Cultivating Anchored Community MARLIN MILLER
General Manager
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Editorial Director
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Marcus A. Yoder
Dr. Don DeYoung
David and Karin Holder
Ferree Hardy
Dr. Teresa Hoxworth
Merissa A. Alink
January 6, 2021
Plain Values is published monthly by Room to Bloom. Room to Bloom is a nonprofit, tax-exempt Section 501(c)(3) organization. Please contact us with any questions regarding Plain Values.
PO Box 201/2106 Main Street, Winesburg, OH 44690 Phone: (844) 260-4578 | Fax: (330) 601-4099 www.plainvalues.com | reachout@plainvalues.com
THE FORMALITIES This publication and its contents are © 2021, Room to Bloom. Individual copyrighted items, trademarks, etc. contained within are the property of their respective copyright holders. No part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed by any means without authorization from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for advertisers’ offers, products, or services, and publication neither expresses or implies an endorsement.
// 20
The most amazing way to make hot chocolate—it needs some special tools, but the end result is worth it.
// 10
Oliver’s mother didn’t want to abandon her son—she wanted to raise him! Was there anyone out there who cared enough to help her save her child?
INSTANT OATMEAL PACKS // 37 A homemade, organic, and inexpensive version of a store-bought favorite!
Thoughts and ramblings from Marlin Miller, publisher of Plain Values. // page 7
Every month we provide a listing of opportunities to help out those in need. // page 50
This month, Kevin discusses the importance of preparation. // page 51
Little Auden, an orphan with Down syndrome who has been given a second chance by LWB. 4
// 27
Serving the health care needs of the community for over 113 years.
What if we could design tape that automatically cleaned itself every time it got dirty or wet?
...the heart is a fragile thing. Not only does it break, but sometimes it even stops.
// 39
The Russian encroachment these people feared came as a result of the losses of Russia in the Crimean War.
// 42
Jeremy’s passion reminded me of those little things in life that mean so much— little things like owning a dog.
// 47
Many problems can develop in a dog's eyes, this month we will discuss a few of the more common ones.
This new section of Plain Values is devoted to showcasing local goods and services to our readers. Each reader will enjoy one of four editions, depending on where they live. Our hope is that the "Plain Pages” can be a resource in finding local businesses to assist you in your needs as well as in your wants. // pages 34
If I asked you if the God of the universe has the right to
He is merciful! Why does He tell us to be humble? Because He
be proud or arrogant about being the God of the universe, I
is humble!
think we know the answer is a resounding “yes.” We can all
Look at who Jesus mentioned when he quoted Isaiah
agree that He’s earned that right. But have you ever considered
about being anointed to proclaim good news to the poor, the
the possibility that God could be humble? When Jesus finished
captives that are to be released, the blind that will see again,
washing the feet of his disciples, Philip asked him to show
and the oppressed that will be empowered. These are society’s
them the Father. “Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been with you so
despised and most looked down upon! Jesus makes sure to tell
long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen
the lowest the good news first because they are the ones he
me has seen the Father.’” Read it again in John 14 verses 8 and 9.
identifies with the most. This is the connection we share to all
Washing someone’s feet is one of the humblest acts we
people everywhere from all of time… we are blind and taken
can do for another person. Jesus (God in human form) washes
captive, we are poor and oppressed. In one way or another we
twelve other men’s feet, and then says that about God the
are all messed up, some just hide it better than others!
Father. That is almost too much for me to fathom! Diving in
He has fashioned mankind to be humble because He is
deeper, it becomes clearer as you read of His concern for the
humble…I’ll leave you with one more question. Which is the
needy and the poor. “For the cause of the oppressed and the
greater king? The one who never comes down from his palace
groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD. "I will
to associate with his people? Or the one who, after the day’s
bring safety to him who yearns.”
responsibilities, puts on common clothes and walks the streets
All my bones will exclaim, “Who is like You, O LORD, who
investing time with his people? As always, may you find joy in the simple things. //
delivers the afflicted from the aggressor, the poor and needy from the robber?” All of a sudden, it makes sense when James says in chapter 4 that, “He gives us more grace. This is why it says: ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’” And in Psalm 138:6 the writer tell us that, “Though the LORD is on high, He attends to the lowly; but the proud He knows from afar.” Our God has a humble heart! He can identify with the lowly because He is humble. Why does He tell us to be holy? Because He is holy! Why does He tell us to be merciful? Because
Amy Eldridge and the story of Love Without Boundaries
His lips were blue. He let out a cough and
child—in their minds, why would anyone spend
struggled to suck in air to fill his lungs. Oliver’s
money on a child who had special needs?
