commensurate with what they actually deserve etc. To close, the reparations we demand here are not to be paid in cash. Firstly, we demand the U.S Government to issue a statement both verbally and written, acknowledging its premeditated negligence in handling the future of the Grain Coast (criminally renamed Liberia). In this Statement of Apology, the U.S Government should acknowledge the adverse effects of its actions of firstly deciding to dump its ‘rotten apples’ on our clean soil; refusing deliberately to follow up and rehabilitate these ‘rotten apples’; and finally, consistently standing by the side of these bad eggs in pursuit of their explicitly pronounced vendetta against the indigenous communities of our country – a situation that has wreaked havoc on the lives of multiple generations of our communities of 16 different ethnic groups, and has, as well, cast a big dark cloud on the future of members of these 16 different communities. The American Statement of Apology should further clarify that although the current U.S Administration may have inherited some of these inexplicable embarrassments, it has not done much to change the situation, but has instead allowed it to flourish unabated up to this date. Secondly, the U.S should construct for our new country a world class capital city with modern zoning standards and connect this new capital with paved 4-lane roads to all of our 15 counties’ capitals.
It is our hope and faith that rational, civilized, very democratic and empathetic America will put itself into our shoes with respect to what we have suffered, and continue to suffer; examine their own roles in our plight, and cooperate or adhere to our demands so that we all can now turn a new page of mutual trust, mutual respect and equal benefits in our relationship. Note: We have many more interesting reading materials linking to the overall agenda that has made this demand for reparations possible, and we like to encourage you to access and read them, so that we all establish these painful points together and find collective solutions. Our Facebook page We also have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), which are at and respectively, plus a Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, also at We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at You are additionally encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as an option. We highly urge you to please share your thoughts with us at,, or You can further share with us any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above. Thanks. To be updated as necessary………….
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