The key event that sparked plain truth revolution final

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(1) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read everything – thrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good, you will find out. If it is not good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner (2) A good book [a good pamphlet, a good article, a good circular etc.] is an education of the heart. It enlargens your sense of human possibility; [it gives you an idea] of what the human nature is; [it gives you an idea] of what happens in the rest of your world. It is a creator of inwardness. – Susan Sontag (3) To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelt out is a spark [by itself]. – Victor Hugo

ARTICLE TITLE How the Magic Formula: Roland Kartee





His fake dismissal case at the LPRC


A Brand New Country (replacing Liberia)



PREPARED BETWEEN: JANUARY 2013 AND JANUARY 2017 Note: Because of our very deep appreciation of the work being done here by the United Nations, in addition to our confidence in the UN to ably govern all world affairs and put up an honest and constructive mentorship for the new nation that we are struggling to establish here now, far more than what the United States can do, we have prepared five big ‘sharables’ or street circulars that we call our big 5 revolutionary statements, symbolic of the UN Security Council’s Big 5, and this is one considered our “Our Statement of the Key Event that Sparked the Plain Truth Revolution”. Note: The remaining 4 are: (1) Our Statement of Tribute to the Most celebrated Contributors/Motivators of the Plain Truth Revolution, (2) Our Statement Of Spiritual Backings, (3) Our First Statement of National Call to Action – Spreading the Plain Truth Revolution’s Message as a Civic and Spiritual Obligation, and (4) Our Second Statement of National Call to Action – a time to peacefully start disobeying the current status quo.” Please get all of them at once to get a complete idea of the Plain Truth Revolution’s agenda for this ONLY country that God has blessed us with. Also Note: If you don’t get a street copy, please go to for a copy. Thanks for doing so.


French writer and artist Francois Marie Arouet, A.K.A. Voltaire, once said, “[Excessive] injustice in the end leads to independence.”, and the Bible says, in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good, for them that love God, [and] to them who are called, according to His purpose.” As if Divinity or Providence had noticed that we had been burning with some idea about our country; that we had been concerned about the huge nature of our country’s problems, and wanting to impact it positively at all costs; that we had been terribly bothered about some fundamental wrongs about our dear country that we want our Creator to help us to make right etc., but as limited, mortal human beings, we did not know how, and where to start from, an opportunity in disguise availed itself to us in a rather very rough and painful way in January of 2013, when we were rudely kicked out of our office, and out of witch hunt, made to leave with only a single blue pen, after having served an Americo-Liberian company for up to ten years, up to the Managerial level. Here meanwhile is a brief summary of that entire story, and it goes like this: After a few instances of respectfully disagreeing with top management for their wasteful and visionless running of this Americo-Liberian state-owned business enterprise – the professed Liberia Petroleum Refining Company, which shamelessly and criminally only stores, out of its 5 statutory mandates of refining, producing, storing, importing, and distributing/supplying petroleum products throughout the length and breadth of Americo-Liberia, we got mischievously blacklisted and socalled “fired” in less than 24 hours for alleged problems with an over four months old transaction that we had authorized in our capacity as both a Manager and an Acting Departmental head (LPRC Case to the LACC, Pages 15-25). Because of the hasty, malicious, and criminal nature of this so-called dismissal, apart from their failure to conduct any due process whatsoever, among other STUPID, criminal errors, as usual, LPRC’s dismissal letter contained a whole range of mess, including, a self-contradicting or ambiguous allegation, as reason for the dismissal, and a terribly misrepresented dismissing authority, in addition to foolishly communicating the detailed reasons for their action ten days after the action. For example, LPRC’s main allegation goes like this, on our so-called dismissal letter, “[‘bla’, ‘bla’, ‘bla’,…..As such, your employment with LPRC as Business Application Manager is hereby terminated effectively immediately WITHOUT CAUSE in accordance to the approved LPRC Employee Handbook page 9 (Dismissal), “Proven Fraud against the Company or acts of corruption”. Moreover, LPRC went to the press and shamefully denied ever ‘dismissing’ the subject here, Roland S. Kartee, describing the entire story, as reported in the Monday, January 28, 2013 edition of the Microscope Newspaper, as False, Misleading, Reckless, Condescending, and with No iota of Truth, after a smart whistleblower had cleverly outlined the intents behind their devilish action, in a 5-count allegation, in this paper, as follows: 1. One Roland Kartee was allegedly dismissed out of witch hunt for comments he made against a certain management demotion scheme; 2. LPRC had allegedly paid up to five media houses not to speak to the malpractices going on at the entity; 3. The current demotion in question (which Roland had spoken against) was targeted at those who had NOT acquired overseas [mainly American] education; 4. This dubious demotion scheme had already started the Friday earlier, with scores of managers and directors being demoted by management;


5. The MD [T. Nelson Williams] was also trying to make room through this demotion scheme for some of his fraternal brothers…etc. Note: LPRC’s denial of all these claims mentioned above, using all their big, big terminologies they have learned from America, was featured in the Wednesday, January 30, 2013 edition of the People Newspaper. (Again, details are in our (LPRC Case to the LACC, as mentioned earlier) Enlightened by God, to have connected the dots, and discovered: (a) how beautifully all of the circumstances before and after this bogus action intertwine with all of the grave problems that have disgracefully held our society down from 1822 up to this point; and, (b) realizing with a keen civic awareness that a responsible, high-impact citizen, against whom a bullet is first fired while in the right struggle, must be able to fire back in a way that benefits all fellow compatriots (of past, present, and future generations), instead of just fighting for the benefit of only him and his family alone; then (c), also realizing that, it only takes the personal and group problems of the Kartees, Browns and Williams etc. of this country, to be used as case studies to solve our chronic problems – and not issues pertaining to those from Europe, Asia or North America, or people’s problems from Mars or Pluto etc. and etc., we decided to transform this somewhat personal case into a huge national debate to begin the process of emancipating our people, God willing, since neither the United Nations, nor the United States, or European Union, or World Bank, and so on, will ever do it, besides our very selves. And even more challengingly for us in this place, no Tubmans, no Joneses, no Brumskines, no Parkers, and no Johnsons will ever do what we are talking about here because the status quo, or the present corrupt state of affairs, which they themselves designed here since 1822, only benefits them tremendously, at the expense of our blood and tears, and so, the load or responsibility for change rather rests on the shoulders of the undiluted Massaquois, Boakais, Samukais, Sendolos, Cherues, Gwehs, and Yarkpawolos, but NEVER will such change be accomplished under a structure called ‘Liberia’, which is NOT our own making; not our own design; not our own intention; not our own pride etc., but rather a pride of America and her Americo-Liberians, and therefore we can never achieve anything good under it, FULL STOP!!! So this whole LPRC v. Roland Kartee wrangling, as mentioned above in brief, in the end, has produced for all of us an interesting scenario, which too has derived a beautiful civic mathematical equation under simple ‘Addition of Fraction’ rules, bringing on board all of the major parties (or elements) of our country’s 200 year-old ‘wahala’ or hullaballoo, with the LPRC dismissal case in question thus serving as the Least Common Denominator of this fractional equation. The key parties to our country’s ‘wahala’ of course, are: (1) All of the systematically marginalized populations of this country (that is, originally, and firstly, the 16 indigenous African Ethnic Groups, followed by Whites, born on this soil, and then by Fulas, and other mixed Africans, born on this soil), and this huge group of marginalized and suppressed folks is being represented in our equation by Roland S. Kartee; (2) The imposed Americo-Liberian Ethnic Group, represented by their ever-criminal Government of Liberia, or GOL, and finally, (3) the United States Government, represented by their Monrovia Embassy. Thus, this very interesting Civic Mathematical Formula that is about to take our country to a different new level by the grace of God, can be depicted as follows:


