Liberias name must be changed now

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(Compiled: January 2013 – January 2016; Drafted: February - March 2016; Published: January 2017)

As we put ourselves in the right frame of mind, God willing, for this great revolution, these are some little but power food for thought, words of advice, or words of inspiration etc. from very key sources, including the Bible, the Quran, Revolutionaries/Philosophers, and Historians/Educators. Please take them seriously. They include: FROM THE BIBLE As you place your faith in God to make these strong decisions and take their corresponding strong actions, (1) Matthew 6:31-33 say- (31) Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or what wither shall we be clothed (32) For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. (33) For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have needs of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you…..(2)Romans 12:18 – If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceful with all men….(3) I. Kings 22:3 – Then the King of Israel said to his servants. Do you really know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us? Yet we are hesitating to take it out of the hand of the King of Syria?...(4) Eccle. 4:5 – The stupid one folds his hands while is flesh wastes away. Etc.

FROM REVOLUTIONARIES AND PHILOSOPHERS (1) Without deviation from the norm, progress can [NEVER] be possible – Frank Zappa, American Song writer and guitarist…(2) As we approach the great social challenges of our time, we MUST acknowledge that old thinking will not provide the new solutions that we [direly] need. These [new] solutions [though] will be uncomfortable, hard to sell, and risky to execute, but the cost of not [selling and] executing them will be even much greater – Simon Mainwaring, Australian-American Brand & Advertising Consultant….(3) The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it; ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. – Winston Churchill, British Premiere…(4) Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable – John F. Kennedy, American President..(5) Never neglect details. When everyone’s mind is dulled or distracted, the leader must be doubly vigilant. – Gen. Collin Powell, former Secretary of State etc.

“Liberia, A Name Associated With Crime, Curse, Misery, Poverty and Failure, It Must Be Changed Now! FROM THE QURAN The Quran makes us to understand that to stand up for God’s principles, especially the truth, we must be prepared to go the extra mile; thus for example: (1). Surat/Quran 2:42 – And do not cloak (or confuse) the truth with falsehood. Do not suppress the truth knowingly….(2) Surat/Quran 2:193 – Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends, and the way prescribed by God prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is only against wrongdoers….(3) Surat/Quran 4:75 – And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah, and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children whose cry is, “Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from thee, one who will protect, and raise for us from thee, one who will help. [Courtesy of several scholarly interpretations]

FROM HISTORIANS AND EDUCATORS (1) Life must be lived forward, but it can ONLY be understood backward. – Soren Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher…(2) Those who don’t know their History are probably not doing well in their English and Maths – Patrick J’Orouke, American Journalist….(3) History is who we are, and why we are the way we are – David McCullough, American Historian…(4) To forget history is a betrayal [of the pains and sacrifices of those who lived before us] and to deny past crimes is to [keep repeating them, like DULL and STUPID Liberia] – President Ching Jing Ping, China....(5) A good book[or article] is an education of the heart; it enlargens your sense of human possibility; [it educates you about] what the human nature is, [it also educates you] about what happens in the world. [For] it is a creator of inwardness. –Susan Sontag, American Writer

In direct connection to Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, Liberia’s incredible level of mischief, coupled with the level of excessiveness of its confusion MUST be confronted with massive Truth Telling and detailed solution options, so please sacrifice your time to read and re-read these articles well. Thanks.


Note: Apart from other smaller articles for your ongoing reading, we have 7 main revolutionary pamphlets, with four addendums or extensions, totaling 11 revolutionary pamphlets. To save time for reading the main contents in each of the 7 main pamphlet, we urge you to only bother yourself with the reading of the acknowledgement sections of only two of these 7 BIG pamphlets – these two include the pamphlet, “Why is this case considered a revolutionary and game-changing one for Liberia”, which is a stand-alone and a ‘MUST read pamphlet” in its entirety, and the pamphlet, “Why Do We Need a Complete Revolution and How can we go about it”. The remaining 5 pamphlets carry the same content in those preliminary sections, which you don’t necessarily have to go through, once you have done so for the two pamphlets named above. Meanwhile, these preliminary or introductory sections (i.e. the acknowledgements and the dedications) are relatively the same across all of our pamphlets, especially the last 5, which are entirely homogeneous. Thanks for helping to save time, and enhancing your revolutionary reading experience. SPEICAL NOTES:  Because of our incapacity to verify every name by its exact spelling or to get the full names of some of our sources for one reason or the other, we are placing single quotes around names whose spellings we were unable to verify and names we also failed to get in full. We apologize if any of your names fall into this category.  Entries on our table of contents don’t necessarily suggest subtitles in the main work. They are basically meant to provide clues for what ideas form part of the content on each page  Because we are not Liberians, talk less about being Americo-Liberians, who ABSOLUTELY hate to ‘right’ their wrongs wherever they fall short, and will prefer to go on living in their MESS forever, we, of the Plain Truth Revolution, are open to corrections and updates to these documents or articles every step of the way. We therefore encourage you to please feel free to send your corrections, comments, opinions etc. to any of our articles at or etc. and we will assess those points, and where necessary make the appropriate corrections and updates to our work, then repost the affected material to our internet sites, and inform ALL about such development.  Being people of faith in God, we are highly influenced by an argument presented in one blogpost from a social counsellor called Maria Lourdes Macabasco which suggests that every human being, and by extension every nation or every unit of people, is a house with four rooms – a physical room, a mental room, an emotional room, and a spiritual room. The beautiful argument stressed in Macabassco’s blogpost, which our revolution absolutely agrees with, is that unless we go into each of these four rooms every day to do some clean up, we are never a complete person or entity. Considering these four key dimensions of our national lives, and after having thoroughly dissected our country’s problems, the Plain Truth Revolution is completely convicted that our problem is more spiritual in nature and weight than it is with the other three dimensions, thus, requiring our battle at hand for freedom and the deliverance of our country to be a battle of wills, spirit, and soul, rather than a battle of AK 47s and Rocket Launchers. As such, we back almost all of our arguments with concepts from God’s Holy Scriptures – be it the Bible, the Qu’ran etc. in all of our work because this is our most suitable weapon of choice in this very crucial war without violence for the redemption of the dead soul of our dear country. We believe in the Word of God because all through history it has demonstrated itself as the best lamb to humanity’s feet and the best light to our paths, according to King David. The Word of God illuminates; it clearly reveals to us what is good and what is bad; it shows us who is wise and who is unwise.


It is the ultimate tool in helping us learn the best possible life to live. God’s Word is true, plain and simple. It is the only thing that can sanctify or clean up a very DIRTY, NASTY and DANGEROUS situation like ours in this country. God’s Word is living, active, powerful, and sharper than any double-edged sword – piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of the joint and marrow, and it is the discerner of the thoughts of man’s heart. The Word of God, our Plain Truth Revolution’s weapon of choice, is the only best weapon used for very close range combats rather than long range warfare, and our country’s battle requires a close-range engagement.  Again, based upon our background of faith, and with the Word of God being our weapon of choice, we are massive in our information gathering, information dissemination, awareness creation, and all of our other civic actions for that matter because the Word of God has instructed us to do so. For instance, in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 18, verses 13, 15, and 18, we are thought and instructed respectively that the first step, and yea the first principle, to solving any [gigantic] problem, like our country’s problem at hand, is to gather all the facts first, NOT some; the second step is to open up to new ideas, or to invite more ideas in solving the problem, and the third step is to create room for hearing from all, or the both sides of the divide, or parties to the problem. Our writings therefore are massive because they are not intended merely for sensation; they are meant to speak for every generation of our country (past, current and future); they are intended to provide useful leads for all of the 7 big constituencies that our revolution represents etc. Parts of our presentation may appear rather unconventional; some of the facts and arguments we present may appear overemphasized or oversimplified; our article titles also may appear too long and verbose etc. whichever the case, to your inconvenience. If this ever happens, we beg your pardon to muster the courage and read on; make your own sense out of the work. For we are revolutionaries, battling by all means to change a terrible situation, God willing, that sadly no one in our country wants to ever bother themselves trying to solve from the very root, for 2 centuries now. We therefore have vowed never to be restricted – though in a positive and constructive sense – too much by conventions, norms, or protocols. One of our big time inspirations, President John F. Kennedy, America’s 35th President has told us, “Conformity is the jailer of progress and the enemy of growth”, while another compatriot of his, American guitarist and music writer, Frank Zappah says, “Without deviation from the norm, there can never be any progress.” We are inspired by these admonishments to use our common sense in going to the extra mile to make our points very clear and the arguments granular. And sometimes single facts presented many times only serve to support different arguments. The Acknowledgement Section for each one of the pamphlets is divided into three – (a) the personal acknowledgement section, which highlights units, individuals, institutions, and nations that the vision bearer of this enterprise and the primary author of these literatures himself has decided to give credit to for impacting his life; (b) the general revolutionary acknowledgement section, which features every entity, individual, institution, and nation whose influence and activities have facilitated the right knowledge, enlightenment, conditions and so forth to make this revolutionary idea possible; and (c) the Special Revolutionary acknowledgement section, the last section of our acknowledgment which brings in each party that has helped verify all of our historical research findings by adding the current reality flavor to them. (This is a MUST read section as it serves as the main trigger to kindle your final decision about whether to buy in to the Plain Truth Revolutionary idea or to reject it). Welcome on board.







Tarkpor Kartee Moinma G. Kartee Martha Kartee Leahmon Karatee Zaye Kartee Parlone Kartee Zlanwohn Kartee Rufee Kartee Mama Kartee Yarkernah Kartee Zota Kartee Joseph Kartee Zlanser Kartee Mama Kartee

Father Mother (*) Stepmother Sister “ “ “ “ (*)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Brother “ “ “ Sister

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

# 1. 2. 3.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14

Name Alice Wamah Joyful (Preston) Kartee Courage Kartee Stamina Kartee “Festus Johnson”

Relationship Partner/Fiancée Son Daughter Son Foster Son

BLENDED FAMILY Name Relationship Nathaniel Doeward 1st Foster Fthr (*) Beatrice Kor 1st Foster Mthr Ma Filani Kamara Foster Grandma (Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire, *) Soree Kamara 2nd Foster Fthr (Abidjan, La Cote d’Ivoire) Ma Yeilieh Mangoe Paternal GrandMa Ma Menkapoe Tomah Maternal GrandMa John Leabeh Uncle Meiway Barlea “ Augustine Kotee Lohnpea Mentee “ Austin S. Kartee “ Dearzrua Deemi Cousin Histin Deemi “ Alice Fahngalloh Aunty

“IN-LAW” RELATIVES Name Relationship Solomon Wamah “Father-in-Law” (current relationship) Mary Wamah “Mother-in-law” (“) Irene Wamah “Sister-in-law” (“) Linda Julius “Sister-in-law” (“) Mary David “Sister-in-law” (“) Solomon Wamah, Jr. “Brother-in-Law” (“)

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



BLENDED FAMILY cont’d Helena Mango “ (*) Helena Mentee “ Augustine Kotee Uncle

16. 17 18.



