PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION FOR (“LIBERIA”) – GUIDE 2 (November 2017 Update) KEY CIVIC ACTIONS WE HAVE TAKEN THUS FAR SINCE WE BEGAN IN 2013, STILL YET AT THE FAMILY LEVEL ***This file is the second of 3 files that feature some summarized accounts of activities of the Plain Truth Revolution with respect to the different actions we have been taking thus far since this endeavor was hatched out in January 2013, including the different documents and articles we have produced up to date, to bring change to our country, God willing. Our major public actions, that began actively with only members of the vision-bearing family largely, then proudly transcended from the family to the national level now by God’s grace, therefore been those outline from (a) to (g) below: **But before we begin listing, please note further that while any one of these Guides (i.e. 1-3) provides links to all of the work that we have done so far, you are kindly urged to encourage friends to Google out ‘Plain Truth Revolution for (‘Liberia’) Guide’, or any string of these words, to access any of these guides, which will then fully introduce you to our peaceful revolution. And while one of them does this introduction, you are highly encouraged also to access and read all three, although with great emphasis on 2 and 3, in order to better brighten your insight about the Plain Truth Revolution. Thanks, and here we go: ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE KARTEES’ FAMILY UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION a. On April 22, 2013, our little family staged a peaceful sit-in action at the LPRC demanding both a corrected copy of our dismissal letter, and to be taken to a court of law, if this company ever meant business. This storage company, lying to be a refinery, begged for some negotiations, which we agreed to enter into, but we could not continue with such negotiations later because they were trying to entice us into violating our conscience to handle this grave issue the usual criminal ‘Liberian’ way. b. December 10, 2013, we had another civic action at the LPRC; this time, with well-wishers and sympathizers on board, for a group of over 20 persons, demanding top management to step down so that we all go to court to exonerate ourselves because, while they had 1 funny, ‘unable-to-prove’ allegation against us, we had over 15 strongly-backed claims of criminalities against them by that time, as they stayed on job and continued to further pillage our country’s already ‘joking’ economy. LPRC at this point decided to use the police to violently disperse our simple and peaceful civic action. c. To validate our December 2013 claim and action, we did a well-documented case containing 17 counts of corruption, economic waste, and human rights abuse allegations against them and took it to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission on March 10, 2014. Based on our conviction that fighting the numerous, entrenched ills of our society is a collective action imperative, we presented copies of this 27-page LPRC case to over 40 national and international stakeholders, including the Liberian Legislature, the President’s Office, local universities, intellectual centers, religious bodies, political parties, the EU, the AfDB, the World Bank, a few embassies, including the US Embassy, and the United Nations’ Office. A copy of this case, named, “LPRC Case To LACC_Authored By Roland Kartee” can be found
at https://is.gd/9jOtdA or https://is.gd/BEYmKd for those interested in finding out how some of the very messy economic situation that this country finds itself in today can be incubated and hatched at those criminal chambers that we call State Owned Enterprises (or SOEs) in this place. d. This move, we were convinced, was revolutionary for our environment. What we were telling these over 40 stakeholders, including Liberia’s President, the major Universities, the Legislature, some of the key civil society organizations, our key international partners, our top religious authorities, the Press Union of Liberia etc. was that the circumstances we had experienced at the LPRC – with respect to how carelessly and criminally this Dirty, Old and Failed Rogue State is managing its resources (economic, human and otherwise at the LPRC), which is just symptomatic of what is going on at every institution, and just everywhere in the country, is more than enough to spell a complete DOOM for both the current and all future generations of this country; and as such, need to be dealt with collectively and holistically. So, for example: (1) by furnishing the students of almost all the major universities in Monrovia, we were saying that fighting any act of corruption anywhere was everyone’s business, but to truly make it everyone’s business, everyone must have all the details to make them move. … We also meant to spread the message that the quality of their education depends squarely on how wisely LPRC, Freeport, RIA etc. manage the resources of our country and how aggressively they create wealth for all of us, instead of these state-owned business enterprises turning into liability on us as we see presently, due to the lack of management and nationalism in this country In addition, we were telling the students in these tertiary institutions that it is the prudent and productive management again of LPRC, RIA, Freeport, FDA etc. and the government in general that will ensure that more jobs are out there waiting for them as they walk out of the walls of those universities etc. (2) To the religious authorities we fought to get to, we made the point that the same God who created all of us, is the ONE that placed us into separate units called countries, endowed us with the right kinds and amounts of resources to sustain us, generations after generations, until He comes back at the time we don’t know, and He (God) instructed us to be good managers (stewards /khalifas) of these resources (material and human) so that they serve each one of us adequately – whether in government or not. Now, if one group comes (in the case of Liberia for instance, calling themselves AmericoLiberians and superiors) or one generation, among the countless to come after us, decides to just mismanage all of the resources from the rest of the future generations through greed, cruelty, and criminality etc. and you sit and continue to behave neutrally and passively, then we must go back on the drawing board and redefine religion. …We tried also to push these questions to them and to each of us equally. We ask: (a) Is it possible that we can make it in this life by only attending to our spiritual needs, while leaving out our physiological, educational, economic etc. and other needs? (b) Do we think that it is God’s will, that we, His servants go on lacking the basic needs of life and languishing in scourging poverty and misery, only because a less than 1% of our population deserves all of the good at the expense of 99.5% of the population? (c) Do we think that by adopting this posture (acting unconcerned about the situation or remaining neutral etc.), we will be securing more tickets among our worshippers for Heaven?...(3) And to the political parties we tried to raise in them the consciousness that we can never build a better nation and society only by waiting to become ministers, senators and presidents before we act against issues that are evidently tearing down our society into pieces. We tried to build the argument that if democracy meant, for instance, “allow John Brown to go steal for the 12 years he was elected” unchallenged and
let’s wait till the end of his tenure to elect another person, then we are afraid that democracy is the worst form of government because resources are ‘depletable’; and if we allow John Brown to ahead and steal for his 12 years unchallenged because he is in power today, then we must be prepared to allow Peter Paul steal his share of the cake unchallenged for his part of 18 years when he takes power tomorrow, which will mean a big Hell of Mess as our country faces today. So in a true democracy, on the opposite of Liberia’s part of twisted democracy, we were arguing, political parties have several very key responsibilities including standing up tall in advocating for the survival and wellbeing of the state by ensuring that government, among other things: (a) provides all of the important goods/services needed by the citizenry; (b) ensure that citizens realize their fullest potentials, and (c) that government ensures that political and cultural corruption are battled head on etc. – with all this meaning that political parties or opposition parties exist so that all these crucial responsibilities are not left at the will and pleasure of some ruling party etc.. (4) For the civil society organizations and intellectual centers and other social activists, we tried to remind them that voicing out our concerns on talk shows was just one baby step towards the sacrifices needed to help clean up our society. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the greatest fathers of civil society activism, suggested that the only best way to demonstrate our frustration or disappointment about the sticky issues of society which prove not to be impacted by mere talks is to “dramatize” them. And you can only dramatize issues in the public if you have the right information already compiled about them etc. (5) For our international stakeholders, especially those who continue to make their big, big monies available every time in Liberia for projects that hardly NEVER impact the lives of the common people, our decision to furnish them with happenings at the LPRC was intended for them to see for themselves what Liberian institutions are doing with their own meager resources as they continue to beg international partners for loans and grants every day etc., and (6) For Liberian Government offices, while these institutions are horribly contaminated with CORRUPTION and all sorts of malpractices, we still have the belief that there are some variances, some deviants, some very good elements who would appreciate this kind of effort, and will be willing to work with us, once the right kind of leadership and commitment can be assured them etc. Conclusively though, our point of contention has remained, “if LPRC alone, which is supposed to be generating billions in revenue for the people of Liberia and should be extending branches all across the country creating thousands of jobs for the citizens, is involved in the level of malpractices we presented in this case, then let’s think about what is happening at the over 100 other fund-raising or revenue generating agencies in this country. Let’s think about how much we are losing to criminals called government operatives. Let’s think about when we will ever make any economic progress as a people – knowing that every other progress, whether in providing our citizens good schools; providing them good roads, good healthcare system etc. – all hinge on the progress we make in our economics. e. On March 10, 2016, after having overwhelmingly established through our research that the United States was the root cause of all of our both personal and collective problems in this place, and after two earlier communications to them (one as a courtesy copy of our case, and the other as a direct request), asking them to politely intervene in prevailing upon the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission to look into our case filed against the LPRC, we wrote the US Monrovia Embassy again, with the letter this time addressed to Amb. Mark Boulward, who was then acting, after the exit of Amb. Deborah Malac, to prevail upon the Government of Liberia through the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company to issue us a corrected or error-free
copy of our dismissal letter to seal our final divorce with Liberia and its LPRC or GOL. The American Embassy did not respond to this polite request at all, even though an Embassy staff, one Jenkins had directly talked to us before, in 2014, on a related issue. f. Still faithful, and confident that the United States can, and is the only authority that will ensure some redress for us in this long-running matter, even though in the midst of our disagreement with them for how they have been, and continue to influence things in our home, we decided this time around, on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 to march peacefully as a family to the Embassy again to politely demand this intervention, after having waited for it for exactly one year since Amb. Boulward was written. The updates from this latest, yet, of our engagements with the US Embassy are therefore as follows: On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, which marked Day 3, Week 4 of our peaceful family protest petitioning the US Monrovia Embassy for redress to the raw deal meted out to our family by their protégés, the Government of Liberia, specifically its Liberia Petroleum Refining Company, after we had been at the Embassy’s main gate since Wednesday, March 29, 2017, politely demanding the American Government and People to intervene to have the GOL and her LPRC correct our family’s glaringly faulty dismissal letter and hand deliver it to us, they sent a representative, their Regional Security Officer, Kimberly Jones, to meet with us, and to deliver their response that the Embassy will not intervene in our issue because, in their reading, it was a domestic matter, and as such, we should take it to the Americo-Liberian Ministry of Labor. Meanwhile, we had come to the realization, out of the double convictions that Liberian institutions are not for us, Natives, and that, in our reading and opinion, nobody can ever do this kind of intervention – like what we were, and are still politely demanding of the US Embassy – in Liberia equal to, or even closer to the American Government, whose citizens in the first place conceived their Liberia in 1816, physically established it in 1822, and subsequently continue to run it in different forms in their own interest since that time up to date. To prove these strong points, right upon getting at the Embassy on March 29, 2017, we thoroughly furnished them with massive amounts of data about our research findings, both in print and voice recorded files, detailing these claims, which motivate all of our decisions and actions to go this route. Embassy security personnel collected these documents from us, delivered them to their bosses, and assured us of their authority’s response to our polite demand for their intervention, while showing us where to stand with our protest, if we remained determined not to leave until we got our desired response. Thus, we remained across the Embassy’s main gate on 502 Benson Street for all these days of heated sunshine, and nights of massive mosquito bites, at that side of the road that we later established does not belong to the US and as such she doesn’t seem to care about people standing there. For the first two weeks, we sent two communications to Ambassador Christine Elder informing her about our presence there, while also re-echoing our family’s polite demand for her Government’s prompt intervention to lay to rest our case, which the Americo-Liberian Government is completely unable, morally, legally, or otherwise to EVER resolve, even in a billion years. Because almost all of us contracted different health problems for the first two weeks of piercing sunshine and mosquito bites, we had to take the 3 rd week off attending to our health needs, while creating some space for embassy authorities to adequately assess our claims and demand. The two communications that we sent out during those first two weeks, to this effect, whose links we are providing below for proof, are dated Thursday, March 30, 2017 and Tuesday, April 4, 2017 respectively. They were delivered by us in person at the official receptionist or communication receipt desk of the Embassy, and were officially logged
by them, with our signature included, on Friday, March 31, 2017 and Tuesday, April 4, 2017 respectively – with all falling on deaf ears. The both letters can be accessed from https://is.gd/kUvW5V or https://is.gd/lpTxJR depending on one’s format of choice, and they are named First Handwritten letter to Amb. Elder during protest.doc/.pdf and Second Handwritten letter to Amb. Elder during protest.doc/.pdf respectively. In line with one of the biggest arguments within those two handwritten letters, we stressed that we had overwhelmingly established that the part of Benson Street on which we were standing and sleeping does not belong to the American Embassy, and as such, they seem to care less about people standing there seeking to petition them; and secondly, we have all rights under international laws to peacefully assemble on any soil, including American soil, and to peacefully petition any authority, including American authority. Therefore, we were going to do everything peacefully possible, God willing, to cross this Benson Street on April 19 to the American side of the road and into their fence to continue this peaceful struggle for redress, which we did, by God’s grace. We believed that to lessen the current risk we were exposed to, for huge health complications and subsequent early death (God forbid), which unfortunately could be to the taste of our detractors, we must enter the American Embassy yard today by the grace of God, where; for example, when the sun is shining, we can bask under the Americans’ well-trimmed trees, and when it is raining, our little family and closed dependents of around 12, with one less than 30 year-old pregnant woman and two kids (of age 4 and 9), can shelter under the eve of those huge embassy buildings. But we could no longer stand outside, and we couldn’t just leave without the Americans talking to us, God willing. And to reinforce these points, we clarified in our 2 nd handwritten