health was failing him, and his mother was yet
Oliver’s mother had tried to have a child for eight
again filled with worry. She had taken her son to
years without any results. When she got pregnant,
three different hospitals specializing in cardiology,
she knew that the child was a precious gift, and
but the doctors told her that they couldn’t help her;
she wanted to keep the baby. In order to live, Oliver
they said the best she could do would be to take her
needed heart surgery. But his mother was poor, and
son home to die. Tears streamed down her cheeks;
she couldn’t afford the surgery. In order to give her
she couldn’t fathom the death of her only son—she
son a chance to live, she considered giving her son to
wanted him to live!
an orphanage, as they would have the funds to pay
The doctors told Oliver’s mother to take her son
for the surgery and other medical care.
home to die because Oliver was born with Down
For many parents in China who have children
syndrome and a congenital heart defect. In China,
with special needs, the lack of funds and support
there is a major stigma against children born with
means that they are forced to abandon their
special needs. Typically, when a pregnant mother
children; this means many children with special
goes in for a pre-birth ultrasound, if the doctors find
needs become orphans. In fact, nearly every child
that the child has special needs, the policy is to abort
living in a Chinese orphanage was given up by his
the baby. The doctors saw her son as an unwanted
or her family due to medical needs.
Oliver’s mother didn’t want to abandon her son
funds on surgery for another child. Amy’s heart
to an orphanage—she wanted to raise him! Was
was filled with a heavy sadness. Couldn’t they do
there anything else that could be done? Was there
something to save this precious child?
anyone out there who cared enough to help her
Amy’s original intent of visiting this orphanage
save her child?
in southern China was to come back with some ~
answers for her youngest daughter Anna, who was
adopted from this same orphanage several years earlier. But when Amy arrived at the orphanage,
The Story of Baby Kang
she realized that there were still more children
Amy Eldridge picked the baby up and held
who needed help. On the plane ride back home to
him in her arms. His thin little body was blue;
Oklahoma, she couldn’t forget what she saw at the
his small torso rose and fell with great effort; the
orphanage: hungry children with emaciated faces,
baby boy was simply trying to breathe. Little Kang
boys and girls starving for affection, and Kang.
was only a nine-month-old frail baby, born with a
Amy knew she had to do something to help the
heart defect. Amy asked Dr. Huang, the orphanage
orphans—especially Kang. Her heart couldn’t let
doctor, what could be done for Kang. The doctor
go of that little gaunt, pale, and listless baby boy.
shook his head and said that nothing could be
When she got home, Amy sat down at her
done—the orphanage didn’t have any money for
computer and wrote an e-mail to all her contacts
the heart surgery, as they had just spent their last
Kang as a baby Kang after his surgery
Kang as a teenager PLAIN VALUES
asking for help. She shared her experience in China and these were some of her closing words: “On my trip, I met a tiny baby boy who is slowly dying in the orphanage because his heart is bad. The main doctor at the orphanage is such a kind and compassionate man, and he pulled me over to this little boy and told me with great sadness that they don’t have the money needed to arrange for this child to have surgery. It is a humbling and sobering experience to hold a little child in your hands that is so ill with no hope of getting medical treatment. I am crying again as I write this because I remember every detail about his perfect little face. His mother and father abandoned him simply because he had the bad luck to be born with a heart defect. I held him and thought I could not let this same defect also take his life. “I have never in my life done anything like this before, but I realize that I cannot do this alone, and so I am asking all of my friends to please consider sending a donation, no matter how small, so that I can get the funds to the orphanage for this little boy to have surgery.” Amy sent the e-mail and held her breath—what happened now? The surgery was expected to cost between $5,000 to $7,000. She was just an Oklahoma soccer mom! Could she really raise that amount? She realized that, whatever happened, it would not
Shanghai. With the funds from Amy and her friends,
be by her own effort. One day when she was praying,
the orphanage flew Kang and two other orphans to
she felt God lay these three words on her heart: Every
Hangzhou so Dr. Mitchell could fix their hearts.
child counts.
Kang was the last surgery that Dr. Mitchell ~
performed. His surgery didn’t go as planned. Dr.
Mitchell had been told that Kang had a routine heart
Amy’s e-mail was shared countless times and
defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot, but it turned out
people from all over reached out to offer their help
that the case was more complex. Since the holes in
and support. Hundreds of letters of support poured
Kang’s heart weren’t where the scans had indicated,
in, and Amy ended up with enough funds for not just
Dr. Mitchell had to hold the boy’s heart to feel where
one heart surgery, but three. An adoptive mom from
he needed to repair it. This more intensive surgery was
Colorado—whose daughter was also from the same
successful but presented problems post-operation with
orphanage as Amy’s daughter and little Kang—had
the blood flow. Kang’s condition worsened: his kidneys
gotten Amy’s e-mail, and she put Amy in touch with a
began to shut down, and he entered into a coma. Amy sent an e-mail out to her friends asking for
pediatric heart surgeon in Denver. Dr. Max Mitchell was
headed to China in a few weeks to do heart surgeries
“Could everyone please just lift this little child up?
on children. Amy quickly reached out to him, and he
He doesn’t have a mother or a father, but I know he
agreed to perform Kang’s heart surgery. Dr. Mitchell was performing his surgeries in a
has people all over the world rallying behind him and
hospital in Hangzhou, a city in northern China nearby
wishing him well. He has no idea how many people are
praying, so if he would pass away within the next day…let it be with complete love surrounding him…I want his life to count. He IS important. His life DOES matter.” The hospital put Kang on dialysis and told Amy the only way he could survive was if he had another surgery. This time, the surgery was a success. He was no longer in a coma, his kidneys were functioning on their own without the need for dialysis, and his body was no longer blue. Little Kang was healed.
