The spiritual backings of our plain truth revolution final

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(1) When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in this world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was younger. – Maya Angelou (2) [Reading is good]. For it brings us unknown friends. – Honore de Balzac (3) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read everything – thrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good, you will find out. If it is not good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner



PREPARED BY: THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION’S SECRETARIAT PREPARED BETWEEN: JANUARY 2013 AND JANUARY 2017 Note: Because of our very deep appreciation of the work being done here by the United Nations, in addition to our confidence in the UN to ably govern all world affairs and put up an honest and constructive mentorship for the new nation that we are struggling to establish here now, far more than what the United States can do, we have prepared five big ‘sharables’ or street circulars that we call our big 5 revolutionary statements, symbolic of the UN Security Council’s Big 5, and this is one considered our “Our Statement Of Spiritual Backings .” Note: The remaining 4 are: (1) Our Statement of Tribute to the Most celebrated Contributors/Motivators of the Plain Truth Revolution, (2) Our Statement of the Key Event that Sparked the Plain Truth Revolution, and (3) Our First Statement of National Call to Action – Spreading the Plain Truth Revolution’s Message as a Civic and Spiritual Obligation, and (4) Our Second Statement of National Call to Action – a time to peacefully start disobeying the current status quo.” Please get all of them at once to get a complete idea of the Plain Truth Revolution’s agenda for this ONLY country that God has blessed us with. Also Note: If you don’t get a street copy, please go to for a copy. Thanks for doing so.


Everybody knows as an open secret that no idea, no project, no endeavor etc. starts from the blue. Everything starts from something, or somewhere. In the case of a national or civic struggle, it too must begin with a single case, some event that sparks off the main series of activities and actions, an event that usually involves single individuals somehow, before it can be escalated to a broader, national stage. Such single event becomes known as a launching pad to a struggle. In the case of our Plain Truth Revolution for this country (the Grain Coast), that launching pad is a case that developed at the so-called Liberia Petroleum Refining Company on January 25, 2013, when one Roland S. Kartee was ostensibly ‘fired’ by management for what it termed as a dismissal “without cause’, but for proven acts of corruption or fraud. Summaries and details about this case can be found in several articles of our revolution at different social media and other Internet Websites that will become known to you later. The point of importance for now though, is that depending on the convictions and orientations of the individuals involved in these kinds of events, different ideologies or concepts are adopted to drive the change process. For the Plain Truth Revolution, based upon our upbringing and our experiences in life thus far, we believe that a firm faith in God, backed by the use of His eternal principles of truth telling and seeking justice for all etc. should underpin all of mankind’s actions if they are truly to succeed and be sustained to the letter. We are inspired by the British Politician and Social Scientist, John Rawls, when he builds a premise in defense of these principles, by saying: ‘while justice is the first virtue of all social institutions, TRUTH is the first virtue for all systems of thoughts, meaning that truth should be the first virtue upon which all worthwhile thoughts, including Justice itself, MUST be constructed or based. All this imputes upon mankind the need for a strong Spiritual Awareness to characterize everything that we do. In fact, in one blogpost written by a Pilipino Accountant and social counsellor Maria Lourdes Macabasco Yanuaria, she indicated that every human being is a house with four rooms – a physical room, a mental room, an emotional room, and a spiritual room. She said, unless we go into each of these rooms every day and do some clean up, even if it is just to open the window and keep it ventilated, we are NEVER a complete person or human being. And this very powerful reality also refers to a people, a nation or country, whatever entity. Taking Miss Macabasco’s statement into serious consideration and reading beyond the lines, our country’s problem is more spiritual in nature and weight than it is in the remaining 3 dimensions or rooms as we mentioned above, thus requiring a very strong battle of wills, spirits, souls etc., and not a battle requiring AK 47s, 103 howitzers, rocket launchers or F16 warplanes etc., neither is it a battle requiring too much of academic theories such as Stoichiometry, Marchov Analyses, or Historical Institutionalism, and the likes. Our battle in this country against untold corruption, ethnocentrism, unspeakable poverty, mass illiteracy, and deadly ignorance and stupidity etc. is one that truly requires strong spiritual weapons in order to be fought successfully and won, according to the observations of the Plain Truth Revolution. With that said, according to the Bible, Apostle Paul listed many defensive pieces of the armor (shield, protective clothing etc.) of God, but only one of these pieces he is said to have declared as a weapon to be used in going on the offensive, and this is the sword; in the context of spirituality, the Word of God or the Sword of the Spirit. And people MUST go on the offensive in order to truly test and demonstrate their faith and beliefs in God, a step without which we can NEVER enjoy the complete favor of God. True children of God are not only a defensive people


in their actions and approaches. They do, and MUST, go on the offensive at times to solve key problems. In this vein, Apostle Paul revealed the weapon for offensive, the Sword of the Spirit in Ephesians Chapter 6 to be Word of God. In our case, for the Plain Truth Revolution, no matter which Scriptures of God bring these spiritual weapons to bear, be it the Holy Bible or the Holy Qur’an etc., we use it to go on the battle front. In addition to the Word of God having been adopted as our weapon of choice in this huge battle at hand for the deliverance of our country, the Word of God has all through history demonstrated itself as the best lamb to humanity’s feet, and the best light to our paths, according to King David. The Word of God illuminates; it clearly reveals to us what is good and what is bad; it shows us who is wise and who is unwise. It is the ultimate tool in helping us to learn the best possible life to live; a life free from the restraints of darkness. God’s Word is true, plain and simple. It is the only thing that can sanctify or clean up a very DIRTY, NASTY and DANGEROUS situation like ours in this country. God’s Word is living, active, powerful, and sharper than any double-edged sword – piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of the joint and marrow, and it is the discerner of the thoughts of man’s heart. The Word of God, our Plain Truth Revolution’s weapon of choice, is the only best weapon used for very close range combats rather than long range warfare, and our country’s current battle requires a close-range engagement. With true knowledge and application of the Word of God in every aspect of our lives, we are winners and champions, even in advance of our engagements. But without this knowledge, as a people, we remain in perpetual confusion, running around in a vicious cycle, talking vain talks of peace and reconciliation all the days of our collective lives while others make huge progress and headways in achieving their Domain Mandate. Having laid those strong spiritual bases above, we like to indicate how the so-called dismissal issue –mentioned earlier as the launching pad for this revolution – played out so miraculous with us at the LPRC, that it became very evident, it was not ordinary, but rather a sure preordination. This was a Divine instruction to begin the process of social change, written on the wall, according to our spiritual reading. A 12th Century Italian Renaissance authority, Nicolo Machiavelli once said, “There is nothing more difficult to take in the hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” But as a child of God, with a bigger picture vision of our Creator’s overall plan for human societies, we accepted the challenge because in the end, it is about the liberation of His children, and the glorification of His powerful name. The overwhelming arguments to lay the foundation for these actions, when constructed using a long string of adverbial phrases, can be presented like this: (a) When a society contradictingly believes that politics, which concerns providing order for society, is an area for bad games and dirty tricks; (b) when a people sadly believes that leadership is rather for the sole benefit and enrichment of leaders, rather than for the enrichment and upliftment of the citizens and the country at every level; (c) when a whole society now carries, or accepts the mentality that leadership is a mere ability to speak big words or American series, as we see here, and open up talk shops, rather than exhibiting the solid ability to do tangible things for the benefit of all; (d) when a whole country now sadly accepts a misguided idea that sound education plus all of its attending virtues of principle-mindedness, honesty, selflessness etc. are not number one priorities, but rather the extravagant use of few, mostly stolen bucks and big empty talks; (e) when a whole people have been terribly inculcated with the wrong notion that it is the ordinary, incapacitated citizens, or business institutions, who bear the greatest obligation in solving big societal problems