letter to the Ambassador on April 4, 2017, all of the relevant international laws under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that gave us all these rights, and even give our family, and any family for that matter elevated privileges, as compared to any other societal group. In the midst of all this, our major goal continued to remain how to spread our Plain Truth Revolution’s message for change in this country, a goal without which we would not have been engaging the Americans like what we were doing, and are still doing as we speak. Exactly 22 days into our March 29 petitioning action, after we had crossed the street and entered the American Embassy premises with our placards, was the time the Liberian National Police Authorities and Embassy Operatives jointly ensured that the Americans made available a representative (in Madam Kimberly Jones, Embassy Regional Security Officer) to meet with us; and in that brief “under-the-scourging-sun meeting that we had to get out of the fence again, and cross Benson Street, opposite the main entrance to have, Madam Jones, on behalf of the US Government indicated that our issue was domestic, a mere labor matter, and that we should go to the Americo-Liberian Labor Ministry instead for redress, a position from her which we out rightly rejected respectfully. After a few minutes of respectfully disagreeing with one another’s positions, we had to again, politely leave, with the impression however that even though our desired objective was not accomplished, we had successfully started some revolutionary change process with the US Government on this 195 year-old Liberian Horror tale. About 5 days later however, after allowing the dust to settle for a while, we sent the Embassy, through Madam Jones, with 5 additional Embassy higher-ups a 5-page communication thanking them for the result we got from them after 22 days of petitioning them, and then further justified why we could not accept their position or response, while
giving them 5 days; after April 24, 2017 – in another polite demand – to look into our new justifications and intervene. We gave them detailed reasons again why we were taking this action in the first place, and why we deserve this intervention from them, even though during Day of our peaceful protest action we had delivered into their custody or charge a huge cache of printed documents and more than 25 hours of voice recorded .mp3 files detailing all of our reasons or keep making this demand to the world’s superpower. The US Embassy refused to respond to this reinforced communication of ours, and the next civic action we promised – one may say threatened – in that communication has been placed on pause since then, meaning since late April 2017. g. Still in pursuit of this case, in search of our demanded civic-oriented redress to this ordeal, a case which is considered an integral part of our revolution and which deserves our unbending loyalty and devotion, being that common denominator between us and the rest of this society’s stakeholders (national and international); that case that brought real consciousness to us about our own home country; that case that has now formally introduced us to this entire population and the rest of the world, and has won the noble recognition of that perfect springboard of our mighty Plain Truth Revolution etc. and etc., we got back to to our “Roland Kartee v. LPRC” Case after making enough efforts (in the absence of cents and dollars) to make our honest perspectives heard about the burning national issues that were at hand – which were the ensuing Americo-Liberian political elections and their outcomes. As part of our revolutionary agenda, we had to pause pursuit of the redress to this seemingly personal case, to voice out, in clear prose, and through civic actions, our well-founded opposition to the continuous holding of fake political elections in this country, and to instead advance the debate for the holding an ALL-Citizens Round Table to debate the bloody issues of this terribly failed 195 year old territory masquerading as a legitimate state, even though our writings and actions had, or still continue to have minimum impact, due to the enormous toughness of this terrain. Our writings, warnings, and the records of our actions against these elections and their outcomes remain in tact today as strong foundation pillars for our now, continuous engagement with this public and world over, by the grace of God. With the October to December 2017 Americo-Liberian Elections from a bloody 1981-86 national constitution forced down the throat of our people again, and some outcome now produced once more, we had to continue our revolution by tackling another aspect, this time, back our our original case, our Kartee v. LPRC case. Consequently, we wrote Jackson Doe, the physical implementer and Americo-Liberian foot soldier of the January 25, 2013 crime against us, a more personal and subjective, but truly detailed communication to push him into action for us to bring this case to some final closure. We also respectively wrote the Management and Board of Directors of LPRC, for them, a more formal communication than that of Jackson’s, urging them to intervene to put this matter to a close before any change of management and any political transition, as all these were now imminently pending. Both the Jackson Doe’s letter and that of the Management and Board of Directors were dated January 10, 2018 respectively, with all them politely spelling out our definite time frame for their action. The both parties refused to respond, all because we still continue to behave very ‘unLiberian’ or constructively radically in our approach. After a week of failing to hear from them, we then led a 16-man revolutionary group in a peaceful civic action at the LPRC on Saturday, January 20, 2018, with the determination to remain there for a new management and a newly inaugurated president to meet us there. Among the challenges we had to continue
with this plan, four big reasons caused us to relinquish our stance to retreat, so as to return at another new date, and these four include: 1) While at LPRC for up to 6 hours during this civic action, we learned from every one we encountered that all of the companies higher-ups, the movers and shakers whom we had addressed through all those huge envelopes, all the decision makers at the company etc. had even started abandoning the premises days before we got there, on account that none of them was ever sure of being reappointed by the new president or the new government, and so, it was useless for them to continue coming to work. This made it difficult for us to keep hanging around indefinitely without an indication that we will ever have some authority to come and address our concerns. 2) Although we had gone there to teach this big lesson that we, the people of this country, should learn to clean up our own mess by ourselves, and not always wait for people coming after us to do so for us, a reaon for which we wanted to remain there until the old administration does this kind of cleanup with our case before any change of management happened etc., based upon the first condition above, we were encouraged to look at this same coin from the other side; which is: a binding obligation that we have too, as a people, to learn to wipe the slate clean for progress, by cleaning up mess from the past, whether caused by us or not, the mess created by our predecessors, the mess created by generations or leaderships that existed before us etc., and so, this too is a vital lesson in our case, since management is continuity, and government is continuity as well, no matter the current justified qualms that we do have with Liberia and its government etc. 3) Our problem or qualms all along have been with a bad system, a NASTY culture, a MISCHIEVOUS staus quo, and the theory of Liberia in general, and not against a specific individual, or a specific government, or group of individuals per se, and so, we had every good reason to go back and wait for another batch of people who will be coming to continue with the theory of Liberia as leaders of this theory – whether consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, since Liberia was still continuing, and not coming to a close by the exit of a Jackson Doe’s LPRC management team and an Ellen Johnson Sirleaf political administration, we had no fear to go back home, and come back at a later time when we shall have the right persons to hear, and resolve our qualms; and finally for now, 4) We are in this business for change, and so, even though change of presidential administrations over the fake and criminal theories of Liberia is not the kind of the change that we seek at the end of the day, this process (meaning the Americo-Liberian electioneering process that has produced a result) being change in itself, also needed to be relatively cherished by us to some degree since every change in our revolutionary opinion, does come with some positivities too. For example, the person coming to the Americo-Liberian presidency, Mr. Weah, is one person whom we have had explicit confidence in, all along, as an individual, for his personal productivity and desire for genuine change, and someone who will likely be more sympathetic to the kind of debate that we have been championing for the past 5 years now in favor of our masses etc. For this reason, it was not a bad thing to continue our peaceful struggle during his reign, no matter how illegitimate we have established such reign over the fake theories or social contract of Liberian to be, as his reign promises us more safety and less confrontation (at least on the surface), as compared to the reign of hardcore Americo-Liberian criminal, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, during whose time in power instead, God has helped to prepare us adequately for this peaceful independence struggle for our country. For it is interesting to note here that our spiritual intelligence now tells us that in line with God’s own modus operandi, this is the time during which He wants our ideas to get assertively unleashed onto our