A brand new, smart, and progressive West African Nation, blotting out old, dull, and criminal Liberia, with Roland S. Kartee + the GOL + the US Monrovia Embassy Our fake dismissal case at the LPRC

the United Nations, now politely = charged with the responsibility to solely and fully ‘referee’ or direct how this simple addition of fraction is now going to be solved by all of us working together constructively, no matter how deep our differences may be

And all of this process, put together, is what we now refer to as the Plain Truth Revolution. With that said, the process of change, under the banner of the Plain Truth Revolution, using this case as its launching pad, began on April 22, 2013, with a simple, 7-member immediate family and relative’s civic action at the LPRC’s Product Storage Terminal, on the Bushrod Island in Monrovia, demanding both a corrected dismissal letter, while also demanding to be subsequently taken to court if LPRC really meant business for all of her long allegations and actions against the Kartees. The Americo-Liberian National Police is our witness here. LPRC begged for a round table discussion, and then started some criminal delay tactics again, trying to win us back to work in the Liberian way, in the midst of all this mess that we have not corrected, something we could NEVER, and have NEVER agreed to. We staged another, more radical and bigger-scoped civic action on December 10, 2013; LPRC exhibited more and more of her damage control mechanisms to keep these grave issues off the public’s knowledge. Based on our revolutionary conviction that good management is the art of making critical societal problems so interesting, and their solutions so constructive, so as to push everyone into getting to work, in search of solution, we wrote a 27-page, 17-count corruption allegation case – containing some of the problems we had observed while on job, but could never have had the opportunity to thoroughly follow up – to the so-called Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, with copies made available to over 40 key national and international stakeholders, including the United Nations, United States Embassy in Monrovia, the European Union, the National Legislature, the President’s office etc. We also managed to mail a copy of this case to the regional Japanese Embassy in Accra, Ghana, since Japan is a major stakeholder now in Liberian affairs, especially taken into account its millions of dollars of oil grant to the Liberian government, which LPRC directly handled very dishonestly. Please visit https// and other sites for more details. Meanwhile, every civic action of ours has been characterized by the provision and distribution of leaflets and pamphlets about the deep-seated problems holding us down in this place, and their envisaged solution options from us, under God’s direction. While going through all of the above however, we have kept our bigger picture goal of redeeming our country, by the grace of God, using this case in check, as we have repeatedly mentioned above. As such, we have been working on designing the Plain Truth Revolution to truly do this work. Because the greatest problem in this place now is a terrible lack of knowledge about our own situation, and the immediate problems confronting us, the Plain Truth has been able to put together 11 pamphlets addressing the key national emergencies and issues we all must know in order to collectively reborn our country, or relay its very faulty foundation with a newer, productive one based on God’s eternal principles – the immediate first step, without which we can never move any more step further, as a people. In fact, our revolution has uncovered that for


the past 194 years during which America has successfully used her deadly weapons of poverty, ignorance and illiteracy in this country, she has thoroughly implanted a culture of hatred for reading, and even for the very few people that try to read, the same American secret evil deign has made us to hate going into details, in the name of loving some superficial and sugarcoating summaries, as if people can ever do, or know, or judge, summaries well without a good knowledge of the details. The secret however, is that this is the work of devil, to keep people stupid forever. There’s an adage that the Devil sits right within the details; and so, by sifting or filtering thoroughly through the details, the devil is exposed to light, and by dodging the details, people get fooled and ultimately destroyed by the devil. For God has said in the Quran that we will be held responsible in our reaction to everything that we hear – [especially in this case, things that affect our common lives –if we don’t investigate them for ourselves. The Bible equally says that we are a ‘’big fool’’ if we want to solve a problem (like what the politicians keep shouting around here that they want to do), but fail to first gather all of the facts surrounding that problem. That’s why our revolution can also be called the Details Revolution, if you like. For this reason, we’ve taken 4 years to construct a summarized detail of the shocking Liberian story forming the narrative framework of our Plain Truth Revolution. To give you a little idea of what these pamphlets are, what issues they basically address, and from where you can readily get them now, please see the list below: MAIN PAMPHLETS 1. Why Is This Case Considered A Revolutionary And Game-Changing One For Our Country (‘Liberia’)” – this is Pamphlet #1, a “MUST READ” pamphlet, and it treats in detail how our experience at the LPRC neatly ties in with almost all of Liberia’s 194 year problems. You can get a copy, or the copies of all of our articles at;;; Note that we have put them into both Microsoft Word and personal document formats for your convenience. 2. Why Do We Need A Complete Revolution, And Not Reforms, And How Can We Conduct This Revolution” – Depending on the depth of a people’s problems, they can decide to employ gradualist, reformist political solutions, or a complete going back to the drawing board to redesign their state structure. We are now saying that our country must employ that second formula – And Just No If And Then About This, PERIOD!!!. 3. Liberia: A Small, Failed, Dirty Country, Built on the Pillars of Corruption – Here are the proofs” – This pamphlet proves beyond all your doubts – with historical evidence from 1816 to current events this 2017, that the structure or political entity called Liberia, was built on the foundation pillars of corruption and its lieutenants of deceit, ethnocentrism, chicanery etc. and until this structure is theoretically, politically, legally, and psychologically dismantled, no fight against any societal vice in this country will ever succeed. 4. Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Makes Amends For It Now?” – Liberia had been torn apart by negative ethnicity – the one called ethnocentrism, even before it was established in 1822. With ethnocentrism, one group of people say they are the superior over the rest of the people. And in fact, because Liberia’s part of ethnocentrism is so extreme, as predicted by the US Congress in 1817, that this place would be a land of aggravated mischief, the Americo-Liberians here say they are the human beings, while the rest of the 16 indigenous African Ethnic groups are animals, and as such, all policies of the Americo-Liberian Government are strategically and tactically geared – mischievously behind


