Second call to action a time to disobey liberia final

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(1) Books [i.e. articles, leaflets, circulars etc.] help us understand who we really are, and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and how to die. – Anne Lamott (2) A book [or a brochure, tract, booklet etc.] can be a star too; it can be a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading into the expanding universe. – Madeline L’Engle (3) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read everything – thrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good, you will find out. If it is not good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner


WHY SHOULD WE START PEACEFULLY DISOBEYING AND REFUSING TO COOPERATE WITH THE POWER THAT BE, IF WE TRULY WANT CHANGE HERE NOW? PREPARED BY THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION’S SECRETARIAT PREPARED BETWEEN: JANUARY 2013 AND JANUARY 2017 Note: Because of our very deep appreciation of the work being done here by the United Nations, in addition to our confidence in the UN to ably govern all world affairs and put up an honest and constructive mentorship for the new nation that we are struggling to establish here now, far more than what the United States can do, we have prepared five big ‘sharables’ or street circulars that we call our big 5 revolutionary statements, symbolic of the UN Security Council’s Big 5, and this is one considered our “Second Statement of National Call to Action – a time to peacefully start disobeying the current status quo.” Note: The remaining 4 are: (1) Our Statement of Tribute to the Most celebrated Contributors/Motivators of the Plain Truth Revolution, (2) Our Statement Of Spiritual Backings, (3) Our Statement of the Key Event that Sparked the Plain Truth Revolution, and (4) Our First Statement of National Call to Action – Spreading the Plain Truth Revolution’s Message as a Civic and Spiritual Obligation. Please get all of them at once to get a complete idea of the Plain Truth Revolution’s agenda for this ONLY country that God has blessed us with. Also Note: If you don’t get a street copy, please go to for a copy. Thanks for doing so.


There is a common saying that we can’t make omelets without breaking eggs. Omelet is a kind of light dish prepared from marched eggs and vegetables. This talk dictates the fact that drastic times will always call for drastic measures to overcome them. In this article, we have decided to bring you 5 detailed reasons for why all God-fearing people and well-meaning citizens in this place must now start peacefully disobeying the current power that be, and their instructions if we truly need a new and better social order now than the mess we are currently going through here, and our beautiful collective beginning point will be to reject their upcoming elections, and instead, demand a national rebirth and constitutional convention this 2017!!! This civic injunction may sound too strong and very difficult to execute, but interestingly, it is in this very strange instruction that bulk of the solutions to our ever-chronic problems in this country now lie. It looks impossible, but it is possible with faith and trust in God. We are not advocating for any violence here, we are requesting a peaceful, non-violent, non-compliance approach to handling this funny, almost 200-year-old mess in which we sadly find ourselves, in this place. This is like saying to your parent, “Father, I always obey you, but today, I am not going to do what you are telling me because I feel hurt about certain things, which will NEVER be straightened up if I keep obeying you.” A real parent should take a deep breath, put aside any anger, and seek some detailed dialogue before figuring out what to do next. Having said that, let’s now sink into the details of why a new and very serious civic culture of positive non-conformist and non-compliance approaches must be adopted by all of us now in this place, to make genuine change possible in our own lifetimes instead of cruelly waiting for future, very incapacitated generations, to do these terribly difficult and dangerous civic duties. Majority of us here are either Christians or Muslims, and everyone knows that it is better, or normal to begin addressing the majority first, in many cases. As such, the Bible says, for example in James 4:7 that we must first submit ourselves to God (not man); resist the Devil, before it can flee, or run away from us, or give us some chance to live our part of lives fully too. For those who use the Qur’an to worship God (Allah), such Qur’anic passages as Surats/Qur’an 8:39, 2:193 etc. instruct us to keep resisting or fighting against evil, mischief, oppression, injustice, and all these vices in order to minimize, or finish them at our level, if possible. While it is true that the idea of human governments being set up and run by man to manage God’s children, comes from God Himself, as indicated in such Biblical teachings as Romans Chapter 13, Titus 3:1 and so on, human beings must also be very careful that the Devil uses God’s own platforms to launch and prosecute his part of war. He (the Devil) does not create anything for himself. That’s how limited he is, as even his own strong vehicles like witches, wizards, principalities and the likes, were all created by God (Col. 1:16-17) for God’s own best known purposes. The biggest challenge we have as human beings however, is to distinguish these institutions and platforms by their actions and fruits to know which one is first legitimate, relatively honest, and doing the right things, so that we can obey it; or which one is illegitimate, dishonest, and doing the wrong things – especially persistently and consistently – so that we can stand up to its throat and say No to it, or disobey it. Let us be mindful that even a church or a mosque, as holy and sacred as these institutions are meant to be, can be unfortunately used


