Carpathians Mountain, Ukraine
Cultivating Anchored Community MARLIN MILLER
General Manager
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Merissa A. Alink
Sherri Romig
Marcus A. Yoder
Joel Ebert
David and Karin Holder
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Dr. Teresa Hoxworth
February 5, 2021
Plain Values is published monthly by Room to Bloom. Room to Bloom is a nonprofit, tax-exempt Section 501(c)(3) organization. Please contact us with any questions regarding Plain Values.
PO Box 201/2106 Main Street, Winesburg, OH 44690 Phone: (844) 260-4578 | Fax: (330) 601-4099 www.plainvalues.com | reachout@plainvalues.com
THE FORMALITIES This publication and its contents are © 2021, Room to Bloom. Individual copyrighted items, trademarks, etc. contained within are the property of their respective copyright holders. No part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed by any means without authorization from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for advertisers’ offers, products, or services, and publication neither expresses or implies an endorsement.
// 20
There are twelve differences between the two winter-themed coloring pages, can you find them all?
// 11
A three-letter word makes all the difference. Jed and Kim Johnson say YES to Jesus every day with eyes wide open and hearts wide awake. They "bring hope, dignity, and love to orphans with disabilities in Ukraine."
HOMEMADE BUTTER IN A BLENDER // 37 Learn how to quickly make homemade butter using your blender.
Thoughts and ramblings from Marlin Miller, publisher of Plain Values. // page 7
Every month we provide a listing of opportunities to help out those in need. // page 50
This month, Kevin discusses the importance of execution. // page 51
Joy fills the eyes of a young man in Ukraine who has been given a second chance at life. 4
Affordable treatments for cancer and other diseases.
Slow lorises are small primates that dwell in the jungles of Southeast Asia.
Every year she took out a special vase, filled it with a dozen silk red roses, and topped it with a small card.
// 39
The Ohio settlement would begin in 1809, followed by Indiana and Illinois.
// 42
While leading an elk hunt in Montana, I learned firsthand just how quickly life can take a drastic turn.
// 47
Canine herpesvirus can affect dogs of all ages, but it usually only causes death in very young pups.
This section of Plain Values is devoted to showcasing local goods and services to our readers. Each reader will enjoy one of four editions, depending on where they live. Our hope is that the "Plain Pages” can be a resource in finding local businesses to assist you in your needs as well as in your wants. // pages 34
MESSAGE from the PUBLISHER words by: MARLIN MILLER “I need more friends.” That's what the back of my
with family, a friend, or a total stranger. What do you talk
business card says, and I put it there for a few reasons. First,
about? How do you talk with one another?
it’s the truth, and secondly, it's a great icebreaker to start a
Another friend told me he doesn’t think real change
relationship with almost anyone I meet. This transparency–a
can be made in someone’s worldview without genuine and
willingness to be vulnerable–is unexpected, and it draws
honest conversation. In my experience, the best way to
people toward a conversation. In my opinion, friendship is
change someone’s mind is by having a conversation with
one of the most valuable things God ever created.
them one-to-one. The weather, a recent hunt, maybe politics
Back in August, Kevin (our GM) introduced me to a
or the pandemic all make conversation topics. We have the
good friend of his, Mike, and today I am so very glad he did.
opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives, but only
But to tell you the truth, the only reason I agreed to the
when we engage with thoughtful conversation.
meeting was because I trust Kevin, and if he says I need to
If you read between the lines, you will notice I may have
meet someone I will do it. Period. Moving on to the point,
more friends than brains! But that's fine with me, because
Mike has become a trusted advisor and friend, someone I
that's how I learn the most. Good friends encourage us and
know I can call anytime about anything. Mike has a lifetime
help us to be less selfish. And isn’t that the point of living in
of business and leadership experience, and I’ve come to
community, anyway? As always, may you find joy in the simple things. //
discover that there is much wisdom under that white hair! He is a talented communicator who has a way of compressing multiple layers of meaning in one sentence. For example, one nugget of wisdom that Mike frequently shared is this piece: “the conversation is the relationship.” It took me a few times hearing that phrase and then chewing on it before I really understood how deep it goes. “The conversation is the relationship.” Think about the last few chats you’ve had
Wide Awake International Where all are Beloved
A three-letter word makes all the difference. Jed and Kim Johnson say YES to Jesus every day with eyes wide open and hearts wide awake. They "bring hope, dignity, and love to orphans with disabilities in Ukraine." In 2002, Jed and Kim were married where they grew up, in the Pacific Northwest
However, they shared the hope of becoming missionaries. Kim studied nursing since she held the dream of being a nurse to orphans. "We knew orphan care was important to us and that one day we would live overseas. Somehow. We were just waiting for God to show us the place and the time." Jed and Kim were saying, "Yes!" But they sensed God saying, "Not, yet." 11
Jed and Kim Johnson
Get Ready
divine direction, I stumbled upon the story of a woman
In the waiting, God was getting them ready. Kim
who had just adopted two little girls with Down
served as a pediatric nurse in their local hospital, and
syndrome from Ukraine. With each journal entry, the
Jed managed local non-profit organizations serving
woman described in detail the plight of Ukrainian
families and children at risk. Jed and Kim had three
orphans with special needs. Several hours and a box
children: Addy, Ezra, and Havalah. And, the waiting on
of tissues later, I finished reading every entry." For the
God's time and place for missionary service continued.
first time, Kim realized that people were still being
A wise Christian friend pointed out how foster
treated like animals in institutions overseas. No one
kids are America's orphans. "While you're waiting, why
deserves to live in the stench of urine, tied to their
don't you start working toward that dream?" "So," Kim
beds, and isolated in silence. When Jed returned home
says, "we became foster parents in Oregon and ended
from work, Kim sobbed, "We have to do something! We
up adopting one of the foster babies in our care." In
have to pray about this!"
2010, little Seth, who had been born in drug-addiction,
Get Set
became a beloved family member. One evening, while
After praying, the possibilities began to come. Kim
Kim was up late, caring for their newest son, she
says, "We felt really drawn to a little boy in Ukraine
stumbled upon a need she never knew existed.
who needed a family. He had Apert syndrome." Apert
"I remember the night very well. The kids were
syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes facial, skull,
tucked into their beds for the night. Jed was working
finger, and toe abnormalities. The bones in the face and
late, and I was reading a blog. By chance, or perhaps
skull fuse together too early in prenatal development,
the brakes, and I'm always the gas, which makes for a
and many times a child's fingers and toes also fuse,
good balance."
creating a claw-like effect. Kim says, "I always thought
Later, while Jed was mowing the lawn, Kim says,
I wasn't cut out to adopt a child with special needs."