populace, as the Ellen’s era was intended for us to only get well prepared. This is because every effort we made to constructively explode with our radical independence and true sovereignty ideas for this country, was difused, one way or the other, not by her government, but by some of God’s countless agents, probably because the Weah’s regime would be much safer and receptive to these kinds of honest, radical, lifesaving, and objective advocacies geared at ultimate genuine change, rather than the Ellen’s Era, which seemed very treacherous, bloody, and badly unsafe for any constructive debate etc. Based upon all of the above, we had to retreat on the evening of January 20, 2018 to look forward a bit more, for a more convenient atmosphere to avail itself for us to continue the search for redress to this revolutionary case of ours, by God’s grace, as our main goal all along has been to come up with productive results while conscientizing our people and creating more revolutionary awareness for the greater good of society, rather than just civic action for action sake. It should howver be known to this public and our world over that the administrative redress to this case remains our binding duty by the grace of God, as failure to obtain such redress will be tentamount to failing at our first hurdle in the greater challenge ahead of working as God’s foot soldiers to finally liberate our country, through His grace, such failure, which in our view is unacceptable. So please watch out for more actions from us in search of a more professional and amicable closure to our Roland Kartee v. LPRC fake dismissal case, as we have now drawn a 360° circle around the world with it, back to Point A, which is the LPRC compound itself. Our efforts still continue. Thanks. ACTIONS NOW TAKEN EXCLUSIVELY AS THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION Since our revolution is not merely about seeking redress for the Kartees family’s plight alone (again, although this case, pertaining to this plight, has been fully nationalized since its inception in January 2013 to be springboard for our Plain Truth Revolution to liberate this sorrowfully-marginalized-by-the-world-superpower-country, God willing), we decided to – in the midst of our family’s sustained economic and other extreme difficulties – significantly shift focus on how to more fully organize our revolution, transition it from the small family level to the bigger national level, while also working assiduously at how to re-summarize, and if possible, re-word some of those huge revolutionary pamphlets and voice recordings that we had earlier compiled and taken both to the United Nations and the US Embassy. The goal of this effort has been to be able to simplify these huge national debates and bring them much closer to our hugely handicapped, larger-society, literature-wise, since our revolution is more of a “pamphlet” revolution. This effort has been successfully more at the preparatory level since May this year, but not yet at the roll-out level. Integrated into this effort has also been how to use these same ‘already-compiled’ literature to discourage our people from taking part in the country’s 2017 so-called political elections – a goal which has been at the heart of our revolution’s agenda from its very beginning, a part of the actions required to constructively break Liberia down in favor of a new civic foundation, by the grace of God. Again, between June and early October 2017, a whole lot of progress was made at the level of preparing more easy-to-read handouts, more shortened voice recorded files, more mini anti-election flyers, more than 400 extensive revolutionary letters, mainly in some organized fashion to several categorized national and international stakeholders. A very few of these managed to out, while huge amounts remain ‘undispatched’ to date, even though they are constantly been proofread and updated as new developments unfold.
As part of our selfless efforts to roll out these strong revolutionary, especially anti-elections messages, since this is the key issue now at stake. On October 9, 2017, we led a 17-man march to the United Nations Mission in Liberia’s Office to provide them some briefings on these issues, and were fortunate to meet a few staff, even though not the overall boss. During this march that took us from 15th Street, Sinkor, in Monrovia to the UN Mission Headquarters on 1st Street, then to the US Embassy on Benson Street, where we were unfortunate to meet the authorities, to continue our briefings with them too, we used a megaphone, loudly talking to our citizens against anything called casting ballots now, in the midst of the ocean of bloody national issues that we do have hanging upon our shoulders; to handle, and instead, we encourage them, while marching by, for more than 5 hours through the streets of Monrovia, to join forces with us in peacefully demanding a Sovereign Citizens Convention before UNMIL departs, as it is only at such well, indigenously organized forum that we will be able to sit as a national family to thoroughly assess our very difficult situation as a people and be able set some very long-standing things right before ever proceeding as a people. While many may consider this group of 17 to be too small for this kind of huge national venture, we have always felt that change can NEVER happen when we keep waiting for 100 or 1,000 or 1 million people to start. For us, it is a matter of conviction and conscience, emotions or qualities which care less about numbers especially from the beginning. We have always stressed in most of our writings how this revered American anthropologist by the name of Margaret Mead has declared with emphasis, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. [Adding], indeed, this is the only thing that has ever happened.” And so we have never been discouraged or de-motivated by small numbers or lack of resources in the pursuit of any of the agenda items of our revolution by the grace of God, that are possible within these constraints. Interestingly, about 5 minutes into our march, slightly after 14 th Street, our 17-member group encountered a well-equipped TV journalist (not identified by any card or tag thought) who videotaped our action for about 4-5 minutes and conducted some 2-3 minute exclusive interview with us, concerning our action, announcing to us in the end that he had come from of the local TV stations in Monrovia, specifically we heard Power TV, even though we might have misheard this name, owing to how deep we were, into our action. Notwithstanding all this however, there has never been, to date, any account of any such recording – whether in voice or video – ever been played on any TV station in Monrovia since October 9 pertaining to our anti-Americo-Liberian election march. As a further proof of this claimed recording of our action, a well-known Liberian journalist, Mr. David Targbeh of Farbric FM, and a colleague were passing by that late morning and partially witnessed these interactions. We are not deterred by this kind of development however, and we remain so grateful to that TV Journalist that tapped and recorded us that day. We just thought to bring this to the attention of our country and the world over because we have always felt that interested people will one day endeavor to investigate and established every small and big step action that our revolution is taking today, as this agenda is very gigantic, owing both to its righteous goal of liberating God’s badly suppressed children on this side of the globe, and bringing the world’s superpower to book for its sustained unethical behavior in holding a whole a whole people’s part of lives, happiness, and future hostage for their imperialist gains for the past 195 years now in this part of Africa.