TWO PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS Deborah Cringar - former fiancée a. Ruth Sherman - Mother b. Sam Cringar - Father (*) c. Robert Tarpeh – Uncle d. Saturday Tarpeh – Aunt Massa Kennedy – former fiancée a. Hawa Kennedy – Mother b. Mr. Kennedy - Father c. Bunch Kennedy – Brother d. Larry Kennedy - Brother e. Bill Kennedy - Brother


# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Peat Norman 5. Paul Fanyen Henry Mango 6. Rachel Nuah Mendin Mango 7. Allen Subah Lehmie Mango OTHER RELATIVES Name Isaac Dahn, Sr. (*) Isaac Dahn, Jr. Michael Dahn Dahnboy Dahn Gbeahn Fahngalloh John Harmon




Doris Zor a. Gloria (Daughter) b. Delcontee (“) c. Prince son

Landlady [This is a woman of very exceptional patience and consiration]


Tony T. Bleh a. Ladia Bleh (Wife)

“Beyond Friend “

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

ALL-WEATHER FRIENDS (GENERAL) Name Alphonso Togba Manju Kamara Musa Barry Nulleh Ngafuan Samuel Wallace, Sr Esther Wallace Samuel Wallace Jr. Saah Joe John Mulbah Steven Chea Abdulai Yen Morris Paye



# 1. 2.


George Washington Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Barack Obama

OTHER WORLD LEADERS THAT GREATLY IMPACTED OUR LIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

iv ALL-WEATHER FRIENDS (WORKMATES etc.) 1. Victor Badio 2. Bobby Brown 3. Andrew Gibson 4. Veronica Kinapoe 5. Joseph Dennis 6. Philip Sassie 7. Isaac Karmon 8. Paul Jappah 9. Sam Fannie 10. William Morris 17. Alex C. Knuckles 11. Darlington Gbeior 18. Timothy Holt 12. Robert Beer 19. McDonald Wlemus 13. Charles Sherman 14. Augustine Williams 15. Samuel Musa 16. Patrick Wreh

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Ho Chi Minch 13. Nelson Mandela Vladimir Lenin 14. Robert Mugabe Mao Zedong 15. Hifikepunye Pohamba Deng Xiaoping Chi Jing Ping Gus Hall Eugene V. Debbs Steward Alexander John Bachtell Felix Houphoet Boigny Thomas Sankara Jomo Kenyatta

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

MIND MOLDERS/MORAL COACHES/ DIRECT MENTORS Name The Seventh Day Adventist Church All of the Instructors under whose voices I have sat (R. S. Caulfield, Unification Town, Margibi County; Protestant Methodist Resource Center, Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire; University of Liberia; Cuttington University Graduate School etc.) Kamau M. Lizwelicha, USAID/GEMAP Sophie Hobbs, USAID/GEMAP John M. Dukuly John K. Wangolo Harry A. Greaves, Jr. THOSE WHO HAVE PROFESSIONALLY IMPACTED OUR LIFE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER Name S. Alfred P. Harris, II 7. Edwin M. Snowe, Jr. Richard B. Devine 8. Aaron J. Wheagar Aletha K. Hoff 9. T. Nelson Williams,II Belle Y. Dunbar 10. Jackson F. Doe, Jr. B. Felix Zeekeh 11. McDonald Wlemus Timothy Holt 12. Alexander Knuckles

FOUR COUNTRIES THAT HAVE INSPIRED US THE MOST 1. The United States of America 2. China 5. Japan 8. The UK 3. Russia 6. Switzerland 9. France 4. Ivory Coast 7. Republic of Ireland 10. Israel



A. INDIVIDUALS i. LOCAL # 1. 2. 3. 4.

ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4.

# 1. 2. 3. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

# 1. 2.

INTERNATIONAL Name President Barack Obama Michelle Obama Amb. Deborah Malac Karin Langrin

E. HISTORIANS i. LOCAL # Name 1. Joseph Saye Guannu 2. Professor Tuan Wleh

LOCAL Name Coalition for the transformation of Lib. Liberia Institute for Public Integrity Center for the exchange of intellectual opinions ii. INTERNATIONAL Name League of Nations United Nations/UNMIL Global Witness Amnesty International Transparency International U S Department of State Conciliation Resources Publish What You Pay Coalition Finance Uncovered, UK US Department of Justice

IT FIRMS/NETWORKS i. LOCAL # Name 1. Lone Star Cell MTN 2. Cellcom Communications 3. Nova Phone


# 1. 2. 3. 4.

Name President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Dr. Elwood Dun Dr. Amos Sawyer Dr. Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae


D. ACADEMICIANS/PROFESSIONALS i. LOCAL Name Jacob “Zumah” Jallah Samuel Toweh Martin Kollie Jacob Massaquoi

Name Google

3. Microsoft

ii. INTERNATIONAL Name Karl Marx John Maynard Keynes


Prof. Alhaji G. V. Kromah

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ii. INTERNATIONAL Name Hugh Mason Brown Dr. James Ciment Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta Hezekiah Niles Jo Sullivan F. REVOLUTIONARIES Name Identities George Washington US Mahatma Gandhi India Martin Luther King, Jr. US Nelson Mandela South Africa Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe Mao Zedong China Deng Xioping China Che Guevara Cuba/Bolivia Jose Mujica Ecuador Fidel Castro Cuba G. THE PRESS i. LOCAL (ELECTRONIC AND PRINT) Name Type Liberia Broadcasting Corporation/Sys. (LBS/ELBC) Electronic Farbric FM 101.1 “ Voice FM 102.7 “ Truth FM 96.1 “ Sky FM 107 “ Love FM “

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

THE PRESS cont’d Love FM “ Power/Red Power FM “ National Chronicle/Hot Pepper Newspaper Print/online FrontPage Africa “ In Profile Daily “ Public Agenda “ Daily Observer “ Focus “ Heritage “ Spirit of Truth “ INTERNATIONAL (ELECTRONIC AND PRINT) Name Type British Broadcasting Corp. Electronic Radio France International “ China Radio International “ Cable News Network “/TV Al-Jazeera “ New York Times Print UK Guardian “


INDVIDUAL JOURNALISTS A. LOCAL # Name Type 1. Rodney Sieh Local 2. Julius Jeh Local 3. Henry Costa “ 4. T. Max Jlateh “ 5. Mary Williams “ 6. Tetee Gebro “ 7. Tamba Johnny “ 8. Darious Zinnah “ 9. Jordan Poronpea Diaspora 10. Christian Nelson “ 11. Toyouwa Harris “/Analyst 12. George Fahnbulleh “/Analyst 13. Jah Johnson Editor 14. Jerry Wehtee Wion Contributor 15. Jones Nhinson Williams “ B. 1. 2. 3.

INDIVIDUAL JOURNALISTS (INT’L) Robin White Elizabeth Blunt George Turner

vi H. POLITICIANS/OPINION LEADERS i. LOCAL # Name Identity 1. Prince Johnson Senator 2. Henry Yallah “ 3. Dallas Gweh “ 4. Emmanuel Nuquay Representative 5. Tiawon Gongloe Lawyer 6. Negbalee Warner “ 7. Christiana Tah “ 8. Koffi Woods “ 9. Harry Greaves (*) Economist 10. Sam Jackson “ 11. Simeon Freeman Politician 12. Amara Konneh “ 13. Darious Dailon ” 14. Mary Lorene Brown Educator 15. Zayzay Pewee Other 16. Francis Tamba “ 17. Tabarosa Tarponweh “ ii.

INTERNATIONAL Name Dr. Charles Johnson 5. George Schuyler Sir John Simon 6. Mr. A. E. Yap Prof. S. Raymond Buell 7. Neils Haghns Dr. Fred P.M. Van der Kraij

# 1. 2. 3. 4. I. i. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 9. ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

CLERGIES LOCAL Name Solomon Juah Jensen Wallace Simeon Dunbar Evangelist Charles Pastor Sirleaf Kortu Brown Samuel A. Brewer Rev. Gontee Pastor Gemini Getteh Rev. Foday Karpeh Ali Krayee

Faith/Religion Christian “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Muslim

INTERNATIONAL Name Faith/Religion Ibn Al Qayyim Muslim Hesham A. Hassaballa “ Mohammed Banonleat “ Friday Oravbierre Christian Rick Warren “


SPECIAL REVOLUTIONARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Steve Jobs once said, “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences, so they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem.” He then concludes, “The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better designs we will have.” With this exhortation from Mr. Jobs, we disclose here that on the overall, our motivation to embark on this revolutionary project was at first primarily inspired by a quest to do something about our country’s NASTY, SHAMEFUL history, but then we needed a strong backing too from current events, so, we had to painfully take 4 round years to see if our convictions from historical researches could be strongly backed by enough of empirical proofs from today’s realities – knowing that this time span was reasonable enough conventionally, for such a serious research work. Consequently, the below current event accounts, opinions, experiences, realities etc. have helped us truly connect the dots and thus strengthened our case for this inescapable revolution. We doubt it, that any well-meaning person would read the current event accounts of these narratives, sufficiently backed by history, and still think that we, as a people, can use reforms or gradualist approaches to handle our country’s deadly problem and redeem ourselves from this untold nightmare called nationhood, gain our rightful human status, and make our Creator proud of making us too in His own image. The list below constitutes our Plain Truth Revolution’s revered heroes and heroines through whose inputs our revolution has finally become JUSTIFIED God willing, and we recognize and celebrate them as our special acknowledgements forever. Their collective message to us, in short is: “Plain Truth Revolution, please go ahead, we join you, and stand by you, whichever way possible.” Those heroes and heroines therefore are as follows, among many more to come up in later publications by the grace of God. We’ve placed their contributions under different subheadings. We will start with the historical accounts of how the Black Americans’ Liberia was pronounced DOOMED by its conceivers and designers even before it was established, and how this curse has been acutely pronounced, warned about, and decried by different actors, including prominent people in world affairs up to this point. This will be followed by different accounts of the NASTY state of Liberia from current event realities. Please note that apart from numbered or bulleted names, bolded names of individuals and institutions within any of the text in this section represent some of our special acknowledgements. Welcome to our very special acknowledgement section:




‘Jensen’ Wallace Pastor Simeon Dunbar Pastor Sirleaf, Presenter, Pastor Friday Oravbiere, Pastor Rick Warren President Barack Obam President Chi Jing Ping President John F. Kennedy President Thomas Jefferson Barry Goldwater Hillary Clinton Lee Kuan Yew Karl Marx Mao Zedong

15. Vladamir Lenin 16. John Batchel 17. Eugene Debbs 18. Pank Yan Zeeahoe 19. Sheila Paskman 20. E. Johnson Sirleaf 21. Julius Jeh 22. Nagbe Sloh 23. Lewis Brown 24. Jacob ‘Zuma’ Jallah 25. Irasmus Gaye 26. Jah Johnson 27. John S. Morlu 28. Eratus Bortu 29. Sam Webb

B. INSTITUTIONS 1. Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS/ELBC) 2. World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) II. HISTORICALS ACCOUNTS + PROOFS FROM CURRENT EVENTS OF LIBERIA’S MESSY FOUNDATION A. INDIVIDUALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

By James Ciment (2x) 28. Min. Moses Jackson Nancy Oku Bright (2x) 29. Miatta Fahnbulleh Pastor Solomon Juah 30. Sen. Dallas Gweh Dr. Charles Johnson 31. Aagon Tingba John Randolph, 32. Cllr. Benedict Sannon US Pres. Abraham Lincoln 33. Jonathan Gant Jerome J. Verdier 34 Jonathan Paye-Layleh Dede Dolopei, Oumu K. Syllah, Bishop Arthur F. Kulah, Sheikh Kafumba F. Konneh, Pearl Brown Bull, Gerald B. Coleman, John H. T. Stewart, Massa Washington, Henrietta Joy Abena Mensa Bonsu Hugh Mason Brown Dr. James Ciment Wikipedia/History of Liberia Koffi Woods Dr. Amos Sawyer Dean Johnson Wilfred Bangourah “Darious Dillon” Jim Hunt Brad Henry Min. George Werner

INDIVIDUALS cont’d 35. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 36. Mr. Harry Greaves 37. Ambassador Miatta Fahnbulleh 38. Makita Redd/Wreh, 39. Jonathan Pay-Lay Leh 40. Rep. George Mulbah 41. Rep. Alex Grant 42. Isaac Redd 43. Rep. Gabriel Nyenkan 44. Minister Gyudee Moore 45. Jerelimick Piah, 46. Nagbe Sloh 47. Senator Henry Yallah 48. Mr. ‘Tarbarosa’ ‘Tarponweh 49. Liberian Girls trafficked to Lebanon 50. D. Maxwell Kemayan 51. Dr. Randolph McClain 52. Cllr. ‘Afian’ Sherman 53. John S. Morlu 54. Samora Wolokollie B.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Global Witness UN Security Council Farbric F.M. Liberia’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission 5. US Congress III. SITUATIONS OR REALITIES THAT FURTHER JUSTIFY LIBERIA’S DOOMED FATE A. INDIVIDUALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Steve Kolubah, Amb. Chigozie Obi-Nnadozie, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2x) Rep. Richmond Anderson Mo Ibrahim, 18. ‘Musa’ ‘Menipaket Dumoi’ 19. John S. Morlu Rep. Gabriel Smith 20. Julius Jeh Sen. Thomas Grupee 21. R. Bhofal Chambers Karin Langrin 22. Sen. Oscar Cooper Deborah Malac 23. Saah Gborlie Amb. Tina Intelmann 24. Nicolas Cook Ismail Serageldin 25. Dr. James Ciment Dr. Amos Sawyer 26. Tycon J. Nathaniel Barnes 27. Sir John Simon Keith Morris 28. Darious Deylon ‘Dayboy’ 29. Lawrence Yealue Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta

ix INDIVIDUALS cont’d 32. Tamba Johnny 33. Francis Tamba 34. Robert A. Sirleaf 35. Austin Kawal 36. Darious Zinnah 37. Indi Cal 38. Blamo Nelson

VI. 39. Samora Wolokollie 40. Acarious Gray 41. Augustine Ngafuan 42. Thomas Doe-Nah 43. Dr. Amos Sawyer 44. Cllr. Elijah Saah 45. Rodney Sieah 46. Rev. Lurther Tarpeh

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B. INSTITUTIONS 1. Conciliation Resources/CR 2. The League of Nations IV. 1. 2. 3. 4. V.