"He was talking to the Lord like, ‘God, what's this all
But God was using this little boy to turn their hearts
about?’ He felt God saying to him, 'Jed, I needed you to
toward Ukraine.
love that little boy like a father because I need you to
Jed and Kim realized adopting a boy with special
love a lot of boys like a father.'" So, Jed and Kim began
needs meant there would be no empty nest for them.
researching how orphans with disabilities in Ukraine
They would be caring for this little boy well into their
were being served. They discovered more than just
elder years. Could they make such a commitment?
children. Kim says, "There was a mix of all ages." They
They asked themselves, "Are we okay with this being
also found a quality-of-life crisis. Young men and boys
our future?" After lots of prayers, the answer came: Yes.
created in the image of God reeked of urine, existed
The Johnsons started preparing all of the
tied to metal bars and ignored. "No one should have to live like an animal, so what can we do about that?"
documents. "When you adopt from Ukraine," says Kim, "you don't get matched with a child until you are in
In 2012, Jed and Kim flew to Ukraine and traveled
Ukraine. So, while we were preparing the documents,
around to find answers to their questions: What's
another family adopted him. I was super devastated!"
happening here? What is God doing in Ukraine? How
Kim immediately wanted to adopt another child, but
are we supposed to respond? Kim says, "At the end of
Jed suggested they remain calm. Kim says, "He's always
that trip, we saw that a lot of churches had programs
for orphans visiting them in the institutions. But for the boys with severe disabilities, there wasn't a lot happening." Jed and Kim concluded that what they witnessed was not meeting the greater need. "When someone has been abused and neglected for so long that they can barely handle human contact, they don't need a Bible study and candy. They need out!" Go! At the end of that trip, Jed and Kim felt God giving them a choice. They heard Him say, "If you go back to the United States and your jobs and you raise money to support the
people who are helping, I will bless you. If you come here and work to get them out, I will bless you." So, with God's blessing, the Johnsons chose yes to serving in Ukraine. They returned to the United States, started their non-profit organization, named it Wide Awake International (WAI), and established a board of directors. Then, in November of 2013, the Johnson family's time finally came to move overseas. Their dream was to get boys with physical disabilities out of institutions. Kim says, "We did not want to leave them in their suffering." Although Jed and Kim could not speak a bit of Ukrainian, they packed twelve suitcases, five carry-ons, a guitar, and moved with their four little ones across the world. Valuable People In Ukraine, people with disabilities do not have value. Kim says, "There's a lot of leftover ideas from the Soviet Union, where if you can't contribute to society, then you're not of value." The Soviet Union practice of trying to hide weakness also lingers in Ukrainian culture. "The way we fulfill our mission is by showing people are made for families, not institutions. Our dream is a big goal because so many people with disabilities are tucked away in institutions." Wide Awake International strives not only to change lives, but also change a way of thinking for an entire culture. "We work with all Ukrainians, raising up young professionals to be specialists in caring for the boys." With God's help, young Ukrainians are gaining skills to be psychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and special education teachers. Because, as Kim says, "Once you take them out of the institution, that's just the beginning." Jed and Kim began volunteering in a rural institution after moving to Ukraine. The institution for men and boys with disabilities is divided into three sections. One section houses the oldest boys and the men, a second section houses the younger boys who have aged out of the orphanage, and a third
The Johnson family in Ukraine 15
Wide Awake International is striving to get them out. They have gained guardianship over twenty-eight-yearold Boris, thirty-two-year-old Anton, and thirty-threeyear-old Ruslan. Boris lives with the Johnsons in the remodeled old farmhouse on their rural property outside Zhytomyr, Ukraine. His diagnoses include cerebral palsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, and autism. Anton was born with a genetic disorder known as Williams Syndrome, and Ruslan lives with the affects of cerebral palsy and microcephaly. Both of these boys currently live in nearby city apartments with WAI team members. Finding Ukrainians who believe in the value of all people is the key to the hope Jed and Kim have. Kim says,
section is the isolation hall. Boys with more significant physical disabilities exist hidden away here. Sadly, many of the men and boys in Ukrainian institutions are deemed too old for adoption, so they have no chance to get out. However, first Jed and Kim searched for those boys eligible for international adoption and discovered seven teenagers. Kim is thrilled to report, "All of those boys have been adopted by Americans." One blessed boy became a Johnson. Vladik, affectionately called Vlad, was born with Apert syndrome, just like the small boy Jed and Kim initially hoped to adopt. At the time of adoption, Vlad was a happy and social fifteen-year-old boy. When he was adopted, he was non-verbal and only made sounds.
"We know Ukrainians are going to be the ones to solve
Five years later, Vlad is twenty and speaks two
this problem of institutions and the way their country
languages, English and Ukrainian. Kim says, "He's
treats people with disabilities. We don't believe we're the
learned to read and write, and he is just brilliant!
ones going to fix it, but that we're just supposed to be
He's kind and so loving. Vlad doesn't really have
the spark."
fingers. He has thumbs, but he's a woodworker. We
The dream is for the next generation of Ukrainians
have a woodshop on our property where he and Jed
to change their country. Wide Awake International hopes
spend hours. Vlad has his woodworking clothes and
what they accomplish is replicated all across the country
his stool, and he's curious. He calls himself Vlad the
by Ukrainians. Kim says, "They don't need Americans
Builder. That's who he is. We would never have known
to come and fix it for them. We are supposed to be an
that if he were still in an institution."
example of what can be. We don't want to provide just nice group homes with all the best therapy and equipment.
How many more valuable people, like Vlad, are
We really desire something God-breathed."
hidden away in institutions? Too many. Yet, one by one,
"I want all of our boys to be able to find joy in something and be creative." Because their boys have
Like a culture is broken and bodies get broken,
been abused and neglected for so many years, specific
our spirits become broken, too. Jed and Kim work
tasks take priority. Kim says, "First, the boys need to feel
with adults with disabilities who have lived in an
safe, get healthy, and learn how to be people because
institution for twenty plus years. Kim says, "You kind
they've been raised like animals.” For instance, Anton
of feel like nothing has prepared you to help them.
never lived with his family. Rather, he was confined to
Honestly, we're learning as we go along. This work
an institution from birth, for twenty-six years. "Anton's
requires everything, and we can't just say yes to this
path to discovering who God made him to be is three
calling one time." Jed and Kim must say yes every
steps forward and two steps back because he's been so
single day.
broken by other people." Anton is not very verbal, but
"We have very broken people living with us every
he started learning to sing about a year after living with
morning when we get up. Their healing is so long,
the Johnsons. They have also discovered that Anton
it's going to be a forever journey,” says Kim. "We've
likes water. So, they bought him a membership to the
made great strides, but we're dealing with so much
pool. Now Anton can go with an assistant to sit and take
brokenness, without Jesus, we cannot do it. And I try
pleasure in the calming water.
to do it on my own way too often." Jed says, "Working
Kim says, "With our boys, as long as they're moving
with weak people shows us the brokenness in
forward in their healing, it's a success." The process
ourselves." Kim adds, "They're broken on the outside,
will look different for each boy. With Boris, they are
but I'm broken on the inside because I'm selfish. And
just beginning to do sign language so he can learn to
I want my time. And I want my way. And I want it on
communicate. "He's safe and loved, and he'll blossom in
my schedule."
his own time." Jed and Kim dream their boys are not just
Jed and Kim's life demonstrates the lesson all who
feeling safe but treasured. They hope the team members
follow God will learn. Every day requires a new yes to
who live with the boys will delight in them. They desire
Jesus and another no to self. Kim says, "I think when
for the boys to discover who God created them to be.
