(Compiled: January 2013 – January 2016; Drafted: February-December 2016; Published: January 2017)
As we put ourselves in the right frame of mind, God willing, for this great revolution, these are some little but power food for thought, words of advice, or words of inspiration etc. from very key sources, including the Bible, the Quran, Revolutionaries/Philosophers, and Historians/Educators. Please take them seriously. They include: FROM THE BIBLE As you place your faith in God to make these strong decisions and take their corresponding strong actions, (1) Matthew 6:31-33 say- (31) Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or what wither shall we be clothed (32) For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. (33) For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have needs of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you…..(2)Romans 12:18 – If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceful with all men….(3) I. Kings 22:3 – Then the King of Israel said to his servants. Do you really know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us? Yet we are hesitating to take it out of the hand of the King of Syria?...(4) Eccle. 4:5 – The stupid one folds his hands while is flesh wastes away. Etc.
FROM REVOLUTIONARIES AND PHILOSOPHERS (1) Without deviation from the norm, progress can [NEVER] be possible – Frank Zappa, American Song writer and guitarist…(2) As we approach the great social challenges of our time, we MUST acknowledge that old thinking will not provide the new solutions that we [direly] need. These [new] solutions [though] will be uncomfortable, hard to sell, and risky to execute, but the cost of not [selling and] executing them will be even much greater – Simon Mainwaring, Australian-American Brand & Advertising Consultant….(3) The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it; ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. – Winston Churchill, British Premiere…(4) Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable – John F. Kennedy, American President..(5) Never neglect details. When everyone’s mind is dulled or distracted, the leader must be doubly vigilant. – Gen. Collin Powell, former Secretary of State etc.
Unspeakable Ethnic Suppression, Liberia’s Original Sin: Who Accounts And Makes Amends For It Now!! FROM THE QURAN The Quran makes us to understand that to stand up for God’s principles, especially the truth, we must be prepared to go the extra mile; thus for example: (1). Surat/Quran 2:42 – And do not cloak (or confuse) the truth with falsehood. Do not suppress the truth knowingly….(2) Surat/Quran 2:193 – Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends, and the way prescribed by God prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is only against wrongdoers….(3) Surat/Quran 4:75 – And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah, and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children whose cry is, “Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from thee, one who will protect, and raise for us from thee, one who will help. [Courtesy of several scholarly interpretations]
FROM HISTORIANS AND EDUCATORS (1) Life must be lived forward, but it can ONLY be understood backward. – Soren Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher…(2) Those who don’t know their History are probably not doing well in their English and Maths – Patrick J’Orouke, American Journalist….(3) History is who we are, and why we are the way we are – David McCullough, American Historian…(4) To forget history is a betrayal [of the pains and sacrifices of those who lived before us] and to deny past crimes is to [keep repeating them, like DULL and STUPID Liberia] – President Ching Jing Ping, China....(5) A good book[or article] is an education of the heart; it enlargens your sense of human possibility; [it educates you about] what the human nature is, [it also educates you] about what happens in the world. [For] it is a creator of inwardness. –Susan Sontag, American Writer
In direct connection to Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, Liberia’s incredible level of mischief, coupled with the level of excessiveness of its confusion MUST be confronted with massive Truth Telling and detailed solution options, so please sacrifice your time to read and re-read these articles well. Thanks.
Note: Apart from other smaller articles for your ongoing reading, we have 7 main revolutionary pamphlets, with four addendums or extensions, totaling 11 revolutionary pamphlets. To save time for reading the main contents in each of the 7 main pamphlet, we urge you to only bother yourself with the reading of the acknowledgement sections of only two of these 7 BIG pamphlets – these two include the pamphlet, “Why is this case considered a revolutionary and game-changing one for Liberia”, which is a stand-alone and a ‘MUST read pamphlet” in its entirety, and the pamphlet, “Why Do We Need a Complete Revolution and How can we go about it”. The remaining 5 pamphlets carry the same content in those preliminary sections, which you don’t necessarily have to go through, once you have done so for the two pamphlets named above. Meanwhile, these preliminary or introductory sections (i.e. the acknowledgements and the dedications) are relatively the same across all of our pamphlets, especially the last 5, which are entirely homogeneous. Thanks for helping to save time, and enhancing your revolutionary reading experience. SPEICAL NOTES: Because of our incapacity to verify every name by its exact spelling or to get the full names of some of our sources for one reason or the other, we are placing single quotes around names whose spellings we were unable to verify and names we also failed to get in full. We apologize if any of your names fall into this category. Entries on our table of contents don’t necessarily suggest subtitles in the main work. They are basically meant to provide clues for what ideas form part of the content on each page Because we are not Liberians, talk less about being Americo-Liberians, who ABSOLUTELY hate to ‘right’ their wrongs wherever they fall short, and will prefer to go on living in their MESS forever, we, of the Plain Truth Revolution, are open to corrections and updates to these documents or articles every step of the way. We therefore encourage you to please feel free to send your corrections, comments, opinions etc. to any of our articles at or etc. and we will assess those points, and where necessary make the appropriate corrections and updates to our work, then repost the affected material to our internet sites, and inform ALL about such development. Being people of faith in God, we are highly influenced by an argument presented in one blogpost from a social counsellor called Maria Lourdes Macabasco which suggests that every human being, and by extension every nation or every unit of people, is a house with four rooms – a physical room, a mental room, an emotional room, and a spiritual room. The beautiful argument stressed in Macabassco’s blogpost, which our revolution absolutely agrees with, is that unless we go into each of these four rooms every day to do some clean up, we are never a complete person or entity. Considering these four key dimensions of our national lives, and after having thoroughly dissected our country’s problems, the Plain Truth Revolution is completely convicted that our problem is more spiritual in nature and weight than it is with the other three dimensions, thus, requiring our battle at hand for freedom and the deliverance of our country to be a battle of wills, spirit, and soul, rather than a battle of AK 47s and Rocket Launchers. As such, we back almost all of our arguments with concepts from God’s Holy Scriptures – be it the Bible, the Qu’ran etc. in all of our work because this is our most suitable weapon of choice in this very crucial war without violence for the redemption of the dead soul of our dear country. We believe in the Word of God because all through history it has demonstrated itself as the best lamb to humanity’s feet and the best light to our paths, according to King David. The Word of God illuminates; it clearly reveals to us what is good and what is bad; it shows us who is wise and who is unwise.
It is the ultimate tool in helping us learn the best possible life to live. God’s Word is true, plain and simple. It is the only thing that can sanctify or clean up a very DIRTY, NASTY and DANGEROUS situation like ours in this country. God’s Word is living, active, powerful, and sharper than any double-edged sword – piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of the joint and marrow, and it is the discerner of the thoughts of man’s heart. The Word of God, our Plain Truth Revolution’s weapon of choice, is the only best weapon used for very close range combats rather than long range warfare, and our country’s battle requires a close-range engagement. Again, based upon our background of faith, and with the Word of God being our weapon of choice, we are massive in our information gathering, information dissemination, awareness creation, and all of our other civic actions for that matter because the Word of God has instructed us to do so. For instance, in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 18, verses 13, 15, and 18, we are thought and instructed respectively that the first step, and yea the first principle, to solving any [gigantic] problem, like our country’s problem at hand, is to gather all the facts first, NOT some; the second step is to open up to new ideas, or to invite more ideas in solving the problem, and the third step is to create room for hearing from all, or the both sides of the divide, or parties to the problem. Our writings therefore are massive because they are not intended merely for sensation; they are meant to speak for every generation of our country (past, current and future); they are intended to provide useful leads for all of the 7 big constituencies that our revolution represents etc. Parts of our presentation may appear rather unconventional; some of the facts and arguments we present may appear overemphasized or oversimplified; our article titles also may appear too long and verbose etc. whichever the case, to your inconvenience. If this ever happens, we beg your pardon to muster the courage and read on; make your own sense out of the work. For we are revolutionaries, battling by all means to change a terrible situation, God willing, that sadly no one in our country wants to ever bother themselves trying to solve from the very root, for 2 centuries now. We therefore have vowed never to be restricted – though in a positive and constructive sense – too much by conventions, norms, or protocols. One of our big time inspirations, President John F. Kennedy, America’s 35th President has told us, “Conformity is the jailer of progress and the enemy of growth”, while another compatriot of his, American guitarist and music writer, Frank Zappah says, “Without deviation from the norm, there can never be any progress.” We are inspired by these admonishments to use our common sense in going to the extra mile to make our points very clear and the arguments granular. And sometimes single facts presented many times only serve to support different arguments. The Acknowledgement Section for each one of the pamphlets is divided into three – (a) the personal acknowledgement section, which highlights units, individuals, institutions, and nations that the vision bearer of this enterprise and the primary author of these literatures himself has decided to give credit to for impacting his life; (b) the general revolutionary acknowledgement section, which features every entity, individual, institution, and nation whose influence and activities have facilitated the right knowledge, enlightenment, conditions and so forth to make this revolutionary idea possible; and (c) the Special Revolutionary acknowledgement section, the last section of our acknowledgment which brings in each party that has helped verify all of our historical research findings by adding the current reality flavor to them. (This is a MUST read section as it serves as the main trigger to kindle your final decision about whether to buy in to the Plain Truth Revolutionary idea or to reject it). Welcome on board.
Tarkpor Kartee Moinma G. Kartee Martha Kartee Leahmon Karatee Zaye Kartee Parlone Kartee Zlanwohn Kartee Rufee Kartee Mama Kartee Yarkernah Kartee Zota Kartee Joseph Kartee Zlanser Kartee Mama Kartee
Father Mother (*) Stepmother Sister “ “ “ “ (*)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Brother “ “ “ Sister
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
# 1. 2. 3.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14
Name Alice Wamah Joyful (Preston) Kartee Courage Kartee Stamina Kartee “Festus Johnson”
Relationship Partner/Fiancée Son Daughter Son Foster Son
BLENDED FAMILY Name Relationship Nathaniel Doeward 1st Foster Fthr (*) Beatrice Kor 1st Foster Mthr Ma Filani Kamara Foster Grandma (Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire, *) Soree Kamara 2nd Foster Fthr (Abidjan, La Cote d’Ivoire) Ma Yeilieh Mangoe Paternal GrandMa Ma Menkapoe Tomah Maternal GrandMa John Leabeh Uncle Meiway Barlea “ Augustine Kotee Lohnpea Mentee “ Austin S. Kartee “ Dearzrua Deemi Cousin Histin Deemi “ Alice Fahngalloh Aunty
“IN-LAW” RELATIVES Name Relationship Solomon Wamah “Father-in-Law” (current relationship) Mary Wamah “Mother-in-law” (“) Irene Wamah “Sister-in-law” (“) Linda Julius “Sister-in-law” (“) Mary David “Sister-in-law” (“) Solomon Wamah, Jr. “Brother-in-Law” (“)
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
BLENDED FAMILY cont’d Helena Mango “ (*) Helena Mentee “ Augustine Kotee Uncle
16. 17 18.
TWO PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS Deborah Cringar - former fiancée a. Ruth Sherman - Mother b. Sam Cringar - Father (*) c. Robert Tarpeh – Uncle d. Saturday Tarpeh – Aunt Massa Kennedy – former fiancée a. Hawa Kennedy – Mother b. Mr. Kennedy - Father c. Bunch Kennedy – Brother d. Larry Kennedy - Brother e. Bill Kennedy - Brother
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Peat Norman 5. Paul Fanyen Henry Mango 6. Rachel Nuah Mendin Mango 7. Allen Subah Lehmie Mango OTHER RELATIVES Name Isaac Dahn, Sr. (*) Isaac Dahn, Jr. Michael Dahn Dahnboy Dahn Gbeahn Fahngalloh John Harmon
Doris Zor a. Gloria (Daughter) b. Delcontee (“) c. Prince son
Landlady [This is a woman of very exceptional patience and consiration]
Tony T. Bleh a. Ladia Bleh (Wife)
“Beyond Friend “
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
ALL-WEATHER FRIENDS (GENERAL) Name Alphonso Togba Manju Kamara Musa Barry Nulleh Ngafuan Samuel Wallace, Sr Esther Wallace Samuel Wallace Jr. Saah Joe John Mulbah Steven Chea Abdulai Yen Morris Paye
# 1. 2.
George Washington Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Barack Obama
OTHER WORLD LEADERS THAT GREATLY IMPACTED OUR LIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
iv ALL-WEATHER FRIENDS (WORKMATES etc.) 1. Victor Badio 2. Bobby Brown 3. Andrew Gibson 4. Veronica Kinapoe 5. Joseph Dennis 6. Philip Sassie 7. Isaac Karmon 8. Paul Jappah 9. Sam Fannie 10. William Morris 17. Alex C. Knuckles 11. Darlington Gbeior 18. Timothy Holt 12. Robert Beer 19. McDonald Wlemus 13. Charles Sherman 14. Augustine Williams 15. Samuel Musa 16. Patrick Wreh
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Ho Chi Minch 13. Nelson Mandela Vladimir Lenin 14. Robert Mugabe Mao Zedong 15. Hifikepunye Pohamba Deng Xiaoping Chi Jing Ping Gus Hall Eugene V. Debbs Steward Alexander John Bachtell Felix Houphoet Boigny Thomas Sankara Jomo Kenyatta
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
MIND MOLDERS/MORAL COACHES/ DIRECT MENTORS Name The Seventh Day Adventist Church All of the Instructors under whose voices I have sat (R. S. Caulfield, Unification Town, Margibi County; Protestant Methodist Resource Center, Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire; University of Liberia; Cuttington University Graduate School etc.) Kamau M. Lizwelicha, USAID/GEMAP Sophie Hobbs, USAID/GEMAP John M. Dukuly John K. Wangolo Harry A. Greaves, Jr. THOSE WHO HAVE PROFESSIONALLY IMPACTED OUR LIFE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER Name S. Alfred P. Harris, II 7. Edwin M. Snowe, Jr. Richard B. Devine 8. Aaron J. Wheagar Aletha K. Hoff 9. T. Nelson Williams,II Belle Y. Dunbar 10. Jackson F. Doe, Jr. B. Felix Zeekeh 11. McDonald Wlemus Timothy Holt 12. Alexander Knuckles
FOUR COUNTRIES THAT HAVE INSPIRED US THE MOST 1. The United States of America 2. China 5. Japan 8. The UK 3. Russia 6. Switzerland 9. France 4. Ivory Coast 7. Republic of Ireland 10. Israel
A. INDIVIDUALS i. LOCAL # 1. 2. 3. 4.
ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4.
# 1. 2. 3. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
# 1. 2.
INTERNATIONAL Name President Barack Obama Michelle Obama Amb. Deborah Malac Karin Langrin
E. HISTORIANS i. LOCAL # Name 1. Joseph Saye Guannu 2. Professor Tuan Wleh
LOCAL Name Coalition for the transformation of Lib. Liberia Institute for Public Integrity Center for the exchange of intellectual opinions ii. INTERNATIONAL Name League of Nations United Nations/UNMIL Global Witness Amnesty International Transparency International U S Department of State Conciliation Resources Publish What You Pay Coalition Finance Uncovered, UK US Department of Justice
IT FIRMS/NETWORKS i. LOCAL # Name 1. Lone Star Cell MTN 2. Cellcom Communications 3. Nova Phone
# 1. 2. 3. 4.
Name President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Dr. Elwood Dun Dr. Amos Sawyer Dr. Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae
D. ACADEMICIANS/PROFESSIONALS i. LOCAL Name Jacob “Zumah” Jallah Samuel Toweh Martin Kollie Jacob Massaquoi
Name Google
3. Microsoft
ii. INTERNATIONAL Name Karl Marx John Maynard Keynes
Prof. Alhaji G. V. Kromah
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ii. INTERNATIONAL Name Hugh Mason Brown Dr. James Ciment Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta Hezekiah Niles Jo Sullivan F. REVOLUTIONARIES Name Identities George Washington US Mahatma Gandhi India Martin Luther King, Jr. US Nelson Mandela South Africa Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe Mao Zedong China Deng Xioping China Che Guevara Cuba/Bolivia Jose Mujica Ecuador Fidel Castro Cuba G. THE PRESS i. LOCAL (ELECTRONIC AND PRINT) Name Type Liberia Broadcasting Corporation/Sys. (LBS/ELBC) Electronic Farbric FM 101.1 “ Voice FM 102.7 “ Truth FM 96.1 “ Sky FM 107 “ Love FM “
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
THE PRESS cont’d Love FM “ Power/Red Power FM “ National Chronicle/Hot Pepper Newspaper Print/online FrontPage Africa “ In Profile Daily “ Public Agenda “ Daily Observer “ Focus “ Heritage “ Spirit of Truth “ INTERNATIONAL (ELECTRONIC AND PRINT) Name Type British Broadcasting Corp. Electronic Radio France International “ China Radio International “ Cable News Network “/TV Al-Jazeera “ New York Times Print UK Guardian “
INDVIDUAL JOURNALISTS A. LOCAL # Name Type 1. Rodney Sieh Local 2. Julius Jeh Local 3. Henry Costa “ 4. T. Max Jlateh “ 5. Mary Williams “ 6. Tetee Gebro “ 7. Tamba Johnny “ 8. Darious Zinnah “ 9. Jordan Poronpea Diaspora 10. Christian Nelson “ 11. Toyouwa Harris “/Analyst 12. George Fahnbulleh “/Analyst 13. Jah Johnson Editor 14. Jerry Wehtee Wion Contributor 15. Jones Nhinson Williams “ B. 1. 2. 3.