and directing the culture and path of society rather than the government, which is given all of the powers and resources to take primary ownership of these huge responsibilities actively; (f) when it has sadly become terribly entrenched in the mindset of a whole people to consider it a way of life, that a country can still succeed when it keeps a huge majority of its citizens poor, illiterate and ignorant just for the benefit and advantage of a certain small class of citizens; (g) when it becomes frustratingly established that a whole society has been reduced to a bunch of slaves and mere servants of other countries and races, and thus, only survives on grants, gifts, fake loans etc. rather than compelling their own independence, practicing frugality and industry, and how to stand on their own two feet rather than keep bowing themselves down always to man instead of God; (h) when a society sadly restricts education, even at the highest possible level, only to attending to family and selfish needs, to the ABSOLUTE neglect of societal needs; (i) when a society refuses to adopt the culture of getting down to the bottom of issues or problems by gathering all of the facts and employing new, different ideas in search of solutions, but instead, decides only to always look at problems from the surface, and apply superficial solutions; (j) when a society decides to keep behaving consciously stupid forever under the fake pretext of acting stupid to gain wisdom, as if wisdom could be piled up forever on Earth to later be used in Heaven or hell; (k) when a whole society, out of fear, has decided to be a place where people stand for no principle, but fall for just anything, as it focuses all of its thoughts, efforts and actions on survival, survival and survival for today at the expense and detriment of tomorrow; (l) when a society decides to blatantly ignore the reality that leaders, at all levels, are God’s stewards, who must be exemplary in character, do things in orderly and purposeful manners, think critically and always commit to excellence etc., but instead have decided to teach society indiscipline, carelessness, laziness, and criminality etc. and etc., then true children of God, or God-fearing patriots must now risk their comforts and lives for the overall benefit of society by God’s power. Our biggest argument brought to the table in this very huge agenda though, is that God has created all man in His image and likeness, and has approved of all of our activities – from Politics and Leadership, to Economics and Science, from Law to Religion, and even to warfare, and has demanded that we perform, in all these areas of life, using His principles, and with fear for Him – so that at the end of it all, His name is glorified. Here therefore, are some Biblical and Quranic verses that inspire our resolve to bring the concept of the Golden Rule, and the fear of God, and obedience to His principles, into all activities of life, in the new country whose foundation He is now helping us to lay. Please be informed that the Bible verses listed here are either from the King James Version or the New World Translation: I. We believe that all of god’s children are the same, whether black, white, Christian, Buslim, Buddhist, Hindu etc., which means that what is good for one set of people, is also equally good for other sets of people. We believe that issues regarding application of the principles and virtues of god, such as speaking and living the truth, seeking and ensuring justice for all men, seeking to ensure decency and orderliness in how we live and do things each day in our human societies etc., have nothing to do with a specific religion; that’s why, we only look for god’s proven truths in things, no matter which books of scriptures they come from, because in the end, we are just one community of people, or citizens of the same country, or just one community of human beings, whether one likes it or not. Here are our motivations as such, in this direction:


1. From https://theislamicworkplace.ocm, Islamic scholar and authority, Rafik Beekun lays emphasis on this reality from two different books of Islamic teachings, the Holy Qur’an, and then the Hadith respectively, as follows: a. Qur’an 2: 256, or Al-Baqarah – Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error; whoever rejects evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things b. Hadith # 13 – None of you truly believes, until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for him [self]. 2. Acts 2:44-47(a) – (44) All those who became believers [in God] were together and had everything in common. (45) And they were selling their possessions and properties and distributing the proceeds to ALL, [NOT only to believers, or to Christians or to Muslims], according to what each one needed. (46) And day after day, they were in constant attendance in the temple with a united purpose [not a divided one], and they took their meals in different homes, and shared their food with great rejoicing and sincerity of heart. (47)(a) Praising God and finding favor with ALL the people [NOT only with Muslims or Christians] etc. II. We believe that all of our human actions must be in direct adherence to our Creator’s two big mandates, the dominion mandate, and the great commission mandate, one way or the other: Here are our backings: 1. The Dominion Mandate – Genesis 1:28- Further, God blessed them [saying], “Be fruitful and become many, fill the Earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the heavens [or the air], and every living creature that is moving on the Earth. *****Note: Independence is the implication here, as you can never perform any of these authoritative roles while waiting for people’s instructions, their empowerments, their grants, their loans, and so forth, or waiting for everything to be dictated to you. 2. The Great Commission Mandate – Matthew 28:19 – [a] Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all nations, [b] baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. *****Note: The implication – especially in the first part of this verse or mandate, is that we must conduct all activities in such a way that fellow human beings get to understand that we have our Creator, who is a powerful Master over us, and whom we should fear and allow His principles to be at the center of all of our activities every step of the way. This way, it becomes easy for the evangelists, the clergy, the designated or ordained men of God to complete the message with ecclesiastical activities such as the baptism or any other solemn ceremony, as mentioned in part (b). Let us take very serious cognizance of the fact that winning souls for God’s Kingdom is NOT the responsibility of the Pastors and Imams alone, but for the President, the Ministers, the Lawmakers, the Judges in the Courts etc. based on their honesty and comportment on duty. Here are many more proofs of these convictions of ours about both of the divine mandates above, which are critically intertwined in our own readings: 1. I Corinthians 10: 31 and 33 – (31) Therefore, whether you are eating, drinking, or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory. (33) Just as I am trying to please all people in all things, not seeking my own advantage, but that of the many, so that they may be saved.


2. Titus 2:7 – Showing yourself to be an example of fine works in every way. Teach what is pure with all seriousness. 3. Colossians 3: 17 – Whatever it is that you do in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through Him. 4. II Timothy 2:7 – Give constant thought to what I am saying; the Lord will give you understanding in all things – [which include, Economics, Politics, Law, Science, Religion etc., nothing exempt]. 5. II Peter 1:3 – For His divine power has granted to us all the things that contribute to life [including Economics, Politics, Law, Science, Religion etc. or knowledge in general], and godly devotion through the accurate knowledge of the One who has called us to His own glory and virtue. 6. II Timothy 3:16 – 17 – (16) All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. (17) So that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work [again, including work in Law, Governance of God’s Children, Economics, Science, Religion etc. no restriction on the kind of good work talked about here, by the Bible]. III. We believe that god made everyone equally; yes, but he did not give everyone stewardship or leadership ability and privileges to the same extent, or at least, in the same way. He gave certain people elevated privileges and talents to take care of his children, and he takes this delegated responsibility seriously against them, and those people are supposed to live an exemplary live for the rest of god’s children (i.e. their subjects, their citizens etc.) To follow suit. Let’s bring you a few proofs: 1. Surat 6: 165 – And it is He (God) who has made you successors (khalifas, in Arabic or Islam) upon the Earth, and has raised some of you through what He has given you above others in degrees (ranks), that He may try you through what He has given you (translated at 2. Ezekiel 34:2-4 – (2) Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to the shepherds, “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says, “Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have been feeding themselves! Is it not the flock that the shepherds should feed? (3) You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, and you slaughter the fattest animals, but you do not feed the flock. (4) You have not strengthened the weak, or healed the sick, or bandaged the injured, or brought back the strays, or looked for the lost; rather, you have ruled them with harshness and tyranny. 3. I Peter 4: 10 – As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 4. Titus 1:7 – For an overseer, [i.e. a President, a Lawmaker, a Judge, a Minister etc.], as God’s steward, must be above approach (or blame). 5. I Corinthians 4:2 – Moreover it is required of stewards [again, leaders, caretakers, bosses etc.] that they be found trustworthy etc. and etc. IV. We believe that the core workings or key roles of politics, which holistically take into account such activities as (a) setting up government, (b) crafting governmental policies, (c)