Jed and Kim's Ukrainian home
it gets hard, and we feel like the need is too great, we
their children to leave the United States, they thrive in
just look at the boys who are with us and see how
Ukraine. In November 2013, when they moved to Ukraine,
their lives are changed."
the Johnsons had four children. The eight- and nineyear-olds, Ezra and Addy, were being homeschooled,
Trusting God's Yes
which continued in their new country. Still, there were
Jed and Kim have learned to trust God's timing fully.
adjustments to be made. The younger two, Seth and
"Every time we need something, it's there right when
Havalah, who were three and five, fit right into their
we need it. Not earlier. Just right on time." For instance,
new surroundings.
when they needed a larger van, God stepped in. While
In Ukraine, people tend to be more reserved. Because
considering how to raise funds, a partner in Germany
of this, the Johnson family found it difficult to make
contacted them to say, "We want to give you a van!"
friends and acquaintances. The best way to get to know
Wide Awake International is building a large
people in a new community is to become involved. Kim
duplex behind Johnson's house to bring more boys out
says, "We needed to get to know people, and the kids
of the institution. Both sides have room for four boys.
needed to learn Ukrainian, so we put the kids in school in
The upstairs will be living quarters
February. It was really hard, and they
for team members who will care
cried a lot of tears that first year. But
for the boys. Kim says, "A church in England gave us money for the land." The duplex's first side was
already financed before they had
any team members willing to live there. It will be finished and ready by February 2021 and the second side is about sixty percent complete. The
September of 2020 when a couple
it was the best decision we ever made! Now they're all fluent in Ukrainian and thrive here. It's their home. I'm very thankful." Since the move from America,
Kim gave birth to a sweet little girl,
Today, the Johnsons are a full family
from Indiana contacted Jed and Kim to say they want to be live-in
assistants for the boys. Max and
Evie, and they adopted Vlad in 2015. of eight with guardianship over three additional boys. Kim says, "It's cool that since we've had the boys in our lives for seven years, this is what our kids know. Like the different
Morgan Martinez are committed to
behaviors, sounds, and smells the
joining the team for at least one year. The fantastic
boys bring to the home. It's just our family. It's who we
news is that they are available to come right when the
are, and it doesn't faze our kids."
duplex is ready in February. Kim says, "God delivers
Kim recalls how while living in the United States,
right on time. That always happens to us! God meets
their oldest daughter was frightened by the reality
every single need. He always shows us; this is His work.
of nursing home residents in wheelchairs. "Now our
If it's important to God, He will complete it."
youngest daughter? Nothing about this life frightens her." From adults feeding adults to the noises coming
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
from non-verbal boys, it all seems normal to her.
And what does the LORD require of you?
Kim is concerned that Ukraine doesn't offer
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly
resources to help their son, Seth. As you recall, Jed and
with your God.
Kim adopted Seth while he was in their foster care in
~ Micah 6:8 ~
the United States. His challenges originate with a drug addicted birth mother. "I sometimes worry about his
Raising American Children in Ukraine One of the best ways to teach our children to
future,” says Kim. "Then, I see he has the softest heart
do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly is to include
for Boris." Boris is a non-verbal, clumsy walking, twenty-
them in God's purposes. Although it was a sacrifice for
eight-year-old the size of a nine-year-old. "And our Seth,
who has his own struggles, is so gentle and kind with Boris. I think he needed the boys." Concerning all of her children, Kim says, "For whatever God is growing them up to be, they needed this." The Johnson family cannot do as many things as other families. They move slower and currently they need to protect their boys from the threat of the Covid-19 virus. Kim says, "If they get sick in Ukraine, it's not going to go well. They don't get good care in the hospital, so we have to find the balance of living our own lives and protecting our boys. We have to adjust for the people in our family who are weaker." "Our journey to Ukraine and our journey in Ukraine is a journey of simply saying yes. There is no greater value in one person's yes over another," says Kim. All Christ-followers who keep their eyes wide open and ears wide awake will receive the Holy Spirit's guidance. He has been leading the Johnson family ever since Jed and Kim took their marriage vows. The Johnsons claim, "We're just two people who fell in love with Jesus and decided to say yes to the next thing he presented to us." As a result, some of the world's most marginalized people are now beloved. //
How to Support Wide Awake International: If the Lord is urging you to support Wide Awake International, please find our donation card on page 34. Complete it with your donation information, tear it out, and mail it, along with your check, to: Room to Bloom P.O. Box 201 Winesburg, OH 44690 Funds designated to Wide Awake International will be passed on to the ministry of Jed and Kim Johnson.
Feature Story
Business Spotlight
God of Wonders
Widow's Path
Immunity Therapy Center Alternative Medicine to Help you Fight your Battle with Cancer words by: SHERRI ROMIG
No one likes to hear the word “cancer,” but unfortunately, we’ve heard it all too often. This deadly disease has affected our lives, either personally or through family and friends. My own parents passed away in the clutches of this deadly disease. As a caregiver, I know the suffering that cancer patients endure. I know first-hand how it feels to watch, and be completely helpless. For many, radiation and chemotherapy treatments for cancer have wreaked havoc on their immune system, leaving them sick and vulnerable to other diseases. But, I am happy to report an alternative. Immunity Therapy Center has effective, affordable treatments for cancer and other autoimmune and infectious diseases like Lyme disease. Dr. Carlos Bautista opened the Immunity Therapy Center in Tijuana, Mexico, in 2007, but his passion for helping others began long before that.
Homestead + Roots
Our Heritage
Great Outdoors
Canine Corner
As a boy, Dr. Bautista dreamed of becoming a
our immune systems have been weakened due to
doctor. From a very young age, he did not like to see
chemotherapy or other conventional treatments, the
anyone suffer from sickness and not be able to help.
cancer cells will be able to take over. Immunotherapy
He was further inspired to become a doctor by his
increases the body’s ability to detect cancer within itself
father, a pharmacist. Dr. Bautista observed and wanted
and tell your immune system to attack the cancer cells. The Immunity Therapy Center offers more than
to emulate the compassion his father showed to his
twenty alternative and effective cancer therapy options,
customers at the pharmacy. In 1994, Dr. Bautista began working in a hospital
and they realize that not every cancer patient is the
that offered alternative medicines and therapies.
same. That is why every patient receives a customized
treatment program. This sometimes involves combining
saw—alternative, making
multiple treatments, which ensures the best chance of
people feel better and saving lives. He studied the
a better prognosis, improving the quality of life, and
therapies rigorously and became an expert in them.
entering remission.