INDIVIDUAL JOURNALISTS (INT’L) Robin White Elizabeth Blunt George Turner
vi H. POLITICIANS/OPINION LEADERS i. LOCAL # Name Identity 1. Prince Johnson Senator 2. Henry Yallah “ 3. Dallas Gweh “ 4. Emmanuel Nuquay Representative 5. Tiawon Gongloe Lawyer 6. Negbalee Warner “ 7. Christiana Tah “ 8. Koffi Woods “ 9. Harry Greaves (*) Economist 10. Sam Jackson “ 11. Simeon Freeman Politician 12. Amara Konneh “ 13. Darious Dailon ” 14. Mary Lorene Brown Educator 15. Zayzay Pewee Other 16. Francis Tamba “ 17. Tabarosa Tarponweh “ ii.
INTERNATIONAL Name Dr. Charles Johnson 5. George Schuyler Sir John Simon 6. Mr. A. E. Yap Prof. S. Raymond Buell 7. Neils Haghns Dr. Fred P.M. Van der Kraij
# 1. 2. 3. 4. I. i. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 9. ii. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
CLERGIES LOCAL Name Solomon Juah Jensen Wallace Simeon Dunbar Evangelist Charles Pastor Sirleaf Kortu Brown Samuel A. Brewer Rev. Gontee Pastor Gemini Getteh Rev. Foday Karpeh Ali Krayee
Faith/Religion Christian “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Muslim
INTERNATIONAL Name Faith/Religion Ibn Al Qayyim Muslim Hesham A. Hassaballa “ Mohammed Banonleat “ Friday Oravbierre Christian Rick Warren “
SPECIAL REVOLUTIONARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Steve Jobs once said, “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences, so they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem.” He then concludes, “The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better designs we will have.” With this exhortation from Mr. Jobs, we disclose here that on the overall, our motivation to embark on this revolutionary project was at first primarily inspired by a quest to do something about our country’s NASTY, SHAMEFUL history, but then we needed a strong backing too from current events, so, we had to painfully take 4 round years to see if our convictions from historical researches could be strongly backed by enough of empirical proofs from today’s realities – knowing that this time span was reasonable enough conventionally, for such a serious research work. Consequently, the below current event accounts, opinions, experiences, realities etc. have helped us truly connect the dots and thus strengthened our case for this inescapable revolution. We doubt it, that any well-meaning person would read the current event accounts of these narratives, sufficiently backed by history, and still think that we, as a people, can use reforms or gradualist approaches to handle our country’s deadly problem and redeem ourselves from this untold nightmare called nationhood, gain our rightful human status, and make our Creator proud of making us too in His own image. The list below constitutes our Plain Truth Revolution’s revered heroes and heroines through whose inputs our revolution has finally become JUSTIFIED God willing, and we recognize and celebrate them as our special acknowledgements forever. Their collective message to us, in short is: “Plain Truth Revolution, please go ahead, we join you, and stand by you, whichever way possible.” Those heroes and heroines therefore are as follows, among many more to come up in later publications by the grace of God. We’ve placed their contributions under different subheadings. We will start with the historical accounts of how the Black Americans’ Liberia was pronounced DOOMED by its conceivers and designers even before it was established, and how this curse has been acutely pronounced, warned about, and decried by different actors, including prominent people in world affairs up to this point. This will be followed by different accounts of the NASTY state of Liberia from current event realities. Please note that apart from numbered or bulleted names, bolded names of individuals and institutions within any of the text in this section represent some of our special acknowledgements. Welcome to our very special acknowledgement section:
‘Jensen’ Wallace Pastor Simeon Dunbar Pastor Sirleaf, Presenter, Pastor Friday Oravbiere, Pastor Rick Warren President Barack Obam President Chi Jing Ping President John F. Kennedy President Thomas Jefferson Barry Goldwater Hillary Clinton Lee Kuan Yew Karl Marx Mao Zedong
15. Vladamir Lenin 16. John Batchel 17. Eugene Debbs 18. Pank Yan Zeeahoe 19. Sheila Paskman 20. E. Johnson Sirleaf 21. Julius Jeh 22. Nagbe Sloh 23. Lewis Brown 24. Jacob ‘Zuma’ Jallah 25. Irasmus Gaye 26. Jah Johnson 27. John S. Morlu 28. Eratus Bortu 29. Sam Webb
B. INSTITUTIONS 1. Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS/ELBC) 2. World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) II. HISTORICALS ACCOUNTS + PROOFS FROM CURRENT EVENTS OF LIBERIA’S MESSY FOUNDATION A. INDIVIDUALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
By James Ciment (2x) 28. Min. Moses Jackson Nancy Oku Bright (2x) 29. Miatta Fahnbulleh Pastor Solomon Juah 30. Sen. Dallas Gweh Dr. Charles Johnson 31. Aagon Tingba John Randolph, 32. Cllr. Benedict Sannon US Pres. Abraham Lincoln 33. Jonathan Gant Jerome J. Verdier 34 Jonathan Paye-Layleh Dede Dolopei, Oumu K. Syllah, Bishop Arthur F. Kulah, Sheikh Kafumba F. Konneh, Pearl Brown Bull, Gerald B. Coleman, John H. T. Stewart, Massa Washington, Henrietta Joy Abena Mensa Bonsu Hugh Mason Brown Dr. James Ciment Wikipedia/History of Liberia Koffi Woods Dr. Amos Sawyer Dean Johnson Wilfred Bangourah “Darious Dillon” Jim Hunt Brad Henry Min. George Werner
INDIVIDUALS cont’d 35. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 36. Mr. Harry Greaves 37. Ambassador Miatta Fahnbulleh 38. Makita Redd/Wreh, 39. Jonathan Pay-Lay Leh 40. Rep. George Mulbah 41. Rep. Alex Grant 42. Isaac Redd 43. Rep. Gabriel Nyenkan 44. Minister Gyudee Moore 45. Jerelimick Piah, 46. Nagbe Sloh 47. Senator Henry Yallah 48. Mr. ‘Tarbarosa’ ‘Tarponweh 49. Liberian Girls trafficked to Lebanon 50. D. Maxwell Kemayan 51. Dr. Randolph McClain 52. Cllr. ‘Afian’ Sherman 53. John S. Morlu 54. Samora Wolokollie B.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Global Witness UN Security Council Farbric F.M. Liberia’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission 5. US Congress III. SITUATIONS OR REALITIES THAT FURTHER JUSTIFY LIBERIA’S DOOMED FATE A. INDIVIDUALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Steve Kolubah, Amb. Chigozie Obi-Nnadozie, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2x) Rep. Richmond Anderson Mo Ibrahim, 18. ‘Musa’ ‘Menipaket Dumoi’ 19. John S. Morlu Rep. Gabriel Smith 20. Julius Jeh Sen. Thomas Grupee 21. R. Bhofal Chambers Karin Langrin 22. Sen. Oscar Cooper Deborah Malac 23. Saah Gborlie Amb. Tina Intelmann 24. Nicolas Cook Ismail Serageldin 25. Dr. James Ciment Dr. Amos Sawyer 26. Tycon J. Nathaniel Barnes 27. Sir John Simon Keith Morris 28. Darious Deylon ‘Dayboy’ 29. Lawrence Yealue Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta
ix INDIVIDUALS cont’d 32. Tamba Johnny 33. Francis Tamba 34. Robert A. Sirleaf 35. Austin Kawal 36. Darious Zinnah 37. Indi Cal 38. Blamo Nelson
VI. 39. Samora Wolokollie 40. Acarious Gray 41. Augustine Ngafuan 42. Thomas Doe-Nah 43. Dr. Amos Sawyer 44. Cllr. Elijah Saah 45. Rodney Sieah 46. Rev. Lurther Tarpeh
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
B. INSTITUTIONS 1. Conciliation Resources/CR 2. The League of Nations IV. 1. 2. 3. 4. V.
LIBERIA, A HUGE 21ST CENTURY ECONOMIC WASTE Mr. Karl Marx 5. Sam Jackson Common Sense Analyst 6. President Obama Wikipedia 7. Linda Yu President Sirleaf 8. ‘Hewyikoo Kaiyuma THE ENDURING DANGERS THAT LIBERIA POSES TO ITSELF AND THE REST OF THE WORLD
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Global Witness 14. Common Sense Cllr. Thompson Adibayo Analyst (5x) Cllr. Dempster Brown, 15. Abraham Lincoln Bishop Wilmot ‘Burbroh 16. Oku Bright Gladys Johnson 17. Carl Victor Senator Comany Wisseh 18. Farbric NightTime George Dalton 19. President Obama Mulbah Morlu 20. Tom Woewiyou Robert W. Clower 21. Sam Zemurray Mitchel Harwitz 22. Lee Christmas A. A. Walters 23. United Fruit Comp North Western University 24. Andrew Preston Oxford University 25. Maj. Gen Smedley Butler 26. Com. Matthew Calbraith Perry
27. Cornel R. West 28. J. Yanqui Zaza, 29. Sarah Chayes 30. Noam Chomsky 31. William Blum 32. Nicolas Cook, 33. Library of Congress 34. Dana J. Hyde 35. Wendell Nimley 36. Evangelist ‘Charles 37. Min. Amara Konneh, 38. President Nhuru Kenyatta 39. President Barak Obama 40. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
41. Cllr. Gloria Scott 42. John Morlu 43. Rebecca Murray 44. Philibert Brown 45. Brownie Samukai 46. Martin K. N. Kollie 47. Donald Trump, now US President Elect 48. Mulbah Morulu 49. Robert W. Clower 50. Benedict Sannon 52. ELBC Chris Sirleaf 53. Sen Jewel H. Taylor 54. Dr. Togba Tipoteh 55. Radio France
7. Hassan Kiawu 8. Simeon Freeman Prof. Wilson Tarpeh, 9. Antonio Gutierrez Sen. Geraldine D. Sheriff Melvin ‘Tayglay’ Weah Johnson Bhofal Chambers (formerly Jallah ‘Langlin’) VII.
1. 2. 3.
President Abdou Fattah Al Sessay Antonio Gutierrez 4. Mr. Peter Graaf President Barack Obama 5. Rebecca Nanyou ABOUT OUR MEMBERSHIP
Roland S. Kartee Alice Wamah Joseph Kartee Tony T. Bleh
5. Preston Kartee 6. Courage Kartee 7. Stamina Kartee
FIRST NEW MEMBERS OF THE PTR 1. Jamel Constance OUR CURRENT DIRECT/INDIRECT MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH 1. Dejure Members: All members of our 7 big constituencies, mentioned in the “Dedication Section” of every written work or article of our revolution 2. Defacto Members (*have all right to decline publicly if not convicted or interested): All those we have acknowledged in our works. For they have always believed in us, and will no doubt believe in our dreams for the country we all equally own. OUR ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FIGURE (PEOPLE THAT HAVE AGREED WITH OUR DEBATES ON SOCIAL MEDIA INCLUDING JOINING OUR GROUPS AND ONLINE COMMUNITIES) 3. Facebook…………….._____ 4. YouTube…………….._____ 5. Google +……………._____ 6. Twitter………………._____ **These figures will be revealed subsequently.