LIBERIA, A HUGE 21ST CENTURY ECONOMIC WASTE Mr. Karl Marx 5. Sam Jackson Common Sense Analyst 6. President Obama Wikipedia 7. Linda Yu President Sirleaf 8. ‘Hewyikoo Kaiyuma THE ENDURING DANGERS THAT LIBERIA POSES TO ITSELF AND THE REST OF THE WORLD

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Global Witness 14. Common Sense Cllr. Thompson Adibayo Analyst (5x) Cllr. Dempster Brown, 15. Abraham Lincoln Bishop Wilmot ‘Burbroh 16. Oku Bright Gladys Johnson 17. Carl Victor Senator Comany Wisseh 18. Farbric NightTime George Dalton 19. President Obama Mulbah Morlu 20. Tom Woewiyou Robert W. Clower 21. Sam Zemurray Mitchel Harwitz 22. Lee Christmas A. A. Walters 23. United Fruit Comp North Western University 24. Andrew Preston Oxford University 25. Maj. Gen Smedley Butler 26. Com. Matthew Calbraith Perry

27. Cornel R. West 28. J. Yanqui Zaza, 29. Sarah Chayes 30. Noam Chomsky 31. William Blum 32. Nicolas Cook, 33. Library of Congress 34. Dana J. Hyde 35. Wendell Nimley 36. Evangelist ‘Charles 37. Min. Amara Konneh, 38. President Nhuru Kenyatta 39. President Barak Obama 40. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

41. Cllr. Gloria Scott 42. John Morlu 43. Rebecca Murray 44. Philibert Brown 45. Brownie Samukai 46. Martin K. N. Kollie 47. Donald Trump, now US President Elect 48. Mulbah Morulu 49. Robert W. Clower 50. Benedict Sannon 52. ELBC Chris Sirleaf 53. Sen Jewel H. Taylor 54. Dr. Togba Tipoteh 55. Radio France


7. Hassan Kiawu 8. Simeon Freeman Prof. Wilson Tarpeh, 9. Antonio Gutierrez Sen. Geraldine D. Sheriff Melvin ‘Tayglay’ Weah Johnson Bhofal Chambers (formerly Jallah ‘Langlin’) VII.


1. 2. 3.

President Abdou Fattah Al Sessay Antonio Gutierrez 4. Mr. Peter Graaf President Barack Obama 5. Rebecca Nanyou ABOUT OUR MEMBERSHIP


Roland S. Kartee Alice Wamah Joseph Kartee Tony T. Bleh

5. Preston Kartee 6. Courage Kartee 7. Stamina Kartee

FIRST NEW MEMBERS OF THE PTR 1. Jamel Constance OUR CURRENT DIRECT/INDIRECT MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH 1. Dejure Members: All members of our 7 big constituencies, mentioned in the “Dedication Section” of every written work or article of our revolution 2. Defacto Members (*have all right to decline publicly if not convicted or interested): All those we have acknowledged in our works. For they have always believed in us, and will no doubt believe in our dreams for the country we all equally own. OUR ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FIGURE (PEOPLE THAT HAVE AGREED WITH OUR DEBATES ON SOCIAL MEDIA INCLUDING JOINING OUR GROUPS AND ONLINE COMMUNITIES) 3. Facebook…………….._____ 4. YouTube…………….._____ 5. Google +……………._____ 6. Twitter………………._____ **These figures will be revealed subsequently.


DEDICATION Our Plain Truth Revolution represents seven (7) big constituencies of God’s children (including past, current and future generations of our country and all of our well-wishers elsewhere) to whom we are very proud to always dedicate every work or article we write, and action we take. Our distinguished constituencies include: (a) Millions in their graves today who have died at the direct cause of Americo-Liberian statesponsored and state-promoted mischief, mayhem, atrocities and other criminal activities; (b) Millions in their graves today who have died completely unaccomplished, even though they had vast potentials, but these potentials could never be explored and exploited due to America’s imperialist activities here and the Americo-Liberians’ explicit vendetta campaign against us; (c) Millions alive in our country who have missed out, or given up on the realization of their dreams and fullest potentials in life, all because their country works out every policy behind the scenes to stifle such possibility under the guise of running government; (d) The millions who have suffered untold kangaroo justice at the hands of the ever rotten Americo-Liberian Justice System in this country, and continue to suffer this same fate over and over today; (e) Our entire future generations for whom this cruel national arrangement has laid no foundation, but yet expects all of the magic of nation-building and society-stabilization etc. to be performed by them (i.e. these hopeless, “deprived and destroyed in advance” future generations); (f) citizens in the diaspora who worry a lot about what’s happening to their country, but are just unable or incapacitated, one way or the other, to impact the situation, and (g) foreign friends who love our country, and love us personally as friends, but keep worrying, what the causes are, that this country will not wake up to the true meaning of nationhood, especially for the benefit of all of its citizens etc. All this means that it is only the devil, or the strongest of his lieutenants, who would want to thwart such a great agenda like this Plain Truth Revolution for God’s children.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Acknowledgment………………..………………………………………………….....i 2. Dedication…………..………………………………………...…………………........x 3. Reference…….…………………………………………………………….................a 4. Introduction: What do the experts say about names: their impacts, their legacies etc.1 5. Marshall McLuan and others, on the need for constant change in life……………….1 6. How Liberia got its name, the circumstances surrounding its naming….……………2 7. St. Augustine proposes a foundation of love and humility first……………………...2 8. How the Bible Verse of Galatians 6:7 relates to Liberia’s national output today……3 9. Liberia’s profile in the area of chaos, confusion, animosity and bloodbath………….3 10. Liberia’s prospects in running into more of these nightmares and catastrophes.…….4 11. Some brief outlining of a few of Liberia’s HORRIBLE characteristics………...4 - 14 A. How the motto, plow and spade – all show the way our natural and other resources will keep being criminally exploited in their crude, raw forms……4 B. Liberia was established to feather other people’s nest………………………..5 C. The British foresaw the national setup as a mere American philanthropic experiment…………………………………………………………………….6 D. How J.J. Robert’s use of his first 9 months in the air has served as a good precedent that up to Ellen Johnson can follow to date………………………..6 E. How Tubman owned a private yacht when the whole country never had one……............................................................................................6 F. How public officials (for example, Legislators) spend their break…………..7 G. Liberia’s main foreign policy objective……………………………………...7 H. Romeo Horton’s tantalizing memoir and Liberians’ experience in international organizations…………………………………………………...7 I. A little record on Tolbert, Doe and Taylor…………………………………..8 J. How Liberia has no record of standing for a genuine cause and must be dictated to by others in almost everything it does…………………………...9 K. How the Executive Mansion responded to a 2014 criminal image building allegation………………………………………………………….11 L. Inconsistencies and disunity, as hallmarks of the Black Setters’ Liberia….11 M. US President George Bush attributes Liberia’s insignificance to lack of unity………………………………………………………………………...13 N. The excellent trickle down effects of Liberia’s celebrated culture of immorality, remorselessness, unprincipled-mindedness etc………………..13 O. How J. J. Roberts, the foremost father, the exemplar, the pathfinder, the role model and mentor of the country ignored term-limits and got so-called elected to the presidency 6 times………………………..13 P. J. J. Roberts was president of the country and at the same time president of the University…………………………………………………………...13 Q. The mockery exhibited by Doe, with Americo-Liberian advise, to

head an interim electoral arrangement while at the same time: military president, and participant in an upcoming election………………13 R. Charles Taylor’s double tongues about his NFPL mission……………….14 S. In Liberia, politics is culturally accepted as a calling for criminals and the most dishonest and trickiest of human kind/persons……..…........14 T. How Taylor and Ellen for example demonstrate this societal notion…….14 12. A list of the common characteristics of a typical Liberian (without prejudice to our ever-suffering and ‘intentionally-kept-ignorant’ Native People)…………….15 13. How the Liberian Legislature requests for $73 million for their direct use as District Development Funds in the midst of persistent budget shortfalls………..23 14. How graves are filled with countless unaccomplished people in this country...........24 15. How current policy makers are bent on sustaining the status quo…………………..24 16. How Liberia’s situation fearfully keeps worsening unabated………………………24 17. Simon Mainwaring’s advise for fixing our problems…………………………….....24 18. We can’t afford to waste away the current opportunity afforded us by God through the United Nations………………………………………………………….24 19. The questions that confront us when we allow this glorious chance slip by……......25 20. The current allegorical fate of Liberia……………………………………………....25 21. A short listing of some major failures that qualify Liberia as a super mess………...25 22. Changing this DIRTY name will help us a lot……………………………………...26 23. A list of few of the many countries that have changed their names………………...26


INTRODUCTION Elias Canetti, a Bulgarian-born British non-fiction Writer says, “People’s fate are simplified by their names”, and Eleanor Catton, a peer Canadian-born New Zealand Author buttressed this claim by opining, “You give a dog a bad name, and that dog is bad for life.” Psychologists and psychiatrists have been busy working around the clock, and have established that names have meanings that become the continuing legacies of the people or entity that bear them. According to H. Edward Deluzain at, names somehow have great influence over the people who bear them. He said names affected the way people behaved and how they felt about themselves. Then another Psychiatrist William F. Murphy, M. D. reported that the most important aspect of personality affected by names is self-concept. He said self-concept works as a kind of script for the way people act. According to Florida-based Dr. Murphy, if for example, a boy has an image of himself as bad, or as not being capable of doing well in school, his behavior will most probably reflect that image that he has about himself. He will tend to behave in a way he thinks a “bad boy” is supposed to behave, or he will fail to learn as he should, even though he might be quite intelligent. In a certain BBC Article expounding on this topic about the relationship between name, self-concept and success, it was further elaborated that some names happen to be successful than others; some sound more attractive them others, and some confer more luck. This may just be a statistical observation. But the true psychology behind names is far too personal to be generalized this way. The psychology of names is so complex that it could take someone an entire life time to study. Even in the religious circles, the uses of names is so important that there are accounts of clerics sometimes recommending a complete name change if one isn’t going its owner’s way. According to a certain blog post, Syrian Muslim Cleric lbn al-Qayyim said names have clear effects on individuals. So persons and things are affected by their names regarding beauty, ugliness, lightness, heaviness etc. He also said names indicate particular meanings and therefore wisdom proves that there is a strong relationship between names and their meanings (Zad al Mead). He further said that changing one’s name was permissible (advisable) or even desirable as the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam changed names of his male and female companions. In more related accounts, another Islamic Prophet or cleric referred to as SAW, reportedly urged parents to give their children good names. It is said that whenever people came to the prophet bearing names that were, or that sounded derogatory, opaque, counterproductive etc., he would give them new and better names. Then comes the concept of change. Marshall McLuan suggested that we always need changes in our lives, no matter what parts of us are to be affected by these changes . He said even our initial ideas and assumptions tend to prove later on in life that they have outlived their usefullness with the passage of time; and come to see it, it is indeed only a bad plan that will prohibit modifications. A certain blog posted at


passionately admonishes us that each change is a turning point in our situation. It is about closing one chapter and opening another one anew, it said. For changes truly bring new beginnings and new excitements to life. Having laid all of these premises, we would like to bring to the attention of this country’s population that the name, Liberia, though its root, the Latin word, ‘Liber’, doesn’t mean harm, the context from which this name was given our precious country, and all of the circumstances surrounding the giving of this name, plus the output and characterizations that have been attributed to it since it was cheatingly proposed by U.S. Congressman Robert Goodloe Harper to the American Colonization Society in the early 1820s and subsequently adopted, have been those of crime, curse, failure, misery, corruption, indiscipline, and barrenness. As a sound and productive people, even though we may have been asleep for all this long, we have no option now, but to change this divisive and unproductive name as part of the many sweeping changes our country is now braced for, in line with the Plain Truth Revolution. Before outlining some of the many disgraceful traits attributable to this failed name called Liberia, which she has demonstrated and sustained for the past 194 years now, let’s just provide you a brief synopsis of how this demonic name came into being. Truly one of this country’s mess is how it got its name. In some part of Saint Augustine writings, he asked, “Do you wish to rise? [If your answer is yes, then], begin by coming down first (descending).” he further asked, “Are you planning to construct a tower (tall building) that will pierce the cloud? [Then] lay first the foundation of humility.” Unfortunately, the Settlers, who laid the foundation for their Liberia, started off by designing the roof in midair with bigotry, egotism, sectionalism and corruption. According to multiple historical accounts, the setters adopted their country’s name and all of its emblems, symbols, creed to the complete and cruel neglect of the interests of 16 ethnic communities, which they came and met already established on ground for long centuries – all because the Settlers (the Americo-Liberians) felt and still feel today that members of these 16 ethnic African communities were/are little lower than human beings, which makes it useless to seek the interests of these savages (as they referred to the tribal communities in any form of national arrangement. As such, after the American Colonization Society (ACS) changed our first golden name, the Grain Coast, to their criminal ‘Liberia’ in the early 1820s, they began working to legalize and sustain this funning, cheating name. Here is what they did. Because the Americo-Liberians lacked the knowhow and intelligence to design anything worthwhile for themselves besides cleverly orchestrating mayhem and mischief against others, they invited another prominent American, Harvard Law School Professor, John Simon Greenleaf at their so-called constitutional convention of June 25 to July 25 1847 to guide them through the process of fully legitimizing their name, Liberia, and designing emblems, symbols and/or awards to match this name (Liberian