choosing leaders, and (d) dispensing justice to all men etc. Are all strictly instructed by, and approved by god; and as such, must be designed and executed in strict adherence to his principles, and in compliance with his desire and wishes for all mankind. Here are the proofs: (A)

Engaging In Politics, Or Performing A Political Activity, Choosing Leaders, Plus, The Quality Of Leaders

Because we do have other aspects of our lives other than only religion or spirituality, Jesus says in Matthew 22:21(b), “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are His. **** These words of Jesus should never be misinterpreted here to mean that things pertaining to Caesar are corrupt, criminal or sinful; but it should simply be interpreted as things pertaining to other aspects of our lives that are not directly spiritual. Recall somewhere in our work, we mentioned that every human being can be likened to a house with 4 rooms, according to Filipino Accountant and Social Counselor, Maria Lourdes Macabasco, and these 4 rooms include one Spiritual room, one Physical room, one Mental room, and one Emotional room. We said that each of these rooms needs to be visited every day and made up, if not, we are either half, or nothing at all. Let’ get on with some Scriptural backings of politics/political activities, choosing leaders, and the quality of leaders to be chosen: 1. Philippians 4:8 – Finally brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concerns [like activities pertaining to the leadership and governance of the children of God, who in actuality are the people of this world, like Economics, like Justice, etc., remember Psalm 24:1,], whatever things are righteous; whatever things are chaste (pure, faithful etc.); whatever things are lovable; whatever things are well-spoken of; whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue meditating upon these things. 2. II Peter 1:3 (a) – For His divine power has granted to us all the things that contribute to life [including Economics, Politics, Law, Science, Religion etc.] 3. Matthew 5: 14 – 16 – (14) You are the light of the world. A city cannot be hidden when located on the mountain. (15) People light a lamb and set it not under the basket, but on the lampstand, and it shines on all those in the house. (16) Likewise, let your light so shine before man, so that they may see your fine works [not restricted to Evangelism here, but extending to Economics, Politics, and Science etc.], and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven. Note: The big question to answer here probably is, “whose influence and charisma are felt on a massive scale equal to those who lead God’s children; who speaks, with millions listening and obeying at once equal to our political and civic leaders; whose behaviors and lifestyles do all the millions of our young children in school want to imitate right away, equal to those who are on this mountain top, providing ‘shepherdship’ for God’s children? etc. and etc. Is this mountain top therefore a place for any, and all sorts of behaviors and comportments to be tolerated, as in this DIRTY Americo-Liberia, where one first has to be highly morally bankrupt before assuming so-called public office at least 99% of the time? 4.

Exodus 18:21 – But you should select among the people capable men, fearing God, trustworthy men, hating dishonest profit, and appoint these over them as chiefs over thousands, chiefs over hundreds, chiefs over fifties, and chiefs over tens.

(B) Authority And Power Of Governments Or Leaders, Or Leadership Structures


1. Romans 13:1 – Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2. Titus 3:1 – Continue reminding them to be in subjection and to be obedient to governments and authorities, to be ready for every good work ***THERE ARE SOME CAVEATS HERE HOWEVER: (a) Hosea 8:4 – They have appointed kings, but not through Me; they have appointed princes, but I did not recognize them. With their silver and their gold, they have made idols to their own destruction. (b) Acts 5:29 – In answer, Peter and the other apostles said, “We must obey God as ruler rather than man (c) Romans 13:3 (a) For the rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad. (C)

God’s Desire For His Children, All Citizens, And All Human Beings For That Matter, Which All Leaders Must Be Very Conscious, And Careful About:

1. Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil. 2. Job 36:11 – If they obey and serve Him, they will live all their days in prosperity 3. Psalm 23:1 – God is my shepherd. I will lack nothing. 4. Psalm 34:10 – Even strong young lions have been reduced to hunger, but those seeking God will lack nothing good. 5. III John 1:2 – Beloved one, I pray that in all things [again in Science, Politics, Economics, Religion etc.], you continue to prosper and enjoy good health, just as you are now prospering…………. (D)

Dispensation Of Justice

1. Deuteronomy 16:18-20 – (18) – You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns and villages that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgments. (19) You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. (20) – Justice, and only justice you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land which the Lord is your God is giving you. 2. Matthew 23:23 – Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you give a tenth of the mint, and the dill and the cumin, but you have disregarded the weightiest matters of the law; namely, justice, and mercy and faithfulness. These things it was necessary to do, yet not to disregard the other things etc. 3. Proverbs 29:7 – The righteous one is concerned about the legal rights of the poor, but the wicked one has no such concern. 4. Qur’an 5: 8 – O you who believe, be upright for God, and (be) bearers of witness with justice. Note: An Islamic scholar, making remarks on this point says, “the Holy Qur’an considers justice to be the highest virtue, quoting Qur’an Al-Nahal, or 16:90 as saying that God commands justice and fair dealing in all that we do.” (E) The Impact Of Bad Governance On A People (i.e. Governing Without God’s Principles Or Direction)


1. Ecclesiastes 10: 16 – 18 – (16) How terrible for a land when the king is a boy and the princes start their feasting in the morning! (17) How happy for the land when the king is the son of nobles and the princes eat at the proper time for strength and not for drunkenness. (18) Because of extreme laziness, the roof beams sag, and because of idle hands, the house leaks. 2. Proverbs 29:4 – By justice a king brings stability to a land, but a man seeking bribes brings it to ruins. 3. Proverbs 29:12 – When a ruler pays attention to lies, all his servants will be wicked. The following three Quranic scriptures were featured at from a blog posted by Ali Ahmad Darwis: 2. Qur’an 3:159 – (or Al - Imran) Consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when you have to take a decision, put the trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). 3. Qur’an 5:8 – (or Al - Maidah) O you who believe, stand up as a witness for Allah in all fairness, and do not let the hatred of people deviate you from [what is] just (adl). Be just, [for] this is closest to piety. 4. Qur’an 22:41 – (or Al - Hajj) Those, when given authority in [the] land, [who] establish (system of) salah, give zakah, and enjoin what is good (mauruf) and forbid what is wrong (munkar) V. We believe that god is responsible for the setup of nations, and that nations, in return, are obligated to seeking his face, and worshipping him with sincerity and honesty, and that in order for a country to take root, wake up from the ground, be stable and strong etc., it must commit its allegiance practically and absolutely to god, rather than to man, or to some America, or some World Bank, or some EU etc., although while still respecting these mundane powers. (A)

God’s Set Up Of Nations

1. Acts 17: 26 - And He made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the Earth, and He decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell. (B) Nations Are Set Up To Serve Only God, And Not Man 1. Acts 17: 27 - ***from verse 26 about nations being set up by God, verse 27 says, “So that they would seek God, if they might grope for Him, although in fact, He is not far off from each and every one of us.” 2. Exodus 20:5 – You must not bow down to them, nor be enticed to serve them. For I the Lord, your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of the fathers upon the third and fourth generations of those that hate Me. 3. Isaiah 60:12 – For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish, and those nations shall be utterly laid waste. * Everybody now understands how Liberia is a practical waste. Everybody now understands how Liberia is a practical waste.