DEDICATION Our Plain Truth Revolution represents seven (7) big constituencies of God’s children (including past, current and future generations of our country and all of our well-wishers elsewhere) to whom we are very proud to always dedicate every work or article we write, and action we take. Our distinguished constituencies include: (a) Millions in their graves today who have died at the direct cause of Americo-Liberian statesponsored and state-promoted mischief, mayhem, atrocities and other criminal activities; (b) Millions in their graves today who have died completely unaccomplished, even though they had vast potentials, but these potentials could never be explored and exploited due to America’s imperialist activities here and the Americo-Liberians’ explicit vendetta campaign against us; (c) Millions alive in our country who have missed out, or given up on the realization of their dreams and fullest potentials in life, all because their country works out every policy behind the scenes to stifle such possibility under the guise of running government; (d) The millions who have suffered untold kangaroo justice at the hands of the ever rotten Americo-Liberian Justice System in this country, and continue to suffer this same fate over and over today; (e) Our entire future generations for whom this cruel national arrangement has laid no foundation, but yet expects all of the magic of nation-building and society-stabilization etc. to be performed by them (i.e. these hopeless, “deprived and destroyed in advance” future generations); (f) citizens in the diaspora who worry a lot about what’s happening to their country, but are just unable or incapacitated, one way or the other, to impact the situation, and (g) foreign friends who love our country, and love us personally as friends, but keep worrying, what the causes are, that this country will not wake up to the true meaning of nationhood, especially for the benefit of all of its citizens etc. All this means that it is only the devil, or the strongest of his lieutenants, who would want to thwart such a great agenda like this Plain Truth Revolution for God’s children.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Acknowledgment………………..………………………………………………….....i Dedication…………..…………………………………………………………….......x References…………..…………………………………………………………….......a Preface: A short profile of the author………………………………………………...1 How the less than 5% minority Americo-Liberians have successfully managed to stupefy and corner the huge indigenous population of this country……………….4 6. A short account of the power of the Truth……………………………………………4 7. The incredible puzzles of the Americo-Liberian embarrassment that we still dodge today…...……………………………………………………………………… 5 8. How history and the masters of the Americo-Liberians describe them……………...5 9. Did these so-called freed slaves really come from this very part of Africa……….....6 10. How really do the Americo-Liberians consider the indigenous people……………...6 11. Some accounts of the devilish treatments of the Natives of this land………………..7 A. The Mcgill and Seton saga…………………………………………………..7 B. The official wave of selling out the Bokais, Yarkpawolos and Dolos of this land as slave or like domesticated animals…………………………..7 C. Some of the terrible excerpts of the League of Nations’ Cuthbert Christy Report on the treatment of our people…………………………………….....9 D. How Government of Liberia Officials treated their own people from Maryland once………………………………………………………..10 12. The Black Americans explicit mission against the Natives…..……….....................10 13. Britain’s 1904 demands for interior policy reform from the Americo-Liberians…...11 14. Barclay and his indirect rule of 1906………………………………………………..12 15. How the Americo-Liberians use a British-established Liberia Frontier Force (now AFL) to further terrorize and dehumanize our indigenous population……….12 16. How criminal resource exploitation has been the only goal of Americo-Liberians through their structure called Government………………………………………….13 17. How President Anthony Gardner confirmed this goal of criminally exploiting our resources………………………………………………………………………...13 18. How Liberia’s integration and unification policies have mainly targeted trying to ward off possible French or British encroachment, apart from massively stealing our resources, and that’s it!..........................................................13 19. Siahyonkon Nyanseor’s accounts of the settlers’ cruelty over trade and tax issues……………………………..……………………………………………...14 20. How the LFF/AFL further forced our people into exile in the sub region…….........14 21. What caused few miles of dirt roads to ever extend into Liberia’s interior………...14 22. Why is quality education always hidden from Liberia’ vast indigenous majority……………………………………………………………………………...14 23. How Liberia never had a high school even for some time after independence……..15
24. The sad story of the beginning and subsequent running of the Liberia College, now University of Liberia…………………………………………………………...15 25. The Americo-Liberians and their entrenched slave mentality………………………16 26. How Firestone made hundreds of thousands of our people homeless without any compensation…………………………………………………………………...17 27. How Firestone criminally and cruelly exploited their labor force from among our people………………………………………………………………………………..1 8 28. Firestone’s dreadful treatment of our people who worked for them, like complete slaves………………………………………………………………………………..18 29. How Portugal disgraced Liberia over the treatment of our Native people………….18 30. Amara Konneh pinpoints the causes of ethnic rivalries and animosities……….......18 31. The two periods of Americo-Liberian elitism ……………………………………...18 32. How Americo-Liberians have been successfully destroying perceived Native threats to their political supremacy………………………………..………………...19 A. The D. Twe story…………………………………………………………...20 B. The Momolu Dukuly experience…………………………………………...20 C. The long and sad Jackson F. Doe tale………………………………………20 33. Ellen’s links to Liberia’s major bloodbaths and her government’s handling of Liberia’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ Reports…………….23 34. Ellen, as a more convincing example of all Americo-Liberian flops……………….25 35. More on how prominent indigenous keep being fatally targeted……………………………………………………………………………...25 A. Prince Johnson’s suspicion about the Americo-Liberian agenda…………...25 B. Taylor’s extermination of Sam Dokie and Nowai Flomo…………………..26 36. The beginning of a new palliative move by Americo-Liberians to make Natives their Vice Presidents………………………………………………………..26 37. How the Boakais, Konnehs, Samukais, etc. are unfortunately mere stooges for the Americo-Liberians, or, have become one themselves………………………26 38. George Weah’s share of the Native Camp destruction ploy…………………..........26 39. The cruelty about Liberia’s Thanksgiving Day……………………………………..28 40. Some legacies of the so-called settlers’ actions on our country…………………….28 41. A sample of views on the Americo-Liberian-Native debacle………………………28 A. Dr. James Ciment of New York ……………………………………………28 B. Dr. Joseph Saye Guannu……………………………………………………29 C. Conciliation Resources of the UK………………………………………….29 D. Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe………………………………………………………29 E. The League of Nations……………………………………………………...30 42. Some questions or concerns to be addressed by those who think that all these issues should swept under the rug or be left unresolved……………………...30 43. How resolved we are to use the positive side of Ethnicity to change our situation, God willing……………………………………………………………….32
44. How others have effectively laid blames to solve their problems…………………..35 45. How Ethnic delineation, profiling or mapping (however we call it) has been used constructively by others to solve their chronic problems……………………...36 46. John Rawls on the concept of ideological enemies……………………………........37 47. What signs are we waiting for to come to ourselves………………………………..37 48. How positive ethnicity has historical, religious, and contemporary sociological backing……………………………………………………………………………… 37 49. Ibn Al Qayyim’s strong admonishments about working with the Truth……………38 50. King Solomon and Master Jesus’s inputs about the Truth…………………….........39 51. A memorable Inprofile Daily’s editorial about the power of Truth………………...39 52. What did French Poet Victor Hugo say about an idea whose time has come………39
INTRODUCTION I, the author of this article, Roland S. Kartee, do hail form the Dan (Gio) Ethnic group, from Northeastern Liberia’s Nimba County, specifically from a little farm settlement that my father has usually encouraged us to refer to as Karteesville, near a village called Lontuo, around the Liberian-Ivorian border. My father, Roland Kartee, Sr. who prefers the name Tarkpor Kartee instead, had taught for years at both junior and senior secondary schools in the key provincial towns of Karnplay and Sanniquellie in Nimba County, but strangely decided to early retire himself to get back to the soil in his home village in the very late 1970s. Apart from his desire to own and run a farm, he said however, he had retired back to his home village this soon, as a way of escaping what he perceived as an inconceivably failed and corrupt educational and overall national system that he now felt helpless to impact after several failed, lonesome attempts. From Karteesville, I was adopted by my foster father, Mr. Nathaniel Doeward, a relative of my biological father, and taken to Unification Town, Robertsfield, Margibi County, in 1983, around 7 years of age, where I continued my schooling until we fled Liberia’s ‘Uncivil’ War from that part of the country to become internally displaced in our own Nimba County in 1990. Mr. Doeward is now sadly deceased, and peace be unto his ashes. We got to Karteesville on July 24, 1990, when my young mother was already closed to experiencing delivery pains for her last child, who eventually would not have survived. As if my mother was only waiting to see me after almost 7 years of being apart, Aunty Moinma, as she was affectionately called, took onto delivery pains the next day, July 25, 1990, after we had just had a whole day of celebrating my save home coming during terrible war days. Here came the mystery: Aunty Moinma, who was by then 38, usually delivered at health centers under the supervision of relatively professional nurses or registered midwives, but on this fateful July 25-26, 1990, where could one find an operational health center nearby in the midst of guns, guns and guns? And even if one were opened somewhere around, which normally would be more than 10 miles away, where would have a means of transportation ever come from? Could a woman in pain walk those miles away? My father, against his will, was constrained to call in some “unprofessional” traditional midwives – without any prejudice to these people whom I consider mothers of mine however – from the nearby village, and in their hands, young mom passed away on the morning of July 26, 1990, just 2 days after my arrival. A productive, relatively educated, and young woman, not used to such form of delivery, had just lost her life as a direct result of the effects of a war planned and executed by one Charles Taylor, along with Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Tom Woewiyu, according to – all based in the United States of America. Apart from this major loss suffered by the Kartees’ as a result of the mayhem orchestrated chiefly by the Johnsons and the Taylors from their bases and save havens in America, Mr. Kartee, who during his self-imposed early retirement to the bushes in the 1970s, as mentioned earlier had anticipated making huge progress in his Agricultural endeavors, has up to this 2016, almost 36 to 37 years on, never been able to achieve anything materially due to the enduringly appalling conditions of social services (roads, transportation, other
infrastructure etc.) in the country; again, an outcome of the failed and cruel policies of the Warners, Colemans, Kings, Tubmans etc. still being sustained by the Johnsons, Tylers, and McClains today. Continuing with my own ordeal, I too, feeling that the ‘Uncivil’ War would have ended soon for us to return to Robertsfield, Margibi, where I would continue my education, was waiting in Nimba endlessly until four consecutive school years slipped me by. Determined never to allow a fifth school year come and go by the grace of God, I tearfully left lonesome widower, Tarkpor Kartee and my other young siblings back in Nimba and took off for Danane, La Cote d’Ivoire late 1993 to continue my education at the refugee school. I enrolled at the Mountain View Academy for a short while; and then later entered the Protestant Methodist Resource Center, where I remained until my graduation from high school in 1997. I returned to Liberia in 1998, enrolled at the University of Liberia in 1999, where I took a semester to do a remedial course in English. Then came 2003, when the news of Liberia’s so called “World War III” engulfed the whole of Monrovia. The fearful aspect of these news was that the key faction in this 2003 Liberian Uncivil War, LURD (Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy) comprised mainly Mandingo elements, an Ethnic group I recalled how bitter the feud – stage managed by the Americo-Liberians – between them and my group, the Dans, was in the early 1990s, as a result of the actions of the NPFL (National Patriotic Front of Liberia). Living in the slum community of Logan Town in Monrovia by then, when I heard that LURD was just a few blocks away, I decided to flee to Central Monrovia (New Port Junior High School Displaced Center, on Newport Street). At that displaced camp on Newport Street, I narrowly survived a terrible round of indiscriminate shelling that LURD had undertaken early morning, July 25, 2003, the very date, 13 years back, that that fateful delivery pain which would take away my young mother’s life started. At an open well on the Newport Junior High School Campus that July 26 eve of 2003, where we had all gathered to fetch water, LURD dropped two giant-sized rockets (bombs) that instantly killed eight persons and seriously wounded several others including me, in a group of poor, helpless internally displaced persons that were sharing jokes that morning while awaiting one another to get hold of the single available “draw bucket” just to manage to fetch a bucket or gallon of water. I got hard hit by particles from the double explosions, some of which pierced my buttock, one nearly penetrated my rib towards the heart, but was blocked by a bone, one hit my spinal cord right around the neck etc., but God spared me, thanks to an MSF ad hoc clinic operating in the Mamba Point Area that morning that cleverly extracted those particles from our bodies in the midst of even more shelling still being done by LURD that day. I mention all this because lately (in 2014) did I again discover in a WikiLeaks article that this whole idea of LURD was something once more masterminded by Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, after I had discovered just in 2013 that this same woman was a key founder
and fund raiser of the National Patriotic Front of Liberia, through the effect of whose war, my young loving mother died before reaching age 40. Now, imagine the combined toll that all of these wars have had on my person, apart from the loss of a precious mother and a complete shattering of father’s and family’s dream for decades. In grade school, I had to sit for 4 consecutive years before resuming and completing high school; it took almost 2 years to enter college, and it took 10 consecutive years to earn a normally 4-year Bachelor Degree from the University of Liberia because semester breaks sometime lasted for whole calendar years, apart from other constraints. Even before coming across the separate blog posts of Joseph B. Wirthlin and Joseph Persico which stress the realities of life being comparable to a marathon race and the importance of being conscious of making up for lost time respectively, I have had this natural intuition about lost time in life, and have, as such, lived (in terms of academic and professional preparations) as if “there was no tomorrow.” That specter of being left behind terribly in life has always haunted me in all that I did, and do today, even though despite all these setbacks, I have always been considered relatively the youngest, or one of the youngest in almost all of my activities by the grace of God. At the Liberia Petroleum ‘Refining’ (Storage) Company (LPRC), where I spent four year as both casual worker and cadet before getting fully employed during the final few days of 2003 after nursing my LURD bombshell injury (Mr. Paul S. Jappah current Assistant Product Delivery Manager at the LPRC is a living witness), I received some form of job promotion every year from 2004 to 2010, when I finally became that somewhat conservative Americo-Liberian company’s relatively youngest full-fledged manager, Business Applications Manager, a senior level Information Technology (IT)-related position recommended by the USAID GEMAP program, before their disengagement. That same year, 2010, I entered the Cuttington Graduate Program and completed my MBA studies in Accounting in 2013, at the time I was already in trouble with my Americo-Liberian employer, the LPRC, from some witch hunt action. The most interesting thing to note here is that this trouble, with a Thomas Nelson Williams’ Management, a Rev. Dr. Herman Brown’s Board of Directors, and under an Ellen Johnson Presidency (let’s not forget Sirleaf is a ‘married’ name), which fell in January 2013, had come about because a Native ‘Roland Kartee’ was now becoming hypersensitive in their view to the always twisted modus operandi of the so called ruling elite, and his (Roland’s) moves, talks, or actions seemed to be taking a trend that could adversely affect the current spoiled economic and political status quo inaugurated since 1822 by the American Colonization Society through their Agent Jehudi Ashmun, and so-called legitimized in 1847 by Joseph Jenkins Roberts. Please note that full details of this revolutionary case can be found in at least two of our Plain Truth Revolutionary pamphlets, including “Why Is This Case Considered A Revolutionary And Game-Changing One”, and “The LPRC Case Sent to the LACC”. To begin our discussions of how things stand at the national level, or to get into our bigger picture discussions, the mind boggling thing about this whole Settlers’ marginalization tale of the Natives in this country (which is referred to by an American Historian, Dr. James
Ciment as Liberia’s Original Sin) is the level of success with which these Black Settlers or the Americo-Liberians, the Johnsons, Weeks, McClains, Tubmans etc., the absolute frontrunners of this society, who constitute only less than 2% of this country’s population, have been able to inculcate STUPIDITY and COWARDICE into the vast indigenous population for up to 194 years now. We speak here with all due respect to our tribal, indigenous or native people, who we know have been to a huge extent pushed into this situation primarily for survival, but hugely against their own will. The Americo-Liberians have cunningly implanted into us, the indigenous (even our educated ones, our so-called politicians, and civil society activists) a mindset that to speak the truth about this NASTY situation, which will go against them, is equivalent to being tribalistic or discriminatory. They have slyly led us into a state of mind in which most of us are informed about the embarrassing realities about them either completely or to some extent; yes, but we are either afraid or unwilling to speak the real truth about this nightmare, and to act radically to change it. Social Scientists do describe this kind of sad and strange unwillingness to get out of one’s comfort zone of lies as being maladaptive. Note, maladaptive here means that we are intentionally refusing to make the proper societal adjustments, though we see the compelling need to do so before we can ever be stable and make progress as a people. One would then wonder how possibly could a mere 2% or less minority manage to either charm, cajole and or coerce a whole 98% majority including their educated elements into believing certain myths, and then place this majority into a painful permanent state of sincere ignorance and conscious stupidity for all this long (194 years now), which however adversely affects the common interests of both groups, though unequally. Although we hinted an answer in the paragraph immediately above, further clues to helping us answer most of the tricky questions relating to how this “Liberian Original Sin” continues to flourish unabated, and how this maladaptiveness propping this sin continues to reign forever, are presented in the rest of this pamphlet, so please tighten your seat belts to read more. As you will discover in the reading notwithstanding, the common point of failure that has sustained all these years of illusion has been both groups’ refusal to accept and leverage the undefeatable power and light of the word “TRUTH”. The around 2% minority has used lies to subjugate the huge 98% masses to a second class population, while elements from the 98% group have consciously accepted the tricks of the 2% lying socalled elites, as a means of survival and easy societal integration. An African proverb however says, “The truth is like a precious piece of gold, or mineral, no matter how long it stays in the mud, it can never lose its color and power.” Then former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill says, “The truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” And so in our case fellow citizens, the TRUTH must now be told, and remedial actions must be taken now, to finally deliver us from almost two centuries of bondage to lies; 194 years of slavery to barrenness and unproductivity, and countless decades of mental captivity to the paradox
of extreme deprivation in a vast ocean of natural wealth etc. Here are the incredible puzzles we still consciously dodge today: 1) Who told you that it is a secret to our educated ones (both Natives and Congoes) that the founding fathers of this failed country, the Americo-Liberians, who have always pretended to be the best stock of ethnic breed; the most civilized; the most educated; the most sophisticated; the superior social class etc. and have been doing everything humanly possible to remain at this elitist and first class social level in this country, while working out all of the secret policies to subjugate the vast indigenous population to a permanent second class level, are indeed the worst breed of citizens in this society and the major cause for why we have been, and continue to remain a horrible warning to other countries on the globe? When you visit, fellow citizens, you will find out that the key proponents of the American Colonization Society’s Back to Africa Project, and key founders of this society, who were mainly American Southerners, planters and slave owners, with both business and racist motivations, had used four key and dangerous adjectives to describe the elements they were targeting to weed out of the American Society, especially their plantation South, which heavily depended on productive Black Slaves. And so the overall goal of the ACS was to stabilize their plantation environment and keep their entire society safe and productive by rounding up proven hardcore criminals and unproductive elements from among the huge Black population in America by then – a rounded group of bad apples that unfortunately turned out to be the founders and builders of what would be referred to today as Liberia – a terribly failed state, as the whole world can now attest. The story is long, but these are the 4 dangerous adjectives or descriptions that the ACS founders and other Southerners used to label those they were shipping here to establish and run their Liberia:
Promoters of mischief Morally lax Mentally inferior Criminally oriented
So in short, one had to possess all or some of these qualities before being rounded up for shipment (on the Mayflower, Nautilus, and Harriet etc.) bound for Liberia. Pleases do further research of how Congressmen like John Randolph and Henry Clay were so emphatic about their passion and resolve to rid these selected Blacks out of the American Society. Now, fellow countrymen, we all, one way or the other serve God. Liberia is predominantly ‘Christianic’ or Islamic professedly, whether one likes it or not. For those from Christian background, we ask, “When Jesus Christ, in Luke 6:43-45, among other things said that, “A healthy tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a poor tree bear good fruit; or, you do not pick figs form thorn bushes, or gather grapes from bramble bushes,” etc., what do we think he meant here? Put it in the context of our country’s embarrassing debacle. Fellow compatriots of Islamic background, let’s quote from astute Islamic Scholar, Hesham A. Hassaballa, who directly cited or paraphrased Surat 14:24-26 as follows: “Art thou not aware how God sets forth the parable of a good word? (It is) like a good tree, firmly rooted, (reaching out) with its branches towards the sky, and yielding
its fruits at all times by its Lord’s leave. And (thus, it is that) God propounds parables unto humanity, so that they may bethink themselves (of the truth). And the parable of a corrupt word is that of a corrupt tree, torn up (from its roots) onto the face of the Earth, wholly unable to endure.” Again, fellow citizens, what do we think God was saying here, through His prophet? Are we saying that our CREATOR is a God of lies or jokes, or do we think we can continue to make mockery out of him forever? God forbid!!!! A hint to the wise is quite sufficient. 2) Who told you that a good number of this country’s educated people don’t know that a major problem faced by us, as a country, is that the so called key decision and policy makers; those that influence the course of events and history in our country; those that are always at the highest echelons of power; the movers and shakers in all times of our country’s history; the guys that call the shot; etc., the Black American Settlers and their descendants, are people who sadly can really never trace their natal origins to this land; and as such, and obviously, they care less about what happens outside of their little village called Monrovia? Who told you with all of the noise we cause around here, our Executive Mansion under a purely “Liberian Arrangement” has ever, and will ever sincerely care for what is happening up there in Gborplay, Namba County or Gbogonjay in Rivergee County? In history, when the American Naval Officers were coercively and criminally taking away Cape Mesurado (the piece of land which started the failed state, Liberia) from our tribal forefathers, the Native Kings, Captain Robert Field Stockton and Eli Ayres put the Kings under a false impression that they were acquiring the land for a while to settle their “bad apples” temporarily, at which time, they would trace the immigrants’ actual origins at different locations on the African Continent before later shipping them to their rightful destinations. This promise hasn’t yet been fulfilled with 195 years gone by. Additionally, what love for mother land would a person have for a place that he cannot actually trace his historical roots to? Isn’t this a serious double trouble for us – i.e. a criminally oriented resident alien in control of you country, what good will ever come out of that country? A big hint to the wise is quite sufficient!! 3) Who told you that it is a secret that even before getting here, the so called AmericoLiberians had a preconceived notion about the tribal people as some other low class animals that they were coming to treat just anyhow? In fact, they perceived the Native tribal people as wild animals that they, the Black American Settlers would domesticate in another sense. This point was proven by Liberia’s first President, Joseph Jenkins Roberts, the man with no formal educational background who became both national and university Presidents and Professor, when he referred to the vast tribal community of the Deis, Krus, Bassa etc. as a “Barbarous Country/Nation” in his first inaugural address of 1848. According to Dr. James Ciment of the City of New York, the Settlers and their descendants viewed/view their tribal African counterparts as “Savages” (meaning, brutes, beasts, monsters, barbarians, ‘sardonists’ or wild animals). This perception continued on, and still lives on today, in sometimes more intelligent forms. As closer to the 21st century as 1966, Madam A. Doris Banks Henries, in her book, “Civics for Liberian Schools; a text book approved by the Ministry of Education to be taught in Liberian schools, had it that when the Black American immigrants arrived in the early 19th century, they met SAVAGES, NOT human beings, and that through the Settlers’ great efforts, these SAVAGES started getting transformed into human beings.