the scenes – to uphold this claim and belief. This pamphlet will drill you through how the Plain Truth Revolution has established this bloody reality, and has advanced its solution options in line with Divine principles 5. “How Liberia Sadly Makes Mockery Out Of The Divine Concept Of Justice” – Because the founders and societal frontrunners of Liberia themselves are predominantly criminals, and because they have an inherent hatred for the Natives, justice in this place is a complete mockery. This pamphlet gives you more details. 6. Liberia: A Name Associated with Crime, Curse, Misery, Poverty, and Failure. It Must Be Changed Now!! – Just as Rep. Bhofal Chambers once said, “People change their names at certain times in order to redefine their purpose in life”, our revolution believes that it’s time to change this deceitful and divisive name called Liberia for a new name, as we redefine our country’s main purpose. We believe that the funny name, Liberia, is bent hell-wards, and it’s heavily impacting our good people in a very negative sense, and it must be changed now, as a result. Please access this pamphlet for more details. 7. Liberia’s Justifications For Demanding Reparations From America Now” – We believe all of the mess gravely affecting our society today were primarily imposed upon us by America, and she’s bent on continuing this trend for her economic gains if we don’t bring these NASTY realities to their attention right now, and seek appropriate reparations. Two big weapons America truly uses to perpetuate her hyper-imperialism are POVERTY and IGNORANCE, and she is dug in her heals to ensure that she uses her Americo-Liberians – through their white-collar terrorist organization called government here – to hide under so-called government policies to continue using these two deadly weapons against us forever. This pamphlet adequately proves our argument and urges us to rise up peacefully and demand reparations from America right now!!! ADDENDUMS 8. How Based On Its Origin, And Today’s Realities, The Structure Called Government of Liberia Is A Big Criminal Gang, That Must Be Peacefully Dismantled Now, For A Better One, Based On Better Principles. This is the first addendum to Pamphlet #1, and can be found on the same sites as the others. This addendum brings to light how almost all of the activities of the Government of Liberia, from 1822 up to this date, are downright criminal, or, are at least characterized by criminalities. 9. How, Based On Her Ancestry, And All Her Current Performance Profile Thus Far, Americo-Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Has Got No Moral Authority Over Any Native Person For That Matter. We now endeavor to establish a new society where national leaders and all those in authority will first be of good moral standing, that’s why we decided to lay emphasis on this Americo-Liberian professedly ‘most educated, and best president’, so that those wanting to serve in our new nation will have the first ugly example to avoid in Americo-Liberian leaders. 10. 17 Solid Reasons Why We Should Demand Independence Now, Rather Than Going To Stand On Line Again In 2017, In Another Stupid Americo-Liberian Elections. – This pamphlet outlines several reasons that we believe, speak to our good people’s senses about why election now, is not, and we MUST repeat, NOT, a good solution to our country’s huge fundamental problems. Let’s remember that it’s only a stupid group of people who will keep


using the same formula over and over again that does not produce for them any genuine results. Please take this pamphlet seriously because we are convinced that God will punish all those who will prove that they are completely out of any more civic or political options in this life, and will therefore still go and stand on line again this 2017 to prolong the sufferings of our people through these fake Americo-Liberian engineered processes to keep our people down forever. This is with all due respect to democracy as a form of government, which we also subscribe to, but has been criminally replaced here by America and Americo-Liberians with a painful “Tyranny of Huge Ignorant Majority; again, without prejudice to our poor people into whose throats this terrible situation has been forced. 11. If This Is The Best Of Americo-Liberian Leaderships, In Harvard-Trained Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Then What Else Are We, The Natives, Still Waiting For To Constructively Snatch Our Arm Robbed Country From Out Of The Hands Of America And Her AmericoLiberians? We say, the dangers for not acting in this direction right now, are already at our door steps. Note: Everyone, from the honorable Nobel Prize Committee to Forbes Magazine, to a long list of world leaders and opinion leaders, to Americo-Liberian Government officials etc., is lavishing praises on this Americo-Liberian “Iron Lady” as Liberia’s best, and her government as Liberia’s best. Yes, we agree with you all, but we are now saying that based upon this fact, it is now clear that we don’t belong to this NASTY state structure called Liberia anymore because we can’t just imagine what their worst leadership and government would ever be like, and we don’t even want to see that happen. For we have been suffering too much in this place since 1822. Other supplementary articles for interested readers include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

About the Plain Truth Revolution LPRC Case to the LACC Kartee’s Letter to the US Embassy Kartee’s Second Letter to Mr. Sumo Kupee Kartee’s Second Letter to President Sirleaf Kartee’s so-called Dismissal Letter LPRC’s follow up letter to dismissal action LPRC Board of Directors’ final concurrence letter for dismissal action

Please take this revolutionary project seriously and be eager to get all of our articles and read them with passion and care so that we all get on fire to redeem ourselves and make our country a real pride, God willing. No one can do it for us, and every citizen must be involved. You will find some very stunning, but equally controversial ideas that we all can start debating now, in order to take real actions that will prove us to be God’s true children too, who have brains and can fight for ideas and ideologies too, rather than just always keeping stagnant on the side of STUPIDITY. First of all, it is only good ideas, and not personalities, per se, that have bettered the lives of other human beings elsewhere on the globe; it is a matter of being flexible at experimenting with new ideas, not just mere guessing, not just a perpetual fear to try new ideas, not just foolishly doing one thing over and over because it has been imposed upon us by some people in the past etc. So for example, here are just 7 points or arguments of our revolution that we’ve brought to tease your brains, and we are urging you to get hold of all of our articles to dig deeper into each of them, so that you understand them well for yourselves, as they will now form the major debates