God Said The Foundations Of Nations Should Be Built Upon Faith In Him, Or Else They Will Fail, If They Place Their Faith In Man

1. Isaiah 28:16 – Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says, “Here I am, laying as foundation in Zion, a tested stone – the precious cornerstone of a sure foundation. No one exercising faith will panic. 2. Ezekiel 14:12-14 – (12) And the word of God came to me again saying, (13) Son of man, if a land sins against Me by acting unfaithfully, I will stretch out My hands against it and destroy its food supply, and I will send famine upon it, and cut off man and animals from it. (14) Even if these 3 men, Noah, Daniel and Job were within it, they would be able to save only themselves because of their righteousness, declares the Sovereign Lord. 3. Malachi 1:4 – Though Edom says, “We have been shattered, but we will return and rebuild the ruins, this is what the God of Armies says, “They will build, but I will tear down, and they will be called the territory of wickedness”, and the people whom God has forever condemned. (D)

Only Virtuous People Can Lay And Sustain Nations’ Foundations Based Upon These Principles Of God, But Not Criminals

1. Surat or Qur’an 9:109 – Is it then he, who laid the foundation of his building on piety (faithfulness, devotion etc.) to Allah (God) and His good pleasure better, or he who laid the foundation of his building on an undermined brink of a precipice, ready to crumble down, so that it crumbled to pieces with him into the fire of hell. And Allah guides not the people who are zalimun (wrongdoers in short). (Courtesy of Moshin Khan, a prominent Islamic cleric) 2. Surat or Qur’an 14:24-26 - Art thou not aware how God set forth the parable of a good word? [It is] like a good tree, firmly rooted, [reaching out] with its branches towards the sky, and yielding its fruits at all times by its Lord’s leave. And [thus it is that] God propounds parable unto humanity so that they may bethink themselves [of the truth]. And the parable of a corrupt word is that of a corrupt tree, [torn up from its roots] on the face of the Earth, wholly unable to endure. 3. Isaiah 59: 1-4 – (1) Look, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, nor is His ear too dull to hear. (2) No, your own errors have separated you from your God. Your sins have made Him hide His face from you, and He refuses to hear you. (3) For your palms are polluted with blood, and your fingers with errors. Your lips speak lies, and your tongues mutter unrighteousness. (4) No one calls out for righteousness, and no one goes to court in truthfulness. They trust in unreality, and give birth to what is harmful. 4. Malachi 1:4 – Though Edom says, “We have been shattered, but we will return and rebuild the ruins, this is what the God of Armies says, “They will build, but I will tear down, and they will be called the territory of wickedness”, and the people whom God has forever condemned. 5. Matthew 7:17 – So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruits. 6. Matthew 7:16, 18, and 19 – (16) By their fruits, you will recognize them. (17) Never do people gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles, do they? (18) A good tree cannot bear worthless fruits, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. (19) Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ***Liberia, like this unproductive tree referred to by our Savior here, needs to be theoretically cut down now and thrown into the fire to make room for a different, better civic arrangement. FULL STOP!!!


(E) If Humans Can Not Be Righteous In The First Place, Then One Would Wonder Why Will The Bible Then Tie The Happiness And Growth Of A People Explicitly To Righteousness, And Especially Righteous Leaders, Let’s Hear These: 1. Proverbs 14:34 – Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. 2. Isaiah 48:8 – O, if you would pay attention to my commandments, then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea 3. Proverbs 25:5 – Take away the wicked from the presence of the king, and his throne will be established in righteousness 4. Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. 5. Job 17: 9 – Yet the righteous will hold to his way, and he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger (F) Does Righteousness Necessarily Mean Perfection Or Holiness? No, It Simply Means Moral Rectitude In Many Instances, And A Remorseful Orientation Of Working To Always Right Your Wrongs Every Time, And To Desist From Them 1. Proverbs 24:16 – For a righteous man may fall seven times, and rise up again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity. 2. Psalm 34: 19 – Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He guides all of his bones, not one of them is broken. 3. Proverbs 21:15 – It is joy for the righteous to act with justice, but it is something terrible to those who practice evil. 4. Psalm 37:39 – But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. He is their strength in time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them. He shall deliver them from the wicked. 5. Proverbs 25:26 – Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked. 6. Proverbs 24:26 – No matter how often honest people fall, they will always get up again, but disaster destroys the wicked. 7. I Peter 3:18 – For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but made to live in the Spirit. VI.We believe that our god, our creator, is a god of orderliness and decency; and as such, all of our activities – as his creation, even ironically those that may appear as wrong activities in our human reading – must all be carried out decently and orderly, since in the end, it is only god that will judge all 1. I Corinthians 14:40 – But let all things take place decently and by arrangement. ***Note: That’s why even as deadly as war is, there are laws that guide warfare. 2. Jeremiah 13:10 – I, the Lord, search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruits of his deeds.


VII. We believe that in order to solve any big problems – especially societal problems, as in our case in this place, all of the facts must be gathered firstly, then secondly, new ideas must be infused into the search for solution, and finally, all parties involved must be brought on board, at which time some honest and constructive blame must be cast as a pick up point for solution. This is in line with Godly principles 1. Proverbs 18:13, 15, 17, and 18 – (13) When anyone replies to a matter before hearing the facts, it is foolish and humiliating. (15) The heart of the understanding one, [or person willing to understand] does acquire knowledge. (17) The first to state his case seems right, until the other party comes and cross examines him. (18) Casting lot (which can also be interpreted here as reasonably and convincingly apportioning blames) puts an end to disputes and decides between strong opponents. 2. Qur’an 17:36 – You shall not accept any information unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them. (from VIII. Finally, we believe that God’s children (productive, determined, and forward-looking etc. As they should be), must demonstrate their faith in Him by going on the offensive against their established oppressors, or their enslavers, or as others may even say, their enemies etc., rather than just remaining on the defensive and complaining forever. A caveat to all this however, is that we must go about such offensive only employing the weapons and principles of God: 1. I Kings 22: 3-5 – (3) Then the king of Israel [King Ahab] said to his servants. Do you really know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us? And yet, we are hesitating to take it back from the king of Syria? (4) He then said to Jehoshaphat: Will you go with me to fight at Ramoth Gilead? Jehoshaphat replied to the king of Israel: I am the same as you. My people are the same as your people. My horses are the same as your horses. (5) But Jehoshaphat said to the King of Israel. First inquire please, for the word of God. 2. Joshua 18:3 – So how long will you put off going to take possession of the land that Jehovah, the God of your forefathers has given you? 3. Numbers 6:32 – Then Moses said to the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben: Are your brothers to go to war while you yourselves keep dwelling here? 4. Ecclesiastes 4:5 – The stupid one folds his hands while his flesh wastes away 5. Romans 12:18 – If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceful with all men. 6. Ephesians 6:11-13 – (11) Put on the complete suit of armor from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the devil. (12) Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. (13) For this reason, take up the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to resist the wicked day, and after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm. 7. II Corinthians 10:3-5 – (3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare according to what we are, in the flesh. (4) For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things [like for example, lies, corruption, injustice, oppression, racism, ethnocentrism etc.]. (5) For we are overturning