History Up To 1847). That’s how come at their convention, the Americo-Liberians adopted a national motto that reads “The love of Liberty brought us here”, a funny seal with some stupid ship coming at sea, as if everyone came to this territory by ship; and a foolish first line introducing or opening the Declaration of Independence and reportedly the preamble of their so called first constitution that shamefully reads “We the people of the republic of Liberia, are originally the people of the United State of North America.” Then to add insult to injury, they took all this mess to a church, the Providence Baptist Church, and had them approved and ratified there, as if our God is someone to joke with – God forbid!!!! And what hurts most is that all these stupid lies still reign supreme up to today’s date, when many of us can fortunately now read beyond the lines. But let them be warned that our precious country’s name is not Liberia, and that this kind of downright lie MUST change now!!! True to what the Bible says in Galatians 6:7, humans are strongly warned by Apostle Paul, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man sows, that also will he reap.” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to establish that this deceitful national arrangement has been able to reap nothing much in 194 years other than sorrow, confusion, division, gross distrust for one another, poverty etc. Since these people claimed that the 16 African ethnic communities comprise wild animals and only the Americo-Liberians’ interests were supreme and paramount, and as such, designed everything in the country to support this claim, the first curse for their Liberia has been a perpetual air of grave animosity between the two major groups: the Settlers on the one hand, and the 16 Native Tribes on the other. Consequently, from the very year they began their new nation, Liberia, the plague of serious bloodbath began. From 1822 to dates, that is this 2016, according to careful statistics and accounting, the country has tasted over 18 recorded bloody crises (including 13 full scale ‘Uncivil’ wars, some of which lasted for 8 consecutive years; four (4) recorded coup d’états, and one major national riot) – all of which cumulatively have taken away over 30 years of what could have been the country’s productive time. Moreover, between 1871 and 2006, the country disgracefully ran up to 7 intermittent interim governments or administrations, all in search of peace, reconciliation and stability, things which are still far-fetched in this country. During 1990 to 2003 alone, this stupid name called Liberia shocked the world when just to conclude a domestic (‘Uncivil’) War, Liberian so-called political leaders sat in 21 different internationally organized peace accords/conferences (each of which cost Millions of United Stated Dollars) of other country’s tax payers’ money, just fussing over how to share ministries and government agencies based on their perceptions of which of these institutions generated the most revenue. In the same token, just in 27 years (1989-2016, according to our own carefully conducted research and tally, over Forty-five billion United States Dollars (US$ 45 billion) have been lost both directly and indirectly to the effects of war, with over 90% of this money coming from international government’s coffers. But


as we said earlier, this peace and reconciliation dream is still an illusion on ground in Liberia because the country has refused to confront its unresolved past. Just early 2014, on a Power TV presentation, one Evangelist Charles of the Bethel Cathedral in Monrovia prophesied and warned the country that if the current President (Ellen Johnson Sirleaf) didn’t resign along with her Vice President (Joseph Boakai) [apparently to create room for better discussions to decide the fate and future of the country], the next round of blood bath to be experienced by Liberia will be beyond measure. Meanwhile, Evangelist Charles particularly attributed this looming dark cloud to the hot air of ethic or tribal marginalization and oppression that continues to overwhelm the country. Moreover, the Fund for Peace, through its Foreign Policy Magazine’s Failed State Tracking has already categorically warned that this little failed, rogue, West African State is far from stability and could rupture into conflict at any time. Their report was republished in the Concord Times Newspaper’s July 19, 2013’s edition. Having said all of these, let us begin listing some of the very negative things about this country that keeps people’s heads bowed when they are associated with the name Liberia. Sorry, we will not be able to list them all as we have discovered because they are so numerous, but we will do our best to convince you that over 90% of the descriptions of Liberia is negative and that the time has come to change this embarrassing name as one of the key demands of our Plain Truth Revolution. Here are some of the things associated with Liberia and its name: 1. Because the seal portrays a ship coming at sea and the motto attached to this name says “The love of liberty brought us here” it has been established that it is only the aliens, or the foreigners, the strangers or people with related characteristics (people with divided interests; people with two homes, dual citizenship holders etc.) who enjoy every good thing about this other national arrangement, but not the actual, undiluted owners of the land. The plow and the spade in the seal represent the means whereby the country’s natural resources would be criminally extracted but never processed (Liberian Civics p.68). To prove this point, from the first major concession agreement entered into by this “Liberia” – as far as our research has discovered – under President Joseph J. Chessman in 1894 with the Monrovia Rubber Company to exploit wild rubber, to the over 10 precious oil blocks auctioned by Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf thus far, all of these agreements went against the country’s interest so unthinkably just for the sake of the interest of the few people who sign them. The accounts of these resource agreements are so unthinkable to the extent that one would safely describe the AmericoLiberia leaders signing them as all numbskulls or even unintelligent ‘animals’ to say the least. For example, Monrovia Rubber Company, which changed name twice under Arthur Barclay (A Short History of The First Liberian Republic and, from the Monrovia Rubber Company to the Liberia Rubber Company, and then to the Liberia Development Company (with


each change in name defining new scopes of operations and new spans of control) was sometimes given the right to leave its line of business, rubber, to extract other mineral resources within its areas of operations (sometimes covering over 90% of the entire country), including gold, diamond etc. free of charge. Charles King and William Tubman gave out 1 million acres of Liberian fertile lands to a multibillion dollar firm, Firestone, at 6 cents per acre, for 99 years, with a later 1% tax on some quantity of exported rubber; Tubman alone auctioned out over 300 million tons of Liberian iron ore to foreign firms at between 16 cents and 20 cents per ton based on what the concessionaires were willing to report, and out this Stupid 16 to 20 cents royalty fees, the concessionaires deducted fees such as Depletion Fees before giving the balance to the Liberian Government (In The Cause Of The People, D. Tuan Wleh); under Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, among the over 70 concession agreements she and her government have signed, an audit of 68 at certain time by Moore Stevens (a renowned British auditing firm), through the Liberian Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative disclosed that 66 grossly violated Liberian interest. Specifically in the key natural oil and gas sector, out of all of the deals for the more than 10 important oil blocks auctioned by Madam Sirleaf, none has included a provision for Liberians to buy stock or share in the several companies that will be drilling the country’s oil, among other grievous experiences of exploitations the country will be enduring when actual drilling starts (Natural Chronicle, Thursday, April 26, 2012 etc.). In line with the dictates of the plow and the spade within the seal, for almost 200 years now, Liberia has NEVER dreamt about adding value to any of her natural resources. They are all exported as crudely and naturally as they are exploited. Liberia woke up and heard about Laissez Faire Capitalism in the mouths of the Americans, lazy to research and choose which economic system or which mix of ideas from different economic systems would best match its situation and environment; the country professedly adopted the so called Free Enterprise or Laissez Faire Capitalism unmodified since 1822, just to satisfy mama America, which in fact practices a different form of economic system, called Mixed economics. Dull and cruel enough never to ever empower its own citizens to fit into this form of capitalism or economic system in general, Liberia has failed miserably to take control of her own economy to the point that only foreigners are now in complete control of the country’s economy. According to the book “In The Cause Of The People”, as of 2010, a survey of business registration in Liberia showed that 5 out of every 7 business entities registered are foreign-owned and that Liberia holds the dubious characteristic of being second to Gabon in Africa with respect to economies that are almost entirely in the hand of foreigners. Our graduate thesis research of 2013 on Liberian owned MSMEs (Medium, Small, and micro Enterprises) discovered that all of Liberia’s private businesses put together can never contribute up to 2% or it’s already very negligible and highly falsified GDP figure. 2. Liberia was established to feather the nest of a different country or different countries and not itself; meaning, people from different countries, and with different interests


are supposed to take advantage of Liberia’s vulnerability to come and exploit the country so as to improve their own lives abroad. It started with the country’s First Agent, Jehudi Ashmun. There are credible historical accounts that Mr. Ashmun had some financial obligation in New York for which he applied to the American Colonization Society to come and work in Liberia to be able to settle that debt back home. It was not, or it has not been this man alone, but at least he laid a perfect foundation for this trend, being the first official leader of Liberia, and his legacy lives on, as even in the current Liberian Government, the President herself is on record that many top officials hold their American citizenship for example, and that this place is sadly used by them as an “Intermittent Earning Ground”. In addition, more than 7 of the Americo-Liberia Presidents were people born in the United States, some grew up there before coming to their farm, Liberia, to become presidents etc. And so, once we still bear this name, Liberia, this counterproductive trend will continue unabated. For instance, in further confirmation of the President’s statement above, according to a certain National Chronicle Newspaper article, over 80% of the top officials of the current Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Government came from America , and they came to work and send their pay back home . A 2009 Central Bank of Liberia Economic Bulletin featured in the New Democrat Newspaper’s May 2,2009 edition suggested an average of US$12.3 million leaving the country’s already strangulated economy every month to go abroad as mere remittances, when the country itself can never independently produce up to $50 million in capital investments for a whole year. 3. When Liberia was established in 1822, Great Britain observed it activities and comportment, and then described it as a mere American Philanthropist Experiment; meaning, Liberia was a little funny arrangement put together for begging purpose, but was NEVER actually meant to be a serious nation. The country’s first President, after its so-called independence, Mr. Joseph Jenkins Roberts, proved the Britons quite right! Just a month or so after his inauguration in 1848, illiterate and visionless Joseph Jenkins Robert took nine (9) straight months of his two year-term to go out of the country seeking for help (A Short History of The First Liberian Republic, p.11). Roberts took these 9 serious working months of the new nation’s time shuttling among England, Netherlands, Prussia, France etc. actively begging for assistance (financial and used items), and at the end of his official begging mission after 9 months, he came back home with an old gunboat donated to him and his so-called new country by Queen Victoria, along with some assorted donations [including used clothes] given by other leading European political and religious bodies and personalities. President Bill Tubman bought a whole private yacht to facilitate his part of begging and pleasure voyages when Liberia never had, and even up to date, doesn’t have one ‘air taxi’ etc. Almost 200 years on, since the days of Roberts, their great granddaughter, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, as a way of preserving the Americo-Liberian culture, is even traveling around the world for help more than all of the past leaders put together. According to Liberian Politician Simeon Freeman, Madam Sirleaf is Liberia’s most travelled President, if not the whole