Fellow citizens, the question remains, “If you were formally considered mere beasts and wild animals just in the 1960s and 70s, what makes you think you are now off the hook this 2016? Please open your eyes, my countrymen!! Here are some proofs of the Americo-Liberians’ true convictions that members of the Ethnic African communities are mere animals: a) Because we were, and are considered mere savages and wild animals, here are some of the befitting treatment the tribal people of this country (the Krus, Bassas, Vais, Lormas, Manos, Gios, Kpelle etc.) have been receiving at the hands of their so-called civilized superiors from North America:
Mr. George R. McGill, an African American Educator, around the late 1820s or early 1830s was reported to have been rudely ex-communicated from the Methodist Church for deciding to marry an indigenous Liberian woman. Mr. McGill’s ex-communication from the church was not enough, but he was pursued to the newly established colonial school where he was teaching, and subsequently dismissed (for such an unsavory act of intermarrying with a savage). This historical account can be found on page 89 of the book, “A Short History of the First Liberian Republic, Joseph Saye Guannu.
During the 1800s Liberia, the Settler elite selected a few loyalists from among the indigenous population and conferred citizenship upon them. Discretionally, they would select from among the indigenous turned citizen loyalists and appoint them to their Colonial Legislature to serve at the settlers’ will and pleasure as socalled representatives of their tribal people. In the 1880s according to the book, “A Short History of the First Liberian Republic,” Samuel W. Seton, a Grebo and baptized Episcopalian, handpicked by the ruling elite to represent some section of his Grebo people received the greatest shock of his political live when he decided to proffer a bill that would unconditionally grant citizenship to indigenous Liberians. His bill was rudely thrown out of plenary and there are some historical accounts that he was expelled from the Legislature like what D. Twe experienced in the late 1920s, as you will discover later. The apparent unannounced argument in the settler community at that time was “What a ‘Fool’ that wants to grant Savages citizenship in our precious country?”
During the first ten years of their nationhood, the Settlers, whom US Congressman John Randolph had claimed were promoters of mischief, were taking off time to find a suitable labor market to start selling these Savages (elements from Grain Coast’s 16 indigenous tribes). As early as 1857, during the regime of Mr. Stephen Allen Benson, (the man for whose private boat’s seizure 10 years back failed Liberia demanded independence and got it), indigenous able-bodied young men were now being sold out formally by the Liberian Government for slave work in the French West Indies. This trade became so intensified that on one of their long sea journey from Monrovia to the West Indies, conditions became very bad that the rounded up workers revolted and killed the entire white crew on the ship. These human market transactions continued on in Liberia from this year, 1857, with contract signatories changing periodically. In 1892, this time under President Joseph J. Cheeseman or Hilary R. W. Johnson, the French again signed another contract with the Liberian Government under which government recruited Liberian indigenous men to work on the Panama Canal, and in
Latin America, to serve in the French Colonial Army (In the Cause of The People, Tuan Wleh, p.38). By 1900, during the regime of Garretson Wilmot Gibson, Spain began to recruit slave labor from Liberia to work her plantations on the Island of Fernando Poo. So inhumane was the treatment given the Liberian indigenous guys working there that President Daniel E. Howard, between 1912 and 1920, was compelled to take some action to keep their human trafficking business in tact without noise. In his inaugural massage of 1913, President Howard stated that in order to put an end to the (so called) injustice going on against his people in Fernando Poo, it was necessary for the Government of Liberia to have a diplomatic representation stationed on the Island. So, in 1914 a convention was entered into between Spain and Liberia, which among other things, called for a resident Liberian Consul at Fernando Poo and a Labor Agent at every point of disembarkation on the island (A Short History of the First Liberian Republic, p.24), instead of stopping such a NASTY and UNCIVILIZED ACT of selling our poor indigenous forefathers (the Boakais, the Flomos, and the Nyanquehs.) into slavery altogether. In that same year, 1914, Liberia renewed or signed a new Labor Contract with the Government of Spain to supply more Samukais, Massaquois, Sannons, and Sirleafs to Fernando Poo. The inhumane treatment of these “country” guys there again (i.e. when it gets to the attention of others in the international community) led to the suspension of the contract in 1919. Nevertheless, shipment of indigenous laborers to the twin Islands of Fernando Poo and Rio Muni (the two of which became one independent nation, Equatorial Guinea, in 1968) continued under cover in the same inhumane conditions. In 1928, another labor agreement was entered into between a group of prominent Liberians and another Spanish Company, the “Syndicato Agricola de los Territories Espanoles del Golfo de Guinea” for the service of Liberian indigenous workers in Fernando Poo; this time, the laborers were on every occasion forcibly recruited by the Liberia Frontier Force on the orders of government officials since resistance to their constant rounding up of these innocent young indigenous men to separate them from their families and loved ones so cruelly to unknown locations was now increasing. (A short history of the first Liberian republic, p.75). For instance key government officials who recruited indigenous able-bodied men for this Spanish Company in the late 1920s included former Vice President Samuel Ross and incumbent Vice President Allen Yancy. To get a feel of how these cruel recruitment exercises used to go on, let’s get a gist of some of the radio communications that took place during their operations, sometimes between or among conscious and unconscious government officials, according to the League of Nations 1930 and 1931 reports: For example, in a radio message session from Sinoe County dated October 5, 1927 – that was before the contract was formalized in 1928 – the Post Master General or Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Reginald Sherman complained to the Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) Edwin Barclay, as follows: Referring to VP Samuel Ross, Minister Sherman tells colleague Minister Barclay, “Ross wired yesterday asking for boys to be shipped through Spanish steamer, which request, please deny. I am informed that boys are decoyed from the hinterland under promise of bringing rice for
sale, which is taken from them, and they are forced aboard ships just as in slave days. Over 300 boys here with rice now across the river are being guarded to await ship by government soldiers. Is it in accordance with the terms of our contract that soldiers should be used to guard free men and force them out of this country as laborers to build up another country? Is it not a reflection on our motto, “The love of liberty brought us here”? Shall we, whose fathers founded this country to secure liberty for their sons encourage this blighted and cursed practice which is running our country?” (Christy Report, 1931, p.110) Reginald Sherman again sent another radiogram to Secretary Barclay in less than one hour as follows. “Further to radiogram concerning shipment of boys to Fernando Poo, I have been across the river and have seen the boys. Oh, Secretary Barclay, in very truth, we have slave trade in this place. Boys told me that they were chased, caught and forced down here under a purported order from headquarters. They were flogged and I saw with my own eyes the fresh scars on their backs and the rope marks on their hands”…....... (Idem). On that same day, the County Attorney, William Witherspoon, radiogrammed the Attorney General (Justice Minister) in Monrovia on the seriousness of the matter, stating, among others that, “Natives are being forced for shipment to Fernando Poo; they are being maltreated and made prisoners, shall I proceed against the perpetrators, and is government interested? Reply immediately” (Idem). Secretary Barclay acted swiftly and decisively. To Postmaster General, Sherman, he radiogrammed, “Thinking Ross acting bona fide, I granted him permit for shipment of 300 laborers……etc. He continues on: “These were supposed to be men voluntarily engaging for service. Your message reveals iniquity. Am cancelling contract, you will instruct Grigsby in my name and in the name of government to have man who is involuntarily held released immediately. If necessary, have everybody concerned prosecuted. This is peremptory. Blackett must be dismissed.” (Idem) Notwithstanding all the above, history has got no accounts that any of these actions instructed by Secretary of State Barclay were ever prosecuted or implemented, or that the threatened dismissal (s) were ever effected. To prove that these acts plus many many more were systematic campaigns of mayhem orchestrated by the Setters’ elite in line with their hereditary trait of mischief making, here is another account of how the indigenous were being treated or how officials of the Liberian Government went about getting their slave manpower out of the hinterland, and this implicates Presidents King and Tubman. It is said that in one of their rounding up exercises, Vice President Allen Yancy assembled the chiefs and elders in Maryland County and informed them that they had been ordered by President Charles King to provide him (Yancy) 60 men each (i.e. each one chief in that meeting should provide 60 living Yarkpawolos) for service in Fernando Poo. Yancy also informed the chiefs that if they were hesitant they could go to Monrovia to confirm the truth from the President
themselves. Not satisfied with such huge request, the chiefs led by one Chief Broh took the VP to task and sent a two-man fact finding team to Monrovia. According to the Christy Committee Report, President King denied Allen’s statement before the chiefs’ messengers. When the messengers returned with the news, there was a reported sigh of relief and a lot of jubilations for the poor tribal people in Maryland that day. But unfortunately, three political leaders were around, including County Superintendent Brooks, County Senator William V.S Tubman, and Representative McBorrough. This triplet decided to inquire from chief Broh whether he in fact sent to challenge the V.P.’s claim or request. When Chief Broh answered in the affirmative, the three officials ordered the imprisonment of the Chief (using the Liberia Frontier Force and they still carried on their recruitment exercise and got their required number of indigenous men for their human trafficking partners). President King, according to the report never did anything about this embarrassment in response. In the final Christy Commission Report, it was pointed out that President Charles King, Vice President Allen Yancy, and several other top officials of government (today’s GOL) were receiving US$45 for each living head of indigenous men and boys exported to Fernando Poo, and that the Liberia Frontier Force (transformed into AFL for the same purpose today) was used to round each of these boys up. The report also carried that GOL officials abused their offices by using the LFF to recruit workers to Fernando Poo, among other gruesome acts, all perpetrated against the poor indigenous population of this country. 4) Who told you it is a secret that the Black American Migrants or Settlers came here to pursue a NASTY campaign of vendetta against the poor Native people? These guys, whose slave masters and deporters had described as morally lax and mentally inferior mischief makers etc., and for these grave reasons decided to ship them out of America to save the American Society, made it known that they were out for revenge formally by the provisions they enshrined in their so-called Declaration of Independence and the first constitution of their so-called new republic. A group that had come to this country and met on ground 16 well-established different ethnic groups of their own kind and complexion, according to history, were boldly cruel enough to lay the basis for their current and future treatment of the indigenous population and their subsequent interactions with these Native people in this preamble that introduced both the Declaration of Independence and the first Liberian constitution as follows: “We the people of the Republic of Liberia were originally the people of the United State of North America…. In some parts of that country, we were debarred by law from all the rights and privileges of men – in other parts, public sentiment, more powerful than law, frowned us down. We were everywhere shut out from all civil office. We were excluded from all participation in the government. We were taxed without our consent. We were compelled to contribute to the resources of a country which gave us no protection...” (A Short History of the First Liberian Republic, P.2).