reasoning, and every lofty (or arrogant, or disdainful) thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to [that of] Christ. 8. Matthew 11:12 – From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it. 9. Surah 2:193 – Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends, and the way prescribed by God prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is only against wrongdoers. (A)Let’s know that we are in a big struggle, and we must overcome in order to inherit god’s goodies and crowns that he has designed for us. Let us also not forget that whatever we do here is intricably connected to what will happen to us after this life. Only overcomers or conquerors have a place in our creator’s heart. Get a gist of this reality, to close up here. 1. Qur’an 29: 2-3 – Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, “We believe”, and will not be tested? And We, indeed, tested those who were before them? And Allah will certainly make (it) known (i.e. the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that, before putting them to test). Note: An Islamic religious authority, commenting on this point said, “We must not say, ‘I believe’, and then think that Allah is not going to test us”. This means, we will definitely have some big test to pass, as a person, and as a nation or a people, before we start enjoying God’s favor. 2. Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, and 26 – (7) Let the one who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the congregations: To the one who conquers [or overcomes], I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. (11) Let the one who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the congregations: The one who conquers [or overcomes] will by no means be harmed by the second death. (17) Let the one who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the congregations: To the one who conquers [or overcomes], I will give him a white pebble, and written on that pebble is a new name that no one knows except the one receiving it. (26) And to the one who conquers or [overcomes] and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations. 3. Revelation 3:5, 12, and 21 – (5) The one who conquers [or overcomes] will thus be dressed in white garments, and I will by no means blot out his name from the Book of Life, but I will acknowledge his name before My Father and before His angels. (12) The one who conquers [or overcomes] I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will by no means go out from it anymore. I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, and the new Jerusalem that descends out of Heaven from My God, and My own name. (21) The one who conquers [or overcomes] I will grant to sit down with Me on My throne, just as I conquered and sat down with My Father on His throne. (B)Now, skeptics, or doubtful people may be thinking that all these things are only meant for pastors, reverends, imams, or only people in the religious authorities or circles, or only for spirits. No!! All these are applicable to all of us human beings. Living in anticipation of the hereafter is, or at least should be, an integral part of every person’s daily life. For godliness is not an abstract idea or a thing for certain people alone. It is for all. Few quick examples: (a) US President Thomas Jefferson is on record for always warning his people that God’s


justice never sleeps. (b) Another American President, Jimmy Carter, is on record for warning his people that all should live today as if Jesus were coming early tomorrow morning. (b) Many political leaders of Islamic countries don’t joke with things pertaining to God or Allah etc. The same John the Evangelist who wrote all those points on conquering or overcoming above, is the same man, who in his 3-letter epistles of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Johns respectively, helped to make us understand that it is a wrong notion that people have, that God is in some faraway place and that He doesn’t really bother Himself with our day-to-day struggles, issues and concerns. John says God is right here with us in both the simple worldly parts of our lives and the complex, soulwrenching parts of our lives as well – but in a Spiritual form though ( (C)In the end however, we must acknowledge first off that nothing we can accomplish on our own. We must first seek god’s favor, direction and guidance, before we can become overcomers and inherit all the goodies that he has promised us – both in this present life, and the life hereafter 1. Proverbs 3:5-6 – (5) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. (6) In ALL your ways, take notice of Him, and He will make your paths straight. 2. Proverbs 16:9 – A man’s heart deviseth his ways, but the Lord directeth his steps. (D)

If You Adopt All This Logic About God, You Will Win In All Your Battles, And Be An Overcomer Or Conqueror, Because It Is God Who Will Be Doing The Job For You, By Complementing All Your Efforts, Just To Make You Victorious In The End. Here are the assurances from Him:

1. Zechariah 4:6 – He then said to me: This is the word of God to Zerubabbel: “Not by military force, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the God of Armies. 2. Romans 8:31 – If God is for us, who can be against us? 3. James 4:7 – Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 4. Luke 10: 19 – Behold I give you authority to trample over serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 5. Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me. 6. Deuteronomy 1:21 – Behold, the Lord thy God has set the land before thee. Go up and possess it; as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto you, fear not, neither be discouraged. 7. Deuteronomy 3:22 – You should not fear them. For the Lord your God shall fight for you. 8. Deuteronomy 31:6 – Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them. For the Lord thy God, He it is, that doeth goes with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you. 9. Joshua 10:8 – And the Lord said unto Joshua, fear them not: For I have delivered them into thine hands, there shall not be a man of them to stand before you.


10. II Kings 6:16 – And he answered, fear not. For they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 11. II Chronicles 20:15 – And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou King Jehoshaphat. Thus said the Lord unto you. Be not afraid, nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 12. Joshua 1:15 – No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you, nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage. 13. Surah Al-Imran, 160 – If Allah helps you, none can overcome you. If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? In Allah, then, let believers put their trust. Surah Al-Tawba, 51 – Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector, and, on Allah, let the believers put their trust ( For you agents of the devil and detractors who think that you will sit over God’s children for ever; treat them like slaves in their own home perpetually; stand in the way of every good thing that comes to make them happy; behave every time as if you have monopoly over violence and physical force etc., let us warn you here that the God we serve, our God Almighty, is the God of Armies, and His children, when driven by His principles of Truth and Justice, can use deadly force too, to crush an opposition that only believes in the use of force or violence. Israel, all through Biblical times, and even up to date, is a practical proof of this point. We have spiritual backings and enough of practical backings of these convictions from both revered men of God and God-fearing civil society activists and revolutionaries to reveal to everybody the extent to which the children of God, under His guidance and protection, can go, in ensuring that their Creator’s principles and precepts are inculcated into greater society. First we will cite two admonishments from different Books of Scriptures, then we will bring you words of encouragement from two great American pastors – Pastors Friday Oravbiere and Rick Warren – then close up with to big accounts of how positive change actors – both in Civil Society and in the religious circles, inspired by God – used these other sides of Divine principles to successfully strengthen the struggle for a compulsory societal change. One big objective in these two accounts coming up later is also to let everyone know how the “Umbrella of Truth and Justice” can unite all of God’s children – whether Black, White, Christian, Muslim etc. – in a common struggle, even if it’s against anyone of themselves. Imagine Whites working along with the African National Congress to fight against White supremacy in South Africa, and Whites in the United States, even at the highest rung of governmental ladder, working along with the African American Civil Rights Movement to fight White supremacy in the US. We are confident, as it has already started, to see more Americans and Americo-Liberians, working with the Plain Truth Revolution – no matter how painfully honest this revolution’s points of arguments are, to fight against America’s imperialism and Americo-Liberians’ unspeakable criminalities in this place, all of which have terribly devastated our society beyond human repair, as we speak. This is the meaning of true service and obedience to God – that is, standing up for His principles, even against your own self or your personal interest. Let’s now read how the two American pastors mentioned earlier admonished us to go the extra mile in standing up for God’s principles before we can bring you how the South Africans and Americans use these objective injunctions from the word of God to change their situations:


Pastor Friday Oravbiere, Pavilion of God Christian Church, Newark, New Jersey, USA – warning the children of God to reclaim their possessions in every aspect of life and to take serious consideration of the reality that God approved other aspects of our lives such as Economics, Science, Politics etc. to work together to secure or ensure eternal life for us in the end, this is what Pastor Oravbiere said in a paraphrased summary: “…God has given us so much possessions, but because of lack of knowledge (sometimes caused by our own refusal to acquire this knowledge), we do not enjoy these possessions, but instead we live in poverty, and destitution, and watch our inheritance waste away in the hands of our enemies or detractors. He said, as children of God, we are missing the mark big time when we sit and allow all of our generations to languish and die in poverty because we are afraid to act from the truth. Pastor Oravbiere said, the salvation that we preach in our places of worship is a whole package, which includes not only eternal life, but also all of the physical riches supplied by our Creator for us. He continues, it is God who has made everything in this Earth for our good, and for our sustenance before He comes back to judge us. For God saw it wise to create separate geographic boundaries and countries, and to provide each of them separate localities and the right amounts of resources and the conditions under which they will prosper. The Pastor goes on to say, the God, who according to Christian beliefs, gave His Only Begotten Son for the sake of humanity will never feel good to see us suffering in protracted, abject poverty. But we need knowledge, rooted in the TRUTH, before we can take control of our possessions, by going on the offensive for them. Pastor Oravbiere then leaves with us the following supporting Bible verses in conclusion: (1) Psalm 23:1; Psalm 34:10; III John 2; Job 36:11 etc. (2) Hosea 4:6; Proverbs 29:18 etc. (3) I Kings 22:3-5; Ecclesiastes 4:5; Joshua 18:3; Matt. 11:12 etc.; and (4) Zechariah 4:6-7; Proverbs 3:5-6; II Chronicles 20:15 etc. Pastor Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California, USA – these are just a few of his many strong points – slightly paraphrased here too - backed by Scriptures, which are intended to snap us out of our inertia, into taking radical actions when the overall environment gets so bad, even if it means that we fight, or go on the offensive, or go to war, if that’s what it takes: (a) Putting Romans 12:18 into a more detailed context, he says, We can remain at peace with a fellow man only as far as it is possible with us; only as far as it depends on what we want out of life, or only as far as it is possible on our behalf…Further elucidating this argument, the Pastor asks, “Have you ever met or encountered somebody, that no matter what you did to draw closer to them, or to remain at peace with them, you just couldn’t get along with them [in mutual respect and love]? Can you imagine a neighbor who verbally or physically abuses your wife and children every time? [People of this country, let’s put this scenario deeply into context regarding America, plus Americo-Liberians’ treatment of the Natives of this land in different, inhumane ways and forms every time since 1822 up to this very 2017]…. (b) Wars and conflicts, Pastor Warren says, are caused by vain pride and selfishness; that is, a grim insistence at saying, for example, “Only my way is the best way; it MUST be done only my way etc. even if that way evidently proves wrong. [People of this country, again, imagine since the likes of ‘Criminal’ Jehudi Ashmun and J. J. Roberts etc. imposed upon us their STUPID, UNDEFINED forms of economics and governance, with support from America, no one else dares try to change these things around since 194 years now, and the overall result of their (so-called Laissez-Faire Capitalism and fake Presidential, Electoral Democracy, for instance) continues to remain disaster, deprivation, wars, and shame etc.]…. (c) Pastor Warren said, there are many examples in the Bible where God commanded a war; that is, wherein God, Himself said to His children, “Go To War!!” [Or put another way, “Go to War, if that’s what it takes]. He said, the Bible suggests 3 reasons, or 3 main reasons why we ought to go to war; namely: (1) In order to defend innocent people: (take for example, how innocent blood continue to waste in our country for different, funny reasons, and from different, cruel, human-engineered causes, mainly orchestrated


by Americo-Liberians, with the explicit and sometimes implicit assistance of their master, America. Imagine too how our entire future generations’ chances of survival are all being snatched away from them right before our eyes through the actions of the white-collar terrorist gang the Americo-Liberians established here that they call government)…….(2) In order to stop the rampant spread of EVIL: (take for instance how corruption and injustice have completely brought our country disgracefully to its knees); and, (3) In order to preserve – but we will say here, in order to acquire freedom. (this although is something that we the people of this country have not experienced yet in its truest form)….Pastor Warren somewhat concludes, “….When you look at the great heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 – i.e. Joshua, Gideon, David, Sampson, Jephthan etc., they were all warriors. He interprets or quotes verses 33 and 34 of this chapter of Hebrews as saying, “Through faith they defeated kingdoms; brought about righteousness; attained promises; stopped the mouths of lions; quenched the forces of fire; escaped the edge of the sword; and from their weak human nature/state, they were made powerful, and became mighty in war, routing invading enemies etc. He said even Jesus Christ, twice in the New Testament cleansed God’s temple by force. Two additional passages from both the Bible and the Qur’an buttressing Pastor Warren’s arguments are as follows: i.

Numbers 32:6 – Then Moses said to the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben: “Are your brothers to go to war, while yourselves keep dwelling here?


Surat 2:190 – Fight against those who fight against you in the way of God; but do not transgress; for God does not like transgressors.

Even other religious leaders, including Catholics mainly, are said to promote the idea of a Just War. The Just War Theory (jus bellum iustum in Latin) is a doctrine or tradition of military ethics studied by theologians and ethicists, policy makers, and military leaders that advocates that war be necessary, when morally justifiable through a set of criteria. The criteria are split into two groups: (a) the right to go to war (jus ad bellum) and (b) the right to conduct war (or jus in bello), and recently there have been calls for the inclusion of a 3 rd category of criteria – to be called jus post bellum, to deal with the morality of post war settlement and reconstruction. In Summary, the Just War Theory postulates that war, even though is terrible, can sometimes be a good option, depending on the gravity of what is at stake and the responsibility that we owe to our people. Defending this point further, there is still another argument in the religious circles, proffered by worshippers including the Jehovah’s Witnesses, that our God can accept to become whomever He wishes (whether a militant, whether a rebel leader, whether a farmer, a policeman, a lawmaker, a president, and so on), just to fulfill His purposes, including those for mankind, in the end. Such Bible verses as Exodus 3:14 for example can back this very strong argument. Here we go with the two earlier promised accounts from recent history about how people, like you and me, inspired by these Godly principles of going extra mile for humanity, especially for suffering people, united under the “Umbrella of Truth and Justice”, left no stone unturned in ensuring that what God has instructed for fellow human beings be accorded them too. Note again that the two key lessons here are: (a) Whites joining Blacks to fight against fellow Whites because they are only on the side of God in wanting the right thing done for all of humanity; and (b) Professionals, Clergy men, all using, or approving violence to tackle persistent, unreasonable violence, just to prove that no one has monopoly over violence.