world’s, according to his record on her travels. She flies out of the country almost every week, over 95% of the time going to beg for aid and philanthropic assistance. She has even now stretched her begging “tentacles” to young Qatar to help with Liberia’s chronic age-old unemployment crisis by helping to employ some Liberians for her, when shamefully her 194 year old country has more resources, more opportunities, and abundant available financial help to improve upon and work wonders more than 43 yearold Qatar, which mainly depends on oil. But for those who may be surprise at this kind of news, Ellen is only performing her constitutional duty, which is; each time we elect a president under the name and structure called Liberia, they must subscribe to certain solemn oath to support, uphold, protect and defend the constitution and laws, and we will add, culture of Liberia, which include the issues we are currently discussing here. In Liberia, when breaks are extended to national leaders, even explicitly to assess conditions within their own environments or constituencies, they almost all cue up at the American Embassy (in most instances) seeking visa to travel and go to beg for assistance or spend time with family members. The National Legislature is an illustrious example. When Agriculture Breaks and their huge accompanying entitlements are extended to Liberian Lawmakers, you will never hear for instance such thing as an Honorable man harvesting 10,000 bags of rice from his farm in Gbojesay Town, Rivercess County etc. to do an auction during this break so as to use some of the proceeds from there to purchase items they want to personally donate to their districts. Instead, Liberian Legislators become heroes by flying abroad to go beg for 8 cartoons of used textbooks and second-hand ambulances on which some of them will attach their personal photos for flamboyancy to show their heroism in the Liberian sense. Still with the claim of being a mere philanthropic experiment, Liberia itself admits that its key foreign policy objective has been (and continues to be) the search for assistance from developed nations, the international community and international institutions, without any mention of desiring, or determining to reciprocate. Apart from its demonstrated incapacity and lack of willingness to reciprocate, Liberia has failed on many occasions to accept the challenge to put up credible leaderships for some of those key international bodies that she herself has almost always been original signatory to (Liberian History Since 1980, p.60). Mr. A. Romeo Horton’s memoir featured in the New Democrat Newspaper of Tuesday, April 16, 2013 under the title, “Why Liberians Never Headed International Bodies That She Was In The Vanguard Of Creating,” he explains how Bill Tubman denied him (Horton) of becoming the first president of the African Development Bank, an institution that Liberia was instrumental in establishing. Tubman, according to this article also refused to allow Monrovia host the bank, but instead nominated Abidjan. For this point of hosting the ADB, anyone can guess that Tubman was surely ashamed for the gross undevelopment of his colonial Monrovia. Still explaining, Mr. Horton said, at the UN, Tubman denied a certain UN Convention’s favorite, Charles D. Sherman of Liberia, of becoming the First Executive Secretary of


the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA); Bill Tubman also reportedly denied J. Rudolph Grimes of becoming OAU’s First Secretary General at a Cairo Meeting on grounds that he wanted Grimes to remain his Secretary of State back home. Note: OAU is the Organization of African Unity, the African Union’s predecessor. It is also reported that during the 22 nd General Conference of UNESCO in 1984 in Paris, France, personnel from other member countries had to fill more than 10 of Liberia’s 17-slot quota that had been left untitled for long at UNESCO etc. Remember Liberia has always been respected for being Africa’s so-called oldest Republic and then she has been one of the original signatories to almost every new world body’s charter, although with the primary intent of how to get assistance. Analysts however attribute this respect for Liberia more to the issue of this American flag she carries. The very few individual Liberians who excelled in world bodies like Angie Brooks Randolph, Joseph N. Togba and the likes had succeeded through their personal excellence and struggles in most cases. 4. Liberia has never stood up for anything worthwhile as an independent country, except under Tolbert mainly, and then Samuel Doe and Charles Taylor to some small extent in our own reading. Instead, the country has been notorious for running incredibly puppet or Mickey-Mouse governments that are dictated to anyhow, especially by America. Here are a few examples of how disgraceful this reality has been: a) The wicked Americo-Liberian community or elite, because of their perception about our huge tribal community, as comprising wild animals and beasts but not humans, and in fulfillment of the horrible vendetta they mentioned in their Declaration of Independence that they had come to pursue against the Natives of this land, have never had any plans to provide any forms of key social services like education, healthcare, water, roads etc. to the vast population of all the hinterlands, although they started collecting taxes from these same poor people during the very beginning of their Liberia. According to the book, “A Short History of the First Liberian Republic, it is as a result of the scathing report released by the League of Nations about Monrovia’s cruel treatment of the tribal people in the interior, followed by the international community’s threat to rid Liberia of her so-called sovereignty and independence as a result of this NASTY development pertaining to the treatment of the Natives, that made the Americo-Liberians to start constructing few dirt roads and substandard schools and clinics within the hinterlands. b) Still on the same League of Nations Report of 1931, Dr. Christy and his commission had proposed some strong recommendations to the Liberians Government; some of which included, that the political subdivisions of the country be rearranged to give Americans and Europeans a greater participation in their running; that the collection of every type of revenue be done by Europeans and Americans etc., provisions the Liberian Government was bitterly protesting, but they (the League) were also putting


forth an offer for Liberia to apply for some financial and administrative assistance plan from the League to help her implement some of the recommendations. Within no time, a protesting Government of Liberia dispatched Secretary of State Louis Arthur Gnmes and a contracted Italian Lawyer, Antoine Sotille to fly off to Geneva to begin discussions about the financial assistance plan aspect of the League Commission’s recommendations (A Short History of the First Liberian Republic) c) Liberia has always been a gullible and foolish country that can be lured with any small gifts for it to open itself up for massive exploitation because of its numbskull leaderships. When for example, France recognized Liberia’s so called independence in 1852, 4 years later, the French donated to it a small gunboat, the Hirondelle, along with some arms and ammunition. Despite all these, however, Paris was determined to annex even the whole of Liberia if they never had rivals like Britain, or had some respect for the American flag always being flown here. So by 1911, France and Britain had succeeded in reducing Liberia almost by a 3 rd because in the midst of the gifts been given, the French were busy winning former Liberian territories unto themselves (A Short History of the first Liberian Republic). d) Liberia received a $1.7 million loan from a couple of countries in 1912, including France, Germany, Britain, and the USA. One of the conditions attached to receiving the loan was that the lenders would be in charge of collecting all of country’s revenues until the full amount of the loan, payable in several years, up to decades, was completed. Therefore two German Battleships, Victoria and Breman, regularly patrolled Liberian Waters to protect the interest of German traders and ensure the collection of Germany’s portion of the revenues (A short history of the first Liberian Republic). e) Liberia declared neutrality in both World Wars I and II. For World War I, as soon as America entered the conflict in 1917, Liberia was persuaded by America to join and she did. For World War II, Liberia’s neutrality survived up to 1944, a year before the end of the War. As if it were the fulfilment of some secret promise, as soon as William Tubman took office in 1944, he broke Liberia’s neutrality and ridiculously declared war on Germany before the end of the month in which he was inaugurated – all because Mama America had joined the war and Tubman had to show his loyalty. (Idem). f) In a Thursday, June 30, 2011 edition of the Heritage Newspaper it was reported that the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton called on African leaders on Tuesday, June 14, 2011, urging them to abandon Libyan Leader Muammar Gadhafi. In less than 24 hours, according to the report, President Sirleaf announced that the Government of Liberia was breaking diplomatic ties with longtime African friend and ally Libya, and was also withdrawing the Liberian Ambassador and staff from Tripoli,


something that didn’t go down well with Sen. Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan of Sinoe County, but he could do nothing about it, being a toothless bull dog. g) According to a September 2013 article in the New Dawn Newspaper captioned, “ US Pushes Liberia To Condemn Syria’s Use of Chemical Weapons,” it is carried that upon U.S. Ambassador Deborah Malac’s meeting with Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan urging the GOL to join America in requesting the international community to hold the Syrian Regime accountable for an alleged use of chemical weapons in their Civil War, and further requesting Liberia to denounce the Syrian Regime, Liberia went ahead to do just that within a matter of hours. h) In the Thursday, September 19, 2013 Editorial Of The National Chronicle Newspaper, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) reportedly lamented how about 80 audit reports from audit exercises conducted by the General Auditing Commission (GAC) for about 8 years now, were gathering dust at the National Legislature just to undergo public hearing. In a related development, journalist J. Dominic Farley reporting for another Liberian local daily disclosed that the UN Secretary General Ban Kii Moon had gotten seriously concerned about the stockpiling of audit reports on the desks of the Legislature and the President without action. It was then that the Legislature’s Public Accounts Committee began to conduct some sycophantic hearings into these reports just for another formality as usual. i) In a Thursday, January 16, 2014’s article published by, a Liberian local daily’s reporter Leroy M. Sonpon, III disclosed that some time ago, Global Witness in their report raised concerns about the insufficient political will of the Liberian Government to bring about the sweeping changes that the Oil Sector needs. He said the Global Witness report pointed out that while the controversial draft oil legislation contains some progressive and positive provisions, including requirements for the public disclosure of the ultimate beneficial owners of companies, and strong transparency provisions, there were areas that needed to be improved upon if the country were to fully realize the potential benefits of its emerging oil sector. Among other things, the report added that the success of the law in developing a petroleum sector that supports the country’s economic development will be in part determined by the safeguards in the revenue management bill which has yet to be developed. Strong transparency, oversight and accountability provisions will be needed to ensure that any revenue from a potential oil find in Liberia can be effectively harnessed. The Petroleum and NOCAL Acts contain some progressive and innovative clauses on beneficial ownership and transparency of information. However; they fail to recognize and accordingly protect the land rights of all those who may be affected by petroleum operations and do not require international competitive bidding in all cases. Predicated upon its findings, Global Witness recommended the Legislature to use this chance to revise the Acts, and ensure that sufficient safeguards are put into place to enable any potential income


from the Liberian oil sector, in the absence of other sources of finance being available, to contribute to real development benefits. The Liberian Legislature had been behaving as if it never knew that all their so called oil and gas laws were flawed. It was after this Global Witness report (as the culture is for Liberian Governments), that the Legislature started reviewing the laws, at some point inviting a 17 year old high school student, a foreigner from Alaska, and relative of the first family, to come and speak at some of their oil consultations, after a few handful of Legislators had earlier used up US$ 0.9 million as transportation expenses to do another round of oil consultations, according to them, nationwide. j) Sometime during January 2014, Representative Bhofal Chambers of Maryland County alarmed at a discovery he had made that the Liberian Government under Madam Sirleaf had used over US$200 million on lobbying and public relations in the international community, and reportedly brought this to the attention of the President’s Office. He was ignored persistently until another news came up that the U. S. Congress got to know about this same issue and raised some concern. It was then that Madam Sirleaf’s Executive Mansion decided to react to the allegation by both writing the U.S Congress cordially making clarity on the issue (New Dawn, March 21, 2014) and then writing the Liberian Legislature (the House of Representatives), but this time in a different way, describing their observation or allegation as preposterous, while giving some flimsy justifications on the use of these ‘lobby fees’ paid to one commercial diplomacy firm, KRL International in Washington DC, although the actual truth is that Ellen’s Executive Branch had within a couple of years since her ascendancy in 2006, illegally been dishing out huge monies to around 5 US commercial diplomacy and law firms worth over US$250 million for so-called ‘International Image Building and Public Relations’. This is according to the US Justice Department, as reported by on March 16, 2014. 5. Consistency is a taboo for this country, and disunity at every level has been the hallmark of this Black American Setters’ Liberia. There has been almost no record of where Liberians successfully held together for long periods while pursuing a goal and remained in that unison until that goal was/is fully achieved. Here are a few proofs: a) In Liberian history, apart from the rampant “mushrooming” of splinter political parties from a single mother party, politicians normally jump from one party to another, or breakaway from one party, then establish another faction just for power and wealth, but nothing else. For instance, Anthony D. Williams, a prominent Liberian politician, ran as candidate for the Whig Anti-Administration Party (a breakaway of the True Whig Party) in 1889 and lost. By 1893, Anthony D. William had switched to another party, the New Republicans, and he still lost to the same