by the Devil to fool and kill God’s children, let alone a more social institution in nature as a government. So then, we have to discern which government is just, legitimate, sincere, and doing the right things in line with God’s principles (even though these principles will never be 100% followed), before obeying, obeying, and obeying such an authority. And to do such differentiation, Christians count on passages like 2 Corinthians 10:5 etc., while Muslims take heed from passages like Qur’an 29:2-3 and Qur’an 17:36 among others, before obeying. Let’s remember that as we said in the case of Devil using a church or mosque to propagate its war since he can never create anything for himself, the Bible’s Book of Hosea 8:4 says that there are governments [and by extension, forms of government] that are NOT approved by God, and both the Bible and Qur’an teach that we shall know everything – every person, every entity, and so forth, by their fruits. And Apostle Paul, trying to clear our doubts – especially when it comes to the issue of government or human institutions – says in Acts 5:29 that we rather obey God than man. Putting Paul’s statement into its right perspective here, we would say that when we are either in a dilemma, or when we shall have established that man, or institutions set up by man, are not doing the basic, right things, then we rather obey God directly than man, or that institution of his. These same principles apply to our civic lives as well. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the greatest fathers of modern civil society activism once indicated that, to the same extent that we are under obligation to obey good laws and honorable institutions, we are also under obligation to disobey (especially at certain point along the way), unjust laws and illegitimate institutions. With this premise laid, let’s bring you a few definitions of key civic terms and expressions that will brighten our insights into these debates before going ahead to give all of you, the very good people of this country, 5 detailed reasons why we all must now begin constructively and non-violently disobeying or refusing to comply and cooperate with the structure called Government of Liberia in this country, if we really fear God first, and want genuine change for our own good, and for the benefit of all of our future generations, by the grace of God. These few, key civic terms and expressions are thus, as follows: 1) Government - from the study of social and political science, government is the organization that is formed to make, execute, and interpret the rules of society. It is the coordinating agent that facilitates the growth and development of ALL individuals and institutions within a state. Government is the sum total of the buildings, the constitution or laws used to govern all operations and activities, and the officials or human beings that do the different works within it. Note that most of our definitions and explanations here come from Wikipedia. 2) Constitution – a written document which explains the high values to be cherished by a nation; or in more details, a document which explains why the nation came into existence in the first place, how the government is to be structured, the different responsibilities and powers to be exercised by different authorities and parties within the nation/country, and all the rights and privileges to be enjoyed by those for whom the nation or state was established.


3) The art or skill used to run government is called politics. And politics can be simply defined as an organized control over a community of people or a state. Politics is used to order both the lives of individuals and the affairs of society. The tool used by politics to order individuals’ lives, and to order all societal affairs is called Civics. This is the biggest tool in the world of political science. Civics by definition is a tool or part of political science that teaches citizens about their duties and responsibilities to their country, the rights and privileges they are supposed to enjoy from their country; how their government is organized, the functions of their government, and how well it is performing these functions. 4) Political Science – a social discipline that deals with systems of government and the analysis of political activities and behaviors. 5) Country – a piece of land, lived in, by a people, with a common government. 6) Nation – a community of people made up of one or more nationalities, usually with its own territory and government. 7) State – (a) a body of people living in a certain territory under one government. (b) The government itself over such body of people, can also be referred to as a state. 8) Nation State – a community of people claiming right of self-determination based on a common ethnicity, history, and culture, while establishing sovereignty over a region. Key to the debate of a nation state is a sovereign entity whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent. Note: A country is more geographic; a state is more political and geopolitical in nature; while a nation is a more cultural and ethnic description of a people. 9) Sovereignty – (a) the full right of a place or group of people to govern themselves without any outside interference. (b) Freedom from outside control. 10) Sovereign – (a) Highest in power or authority. (b) Having independent authority 11) Independence/Independent – (a) Not under the control or rule of another. (b) Not too tied with something or someone in a way that affects freedom. (c) Not depending on someone else for their money or other resources in order to live. (d) Being able to make up one’s mind, by oneself, for action. Note: In order for a piece of land and its people, to gain recognition with respect to, or to be called these beautiful names and statuses of: a country, a state, a nation, and a nation state respectively – all, or each of which can be used in relatively the same way, to more formally and legally refer to a specific place and its people, there MUST be some key agreement called a Social contract that binds these people on the land, to one another, and to that piece of land itself. This social contract is more theoretical than some hard copy, legal document, but it is simply reflected in such things as the Declaration of Independence, the form of government, the Constitution, the seal, the motto etc. and other emblems and common public documents, including even societal norms. All this put together, according to the Social Scientists, form the very foundation of a society. However, the contractual sense of this whole civic and national concept reflects more


within the relationship between the governing authority of a place and the governed, or those who are being governed, including the ordinary, common people. In this sense of a governing authority and the governed, Social Contract is synonymous with the marital vow between a husband and a wife, in which each party has some major obligations and responsibilities in line with the vow, and that any substantial proof of violating such pledge, especially repeatedly and consistently, warrants the cancellation of this contract through a divorce and stuffs like that. So let’s do a little more definitions again before hitting the hammer on the nail’s head with respect to Liberia and her current governing authority and social contract: 12) Contract – (a) An agreement between two or more competent parties based on mutual promises to do something, which is both legal and possible, or to refrain from doing something which can be legal, illegal and possible. (b) An agreement that the law can force someone to keep. (c) A writing made to show the terms and conditions of such agreement. Notes:  There are 6 elements that must be available or possible to make an agreement a complete contract, just like a Social Contract, and they include: (1) an offer (2) an acceptance (3) a mutual consent (4) capacity to live the contract (5) some consideration or sacrifice from both parties, and (6) Legality/Legitimacy  Contractual characteristics fall into four main categories, which include: (1) either Valid or Voidable (2) either Unilateral or Bilateral (3) either Express (ed) or Implied, and (4) either Informal or Formal  The following 7 acts or conditions – and actions resembling them, or related to them – can jeopardize the validity, legitimacy, correctness, or authority of a contract, and each of them, when proven, is capable, alone and enough, to terminate or cancel the contract, including a Social Contract. They include: (1) Chicanery (lying/cheating) (2) Fraud (3) Duress (4) Undue Influence (5) Misinterpretation (6) Mental Infirmity (7) Age Inability 13) Social – (a) Of, or relating to human beings living together in groups or communities (b) Living or growing together in groups or as a community. 14) Social Contract – (this big agreement could also be referred to as Civic Contract, Political Contract, Citizenship Contract or National Contract) – According to Wikipedia, Social Contract is a body of arguments, like we said earlier, such as a constitution, a declaration of independence etc., claiming that individuals have agreed either in writing or in some willful cooperation, to surrender some of their freedoms to an authority or a ruler or a majority, in exchange for the protection of their remaining rights. It is also referred to as a political contract that defines the origin of a society and validates the legitimacy of a state over individuals within a specific territorial confines. Note:  One other key characteristic of any contract, including a Social Contract is that all parties to it must stand in probity (truthfulness, righteousness, sincerity, honesty etc.) to each other with respect to the execution or performance of their duties and responsibilities under the contract. This requirement makes it incumbent that each party must have a