A. SOUTH AFRICA’S ANTI-APARTHEID STRUGGLE Working together with Whites, colored, and Indian opponents of Apartheid, the African National Congress (ANC) encouraged Blacks to defiantly and publicly burn their identity cards given to them by the South African Government to facilitate Apartheid (a form of racial segregation and White Supremacy). The ANC also urged Blacks to refuse to use the separate amenities (such as public toilets, park benches, and entrances to post offices etc.) set aside for them by the South African Government, and to instead disobediently use the ones set aside for the Whites, among many other non-compliance techniques. The Umkhonto weSizwe or the MK, was established partly in response to the Sharpeville Massacre of 1960, when individual members of the ANC found it necessary to consider violence to combat what passive protest had failed to quell. A significant portion of the ANC leadership – interestingly including top-ranking Whites, like Joe Slovo, Harry Schwartz, Trevor Huddleston, Julius First, Ruth First etc. – had all agreed that violence was also needed to combat an increasing backlash from government. Nelson Mandela took responsibility to lead the Umkhonto weSizwe, when other ANC leaders shied away because this was a dirty and dangerous work. Many in South Africa considered the actions of this Nelson Mandela-led MK to be criminal, but Umkhonto weSizwe argued that “the means justified the end goal of ending apartheid.” At the end of the day, this is how Mr. Mandela reacted to these debates: “I do not deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in the spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation and oppression of my people by the Whites” – from the collection, Love, Political, Spirit Note: Let us please not forget here that highly religious figures like Archbishop Desmond Tutu and others stood by the ANC all the way. This Archbishop, for example, had his Bible under his arms at almost every ANC march and protest across the country, putting up more spiritual motivations for protestors.

B. AMERICA’S BLACK SOVEREIGNTY REVOLUTION Some outstanding White supporters of the Black Sovereignty Revolution or the AfricanAmerican Civil Rights Revolution against White supremacy included Eleanor Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, the Rockefellers etc. Jews made up nearly half of White Northern volunteers involved in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer Project and approximately half of the Civil Rights attorneys active in the South during the 1960s. Jewish leaders were arrested along with Martin Luther King in St. Augustine, Florida in 1964 after a challenge to racial segregation in public accommodations. Abraham Joshua Heschel, a writer, rabbi, and Professor of Theology at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York was outspoken on the subject of civil rights. He marched arm-in-arm with MLK in the 1965 march on Selma, Alabama. A White lady, Jean Bennet Smiley, and her infant son, Mitchell, whom she carried on her back marched during the August 1963 protest on Washington DC. The US Supreme Court Bench of 1954, all Whites, lead the way to desegregating schools in the US. Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem etc. and a long list of Whites supported the US Black Sovereignty Revolution. Almost all of those who voted for Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, including Senator Ted Kennedy overwhelmingly supported the Civil Rights Act. A long list of Whites, including the 3


New York College students who were murdered in Mississippi while trying to get Blacks registered to vote can be found on the Freedom Riders website. Still other White Civil Rights activists included Nat Turner, Whitney Young, Mary McCloud Bethune, Sojourner Truth, and Boker T. Washington. Special mention should be made here of Colored Muslim African American Civil Rights Activist, Malcom X’s tremendous contributions to this revolution’s success in the end, as below. Just as we mentioned above Nelson’s Mandela’s conviction to go to any great length constructively in ensuring that God’s children’s values were recognized in South Africa, White American Muslim, Malcom X did the same in the United States. In fact, one can say here that these both heroes went exactly in line with former Democratic Party’s Presidential Candidate, Barry Goldwater’s argument, when he said, “Extremism in pursuit of freedom is no vice just as moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Let’s get a gist of how Malcom X’s actions, motivated by his spiritual beliefs, added value to the American civil rights struggle: In March 1964, Malcolm X (el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz), national representative of the Nation of Islam, formally broke with that organization, and made a public offer to collaborate with any civil rights organization that accepted the right to self-defense and the philosophy of Black nationalism (which Malcolm said no longer required Black separatism). Gloria Richardson–head of the Cambridge, Maryland chapter of SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee), leader of the Cambridge rebellion and an honored guest at The March on Washington – immediately embraced Malcolm's offer. Mrs. Richardson, "the nation's most prominent woman [civil rights] leader," told The Baltimore Afro-American that "Malcolm is being very practical… The Federal Government has moved into conflict situations only when matters approach the level of insurrection. Self-defense may force Washington to intervene sooner." Earlier, in May 1963, James Baldwin had stated publicly that "the Black Muslim Movement is the only one in the country we can call grassroots, I hate to say it…Malcolm articulates for Negroes, their suffering…he corroborates their reality..." On the local level, Malcolm and the NOI (Nation of Islam) had been allied with the Harlem Chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) since at least 1962. On March 26, 1964, as the Civil Rights Act was facing stiff opposition in Congress, Malcolm had a public meeting with Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Capitol building. Malcolm had attempted to begin a dialog with Dr. King as early as 1957, but King had rebuffed him. Malcolm had responded by calling King an "Uncle Tom" who turned his back on black militancy in order to appease the white power structure. However, the two men were on good terms at their face-toface meeting. There is evidence that King was preparing to support Malcolm's plan to formally bring the US Government before the United Nations on charges of human rights violations against African-Americans. Malcolm now encouraged Black nationalists to get involved in voter registration drives and other forms of community organizing to redefine and expand the movement. Civil rights activists became increasingly combative in the 1963 to 1964 period, owing to events such as the thwarting of the Albany campaign, police repression, and Ku Klux Klan terrorism in Birmingham, and the assassination of Medgar Evers. Mississippi NAACP Field Director Charles Evers (a.k.a. Medgar Evers') brother–told a public NAACP conference on February 15, 1964 that "non-violence won't work in Mississippi…we made up our minds…that if a white man shoots at a Negro in Mississippi, we will shoot back." The repression of sit-ins in Jacksonville, Florida provoked a riot that saw black youth throwing Molotov cocktails at police on March 24, 1964.