This preamble now laid the foundation for the subsequent cruel treatment of members from the tribal communities of Liberia’s 16 Ethnic groups. Let’s catalogue just a few of these inhumane treatments for the sake of space: a) As we’ve been mentioning repeatedly in this text, members of the 16 ethnic groups have been considered lower in quality than human beings. For this reason, the Settlers did not have any reason to ever grant them (the Natives) citizenship in their Liberia. Later, for economic and other reasons, they started incorporating a few indigenous within their ranks and making use of them, one of such Natives, made citizen to seek or advance the Settlers’ interest among his people was Samuel W. Seton. They appointed Seton to represent few of his ‘country’ Grebo men in the Settlers’ Colonial Legislature. Seton, mindful of his background and embarrassed about the plight of his tribal community, proffered a bill to grant unconditional citizenship to all tribal Liberians, but as we said earlier, Seton met the shock of his political life for making such proposal, and other historical accounts even reported that Seton was expelled from their Legislature as a result. This condition endured for over 50 years until 1904, when Liberia’s economic crisis terribly deepened that the so-called country, was now clutching at straws. As such, newly elected Arthur Barclay coming to the Presidency with all of the strategies to resuscitate his country’s dead economy, had two major economic plans on his agenda to do everything possible to acquire new foreign loan for the country after the ill-fated 1871 loan, which the country could never pay a cent back out of. So as one of his strategies, Barclay had to design an effective tax collection mechanism that will cover the entire country, and he had to also put the right conditions into place for implementation. Liberia could not effectively and legally (in the eyes of the international community, as usual,) impose taxes on all Natives when these people were not citizens. For the second strategy, Britain, the only lender Liberia had at the time, had always complained about Government’s poor and cruel handling of the hinterland and its population, and was demanding interior policy reforms before discussing any issues of loans with this Black American country. Fighting every way possible to qualify for an upcoming 1906 loan of US$500,000 from a British Financial Institution, Erlanger & Company, Arthur Barclay pretentiously and ‘shrewdly’ extended unconditional citizenship to the Natives in 1904. According to, Barclay finally got his US$500,000 loan in 1906, and after some time of planning, finally commenced the implementation of his new that tax regime ($1.00 per every hut in the hinterland). But what we are interested in here is this. As if this constrained conferment of citizenship on the so-called ‘Savages’ really struck a raw nerve in the Settler Community, the campaign of unspeakable repression against the indigenous people really took up new momentums, especially when the British-organized Liberia Frontier Force ( currently AFL) was now turned over to the Government of Liberia around 1909 or 1910. Mr. Barclay, the “grantor of indigenous citizenship” instituted an interior governance policy called the Indirect Rule in 1906, apparently upon receiving his loan. According to this policy, as originally used by Britain in their colonial administration, the tribal people were governed directly by their traditional leaders but these traditional leaders were directly accountable to the Monrovia-sent
District Commissioners who in turn were accountable too to Monrovia’s greedy and cruel elite. The Monrovia-handpicked District Commissioners, heavily backed by soldiers of the Liberia Frontier Force, coercively coordinated the activities of the traditional leaders in meeting the Settler elites’ demands. As there were no roads, or even plans of constructing them in the vast interior regions as is almost the same up to date, LFF soldiers selected able-bodied indigenous young men to carry by head in hammocks the District Commissioners (or some of them) from one location to another, as they implemented their Monrovia assigned tasks. The LFF was used by these District Commissioners to forcibly collect government taxes and other illegal fees, fines and dues in cash and kind, imposed on these totally devastated, impoverished and grossly disadvantaged rural dwellers, that government had absolutely nothing to offer in terms of basic social services and other social amenities (In The Cause Of The People, Tuan Wleh, 2010). In fact, according to Prof. Tuan Wleh, also called Dew Mason, up to 1980, about 70% of the country’s population lived in the rural areas, but these people lived in abject poverty, just as today, with subsistence annual earnings on the overall of around $70 per family. With this sad reality, it is reported that fines, dues, or collections, sometimes as high as $100 were imposed upon these poor and helpless people, to be forcibly collected by the Liberia Frontier Force, instead of AmericoLiberian soldiers being encamped in military barracks awaiting external threats. The taxes, dues and collections etc. imposed on our indigenous forefathers included hut taxes, independence day collections; self-help project collections, rally time collections, compulsory collections of chickens, goats, and other cattle, red oil for government officials traveling in these areas, and many more. At the same time, very draconian penalties and inhumane treatments awaited any soul who refused, or one way or the other was unable to pay any of these dues, taxes, collections or fines. The penalties and ill-treatments inflicted upon our suffering tribal forefathers by the Americo-Liberian-instructed military force included, but were not limited to forcible detentions under squalid conditions, sitting in the sun all day, kneeling over palm kernel shells all day in the open etc. These ill-prepared military personnel, apart from inflicting these and many more pains on our people in enforcing these multiple illegal collections, were also responsible to forcibly recruit from among our atrociously privated tribal populations young men and women to be used by the elites for multiple purposes including: The construction of so-called public roads and buildings (without compensation) The cultivation of farms for government officials (without any compensation) The rounding up of young men for involuntary shipment to foreign lands to perform slave labor This campaign was so terrifying and pitiful that it is reported in that villages along the coast were virtually deserted as tribal people fled into deep bushes in the interior where the absence of roads made
it difficult for LFF personnel to chase them in pursuit of government taxes. These campaigns also made our people to flee to neighboring West Africa countries to seek refuge. b) It has never been the intention of the ruling Americo-Liberian elites and their tribal collaborators and accomplices to ever sincerely seek the general welfare of the Liberian masses, which comprises the indigenous people. In fact, this incredibly myopic group of people called the Settlers had only wished to live in ancient Monrovia and its immediate surroundings without any plans to even stretch out with a little semblance of development. Remember however, that through these narrations, we will almost always exempt President William R. Tolbert from these sweeping, but proven assertions about the Americo-Liberians. With this clarity, the reasons behind expanding inwards into indigenous territories have been for different selfish interests other than improving the lives of the inhabitants of those areas. These reasons ranged from the exploitation of the human resources in those areas to be employed into forced labor or auctioned out into slavery, the exploitation of high quality economic goods in these territories, an attempt to ward off or discourage French and British colonial encroachments which could have highly affected the security of the Americo-Liberians themselves, and later for the exploitation of the precious natural resources in these areas. For example in his first inaugural address of 1878, this is what President Anthony W. Gardner said: “…. I shall endeavor to give an impetus to our commerce by penetrating the interior and inviting the trade to our market as well as to protect the legitimate trader in the prosecution of his business. I believe, if the interior trade is properly managed and well-guarded, it will be of more real profit than the coast trade. The immense quality of produce and cattle immediately in the rear of Liberia can, with little effort and perseverance, be turned into our market. Musardu, the great mart of cattle, baniseed, rice, cotton, country cloth and gold… not too far for the Liberian merchants to make a bold effort to turn this trade into Liberia at all hazards.” According to the book, “A Short History of the First Liberian Republic P.53, “Encroachments by the British and French also compelled Liberia to increase efforts at integration and unification. Rules to govern the hinterland were written and revised periodically. Government officials, especially those assigned in the interior toured the country side and explained government policies to the Native people. In his article, “The Mandingo People of Liberia: A Historical Fact Most Liberians Overlook”, Siahyonkron Nyanseor mentioned that the Mandingoes had several bitter encounters with the Americo-Liberians over commerce, a monopoly these Settlers held along the coastal areas. Nyanseor said these Setters picked similar fuss at the Kru fishermen who traded with European commercial ships on the ocean. At that time, he quotes, “Indigenous Africans were not considered citizens, yet the government wanted them to pay port duties in the area. As a result, fights broke up when the tribal men felt they were not obligated to paying taxes to a government that provided no services, no security etc. and had no legal jurisdiction over them.”
Again, according Joseph Saye Guannu, the period of these settler territorial expansions was one of social and political injustice in the hinterland. The rights of the interior inhabitants were gruesomely violated as expressed, for example, in forced labor. Officers of the LFF intimidated, harassed and imposed undue fines as we mentioned earlier, and all these treatments led to an exodus of tribal Liberians to colonies in the sub region like Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea etc. to live as refugees. As a consequence of the damaging report and strong recommendations of the League of Nations in 1930, the ill-conceived Liberian Settler Government ignominiously bowed to pressure and introduced a number of haphazard reforms in the administration of the hinterland. Few substandard schools and clinics were built in the interior and few dirt roads were constructed, all because Britain and America had threatened to strip dirty Liberia of her so-called independence and take over the running of the country, mainly due to the Americo-Liberian elites’ terrible lack of interest to develop the interior and their unwillingness to improve the lives of the indigenous populations, coupled with the kind of cruel treatment being meted out against these poor, helpless people (A short history of the first Liberian Republic, P 78-79) c) The Americo-Liberian marginalization machinery has worked out every possible secret strategy to hide quality education from the country’s larger population, which again, consists of over 97% ‘country’ or native, tribal people. It is often said that the pen, or knowledge is mightier than the sword; meaning, what knowledge can accomplish in a short time, can be very useful and longer lasting than what arms, cruelty, dirty tricks etc. can take decades and centuries to falsely accomplish. Education increases an individual’s knowledge and understanding about his environment. Sound education enables one to think critically about the social and economic conditions of his/her society. The Americo-Liberian elite understands this reality very well, and that is why they have never given the necessary support to expand and improve the quality of education nationwide (bearing in mind that if this is done, vast majority of the beneficiaries will be the Native “Savages”). As such, because they, the Amerio-Liberians, have always been, and continue to remain in control of all of the country’s wealth and resources, they prefer sending their children and those of few Native loyalists abroad to obtain quality education to return and strengthen the political and economic status quo. (A Short History of The First Liberian Republic pp. 91,-96). Bizarrely, Liberia gained her independence when she never even had a high school. After independence, the only high school to start operating in the country was a private Presbyterian school that ran solo for long years, the Alexander High School, founded or established in 1849. Government depended almost entirely on religious bodies through their private schools to provide education for the Liberian people because government claimed it lacked financial resources, meanwhile political elections were been held on schedule after every two years, whether or not there were contenders in those regular elections that cost money.
When their colonial master, the American Colonization Society, advanced to the Settlers the need for at least one higher institution of learning, the Settlers’ Legislature authorized the creation of a state-owned college in 1851, but because education was/and continues really never to be a major concern in their country, it took 7 years after this enactment to have laid the first cornerstone of the Liberia College, which would later be called the University of Liberia in 1951. This 7 year delay to start building the school was based upon two reasons: first, and mainly because; yes, government authorized the establishment of one higher institution of learning, but it never had one cent to commit to such a useless project and was awaiting philanthropic funding, which eventually started coming in by 7 years later, that is, in 1858; and secondly because long political arguments were ensuing in the background about a suitable location of this school, with one of the groups wanting it outside of colonial Monrovia, but the other group bitterly rejecting this because doing so would create easy admission/access to people from the country side or the interior, most, or all of which would be Natives – something that will be very counter-productive to the Settlers. In addition to financing from groups like the ACS, the New York Colonization Society, the Trustees of Donations For Education in Liberia etc., colleges and private individuals in the United State donated books and even bricks and lumbers to construct the new school. Classes at the Liberia College began in 1863, 12 years after this Legislation, with 7 students and the line of courses taught at the school for more than 80 years before the introduction of new courses included Rhetoric, Moral Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Political Science, Law Greek, Latin, Arabic and Theology. There is no historical account of anything such as Math, the Sciences, and Business ever taught from the onset of the University and decades and decades of its full-fledged operations. Complaints of the college’s poor standards of education, coupled with government’s continuous cries about lack of money to run the school, made the Liberia College to always run on an “off and on” basis, sometimes closing for up to 5 consecutive years before reopening. In 36 years, 1866 to 1902, the school was able to put out only 10 graduates according to The College of Agriculture and Forestry was added 79 years later; Science and Technology, as a unit, was introduced in the 1960s; Master’s in Business Administration was introduced in 2007, in the 144th year of the University’s existence, with no signs yet in sight for the introduction of Master’s in the Sciences much less to talk about PhD programs. Computer used in the University’s only substandard computer lab were provided by a private company; and the Fendell Campus that hosts the University’s two key colleges and some of its constituent institutions is a Chinese US$21.5 million good will gesture. Up to today, according Liberia’s Ministry of Education Sources, children still sit on the bare floor in schools, with whole regions comprising more than two counties absolutely having no Science and Math teachers in their secondary schools. The
current President of the country, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is on record several times for describing the country’s education system as a Complete Mess, but she will interestingly never improve this mess because doing so will be going against Liberia’s fundamental social design or creed. The bottom line continues to remain that it is in the interest of the Johnsons, McClains, Moores, Williams, Weeks etc. to keep the system like this because in a state where the rate of illiteracy is very high, and even the so-called literate ones are half-way educated and half baked, the few privileged and educated ones wield horrific influence over the masses and can easily exploit and suppress this huge ignorant majority every time. But to close on this section, let’s leave with them a quote from President John F. Kennedy, slightly paraphrased here, that says, “In a society in which a few persons decide to hijack wealth and education to the exclusion of the vast majority, there can never be peace!!!!” A hint to wise is quite sufficient here. d) According to, the religious practices, social customs, and cultural standards of the Americo-Liberians had their roots in the antebellum America South. Note: Antebellum means before war, meaning here, America’s South before their Civil War of 1861-65, which firmly resisted the abolition of slavery; in fact, this was the main reason for which they went to war with the North – to maintain their slave labor culture. These slave-master related ideas strongly influenced and continues to influence the Americo-Liberians’ attitudes towards the Natives. They set up this rigid social system that made themselves the Master Class and the over 98% indigenous population the Slave Class. This determination had been so grave that American Historian, Dr. Ciment described it as Liberia’s Original Sin. Here are some of the additional ways, apart from the numerous accounts already mentioned, that this determination has been working: Apart from selling our people out into slavery consistently, the inalienable rights of our people at home were steadily violated while they were made domestic slaves in their own home. Let us look at some of the biggest accounts thus far. According to, the planting agreement between the Government of Liberia and the world’s largest rubber plantation at the time, Firestone, that gave Firestone 1 million acres of land at 6 cents per acre, did not take into account any benefit or even any dignified way of relocating the tens of thousands of Native Liberians that would be displaced to make room for rubber planting. The 99 year, 1 million acre agriculture concession from which it is reported the government only benefited about $6,000 with the rest of the land rental and other fees going against Liberia’s old, useless debt payments, only designated the Government of Liberia as the recipient of any form of income on this concession agreement. The tribal inhabitants were massively displaced out of their centuries-old inherited lands to make room for Firestone’s operations. Whole communities with rich reservoirs of traditions were made to disappear by the stroke of a pen between Firestone and the Government of Liberia. President Charles
King did not, and could not lawfully exercise the Doctrine of Eminent Domain because the property was not being acquired by the government for public use in which the government would have been ordinarily required to provide compensation. The Government never included any form of relief in the contract for the tribal people (the Kpelles, the Bassas predominantly) for this massive, dehumanizing human displacement. At the same time, Firestone, with the full backing of the Government of Liberia, using the Liberia Frontier Force (now AFL), gave quotas to the indigenous chiefs to produce workers for their planting and subsequent tapping. As a form of carrot and stick, Firestone set up a compensation scheme for the chiefs, giving each of them 15 cents per month for every worker recruited during the rice growing season (January to June) and 10 cents from July to December. That summed up to $1.50 per one indigenous young man per year, not paid to himself, but to his chiefs, who in turn would have to unofficially make report to the District Commissioners, for onward report to the seat of Government in Monrovia. A Firestone Agent would be sent to the villages to enforce this quota. When Firestone started its operations newly, according to the book, “In the Cause of the People”, the company in the late 1920s was paying its workers 14 cents per a day of 12 or more hours of work, meaning $3.00 to $4.00 per month. The secret was that the Liberia’s Settler elite had warned Firestone not to pay these “savages’ closer or above 25 cents per day for two main implicit reasons. Firstly, few of the Settler elites had started their private rubber plantations and needed more workers too. And secondly, it was Liberia’s pride at the time to boast, among the comity of nations, about a very cheap and inexhaustible labor force of free “savages.” As for working conditions, it is recorded that sometimes two to three men, sometimes more than one family was obliged to share a single one-room hut. No compensation was paid to workers during sickness. There was hospital treatment available, but no food was given to patients, and when the workers had an accident or even died on the job, there was no compensation paid the family. Meanwhile Firestone had been, and continues to be a billion dollar company. Firestone had employed more than 10,000 laborers by 1930, but according to official document sources however, more than 8,500 of these workers had not come to the company voluntarily. A Liberian old man, one Paul, interviewed by the author of this article, FVDK, in the 1970s confirmed the forcible character of the recruitments as follows: “I was a small boy when Firestone came to Liberia,” he stated, and continued “During the King Administration, soldiers of the Liberia Frontier Force would come to the villages and compel people to leave for the Firestone planation to work there.” This recruitment system for Firestone continued until the early 1960s. In 1961, the Government of Portugal, in retaliation of Liberia’s strong professed anticolonial position, filed a complaint with the International Labor Organization, concerning the failure of the Liberian Government to observe The Forced Labor Convention of 1950. Before the commission, which had been appointed by the ILO
to investigate the complaint could publish its findings in 1963, a grossly dishonest and double standards-riddled Liberian Legislature, as it continues to be today, condescendingly enacted a law hastily regulating the recruitment of labor in Liberia (1962). It was only then that the recruitment system that had supplied Firestone the so called cheap and inexhaustible indigenous labor force since 1926 became out lawed on the books. e) Liberia’s Finance Minister, Mr. Amara Konneh revealed the enduring key objective of the Settlers here in this excerpt of his proposal, “Liberia: Rebuilding for Growth and Development” as follow: “… The origins of the Liberian conflict can be traced back to various forms of exclusion and marginalization, which have characterized the country for most of it existence. The founding constitution was designed for the need of the Settlers population, which subjugated the indigenous people for over a century. The political and economic elite controlled the country’s resources for their own use and to consolidate their power. These factors led to wide gaps in the distribution of the nation’s wealth and fuelled ethnic and class animosities and rivalries.” This is a good point struck by Minister Konneh, but if he were man enough, he would have cared less about his current Americo-Liberian overall boss, and would have used all of the five key verbs bolded above in their present and/or present progressive forms instead of limiting them to their past tenses, as if the situation had ever changed. More to his argument though, Wikipedia reports or insinuates that the framers of Liberia had designed it to be governed by a small minority of African American colonists and their offspring, while suppressing the large indigenous majority of the country’s population. Americo-Liberian elitism has evolved into two periods now, since 1847, with a very slight interruption for ten years, between 1980 and 1990. These two periods of Americo-Liberian elitism to date have successfully upheld their key objective and reason for the state – i.e. to remain on top and make the key decisions while first crudely and then later intelligently doing everything possible to keep the Natives down at certain levels. According to the book, “A Short History Of The First Liberian Republic, the two main elitist periods have been: (a) Period One (from 1847 to the early 1920s, during which the Settlers held unto every major political office in the land), and (b) Period Two (the book says from the 1920s to the 1980s, but we would safely say from the 1920s to the 1980s with a 10 year interruption, then resumed from the 1990s to present), during which time the Settlers have incorporated a few loyalist indigenous elements and other wealthy resident aliens). The old elite maintained that only members of the Settler Community had the right to every office in the land. For example they controlled access to education; they made all the policies on education to champion their core cause and implemented those policies as such. Incorporation into the New Elite has been based on one’s personal loyalty to the President and the True Whig Party, or now, the ruling party instead. Membership into the New Elite was, or has also been based upon one’s willingness to join settler
fraternities like the Masonic Craft (considered the 4th branch of government), The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, the United Brothers of Friendship etc. Educated and skilled immigrants from the sub region also have joined the New Elite. Notwithstanding all this, the key decision makers remain the Americo-Liberians and their descendants, as it has always been in the past. According to Dr. James Ciment, Tubman’s policies (and we would say here Americo-Liberian Government’s policies during the Tubman regime) tried educating and integrating the Natives into mainstream society. But it became evident that based on their education, these few Natives started demonstrating some revolutionary ideologies, something that indicated, it would now be difficult to control these indigenous subject as before. When Tubman started realizing this he was quoted as saying, “I am committing a political suicide.” f) There have always been some crude, systematic and sometime intelligent effort from the Settlers’ camp to either weaken or totally extinguish any perceived heavy weight from among the indigenous population who could pose some serious threat to their grip on power and turn the tide on them. They would either directly cripple that would-be political threat representing the Native community or orchestrate a criminally intelligent scheme to destroy that person totally behind the scenes. Here are a few illuminating examples: i.