Joseph J. Chessman he had lost to, 2 years back. Still yet in 1899, Anthony Williams ran on the ticket of a third party, the True Union Party, and he was again defeated. b) The military junta that over-threw President Tolbert in 1980, called the People’s Redemption Council (PRC) comprised 17 members. In their first year after taking power, the group split into two factions – i.e. the revolutionary faction headed by Thomas Weh Seyn and the moderate faction, headed by Thomas G. Quiwonkpa. In just about a year after the coup, coup leader Samuel Doe had killed 7 out of the 17member PRC on suspicion of them wanting to overthrow him. One or two years later, the balance 10 men split on sectional lines, with a defacto Southeastern Alliance and a Northeastern Alliance. It was this last split that the Americo-Liberians quickly exploited to plan the developments that bubbled up later in Boutuo, Nimba County, in 1989, which led this Americo-Liberian country into 14 years of bloodbath (Liberian History Since 1980, Wikipedia etc.) c) Before the 1997 presidential elections, seven political parties operating in the Interim Government of National Unity (IGNU)-controlled areas formed an association in 1996 known as the Alliance for Democratic Political Parties. The political parties included the LAP, UP, LPP, UPP, LUP, NDPL, and TWP. Note: we mean Liberia Action Party, Unity Party, Liberia’s People’s Party, United People’s Party, Liberia Unification Party, National Democratic Party of Liberia, and the True Whig Party respectively. For these 7 political parties, Charles Taylor was undemocratic, for which they should all unite to defeat him at the polls come what may, so they planned a convention to choose their common candidate (the presidential candidate for the coalition or the alliance). At the convention, electioneering was handled by a special Alliance Commission. This convention was held during the first week of April 1997, at which each party sent 100 delegates (each of the 7 parties). It was agreed that voting will go through 3 rounds. But the mischief began even before the elections could start. Before elections, the TWP and UP announced they wouldn’t field presidential candidates; 5 parties then left. The elections went on among the remaining 5, but ended up in confusion. Here is the actual story however: it was the struggle for power in the alliance that reduced its membership to 5 parties in the first place. Then later during the elections process, three parties announced they were going independent after losing in the first round or so. In the end, the alliance of 7 was only now left with two parties LAP, and LPP. When the national elections came, Charles Taylor’s NPP then massively won the polls with over 80% (Liberian History Since 1980). d) During the 2005 Liberian Special Elections, a cross section of indigenous ‘Liberians’ organized themselves to enhance the possibility for a Native ‘Liberian’ to be elected to the presidency. The group, Heritage Association of Liberia, campaigned indirectly for this objective. Its members comprised academics, businessmen, politicians, and highly placed religious individuals, but the group got split over whom, what party,


and what tribe to support. In the end therefore, internal conflict rocked the group, leading to an easy victory for the Americo-Libeian Ellen Johnson Sirleaf e) According to, in April of 2013, a conglomeration of 35 Civil Society Organizations, including the Coalition for the Transformation of Liberia (COTOL) announced their plan to stage some demonstration against the Ellen Sirleaf Administration to demand her resignation for what they claimed as her government’s practice of corruption, nepotism and bad governance. Although there were lots of claims and counterclaims coming up about the actual intent of this planned protest march and the brains behind it, three days before the demonstration, Archie Sannon, (leader of the biggest grouping), Coalition For The Transformation or the umbrella structure, called off the protest, causing a serious split within the opposition. Archievego Doe of the Grassroots Leadership Network immediately announced that the protest would go on as planned. He accused the coalition leaders of taking bribes. Later, the government confirmed that planners of the demonstration received money to call off the protest. f) In the New Democrat, Friday, March 16, 2012 publication, it is stated that US President George Bush had described Liberia as an “insignificant country” also based on his observation that no unity exists among Liberians. True to Mr. Bush’s claim and as it has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout Liberian history, there has been no evidence of real unity in any Liberian endeavor. And when it comes to the issue of inconsistency and lack of principles in most instances, during election seasons in Liberia, you will hear of cross carpeting by politicians all around the place from one party to another based on which party will afford them quicker opportunities to ascend to power and have a chance too to loot state resources but not to stand for some genuine principles. In a certain 2013 report, it was revealed that Liberia had by then, 30 registered political parties, some of which have no office spots to operate from. 6. There are no concerns and no commitment for the demonstration of principlemindedness; the promotion of a culture of truth telling and sincerity; the setting of good precedents, the exercise of moral consciousness etc. within the Liberian public sector, beginning with very top government offices. Instead, these places are used as vehicles to propagate dishonesty, lies, corruption, immorality, parochialism, remorselessness, among other vices. Leaders in Liberia sadly don’t know, and it has never been stressed as yet for them to know, that millions out there, even the unborn ones, look up to them to copy their examples. Let’s just bring you a few examples of the many accounts in history wherein Liberian leaders prove the claims made here to be right: a) No form of government will ever be called a true democracy if it doesn’t set term limits to key positions like the presidency and others. The first president of the country, Joseph Jenkins Roberts, who supposed to have laid a perfect foundation to


set the country’s democracy on its successful footing, with strong positive precedents, got elected to the presidency 6 different times until he was now bored in leadership and he died in office. His boredom came because Mr. Roberts was President for the so-called Republic and at the same time President and Administrator of the Republic’s highest institution of learning, Liberia College, now the University of Liberia, which offered no Math, no Science and no Business courses, but Rhetoric, Latin, Arabic, Mental Philosophy etc., and graduated 10 persons in 39 round years of operations, from 1863 to 1902. As a legacy, he also masterminded the ousting of President E J. Roye, just to dubiously come back to power through some funny one-man scheme devised by the Mulattoes that they referred to as an election in 1871 (A Short History of the First Liberian Republic) b) When military man, Samuel K. Doe took over in a coup in 1980, he was advised, and warned in line with international best practice standards to implement a process whereby an interim civilian leadership would be established to organize and execute free and fair elections wherein Mr. Doe himself would run if he still wanted the presidency. Doe agreed and established the Interim National Assembly or the INA. But mockingly, Doe appointed himself as head of this new body; his Vice President Harry Monibah as Vice Head, and all remaining members of his People’s Redemption Council (PRC) (remember he had killed up to 7 out of this 17-member body, just in about a year on suspicions of them trying to overthrow him) as members of the INA with few civilians. Neither did Doe, his VP, nor did any of his PRC members ever resign their military junta positions before assuming their new INA roles. It was this INA that set up the special Elections commission (SECOM) to run the 1985 elections that the INA boss, Military ‘Civilian’ Man, Doe himself won (Liberian History Since 1980). c) When Charles Taylor, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Tom Woewiyou set up their rebel group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), Military Commander Charles Taylor told his followers and the Liberian people that they just wanted to get Dictator Samuel Doe off the backs of the Liberian people. It is reported that he later on announced that the NPFL had come to revenge the death of 13 Americo-Liberian Government Officials killed by Doe through firing squad in 1980 (Liberian History Since 1980). d) In fact, in Liberia, the overriding view is that politics is not meant for sincere, honest and decent people, but instead, it is meant for eloquent liars and shrewd contrivers at orchestrating mayhem and making mischief etc. So for example, by the 1920s, when even Liberia so called capital city never had any paved streets, President Charles King held two national conferences with the Native Chiefs, promising to construct roads (paved roads) to connect all chiefdom headquarters across the country. This culture of “uncivilized lying” is embossed into the DNAs of Liberian leaderships and is being sustained to date. Current President Ellen Sirleaf, as if she felt she was


addressing a mass of all stupid people, exposed her own level of continuous dishonesty and huge limitation by promising in January of 2014, with basically 2 ½ more years of active work left in her in her 12 year-long presidential term, that her government was/is still committed to connecting all of Liberia’s 15 counties’ capitals with paved roads [before her exit], when for 9 years now, she has failed to recondition a few major one-lane streets of few kilometers right in Monrovia (Somalia Drive for example,) shamefully forcing her own responsibility on a foreign sisterly county, Japan. The main point about the Somalia Drive is that if the Japanese had ever decided not to come in to help, as promised, that road would never have been rehabilitated. Meanwhile, it is her government that continues painfully, to frustrate the Japanese desire to help Liberia, by stealing almost all of the proceeds of different grants and assistance coming from Japan to help the poor people of Liberia, including an oil grant that the Japanese had extended US$13 million to make available to help the country (Daily Observer Newspaper, Thursday, February 16, 2012, New Democrat Newspaper, Friday February 17, 2012), and the squandering of many more Japanese assistance money to the country. 7. As a direct impact of the negative effects of this name, the kind of culture which this name promotes, owing to the claimed mental inferiority and moral laxity of the founders of the nation bearing this name, Liberia, the demonstrated personal and collective behaviors and orientations of “true or typical” Liberians have proven too unconventional, queer, and so much incomprehensible to other nations around the globe. This is without prejudice to our poor, innocent, unduly deprived and suffering people, who are largely not responsible for finding themselves in such a big quagmire. Let’s now close here with a long list of some of the observed characteristics that can be attributed to typical Liberians or those that have been fully acculturated into the normal Liberian way of life. We may not be able to go into details describing each one of these attributes or characteristics, but you are highly encouraged, as a personal challenge, to test the veracity of each claim for yourself. These claims may sound strong, but they are the bare realities that must be accepted in the spirit of succumbing to the truth, as the only means for change, improvement and natural healing. Some of Liberia’s major characteristics are now therefore as follows: a. First off, let’s not forget most importantly, that Liberia, when placed in the context of a child, refused proper upbringing and disciplining, but jumped straight way into maturity while still unprepared, untrained and uneducated, although their masters too contributed to this ugly scenario. To add insult to injury, the founders of Liberia were not intelligent, civilized and positively ambitions kinds of people, but sadly were people whose own ‘deporters’ and masters had described with four dangerous adjectives, and as such decided to rid them out of society for the safety and stability of their country, America. The four adjectives used by the American Colonization Society founders and slave owners in the South of the United States to describe


possible candidates for their ACS Deportation Exercises or so called Black Repatriation Scheme after experiencing, or during terrifying Slave Rebellions like the Gabriel Prosser’s, Nat Turner’s, Cato’s and Denmark Vesey etc. Rebellions were promoters of mischief, morally lax, mentally inferior, and criminally oriented elements, as we have stressed and stressed in all of our writings with emphasis. For the 20 years of the ACS repatriation exercises, they had carefully rounded up, based upon the characteristics above, about 13,000 out of a swelling total black population of 4 million. When President Abraham Lincoln got to understand the main secret intent and modus operandi of this largely forcible ACS repatriation scheme, he denounced the enterprise and described it as “immoral” ( Sadly for us, after dumping these “unwanted blacks” on our clean and productive soil, knowing the kinds and qualities of people they had dumped on this beautiful West African Coast through hook or crook, instead of following up to rehabilitate, educate and nurture these people into maturity for years before letting them loose, the US Government and her American Colonization Society refused to do this. So then these unprepared, dumped Black American Immigrants quickly requested their independence (either directly or indirectly) out of the somewhat colonial arrangement they had been briefly subjected to by the American Colonization Society. Immediately upon premature Liberia’s request for independence, an already hungry and bankrupt ACS, though was already feeling accomplished, granted the Americo-Liberians their request. All this translates into the tragic conclusion that Liberia was never conventionally colonized when America herself knows that to have become as great as she is today, she got colonized conventionally by Great Britain for over 160 years. But ACS quickly granted undisciplined Liberia this Mickey-Mouse independence when the country never even had any genuine schools, health facilities, roads etc. Based upon their laziness, and lack of knowledge, the Settlers fashioned almost all of their new nation’s symbols, creeds, or one would say “insignias” as direct photocopies of those of America. The frontrunners and founders of the new nation, the Americo-Liberians, adopted borrowed concepts and systems from their deporters, but unfortunately they have been keen on putting into practice only the softest or easiest aspects of these concepts or systems, while evading the toughest and more disciplinary aspects of these concepts and systems. So the dominant cultures of this Liberia have been those that hate discipline; those that play with serious business; those that promote culture that promotes the strong desire to achieve everything on silver platter; a mischievous culture that promotes sugarcoating of harsh realities, and those that unthinkably promote impunity, and so forth. In Liberia, there is nothing like swallowing bitter pills to remedy damaging and chronic problems; everything here is about some mischievous easy, easy, or in their local parlance, ‘surflee’, ‘surflee’.


b. The framers of the Liberian social order designed their state to be a place where the inhabitants should never believe in themselves and their own unlimited potentials. Liberia never values her own output, including human and other resources; and for this reason, Liberia never invests in herself any much adequately. For this country, once it’s from outside, it has got to be good, but no good ever comes from inside. c. The people of this country have been brain washed by their Americo-Liberian forefathers to believe and accept the notion that education doesn’t matter in the holding of key public offices. For this reason, Liberia has had almost no strict education requirements for most of its high public offices. For instance, a Legislator in Liberia could be anyone, even a completely illiterate person, who will have to hire some separate person to read their personal and official documents. d. Education in Liberia is not gauged by how one applies in real life what they have learned over the years, but is evaluated by how one spouts out grandiloquent terms and intellectualizes theories; people studying the sciences in Liberia are considered stoics and unexposed; it’s only the politicians, lawyers, journalists etc. who are regarded as the big guys. The local universities put out multiple thousands of graduates from their business departments each year, but as the frontrunners of the country do not believe in business and would do nothing concrete to promote it, the Liberian Private Sector (meaning the exclusively citizens segment) can never honestly afford to contribute up to even good 1% of GDP. Who would ever empower them to do so? e. In Liberia, civilization is determined by whether one wears clothes from the most expensive boutique in town or from abroad; the value of the big air conditioned ear one rides; the aromas of the Western food stuffs from the supermarkets that one eats, and eats just any time of the day for that matter etc., but not for such things an how “spake and span” one appears regularly in his one or two suits; how punctual one can be in attending to his business and commitments, or how one eats the right mixes and amounts of foods on some scheduled basis, and things like that. f. In this Black American country, big lies and acts of dishonesty and insincerity to the state and its people are considered heroic, and people who lie and cheat even openly are well respected and acclaimed, whereas those fighting to remain honest and sincere most likely end up being humiliated and demonized or even killed, if not careful; young men and women are not extolled; for example, for how they are persevering or struggling to uphold good moral and ethical standards or pursuing some national cause through legal or legitimate means regardless of now being left with a single pair of shoes or a suit, but rather people are admired or acclaimed for their levels of promiscuity, how much they are capable of pillaging their employer’s coffers, just to lead extravagant life styles etc.