Later, Dr. Bautista’s mission to help those in need was
The multiple therapies patients receive are designed
solidified when his father was diagnosed with lung
specifically for them and are chosen to best fight the
cancer. As Dr. Bautista watched his father suffer the
disease and boost the immune system. Immunity
effects of chemotherapy and radiation, he was driven
Therapy Center offers all of the latest, cutting edge
to further study alternative cancer treatments, both for
alternative therapies anywhere. Not only does the Immunity Therapy Center treat
his father and for other cancer patients. Dr. Bautista is now a father himself, and his
all types of cancer, but it also treats patients at all stages
dedication to helping suffering people has not
of the disease, from stage I to stage IV. Also, the center
wavered but has driven onward. As a tribute to his
treats chronic degenerative diseases, autoimmune
father, he is always on the lookout for the newest
diseases, and infectious diseases. So whether you or a
ways he can help people.
loved one have received news of any of these conditions,
Many people come to the Center without hope, but
undergone radiation and chemotherapy, or have been
it is the privilege and delight of Dr. Bautista and his staff
given no hope of recovery, the Center offers hope and
to give hope and healing through alternative treatments
healing. There is an alternative.
and the grace of God.
What is it Like to be a Patient? What is "Alternative Therapy?"
Many of you may be wondering how the process of
You may be wondering just what kind of treatment
becoming a patient works and what to expect.
this “alternative” approach is. You will rest easy in knowing
It all starts with a call to a Patient Advocate, who will
that it is not based on the use of chemicals for treatment.
answer some basic questions and then schedule a free
Alternative therapy stimulates your immune system to
consultation. During your consultation, a doctor will
recognize and destroy cancer cells in combination with
ask more in-depth, pertinent medical questions. After
natural, non-invasive, effective therapies that will take
reviewing your medical history, a doctor will determine
advantage of cancer cells’ weaknesses. The idea is that
if you are a good candidate for the therapies the Center
the tumor or cancer cells are not the only issues being
offers. If so, you will then be scheduled to receive your
addressed; your whole body is trained to fight off the
first treatment.
disease. This is called immunotherapy.
Your patient advocate is your personal travel guide
“We focus on not just killing cancer cells, but on
in the Center at all times. They will make all necessary
immunotherapy cancer therapy to boost your immune
arrangements, send you a checklist of items to bring—
system’s ability to fight on its own,” Dr. Bautista says.
such as your valid travel documents—and answer any
Cancer cells try their hardest to stay alive inside
questions about what you should expect once you arrive
the body. They have their own defense mechanisms
at the Center. They will also greet you when you arrive
to escape detection by our immune systems. So, if
and be there to support you through your entire stay.
After you arrive in San Diego or Tijuana, Immunity
meals are provided every day to aid in your treatment.
Therapy Center staff will pick you up and take you to the
You will also find a wonderful sense of community and
Center or to your accommodations. Some apartments
support from other patients. Companions of patients
and selected hotels in Tijuana offer reduced rates for
can even take advantage of special programs for
patients. Many patients find that one of the best parts of
themselves, including detoxes.
treatment at the Center is spending time in the vibrant,
I am sure you may have many more questions. I urge
colorful culture of Mexico.
you to give Immunity Therapy Center a call. Dr. Bautista and the staff want to provide the highest quality medical care. By using these alternative therapies and natural
What is Treatment Like?
treatments, it gives hope and healing where previously
Dr. Bautista wants to know the patients. That is why
there has been none.
he will spend time getting to know you when you arrive
You should consider Immunity Therapy Center as
and will answer any questions you may have. A doctor
your first choice for treatment, not your last resort. The
will then conduct a complete and thorough evaluation. Immunity
Center is very successful and has multiple testimonials
from patients that have found hope and healing and
providing individualized care. The doctors will update
quality of life.
your progress and adjust the therapies throughout your
Dr. Bautista and the staff want you to “Have Faith,
treatment. You will have the opportunity to speak to a
Not Fear.” //
doctor every day and ask questions. The length of your stay will depend on the type of cancer you have and at what stage it is, plus your overall health. Your progress will be evaluated every week, then you and your doctor can decide if you want to continue
Immunity Therapy Center
for another week or more. The decision to continue is
(619) 333 - 5961
always yours to make.
The Center is there to give you a peaceful and hopeful environment. Two delicious, healthy, cancer-fighting
Feature Story
Business Spotlight
God of Wonders
Widow's Path
Homestead + Roots
Our Heritage
Great Outdoors
Canine Corner
words by: JOEL EBERT The slow loris’ large eyes have a reflective layer to help them see in almost total darkness. In the quiet dusk of Sri Lanka in 1905, British archaeologist John Still was startled by a threatening hiss coming from his room. He fetched a stick and hurried inside to see the silhouette of what appeared to be a swaying cobra with expanded hood, hissing at a cat as if about to strike. But upon closer look, he realized the cobra was in fact a loris he had been keeping. Although lorises look like they’d make cuddly pets, they are deceptively dangerous. In fact, one species, the slow loris, is among the few venomous mammals and is the only venomous primate. This paradox of a primate is both a tribute to the Creator’s protective provision and a testimony to the ravaging effects of the fall. Hide and Sneak Slow lorises are small primates that dwell in the jungles of Southeast Asia. While other primates like monkeys swing and leap through the trees, slow lorises sneak across branches. Even the quicker members of the loris kind, the slender lorises and the pottos, climb at a cautious pace. But if you’re tempted to think slowness is a handicap, not so fast. The slow loris’ sluggishness contributes to a feature called crypsis—the use of stealth to avoid predators and to hunt.
Though not trapeze artists, slow lorises are talented climbers. Their thumbs and big toes are situated at a 180º angle from their other digits so they can clamp tightly to branches. If you’ve ever been rock climbing, you know it’s necessary to train your forearms and hand muscles to maintain a grip for long periods of time. But slow lorises are built from birth to get a good grasp on things. Their legs and arms are equipped with a special net of blood vessels called a rete mirabile. This feature helps flush away lactic acid (a waste product that hinders muscle performance) and provides adequate oxygen for muscles, ensuring the veins don’t collapse while slow lorises are hanging out. Adorable But Deadly Beware slow lorises, which come to you in cute clothing but inwardly are venomous snakes! Under that fluffy fur lurks a secret weapon: venom. An underarm gland releases an oily secretion, but the toxin becomes potent when mixed with saliva. After licking the area around the gland, slow lorises comb the toxin into their own fur or their young’s fur with specialized bottom teeth. This toxin is used to ward off parasites and scent-oriented predators. Some of the toxin remains in their mouth so they can deliver a deadly bite. But slow lorises don’t seem to use this venom to subdue their snacks. Instead, they reserve it for potential attackers. Most often though, slow lorises attack each other in battles. The ones who bite best get the mate. The losers are left with festering, slow-healing wounds, and many don’t survive. Human death by slow loris bite is extremely rare, but is reportedly caused by anaphylactic shock. We still don’t know much about how this toxin works, but we do know that when God made the loris kind on day six of creation, they were not venomous or vicious. The other members of the loris kind have scent glands that do not appear to be venomous, possibly indicating that the slow loris’ glands changed after the fall to produce toxins for a survival advantage. Another possibility is that God preprogrammed slow lorises with DNA that, when expressed, would enable them to protect themselves after the fall.