After Kang’s surgery and the successful heart surgeries of the other children, the orphanage sent a banner to Amy which read “Love Makes No Boundaries Between Countries.” Amy knew that this was the work she wanted to focus on, so in 2003, she got together with four of her friends— all of them also adoptive parents like Amy— and formed the non-profit organization “Love Without Boundaries.” This small group knew that every child counts, and their hope was that their organization could help provide better lives for children around the world. Little did they know the impact their organization would have. ~
Love Without Boundaries Rescues Little Oliver Fifteen years later, in 2018, Love Without Boundaries (LWB) was an organization that was fully integrated into rural communities throughout
organizations to make a difference in children’s lives. Tens of thousands of children had been helped
providing adequate nutrition and education, reuniting children with their birth parents, finding adoptive parents for children, working to end child-trafficking, and more. One of the rural communities where Love Without Boundaries was located was in Oliver’s village. Oliver’s mother found out about the organization and reached out to them to see if they could help. Love Without Boundaries was aware of the situation that Oliver’s mother was in—she Amy Eldridge with an orphaned child in China 15
Helping Cambodian Children
lacked funds for surgery and planned to give up Oliver to an orphanage, in the hopes that they would provide
Starting in 2016, Love Without Boundaries began
surgery for him. One of the main reasons that parents
exploring taking their model to other countries.
abandon children in China is because they don’t have
During this time, Amy visited Cambodia. She was
the emotional and financial support they need to get
overcome with not only the poverty in the country,
their children medical care. The staff at Love Without
but also the large amount of collective trauma the
Boundaries had created a solution to this problem. In
country’s citizens deal with.
order to keep families together and prevent parents
In the 1970s, the country was engulfed in a civil
from abandoning their children to orphanages, they
war; the Communist Party of Kampuchea (“Khmer
came up with a program called the Unity Initiative
Rouge”) defeated the Kingdom of Cambodia. The
Fund. The fund’s mission is to “provide surgeries and
party’s leader Pol Pot and the ruling communist party
medical care for children from impoverished families
did not tolerate dissent, and their actions led to the
in China who are unable to afford the medical care
death of over 1.5 million people in what is now known
needed for their children. It is our goal to help keep
as the Cambodian genocide. One out of every four
families together and our desire to help many more
Cambodians were killed during this time. Hundreds
impoverished families with medical care in the future.”
of thousands of Cambodians fled the country, and for
In February 2018, the week before Valentine’s Day,
decades the nation was in turmoil.
LWB put out a special plea for help on their blog, asking
In her 2016 visit, Amy visited remote villages along
their donors to help raise the funds so Oliver could
the Cambodia-Thailand border. She was shocked
have surgery. People from all over the world, including
by what she saw: many of the villages didn’t have
the founders of Plain Values magazine, Marlin & Lisa
running water or electricity, and many of the children
Miller, donated funds for the surgery. By Valentine’s
were malnourished. As she looked at the children,
Day, Love Without Boundaries had raised enough
she noticed that nearly half of them were shorter
funds for Oliver’s surgery. The following month, the
than what they should be for their age—they were so
family traveled to Fudan Hospital in Shanghai for his
malnourished that their growth was stunted.
surgery. Oliver’s surgery was a success, and he is now
The children had other problems, as well.
a happy boy surrounded by family who love him and
Education is a way for children to escape poverty
care for him deeply.
and hunger, but even this was a trap. For children
who lived in remote villages and had to walk miles
to the schoolhouse, there was danger on the roads.
Kidnappers hid in waiting; they would kidnap children
do something for him and the children of Cambodia.
along lonely stretches of road and take them across
Amy and her team at Love Without Boundaries started
the border to Thailand. Here, they were sold into
to work on a plan. They built a school in Sokhem for
forced labor—or worse. Amy found out that parents
children who are preschool aged up to 4th grade.
were so fearful of their children being kidnapped that
LWB also built another primary school in the nearby
they refused to send their children to school. Amy’s
village of Rangsei* for preschool through 6th grade.
heart went out to these children—these were such
At the Sokhem school, students receive breakfast and
deep problems!