g. Laziness, complacency, empty show offs, and gross miscarriage of justice, backed by impunity are some of the orders of the day in this Liberia. These unproductive tendencies have their roots in such things as belongingness to some Western/Settler fraternity, or things like that. While fraternal organizations or societies are used elsewhere to provide critical help and support for their members in legal and morally justifiable ways, Liberian Settler fraternities are meant to cruelly suppress and cheat on nonmembers. Belongingness to a perceived upper class or a clique is the surest way of remaining secure and protected in Liberia; for typical instance, Liberian Commerce Inspector General, one Makita Redd/Wreh, was on air complaining sometime in December of 2013 about her son’s arrest and incarceration by the Liberian National Police in the midst of the President’s, Madam Sirleaf’s absence from the country. Madam Redd/Wreh expressed fears for the guarantee of her son’s safety in the hands of the Police while the President was out of the country. According to the story, one Officer Hoff of the LNP had accused Justin Redd/Wreh of sexual harassment for playing with the Officer’s girlfriend’s breast. Makita was suggesting that the law could only take its course if the President was in town, but most importantly however, the Commerce Inspector was also bragging about her closed ties with the President either through their common belongingness to a clique or some perceived upper class, which makes her (Makita) feel more protected than others, even in the midst of accusations, allegations or the proven commission of some illegal act. h. Integrity is not measured or gauged in Liberia by such things as how one honestly gets his dime; how he endeavors personally through innovative enterprising to relief society of some of its burning problems like unemployment etc.; not by exhibiting principle-mindedness to resign a position when one’s honesty comes into question, or when one makes a proven mess or grave mistake out of his or her office etc.; but rather by how cunningly exploitative one is in his dealings. i. Ascendancy to state power is construed in Liberia as a time to show absolute ownership of the country, its people, and resources, and a time to account for these many important resources just anyhow, instead of being construed as a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to make positive history by impacting lives through great positive influence, great examples and collective material achievements so as to secure a place in history for posterity to cherish that surname. It is seen as a more lucrative way of amassing wealth and gaining fame; and being served more, rather than an opportunity to serve more, and leave behind a long lasting and positive legacy. j. Justice, for Liberia is based on such thing as surname, the institution or fraternity to which one belong etc., but not for the simple fact that one is a human being and a citizen. PERIOD!!! In fact justice, in the forms of reprimand, reproach, or punishment is meant only for the common people, the voiceless, the poor, the


disabled, etc. as can be evidenced in the street for example where state police is most often found arresting, checking, or impounding old cars and taxi cabs for traffic violations and documentary requirements, but would NEVER be easily seen engaging some black, tinted wind-shielded Mercedes Benz even if that bright, huge guy with a stone in his ears behind that steering was driving the car without a license plate and was displaying 5 giant bottles of club beer immediately above his steering racks. k. Being an influential and well revered leader or statesman in Liberia means having some private doctor abroad to whom one makes frequent trips using state resources. It also means keeping one’s family and children abroad in schools mostly at the expense of the state or through some other dubious maneuvers; it does not instead mean doing everything in one’s powers to ensure that all of the sophistications abroad that make people compelled to travel there are brought right home to mama country so that its complete sovereignty and independence can be realized. In fact Liberia’s strong and most cherished leaders are those who build powerful personal or individual image for self-aggrandizement, but neglect to build systems to leave behind for continuity, or as a going concern. Generally, when it comes to governance, there is no permanent plan of government/governance for succeeding regimes and administrations to pursue. Every administration or government that comes in, builds its own foundation, follows through on this new foundation, while still hanging on, and when she leaves power; every plan and remnant of that current foundation is discarded by the in-coming administration which now starts carving its own new plans and roadmap to pursue, and so on. There is a very limited or ABSOLUTELY no trace of continuity in the Black American Settlers’ Liberia. l. In Liberia, it is widely believed that leaders and highly placed politicians are not supposed to be stuck to their defined religious commitments alone, but instead, due to the weight and risks attached to their responsibilities, and the complexity of their tasks, they are to hold onto other additional sources of protection and guidance by joining all sorts of societies and fraternities while consulting other oracles even against their own will. In fact, the overwhelming belief in the Setters’ Liberia is that politics is a dirty game, and as such, politicians are not to be devout, sincere and undiluted followers of their religious faiths. m. Power and influence, together with being considered an experienced and exposed person in Liberia is not measured by one’s feelings of being more obligated to the less privileged and less fortunate in society, to the extent of feeling compelled to face the challenge of changing lives through different projects and initiatives, but instead these qualities are measured by making elaborate speeches and taking undue advantage all over the place of the ignorance and poverty of these very less fortunate and underprivileged people.


n. If you don’t make your audience, guests, or partners etc. to wait for you beyond schedule in Liberia, then you are not considered a big shot and a role model. Big shots here are those who are not punctual, and those who don’t work within the direct confines of laws, rules and regulations because doing so belittles a high profile personality and places him/her in the same category of the common people. o. Having an opportunity to travel out of Liberia and come back home is not regarded as a tramp card or opportunity to showcase and implement the positive ideas, knowledge, experience and cultures that one had been exposed to while out there for the benefit of country, but instead, this opportunity can be considered as now a perfect springboard to marginalize and grossly take advantage of the others that have not been able to travel out, and also an upper hand to insult people, and steel the little resources these very people have been manning while you were away. For example, you hardly hear a typical Liberian man coming from out saying, “I saw and admired a giant zoo while in Jakarta, and based on the little business contact I established while out there, I am going to construct one zoo here, of the same style and scale, on the Kakata highway, so that entire families, our guests, our students (who always read about animals but don’t see them in real life) etc. can at least have a place to spend parts of their weekends and holidays to feel the sensation of seeing and probably interacting with live hippopotamus; or seeing with their own eyes how a lion grabs its pray; or even seeing a boa-constrictor in action broad day, and so on. p. Someone is considered wealthy in Liberia when they build, usually from stolen wealth, a $400,000 house and surround it with a $200.000 tall fence in a very dilapidated slum community with no zoning standards, and with a bumpy 18 th century style alley called road, leading to that house, on which he rides a $150.000 car, but not by that brand new industrial park that he, or he and his partner (s) or his entity has built, which now employs up to 400 community dwellers. That’s why as a custom, when coming up in Liberia and you get your first job for example, you would never hear from family members and friends such things as, “Try to delve deeper into your education, or into your career by investing more of your little salary into those ventures, or try to identify some burning community or societal need (s) that could be translated into a buoyant business enterprise and then start risking your money behind it now while you are still young,” but instead, in Liberia, you will only be bombarded with such questions as: “Have you started building your house? “Do you have a car now?” etc. Meanwhile, when it comes to wealth and development, the whole country has got no mark since it was established in 1822. q. In Liberia, it is the season that determines productivity or people’s progress at whatever they are doing. Even going to work or school on time is determined by whether it rained or not on a given day. Some basic food needed in people’s daily diet are only available during a certain season, and important trips to parts of the


country, whether for economic or administrative reasons, are only possible during a certain season. r. Although rainfall is heaviest during the rainy season, the country experiences rainfall almost all year round. Liberia has got countless rich mangrove swamps and some of the most attractive and most productive forests in the world, but hunger and acute food insecurity have been major threats to the human resources of this country, most of whom experience stunted growth or short lives. According to the country’s own Agriculture Ministry and other sources after a 2013 food security survey, it was reported that 13 out of the country’s 15 counties were terribly food insecure. Rice is Liberia’s staple, but the country spends tens to hundreds of millions of dollars annually importing rice, which can still be very insufficient for the growing population. In the interior areas where people grow rice through subsistence farming, the cereal can only be available about three months immediately after harvests, and it disappears to come back during the next harvest season which occurs in another year’s time. When the Americo-Liberians’ most visionary President, Bill Tolbert, saw all this as a serious national embarrassment and decided to take a radical approach to curb this disgraceful scenario by announcing his government’s plan to ban the importation of rice, and increase the price of any available imported rice so as to serve as a hard lesson to stimulate massive domestic production and local sale (radical actions which President Tolbert perceived as the best way forward while encouraging and calling on fellow compatriots to get back to the soil and produce this cereal and other food crops), Liberia, a name associated with wanting every good thing on silver platter, bitterly turned against Mr. Tolbert and his Government and staged a series of civil disobedience campaigns against the Government which culminated into Tolbert’s brutal killing in a coup in 1980, marking the beginning of major crises to come in Liberian History. s. All of the business scholars and policy makers in Liberia acknowledge and pronounce it every time in their big speeches that Agriculture and small business are the mainstay and engine of any country’s economy. But unfortunately for Liberia, indigenous Agricultural venture is still understood by the policy makers as engaging in subsistence farming and using old stone age tools like cutlasses, hoes, and country axes to fell trees, while indigenous small business is only construed by them as piling up few dry goods on the shelf for sale as a sole proprietor rather than running huge partnerships and corporations that will tackle specific longstanding societal needs while creating mass employment opportunities for entire communities. A current survey of Liberia’s own share of its Private Sector proves that over 60% of the country’s registered businesses are either night clubs, entertainment centers, motels, hotels, restaurants and a few provision shops, over 99% of which are sole proprietorships, all of which combined in terms of revenue generation can never


contribute up to 1% of country’s already shameful total GDP of around a billion dollars since 1822. t. In Liberia, freedom, liberty and respect for human rights mean for example loosely opening the country up to capital flight and substandard goods and services. In terms of capital flight for example, instead of placing restrictive measures and stringent quotas on amounts to be transferred for instance, there’s an open floodgate to the extent that citizens and foreigners alike transfer per annum over $400 million when the government, per annum, can never independently raise this very amount. Any attempt under the name Liberia, to place harsh restrictions on such transfers so as to discourage capital flight or repatriation, and encourage more domestic investment will be interpreted as infringing on people’s rights when the underdevelopment and rate of unemployment in Liberia are beyond measure. u. When a young person or anyone for that matter, is seen to be going through difficult times experimenting with a new idea or struggling in pursuit of a cherished dream to the extent that that person can clearly be observed as being out of their comfort zone, they wouldn’t hear any encouraging statements or admonishments such as, “keep the faith”; “stand your grounds, boy”; “stay positive until you find light at the end of the tunnel”; “don’t give up if that goal truly means well to you”; “persevere, guy, in pursuit of your dreams and aspirations if that’s what it takes” etc. and stuffs like that, but rather , one would begin to hear such things as,” you need to check out a prayer mother or consult some witch doctor or so because you seem to be suffering some generational curse”, and things like that. The common belief in Liberia is that once you are not constructing that 3-bed room house and riding some Toyota Corolla sedan or Nissan Pathfinder Jeep while on some job, then you have already become a failure in life. v. As a tradition or common belief in Liberia, preparing oneself to confront a grave issue or to engage any major obstacle or problem, or any challenge for that matter means going from one praying person in town to another, or consulting different oracles here and there, but not by endeavoring to build strong self-confidence through sound education, detailed researching and information gathering, sustained observations etc., and the religious implementation of proven theories, and the dictates of research findings. w. In this country, the dominant culture doesn’t encourage citizens to work together as teams, communities or a government to honestly galvanize their resources collectively for such things as: (a) building their towns and cities under specific authorities applying disciplined approaches like strictly uniform zoning standards; (b) providing sustained social services like electricity, water, roads, and the likes, in a uniformed and collective fashion, and things like that; but instead, the culture encourages a survival of the fittest approach in its most criminal form whereby the