The Serpent Within What John Still experienced in Sri Lanka may not have just been the night playing tricks on his eyes. The reptilian posture, warning hiss, and markings on the slow loris’ face and back really are reminiscent of a serpent. It even has a few extra vertebrae that allow it to bend, twist, and slither. This mimicry is fairly common in nature. Examples include bugs or frogs that look like leaves and viceroy butterflies that look like distasteful monarch butterflies. From an evolutionary perspective, mimicry would be the result of chance mutations and natural selection. But believers in a biblical creation see mimicry as the result of natural selection and other mechanisms acting upon the variety our Creator built into the DNA of the original kinds. Like these other creatures with shared designs, slow lorises with their cobra-like qualities show evidence of a single Creator who equipped his creation with the necessary features to survive in the fallen world. As Christians, we look forward to a time when “the nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra” (Isaiah 11:8). Perhaps in the new heavens and earth, we can cuddle these furballs without worrying about their bite. //
Did You Know? 1) The name loris, a Dutch word meaning “clown,” could have been inspired by the facial features that help define the species. 2) Some locals attribute supernatural powers to the slow loris. For instance, some believe slow loris blood can cause the soil to become infertile or even cause landslides. 3) The slow loris can remain motionless for hours at a time. 4) The slow loris will eat prey such as poisonous insects and deadly spiders, things other creatures avoid. The toxin it brews up may come partly from its disgusting diet. 5) The slow loris has some of the largest eyes of all primates.
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A few years ago I read about a widow named Phyllis (Vavold) Nettleton and how,
Storm,” which is available on Amazon.com, I began to realize it was deeply personal.
as soon as she put her Christmas ornaments
On a pleasant Sunday evening, July 7th,
away, she immediately began decorating for
2004, Phyllis and her husband of thirty-nine
Valentine’s Day. I should never be surprised
years, George Vavold, were driving west on
by the things that widows do, but this one
the highway from their home in Idaho.
rattled my head a bit; I was confused as to
They planned to have dinner and spend
her purpose for doing this! I wondered if
the night at a hotel in Bend, Oregon, before
she owned a store and was switching her merchandise, or if she taught a classroom and was changing her bulletin boards, or maybe she just loved to decorate...? I quickly found out she didn’t have garlands of hearts, roses and cupids draped over her doorways as my crazy imagination dreamed up. Instead, her decoration was more simple: every year she took out a special vase, filled it with a dozen silk red roses, and topped the flowers with a small card. On the card was this message from God’s Word: "I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3). This
decoration, and Phyllis was excited to display it again, as she did every year. When I read her book, “Grace for the Raging
proceeding to the Oregon coast for a week of vacation. The top was down on their Ford Mustang convertible and they enjoyed the breezes blowing through their hair, the last rays of the sunset, and each other’s company. Heading east on that same highway, at that same time, two teenage boys in a stolen Buick Skylark took to the left lane to zoom past a trucker who estimated their speed at 130 miles per hour. They hit Phyllis and George head on! The impact pushed the little Mustang
convertible back down the highway for forty-four feet; then the Buick rolled over the top of it, flipped three times and exploded into flames. Eyewitnesses called 911. From miles away, those flames were a beacon in the dark night for the Life Flight helicopter. Meanwhile, Phyllis was trapped in the car, semiconscious, with the windshield and dashboard in her lap. In her book she wrote, “…my entire world seemed suspended in time. The darkness engulfed me, and I was in a great deal of pain… A moment ago I was talking with George, and now a vise grip of pain, confusion, and gloom held me taut.” The next day, after a night filled with hours of emergency surgery, the hospital chaplain gently told her that George had been killed instantly. She knew it was true, but like all of us, she didn’t want to believe it. Without George in her life, the pain was too much; she cried out loudly from her hospital bed, “I don’t want to be a widow!” Widowhood wracked her heart and extensive physical injuries wracked her body: “…a broken right hip, dislocated left hip, concussion, completely shattered right foot, broken ribs, fractured spine, right hand lacerated, knee trauma, and multiple cuts and abrasions…” In one brutal moment, Phyllis’s life changed forever. Yet, for many of the years of her widowhood, she was
~ Phyllis
excited to display her Valentine bouquet as a reminder of God’s intense love for her. How did she do that? The answer is in her book: almost every page of it is seeded with Bible verses that she clung to as God’s promises and messages of love for her. In a personal note she explained her Valentine bouquet like this: “Although
interrupted by tragedy, my love relationship with God
will never be interrupted. Sometimes our love stories
for me?” When you take a look at your Bible, it looks like
are temporary or vulnerable, but a love relationship
any other book; it certainly doesn’t seem like much of a
with God is indestructible. God's Word is a love letter
love letter.
and it tells us of an amazing romance. God's love is
During World War Two, while the British people
an extraordinary love. Through Jesus, God's Son, the
huddled down during bombing blackouts and wondered
pattern is set for ‘True Love!’”
if God loved them and if He listened to their prayers,
Phyllis is looking forward to celebrating her fifth
Christian author and lecturer C.S. Lewis told them this:
wedding anniversary this year with her second husband,
“…God has infinite attention, infinite leisure to spare for
Seth Nettleton, a wonderful Christian man. But it’s her
each one of us. He doesn’t have to take us in the line.
love with Jesus Christ her Savior that still sustains her
You’re as much alone with Him as if you were the only
most of all.
thing He’d ever created. When Christ died, He died for
Dear Reader, you may still be trying to get back up
you individually just as much as if you’d been the only
from the latest disaster in your life. If so, I’m so sorry!
man in the world.”
There have been way too many tragedies for all of us
Let me encourage you to tap into some of God’s
lately, it seems. “It’s easy to see that God loves Phyllis,”
infinite attention for you by spending time in His Word.
you may think, “but what about me?”