in this country henceforth, until we get things right by the grace of God. The “seven point-gist” of our big arguments therefore include: 1. We are arguing that when you obey this current constitution and go to stand on line this year, 2017, to vote, then you are saying, “To hell with the blood of our hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens that were cruelly killed in this place beginning 1989, and even President Tolbert, and his officials in 1980”, because of both the cruelty of the system that produced this instrument, and the weakness and dirty provisions of this constitution, which have even been used again, to vindicate all these killers. Read Article 97 of this constitution for example, and then connect the dots with our current TRC recommendations that have now been swept under the carpet forever. Such blatant disregard for fellow human beings, fellow family members, fellow loved ones, fellow brothers and sisters etc., who had the same values and feelings like you have today, will definitely cause God’s wrath against you. So instead of yearning for elections now, let each of us now first demand a well-organized citizens’ conference to bring up all of the burning fundamental problems in this country, the root causes of these problems, and then design or debate new solution options to these big problems together, independently of the White man, who may be good to us though, but will NEVER solve any of these bloody issues for us, even in a billion years’ time. Our revolution calls this proposed, but equally demanded citizens’ get together, the National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention, which MUST be held before any soul ever rests in this country again, by the grace of God. 2. If you go through these works, you will realize that we have now put up a genuine argument for true independence under a new national or civic structure, instead of keep struggling in vain, with ‘Liberia’, which can NEVER succeed based on its cruel overall intention and very dirty foundation of deceit, corruption, and bigotry etc. 3. We have now put up an unbending argument to grant legitimate citizenships and separate ethnic group statuses to three new groups of people within our current demographic landscape, to be added to the existing 17 recognized ethnic groups, and these three new groups are: (a) All Whites born on our soil; (b) All Fulas born on our soil; and (c) All mixed Africans born on our soil. We demand that these three new groups be included for now, to some appreciable level, in all of our governance arrangements, as we all now equally work to build a new, better, and positively diversified, but coherently united society. This argument extends to relegating or banning the Americo-Liberian ethnic group from all public sector activities for 100 years, while we get them actively rehabilitated because, as their 194 year fruits in this place, now convincing validate, they have proven America right that are [predominantly] mere, lazy criminals, who lack every iota of self-governance and productivity, and so we just can’t continue with any of their rotten influences now in our national leadership and governance arena, until they go through this process by the power of God. No if and then about this!!! 4. You will discover that we are demanding a new form of economic system, leveraging the best of all worlds, but leaning more on socialist principles, and a new form of democracy, the Parliamentary Democracy, with a unicameral Legislature/Parliament, to initially comprise 57 highly qualified, educated (Master’s Degree and above), disciplined, morally up to standard, and nationally/patriotically undiluted MPs, representing our 19 qualified ethnic groups. Our list of 10 proposed candidates to be revolutionarily voted upon as Interim Head of State for this new civic arrangement include: Dr. Guannue, Dr. Tipoteh, Dr. Wleh, Dr. Weh-Dorliae,


Cllr. Gongloe, Mr. Sieh, Mr. Doe-Nah, Mr. ‘Tarponweh’, Mr./Imam Krayee, and Mr./Pstr. Juah. (Note: If possible, please read a bit more about Parliamentary Democracy for yourself, if what you will read in our articles are not enough.) 5. We have built a very powerful case, as part of a comprehensive transitional justice process (covering issues from December 1816 to this year, 2017), that will get all the justice-hungry citizens of this place on fire to demand reparations from the United States of America for all the countless, unspeakable wrongs they have done here since 1816, and continue to do to us, up to this 2017. This comprehensive transitional justice process is the one that will also lead to the banning or relegation of the Americo-Liberian Ethnic group from ALL political and governmental activities in this place for 100 years, as we all work to rehabilitate them using God’s principles. 6. We have given full justification for the establishment of a versatile Ministry of Civic Education, as part of our new nation’s governmental and civic arrangement, which will ensure that ALL citizens – NOT only school-going, or urban-based citizens, or young people only etc. – be taught Civics, and a bundle of the fundamental aspects of other worthwhile courses/disciplines like Economics, First Aid, History, Current Events etc. for positive civic life at all levels, and that these will be taught in ALL of our Tribes, Languages, or Vernaculars by a well-paid and highly staffed ministry. 7. You will also discover that because NONE of these can ever take root from an old, dirty foundation, we have developed a well-founded case for a complete change of our nation’s name, all of its current emblems, awards and creeds etc., including the Constitution, a step without which we can NEVER take any peaceful steps forward again as a people in this place because peace lives side by side with justice, and an Americo-Liberian foundation can NEVER ensure or achieve such JUSTICE, IMPOSSIBLE!!. For we can’t just keep intentionally making mockery out of ourselves forever, etc. and etc. Note: The list of issues may look long, and even sometimes confusing to you, but we urge you to first thoroughly read about all of them in order to get an idea before making any further judgment. They are about your country; they are about the lives of all of our forefathers; they are about the lives of countless future generations, and they are about the betterment of our own lives today, so it should NEVER appear like a waste of your precious time going through them. You will also get to know how each one of them hinges upon the other; you will get to know how, the best way to put a nation on its feet substantially, is to first establish every issue surrounding it, before beginning, as far as your resources and passion can take you, to address them, (i.e. these issues or problems) either 2 at a time, 4 at a time, 5, or if possible, relatively all, at the same time. You will get to know how, when a people terribly waste their time and remain far behind in life, thus putting them into a big race against time, ALL of their actions now, at making up for lost time, MUST be holistic, radical, and robust, if they are to ever thrive and leave a mark on this planet. Let’s remember that nothing doable by others on one side of the globe, is ever impossible for another people elsewhere, on another side of this same globe. We can make it, but only with strong faith in God, and confidence within ourselves through genuine and honest efforts and actions. And until we can do something concrete about addressing all these major problems above using different formulas, nobody should think about standing on line in another round of useless Americo-Liberian political elections anymore in this place. We, including the souls of our forefathers, the spirits of our future generations etc. will fight against such move tooth and nail, by the power of God.