Mr. Dihdwo Twe, a Kru, born April 14, 1879, who had gained his high school education from the Cuttington Collegiate and Divinity School in Harper; his Bachelor’s and Master’s respectively from the Rhode Island University in the United States, while also achieving separate academic credentials at both the Columbia and Harvard Universities in the U.S. was elected (or appointed) to the Colonial House of Representatives in 1927 to represent New Kru Town, but was cruelly expelled from there in 1929 for introducing a bill that was intended to end the forced labor been suffered at the time by his indigenous people in the country. Opposition to D. Twe for introducing such a “laughable and stupid “bill from the Americo-Liberian perspective, grew so strongly in Monrovia that he had to escape to Freetown, Sierra Leone to save his own life. After sometime in selfimposed exile, D. Twe returned to the country and prepared himself for the 1951 Presidential Election against William V. S. Tubman. Mr. Twe campaigned on the issues of general corruption in government, mismanagement of the interior of the country, the forced recruitment of (indigenous Liberians) for Fernando Poo, plus the private use of indigenous Liberians by government officials and their foreign capitalists etc. for which he was advocating sweeping social and political reforms in the country. Because of these embarrassing revelations from Mr. Twe, the 1951 presidential campaign grew so violent, his party members and sympathizers in government (which were mainly indigenous people) were targeted and sacked; some of them jailed, and Mr. Twe himself again had to flee for his life back to Sierra Leone, where he remained until few days left for his death before returning home to die. William Tubman professedly won that election of 1951 with reportedly over 200,000 votes in a race that opponent D. Twe’s name was not even placed on the ballot. That’s how cruel and immoral the Settlers have been and will continue to be in
their “Liberia” unless radically rehabilitated (A Short History of the First Liberia Republic, p. 41 etc.). ii.
Before 1980, only very few Native Liberians had ever occupied notably top positions in the Settlers’ National Government; among them, Mr. H. Too Wesley, a Grebo, who was Vice President from 1924 to 1928 and Momolu Dukuly, the first known indigenous of Islamic background to have held a key position by then, Secretary of State – although we must be fast to register here that Natives were only preferred or allowed to hold these kinds of positions based on their extra-mile willingness to serve as useful idiots and stooges all the way, again, without prejudice to these people. American-based Liberian blogger Siahyonkon Nyenseor narrates that according to some source, Momolu Dukuly had to denounce his Islamic Faith and declare himself Christian in order to join the upper echelons of the Liberian Government, even though he still did his Islamic worship in secret. The same source has it that one evening when Dukuly’s boss, President Tubman took an unannounced visit to his office, lo and behold, there was Mr. Dukuly praying in the corner of his office on a mat facing east and that was how Dukuly lost his job. Who can ever build a democratic country on such bigotry?
Another shining example of a high-impact indigenous Liberian who was unfortunately marginalized over and over until he was alleged killed finally by a crude Americo-Liberian ploy was Jackson F. Doe, a Dan (Gio), reared by the Grimes’, a progressive West Indian Immigrant family. Upon graduation from college, Doe entered the teaching profession and was later elected or selected to the “Colonial” House of Representatives. A fine orator, Mr. Doe soon won the admiration of the new Settler elite. When Vice President Tolbert became President in 1971, he appointed Jackson Doe as Education Minister in the midst of rumors that Jackson was favored by the President to be made his Vice President in 1972. But as the True Whig Party Old Guards were very resistant in allowing an indigenous to rise that far, Doe was by passed in favor of James E. Green of Sinoe County. Doe was again tipped in 1975, but Green was reappointed. Green unfortunately died two years later and with everybody’s attention now focusing on Jackson Doe, Methodist Bishop Bennie Warner was preferred over him again. To be one of the key indigenous Liberians in government, as a precondition, Doe also had to become a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and a high official in the True Whig Party. In 1979, he was Second National Vice Chairman of the Party, and therefore second in line for Chairmanship “proper.” When Chairman James N. Anderson resigned in 1979, Doe should have automatically become First National Vice Chairman in line with the party’s ascendency requirements, but instead, Clarence L. Simpson was called from private life to be made First National Vice Chairman, and Minster of State, Reginald Townsend was promoted to Chairman ‘proper’. It was later in October 1979, when even a child could sense that an imminent dark cloud was hanging over Liberia – when Progressive Natives were getting more aggressive – that the True Whig Party decided to give Jackson Doe his rightful First National Vice Chairman position at a congress in Buchanan at which they purported they were
taking their party to the indigenous masses (A Short History Of The First Liberian Republic, p. 90). Doe became more and more prominent even after Liberia’s coup of 1980, and established and bore the standards of his own political party, the Liberian Action Party (LAP). At the 1985 presidential polls, Doe was heavily cheated by the military junta of Samuel Doe reportedly. Jackson and his high political ambitions remain alive until the Liberian ‘Uncivil” War came. In a sad story from, one J. K. K. Peah on August 29, 2011 ‘second-narrated’ a strange news surrounding Jackson Doe’s death from Patrick P. Tamba, an alleged old fighter of mainly Charles Taylor’s and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL). Let’s get a few baths of the story quoting Patrick P. Tamba: “……Because of my close relationship with these two (Gambian) Generals (Generals Jesus and Domingo), I found myself very close to the NPFL [top] leadership. Charles Taylor was the military leader and Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was the political leader of the NPFL. In early August of 1990, the Military Leader, CIC Taylor received information that Jackson F. Doe was located in Firestone. Taylor then ordered his generals to go and get Jackson form firestone; take him over to Buchanan, and place him under house arrest until further orders. Taylor told us that the leader of the revolution, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was on her way to the country from the U.S. In that Mid-August of 1990, Ellen arrived at CARI (Central Agriculture Research Institute) for a meeting. She was escorted by Grace Minor. I was with Gen. Jesus at the time on Taylor’s Executive Grounds and it was my first time seeing the Liberian Iron Lady. I was in the meeting room listening to the discussions and I saw everything that went on. I remembered that Taylor, Woewiyu, Grace Minor, Foday Sankor, Gen. Jesus, Gen. Domigo, Gen. Casius Jacobs and a few other top officers of the NPFL were present at that meeting. Taylor opened the meeting with words of prayer. Ellen was first on the agenda. She told Taylor to speed up the Sierra Leone and Gambia operations so as to have ECOWAS and the international community take their focus off Liberia. Taylor then promised a speedy and successful takeover of the two countries as Foday Sankor, Gen. Jesus, and NPFL Generals and fighters were ready for the showdown. Ellen thanked Taylor and the generals for their hard, diligent, and patriotic work for Liberia and Africa. Ellen then asked Taylor about Jackson Doe – they had talked earlier about him (Doe) surfacing in Firestone. Taylor replied saying, Doe was in Buchanan under house arrest. Ellen asked to speak to the old man (Doe) before she departed for Libya. Gen. Jesus, Gen. Jacobs and other strong NPFL fighters including myself were ordered to bring Jackson Doe to CARI immediately. By midnight, we arrived at CARI from Buchanan with Jackson. Mr. Doe was wearing a blue safari (higher heights) suit with a pair of regular slippers. Taylor and Ellen were on the
Executive Grounds in the Medium Room when I arrived. You could sense fears in Jackson Doe’s eyes as we were over nine heavily armed men with two generals present with Taylor and Ellen. Ellen asked Jackson about his health, and he replied, “I am fine Ellen.” She then asked Jackson to join the Movement because they all wanted Samuel Doe to be removed from power. Jackson Doe said he was not interested in a process that will kill the Liberian people. Ellen insisted, but Jackson refused and said the Liberian people knew him to be a peaceful man. He was ordered out of the room for a moment by Taylor. Ellen told Taylor that the revolutionary fighters were made predominantly of people from Jackson Doe’s tribe from Nimba County; thus, he (Doe) was a threat to her political future as well as Taylor’s leadership of the NPFL. She said the logical thing to do was to get rid of him. Taylor ordered Gen. Jesus, in the presence of Ellen, to finish Jackson Doe before day light came and burn his body without any trace. Gen. Casius Jacobs pleaded for Jackson to be given at least a week to decide. Ellen said it was too risky to keep Jackson alive for all that long, so Taylor’s orders had to be followed. Jackson Doe’s hands were tied behind his back (tabby style). His eyes were blinded with red clothes and he was taken behind the Phoebe Hospital in Gbarnga and shot in the head by Gen. Jesus. Casius Jacobs was sad and was not in favor of the killing of Mr. Doe. Jackson Doe’s body was burned to ashes. We then returned to confirm that the operation was carried out. However Gen. Jacob’s facial expression did not appear pleasing to Ellen She told Taylor she was not satisfied with Jacobs and asked Taylor to keep a close watch on Jacobs. Ellen left the country the next day through Ivory Coast. Later on, not satisfied with Gen. Jacobs, Taylor ordered Jacobs execution, on grounds that Jacobs was planning to overthrow the Taylor regime in Gbarnga.” This story about Jackson’s death is too unsavory, barbaric and uncivilized to be told of a 21st century president that has won so many key international accolades for peace and other praiseworthy things. The timing of the story, though could make one think that it had some political underpinnings, but come to think about it again, there could be no other better time for the author to have brought it up other than during a season of heated political debates and engagements if he wanted more reading audience in this Liberia due to the country’s very poor orientation to reading. Even at this, one could still bet their bottom dollar that a good 10% Liberians did not read this story or article. Be that as it may however, Madam Sirleaf has been afforded up to ten years now in the driver’s seat to prove critics right or wrong about their attacks on her sincerity, integrity and civility, but unfortunately what this woman has persistently and consistently demonstrated is an incredible pattern of lies and conspicuous acts of insincerity and dishonesty. What will then make one to doubt the ‘dirty veracity’ of this alleged gruesome and barbaric killing of one of the
finest indigenous sons of this soil by a marauding band of Americo-Liberian power and wealth seekers calling themselves national leaders who have had a very long pedigree of pursuing NASTY vendettas against the Natives for nothing? Does this kind of horrendous account of mayhem not draw one’s memories back to those strong descriptions of the likes of the original Johnsons, Coleman’s, Barclays, Kings, Tubmans etc. by American Congressman John Randolph of Roanoke County, Virginia, as promoters of mischief among other criminal links or descriptions? According to a’s article, “President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Somersaults from Giving Humanitarian Support to Removing a Dictator, the seemingly last of this country’s Americo-Liberian Presidents really proved to the world to be a remorseless liar. Here is an excerpt of this newspaper’s online article: “…….At long last, the President of Liberia has confessed her support given to Charles Taylor to remove the democratically elected government of President Samuel Doe in the early 1990s. The Liberian Leader had earlier denied any link with the former rebel leader, Charles Taylor. Appearing before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission months ago, the Liberian President said she only made a minimum contribution of US$10,000 for humanitarian purposes. With the latest confession by President Sirleaf, analysts suggest, she has lied under oath by not saying the truth when she appeared before the TRC. Sirleaf is on record for ordering the Taylor rebels to burn down the Executive Mansion. At the time of her order, NPFL rebels had surrounded the Mansion while Doe’s Forces were holding on inside. She told a BBC Focus on Africa interview at the time that if it meant burning down the Executive Mansion, the rebels should go ahead and that the Mansion would be rebuilt in 3 months. During the 2005 presidential election campaign, Sirleaf denied any links with the rebels until the former Defense Minister of the NPFL, Tom Woewiyu wrote in an open letter outlining her role in the rebel faction. She angrily reacted to the publication and threatened a lawsuit against Mr. Woewiyu. Upon her election, the President stated that she was withdrawing her threat of lawsuit against Woewiyu because of appeals from some clergymen. Another Liberian who spoke of President Sirleaf’s link with the former NPFL Rebels was (one) Alieu Swaray. During his testimony to the TRC, Mr. Swaray said he remembered seeing Madam Sirleaf in military uniform with Charles Taylor behind the rebel lines during the height of the ‘Uncivil War’. The Liberian President in response said, Swaray might have mistaken her for one of Taylor’s wives (Agnes) who she said has a fair skin complexion like her’s. Sirleaf denied ever going behind the rebel lines, and challenged any one to prove it. But during (another appearance at the TRC, President Sirleaf reluctantly admitted traveling to the rebel held territory to meet with Mr. Taylor. The President indicated that she went to a town not far from the Ivorian Border and made a US$10,000
contribution for humanitarian services. She failed to say what kind of humanitarian services were given so at the time. The whole Ellen’s NPFL link was further exposed when Mr. Taylor, during his second day’s appearance at the War Crimes Trial in the Hague said Ellen was not just a founding member of the NPFL, but also a major fundraiser, and she served as the rebel group’s international coordinator.” Apart from these and many other accounts of her very clandestine political maneuvers, this woman’s handling of the process that could have brought a little sigh of relief to the predominantly native people of this country who lost their family members, relatives, love ones etc. in a war for power and wealth that took away over 500,000 mainly Yarkpawolos, Varplahs, Konnehs, Bartequahs, Tingbas etc. is too troubling for her own integrity. This President, who during the opening of the TRC Process at the Centennial Pavilion said any report from the process would be respected has again masterminded an unprincipled Supreme Court ruling against the most material recommendation of the process that placed a 30 years ban on her and a couple of her top officials from politics for their proven complicity in the mayhem orchestrated against the poor people of this country that took away their lives in the hundreds of thousands. Their Settlers’ masterminded Supreme Court’s ruling against this ban simply just indicates that the over 500,000 mainly Native people that were murdered in cold blood by an Americo-Liberian engineered killing spree in this country did not have anything too to be referred to as their parts of inalienable human rights, talk less about their constitutional rights. It is only Madam Sirleaf and her few loyalists and partners in crime who are entitled to constitutional rights in this country. There is a final judgment and more SUPREME ONE however still ahead!!! Moreover, Madam Sirleaf lies are too countless to make anyone in their sound mind to doubt accounts of heinous acts committed by her. For example again, here is a woman, on record, that promised her people electricity in six months of her presidency, she lied; she promised to fight corruption systematically, she lied; she promised to create 20,000 jobs per annum, she lied etc. What can we believe then from the tongue of this woman? In our opinion, the most dangerous thing in a principle-agent or master-servant relationship has happened, which is A COMPLETE BREAK DOWN OF TRUST!! The people of this country have totally lost faith and trust in this woman and her presidency, and yea the presidencies or governance of all Americo-Liberians at least for now. Oh what a great loss of something that could have been a magnificent and celebrated legacy if she had stood up for principles; but again, owing to what we now know about her ancestry, they would have proven our CREATOR a liar – God forbid!! So conclusively here, this is not strange, it just came as the most convincing evidence to the people of this country, that this fate of Madam Sirleaf is the
general fate that runs down the generations of Americo-Liberians. A hunt to the wise!!! iv.