lunch every day, and at the Rangsei school, students
One of the more remote villages she went to was
receive lunch every day. Children who live far away
one called Sokhem.* As Amy walked around, she saw
from the schools don’t have to walk; Love Without
starving children everywhere she looked. She walked
Boundaries has provided the children with a tuk tuk,
down to a landfill at the edge of town and saw a young
a small three-wheeled automobile that serves as the
boy at a landfill digging around looking for food. He
children’s school bus that safely transports them to
had a cut on his head, his clothes were covered in dirt,
and from school.
and there was a look of desperation in his eyes—he
For children in these villages who have been
was hungry. It was in the middle of the day, when he
trafficked or abused, Love Without Boundaries
should have been at school. Instead of improving his
developed the Safe Haven foster care program. In this
life through education, he was digging through plastic
program, they place children with trauma in sheltered
bags looking for his next meal.
home environments and put them in school. While in
On the plane ride back home, Amy couldn’t
this program, the children’s progress towards healing
forget the face of the boy at the landfill. She had to
is closely monitored. For students who have shown
success in the schools, there is the Impoverished
of Love Without Boundaries, Oliver is able to grow
Student Support program where LWB helps students
up in the love of his family. Because of Love Without
with university fees.
Boundaries, little Kang was given the gift of life and
And the little boy at the Sokhem landfill? His
then adoption by a loving family. Whether a child is
name is Curtis, and today he is a student at the Sokhem
in Cambodia, China, the United States—wherever
Village Believe in Me school. He has fresh clothes, hot
they are in the world, their life counts. In God’s eyes,
meals, and he is able to focus on his education.
love knows no boundaries, and we are called to love
his children, no matter where they live or where they
come from. //
Because of Love Without Boundaries, Curtis and his classmates have the chance to improve their lives and build a better future for their community. Because
*The names of these villages are changed to protect the identity of the children.
Ways You Can Help: PRAY Please pray for us. Please pray for wisdom for the leaders in our organization as we work to make life better for children around the world.
How to Support Love Without Boundaries:
Please pray for the children, particularly those in life-threatening situations. Please pray for our volunteers and staff; pray for their safety and
Love Without Boundaries has partnered
strength in the face of difficult situations.
with Plain Values magazine and Room to Bloom
to support Curtis and the children at the landfill
Make sure to love the children in your life.
in Cambodia. If you wish to further support their
Many children around the world do not have
education, consider filling out the donation card
the gift of a loving family. Make sure that the
on page 34 and mailing it Room to Bloom at:
little ones in your life know that they are cared for and loved. Our mission is to show the world
Room to Bloom
that every child, regardless of his or her needs,
P.O. Box 201
deserves to experience love and be treated with
Winesburg, OH 44690
dignity and care. Take time to practice this in Designate your donation for Love Without Boundaries.
your own home, as well.
Feature Story
Business Spotlight
God of Wonders
Widow's Path
Homestead + Roots
Our Heritage
Great Outdoors
Canine Corner
High Quality, Patient-Centered Care
Trumbull Regional Medical Center, located in Warren, Ohio, has been serving the health care needs of the community and surrounding areas for over 113 years. Since 1907, Trumbull Regional has grown into a leading regional medical center that offers a vast scope of both inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical services while still maintaining the small-town community hospital feel. Trumbull
high-quality, patient-centered care that’s convenient, affordable, and designed to keep you and your family healthy. Your family’s health and safety are their number one priority.
Amish Nurse Navigator To assist the Amish community, Trumbull Regional offers a dedicated Amish Nurse Navigator—Carol Matacic, RN. Matacic is equipped to assist with physician referrals,
scheduling appointments, treatment questions, medical
pain quickly so that treatment can begin as soon
needs, billing, and more.
as possible to help prevent or even reverse muscle
Matacic takes the time to understand and appreciate
damage to the heart. We are the Mahoning Valley’s only
a patient’s cultural needs and perspectives. Doing so
accredited Chest Pain Center, and we became the first
enables her to facilitate patient care and promote better
hospital in Ohio to achieve Chest Pain v5 accreditation.
communication between the patient and the physician.
As an accredited facility, expert care begins the moment
She assists Amish families before, during, and even after
someone with chest pain enters the emergency
their stay at the hospital. Matacic can be reached any
room, and continues through diagnosis, treatment,
time at 330-282-7190.
rehabilitation, and follow-up. Orthopedic Care: The skilled orthopedic team at Trumbull Regional treats a wide range of conditions,
High-Quality, Patient-Centered Care
from traumatic and sports-related injuries to chronic
Trumbull Regional is a full-service hospital offering
and debilitating joint pain. The Center for Joint
a broad spectrum of inpatient and outpatient medical
Replacement is a recently renovated all-private-room
and surgical services. These range from emergency,
unit dedicated to caring for orthopedic patients. After
cardiac, and critical care to orthopedic, and other
joint replacement surgery, patients are up and walking
diagnostic and therapeutic services.