generally recognized interest in the subject of the contract if they are to be bound to it. Still in connection to this point, we listed earlier 6 elements that must be present to make a contract, including a Social Contract, valid or legitimate, but let’s just throw little light on only one here, which is consideration, an element that lays the foundation for the duties and responsibilities under a contract for which probity becomes a serious matter. Consideration, in the world of contract, and when placed in the very layman sense, is the sum total of the series of sacrifices needed to be made by one party, on the one hand, in order to produce a series of benefits to be received by the other party, on the other hand, and this takes place vice versa, or as a two-way street. Each party is compelled to do some specific sacrifice for the benefit of the other, and to receive some specific benefit as a result of the sacrifice made by the other. This is where probity plays a major role to produce legitimacy. Placing all this in the context of a Social Contract, with the government as a Party (A) and citizens as Party (B), for example, or whichever way we may put it, we say: Some of the citizens’ sacrifices that produce benefits to the government include: (1) Remaining, or keeping informed – of relatively all of the key issues of society; (2) Working to improve the community; (3) Respecting constituted authority; (4) Respecting public property; (5) Ensuring that government performs all of its duties well; (6) Voting; (7) Serving in government etc. On the other hand, some of the government/governing authority’s binding sacrifices that produce benefits to the citizens – which in turn comes back logically and practically to producing benefits for the government itself too – include: (1) Providing quality education to ALL – as a beginning point for everything else to work well; (2) Ensuring that sound, and all-encompassing laws are in place to govern all of society’s affairs; (3) Ensuring that justice is accorded to all, equally and equitably, under the rule of law; (4) Putting up maximum security for ALL, alike, including proven criminals; (5) According freedom to, and protecting freedom for ALL; (6) Providing a range of other basic social services that facilitate healthy, long, and productive life for ALL, including health services, food, transportation, electricity, water supply etc., employing different legal or legitimate mechanisms that will ensure that ALL these basic services are supplied to EVERYBODY in a substantial way etc. and etc. But a striking point of interest here is that because government is a small unit of people selected or taken from among the citizens to work on behalf of the citizens, and is given all of the required resources and authority to do such work adequately on behalf of the rest of the citizens, and to keep society growing and progressing success after success, it is government who is ultimately responsible to ensure, one legitimate way or the other, that each of the two parties to the Social Contract – i.e. government itself and the citizenry – is adequately empowered to responsibly live its side of the bargain in the contract; again, with probity to the other. 15) Form of Government – because government is very key; first, to making the Social Contract tangible, practical and exposed to all citizens/subjects, and then to preserving, protecting, promoting, defending and strengthening it with the passage of time, what form of government a people chooses to work with becomes very important. There are different forms of government based on different things such as: source of authority, decisionmaking, choice of governors or leaders, and so forth. But the two most common forms of


governments along these lines are Democracy and Monarchy, each of which has its different currents or offshoots, based on the exercise of authority, although the both can interestingly be tweaked and mixed, in pursuit of ably executing a people’s Social Contract. We however are interested in Democracy and some of its modern currents here so as not to make this work bulky; and thus, a few definitions in this direction, again follow: 16) Democracy – a form of government in which the highest power (called sovereignty or political sovereignty) is held by the people, and mostly exercised through their representatives. Notes:  The most basic point of distinction between a democracy and other forms of government is democracy’s belief and practice of the idea that ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE EQUAL!!!!!!!!!  According to the American Heritage Dictionary and other sources, the ID card of a just, objective, and legitimate democratic government include such basic features on the front and back as: (i) Being fair and consistent with what is morally right, which includes giving ALL human beings, ALL citizens, what is due them; (ii) Placing the interest of the citizens far above all else; (iii) Protecting all properties within its area of control – both tangible and intangible etc. and etc.  Each genuine democracy is built upon 7 foundation pillars, 5 of which include: (1) Legitimacy (2) Due Process of Law, or Rule of Law (3) Separation of powers and Judicial Independence (4) Fair distribution of power and resources through federalism or some clear and sustained decentralization process; and (5) Citizens’ participation  The three core principles of democracy however, according to experts are: Freedom, Equality, and Control  Two ‘ointments’ or ‘lubricants’ that MUST grease the engine of democracy before it ever works are: (1) Social Justice, and (2) Social Capital, especially its Generalized Trust. Social Justice handles how a society systematically distributes its collective wealth, privileges, and opportunities among ALL citizens equitably. And Social Capital is the combination of the generalized trusts, norms, reciprocities (give and takes etc.), and networks within a given society. Note: Generalized Trust stands tall among Social Capital elements, and it refers to trust that one member of society places easily in another person to whom he is neither related or connected, and this kind of trust depends on the performance and comportment of government institutions, especially its key law and order institutions – i.e. the Police and the Courts. Without generalized trust, society can NEVER succeed in the cultivation and nurturing of key productive virtues such as entrepreneurship, volunteering, objective advocacy, and many other forms of productive risk taking etc.  According to several sources including Argentine-American Professor Guillermo O’Donnell, the UNDP and others, the quality of any democracy must be gauged by only two key things, which are: (1) Human Development; and (2) Human Rights