Fortunately for us, even as it may appear that nobody yet in our country seems to be hearing us yet, and almost everybody remains dug in their heels to continue business as usual, including casting their Americo-Liberian ballots, despite our stern warning against this exercise, God has helped us and thrown a monkey wrench into the process as they now encounter a massive confusion and endless stalemate after the so-called first round, a stalemate that when God’s face is not honestly sought, could break the country’s current sad fragility and throw it into another crisis again, despite the fact that one of the most expensive and largest UN Peacekeeping and stabilization effort in the world is just winding down after nearly 15 years of work. ANTI-DECEMBER 26, 2017 RUN-OFF ELECTIONS ACTION Heavily plagued by massive disappointments for resources, coupled with some health problem, but determined to set the records straight by God’s grace, and to keep our feet constantly in the door with respect to our opposition to the status quo, or to the continuation of theoretical Liberia alive – no matter how low-profiled that honest opposition is expressed or dramatized, we took to the social media on the 25 th of December 2017, with three antielection messages again – entitled: (a) Save 'Liberia' by staying away from the ballot box on Dec 26-2017; (b) Danger right in the corner - hold your votes fellow 'Liberians'; and (c) Stay out of elections and watch out for your Plain Truth Revolution packages about what to do next , since our planned “Thousand-Man Anti-Elections March scheduled for the 24 th of December could just not hold. The audio version of these files can be found at https://is.gd/..........., while their video versions can be found on our YouTube site. You may just Google them out too. To keep this constructive anti-status quo force alive, God willing, our next step action has been to use our vision bearer’s fake LPRC Dismissal Case as a platform for both sharing with the public all of our anti-elections flyers and other revolutionary works that were packaged to be spread out on December 24, 2017, and to raise both awareness and resources, if possible, for our much-desired anti-inauguration protest of January 22, 2018 by the grace of God. While these messages may not appear to sink down with the populations right away, and may even be hated by a good number of people from the outset, in addition to them (i.e. these messages) appearing as stupid to others etc., we are very proud that we have been granted this privilege by God to begin the true change process, the true work of ultimate redemption for our people. Our yet, zero-resourced, small-numbered, but ‘heavily-influenced-by-faith-in-God’ civic endeavor, hugely determined to conscientize the country, and reborn it by God’s power, continues to move on, as we now anticipate another round of ‘much bigger-this-time-around civic action(s) in the coming few weeks, in our anti-2017 Liberian Elections, and our “Operations Theoretically Dismantle Liberia” campaigns. We urge you to please watch out for these developments by the grace of God. To have an idea of the kinds of messages within our anti-Americo-Liberian 2017 elections flyers and special article, we are pleased to refer you to https://is.gd/P38O2J and https://is.gd/yOqxwE respectively.
As we conduct more civic actions in our request to redeem this only country of ours by God’s grace, this article will continue to get updated with each action, God willing. Let’s close on this update by providing you links, as in other articles, that take you to our many revolutionary literatures and voice recordings to put you in the right frame of mind for this unconditional change for Mama Country. First off, let’s proudly inform you that the essence of all this massive writing, speaking and acting etc. is to reinforce our demand that there be held this 2017, a well-organized National or Sovereign Citizens Convention, whose debates and resolutions will ultimately replace everything that the 12 Johnsons, Gripons, Caldwells and the likes discussed from June to July 1847, brushing aside all of the Wheagars, Cherrues, Sendolos, and Mulbahs, for which our beautiful home remains terribly divided, poor, disgraced and subjected to slavery, as we see it today. We are saying, ALL these pieces of facts – as presented in our many articles which we’ve taken 4 years of God’s grace and guidance to prepare and make easily accessible to ALL, should be enough to make every citizen of this place act in the right direction for change now; if not, we risk God’s wrath for refusing to act in our own best interest just for fear of human being (America, AmericoLiberians), and not fear for our Creator. A hint to the wise should be quite sufficient!! Our 4 year work, placed under some simple groupings for your understanding and easy access are as follows. Please find or easily Google out and read Plain Truth Revolution Guide 3 if you want short descriptions about each of these pamphlets or other articles. First off, we have 6 categories or groupings, which are: I. II.
Our 11 Revolutionary Pamphlets Our 1st Batch of 6 Voice Recorded Files on this general Liberian tale
Our Big 5 Handouts – our ‘Sharables’ or ‘Distributables’
Our 9 Key Speeches
Other Revolutionary Articles All Relevant LPRC-Related Files Our over 400 revolutionary letters to all major stakeholders in Liberian affairs, by constituency, to discourage elections now, and instead, to encourage the idea of an ALLCITIZENS’ Conference Our 2nd Batch of 5 Voice-recorded, .mp3 files, intended to further expose the danger of the everyday Liberian story, and to keep warning ALL citizens against voting in 2017, but to instead to join us, in demanding a National Citizens Convention now The 3rd Batch of our Voice-recorded, .mp3 files of 3, also dubbed as “Our X-mas Day Elections Warning in 3 files”, still warning against prioritizing elections in this country Our Plain Truth Revolution’s 7 Great Summaries Our Exclusive Anti-Elections 2017, 22-page Pamphlet The 5 key revolutionary flyers that we have been sharing during this massive Anti-2017 Elections campaign of our Revolution, plus the letter that we sent to the UN, US Embassy, and the Liberia National Police (LNP) on the timing and safety of our anti-elections civic actions
The constituent members or elements of these 6 main groupings or categories of articles are therefore as follows: I.