Realize that when you read your Bible, God—your
The cold weather of February can reflect the
Creator and your Savior—is taking this time to sit down
loneliness and ache of our hearts. The ice echoes in our
with you and speak directly to you as you read. So seed
kitchens. “Where is God? Does He love me? There are so
the moments of your day with Bible reading like Phyllis
many people in this big world, does He really have time
seeded the pages of her book with Scripture. A useful
tool to help guide you in where to start reading is a
chocolate will fatten everyone up. Let’s never mind all
One Year Bible Reading Plan I’ve developed. Everyone
that, though. Instead, let’s treat ourselves to a dozen
can use it, but the chapters and verses I’ve chosen are
silk roses, or even just one, with a note that says, “I have
especially helpful if you find it hard to concentrate
loved you with an everlasting love…” Those are not just
because of grief. Just send a self-addressed stamped
words from a greeting card, those words are God taking
envelope to my address below, and I’ll send you the one-
the time to focus on each one of us individually and say
page plan that you can keep in your Bible. (It will be
exactly what He thinks of us. There was never a more
included free with all book orders this month; no need
true Valentine than that! //
for the stamped envelope if you order the book). Until next month,
The Valentine's Day countdown has begun. If
ferree l
things go according to years past, about 110 million roses will be sold, and more than 58 million pounds of
NEW ADDRESS! To learn more about widowhood, order a copy of Postcards from the Widows’ Path – Gleaning Hope and Purpose from the Book of Ruth. It’s a gentle, biblical guide for widows that has many saying, “This is the best I’ve ever read!” Contact your local Christian bookstore or mail a check for $14.99/copy (paperback, 248 pgs.), along with your address to: Ferree Hardy, 244 Sweetwater Landing, Dr., North Augusta, SC 49860. Allow 2 – 3 weeks for delivery. Free shipping for all Plain Values readers! www.WidowsChristianPlace.com
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words by: MERISSA A. ALINK Since I buy raw milk once a week, sometimes I have more cream than I know what to do with. So I like to make that extra cream into butter using my blender!
.............................................................................. homemade butter in a blender .............................................................................. 1.
If you are using raw milk, you will start by skimming the cream off the top of the jar. I use a ladle for this.
Pour the cream into your blender. Any heavy cream will work for this, whether it’s raw or from the store.
Turn on the blender and just leave it alone for a bit.
After a while it will look like whipped cream. When it gets to this point you will need to stop the blender every few minutes and shake it around so it keeps blending up.
And then, all of a sudden, your blender will make a funny noise and poof–creamy butter!
Use your hands to pull the creamy butter out. Squeeze off the excess buttermilk and put into a container.
Yum, fresh butter. You could always add herbs or flavorings to make it special. Or just use it for plain butter like I’m going to do. Don’t forget to save the buttermilk!
How to Make Whipped Honey Butter 1.
Use butter at room temperature or slightly soften the butter before whipping.
Add 1/2 cup of butter, 1/4 cup of honey, and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon (optional) into a bowl and whip with electric hand mixers (or for a non-electric alternative you can use rotary beaters) until the mixture is light and fluffy.
Store in the fridge, but place at room temperature to soften before eating.
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Sometimes in the study of history, it becomes necessary to step back and look at the bigger picture. Our view is often very narrow, and we lose sight of the forest because we are looking at a few trees. Over the past months we have traced the movement of the Anabaptist people as they moved west to the New World and east into Russia. We have also seen that, from the early parts of the Anabaptist movement, there were three distinct elements, or groups, that grew and prospered in the first 200 years; the Mennonites, the Amish, and the Hutterites. In order to get the ‘big picture’ view of the movement, we will look at where these groups were at the end of the 1700s. There had been Mennonites who immigrated to America as early as the 1690s and settled in a suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania named Germantown. From here, they had traveled westward and by 1800 they were spreading throughout the state, with the strongest settlements in the Germantown, Franconia, and Lancaster areas. They had also moved south into Maryland and Virginia where smaller settlements existed. These were primarily Swiss, South German, and few Dutch Mennonites. The Mennonites who had moved eastward into Russia were still some 70-75 years from thinking about moving to the Central Plains states and the Canadian prairie provinces. In Russia, they were just beginning to develop economically, and already there were rumblings about freedom and security in the colonies.
One of the oldest houses in Germantown, PA
About 500 Amish had moved to America from 1730-1776. Most had settled first in Berks and Lancaster
counties, and by the time of the American Revolution in 1776, some had moved westward to Somerset County
and into Maryland along the Casselman River. In 1800, there were considerably fewer Amish than Mennonites in America. The Amish were also more often on the leading edge of the frontier as they moved ever westward. In a few short years the Holmes County, Ohio settlement would begin (1809), and then Indiana and Illinois. The Hutterites had experienced tremendous growth from the late 1550’s into the early 1600’s, by which time there were approximately 30,000 Hutterites in eastern Germany, Austria, and Slovakia. Because of war and unfriendly leaders, many were killed or forced to move farther east into Russia and Transylvania. By the 1760’s, only about 100 of these Anabaptists
remained faithful! Like the Russian Mennonites, they
wrestle with them today. Yet we also have a spiritual
had been forced into the Ukraine and there finally
heritage where we see the grace and the hand of Jesus
found a home and some security. Many had been killed
Christ at work in our people’s lives. For that, we should
by the Muslim Turks who had invaded Eastern Europe
be grateful. //
and were greatly feared as they pillaged and sacked the lands they conquered.
If you would like to learn more about the Anabaptist
What then was the state of Anabaptist spirituality
World or find books about history, please call or visit the
at this time? It is easy to look back and think that these
Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center. We offer guided
people were not nearly as “enlightened” as we are today,
tours of "Behalt" - a 10 ft. x 265 ft. cyclorama oil-on-canvas
or to argue that they were much more spiritual than
painting that illustrates the heritage of the Amish and
we are, since they did not have the temptations of the
Mennonite people from their Anabaptist beginnings in
modern world. It is true that they were merely people
Zurich, Switzerland, to the present day. Behalt means “to
with the same desires, temptations, and problems
keep” or “remember.” We are open Mon-Sat 9:00-5:00 and
we have today. Neighborhood and family squabbles,
are located near Berlin; you can find us at 5798 County
church divisions, and the issues that all of humanity
Road 77, Millersburg, OH 44654. Please call (330) 893-3192
faces plagued them as it plagues us today. We must be
for more information or to schedule a day or evening
careful that we do not idolize or despise our past and
group tour.
history, since someday people will look back on our lives and world in the same way. MARCUS A. YODER IS THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE AMISH &
Persecution, movement, and tensions characterize
the first 275 years of Anabaptist history. Some of those
have been carried forward into our world, and we still 41
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Never Give Up words by: DAVID AND KARIN HOLDER A few years ago, while leading an elk hunt in Montana, I learned firsthand just how quickly life can take a drastic turn. It was early September. The weather was warm, and I was guiding bow hunts for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. There were two groups hunting that day, and sure enough, we spotted some elk heading into a deep canyon. My client wasn’t physically able to make the long trek to where we believed the elk would reappear, so the other guide and I decided that he and his client should try to cut them off and get in position for a shot. As my client and I hung back and watched the two of them head in the direction of the herd, I saw the bull cross and go into a different drainage. My companions were going to the wrong spot, and I had no way to let them know. The bull elk would no doubt pick up their scent, ruining the hunt. I bailed off over the ravine and ran to catch up to them. Once I relayed the message, I started back down the hill and crossed the creek. That’s when it happened... I heard a swooshing sound but didn’t see anything. Then I felt a heavy whack on my calf. The snake rattled once before slithering into the bushes. My heart raced, and I started to panic. A rattlesnake bite! I pulled up my pant leg and discovered what I dreaded—there were two tiny puncture marks. I knew I had to get back up the hill while I was able. I stopped every 50 yards or so, trying to maintain my composure. At times I felt nauseated, and at other times I felt fine.