few mostly criminally privileged persons are afforded the opportunity to amass wealth, take control of the nation’s resources to go about purchasing for themselves the most expensive of cars and other materials; building for themselves giant structures haphazardly in shanty towns of zinc shops that conceal the beauty of these giant structures; and remitting our already limited financial resources to family members and friends abroad; while, disgustingly waiting for the international community to come and build their Liberia. x. It is not compulsory or encouraged in Liberia for Legislators to live, work from within, or share the common daily problems of the constituencies they represent. But instead, winning a Legislative seat means total deliverance from those uncomfortable conditions of bad roads, lack of electricity, lack of good health facility etc. that plague almost all constituencies outside of Central Monrovia. It means time to abandon that old country side hut or house, and now permanently move to Colonial Monrovia with the entire family, build a new, permanent and better home in Monrovia, and then begin spending the breaks, holidays, and weekends abroad – especially America. y. Economic plans like budgets are done with authority over sources of revenue and other economic activities. But for Liberia, projections are made in anticipation of grants, aids, assistance, loans and fees promised by donors, partners [mainly in crime], philanthropists and investors. Business in Liberia is still mixed and confused with STUPID politics. State owned enterprises for example, who supposed to be the biggest revenue generators for the country are left to operate at the will and pleasure of the visionless, half-baked politicians, so these SOEs contribute just any amount they prefer, and at just any time to the country’s ongoing budget year. For example, Finance Minister Amara Konneh in a May 2014 engagement with the Legislature disclosed that the Liberia Petroleum Storage Company (falsely called the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company or LPRC) one month to the close of the 2013/2014 budget year was still owing $3million out of a $4 million contribution she had agreed to make to the National Budget from the onset of the budget year; which means, LPRC had taken whole 11 months to contribute just $1 million to the National Budget and was convincing the world that she would take few days to the close of the budget year to produce the balance US$3 million. In the midst of this however, government, according to Sen. Issac Nyenaboe of Grand Gedeh at a June 3, 2014 appearance on Fabric FM in Monrovia, was announcing that she (government) had been suffering serious budget shortfalls in 3 consecutive fiscal years of $27 million (2011/2012), $42 million (2012/2013) and $74.5 million (2013/2014). The Finance Minister used the same occasion mentioned above to announce that government, in total revenue collection from 2006 to 2014 was boasting of US$2.7 billion, an amount which his management or tenure alone was proud of producing over half. Amara Konneh was so shamefully telling the world during this age and


time that a 194 year old country endowed with all of these wonderful natural resources, numerous state-owned revenue generating enterprises, giant foreign direct investment portfolio etc. had taken 8 round years to produce or generate what a single state owned enterprise right next door Ivory Coast, can report to her government or shareholders as profits after taxes are deducted, just in one year or sometimes just in a quarter or two. According to a BBC March 2009 report, the Societie Ivoirrenne de Rafinge (SIR), one of Ivory Coast’s two oil refineries, like our so called LPRC, reported over 73 trillion CFA Francs or its USD equivalent of over $2 billion to its shareholders, including the Ivorian Government as profits after the deduction of all taxes. That’s the wonder people can work when they believe in themselves and take things seriously. Liberia is surely cursed to be an old grave yard, which consumes and consumes, but never produces or generates anything worthwhile for herself. To add insult to this situation, sometime in 2013 a 73-member House of Representatives, not thinking about or proposing what genuine steps to take to improve the country’s dying revenue generating capacity massively, especially in the midst of these kinds of unprecedented budget shortfall trends, was instead demanding the infusion into an already “convulsing” national budget, a US$73 million request for money to be used as direct district development funds with no source identified. The old people say it never rains but it actually pours!! Finally, in Liberia, with respect to this same issue of finance or revenue, national budgets are prepared in a foreign currency, or a subordinate currency, but not the main legal currency of the country, and most of the government workers are paid in this foreign currency. Interestingly, some banks and other business institutions in Liberia reportedly do not accept the country’s own money, but instead, demand a foreign legal tender for transaction. z. In this Black American Country, graves are laden with countless unaccomplished citizens as a result of either people’s failure to overcome internal oppressions, external oppressions, or just simply the lack of opportunities to explore and exploit both glaring and hidden potentials. In fact, it has become established that unless one has some direct foreign link, or except that one’s hands are held by a foreigner and invested into directly as such, no one can ever reach their fullest potentials in Liberia. Authorities, policy-makers, and implementers know all this terrible fact about their Liberia, but have probably vowed never to improve or completely change this kind of embarrassing situation because by changing or altering this status quo, some people’s deep seated interests will be affected adversely and most of those currently being worshipped as kings and queens today might lose these kinds of chances for perpetual exaltations or worshipping.


We pause our outlining of the countless negatives associated with the name, Liberia for now, so as to afford all of us an opportunity to quickly conduct a rethink into our overall situation as a people, and brainstorm what next to do. You may refer to the batch of 26 counts of negatives above as the “Undefeatable A-Z Woes of the Black American Settlers’ Liberia.” Fearfully, Liberia’s situation just continues to worsen unabated one generation after another. Full scale civil wars, riots, coups, visionless popular uprisings, skirmishes etc., all in the name of change, have come and gone with nothing seeming to be changing; but instead, conditions tend to be getting worst off day by day. Some critical thinkers view all of Liberia’s approaches thus far to finding solutions to its chronic problems as projects that create more recipes for endless rounds of vicious cycles that promise no lasting solution because the same actors in each of these activities are mere old wines being placed into new bottles. There are truly things that need to be said here that have never been said yet, or things to be done here that surely have never been done yet; again, probably because of the same reason above – i.e. the same old names, old faces, old ideas will never work for this place again. When a people are faced with very big challenges like ours, this is what writer Simon Mainwaring advices them to do; he says, “As we approach each of the great social challenges of our time, we must acknowledge that old thinking will not provide the new solutions that we (direly) need. These new solutions [though], will be unconformable, hard to sell, and risky to execute, but the cost of not [selling and executing them] will be even much greater [or deadlier].” What is even now casting a darker cloud on Liberia’s future is how the country seems to be damaging the current golden opportunity for renewal afforded it by God through the United Nations. This world body, and many other friendly nations, have invested so much into this little, dull country (described by former U.S President George Bush as” insignificant” because of its coarse comportment), and people from within the UN and these friendly nations fortunately currently live right among Liberians, now getting a firsthand experience of the secret behind this country’s massive failures; and sadly, Liberia is really proving itself in the negative sense as usual. Any smart person would now sense it that the international community, with their firsthand assessment of the Liberian situation have begun wondering whether they can ever reap the kinds of returns they expected and deserve on the volume of priceless investments that have been making and continue to make on this insignificant country thus far. The big question all nationalist persons of this place should begin asking themselves right now and taking actions relating to their preferred responses, is, “If this country doesn’t leverage the current opportunity to close all of the major loopholes, whom do we cry to again for intervention if we plunge ourselves into another big bloody mess again, as this is a possibility which our


current actions prove will be highly likely if positive, radical steps are not taken by us right now? Liberia sadly is like a big old family house or a big abandoned tenement, poorly managed, and now sagging as a result, which means this house is an accident waiting to happen at any time. And what’s happening with this tenement is that, when day breaks, each son and daughter (or each individual tenant) from this old lopsided house just dresses up beautifully and gets out. Every evening, they come back home, and once their rooms are available and untouched, there is no noise, or no other concern, but the house’s general condition keeps deteriorating, and is heading off to an imminent ultimate disaster. Now, even though we believe in the concept that every coin has two sides, negative and positive, but if a coin like the name Liberia will only persistently show us its negative side when tossed, then the time has come to change this coin altogether. As we speak, Liberia is the only country on this planet that after existing for 194 years has never been able to construct for herself one international airport or a world class seaport. Roberts International Airport and the Freeport of Monrovia, for example, from credible sources, are all either some amateur American Military Quick Impact Projects to enhance their World War II operations or ad hoc business undertakings to enhance such things as the smooth transport of their free rubber latex from Liberia. Under this name, Liberia, the country has never been able to succeed at providing any form of basic social services to its people for almost 200 years now. This Liberia has never independently afforded an aircraft or itself, although Bill Tubman had a private yacht. Under the name Liberia, education specifically, which is too key to obtaining and sustaining, all that we need and want out of life has been a mess from the beginning, and continues to remain a mess, mess, mess all the way. Although its football administration body was officially established in 1936, this cursed name Liberia has never smelled the world cup before; in the African cup of nations, after more than 9 different trials for qualification, dull Liberia only qualified twice and during those two appearances never went anywhere above group rounds, and the list of failures in almost every aspect of positive life goes on and on. For almost two centuries now, absolutely no system has ever worked successfully under this cursed name, Liberia. LIBERIA TRULY IS A SUPER MESS THAT MUST BE GOTTEN RID OF RIGHT NOW!!!! So should we continue to live all our generations within this kind of super mess? This generation of course is saying No! No! No! We are tired with this trauma and will take matters into our own hands to deliver ourselves, God willing. Of course changing this dirty name will not be an end in itself, it will be a key part of our revolution as it stand to help put behind us this long nasty past of misery, shame, failure and trauma. Just by hearing a new name, follow citizens, a major yoke or bondage shall have been broken instantly.


Fellow countrymen, Liberia will nether be the first nor the last to take such a bold action. Let’s conclude with a brief account of few countries that have changed their names completely; some, more than once, since independence, and others that are in the process of changing their names just to breathe new sighs of relief. And the interesting thing to notice is that Liberia’s justifications for name change are even stronger than all that we have come across thus far for other nations: i.

When this tiny South Asian Island gained its independence, Sri Lanka was called Ceylon. 39 years later, the Government of Ceylon decided to change the name of the country to Sri Lanka. The objective expressed was to get rid of what the people saw as the vestige (trace, evidence, mark etc.) of colonialism. The name adopted, Lanka, to which an honorific ‘Sri” was added, cuts across the Sinhalese and Tamil Languages of the island (


Western Pakistan, after independence, wanted a separate nation on the basis of their Bangala (Bangali) Language. They therefore decided to change the name of their newly independent country from Western Pakistan to Bangladesh (


Upper Volta gained its independence in 1960. When the country established that is name “Upper Volta” sounded a little too vague, it decided to change its name to Burkina Faso in 1984. Burkina Faso means “Land of Upright Men” apparently from the country’s major languages (


Late 2013 or thereabouts, it was reported by the BBC that the Kazahstan President Mr. ‘Nousultan Narzabaryeth’ announced that his government was changing the name of their country because they had established that the suffix “stan” was getting increasingly associated with poverty (although another source added extremism and terrorism).


Among the many countries that changed their names after independence, which we may not be able to list all now, are as follows: Original Name

New Name

Date of Change

a. Dahomey



b. Cambodia

Khmer Republic


c. Khmer Republic



d. Cambodia

Democratic Republic of Kampuchea


e. Democratic Republic of Kampuchea




f. Zaire

Democratic republic of Congo


g. Persia



h. Burma


i. Southern Rhodesia


1989(although still contested) 1980 etc.

Note: The Cambodian example of multiple name changes was provided above to demonstrate how others can be very flexible at change, especially change for the better, with evidential justification. Living with a name that has evidently brought so much of shame, disgrace, mental agony, nightmare, and all sorts of embarrassments to us more than good, can be very devastating to our individual and collective wellbeing and progress, especially in the case of the name Liberia, which has dealt us all these kinds of blows for the past 194 years now. The argument is simple. It is not that the Latin word, “Liber” from which this name derives is a bad word or has a bad meaning, but the spirit and intent with which the name was given have been responsible for all this mess. And by the way, why should we still be depending on a name given to us by someone else in bad faith especially when we were still blind as a child? Why can’t we, a whole country, name ourselves or choose one from history that best suits all of our collective interests? When people recognize these kinds of glaring facts in life, the best thing to ever do is to change. As we said earlier, it is only a bad plan that can boast of having no room for change. So we therefore must change this name, Liberia, now, because if we fail to do so, each time we elect a new president under the name Liberia, and they go to take their oath of office, they actually will be swearing on the Bible to support, uphold, protect, and defend all of the mess that we have disclosed above and even many more disastrous ones. A hint to the wise, fellow countrymen, is quite sufficient! Please watch out for our other Plain Truth Revolution Articles to get you ready for action. We encourage you to please go to our social media sites as listed below and begin reading more about how we all have a role in making this direly needed change possible. We all have a role to play, but all these roles must be thoroughly informed, that’s why we are encouraging everyone to find the time, download our pamphlets and other articles and begin to read. Our Facebook page is We also have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), and are at and respectively, plus Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, and at We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at You are also encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as a last option.


After reading this pamphlet, or any of the other pamphlets, or even reading all of them, which we highly encourage you to do, please share your thoughts with us at,, or We are further entertaining any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to further encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above. To be updated periodically…………… Thank you.



BOOKS Guannu, J. S. (1997). Liberian History Up To 1847. Monrovia: Sabanoh Printing Press, Ltd. Guannu, J. S. (2010). A Short History of the First Liberian Republic. Monrovia: Star Books Guannu, J. S. (2010). Liberian History Since 1980. Monrovia: Star Books Guannu, J. S. (2010). Liberian Civics. Monrovia: Star Books Mayson, D.T.W. (2010). In the Cause of the People. *.Benin, *.Lagos, *.Abuja, *.Aba: Mindex Publishing Co. Ltd. Wild, J. J. (2007). Financial Accounting Fundamentals. New York……..: McGraw-Hill Irwin Wilson, C. A. (- ). Public Policy: Continuity and Change, Second Edition. McConnel et al ( -). McConnel Brue Flynn Macroeconomics 19 th Edition


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