17) Republic – (a) a form of government based on the theory of Republicanism. (b) A state structure or government having a Chief of State who is not a monarch, and who is usually a president. (c) A government in which supreme power lies in the citizens, mainly through their rights to vote their leaders. 18) Republicanism – (earlier called Civic Humanism) – a democratic theory of government whereby power resides in elected officials who represent the citizenry, govern by the consent of the citizenry, and govern according to the rule of law. 19) Legitimate – (a) Accepted by the laws as right or rightful (b) Being [generally] right or acceptable (c) Legal 20) Legal – (a) Of, or relating to the law, or lawyers (b) Based on the law (c) Allowed by the laws or the rules 21) Legitimacy – the quality, extent, or state of being legitimate 22) Moral – (a) Concerned with, or relating to what is right or wrong in [general] human behavior. (b) Able to teach a lesson (c) Able to tell right from wrong. Synonyms: Ethical, Good, Right, Honest, Decent, Proper, Honorable, Just etc. Notes based on the conditions and concepts of legitimacy and morality with respect to Social Contract and Democracy:  The 3 pillars upon which the foundation of any true democratic society must be built are: (1) A clear and legitimate Social Contract (2) A strong and sustained presence of Social Capital, especially Generalized Trust, and, (3) An honest, defined and systematic mechanism of effecting Social Justice.  The strongest and central defense of sovereignty is legitimacy; that is, legitimacy derived from answering the question: “By what right does the government exercise its authority?” And, two ways of getting this right are: (i) Divinely, through what is called the right of the Kings, from some Supreme Being, undoubtedly God, and (ii) Through a Social Contract executed through Popular Sovereignty.  In its original argument, which dates far back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 1700s, as proffered variously by respected Social and Political Authorities including the likes of Thomas Hobbes of England, Baron Montesquieu and Jean Jacques Rousseau of France, John Locke and Thomas Paine of the United States etc., THE LEGAL AND MORAL VALIDITY or LEGITIMACY of sovereignty is best established by a society’s underlying Social Contract. 23) Resist – (a) To oppose; or to fight against (b) To slow down the force of (c) To withstand the force or effect of 24) Disobey – (a) To refuse to comply with (b) To fail or neglect to follow one’s order, direction or guidance. 25) Civil – (a) Of, or relating to citizens (b) Of, or relating to ordinary or government affairs, rather than to those of the military or church. (d) Polite, without being friendly.


After taking up all the time to lay the premise for these huge civic debates, then furnishing us with some key working definitions for most of the basic civic words and expressions that people of this country must now know to their fingertips as we take all the strong decisions and actions together to change our country once and for all, for the better, God willing, let’s now bring you the 5 solid and detailed reasons, as promised earlier, for why we must now nonviolently and politely disobey the orders, teachings, guidance and so forth of this current political, economic and social order, so as to make a new and better social order quickly possible by the grace of our Almighty God. Here we go: 1. From what we now know, Liberia’s Social Contract was designed formally between June 25 and July 25, 1847, according to sources such as the “Liberian History Up To 1847” by Dr. Joseph S. Guannue, when 12 persons, representing only one, and the most questionable one for that matter (i.e. the Americo-Liberians), of ‘Liberia’s somewhat formally known 17 social or ethnic groups, converged at a so-called Constitutional Convention in Monrovia. This 1-month ‘National Convention’ produced a set of Social Contract elements, including the Declaration of Independence, the First Constitution of the Republic of Liberia, a national motto, a seal, a flag etc. with key supporting general arguments like the ones below, among others: (a) According to the Declaration of Independence and the First Constitution, all the citizens of this country (‘Liberia’) are originally from the United States of North America. (b) The motto, which is also part of the seal, says that it is the love of liberty that brought everybody here, originally from North America; and in fact, this is the reason for which this place is called Liberia. (c) When the Black Americans came here, they never met any human beings on ground, but instead, they met a complete wilderness, with only wild animals – savages and beasts, not human beings. In logical terms, our tribal forefathers, in the Bassas, Deis, and Golas for example, from whom these Black American miscreants took Cape Mesurado to begin building their failed, barren and criminal Liberia, were wild animals and beasts, not human beings. Small Proof of our claim a) Jo M. Sullivan of the Cambridge Public Schools in Massachusetts, the USA, expressed his frustration once at the sad characterizations of the indigenous people of this country by the so-called Black American ‘pioneers’, as presented in a 2002 book written by Catherine Reef entitled, “This is our Dark Country: The American Settlers of Liberia”. Mr. Sullivan criticizes for example, the Americo-Liberians’ use of such phrases as: “building a nation in the wilderness”, “surviving in the wilderness” etc. He said, in Reef’s description of the region [as very lately as 2002 in her book], she still gave preference to animals before making some little mention of a local people. b) In the book, “Liberia, the West African Republic”, Richard and Doris Henries narrate that upon the arrival of the Black Americans from bondage, they met on the Grain Coast, only savages, whom they (the ‘Congo People’) began to transform.