Great Outdoors
Canine Corner
When I finally made it back to my client, he insisted we leave and get the bite checked out. The entire time, I prayed it wouldn’t make me sick. Surprisingly, it did not. To be honest, I was just as disappointed about missing the rest of the hunt as I was worried about the bite. Looking back, I probably should have been a little more concerned. A rattlesnake bite is serious, and without proper medical care, it can cause real trouble, real fast. One thing was for sure: This was one hunt when I was glad Karin wasn’t along. I dreaded having to call and tell her. Thankfully, it was a dry bite or the fangs didn’t make it far enough through my skin to inject any poison. Whatever the reason, I was grateful. Time was on my side that day. Time...you can’t buy it, but you can spend it. And once it’s gone, you can never get it back. Time has a way of showing you what really matters, and the way you use it defines who you are. Watching the Summer Olympics, I saw a 41-year-old gymnast flip so hard and so fast that I was sure her knees wouldn’t support her when she landed. Somehow they did. Then I realized I was watching more than the Olympics—I was watching one of the greatest examples of human dedication, determination, and drive on the planet. But I couldn’t help but wonder, Why do they do it? What drives them to sacrifice their bodies, minds, and all that time with no guarantee of winning a medal? What I couldn’t have known then was how an elk hunt with my wife and eldest son would help me understand the answer to that “why” question. Now I know that even for an Olympic athlete, it’s about more than just the time spent training. PLAIN VALUES
close but just couldn’t catch a break with the wind. It was frustrating to once more see two big bulls at less than 100 yards, only to watch them turn and run in the opposite direction. Every experienced elk hunter knows what it’s like to have an animal of that size just
With only three days to hunt, Warren talked me
beyond the distance at which you can safely launch
into getting a Montana elk tag. I knew it wouldn’t be
an arrow—seeing those massive horns getting smaller
easy to kill a good bull in such a short amount of time,
and smaller as the animal gradually slips from sight.
but I decided to go ahead and spend the money.
Even though I had spent the summer training and
On the first day of the hunt, we saw a few elk
preparing my body for the Montana terrain, I didn’t feel
entering a drainage that I knew very well. The wind was
like an athlete at all. The long hikes and the short amount
in our faces, so our chances of remaining undetected
of time we had to hunt were already taking their toll on
were good. If we could get ahead of the elk, we might
me physically and mentally. By the last day, my patience
have an opportunity for a shot. Sure enough, three big
was wearing thin. With temperatures forecast to be in the
bulls (all more than 300 inches) made a brief appearance.
nineties, I was less than optimistic. Tomorrow we had to
But just as we were about to get into position with our
get it done or it wasn’t going to happen. //
bows, a younger spike came in, giving away our position. The bigger bulls skirted just out of bow range.
~ to be continued ~
In all my preseason preparation, I had forgotten
to prepare myself for the one constant in elk hunting:
God always seems to give elk a fighting chance. Time
and time again on the first and second day, we’d be
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CANINE HERPESVIRUS words by puppy expert: DR. TERESA HOXWORTH A very prevalent disease that can be seen in breeding kennels is canine herpesvirus. I receive numerous questions about canine herpesvirus quite frequently. It can be a very devastating disease to young puppies, as you will see in this article. Canine herpesvirus can affect dogs of all ages, but it usually only causes death in very young pups, less than two weeks of age. If females become infected during their last three weeks of pregnancy, it can cause fetal death or mummification or sick pups that die shortly after birth. Although canine herpesvirus usually causes very characteristic signs in puppies, it would be impossible to tell if signs seen were caused from herpesvirus or another disease such as brucellosis without performing further testing. Pups affected during the first two weeks of life can be exposed to herpesvirus in the uterus, during passage through the birth canal, or by direct mouth or nose contact with infected littermates or the female. One- to two-week-old puppies who have herpesvirus may show the following symptoms: depression, refusal to nurse, frequent crying, grayish or yellow-green diarrhea, abdominal pain, nasal discharge, difficulty breathing (including gasping for air), small red hemorrhages
on mucous membranes, and seizures. This disease is a deadly one, and death occurs quickly, usually within 1248 hours. Some pups may never show signs and may just be found dead. This form occurs in pups born to dams
stressed, allowing other dogs in the kennel to become
that were never exposed to herpesvirus before their
exposed to the virus.
pups were born. The females are usually young and are
Diagnosis of canine herpesvirus is usually based
often dogs that have recently been added to a kennel
on clinical signs. If unsure, a necropsy (examination
that has previously had dogs with herpesvirus. If these
of a dead puppy) can be performed. Pups that have
pregnant females have not been exposed to herpesvirus
died from herpesvirus usually have very characteristic
in the past, they have no previous immunity to pass on
findings which include: hemorrhages in multiple organs
to their pups, making this litter of puppies susceptible to
(kidneys, small intestines, lungs, liver, and adrenal
herpesvirus. Adults and puppies over two weeks of age
glands). Finding these hemorrhages and puppies
that are exposed to herpesvirus rarely show any signs.
showing the signs described above, you can be fairly
Occasionally, they may have transient, mild
certain that the problem is canine herpesvirus. You
respiratory signs that clear up on their own, and the
may also find that the lymph nodes and spleens of
animal never becomes ill. This is due to their better
these puppies are enlarged. Usually further testing is
immune function and better regulation of body
not required, but if unsure, you may want to consider
temperature. The optimal temperature for canine
sending samples to a laboratory that is able to carry out
a more involved testing procedure. In these cases, virus
coincides with the normal body temperature of pups
isolation may be performed on tissues from a dead pup,
in the first two weeks of their life. Some adults can be
or possibly if adult carriers show lesions in their mouth
carriers of herpesvirus and can shed the virus when
or genital tract, these areas may be tested for the virus.