within 1-2 hours after surgery, and many patients go
Emergency Medicine: The highly trained staff at Trumbull Regional provides care for everything from broken bones to life-threatening conditions such as heart attack or stroke. Its Level III Trauma Center has the expertise to provide rapid assessment, resuscitation, emergency operations, intensive care, and stabilization of injured patients. Trumbull Regional has 24-hour coverage
physicians and prompt access to general surgeons and anesthesiologists. Surgical Services: The hospital offers a full range of surgical services from general surgery to minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgical options. Robotic surgery is a type of surgery that uses computer-assisted technology to aid in the procedure. Rather than operating on patients through large incisions, surgeons use miniaturized surgical instruments that fit through small incisions to reduce scarring and recovery time. Benefits of minimally invasive robotic surgery include significantly less pain, less blood loss, less scarring, a shorter hospital stay and a faster return to daily activities and work. Cardiac Care: As an accredited Chest Pain Center, our heart team is specially trained to diagnose chest
Trumbull Regional Medical Center offers a dedicated Amish Nurse Navigator—Carol Matacic, RN, who is equipped to assist with physician referrals, scheduling appointments, treatment questions, medical needs, billing, and more. Carol can be reached anytime at 330-282-7190
The outside of the Emergency Department at Trumbull Regional Medical Center. The hospital is a level III trauma center.
Trumbull Regional Medical Center offers three full service Cath Labs equipped to handle all of your cardiac and vascular needs. Pictured is the inside of one of the Cath Lab rooms. Trumbull Regional is the ONLY accredited chest pain center in Trumbull County.
home that same day. We know how important it is to
Trumbull Regional offers you a higher level of care
get back on your feet quickly to take care of your family,
and service at a lower cost. Our goal is to make your
farm, or business. Our orthopedic quality outcomes
hospital stay as seamless and stress-free as possible.
surpass all national averages, something that we are
No matter the medical issue or concern, you can
very proud of, and The Center for Joint Replacement
count on Trumbull Regional Medical Center to provide
was the FIRST in Ohio to achieve The Joint Commissions
you with quality, patient-centered, affordable care while
Gold Seal of Approval for Advanced Certification in
treating you with the dignity and respect you deserve. //
Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement—even further proving our commitment to quality care. Trumbull Regional is also the ONLY hospital in Trumbull County
Trumbull Regional Medical Center
to offer Mako Robotic-Arm assisted technology for
1350 E. Market Street, Warren, Ohio 44482
partial knee and total hip and knee replacement. An
alternative to traditional knee and hip replacement
Carol Matacic, RN, Amish Nurse Navigator:
surgery, Mako robotic arm assisted surgery typically
330 - 282 - 7190
results in faster recovery time, less blood loss, smaller incisions, and less pain. 25
sticky 26
Feature Story
Business Spotlight
God of Wonders
Widow's Path
Homestead + Roots
Our Heritage
Great Outdoors
Canine Corner
words by: DR. DON DeYOUNG What if we could design tape and adhesives that automatically cleaned themselves every time they got dirty or wet? Consider this—a tree frog hopping around the rain forest, crawling and sticking on any and all surfaces as he pleases. That’s when he hears a noise: a nearby snake is looking for a midnight snack. Acting quickly, the frog crawls underneath a leafy bunker to hide. But then the unthinkable happens! The frog’s feet lose their grip. He slips and falls, becoming easy prey! At least, that’s what would happen if his feet were coated with household Scotch tape. Try pressing a piece of adhesive tape against a dusty surface. Before long, the tape loses its grip as dust particles clog the sticky side. Tree frogs hop around in dusty, wet, or muddy surroundings. Yet they must stick securely to branches and leaves—even hanging upside down—for their entire lives (eight to ten years). How can they hold onto muddy, wet surfaces without eventually falling?
Researchers are testing how this “sticky” ability works. To figure out how tree frogs crawl up dirty surfaces, they conducted the following experiment. They placed a tree frog on a flat, dusty surface, then slowly tilted the platform to a vertical position. As the tilt angle increased, the frog eventually lost its grip and started to slide. If it crawled a few steps, however, the frog recovered its traction and stayed put.1 Close inspection of the frog’s foot shows many tiny geometrically shaped pads. The feet secrete a small amount of mucus between these pads. To hold its position, the frog first moves its foot back and forth to spread the gel and “clean up” nearby dust by absorbing it. Then as more gel is secreted over the pads, it creates a new, thin layer that restores the grip. The frog’s foot pad has a second important feature. When conventional tape gets pulled loose, small cracks often spread. This allows removal of the tape but weakens it for further use. In contrast, the frog’s pads are already separated to prevent such cracks. As a result, each step cleans the foot while retaining its original shape.2 Just what is it that makes frog feet sticky? The causes of stickiness vary widely. Adhesion chemistry is highly complex. It involves intermolecular forces, atomic bonding, polymer chemistry, and friction. The list goes on. Things can stick together for a wide variety of reasons, which leads to the limited understanding of “stickiness”— no single answer exists. For example, gecko feet have thousands of brushlike hairs that hold firmly to almost any surface. Gecko feet perform the same function as tree frog feet but have been designed to use completely different materials. We use adhesives every day in building construction, product manufacturing, aerospace engineering, and medicine. A reusable, self-cleaning adhesive (akin to the feet of tree frogs) has many potential applications in all these areas, as the researchers at the University of Glasgow are discovering.3 For example, since frog feet remain sticky in wet conditions, why not create bandages that stick when wet? And after use, such waterproof bandages could be removed painlessly without leaving a sticky residue. Sources 1 // Roxanne Khamsi, “Friction Helps Frogs Stick to Ceilings,” New Scientist website, April 12, 2007. 2 // Abhijit Mujumder et al., “Microfluidic Adhesion Induced by Subsurface Microstructures,” Science 318(5848): 258–261, 2007. 3 // “Frog Feet Could Solve a Sticky Problem,” Biomimicry News website, July 5, 2011.