Another interesting thing about our revolution for which we have fortunately, coincidentally come up with these 11 pamphlets is that we envisage a new country, or a new national arrangement that will apply many of the golden principles of modern football – a game that our Plain Truth Revolution considers a great game of life. Here are some of the concepts from football that our revolution has tapped or chosen to apply to our new civic life and politics. Again, please read all of our articles and listen to all of audio and video recordings for more details on these issues however: 1. We are now fighting for a new country wherein every citizen will be considered equally important just as all 11 players representing a complete football playing team are considered all important. 2. In football administration, no foreigner plays for a national team – no matter how they play to their teeth. To part ways with foolish Americo-Liberia, only original, undiluted, discipline and full-blooded citizens will play a role in our new public sector. 3. No lazy and dull person can play sound, winning football, so we seek to create a new society of all hardworking and smart citizens, and so the first challenge or encouragement for engendering such culture of hard work though, is to read all of this current leaflet first, and then all of our Plain Truth Revolutionary articles. They are meant to save our souls, so please read them with love for country. 4. Just like a national football team, for example, will never permit a mixture of 4 th, 3rd or 2nd division players, our new form of government, especially our first Branch of Government, which will have a very huge power, will comprise all Master’s Degree holders and above, nothing less, because the higher a people’s responsibilities, the greater are the knowledge and skills required of them. This will also spell a great deal of uniformity and coherence. 5. Just as a team can get relegated/demoted or somewhat barred for poor performance in football, our advocated holistic transitional justice process – covering events about our country from 1816 to date, instead of 1979 to 2003, will see Americo-Liberians completely relegated from politics for 100 years so that we all now work together on their rehabilitation to fit the public space 6. Just as no good coach or no good team will depend on, or employ only one pattern of play, but will have to change formation every time something major changes during the course of the game, like for example, a coach changing from a 4-4-2 formation to a 5-4-1 formation probably because of the need of a crucial last minute goal, or because of the red carding of one of their players etc., we will change the current funny, criminal Presidential Democracy in this fake country to a Parliamentary Democracy of one chamber, or a unicameral Legislature of all Master’s Degree holders and above, as a starting point, with these MPs, instead of representing electoral districts, now representing each of our overly-marginalized and suffocated indigenous Tribal groups, plus three new ethnic groups that we are demanding legitimizing in this process – that is: (a) the ‘born in country’ White Community, as a separate, legitimate ethnic group, (b) the ‘born in country’ Fula Community, as a separate, legitimate ethnic group, and (c) our ‘born in country’ community of mixed Africans, as a separate, legitimate ethnic group. We will abolish the fake Americo-Liberian electoral districts concept for now. Please read more or listen out on all these.


7. We believe no football team can ever survive, let alone win one game, in their existence, if they only decide to remain on the defensive. This is also in line with God’s concept too, as His children, as a people, as a country etc. In this country for example, we can sit in our houses, our offices, our cozy radio studios, our cars etc., and complain all day long about how America’s imperialism is killing us broad day, and holding our huge potentials hostage forever; how Americo-Liberian ethnocentrism is ripping apart our society day after day, right before our very eyes since 1822; about how the deeply entrenched culture of corruption continues to disgrace us as a people every hour that comes by etc., once we don’t get up to go on the offensive physically, dramatically, and practically (though using peaceful and constructive means in all) against those who have planted these Bad Seeds and continue to water them in our society, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will ever change. In fact, things will just continue to get worst off as the minutes come and go. Everyone knows by now how we are at the very brink of a “Dog Eat Dog” situation in this place. That’s why this small group of simple citizens just like anyone else out there is encouraging all of us, God’s children, to come together under one religion called TRUTH; one political party called the Truth Alliance or Truth Coalition, and one football club called the TRUTH United, to go on the offensive against the root of all this evil within our society, and that root is not abstract, it’s not in the skies, it is human beings. According to the great German Academician Karl Marx, you can’t tackle issues without the human beings that are causing and leading the issues. And this does not in any sense mean that we should antagonize people physically and destructively, NO, NO. When a serious and productive people establish sufficiently where the problems or the source of their problem is, just as the police people would do when they discover a criminal hideout, they chase out the problem source or make it to run away from them, but in this case, we can only succeed, if and only if we honestly employ God’s just principles, because in the end, it is only He who fights, not us. He is the God of Armies. 8. We want a new country that will aspire to be the best, the champ, the winner, the title holder etc. in every positive activity of life that we take part in, and not to be around merely to occupy space, or just to participate in things for participation or formality sake. We will pursue excellence in all worthwhile activities of life, and NEVER aspire to settle down for second best anymore by God’s grace, etc. and etc. Before we can approach a final close of this circular, it is better to inform all of us with emphasis here, that none of these, and many good ideas we have crafted in this revolution, including even many more productive ones from fellow compatriots in this place, who may just be tired and frustrated now of ever advancing them etc., can ever be realized with the current ‘milestone we have on our necks’ (heavy yoke, trouble etc.) with the particular form of this America relationship that we have. It is not because Americans are bad, or because they hate us so much, but because the foundation of this friendship or relationship we have with them is so NASTY and DIRTY, based on big LIES, DECEIT, and HATRED etc., and as such, nothing much productive will ever come from out of it because God is NEVER mocked. These are very strong remarks, but they are nothing more, or less, than the plain truth, which we must face now, truths that normally can be too hard to come to terms with, but we MUST. Fellow citizens, we know that our relationship with America and her Americo-Liberians have now become so intimate, and sometimes serve as a testimony of pride, but realistically, this is not the case, as especially this iniquitous relationship with America has been the source of almost all of our troubles that we face in this place today. Take for example just these 3, sour accounts, of the foundation of this relationship from history and other sources, as follows:


1. What good will ever come from a relationship in which, the key initiator, the Americans, confusingly and deceitfully, after having used the four dangerous adjectives of: Morally Lax, Mentally Inferior, Criminally Oriented, and Promoters of Mischief, as descriptions for their Blacks, qualified to be deported to Africa through the American Colonization Society’s “Send Them Back To Africa” Project, still went ahead, dumping such characters on our soil, in the name of these people coming to “Christianize” and “Civilize” our home? In addition to this argument, how on Earth will this relationship ever yield any kind of good fruit, when as credible, reliable, and powerful as the US Congress is, after acknowledging these descriptions above (of their qualified Blacks for deportation to Africa, our societal frontrunners), had to instruct that where these people will be dumped should never be closer to the shores of the United States, as they, Congress, foresaw MISCHIEF being carried out in such place at an even more aggravated level? Please read our articles for more details. 2. What cordiality and productive fruits will ever come from a relationship in which the Americans had to approve their Navy Captain Robert Field Stockton’s use of his pistol (handgun) to arm rob our land, Cape Mesurado, from our poor Bassa, Dei, and Gola etc. forefathers, just to dump their unwanted criminal Blacks - the Johnsons, Joneses, Bernard’s etc., according to history? 3. What good will ever come from out of a relationship like the one between us and America, when every major War, Bloodshed, Calamity etc. that has stroke or befallen our poor people in this place since 1822, to this very point in history, has taken root from America, or has had direct or indirect link to America? In addition to this argument, what good will ever come from this relationship when every account of how our precious natural resources and now other form of resources, like human beings, have been looted broad day, or criminally exploited by America, or elements of American attachments? Please read our articles for more details. In the midst of all these and many more HORRIBLE realities, we still sadly remain stuck to America and her Americo-Liberians, still feeling, out of fear, that without a radical separation from them, our future can ever get loosened up, and get brightened with the passage of time – this is ABSOLUTELY wrong and impossible, as again, God is not mocked. We must constructively confront this Bogeyman and radically face this Beast, this Elephant etc. for some constructive separation, or else, ABSOLUTELY nothing will work for ourselves, our people, and all our future generations. We must now engage this elephant in the room. We know that it’s hard to separate from someone or people that we’ve gotten so used to, but to really gain our rightful place in this life, we must do some harsh, caustic separations at times, including separation from our own parents, talk less about a relationship whose fruits continue to be so disastrous for 99.9% of our people - only in the end, to benefit less than 1%, at the expense of all the rest. We can cry out in this country for the next 200 years from vices and pains, such as massive corruption, untold deprivation, unhindered ritualistic killings, unspeakable jungle justice, unheard-of undevelopment, and a terrible suffocation and stifling of our good people’s huge God-given potentials for the benefits of the children of the McClain’s, Tubman’s, Johnson’s etc., nothing will EVER happen or change unless this exploitative and iniquitous relationship between us and America is terminated, and unless the Americo-Liberians are relegated from our public space. This decision, we know, is troubling, dangerous and very difficult, but it is possible. In fact, all books of Scriptures including the Qur’an, the Bible etc. instruct some painful separation for the sake of our common good. For example, Matt 5:29-30, Mark 9:43 etc. - all instruct us to even (figuratively) cut off our legs, our arms, or plug out our eyes, and so forth, if we establish that any of these body parts are causing continuous trouble for us. This is where Faith comes in, fellow citizens, and good people. Remember without Faith we are nothing, both before God and