Our 11 Revolutionary Pamphlets, ALL found either in their Microsoft .doc format at https://is.gd/kYZsIT or in the Adobe .pdf format at https://is.gd/DyCnOh, and these 11 pamphlets and their short descriptions are as follows:
MAIN PAMPHLETS 1. Why Is This Case Considered A Revolutionary And Game-Changing One For Our Country (‘Liberia’)” 2. Why Do We Need A Complete Revolution, And Not Reforms, And How Can We Conduct This Revolution” 3. Liberia: A Small, Failed, Dirty Country, Built on the Pillars of Corruption – Here are the proofs” 4. Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Makes Amends For It Now?” 5. “How Liberia Sadly Makes Mockery Out Of The Divine Concept Of Justice” 6. Liberia: A Name Associated with Crime, Curse, Misery, Poverty, and Failure. It Must Be Changed Now!! 7. Liberia’s Justifications For Demanding Reparations From America Now” ADDENDUMS 8. How Based On Its Origin, And Today’s Realities, The Structure Called Government of Liberia Is A Big Criminal Gang, That Must Be Peacefully Dismantled Now, For A Better One, Based On Better Principles. 9. How, Based On Her Ancestry, And All Her Current Performance Profile Thus Far, Americo-Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Has Got No Moral Authority Over Any Native Person For That Matter 10. 17 Solid Reasons Why We Should Demand Independence Now, Rather Than Going To Stand On Line Again In 2017, In Another Stupid Americo-Liberian Elections. 11. If This Is The Best Of Americo-Liberian Leaderships, In Harvard-Trained Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Then What Else Are We, The Natives, Still Waiting For To Constructively Snatch Our Arm Robbed Country From Out Of The Hands Of America And Her AmericoLiberians? II.
Our 6 Voice Recording Files, ALL found at https://is.gd/pmlvU0 for either individual or collective download, or simply your easy access. This category or grouping comprises our 5 main voice or audio files plus a bonus one, and all of them can be listed below: Note also that their video tracks can be found at https://is.gd/iqwOa7 and https://is.gd/bQsSbs on YouTube.
1. Introduction to the Plain Truth Revolution – A closer look at the Liberian supermess and its 3 big parties
2. Why must we now employ the positive side of ethnicity or some form of ethnic profiling to make change happen in ‘Liberia’ finally? 3. Looking a little more into our LPRC January 2013 bogus dismissal experience that proudly gave birth to the Plain Truth Revolution 4. A full recording of our giant Plain Truth Revolution’s speech to the United Nations on the danger of this ever-enduring Liberian embarrassment also labeled, “Plain Truth Revolution’s Massive Briefing To The Un On The Danger Of The Liberian Tale, Owing To America’s Deep Involvement, & The Huge Threat That America’s Imperialism & HyperAmbition For World Rulership Now Pose To Global Peace” 5. Our Plain Truth Revolution’s 7 combined speeches to inform and sustain some civic action that we have planned to take at the US Monrovia Embassy The 7 individual speeches and their durations as presented in the second version or disc are as follows: Speech #1: “Opening Statement: What are we here for: at the grounds of the US Monrovia Embassy today?” – This is a 38 MB, 27 minute speech Speech #2: “Why do we choose the US Embassy as the site for our 3rd civic action?” – This engagement spans 48 minutes and weighs or contains 67 MB of voice data Speech #3: “Criminal Tricks under the guise of procedural errors – we will never conduce to this one from LPRC, by the grace of God” – It is a 70 MB, 51 minute engagement Speech #4: “What an uncivilized country that stubbornly refuses to right its wrongs” – At 32 MB, this .mp3 file lasts for 23 minutes Speech #5: “What is the Plain Truth Revolution, and how did it come into being?” – Lasting for 43 minutes, this voice recording weighs 60 MB. Speech #6: “Why have we (i.e. the Plain Truth Revolution) chosen the principle of blunt and honest truth telling to guide this civic endeavor, and why as such, the name, Plain Truth Revolution” – This file comprises 75 MB of voice data and takes up 54 minutes. Speech #7: “Where does the Plain Truth Revolution stand on the current state of affairs in our country?” – The size of this voice file is 27 MB and it lasts for 19 minutes. 6. Expounding on our LPRC Case to the LACC, and how Americo-Liberia understands the science and art of setting up, nurturing and growing an economy III.
Our Big 5 ‘Sharables’ or ‘Distributables’ , or simply, Our Big Five Statements-, ALL can be found at https://is.gd/oZosC3, in their .doc format, or in the .pdf format at https://is.gd/4mQdto. Remember our revolution is a revolution of details. So our Big 5 include:
1. Statement #1: How The Magic Formula: Roland Kartee +
His fake dismissal case at the LPRC
A Brand new country ALL UNDER UN (replacing Liberia) SUPERVISION
2. Statement #2: The Spiritual Backings Of Our Plain Truth Revolution. 3. Statement #3: Our (PTR)’s Most Celebrated Contributors/Motivators: Our Heroes Of Change 4. Statement #4: Our first statement of National Call to Action – Spreading the Plain Truth Revolution’s Message as a civic and spiritual obligation 5. Statement #: Our second statement of National Call to Action – A time to peacefully disobey Liberia and its power that be, or status quo, in order to fast track change. * Note that this statement has a summarized version which is being placed among ‘our other revolutionary articles category’. IV.
Our 8 Key Speeches – The print or paper version of all of our speeches as they appear in the audio files described earlier. These speeches can be accessed in their .doc format from https://is.gd/IFYcgf or their .pdf format from https://is.gd/m3RkaF.
Our Other Revolutionary Articles: 3 files fall within this category or folder, and ALL of them can be found either in their Microsoft Office word document format at https://is.gd/y1E5UK or in their Adobe’ personal document format at https://is.gd/taAULP.
a. About the Plain Truth Revolution b. Quick Reasons Why We Must Now Peacefully Disobey Liberia, or its status quo, if we ever want true change to happen now” c. 17 Solid Reasons why we must now be speaking independence rather than elections this 2017’ d. Plain Truth Revolution’s Membership Form – this is our Revolution’s membership form, and it can also be found at https://is.gd/DDjyUd e. What Really Is the Plain Truth Revolution for the Grain Coast (“Liberia”) – this 10 page article summarizes how the Plain Truth Revolution came about and all of its leading beliefs and ideologies. f. Warning To 3 Parties Dead Set To Sustain Liberia – in 38 pages, this article warns the 3 big parties dead set to sustain Liberia through their fake elections and corrupt financial aid packages, with these big three being the US Government, the Liberian Legislature and the Liberian Executive Mansion. VI.