Apart from Mr. Jackson Doe, there were reports or accounts of how other very prominent indigenous elements were eliminated sometimes intelligently by the Americo-Liberian death squad under the cloak of the NPFL. Even Mr. Prince Yormie, who for reasons best known to himself adopted an Americo-Liberian surname, Johnson, according to sources, established the fact that there was something much deeper going on in the NPFL high commands more than just getting President Samuel Doe out, for which he Prince had to part ways with Taylor. According to Mr. Prince Yormie ‘Johnson’, who is currently a Senator of his home county, Nimba, Taylor had a hidden agenda (Liberian History Since 1980, p.28). Former Armed Forces of Liberia Lieutenant Johnson (Prince Yormie) probably wanted to sound a little diplomatic about the main issue, but the bottom line remains that the Settler elites and their descendants, surfacing in different forms and under different names are always either on a revenge campaign or on a hidden mission to ensure that “anything” resembling a threat to their absolute grip on Liberian political power does not survive to tell the story. Depending on the weight of the Native political threat concerned, you are either disorganized or made incapable or useless; or, you are completely annihilated. Take for example Mr. Taylor’s action against another key political personality of Native background, Samuel Saye Dokie. Charles Taylor had many outstanding political rivals (defacto and dejure), even including his own Americo-Liberian counterpart, Madam Sirleaf, whose DNA of shrewdness and dreadful political maneuvering were not strange to him (Taylor), as evidenced by her maneuvering that landed him in a 50-year imprisonment today, but Taylor was instead more interested in extinguishing political oppositions that came from the indigenous camp, no matter how high or low profile they were. First off, in the case of Jackson Doe, there were some accounts that Taylor, after consciously committing this act secretly, decided to clean up his sheet by ordering an investigation into Jackson’s death; but as usual from the Settlers’ ranks, the result of this investigation has yet to be released while he now serves this 50 year jail sentence, which everyone knows, is another result of how biasedly Americans and Americo-Liberians dispense their justice when it comes to issues pertaining to Liberia or Liberians. Additionally six months into his administration, according to the Liberian History Since 1980, p.46, Taylor allegedly eliminated or mischievously killed Samuel Saye Dokie (in a gruesome terrorist operation that reportedly wiped out almost the entire Dokie’s family). Talylor didn’t stop there, he was also reported to have killed a market woman and political opposition, Nowai Flomo of tribal descent again. To cover up for their sharp, but already exposed moves at completely decimating the indigenous political camp, the criminally shrewd Americo-Liberian elite (through Taylor and Madam Sirleaf) began a palliative campaign to bring some small sense of relief to the Native Community which they had made maximum
use of, against themselves (i.e. the Natives) by allowing indigenous to occupy one of the most figure-headed and ceremonial positions in the country, the Vice Presidency. This new strategy now began with Mr. Taylor, the main AmericoLiberian frontline commander in the campaign of unspeakable havoc against the indigenous brain camp; and, Madam Sirleaf, a part of this Americo-Liberian machinery, is continuing with this cunning implementation. But common knowledge still proves that it is quite this same Setters’ elite that continues to enjoy their grip on real power, as they have planned and orchestrated from the very beginning of their “Liberia.” So despite the presence of some loyalist Boakais, Konnehs, Ngafuans etc. in some key positions; in reality, it is the Johnsons, Bernards, Weeks, McClains, Tylers, Finleys and the likes who continue to call the shots, and who are in the true corridors of power in this country. The decisions about how and where their “Liberia” goes are all made in some other places and at some other time when the Bcakais, Konnehs, and the Nagbes are asleep. v.
It is a broad knowledge that celebrities are heavy weights in any electioneering contests. In the case of Liberia, former world best footballer, George Weah, a Native of the land, appalled and awfully disappointed about the persistent misgovernance of his country by these Americo-Liberians, decided to put aside his political inexperience and other handicaps and jump into the presidential race to provide a more caring and sincere leadership for his country. Apparently ignorant of the fundamental problems of the country and the tricks of these Black American mischief makers, Mr. Weah, in the spirit of good neighborliness and national integration decided to open up to elements from this group, and began even counting on their advice and entrusting them with key positions in his political party (although there is this formality that some process is followed). By these actions, Oppong, as he is popularly called, didn’t know that he had invited upon himself his total political demise because of what others would refer to as his own lack of faith within himself. There are reports that Mr. Weah was advised to, which he heeded, and joined the Settler fraternity, the Ancient and Accepted Free Masons, one of the fraternities that have been allegedly used as staging grounds from which the Settlers’ devastating wars against the Natives are launched. Mr. Weah, who claimed to have been cheated at the 2005 presidential polls didn’t subsequently remain committed to his convictions and his agenda. As he allowed his camp to be intruded into by these strange bedfellows, Weah, in 2011, turned his standard ‘bearership’ over to one of the Americo-Liberian intruders, Mr. Winston Tubman, the son of a man that governed this country for 27 unbroken years, with a record of complicity in selling our indigenous forefathers out into slavery; mortgaging our precious natural resources for peanuts; crudely suppressing indigenous political dissent, among others. Weah sadly did not know that instead of killing him directly, which the Americo-Liberians could not do
under the prevailing atmosphere, they had invaded his camp, and now rendered him totally useless politically. He is no more a threat now as he appeared to them in 2005. An initial political giant due to his sporting popularity, who had placed his eyes firmly on the country’s presidency in 2005 so as to be able to radically undo this “rotten” Liberian foundation, now disgracefully ran instead, as a Vice Presidential Candidate in 2011, and at current, has even more shamefully run for, and won a Senatorial Post to sit in the Settlers’ rotten and cursed Legislature, with jokes around that his next course of action would either be to eye a House of Representatives position. This Americo-Liberian-Native subjugation machinery is indeed really working, but we will close on this section with the adage, that “ninety-nine days are for a rogue, but one day is for the master, and we are confident this master’s one day is already at its dawn God willing. To conclude this section, in a somewhat different development, in pursuit of this NASTY vendetta we mentioned earlier, the Settlers also have, for more than one and half centuries now, maintained in their constitution that the Whites in general – whether from Asia, Europe, Oceania etc. would never become citizens in their Liberia, even if they were born on this soil. They hold this position because of what they refer to as the ill-treatment Whites accorded them (the Black Americans of today’s Liberia) while in North America during slave days. What a twisted argument!! Apart from violating a universal citizenship right concept called Jus Solis (i.e. citizenship right owed to place of birth), these predominantly less intelligent criminals are also arguing that Whites from all walks of life would suffer this fate because of alleged acts committed against them by Whites from North America or Europe. The more disgraceful thing however is that these same people and their descendants are so much obsessed with obtaining citizenship from the Whiteman’s home, including the very North America they claim illtreated them centuries back. America, apparently, is not bothered with this dull constitutional argument which is still on the books, this 21 st century, of their socalled offshoot, Liberia, because no American has one interest in being citizen of a practical hell on Earth. America is only interested in getting her part of the vast important natural resources from here virtually free of charge perpetually. 5) Who told you that it is a secret to the learned people of this country that the Settlers and their American masters crooked and duped our Native forefathers out of the piece of land, Cape Mesurado, on which these Black Americans decided to lay the foundation of their failed state, Liberia? Who told you that it is a secret to the learned people of this country that, as a result of this chicanery by the Americans, when our poor, unsophisticated tribal ‘Liberians’ tried to rampage for how their land was crookedly taken away from them, the cruel and cunning Settlers, instead of amicably handling this legitimate claim, decided to massively destroy the Natives with sophisticated weaponries that had been supplied by their American masters, and then later declared this date of their unconscionable
onslaught on our poor and grieving tribal communities as a National Holiday, called Thanksgiving Day, for all of us to go the churches and celebrate every November? And sadly, 194 years on, this kind of iniquitous celebration is still going on, invoking more curse on their country on a yearly basis. Can anyone imagine this kind of collective stupidity? We will pause here on these countless accounts of how this cantankerous and uncivilized group, called the Americo-Liberians, has wreaked havoc on the lives and generations of the poor tribal people of this country, and we will now begin to delve into some of the effects and legacies of their actions on the entire fate of this country. We, in addition will suggest some workable solutions, and then finally conclude this revolutionary pamphlet. To prove that we are not just making up stories or engaging in mere academic show off, but that these are very grave issues that continue to hang as serious milestones on our necks as a people, and that we must confront at all costs, let us bring you below how key personalities and institutions – both domestic and international, have strongly raised concerns about these appalling realities: (a) Dr. James Ciment of New York, according to an article on, described the Liberia’s Settlers v. Natives debacle these ways: He declared the tension between the two opposing groups as Liberia’s Original Sin, claiming, there were [and we would say here, there are] vast cultural differences between the two groups. Dr. Ciment insinuated, a damaging culture that the settlers had introduced, which has terribly permeated the Liberian Society, is an idea of putting “Survival ahead of Idealism”. This implicitly means that the Settlers have taught the society how to put survival for today far ahead of key virtues such as morals and principles etc. – a very horrifying situation for any nation. (b) According to the book, Liberian Civics, P.81, there is a strong definitive claim that, Liberia’s nasty ‘uncivil’ conflict, was caused by injustice. It argues that, in any unjust society, the relationship between citizens is one of inequality; that is, there is a concept of an upper class and a lower class, which among other things, translate into an (unjustifiably) uneven distribution of the nation’s wealth among members of the society. (c) In the book, A short History of the First Liberian Republic, it is mentioned that based on the Liberian social structure, there was [and we would say here, there are] very little opportunities or chances for many citizens (again, 98% of which are indigenous) to ever be able to improve professionally or otherwise, so as to be able to advance their own standards of life. (d) This research has established that the settlers brought with them a slave mentality that they had adopted from America’s antebellum South. What this suggests is that they have been able to thoroughly inculcate into the population of our country what the Social Scientists refer to as the “Live For Today” attitude, a damaging mindset or way of life that keeps people so myopic, parochial, naïve
and painfully narrow minded about their community, environment and their society at large. For example, with this mentality, when people build or work, they build for today; they look at present delight; they neglect what happens in the future; they consume everything for today’s survival, because for them, tomorrow is not of a major concern. (e) According to, Liberia has a serious unresolved past. This is how the site puts it; “Looking beyond its immediate triggers, the Liberian Conflict can be seen as a brutal culmination of the country’s UNRESOLVED PAST. For almost a century and a half, the Americo-Liberians dominated the political, social, and economic life of Liberia …..They achieved this through the institutions they created such as the churches, judiciary, business associations, and other clubs and societies, notably, the grand lodges of the Free Masons…. The True Whig Party, the AmericoLiberians ultimate source of wealth, status, and employment, governed Liberia for over a century. Under the rule of the Settlers, indigenous Liberians were treated (we would say here, are treated) as second class citizens. Although comprising over 95% of the population, they were consistently excluded from the decision making process that affected their lives.” (f) The treatment meted out against the Natives is so clearly a noticeable phenomenon to the point that by 2003, in a speech delivered by one of the country’s best human rights advocates, and lawyer, Cllr. Tiawon S. Gongloe, at the 34th Annual National Educational Conference of the A. Philip Randolph Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, he referred to the situation as a “Black Apartheid”, when he said that “Liberia, a nation according to its founders [professedly] meant to be a country of freedom from abuse, a human rights paradise in Africa etc. was still struggling to live up to its meaning, as all of these big dreams remain far illusive after more than one century and a half…” (g) No account can cap all of these up more than what the League of Nations, UN’s predecessor, said about this ugly scenario in their 1930 Cuthbert Christy Report on Liberia. According to the report of the Commission, on which Liberia was also adequately represented, the League admonished (or strongly cautioned) the Liberian Government for what it termed or described as “..Systematically fostering and encouraging a policy of gross intimidation and suppression of the Native in order to prevent him from realizing his powers and limitations, and to prevent him from asserting himself in any way whatsoever, for the benefit of the dominant and colonizing race, although originally of the same African stock as themselves...” Now fellow citizens, what else can be said about this disgusting situation that confronts us as a people today? People who feel that we can leave all these issues unresolved or left under the carpet in the name of peace and reconciliation, we are afraid, still need to address themselves to the following unanswered questions and concerns, as follows: 1. We speak every day about the issues of corruption, corruption, and corruption. If corruption primarily constitutes moral impurity and a deliberate deviation from an ideal or standard, or policy, then how can we move this country
forward if its very foundation sits on the pillars of corruption and its able lieutenants of selfish greed, cruel and savage ethnic suppression, and marginalization etc., as we have thoroughly established in this piece of work? 2. We speak all day about the bad culture of impunity and claim to be fighting impunity in order to create a law-abiding environment and society. But fellow citizens, if impunity truly means the impossibility (whether dejure or defacto) of bringing perpetrators of violations to account for their actions; or, if impunity also means the exemption of people from punishment and the payment of fines or settlement of losses and damages; and if, in summary, impunity arises from the failure of our governments to meet their obligations of investigating violations and taking appropriate actions against perpetrators with respect to having them tried and duly punished if found guilty in order to provide victims due remedies and reparations for injuries and damages they suffer etc., then who in this country will ever argue that Liberia is still a billion years away, if it is even possible, to ever attain a law-abiding and civilized society? 3. We hear politicians in this country overly using the terms accountability and transparency as their modern-day cliché; if for example, accountability truly means answerability for all actions (past or present), taking responsibility and accepting liability where compelling or established, then fellow countrymen, would not even a child born yesterday know that this is a country of ridiculous lip service? Can people ever survive on mockery and lip service? 4. People, evidently fearful about the looming specter of the terrible mayhem they have repeatedly committed and continue to cleverly orchestrate against the vast indigenous majority of this country’s population, including the countless harms done by their fathers and forefathers to us etc., keep singing the chorus of theoretical peace and reconciliation all around the place as of it is just enough to talk peace and reconciliation. We ask them first off, what peace can ever be attained in the absence of justice, and what justice can ever be realized in the presence of an extreme abundance of lies and falsehoods? And if people will even be charmed or cajoled into accepting these empty talks of peace and reconciliation, then how do current and future generations come to terms with the following grave issues, among others: i.
The literature of Americo-Liberian v. Native coexistence, as we have greatly explored here is unbelievably characterized by terrible accounts of tribal suppression, cruelty, bigotry and so on that even continue in fine-tuned forms up to date, this 2016, a situation that did, and continues to debar or impede people of Native backgrounds from adequately reaching their fullest potentials in life. The big question remains, how and when does the indigenous community ever recover from these huge past and present devastations in the absence of tangible reparation?
We have established through these studies that the Americo-Liberians have tearfully inculcated into our past, current, and going towards our future generations, this very counterproductive mentality of “ Live for Today.” This social culture as we described above has made our society sadly a
predominantly shortsighted, barren and parochial one. This is very devastating. The question here is, “If we are to just jokingly buy in to these mere talks of peace and reconciliation being trumpeted around here, then who takes the cumbersome responsibility of uprooting this deadly unproductive mentality from our population, and by what means, and when, especially when the social and political status quo remains unchanged?. iii.
Imagine, as we discovered above, it took 82 years (few generations, 1822 to 1904) for tribal Liberians to be extended some STUPID form of so-called citizenship in their own country. Then right after this development, the Americo-Liberians placed the Natives under another kind of “colonial rule” from 1906 to 1964. Up to today, we, the Natives still suffer either direct, indirect or other forms of oppressions, suppressions and marginalization, after having been treated like animals and regarded as private property by Americo-Liberians and their foreign collaborators for all these long decades in the past. The question then will be, how long would it take Native ‘Liberians’ to ever make a comeback to catch pace with their 21 st century peers elsewhere on the globe (which is our inalienable right) if no tangible extra-mile recovery agenda is advanced, but instead a big empty talk of reconciliation?
On the overall, who accounts for all these countless historical and present day evils that have convincingly placed the Natives almost 200 years back in life and have also culminated into an overall desperately backwards country?