Imagine heavy duty “frog tape” applied underwater to seal leaks in a boat hull or a swimming pool. For clothing, reusable sealing tape could provide a quick fix. Imagine car tires that adhere firmly to wet or icy roadways without slipping. Such products could incorporate a liquid gel that mimics the self-cleaning ability of tree frogs. Although these applications are only dreams, the possibilities grow with our understanding of adhesion. God has filled His creation with valuable ideas for new devices and solutions to everyday problems. The possibilities are limited only by our imagination. //
Sticky Frog Feet Scientists are still trying to understand the physics that enables frog feet to stay sticky. The pad secretes a gel that bonds by “surface tension,” but how does this gel keep working in rainy, dirty conditions? One clue is that each foot pad is divided into many-sided parts, subdivided into many smaller spikes. Simply by moving the pad, the pad changes shape, creating a new, clean surface that restores the grip.
Feature Story
Business Spotlight
God of Wonders
Widow's Path
Homestead + Roots
Our Heritage
Great Outdoors
Canine Corner
She looked at the imaginary heart in
“Holding Hands,” I was taken with the idea
her hand, then looked at the other man,
of “Holding Hearts.” But the heart seems
eyes shifting back and forth, back and
like a more fragile thing. As the chalice of
forth. Then she did the unthinkable. She
our emotions, sometimes it breaks; as the
began tossing the heart from her one hand
physical “pump” of our blood, sometimes it
to the other. Her first man became frantic,
got down on his knees, and begged her to
pantomime — a
stop. Everyone watching could see that
performance without words — in which a young man and a young woman fell in love. He raised his hands to his chest, right over his heart, and then extended them out to the young lady as if he were giving it to her. She reached out and accepted it, drew her hands in, and cradled his “heart” against her own. Those of us watching this could see that love had bloomed, and we sighed a collective, “Aww…” The couple then walked along together in a way that showed weeks and months passed by, and they were still in love. But soon another man came into view, and there were three people in the drama. The woman locked her eyes on the newcomer, and he flirted with her. She paused, still holding the first man’s heart.
he’d do anything for her to love him again. However, she
no doubt in my mind that it added an extra burden to
grew callous toward him and tossed his heart higher
those who were bereaved.
and higher.
As we go into this new year, 2021, those who know
To our horror, she dropped the heart! The actors
the Lord can especially find hope in the promises of
froze in place. Shock, betrayal, and agony showed
Scripture. In Psalm 55:22, we’re implored to “Cast your
up plainly on their faces, and then the lights in the
burden on the Lord…” And Psalm 147:3 assures us of
auditorium went black. Everyone was utterly silent.
this: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their
There were no words for the tragedy we’d just seen.
Yes, the heart is a fragile thing. Once it’s shattered and
Yet, I’ll say it again: the heart is a fragile thing. Not
broken, will it ever beat again? Men and women, young
only does it break, but sometimes it even stops. I’m not
and old, have suffered the broken heart of widowhood;
only talking about the physical heart. There are plenty
some recently, some long ago. Other people have been
of people who feel like they are dead inside, like their
betrayed by their beloved as in the pantomime. But
“heart” no longer beats. They feel isolated and lonely;
with either experience, many feel like their heart was
they doubt that there’s any good reason they’re still
dropped and smashed on the floor.
alive. Perhaps, like the man who’d been an invalid for 38
Often, the holidays heighten the heartache. I
years in John 5 of the Bible, they doubt they will ever
received more prayer requests than usual from widows
have a chance to feel well and normal again.
and widowers who struggled through Thanksgiving and
When Jesus found this man, he asked him an
Christmas. If we haven’t gotten sick from the pandemic,
extraordinary question. It’s a question we all need to ask
I’m pretty sure we’re sick of talking about it, and there’s
ourselves: “Do you want to get well?”