These are more specialized tests for canine herpesvirus
most detergents and disinfectants. After a female has
and cannot be performed at a veterinary clinic, and the
produced a litter that develops herpesvirus, they should
testing will need to be performed at a laboratory. If an
not be expected to have problems with future litters.
abortion occurs, the best way to test for the cause is to
The female should not be infected during pregnancy
collect a freshly aborted fetus and placenta if possible
in future litters, even if she is exposed to the virus due
and send it to a laboratory.
to immunity from her previous exposure. This female's
There is no treatment for canine herpesvirus. In
pups may still be susceptible to the virus if they are
fact, treatment is usually not recommended. On the rare
exposed to other adult dogs which are carriers and are
occasion a puppy recovers from canine herpesvirus, it
shedding herpesvirus during the first three weeks of
may suffer deafness, blindness, encephalitis, or kidney
their life. Therefore it is a good idea to keep adults with
damage. You may be able to prevent puppies in a litter
pups separate from all other adult dogs in the kennel
from becoming infected even if littermates have shown
from the last three weeks of gestation until the pups are
signs of illness by harvesting serum from females which
at least three weeks of age.
have recently recovered from herpesvirus or raised a
Typically when herpesvirus occurs in a kennel,
litter that died from herpesvirus and giving it to the
you will experience many deaths in a short period of
pups that are left in a litter that are not showing signs.
time. It is a very frustrating disease since there is no
Also, increasing the pup’s rectal temperature to 100
treatment, and there are usually a large number of
degrees Fahrenheit and providing nutritional support
puppies affected. //
may be of benefit. Older puppies and adults do not need treatment for their mild signs.
No vaccine for canine herpesvirus is available.
Disinfection is important because the virus is killed by 49
The benefit tournament will be held on February 13th at the Kidron Community Building at Kidron Park from 9 am to 4 pm. All players must be 16 years or older; you do not need to bring your own partner as you will have a different partner each game. All players who wish to participate must be there by 8:30 am, and entry fees are by donation. Pastries, drinks, and Yoder Family Veal food are available by donation. The gym is available to children all day long. RSVP by February 6th by calling/texting Mary at 330-857-0198 or John at 330-317-3393.
Raymond and Emma Shetler’s baby Christina developed fluid in her brain, and she was admitted to Akron Children’s hospital for a week. Christina is now back home, but she currently has a feeding tube and there are still many complications. Raymond and Emma have many hospital bills and are anticipating more expenses to come. Please pray for the family during this time. Funds for the family can be sent to Bishop Mahlon Hostetler, 330 Baker Rd., Knox, PA 16232. Thank you to all who take the time to send donations. May God Bless each of you!
A fund has been set up for Effie Miller, whose husband Mahlon E. Miller died suddenly on November 14th, 2020. Effie is now a widow with no income and has 4 children to provide for. Thank you for your help. Der Herr Segne Dich. Tax deductible donations can be sent to Mt. Hope Charities Inc., PO Box 19, Mt Hope, OH 44660. Attn: Fredericksburg Southwest Church.
Edward (55) and son Kenneth (11) were with a driver when a lady with three children in her back seat ran a stop sign and hit their driver’s car. Both drivers were killed. Kenneth and the three other children only had minor injuries. Edward had 9 broken bones and a collapsed lung. He was in the hospital and rehab for nearly 2 months and will have a long recovery. A fund has been opened at: Edward Yoder Family Fund, Choice One Bank, 1423 West Main St., Fremont, MI 49412.
A fund has been set up for Karen Mullet. Karen suffered from lung disease for a number of years, and she spent around 9 weeks in the hospital, in and out of intensive care. On October 9th, she received a lung transplant. Karen was home for 2 weeks, before complications set in; she was then readmitted to the hospital, where she passed away on January 1st. Hospital and medical bills are extensive, and her church is assuming responsibility for all bills not covered by her “Church Fund II.” May God bless you for your support and prayers. Tax-deductible donations may be made payable to: Mt. Hope Charities Inc., PO Box 19, Mt. Hope, OH 44660. Attn: Cherry Ridge Amish Church.
A fund has been set up for the Tim and Miriam Fisher Family. Tim is currently residing at Sunrise Meadows seeking healing for his mental health. Miriam is at home alone with their children; two of them are adopted children with special needs. With Tim away from the home, they have very little income. Their special needs children require a lot of care and generate a lot of expenses. Your prayers and contributions are greatly appreciated. Make checks payable to: First National Bank, c/o Tim Fisher Family Fund, 16652 Conneaut Lake Rd., Meadville, PA 16335.
If you are conducting a fundraiser to assist with medical or hardship expenses, please let us know and we will be happy to feature it for one month at no cost. Funds must be payable to a bank, church, or charitable organization. PLAIN VALUES
Hey, what’s the good word!
is team-centered; whether it’s your crew at work or at home
EXECUTION. Last month we talked about preparing
with your family. To properly execute your vision, you
for 2021. While that is important, it’s time to take things to
must engage with your team and communicate where you
the next level and make sure we execute our plans. It’s one
want to go. When it comes to work, many companies fail to
thing to lay out a road map for something, it’s a completely
execute their vision because they are customer driven, not
different thing to actually put those plans into action. Not
employee driven. Engage your employees first.
only this, it’s also important that you execute your plans
The last action that improves your execution is
the right way. I believe how you do anything is how you
accountability. Individually and as a team, everyone must
do everything. If you do something right the first time,
make a commitment to the team and hold each other
you don’t run the risk of having to do something again
accountable. Don’t ever be afraid to confront the culture.
because you executed your plan poorly. Collectively, who
Knowing the end result should not impact your role or
you are influences how you act, which determines what
responsibility. Small disciplines done consistently lead to
you achieve.
big results over time.
Execution starts with getting on the same page, both
So, ask yourself, if your company evaluated your last
individually and collectively. Everyone knows or has an
thirty days, would they hire you based on your execution?
idea of what execution is, but they don’t have the discipline
Answer that question honestly. If the answer is no, then
to do it. It can be boring and it can be hard, but I would
pick one of the three action steps above and find out what
highly encourage you to embrace both of those things.
best fits you at this time. Another thing you can do is finish
I think there are three action steps you can take
this sentence: I have no explanation why I haven’t done
to improve your overall execution. First, become more
this yet, but I should _________. Now that’s GOOD STUFF! //
focused. You can develop your focus by knowing what tasks require your focus and then consistently work on completing those tasks. Honestly, a lot of people I know need to stop talking about their problems and start
Please feel free to reach me anytime with your thoughts at kevin@plainvalues.com or:
thinking about their solutions. We are bombarded by distractions all day long: instead of being sidelined by things that grab your attention, focus
Plain Values Attn: Good Stuff with Kevin PO Box 201 Winesburg, OH 44690
instead on what deserves your attention. Don’t just manage your time, manage your attention, too. This alone will assist in your ability to execute better and more often. The second action you can take to improve your
Hungry for more Good Stuff? Join Kevin as he discovers it. Listen to dozens of eye-opening podcasts on www.youtube.com.
execution is to level up your engagement. This action step