before man. One religious commentator put it this way, “our faith is not really tested until God asks us to bear what seems unbearable, to do what seems unreasonable, or to expect what seems impossible”. A hint to the wise is quite sufficient. And do not get us wrong when we mention only Bible and Quran, or cite only a few Bible verses here. What is stake is not about Christians or Muslims, or Buddhists, or Hindus etc., but it is about all of God’s children working together for their own redemption, and God is not interested in someone’s religion. What identifies us as God’s children is rather how we seek and stand up for the plain truth, nothing else, even if this truth is spoken against our very selves. Two verses from the Quran prove this point, as follows, from some reliable source: (a) Surat 2:256 says, “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error; [and] whoever rejects evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things. (b) Surat 4:135 – O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: For God can best protect both. Still with issues to the Plain Truth Revolution, every opportunity we have, like this one, to talk to our good citizens and the world at large, presents us with a cherished moment to inform you as much as possible; and so, in order to get much closer to this Revolution and its ideas, while not just close up with these few elementary facts about the PTR. First off, our creeds, and emblems etc. can be summarized as follows: Note that we use the following three revolutionary emblems actively for now, which are all symbolic of ideas and creeds below: Vision: “To create a new, productive society that will be lighted and sustained by the simple, plain truths” Mission: “To use God’s eternal principles of Justice to wipe the slate clean for a new national foundation” Motto: It’s time to take the two bulls in our lives (America’s imperialism and Americo-Liberian ethnocentrism) by their horns, using the plain truths.” Or, for short: It’s time to take the two bulls in our lives by their horns, using the plain truths.” Objectives:  To employ simple, home truths in a revolutionary fashion to upset Liberia’s entrenched culture of LIES and Mischief Making  To employ simple concepts and theories from general education to make our homeland a livable, progressive, and civilized place Key Methodology:  Massive creation of awareness, rooted from intensive researching and information sharing Major Tools:  History, Civics, Statistics, Pens, Papers, Computers, Microphones, Cell Phones etc., but NOT GUNS!!!! Key Partners: 1. The Student Population 2. The Media

4.Our Traditional Leaders and People 5. Members of the intelligentsia


3. Judicial Workers

6. Our huge down-trodden masses

Means of Propagating Our Revolution and Its Messages: 1. Social Media 2. Civic and Judicial Actions and processes

3. Traditional Media 4. Other Legitimate ways

On a rather appreciative note, as we all know that it takes the special grace of God, working through human actions in different ways to get things done, we are proud to announce to the world that while we have acknowledged a long list of people and institutions in all of our work, that truly deserve our honest acknowledgement, there are those who went beyond the call of duty at either inspiring us, or supporting us, one way or the other, or comporting themselves, or taking actions etc., that contributed to the “compulsory nature” or clear possibility of this revolution for our country right now. They deserve our extra-ordinary recognition, and as such, are thus acknowledged here, as follows: You may please read at the bottom of each of our four addendum pamphlets, or, better still, for a full list of these people, please read our leaflet titled, “the Most Celebrated Contributors/Motivators of the Plain Truth Revolution” to get the full details about the reasons for which each of these and many names that we couldn’t include here form part of what we call our “Friends of Friends” List, or our heroes of change. We have decided to keep their names arranged in this manner, as you see below, for a purpose. INDIVIDUALS 1. Thomas Nelson Williams, II and Jackson F. Doe, Jr. – MD and DMD of the Liberia Petroluem Refining Company respectively 2. Aaron Wheagar, DMD/O, LPRC 3. Elizabeth M. Tubman, Comptroller, LPRC 4. Rev. Dr. Herman Brown, Board Chairman, LPRC 5. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 6. John M. Dukuly, Victor G. Badio, Bobby G. Brown and Musa Barry 7. Mrs. Doris Zor and her children (Delcontee and Gloria etc.) of Bardnersville 8. My Significant Other, Miss Alice Wamah, and our 3 children: Preston Merciful Kartee ( aka Joyful), Courage Kartee, and Stamina Hero Kartee 9. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama 10. Amb. Deborah R. Malac 11. One Jerald – US Monrovia Embassy Staff (0777084337) 12. Tony T. Bleh and family 13. Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe 14. Jordan ‘Poronpeea’ 15. LPRC Whistleblowers 1 and 2 (Kabineh Sumawolo) GROUPS/INSTITUTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The United Nations US Department of State US Monrovia Embassy Global Witness In Profile Daily Newspaper

8. Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinions (CEIO) 9. Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) 10. ELBC Radio, Voice FM and Farbric Radio 11. Google Search Engine