Piecing Back Together A Shattered Heart
knelt down and leaned in to speak to his unconscious
In 2012, a pastor named Randy Phillips wrote a
patient. “Mrs. Johnson, this is your doctor. We have
song that is rooted in that question. The song, “Tell
fixed your heart—we have repaired it. There is nothing
Your Heart to Beat Again,” was inspired by his friend's
wrong with your heart. Mrs. Johnson, if you can hear
account. Randy Phillips friend, who was also a pastor,
me, I need you to tell your heart to beat again.”
was granted special permission to observe open-
Her heart began to beat. She responded to the
heart surgery that a member of his church, a skilled
surgeon’s good news. Deep down, I’d say she also
heart surgeon, would perform. (It’s my understanding
answered Jesus’s question, “Do you want to be well?”
that today many heart procedures need only small
with a thump-thumping “Yes.”
incisions, but this occurred when open-heart surgery
Do you want to be well? It’s a good question to start
meant literally opening the chest cavity.)
the new year with. The past year, and for many of us,
As the pastor watched for hours, the surgeon
the past years, have damaged our hearts, leaving them
opened the patient’s chest, and the heart was taken
broken, shattered, and sometimes seemingly lifeless.
out and repaired. After that, he put the heart back in
Change and healing might not happen immediately,
place. Before the chest cavity was closed, however, the
but they can happen.
surgeon had to restart the heartbeat. It would not start.
In 2016, a young widower named Danny Gokey
The surgeon tried again and again. The pastor
began to sing what Randy Phillips had written four
began to fear that he’d observed a sad death and failure
years earlier. Danny Gokey’s first wife died during her
rather than a successful surgery. Finally, before giving
own heart surgery in 2009 when she was only 27 years
up, the surgeon tried one last, desperate thing. He
old. As a widower, I’m sure that he often wondered if
his heart would ever beat again. While Pastor Randy
It all starts with Christ’s question at the root of our
Phillips wrote and sang “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again,”
healing: “Do you want to get well?” You might honestly
with passion for those hurting in his congregation,
say you don’t know. Honesty is a good starting point,
years later, Danny Gokey would sing it with the passion
though. As if in surgery, place your heart in the hands
of personal experience. As his own heart healed from
of the Great Physician. He will hold it. Questions, tears,
loss, his singing touched millions of people. It gave
and sorrows will flow as you are cradled in God’s hands.
them hope that Christ would transform their shattered
And then, when He has done the repair, whether your
lives. You can have that hope too.
heart was broken or it had stopped entirely, tell your heart to beat again. //
Grief takes time. Loss hurts. There’s much to rebuild and re-learn. Most of us are like Mrs. Johnson. She couldn’t immediately regain consciousness, jump
Until next month,
out of bed and run a marathon, but she could, at least,
ferree l
spark the willpower to live.
NEW ADDRESS! To learn more about widowhood, order a copy of Postcards from the Widows’ Path – Gleaning Hope and Purpose from the Book of Ruth. It’s a gentle, biblical guide for widows that has many saying, “This is the best I’ve ever read!” Contact your local Christian bookstore or mail a check for $14.99/copy (paperback, 248 pgs.), along with your address to: Ferree Hardy, 244 Sweetwater Landing, Dr., North Augusta, SC 49860. Allow 2 – 3 weeks for delivery. Free shipping for all Plain Values readers! www.WidowsChristianPlace.com
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words by: MERISSA A. ALINK I’m one of those people that needs breakfast right away every single morning. (Unlike my hubby who rarely wants breakfast.) I wake up a hungry bear that needs something satisfying to eat! I love having something pre-made and ready to go, it’s easy to grab while I’m working or before I need to run out the door. One easy and mostly healthy breakfast food is instant oatmeal. The little store-bought packages are very easy to pack for lunches or to grab from the cupboard. Too bad they are so expensive and have some ickies in them. Fake coloring and mysterious “natural flavors”… yummy, just what I wanted in a breakfast! We can make our own homemade Instant Oatmeal Pack with organic, gluten-free, allergen-friendly ingredients at a fraction of the cost!
.............................................................................. instant oatmeal packs .............................................................................. what you need • 1/2 c. Quick Oats • 2 T. Sugar (of your choice) • 2 t. Powdered Milk (optional) • Jelly Jars (or snack-sized plastic bags)
In your little baggie or jar, add the powdered milk. This just makes your oatmeal extra creamy, if you’d like to make these dairy free you can leave it out or use powdered coconut milk. Next, add the sugar and the oats. Tada! Instant oatmeal! Optional - Add dried fruit to your packs for extra flavor! To Make - pour into a bowl (or leave in the jar) and add ¾ cup of hot water or milk and stir.
Bulk Batch Suggestions If you'd rather make a bulk batch, multiply this recipe by 5 or 10 and place the whole thing in a jar to keep at home. When you want to make a packet, just measure out a little more than 1/2 cup of mix for each bowl. Then add 3/4 cup of hot water or milk and stir it up.