Malcolm X gave extensive speeches in this period warning that such militant activity would escalate further if African-Americans' rights were not fully recognized. In his landmark April 1964 speech "The Ballot or the Bullet", Malcolm presented an ultimatum to white America: "There's new strategy coming in. It'll be Molotov cocktails this month, hand grenades next month, and something else month after next. It'll be ballots, or it'll be bullets." As noted in Eyes on the Prize, "Malcolm X had a far reaching effect on the civil rights movement. In the South, there had been a long tradition of self-reliance. Malcolm X's ideas now touched that tradition". Self-reliance was becoming paramount in light of the 1964 Democratic National Convention's decision to refuse seating to the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) and to seat the state delegation elected in violation of the party's rules through Jim Crow law instead. SNCC moved in an increasingly militant direction and worked with Malcolm X on two Harlem MFDP fundraisers in December 1964. When Fannie Lou Hamer spoke to Harlemites about the Jim Crow violence that she'd suffered in Mississippi, she linked it directly to the Northern police brutality against Blacks that Malcolm protested against; When Malcolm asserted that African-Americans should emulate the Mau Mau Army Of Kenya in efforts to gain their independence, many in SNCC applauded. During the Selma campaign for voting rights in 1965, Malcolm made it known that he'd heard reports of increased threats of lynching around Selma, and responded in late January with an open telegram to George Lincoln Rockwell, the head of the American Nazi Party, stating: "if your present racist agitation against our people there in Alabama causes physical harm to Reverend King or any other black Americans…you and your KKK friends will be met with maximum physical retaliation from those of us who are not handcuffed by the disarming philosophy of nonviolence." The following month, the Selma chapter of SNCC invited Malcolm to speak to a mass meeting there. On the day of Malcolm's appearance, President Johnson made his first public statement in support of the Selma campaign. Paul Ryan Haygood, a co-director of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s) Legal Defense Fund, credits Malcolm with a role in stimulating the responsiveness of the Federal Government. Haygood noted that "shortly after Malcolm's visit to Selma, a Federal Judge, responding to a suit brought by the Department of Justice, required Dallas County, Alabama registrars to process at least 100 Black applications each day their offices were open." etc. and etc. What’s about American Christians’, and even Christian clerics’ convictions that God’s children possessed constructive physical force too instead of sitting and allowing devil’s destructive physical force to carry the day. Here is a gist too of how they demonstrated theirs: In 1964, Dr. Robert B. Hayling, a black dentist and Air Force veteran, affiliating with the NAACP, and other activists urged the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to come to St. Augustine, Florida. The first action came during spring break, when Hayling appealed to Northern college students to come to the Ancient City, not to go to the beach, but to take part in demonstrations. Four prominent Massachusetts women—Mrs. Mary Parkman Peabody, Mrs. Esther Burgess, Mrs. Hester Campbell (all of whose husbands were Episcopal bishops), and Mrs. Florence Rowe (whose husband was vice president of John Hancock Insurance Company) came to lend their support. The arrest of Mrs. Peabody, the 72-year-old mother of the governor of Massachusetts, for attempting to eat at the segregated Ponce de Leon Motor Lodge in an integrated group, made front page news across the country, and brought the movement in St. Augustine to the attention of the world. In response to the repression, the St. Augustine movement practiced armed self-defense in addition to nonviolent direct action. In June 1963, Dr. Hayling publicly stated that "I and the others have armed. We will shoot first and answer questions later. We are not going to die like Medgar Evers." The comment made national


headlines. When Klan nightriders terrorized black neighborhoods in St. Augustine, Hayling's NAACP members often drove them off with gunfire, and in October, a Klansman was killed. In 1957 Dr. King and Rev. Ralph Abernathy, the leaders of the Montgomery Improvement Association, joined with other church leaders who had led similar boycott efforts, such as Rev. C. K. Steele of Tallahassee and Rev. T. J. Jemison of Baton Rouge; and other activists such as Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Ella Baker, A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin and Stanley Levison, to form the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. While this account does not speak directly to the constructive violence issue mentioned above, it demonstrates how big Reverends and Bishops supported and joined the cause of getting into the streets to ensure at all costs that God’s justice prevailed and that His children’s human values and dignities are recognized by the Whites. As a result, the Civil Rights Revolution was characterized in all its years by major campaigns of civil resistance. Between 1955 and 1968 for instance, acts of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience produced crisis situations and productive dialogues between activists and government authorities. Federal, state, and local governments, businesses, and communities often had to respond immediately to these situations, which highlighted the inequities faced by African Americans. Forms of protest and/or civil disobedience included boycotts such as the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955–56) in Alabama; "sit-ins" such as the influential Greensboro sit-ins (1960) in North Carolina; marches, such as the Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; and a wide range of other nonviolent activities. A wave of inner city riots in black communities from 1964 through 1970 also undercut support from the white community etc. Still with the issue of Black-White collaboration in this struggle for Black freedom, Whites were members, and some Whites were even founding members, of all of the major Black Sovereignty activist organizations in the United States at the time, including such groups as: 1) 2)

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Deacons for Defense and Justice


Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR)


Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR)


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)


National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)


Organization of Afro-American Unity


Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)


Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)


Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF)


Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC)

To close here, it is important for all to note that much of the political and financial support of the Civil Rights struggle came from labor unions (led by Walter Reuther, a White), major religious denominations, and prominent white Democratic Party politicians such as Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon B. Johnson and white Republican Party politicians such as Governor Nelson Rockefeller and Senator Everett Dirksen.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is how the Divine identities of Truth, Love, and Justice can unite people from different, great divides, to accomplish God’s will for the common good of all at the close of the day. In the end, all of what we have said here is intended to nudge everyone into insisting and ensuring that our Plain Truth Revolution’s demanded family roundtable, our National GetTogether, or, our demanded National Rebirth & Constitutional Convention is held for us to peacefully debate and thrash out this long list of entrenched, NASTY Differences that we have in this place, instead of people trying to throw some monkey wrench into these endeavors to kill our powerful dreams and aspirations for God’s children, our people, and our society. It will NEVER work this time around by the grace of God; that’s why all these strong admonishments. We will keep repeating ourselves that this idea of a national roundtable is truly not championed by us alone. Many prominent persons in our country, including Dr. Amos Sawyer, Senator Steve Zargo, Activist Vandallark Patricks, Atty. Koffi Woods etc. have been proposing different forms of some National dialogue too (and in fact, President Sirleaf just joined this list during her last State of Nation’s Address), but we are only compelling the need by providing more written, verbal, and other forms of justifications to strengthen our demand – that is why we are calling this action a revolution, since we will have no compromise about it, God willing, and we will lead it in God’s own direction for His children, and not in government’s direction. For we see it as the only best solution for all that we want now rather than organizing and conducting a constructive and wellinformed war of independence, which could be an option of last resort that we don’t want now, as a peaceful option is ALWAYS the first best option, especially taken into account how the people of this country have immensely suffered for almost two centuries, and continue to suffer to this very point. Remember we have told you that this country has gone through more than 18 rounds of terrible, sometimes nonsensical national bloodbaths as we speak, and so we can’t just keep using the same formula that doesn’t work well for us in the end. But we are stressing all this here to sound a caveat to those sitting over our huge destines and potentials in this place that just as President Kennedy once said, if people discourage a peaceful revolution, they ultimately invite upon themselves a violent insurrection. For the time for genuine change has finally come by the grace of God, and no one should dare stand before it. Let’s dialogue now. A hint to the wise is quite sufficient!!! Before we leave you however, we think it will be unfair not to let you know the efforts we made thus far to make sure that this Spiritual message, and other messages of civic, political, economic etc. nature pertaining to our revolution are spread both domestically and the world over. In this direction, our Facebook page is We also have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), which are at and respectively, plus a Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, also at We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at You are additionally encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as an option. We highly urge you to please share your thoughts with us at,, or You can further share with us any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above.


Thank you ALL for ensuring that this revolution succeeds for the betterment of the lives of all of God’s children here, and more importantly for our Creator and His Principles to be lifted far above those of the Devil and his lieutenants!

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