c) In Liberia’s official Civics textbook, as late as the Tubman’s Era, “Civics for Liberian Schools, 1966”, A. Doris Banks Henries, the author of this book, with full approval of the Government of Liberia, referred to us, the indigenous people, the Nagbes, the Boakais, the Samukais, the original Sirleafs and so on, as savages. Note that, no popular and wellpremised official policy has EVER changed these characterizations and descriptions of us, the aboriginals, and original owners of this land yet. Conclusion While we know that there exists no bilateral, express/expressed and formal Social Contract underlying this entire Liberian society, even if someone, especially the Congo boys, will insist that there exists something, then we will agree with them for argument sake, but will still prove strongly that what they are referring to therefore, is instead an implied, informal, unilateral, and unconscionable June-July 1847 Social Contract, that is one-sided and very oppressive, giving unfair advantage to the Americo-Liberians over the Aboriginal people of our country – a situation that has now become very, very untenable and UNACCEPTABLE. It has thus become perfectly justifiable for us to resist such informal Social Contract at all costs now, as we have begun, by the grace of God, in other to change these things around. 2. We must now resist this state structure called Liberia, and then fight to theoretically dismantle it because everything, every story, every narration and so forth, surrounding its establishment and onward movement is so queer, negatively strange, and criminal, most often like a fable (or a story of animals), and not like a narration about human beings. Note that this is without prejudice to our good, suffering and innocent people. We believe that activities characterizing the founding or establishment of a sound and legitimate country should be both inspirational and virtue-packed so that these beautiful realities can flourish throughout the existence of such a country. But what we know about this Liberia is quite the opposite, with narrations about the founding and onward survival of this Black American Criminal outpost called country, up to this point, just so uninteresting, heartsickening and terrible, as they are almost all characterized by very queer human behavior toward fellow human beings, and numerous ghastly tales of criminalities, corruption, dishonesty, poverty, brutality and the likes, all the way, from the very beginning of this Liberia in 1822 to this date in 2017. This NASTY profile of a whole group of God’s children MUST change now by His grace, and it will NEVER change if we keep obeying the current criminal status quo. It’s time for virtuous men and women to rise up to the arduous and dangerous challenge of laying a new civic and social foundation that will first fear God, and then respect all men, by according all what they truly deserve out of life. 3. Every knowledgeable and well-meaning person in this country knows perfectly well by now that Liberia started everything the wrong way, and it continues to conduct itself the completely wrong way in almost every aspect of positive life, including how we even eat and how we worship our Creator, not to mention the great mess that we keep making out of the noble calling and responsibilities of governance and leadership. Now, when reasonable people establish that a system has got everything wrong, and they keep obeying that system, then they are saying that they are very proud of that wrong system, and that they want to keep growing and strengthening it to become more and more dangerous and


deadlier. That way, we all become badly guilty of nurturing the problem, rather than becoming part of the solution. Here is just a little sample of big opinion leaders of today who completely agree with our Plain Truth Revolution that this particular social order in our country (the Grain Coast, cheatingly called Liberia), that was initiated here by the Americo-Liberians in 1822, is very miserable, and must be completely be torn down now, and redesigned: (a) Mr. John S. Morlu, former Auditor General of Liberia – Mr. Morlu once said, in Liberia, we have a kleptocracy (or one would say, a ‘rogue-cracy’ or ‘criminocracy’), masquerading as a democracy. He then called on the Press Union of Liberia to help break this rogue structure called Liberian democracy down, and not to help it grow to born more babies of poverty, uncontrollable foreign exchange rates, astronomical prices of goods/services, and sky-rocketing rate of unemployment (, November 28, 2015) (b) Mr. Keith Morris, Journalist in Local Print Media – according to Journalist Morris, there is no coordination in the administrative structure of the country….He says, there’s a very serious climate of deceit in the thing called government in this place, so much so that politicians or government officials come to the public and talk different things, but behind the scenes, they mean quite different things (Farbric FM New Dawn, August 26, 2015) (c) Mr. Nathaniel Barnes, Politician and former Liberian Ambassador to the United Nations – Mr. Barnes argues that we “dangerously don’t have any institutions in this place, but instead, we just have personalities.” He says we are terribly not even a reconciled people, and that we don’t have any common purpose, and any common goal as a people. He continues that there’s an incredible lack of trust by Liberians in their leaders and government generally, and that this lack of citizens’ trust is JUSTIFIED!!!!!!!!(Farbric FM New Dawn, December 2, 2015) (d) Senator Henry Yallah, Bong Country – according to Senator Yallah, in Liberia, and in the Senate in which he serves, when the President for example nominates a person this evening, before day breaks the next morning, that nominee has already been confirmed. He then goes on to say, “We [make a] lot of mistakes in this place, and this place needs to be redeemed….” (Sky FM News, October 31, 2014) (e) Mr. Jonathan Paye – Lay-Leh – BBC Correspondent/Liberia – Mr. Paye Layleh says that the behavior of Liberian leaders in dealing with the country’s resources, especially its natural resources (iron ore, gold, diamond, oil etc.) makes him to wonder whether leaders here have something at the back of their minds telling them that the country is now coming to an end (Farbric FM New Dawn, October 20, 2015) (f) Ms/Mrs. Makita Redd/Wreh, Commerce Inspector, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Liberia – at one time, Madam Redd/Wreh publicly expressed fears for her son Justin’s life in the hands of the country’s national police, saying that her son’s safety was not guaranteed in the hands of the police once the President, Madam Sirleaf, was out of the country at the time. (Local Radio News, December 13, 2013) (g) Mr. Isaac Redd, Director of Press & Public Affairs, House of Representatives, Liberia – fed up with the status quo, Mr. Redd complains, with utmost disgust, that in Liberia, the