6. Microscope Newspaper, The People Newspaper, National Chronicle Newspaper, and the New Democrat Newspaper 7. The Samuel Wallace’ Family and the Nulleh Ngafuan Internet Café family While many, including some of our personal American friends, have been acknowledged for helping (though very unconsciously) to pave the road, one way or the other, that has brought our ideas, confidence and mental and physical organization this far by God’s power, the list above shows parties that went the extra-mile, one way or the other, and we must recognize and appreciate them as such. Having thrown a good bit of light on some of these pertinent issues about the Plain Truth Revolution, to practically demonstrate our conviction, in line with the key argument of this revolution, that over 90% of the problems in this country (both individual and collective) can be blamed on America, we, the Kartees, representing 7 constituencies of the good people of this country (past, current and future generations, including other sympathizers of our country, here and elsewhere), under the banner of the Plain Truth Revolution, are going to the Monrovia US Embassy Grounds today (January __, 2017) to seek some redress from them concerning our ordeal at the LPRC, which they have been informed about in advance, and to also demand clarity from them on some of these critical issues we believe have been, and continue to destroy the lives of our people, since by Divine direction, we have always considered this case between us and the LPRC, as: THE case of the people of this country, a case for society, and a case for all of our future generations. We are including a link here, as follows:, firstly to a massive speech we have composed, to be delivered at the UN (UNMIL) Monrovia Headquarters, followed by our big 7, already prerecorded speeches, we are going to be reading and re-reading continuously, during all of our stay at the US Monrovia Embassy grounds while we await their intervention to get our corrected dismissal letter from the GOL through their LPRC. For us, what MD Thomas Nelson Williams, his top management team, his Board of Directors, and their overall boss, the President of Americo-Liberia, were saying to us through this big allegation and subsequent fake “dismissal action” is this: “Roland Kartee, please be the sacrificial lamb for our terrible scale of corruption at this entity.” To them and the people of this country we say, “Yes, we accept this request, but instead of accepting to be the sacrificial lamb or scape goat only for LPRC’s indescribable CORRUPTION alone, we are proudly extending this sacrificial responsibility to our country at large, by the grace of God. Therefore, every little knowledge God has helped us acquire from our mainly poor educational system; every little, but positive experience He has helped us attain thus far from our largely unproductive and corrupt institutions etc., we herewith vow to use them uninterruptedly in finding lasting solutions to our country’s unspeakable problems – problems that have basically been inflicted upon us by the cruelty and pettiness of the Roberts, the Bensons, the Barclays, Tubmans, Johnsons etc. with the explicit backing of their external principal, the United States of America. After having carefully accepted to be “Americo-Liberia’s” sacrificial lamb for corruption, though on behalf of our ever-suffering people of the Grain Coast, the only unbending demand we however have now is that the instrument that communicates and documents this oath of sacrifice, meaning this willingness to ever be dismissed by some LPRC for alleged corruption or fraud, must be error-free, legitimate, and authentic, so as to set the records straight for us, our family,


our friends, our country, and all future generations. There is no compromise about this demand, by the grace of God. We believe that in line with our inalienable rights, backed by Common Law, we have the right, depending on the magnitude of what is at stake, to either accept or reject faults within any communication that is intended for us and our family, which is also intended for the public at large. Don’t forget that even our critics and detractors, all need an authentic communication that talks something about us, so you can now see how huge the implications are. That’s why instead of fighting to first press for charges against LPRC for the very huge money they now owe us in damages for the glaring level of setback, disgrace, and other forms of inconveniences they have brought to us, as almost everyone else would prioritize in this place, we are only concerned about obtaining a corrected copy of our dismissal letter to effect a genuine divorce with Americo-Liberia, Period!!! Let it be known to the world at large that if we were to calculate how much this Black American company owes us, as it stands for slightly over 48 months now in salaries and benefits, as a bona-fide manager, we will be speaking in the tone of well over quarter of a million US Dollars (i.e. around the neighborhood of US$308,571.43), but we frankly don’t want to claim any cent from an institution that sucks and lives on the blood and future of our people through an evil under-hand agenda under the guise of running a state-owned business enterprise. We only want a corrected copy of our so-called dismissal letter to legitimize our complete divorce, because, as it stands with this professed dismissal letter in our hand, we are still part of the LPRC, and by extension, the GOL. For we could fight with all of our blood, sweat and tears to recover whatever cent they owe us in damages, as mentioned above, but we don’t want, with emphasis here again, to continue being with a system, or enjoying from a system whatsoever, that was set up to massively cheat, strangulate, and kill our current generation, while cruelly aborting future generations like unscrupulous physicians on the rampage ripping apart 9 month-old babies in their mother’s wombs – that is, doing all this through the cruel economic deprivation and alienation being instituted at Liberia’s so-called state-owned business enterprises against our people in this country. These Americo-Liberian miscreants cry wolf about the economy every day when they themselves truly, cruelly, work every modality behind the scenes, to strangulate and kill the economy just because they and their master are bent upon using the two most powerful weapons of poverty and illiteracy to perpetually orchestrate their ethnocentric and imperialistic objectives respectively against us in this place. Fellow compatriots and the world over, remember here that anything not done properly is not yet done at all, so based on this fake dismissal instrument in our hand, we haven’t sadly as yet divorced ourselves from this ugly, cruel, and criminal structure called LPRC and the GOL by extension, which are bent upon pursuing these TERRIBLE agendas mentioned above against the good people of this country. And we insist that America’s response to this somewhat simple request of ours for their intervention to just have LPRC correct our letter will prove to the world whether they (America) are EVER cognizant and remorseful of all of the HARMS they have done, and continue to do to us, the suffering people of this country. For we believe in America’s great sense of reasoning, objectivity and tolerance, even in the midst of strong and constructive opposition and disagreement with them in views, opinions, and positions, no matter how harsh these may be, as it is happening now. We have always believe, and America has always demonstrated in history, that they are a bold people that respect frowning friends rather than smiling enemies. Had it not been because of this valid perception that we do have about America, we would probably have given up on trying to address this seemingly insolvable problem of our country, or, we would have been yearning for quite different, probably unconstructive and uncivilized solution options to these huge problems, as others would think