A certain blog post explains the following about accumulated grief. It says, with each new traumatic experience; with each act of devastation in the lives of a people, a resulting feeling of sorrow, anger, shock, disbelief, bitterness etc. seems to buildup on top of each other so that processing a new sad event calls up all the existing bad feelings of the past. Accumulated grief, the blog post says, can be described as an emotional cholesterol, and for the Liberian scenario; it must now be deflated appropriately, as citizens of Native backgrounds can no longer allow it to accumulate. The big questions are: (a) how will we finally dissipate all these pungent feelings of animosity? (b) how will we appropriately diffuse this huge dossier of past and present damages? (c) how can we peacefully coexist, reconcile and prosper with all these numerous painful issues of the past left materially unresolved? Fellow citizens, it’s time for all of us to find answers to these serious national questions. Having stressed all of these vital points, let us boldly project our convictions to those who will brand these deliberations as preaching negative ethnicity or tribalism, and regard us as discriminatory, as people normally would do in this country. We say to them that every coin has two sides, and just as corruption’s advantageous side for example has evidently benefited thousands of people one way or the other in this country and continues to do so today, we as a people, can now leverage the positive sides of ethnicity and tribalism, in a civil fashion, to make a lasting positive U-turn, if that’s how people will describe it, although we
will say that we are pursuing a painful, but rightful path to justice, that will benefit ALL in the end, God willing. So for example: 1. If it means that we employ the positive side of ethnicity in order to inaugurate once and for all the culture of truth telling and to lay a new national foundation that will sit on the pillars of honesty, justice, righteousness (moral rectitude) and hard work etc., then of course we are now ready to do so. 2. If it means that we employ the civil side of ethnicity to once and for all boot out the “political Jonahs� on our ship headed for Tashish on which they have forced themselves, and hijacked for almost two centuries, when they are actually headed for Ninevah instead, then we are ready to do so in order to inaugurate sanity, stability, and progress on our ship once and for all, as time is fast spent. 3. If it means that we employ the positive sides and arguments of ethnicity and tribalism in order to liberate ourselves from the bondage and yoke of stupidity, under which over 98% of our entire country has been incredibly kept for over 190 years now, made to believe that things are destined to remain as they are, and that there is no need for some drastic national U-turn, when the need for such unavoidable change is so glaring and compelling, then we are ready for some real 21st century ethnic and tribal debate now. 4. If it means that we constructively engage the positive side of ethnicity and tribalism in order to create a new social and political structure and culture that will promote truth telling and ensure strong social capital among our people instead of being kept in a state of perpetual subscription to lies and falsehoods, wherein small truth telling looks so big like a revolutionary act, then we think the time is now ripe for such debate. 5. If it means that we employ the good arguments of ethnicity and tribalism to enable us build and maintain multiple world-class international airports and seaports instead of perpetually and disgracefully depending on one makeshift airport and one makeshift seaport constructed through a foreign military quick impact project, then this is the best debate for us now. 6. If it means that we are compelled to engage into a civil ethnic and tribal debate before we can ever manage to provide quality basic social services for all of our citizens, no matter what part of the country they live, then no one in their right mind will ever stop this debate now. 7. If we must confront a constructive ethnic debate before the stewardship of our country’s almost entirely depleted precious natural resources can be permanently taken out of the hands of people (who sell or lease our lands for 6 cents per acre for 99 years; give out our iron ore for an encumbered 16 cents out of every willing dollar declared by foreign friends; pay depletion fees to their foreign friends exploiting our resources instead of the foreign friends paying the depletion fees to our country; give out 10 or more of our precious oil blocks, all
under shady arrangements with no clear future benefits for current and future generations, etc.) and placed into the hands of its rightful owners who will manage them wisely, then it only takes God’s direct intervention to stop this debate now. 8. If it means that we promote the productive side of an ethnic debate to ensure that our hundreds of thousands of school going children have access to widespread and good educational facilities including superior quality education under a conducive atmosphere, then we are proud to get involved with this ethnic debate now. 9. If we can’t dodge some form of constructive ethnic debate to ensure that countless jobs are made available for both our skilled and unskilled populations, including creating an environment that will ensure that thousands of entry-level professional jobs are awaiting our thousands of university graduates as they step out of our tertiary institutions every year, then of course, the need for such a debate is now worth the salt. 10. If it means that we be branded tribalists or ethnic advocates to make a way for morality, honesty, righteousness, a fairness of justice etc. to be inaugurated, and made to take firm root in our society, and then reign supreme for good, then we believe God Himself will help us in this debate now. 11. If it means that we get engaged into a worthwhile tribal debate in order to create the corridors for our citizens to take control of their own economy which also means securing true independence and sovereignty, then this debate is the proudest thing to engage into now. 12. If it means that we have to peacefully excuse a certain failed ethnic group out of our public sector in order to create a lasting atmosphere for our national football teams and other sporting clubs to take their rightful places and positions in regional and international competitions and programs, after 194 years of national existence, and over 75 years of formal sporting programs, then it’s better now to promote this debate. 13. If it means that certain form of ethnic debate must be escalated to help us dispel the notion that the group of people who have kept us under the impression that they are the most civilized of social classes etc., are on the contrary, the most uncivilized; the most cruel; the most unintelligent and the most myopic of our social stocks, and therefore our country’s major problem, then the time is too ripe now for this debate; and, 14. If it means that we must now peacefully remove the DIRTY influence, and therefore somewhat part ways with a certain group of people who have hijacked and polluted our society for centuries now, in order for our small resource rich country to ever realize genuine peace, attain lasting reconciliation and experience world class development and prosperity, then we advise all well-meaning
compatriots to now join us let’s escalate this ethnic-centered or tribal-centered debate. For every coin has two sides, no matter what critics may say. Fellow citizens, not because an inescapable issue looks difficult and life threatening to confront means that it must “beat our times” forever. In order to tackle certain sticky challenges, policy or decision makers need to formally define racial and ethnic groups, and identify their members appropriately. Ethnic characterization is synonymous with race characterization and all of these have been employed in almost all civilized societies in trying to solve their chronic problems. ‘Liberia’ will neither be the first nor the last to constructively engage into an ethnic or racial debate. Every productive society has had to reach a certain point in their existence when an unavoidable national blame-game (though been dodged for very long time in some cases), will keep rearing up its ugly head, and it must be maturely and honestly conducted, and concluded before any worthwhile progress can ever be made. For example, when that time reached for our most important historical partner, the United States of America, Martin Luther King, Jr. and his collaborators took matters into their own hands and stood up against the Whites for segregation; and they succeeded despite the storms they encountered; when this time reached in South Africa, Africa’s most illuminating example, Nelson Mandela and his allies took matters into their own hands and stood up against the Whites to demand equality and justice, and they succeeded in the midst of trials and tribulations; when this time reached in Zimbabwe, Robert Gabriel Mugabe and his able lieutenants took matters into their own hands and demanded equal rights and opportunities for the Black Community, and many more examples in history, including Iran, France, Britain and so on, where certain groups (party, race, ethnic group, political group sect, etc.) were brought to book to account for major ills in society. In each case, we are told by history, blames were squarely placed on specific groups of people or complete sets of political and economic status quos were rooted out. The blames were not general blames; no, indeed they were specific. For general blames are lazy arguments, they don’t take people anywhere. Nothing happens in a vacuum, and everybody can’t be active at the same time. Nothing happens, or no action goes on without an actor. When for example, five counties, constituting an entire nation by then, were mortgaged out to a British Firm, Liberia Rubber Company (turned Liberia Development Company) of sir Harry Johnston to exploit wild rubber, but with the exclusive rights to also exploit every mineral resource available for free in some or all of the counties based upon Johnston’s capacity, it was not under the instruction of the Boakais, Kollies and Yarkpawolos, etc.; when a billion dollar company was granted 99 year lease over 1 million acres of our land at 6 cents per acre and made to pay our helpless Native Fathers and forefathers $3.00 per month for over 300 hours of work a month of planting and tapping rubber, history says it was under the Kings, Barclays, and Tubmans, but not
the Ngafuans, Does, and Nyensuahs; when our 250 million tons of natural iron from virgin ore deposits were being mortgaged out in the 1950s and 60s with our socalled government ironically paying depletion fees to the concession companies instead of receiving such fees, we are told it was under the Tubmans, Tolberts, and Simpsons, and not under the Gonkartees, Payes, Kollies or Kolubas, no, no; when over 500,000 mainly innocent indigenous were gruesomely murdered in cold blood at the hands of ghastly misguided compatriots, it was never under the premium initiatorship of the Yormies, Kromahs, or Konnehs, but our research says it was instead mainly initiated by the Taylors, and Johnsons; and when more than 10 blocks of a country’s precious oil resources were rashly auctioned out for peanuts with no clear explanation of what current and future generations stand to benefit economically, it was never under the prime stewardship of the Teahjays, Nagbes, Sendolos, Nyenaboes, or Jallahs, but our research says it was under the overall and commanding leadership of a Johnson, flanked by a Findley and a Tyler. Ladies and gentlemen, in our local parlance, it is said, “You cannot eat crab with shame.” Why cast a general blame that this curse is being caused by all of us, or at least all of us equally, when we know that that old lady sitting way there in Gborplay doesn’t even know what’s happening here at all, and we didn’t prepare her in advance to know what is going on around her? Why also equally blame young, poor Dolo struggling at the Science College of the U.L. in the absence of even lab facilities when he really doesn’t have any means to impact this nasty entrenched status quo, especially in the absence of the right Civic Education, when we know sound Civic Education was in fact hidden from him all along etc. and etc.? Fellow citizens, in statistics, there is a concept of statistical inference that attributes the common characteristics of a sample to a whole population. In dialectics or logical debates, there is a similar concept of inductive reasoning, according to which conclusions are reached about all the members of a given set by examining just a few members of that set, especially repeatedly. When for example the Catholics, accused of perpetrating violence [especially frequently], were singled out and banned from politics for more than 50 years in Northern Ireland according to Dr. Johanna Kristin Birnin, it was not all members of the Catholic Denomination that had perpetrated violence in Northern Ireland, but obviously their frontrunners and leaders; in Italy, for some reason, the Sardinian and South Tyrolinian Ethnic groups have been out of public service for 50 years each; when the Kurdish (ethnic group)-backed Democratic Society Party (DTE) was banned through court orders from politics for being a focal point for terrorism against the integrity of the state in December 2009 according to the CNN, it was obviously not all party members that were guilty, but instead it was party co-chairs and parliamentarians that were x-rayed and punished; when right-winged parties in 2013, according to voted to ban the Cyrillic Language from being taught in schools in the City of Vukovar, Croatia because of what the city suffered when it was besieged and destroyed by Serb forces
in 1991, it was obviously not all members of the Cyrillic Speaking Community that had wreaked havoc on Vukova during the Yugoslavian Wars. And to pause these numerously available examples for now; when the Greek Government decided to ban the far right Golden Dawn Party through the courts, for among other things, the party’s link to the murder of a leading left-wing Musician, Pavlov Fyssas (CKA Killah P) in 2013 according the UK Guardian, it was not all of the Golden Dawn Party members that were obviously responsible for these acts, but the natural laws of inferential statistics and inductive reasoning had to take their rightful places. Fellow citizens, are we saying that we are more intelligent and more civilized than all of these people, for which we don’t want to take this route, and nothing seems to be working for 200 years now? In John Rawls’ book, “Political Liberalism, 1993, p. 328”, he said free political speech, together with the just political procedure specified by the constitution provides an alternative to revolution (he was referring to violent revolution) and the use of force, which can be destructive to civil liberties. A democracy thus, should not punish its ideological enemies unless they directly commit criminal acts. When they do, they should be punished appropriately. In our situation fellow citizens, we still wonder what levels of societal devastation and moral decadence do we want to see obtaining before taking matters into our own hands to stand up for the truth? We still wonder what fate should befall us first, what teachers should walk us through, what tragedies should bang at our doors first, what painful and shameful experiences should come our way first as a people, before we can wake up and smell the coffee that ABSOLUTELY under no circumstances can a people (thoroughly xrayed, quarantined and declared by their sound masters as promoters of mischief, morally lax, mentally inferior and criminally oriented) ever build a nation that can survive, be stable, and prosper? We wonder what time are we waiting for to do this unavoidable, compulsory and indispensable assignment of undoing what we have here, so as to start rebuilding a new and better foundation and structure of our country in order to move forward in our collective lives? Let us not forget though, that time is not under our control. Before closing, let us not forget to remind and further inform you with emphasis that the issue of ethnicity or tribalism is historical, religious, and even a global phenomenon today, in terms of the positive side of the coin, and Liberia or this country, as we prefer calling it other than Liberia, will neither be the first nor the last to ever leverage the positive side of ethnicity to rise once and for all from what seems to be an eternal dungeon. To explore a little on the religious and historical accounts of the importance of tribal identity and characterization, let’s see what this Rabbi said, that also comes from the Bible and World History. According to Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman of Israel, when the Hebrews left Egypt, they left as tribes. When they camped at Mount Sanai, they camped as tribes. When they entered and settled the land of Israel, they settled as
tribes. Each tribe had its own allotted portion of land. Each tribe had its own flag, its colors, its particular tasks, and even its unique personality traits. Referring to the Hebrew names of the tribes, Rabbi Kleiman said, the Zevalums were on the seashore and they engaged in commerce; the Yissachars concentrated on full time Torah (Law) scholarship; the Dans were known for their judicial practices; the Menashes had, and took care of cattle; the Ashers produced oil; the Levis were responsible for temple service and spiritual instructions; and the Yehudas (the Judahs) provided kingship and national leadership etc. Dear countrymen, in our case, even if Rabbi Kleiman’s narration of the Hebrews scenario doesn’t apply directly to this country, or even if we don’t know exactly which one or which combinations of our different tribes are destined for kingship and good national leadership, one undisputable truth that has convincingly proven itself out repeatedly is that this country’s questionable 17th ethnic group, the Settlers (c.k.a. Congoes, Americo-Liberians, Pioneers etc. and their descendants) were never meant for kingship and national leadership, but they continue to force themselves onto this noble calling, all because they came here from the beginning more sophisticated than the original 16 ethnic groups on ground, and so the AmericoLiberians stole the show merely for their personal gains. But as we can all see today, we continue to reap the sad and painful harvest of their failed and cursed leadership. Yes, indeed, ethnicity has its own positive sides, of among other things, helping us determine each group’s unique personality traits. According to a 21st century research, ethnic identity development is related to psychological well-being. It is linked to positive self-evaluation and self-esteem. Numerous studies show how many positive outcomes are associated with strong and stable ethnic identities, including increased self-esteem, improved mental health, decreased self-destructive behaviors, greater academic achievement and increased constructive competition etc. But finally, fellow compatriots, in order for us all to leverage all these immense benefits from ethnic identity, we must first be honest to our consciences and now be unconditionally prepared to face the TRUTH and only the TRUTH. This is the tramp card to all of our real successes in life. For our country to now experience her long awaited and much desired positive change, the process must start with the Truth and be sustained by the Truth. PERIOD!!!!!!! We can’t afford to end this section without making some religious and philosophical references to back our claim about the indispensability of the concept of truth for total deliverance and healing, as we have implied above. A great Syrian Islamic scholar, Ibn al Qayyim, while elaborating on a Quranic verse that instructs mankind to be truthful in all their deeds said the following strong words of encouragement about truthfulness. Qayyim said, “Ask the average person to define truthfulness and the answer will most likely be restricted to something about truthful speech. Islam however, teaches that truthfulness is far more than having an honest tongue. In
Islam, truthfulness is the conformity of the outer with the inner, the action with the intention, the speech with the belief, and the practice with the preaching. As such, truthfulness is the very cornerstone of the upright Muslim’s character and the springboard for his virtuousness in deeds.” Qayyim further stresses, “Truthfulness is the greatest of stations, from it sprouts all the various stations of those traversing the path to God; and from it sprouts the upright path which, if not trodden, perdition (or eternal punishment) is that person’s fate.” He goes on, “Through it the hypocrite is distinguished from the believer and the inhabitant of paradise from the denizen of hell. It is the sword of God in His Earth; it is not placed on anything except that it hunts it and cuts it; it does not face falsehood except that it hunts and vanquishes it; whoever fights with the truth (as their weapon) will not be defeated; and whoever speaks it, his words will be made supreme over those of his opponents. It is the very essence of deeds and the well-spring of spiritual states; it allows a person to embark boldly into dangerous situations, and it is the door through which one enters the presence of the ONE possessing majesty. …. By practicing truthfulness, a person betters himself, his life is made upright; and due to the truth, he is elevated to praiseworthy heights, and raised in ranks in the sight of God as well (as his fellow human beings)…….” The world’s wisest man on record, King Solomon, according to the Bible, listed lie and mischief making at the top among God’s most hated sins. The greatest philosopher and teacher of all times, Jesus Christ, puts all this very simply, when He said in John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” When we place these powerful admonishments squarely to match our country’s ugly scenario, this is what a certain newspaper article had to say, “The truth has been tested and proven to be the gateway to freedom. When the truth is established and embraced, the solutions to problems normally emerge; harmony ensues, while reconciliation becomes an inevitable way forward. In the absence of the truth however, there can never be any atmosphere of cordiality and peace because hearts will continue to be loaded with sour feelings in addition to the spirit of vindictiveness. The Truth must therefore be confessed now, because it is through it that lasting solutions to our national problems will be harvested. The truth will lead us to justice and freedom; it will also lead us to genuine unity and national reconciliation; the truth will provide us healing and stability; the truth will lead us to sincere forgiveness, harmony, and a renewed sense of togetherness….” Yes indeed fellow citizens, the time for change in this country, using the plain truth as our ONLY TOOL or weapon has finally come. In the words of French Poet Victor Hugo, “There is one thing stronger than all the armies of this world and that is the idea whose time has come.” Let’s leverage the Truth now and make our CREATOR proud.
After reading this pamphlet, or any of the other pamphlets, or even reading all of them, which we highly encourage you to do, please share your thoughts with us at,, or We are also entertaining any historical documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to further encourage us, or strengthen our case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above. We also have other social media sites. Our Facebook page is We have three discussion groups: a Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia) Independence Movement (GIM), and at and respectively, plus Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, and at We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at You are also encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by titles as a last option. Thank you so much for helping to change our country and making our world a safe place for current and future generations, as Liberia now truly poses a major threat to its own people and the rest of the world due to its dangerous lack of the presence of leadership and governance. May God bless us all. To be updated as necessary‌..
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