construction or rehabilitation of little stretches of substandard one-lane roads is only determined by where the president goes. In his direct words, “Our country just can’t go this way…we need to jumpstart everything all over again….and we need real patriotic people to do this…..” (Farbric FM New Dawn, November 12, 2015) (h) Mr. Koffi Woods, former Public Works Minister, Liberia – He says, Liberia’s very chronic problems can be attributed to the tragic return of the so-called freed slaves from America – development which he said eventually gave birth to all of the deadly vices that now overwhelm our society, including ethnic marginalization and the very unspeakable abuse of power and authority, but not because of any April 14 or April 12, 1980 incidents, as others may always want to claim (Sky FM News, April 28, 2014) (i) Dean Johnson, African Methodist Episcopal University, Monrovia – this honorable Dean says, Liberia’s declaration of independence was imprudently thought out, and was untimely…He continues, “we need a complete renaissance… we need a complete rebirth…(Farbric FM New Dawn, March 16, 2015) (j) Mr. Wilfred Bangourah, Senate Protemp’s Office, Liberia – According to Mr. Bangourah, Liberia was founded on a false premise. He says, “We should now check our founding papers and make some more adjustments…” He further states, “We now need to reclaim and repossess our country…” (Farbric FM New Dawn, March 16, 2015) (k) Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, head, Liberia’s Good Governance Commission – here is how Dr. Sawyer summarizes the whole dangerously funny and sad Liberian story: According to him, “The idea of Liberia is flawed in conception, design, and implementation” (as quoted by Mr. Jo Sullivan of the Cambridge Public Schools in Massachusetts, the USA) 4. It is now time that we put a halt to cooperating with, or following the instructions and directives of this current governance arrangement that was put together here far back in 1822 by the Americo-Liberians because of its complete lack of ability to EVER dispense equitable and fair justice to all of the people of this land. In fact, it will be a complete mockery out of ourselves, to ever feel in this life, that an Americo-Liberian designed arrangement, including its GOL, will EVER mean well for the Natives, the 16 African tribal population of this country – let alone will it dispense fair justice in this place, when the harsh fact remains that criminals can NEVER dispense justice or fight crime. As a result of this painful and damaging reality, just as President Obama once said that in some countries, there are separate sets of laws for different groups of people, Liberia has 3 sets of laws – one set for the Americo-Liberians in general, one set for the so-called wellconnected in the Americo-Liberian society, and the last and most ruthless set, for the huge mass of ordinary ‘Yarkpawolos.’ It may interest you to discover that even if a Williams, a Bryant, or a McClain were seen broad day rampaging and killing a swarm of indigenous people’s kids and babies in cold blood in this country, or stealing millions of dollars of the country’s wealth in broad day light, the Liberian so-called legal system will do all it can to acquit that Williams, Bryant, or McClain permanently, if, out of some external pressure he ever appears in their courts, in the first place. Even the very government and court authorities here, one day after another, do validate in different forms and actions that, criminally rooted Government of Liberia from 1822, has


got no capacity to EVER dispense fair and reasonable justice to the good people of this country. We think that by keep obeying such failed and criminal system that has NEVER improved in 194 years, we will be making our Creator to regret why He had to create us in His image and likeness. Here are just few proofs of how the Government of Liberia and its judicial officials agree with us that nothing good is happening here in terms of sound justice for God’s children, and that there’s NO sign that it will EVER improve: a. Judge/Justice Francis S. Korkpor, Sr., Chief Justice, Liberia – the two crippling human rights abuses of indiscriminately or unprofessionally, and many times, just maliciously throwing people behind bars on the one hand, and then on the other hand, keeping people illegally for long time under pretrial detention or jailing in this country, had gotten to the Chief Justice’s nerves so much that he had to blow alarm about them in October 2015, announcing to the public that prolonged detention of an accused person before trying them – which is terribly plaguing his own justice system – amounted to travesty of justice, or making mockery out of justice. He then warned his judges and magistrates to take full advantage of provisions under the law for options or courses other than incarcerating accused citizens, while also warning them to speedily and promptly attend to court cases instead of what is currently happening. Note: The sad news is that all of the Chief Justice’s warnings and admonishments here, deriving from his frustrations about the broad day travesty of justice in this Black American country will all fall on barren ground and hard rock because this Liberia was NEVER designed to seek any form of excellence and fair dealings with human beings, PERIOD!!! (; Detained Alleged Criminals Have Rights, October 13, 2015) b. Associate Justice Kabineh J’aneh, Supreme Court of Liberia – After Liberia has been around for the past 194 years now dispensing justice to its citizens, here are just 3 of the many fundamental, but very damaging deficiencies still plaguing her justice system, according to Cllr. J’aneh, an authority himself: (1) persistent over-crowdedness of court dockets; (2) very huge numbers of pretrial detentions; and (3) insufficient laws on the books to adequately handle ongoing concerns and challenges, and so forth. (ELBC, November 23, 2015). Judge Korboi Nuta of Criminal Court ‘A’ at the time also expressed similar grave concerns about the Liberian Judicial System, adding that it lacks, as yet, any coherent and uniform approach to handling the country’s huge justice problems and needs. He said this was a very serious impediment in dispensing justice in the country. (ELBC, November 2013) c. Cllr. Benedict Sannoh, Justice Minister, Liberia – in an ELBC January 2, 2015 news cast, Cllr. Sannoh was heard publicly announcing that in Liberia, certain people are allowed to go with impunity when they do wrong – just for the sake of peace and reconciliation, and that such persons were now taking advantage of this situation. He can be quoted verbatim, while serving as Acting Justice Minister at the time, as saying, “…Government has been letting certain things go unpunished for the sake of peace and reconciliation, and people are taking advantage of this, and thinking that they are above the law, but 2015 will be a different year…” During another time, Cllr. Sannoh, while now serving as Justice Minister proper, claimed that his own justice system comprises imperial magistrates [or by extension court officials] who make themselves so powerful [criminally], and do such