and do. To provide one small proof of how other great people elsewhere share this same belief in America’s principle-mindedness as we also do, here is what King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia once argued in favor of the United States. He said, “I believe America is the most powerful country in the world, and it is a country that stands on principles. Its principles are enshrined within its very foundation and constitution, and it has a duty to follow it’s conscience to reject repression. It must reject oppression. It must reject humiliation.” Every struggle to permanently liberate a people, or to change the order of society on any part of this globe, has been characterized by great risks, dangers, and some degree or element of blood. In fact, in the words of the veteran 12th Century Italian Renaissance authority, Nicolo Machiavelli, “There is nothing more difficult to take in the hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” The recognition of this strong fact will then be a good way to bring us to the final close of this circular with the following points, as admonishments to all, and caveats to the power that be, or just any would-be detractor or enemy of progress to our good wishes for the people of this country, through the Plain Truth Revolution: 1. First off, though we claim very strong ownership of this land, which our poor, unsophisticated forefathers of the Dei, Gola, Vai, Bassa, Kpelleh etc. started inhabiting more than 7, 8, 9 centuries before sophisticated America could come and arm rob it from us in December 1821 to start dumping her unwanted Blacks, beginning January 7, 1822, we are NOT Liberians, and so no one should ever be tempted to think that this project, this campaign you are reading about here, is another Liberian thing. NO, you will be totally wrong. These works are not passive literatures and art works; they are not some other nine-day wonders; they are not another batch of some one-day sensations etc., but instead, they are solid instruments representing ideas whose times have finally come; they are instruments of lifetime transformation intended for you to actively read and get yourselves into the right frames of mind for taking some lifetime decisions and backing them up with the proper practical actions etc. Moreover, because they have been designed to impact the lives of both the current and future generations, in addition to the lives of all of our past generations, God willing, we have framed them to be a source of both history and motivation. 2. Secondly, all of what we have said, documented, and are saying here, are too big, and above the jurisdiction of EVER poor, illegitimate, dull, and ethnocentric Liberia. In fact, all of our major claims are against the United States of America, which we believe, and have established, has caused us ALL this nightmare since December 1816. As such, we like to let the whole world know today that although we respect Liberia and its human actors, because they are humans like ourselves, we are NEVER going to subject ourselves to their authority for anything called investigation or accountability, but instead, we will ONLY submit or subject ourselves to the US Government and the United Nations, if in the first place, there exists any need for any form of judicial or jurisdictional scrutiny for anything that we are saying here. This is because, based upon history and empirical current realities, only these two bodies have the requisite authorities, resources, and legitimacy and maturity etc. to objectively probe into anyone of the issues we are arguing in this peaceful revolutionary debate, PERIOD!!! 3. Thirdly, every message from the Plain Truth Revolution represents the voices and cries of 7 huge constituencies of God’s mainly oppressed children in this place, and people elsewhere on the globe, with some connection to this place. As such, if any one, whether now or later,


finds within themselves any intention of crafting wicked plans against elements of the Plain Truth Revolution, such as plans to murder/assassinate any of our identified members, or any open and secret sympathizers/supporters/well-wishers of our revolution etc., or a plan to persecute/humiliate any of such persons; or a plan to throw any form of monkey wrench whatsoever into these very peaceful civic and intellectual endeavors of ours to liberate our people from this 2 century old mess that we find ourselves in, called country, they should think twice, as God will surely put up a very stiff resistance to any such move because, He’s now ready to set His children free. So for example: (a) if you plan to kill, torture or silence the voice of any one Plain Truth Revolution member/associate/affiliate etc., it should be known to you that you will also equally be trying to stand in the way of justice for our thousands of tribal forefathers whom the Americo-Liberians have been cruelly killing here since 1822, when they declared some of the dates of these mass murders of our poor tribal ancestors as so-called National Thanksgiving Day that we all still STUPIDLY celebrate today; (b) when designing any evil action or agenda against the PTR, you should be aware that such maneuver will mean an attempt to silence peaceful advocacy for our countless future generations whose means of ever surviving and making progress have already been callously hijacked from them in advance by the criminally careless running of so-called statehood by the Americo-Liberians that started in this place since 1822 and continues to this 2017, poised to continue forever, when radical actions are not taken by ALL of us right now; (c) anyone planning against our revolution in any form should bear in mind that they would be saying a big “To Hell With You” to our millions of citizens who now lie in their graves unaccomplished or unachieved in every way possible owing to the very criminal and cruel official policies of the Americo-Liberians’ white collar terrorist organization they established in this place since 1822, that they call some National Government or GOL; (d) standing against the PTR’s agenda will still mean a blatant lack of regards for the precious blood of the hundreds of thousands of our poor, defenseless people whom the Americo-Liberian war machineries in such actors like Taylor, Ellen and others, killed in this place since 1989, but their so-called elected governments are making very frantic efforts at ensuing that everything about redressing these dead people’s terrible plight through the TRC process be coldbloodedly swept under the carpet since they (our victims of these wars) are not real humans, but are ‘savages’ in the social dictionary of Americo-Liberia; (e) muzzling the PTR in any fashion will amount to muzzling the voices of the hundreds of thousands of our people who continue to suffer the very crude forms of kangaroo and jungle justice dispensations being suffered at the hands of iniquitous structures set up by the Americo-Liberians, called courts, intended to kill and suppress our people even more painfully in this place etc. And with emphasis, we say here, for this is the struggle that the Plain Truth Revolution and million other good and productive people of this land have begun, and we will never rest until all of these beautiful dreams of our dear, suffering people, can be realized by the grace and power of the almighty God. This could take 6 months; or it could take 1, 2, 3 or 4 years to accomplish – all based on how each one of us, especially the biggest stakeholders, react or respond to it, but if care is not taken, we could also badly, even drag it to 100 years from now. One thing that is sure however, is that this is an idea whose time has finally come, God willing. For God’s justice NEVER sleeps; and He is now ready to set His children free from untold cruelty and imperialism in this place. And when an idea’s time has finally come, no one dares hinder it and goes unharmed or untouched. Anyone standing before this storm will be hard hit by our great Redeemer. But let’s not forget that He works through His numberless agents, including


human beings, and that these human beings, in our part of case, are speaking out right now, through these writings and actions. In closing, anyone feeling convinced that any, or all of these ideas do make some sense, and could help to bring redemption to our land at last, should please demonstrate this conviction right away by reproducing these street circulars of our revolution and spreading them out too as massively as your passion and economic strength can afford you. Although it doesn’t include all the information about this God-approved agenda, it certainly provides you pointers to all the information about this project to bring civility and sanctity to our people by the grace of God. We moreover want you to be strongly informed that we are also fighting against laziness in this project, and so, you will please have to go the extra mile in your efforts to personally contribute to changing our country through this process, which requires a good bit of your quality time because in the end, though hard to accept as a plain fact, every struggle about the redemption of a people MUST require some sweat, blood, and tears situation, and that there is just no silver bullet or bread and butter about this. Note: For additional reading and other information about this rewarding civic process, please access the below sites and take note of the following efforts we have made thus far: Our Facebook page is We also have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), which are at and respectively, plus a Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, also at We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at You are additionally encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as an option. We highly urge you to please share your thoughts with us at,, or You can further share with us any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above. Thanks for following up on all of our activities as of today, and for making up your minds to change our country once and for all, for the better. All road leads to the US Embassy Grounds today!!! A big Thank you once more.

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