All Relevant LPRC-Related Files: The case that gave birth to the idea of establishing the Plain Truth Revolution is the Roland Kartee’s witch-hunted and bogus dismissal experience at the Liberia Petroleum ‘Refining’ Company (LPRC). As such, others may take keen interest in trying to follow this very important case to the letter. We have therefore decided to make available a couple of key communications and other documents pertaining to this case. In their .doc formats, you can access them at https://is.gd/kUvW5V, while in their .pdf formats, they can be read or downloaded from the address, https://is.gd/lpTxJR. These selected documents include:
a. A copy of the very flawed and careless dismissal letter communicating our planned employment termination of January 25, 2013 by LPRC.
b. A copy of LPRC’s after-action justification for their professed dismissal action. This was dated February 4, 2013, ten(10 days after the professed dismissal. c. A copy of LPRC’s Board of Directors’ letter of commitment to further investigate this supposed Roland Kartee dismissal incident. The Board sent this letter to Mr. Kartee on July 1, 2013, after the action was taken on January 25, 2013, and Mr. Kartee’s first complaint to the Board on this issue presented 5 days later, i.e. on January 30, 2013. d. A copy of Roland Kartee’s response to this July 1, 2013 LPRC Board’s commitment letter for further investigation. This response letter was done on July 3, 2013. e. A copy of the Board of Directors’ concurrence letter with top management’s action against Mr. Kartee, as generated immediately in response to Kartee’s request to be taking pay while the Board foot-drags in their so-called investigation of the professed dismissal scheme in the absence of Roland, the victim and complainant. Note: Roland wrote on July 3, 2013 asking to be getting his regular salary checks while the Board indefinitely went on with their investigation, and he reinforced this writing with telephone calls, the last of which was done on the morning of July 15, 2013 before he was called by the Board Chairman, Rev. Dr. Herman Brown on the afternoon of that same July 15 to be handed the Board’s concurrence letter t conclude this case from the angle of the LPRC after almost 7 months. f. Because all efforts to gain the attention of the highest administrative office of the land, the presidency, in a more civic-minded and civic-aware fashion went completely without any form of response, we knew that more civic actions lied ahead of us, which meant that we had to come across the police many days of our lives now. So in order to let the police high command know what we were honestly out for, well in advance, we wrote the Police Director, Col. Chris Massquoi, at the time, detailing our plight and informing the high command about how we had decided to use this plight of ours to change our country; in short, through the power of research, or ‘book’, as one may say in our local parlance. This letter was written on January 27, 2014. Of course, the police, in this instance, proved a little bit positively different from other Americo-Liberian institutions by demonstrating some level of responsiveness to citizens than the so-called Presidency or Legislature of this place. We remain grateful to the LNP high command. g. Copies of the two communications we sent to our new LPRC MD, Prof. Senator Sumo Kupee on these same concerns and issues – laying emphasis on how we only wanted our faulty dismissal letter changed by his management since our immediate MD Williams had been relieved by the President, as we maintained that management, administration, and government etc. are all a matter of continuity. The two letters (i.e. the main letter and its follow up) were dated June 3, and June 15, 2015 respectively. MD Kupee blatantly ignored all two, as if these communications never came from a fellow human being, let alone from a fellow citizen and a bona-fide employee, who had been mischievously treated, as the culture is, in AmericoLiberia, especially against an aboriginal. h. All along this process, we had always maintained a clear picture at the back of our mind that we are fighting a national, and not a personal case, thus, we had never lost sight of this bigger picture goal. As such, we prepared a 27-page, 17-count corruption case against LPRC, and copied over 40 national and international stakeholders, in line with our revolution’s Collective Action goal for fighting this country’s endemic corruption.
i. Two handwritten letters we sent to Ambassador, Madam Christine Elder during our revolutionary Kartee’s family 22 petitioning action at the US Embassy: First Handwritten letter to Amb. Elder during protest.doc/.pdf and Second Handwritten letter to Amb. Elder during protest.doc/.pdf j. A Somewhat Subjective Admonishment To Jackson Doe – After MD Sumo Kupee had played his part of delayed tactics in handling our issue and we heard about his sudden resigniation and departure, new MD Jackson Doe, being the main foot soldier used to perpetrate the crime against us, in addition to our close connection with him from both an ethnic and religious standpoint, we decided to do and send him this more personal or subjective admonishment letter to both alert and acknowledge him as being the best now to put this long stalemate of ours to some rest. Jackson too shied away from this responsibility. This communication was dated January 10, 2018. k. LPRC Management and Board of Directors (Jackson Doe’s tenure) – to increase Jackson Doe’s chances to act quickly in bringing this case to some appreciable closure with the huge gavel of authority now in his hand by January 2018, we wrote, calling on the Board of Directors of his day, to intervene. This communication, like Mr. Doe’s own, was dated January 10, 2018 l. Cover Letter to Jackson Doe and Board of Directors’ Communication – self-explanatory, and dated the same as the main letters, obviously. m. Briefing for January 20, 2018’s action at LPRC – this was a narrative prepared about the motivations behind our decision to act on January 20, 2018, and was mainly intended to be read out to the press if they they come around. n. Letter to Madam Nyemadi Pearson – with this case being representative of the interest of millions, and affecting past, current, and future generations of our country, for which there is no room for abandoning it by the grace of God – no matter how difficult it is to handle – we engaged LPRC’s new MD, Madam Pearson, of the new government, again, to see reason to lay it to a final rest in every party’s best interest. Another round of foot dragging has again been characterizing the handling of things since Madam Pearson was addressed on March 20, 2018. o. Issues Within Our Current (April To May, 2018) Engagement With LPRC - we summarized all of our key bones of contention with LPRC into 8 points in this 2-page file, intended to ease people’s understanding of what we seek. p. Follow Up to Nyemadi Pearson’s letter – as already self-explanatory, this was a followup to Madam Pearson’s letter, and was dated April 16, 2018. q. Plain Truth Revolution’s New Street Circular – Why We, The Kartees’ And The Plain Truth Revolution Are Back At The LPRC For The 4th Time Since 2013 – in this strongest of terms and emphasis, this 14-page circular provides multiple well-founded justifications for why we are demanding the current conditions, as some matter of compulsion. VII.
Our over 400 revolutionary letters to all major stakeholders in Liberian affairs, by constituency, to discourage elections now, and instead encourage the idea of an ALLCITIZENS’ Conference Among these over 400 stakeholders include over 170 local churches, over 3 mosques, all the key universities in Monrovia, all the easily reachable political parties in Monrovia, the
Legislative caucuses of each county, the NEC itself, all the key security apparatuses in the country, the head of each branch of the GOL, the EU, the World Bank, the Lebanese Community, the Fula Community, the Nigerian, Ghanaian, Guinean, Ivorian, and Sierra Leonean Communities, the White House, former President Obama, President Trump, the UN Security Council, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, ECOWAS, over 70 US Congressional Blacks, or the entire US Black Congressional Caucus etc., and all these letters and their attachments can be found at https://is.gd/EGtCsj. VIII.