unwholesome things as imposing excessive bail bonds on accused citizens….(Local Daily, Winston W. Parley, October 14, 2015) d. Judge Blamo Dickson/Dixon, Judge, Temple of Justice, Monrovia – at the opening ceremonies of the November 2015 term of court, at Criminal Courts A, B, C, and D at the Temple of Justice, Judge Dickson/Dixon disclosed that some magistrates were in the bad business of [maliciously] denying citizens their due rights to obtaining bonds under the law. Note: If Judge Dickson/Dixon could observe and alarm at this kind of painfully unwholesome human rights abuse from his court chambers at Capitol Hill in Monrovia, then one has the right to worry about what’s happening in the remote towns and villages across this country, beginning with the interior part of the very Montserrado County that hosts the so-called capital city. e. In August 2015, a senior court official in Grand Cape Mount County was heard bitterly complaining how court authorities in the county [which is symptomatic of the entire country] imprudently, unprofessionally and maliciously incarcerate too many persons beyond the capacity of detention facilities. He said they were doing this by just mischievously and intentionally issuing out writs of arrest in very simple cases that only required writs of summon (ELBC, August 2014) etc. and etc. Note: Meanwhile, the very credible US State Department is on record for consistently indicating that the Liberian Judiciary or legal system does not, as yet, know the very basics of the law, and that there is a no justice as yet in the country since 1822. Here is a caveat from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pertaining to such a dangerous and nasty situation like that of Liberia, which can now be proven beyond all doubts: According to Dr. King, “.... Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, but when they fail in this purpose, they become the dangerous structured dams that block the flow of all social progress.” To keep obeying such a system is just a painful act of ignoring our consciences while insulting ourselves and prolonging our own agony and those of our huge suffering majority in this country, and God will hold us responsible for being equally guilty of all the big crimes, including the broad day white-collar terrorism and genocide associated with this very nasty Liberian tale of burning our consciences with hot iron for the sake of food and money. 5. Last, but not the least, Liberia is just a downright illegitimate state arrangement from countless respects, a few of which are as follows: a. The revered Greek Philosopher, Aristotle once said, “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals, [but] separated from the law and justice, man becomes the worst of all animals.” This is Americo-Liberia’s sad fate – with all due respect to all of our good and innocent citizens. From the perspective of running a country and a government, using the skill of politics and its most powerful tool called Civics, only one instrument or document can generally handle the issue of law and justice, and this book, this instrument, this document, is called the Constitution. This is also called the Organic Law or the Supreme Law of a country. Liberia’s part of Supreme and ‘sacred’ law, its Constitution, is so messy, dirty, unfair and bloody; and as such, does not need to be obeyed any longer until we redo it. Here are some of justifying arguments: This book, written mainly by self-interest seeking, criminal politicians, and written under very unfavorable conditions and atmosphere when


blood was being wasted in every corner, and secret beheadings taking place all across the country in the early 1980s, is full of lies and all sorts of criminal dualities. Few of its lies and criminal provisions can be found in such passages as Articles 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 20, most of 21, 26, 27(b), 97, and many more. In fact, this constitution does not respect our people; it is a recipe for chaos, as alluded even by the United Nations; it promotes impunity; it promotes perversion of the law; it promotes selfishness; it was used to kill and ‘rekill’ almost 1 million of our poor citizens through some senseless war, and through the ever-corrupt Supreme Court of Liberia; it was used as a tool to send more than 1 million of our citizens into exile, making them suffer and face humiliating conditions and harsh fate including disgraceful deaths without befitting burials outside of their home; it is being used to shield productive President Tolbert and his officials’ killers forever; it was used to deny our people reparations after criminals took advantage of its loopholes to set our people’s lives far back for scores and decades; it has been used to perpetuate the sufferings of our people by maintaining and sustaining a criminal gang in place called government, and to keep bringing criminals to power to inflict more harm on our good people forever etc. In addition to these very damaging and dangerous characteristics, the Liberian constitution carries in it a lot of provisions which the authorities themselves know that they are unable and unprepared to implement, but keep them on the books for formality. This too is very dangerous, as by this, the constitution regards certain articles as more important than others, while other articles are mere suggestions that can be trampled upon anyhow. We just can’t keep obeying such a dangerous joke called constitution. The consequences can very deadly and far-reaching in the end, both in this life, and before our Creator. b. As we mentioned somewhere in this text, our Social Contract can best be reflected also in our national symbols and emblems, thus giving legitimacy to our civic arrangement or state arrangement. And let’s not forget what we said earlier that the legal and moral legitimacy of a state sit right within its underlying Social Contract, according to the Civic and Social architects and experts. A national symbol represents an idea or a reality that means so much to a group of people. In a state, the flag, the seal, the motto, the national anthem, the national holidays, the folk heroes and heroines etc. constitute the national symbols. These symbols inspire citizens to be more patriotic. They represent the hopes and aspirations of all citizens. National emblems and symbols steer every citizen in the same direction in fulfilment of common national objectives. Symbols and emblems serve to hold the mirror to the value of the country. They help to instill confidence in, and also to gain the commitment of all citizens to work for the common good of the country. They help place focus on the core values of society, and they are an embodiment of the principles and ideas of society, while motivating all citizens to perform well etc. But sadly, Liberia’s part of National symbols and emblems first off, kill and insult all of the indigenous people of this country, which constitute 99% of the population. These symbols consider our people as mere dogs and other wild or domesticated animals who deserve nothing good out of life. c. Claims of the illegitimacy of Liberia are not coming from us, the Plain Truth Revolution alone. Official proofs are being provided and corroborated, first by history explicitly, then by prominent institutions and opinion leaders, before finally, by the very officials of


government through their own pronouncements and actions on a very regular basis. Here we go with a small sample:  The piece of land, Cape Mesurado, on which the building and nurturing of the state called Liberia began, was sadly arm robbed by US Naval Captain Robert Field Stockton of the USS Alligator Battleship in late December 1821, according to very credible American sources. Note: If the American Colonization Society and the United States Government will disprove this claim, then we will demand them, that is, the United States Government, to produce Cape Mesurado’s land deal so that we all find out how much they paid for our land in 1821 from our dear forefathers, and through what means. It should not be difficult to produce this land deal because Wikipedia tells us that all of ACS’s documents were turned over to the Library of Congress in Washington DC at the bankruptcy of this NGO, just lately in 1964.  Liberia is an illegitimate statehood arrangement because history narrates that the club or NGO that established the country in 1822, and professedly granted it independence in 1847, called the American Colonization Society was a racist ‘business’ NGO that could not even sustain itself, let alone sustain the so-called colony that it established. And so after they completed their very deadly business mission of ridding the United States of mischievous Black American criminals and dumping them on our productive soil in about 20 years, ACS ultimately went bankrupt, and existed only on paper for a couple of years, until it was officially pronounced closed down in 1964. Such an entity can NEVER be a legitimate grantor of independence status to any proud and God-fearing people on the face of this Planet, and even no serious, productive, and proud people will ever allow such funny story to characterize their foundation.  As we clarified at the beginning of this work, the National Convention of June to July 1847 that professedly formalized Liberia’s sovereignty and independence was unrepresentative, unfair, and criminal, thus making its offshoot, Republic of Liberia, illegitimate. This National Convention was attended only by the Johnsons, Grippons, McClains, and Tubmans, who represent 1 ethnic group, the 17th questionable one for that matter, to the bloody exclusion of the Samukais, Zeagans, Kromahs, and Cherrues, who represent the 16 original African ethnic groups, and the recognized owners of the land. By the way, it takes no rocket science to declare with the greatest of emphasis and precision that NOTHING designed by America and her Americo-Liberians will EVER mean well for the 16 tribal African groups of this country, let alone a Social Contract designed by them – not because America is bad, but because this relationship we have with them, rooted in December 1816 is just demned well NASTY and CURSED. d. Liberia is an illegitimate civic arrangement because it was constructed on a completely false argument or premise. According to several historical accounts, the main argument propounded by the American Colonization Society, as approved by the United States Government, was that “Black American criminals should be shipped, or should be brought here to ‘Christianize’ and ‘Civilize’ Africa after settling somewhere on this Western Coast of Africa. This is a demned Lie, and God’s children don’t subscribe to such a lie from the Devil’s belly, that’s why we MUST begin now to disobey Liberia in order to change this funny story in our life by the grace of God.


e. Liberia is an illegitimate civic arrangement because as old as 194 years of age, it has proven completely unable to cater for the welfare and wellbeing of all of its citizens in a structured and systematic manner. Apart from its gross failure to dispense justice, as we mentioned earlier, this Black American country is terribly unable to provide any other basic social services such as health, electricity, transportation, water, and so forth. The current government attests to this painful claim in its present Agenda for Transformation (AfT) document when it shamefully asserts that by 2030 it will then be able to provide adequate social services to all of its citizens, and thus be able to attain its legitimacy. f. The Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s July 2009 report categorically asserts that Liberia faces a big LEGITIMACY CRISIS!!!!! etc. and etc. Let’s pause here for now. At the close of this engagement, we expect everyone to now be convinced, or be familiar with what it means when we say that Liberia sadly is a failed project; a national idea so flawed in conception, design and implementation (as argued by Prof. Dr. Amos Sawyer); a very horrible warning to the world over, demonstrating America’s ugliest example with the affairs of slavery (according to Prof. Dr. James Ciment of New York); a hyperbola from the beginning of its construction in 1822 up to this 2017, that has NEVER held water; a misconceived design that keeps proving its 1816 designers very wrong; a country still struggling in vain – to live up to the true meaning of its [cheating] name, but doing so through the practice of some defacto Black Apartheid (in the reading of revered Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe some time ago); and a criminal, invalid Social Contract that keeps producing more and more distrusts among its contracting parties as the days come and go etc. Fellow citizens, with all these arguments well established now, we don’t know how else again must we verify that Liberia is an illegitimate statehood that must be constructively disobeyed right now, in order to facilitate the urgency of putting together of a new, honest, promising civic arrangement that will cater responsibly to the needs of all of God’s precious children in this country. From every indication, we all can now attest to how this place immediately needs some unconditional, radical change, before it gets far too late for all of us. The condition though is that we need very upright men and women to lead this process, and people are only upright when they work with the Never-failing and eternal principles and virtues of God, as Apostle Peter once suggested that it only takes the righteous to suffer for the liberation of all. Finally, our Plain Truth Revolution, being conscious that no head, no leader, or no commander is ever truthful and sincere to their people when they say one thing, but refuse to be the first to exemplify, act or execute that thing, we will take the first steps and continue standing up for everything that we write or say, by the grace of God. As such, in every one of our actions and speeches, we like to categorically announce to all of our fellow citizens and the world over that because we have established, 100%, that we are not Liberians, and that Liberia is an illegitimate, rogue arrangement, we will NOT subscribe to Liberian laws and guidance, but instead, we prefer to depend on United Nations protocols and conventions for our defense and protection, with God first above. Our key instruments of dependence as such, include: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; other general provisions within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, among other UN Conventions.


After reading this article, or any of the other articles and pamphlets, please share your thoughts with us at,, or We are also entertaining any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to further encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above. We moreover have other social media sites. Our Facebook page is We also have three discussion groups: a Facebook Group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), at and respectively, plus a Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, which is at We additionally have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at You are encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as a last option. Thanks again for your unflinching support to our quest to build a new, better nation, by first, your willingness to begin constructively disobeying Liberia to make this change possible by the grace of God. As we are repeating in every work we do, the beginning point is to now demand a grand National Citizens Convention this 2017, rather than some election that will take us nowhere. Don’t worry, the Plain Truth Revolution will lead this dialogue process, and not government by the grace of God. Notes  In all this, the Police should be our best friend to some appreciable extent. And secondly,  Please be informed that our call for constructive disobedience and non-compliance with dictates of the Liberian Government does not cover proven criminals. We are instead speaking to the consciences of true patriots and children of God who now want to see their country change for the better, but the structure called government here will not listen to them. So let this point be clear regarding ALL of our works and national calls to action, wherever this clarity is not made.

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