Our 2nd Batch of 5 Voice-recorded, .mp3 files, intended to further expose the danger of the everyday Liberian story, and to keep warning ALL citizens against voting this 2017, but to instead join us, in demanding a National Citizens Convention now Again, please note that because we know that we are on a revolutionary agenda, by God’s grace, rather than some business campaign, or some academic exercise, our topics, captions, and subjects, are long enough, usually beyond convention and formalities, just to see to it that the messages are clearer, beginning with the very topics. As such, the titles of our 5 audio/video tracks in this series include: a) Liberia’s Widespread Criminal Scams under the guise of carrying out infrastructural rehabilitation – a case study of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company from 2005 to 2017 b) We dare the US Embassy in Monrovia to ever respond to our well-documented claim that the United States is the biggest source of all of our problems in this country – both individual and collective c) Why do we, of the Plain Truth Revolution, talk the way we talk, and act the way we act d) If God allows Americo-Liberian Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to ever author and usher any peaceful, credible, and sustainable democratic transition, then He is mocked, and God forbid, our Almighty God is NEVER mocked e) LPRC, EJS, GOL, & the US Embassy keep paying death ears to our legitimate demands, exposing the Kartees’ to great danger, and the sad fate of the likes of Michael Allison, Harry Greaves etc., but one inch of harm to any of us, family members, or revolution’s members, would lead to some catastrophic sectional violence of ethnic cleansing proportions, which too would drag into an ultimate world war, to be inflicted by God, not us!!! And all these can be found at https://is.gd/JFwJLp.
The 3rd Batch Of Our Voice-Recorded, .Mp3 Files Of 3, Also Dubbed As “Our X-Mas Day Elections Warning In 3 Files”, Still Warning Against Prioritizing Elections In This Country Heavily plagued by massive disappointments for resources, coupled with some health problem, but determined to set the records straight by God’s grace, and to keep our feet constantly in the door with respect to our opposition to the status quo, or to the continuation of theoretical Liberia unopposed – no matter how low-profiled that honest opposition is expressed or dramatized, we took to the social media on the 25 th of December 2017, with three anti-election messages since our planned “Thousand-Man
Anti-Elections March scheduled for the 24 th of December could just not hold, and these strong messages included: 1. Save 'Liberia' by staying away from the ballot box on Dec 26-2017 - This 42.1 MB, 30 minutes-43 seconds voice recording 2. Danger right in the corner - hold your votes fellow 'Liberians' - In 34 minutes-31 seconds, this 47.4 MB voice recording, similar to the balance two elections day warning messages warned fellow citizens not to go stand on line the next day, December 26, 2017 in the name of going to cast ballots, on the basis of the dangers attached to going in this same direction every time as people, when in the end, hardship, disgrace or bloodbath awaits us as the ultimate end result, not because elections are bad, but because the foundation on which ours has been laid, and the intent upon which ours are always being held, have all been cruel, sinister, and thus cursed. 3. Stay out of elections and watch out for your Plain Truth Revolution packages – Since we are in this business to provide a viable civic alternative, by God’s grace, and not just to point out the faults, flaws, and so forth within the status quo, including the dangers of allowing the status quo to endure etc., we used this 30.9 MB, 22 minutes-31 seconds voice recording to, in addition to warning fellow compatriots not to go stand on line the next day, December 26, 2017 to vote, also direct them to the many debates of our Revolution, which are those viable, God-influenced alternatives to the status quo. And all these can be found at https://is.gd/ X.
Our Plain Truth Revolution’s 7 Great Summaries or G7 Summaries Considering the same condition presented earlier about the length of our articles, here are our 4 key revolutionary summaries of summaries: 1. Why do we say that Liberia is an illegitimate statehood arrangement that must be legitimized now, before we take any more steps forward as a people, again by God’s grace 2. Liberia”, A Black American Theory Of Massive Human Suppression And Oppression – Reasons For Which It Will Remain A Failure Forever - Unless We Change Everything About It Now – From Name, To Flag, To All Its Theories 3. The overriding reasons for which people are elected in Liberia; How Liberia understands the science and art of setting up and nurturing an economy – all being reasons for this dull Black American Colony’s untold poverty 4. The United States and Liberia – Two Geopolitical Entities With Very Similar Founding History, But One (the US) Is An Excellent Example Worth Emulating And Extolling, While The Other (Liberia), Is A Very Horrible Example That Deserves Serious Avoidance Or Just Immediate Demolition Before It Fatally Explodes And Harms The World 5. More convincing reasons why we say Revolution is the only way out for us now, God willing, rather than elections and reforms 6. Why do we say that another danger is already at our door steps, unless we do something radically different together now, to avoid this by God’s grace.
7. The Plain Truth Revolution, Its Roadmap, Plus Governance Plan, For The New Country, And The New Democracy That We Now Demand To Replace Evil, Failed Liberia And all these too, can be found at https://is.gd/HuWLbk. XI.
Our Exclusive Anti-Elections 2017, 25-page Pamphlet (the one currently being read) In addition to our 3 giant anti-Elections 2017 revolutionary flyers, this pamphlet digs a little much deeper into the danger that awaits us collectively if we stubbornly ignore this call to stay out of the ballot box in this country for a while, and instead, peacefully clamor along with the Plain Truth Revolution for a different democratic formula this time around in 2017, if we truly want change. And this pamphlet, for its part, can be found at https://is.gd/yOqxwE.
The 5 key revolutionary flyers that we have been sharing during this massive Anti2017 Elections campaign of our revolution, plus the letter we sent to the UN, US Embassy, and the Liberia National Police (LNP) on the timing and safety of our antivoting civic actions Here are the titles of our 3 key revolutionary flyers and where to find them on the Internet very easily. We are confident that you will find the captions of these 4 flyers already selfexplanatory. a) Please Let’s Demand An All-Inclusive National Get Together Now, And Not Elections, As Elections, Elections, Without Some Serious Debates Here First, Will Only Bring Us More Harm And Sorrows, Than Good!!!!! b) Everything Running Here, From 1822 To Date, Including The Very, Current Ellen-Led Government, Is Illegitimate, And We Now Demand A Legitimate Forum And Arrangement To Lead Us Into The Kind Of Future That We Want, That’s Why This Demand For An All-Citizens’ Conference Right Now!!!!! c) We Demand A New Democracy Of Ideologies And Principles Now, Rather Than One Of Mere Names And Parties, And We Also Demand A Democracy That Puts Justice First, Rather Than Fake Peace And Reconciliation Talks!!!!! d) The Spiritual, Moral, And Legal Reliance Of Our Revolution And All Of Its Activities And Arguments!!! e) Sufficient Reasons Why We All Must Peacefully Protest The Upcoming AmericoLiberian Inaugural Formalities For The Claimed Winner Of Their So-Called December 26, 2017 Polls All these for their parts too, can be found at https://is.gd/P38O2J. Thanks once more.