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Over the last two articles we have looked at the Russian Mennonites and their settlements in Russia. Last month we looked at how a small group (Kleine Gemeinde) broke away from the main group over concerns about morality, involvement with the government, and the rapid generation of wealth. This group was also the first to leave Russia for the New World. The emigration of 1873-1874 is the first emigration of these people in any number since the establishment of the settlements. About 10,000 people, mostly from Molotschna, went to the United States, settling in the central plains, while about 8,000 left Chortitza and settled in Manitoba, Canada. As in the past, the motives for these mass migrations were mixed. Some left because of fear of Russian encroachment and others because they saw economic opportunity. The Russian encroachment these people feared came as a result of the losses of Russia in the Crimean War. In 1861 there was a general reform of the Russian military; previous to these reforms, Russia had maintained a large army without general conscription. Anticipating the loss of their freedom from military service, the Mennonites send a delegation to the government in 1872. They met with several members of the Imperial Council. There was some discussion at this meeting about alternative service, but no commitments from the Council. Two more delegations were sent in the following two years to try and deal with this issue. But on January 1, 1874, the new law requiring mandatory military service for all able-bodied twenty-one-year-old men was enacted. It did provide for noncombatant service for the Mennonites. This service was to be forestry
the Russian language as well. This was a heavy blow to the Mennonites, who had assumed that the decree that Catherine the Great had provided was for perpetuity. While the language issue seems small in modern eyes, it was anything but that in the eyes of these German Mennonites. They saw their freedoms being eroded and felt they were being forced into assimilation. Leonhard Suderhmann spoke for many of these people when he said in 1873, “Those of our young people who enter Russian schools are lost.”1 These colonies had developed culturally as they grew. Schools, hospitals, and other institutions for
public service were established. At the end of World War I the Mennonites of Russia had about 450 elementary schools with about 16,000 scholars, and twenty-seven secondary schools, called Zentralshulen, with about 2,000 scholars and a teaching staff of about 100 people. As a result of governmental involvement, most subjects were taught in Russian except for the Bible and German literature. Trade schools, specialized schools for the deaf, teachers colleges and one seminary were among their later accomplishments in education. Mennonites in their isolated communities also developed rest homes, mutual aid programs, hospitals and mental institutions. With the advent of the Revolution of 1917 and the anti-religious Marxist philosophy, most of the Mennonite educational system was wiped out. This capitalistic development and isolation were destined to clash head-on with the communist ideals of the Bolshevik Revolution. The outbreak of World War I, with Germany as Russia’s foe, spelled the beginning of the end of the prosperity of the Mennonites. They were seen as Germans first, and therefore, a part of the enemy. The Russian press poured a continuous stream of criticism against them. One writer said that,
or industrial service in peacetime and hospital service
“our entire western border, the south, the Caucasus
in wartime. In spite of this concession, about one-third
are populated by a dense interlocking network of
of the Mennonites left Russia in the 1870’s.
German colonies.” The isolationism of the Mennonites
The rising Russian nationalism brought other
in language, customs, and mode of dress, which had
issues to bear on the Mennonites. This process
remained primarily German, may have helped this
culminated when the Russian authorities announced
view. The Mennonites, to their credit, tried to help the
on July 16, 1870, that the Mennonites would have
Russians with medical services that included a hospital
ten years to comply with a new arrangement that
built at Chortitza to serve wounded soldiers. They did
required them to teach Russian in their schools, and
this at their own expense. They also raised funds to
their schools to be supervised by the government’s
help with medical expenses and to help the wives of
education authorities. Public records had to be kept in
Russian soldiers who were wounded or died in combat.
In the civil war that raged from 1918-1921 between the Red army of Lenin and the White army of the old ruling class, the Mennonites suffered horribly. The Red Army arrived at Molotschna in February of 1918 and began a reign of terror. This was relieved when the Germans occupied the Ukraine in April. After the armistice was signed ending the war in November of 1918, the Germans left. What followed was four years of terror from both sides of the civil war. The landless peasants who had watched the Mennonites grow wealthy began to express their anger. An anarchist named Nestor Machno led an army of about 100,000 that raped, murdered, and pillaged the colonies. Machno, a former Mennonite employee, was intent on avenging himself on these people. He and his forces joined the Red army on the condition that he would be permitted to rule over the area occupied by the Mennonites. This period and the subsequent rise to power of the Communists spelled the end of these isolated Mennonite enclaves. Many were deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan where they melted into the population and were never heard of again. The same pioneering spirit that had moved these Mennonites from Western Europe to the Russian steppes when faced with hardships moved many of
small worlds that we forget that we could lose all our
these same people to the Americas. Today there are
privileges very quickly? //
settlements of these Russian Mennonites in North, Central and South America. Many of their settlements
If you would like to learn more about these people, or
still embody the same principles of colony-like
any other areas of history, please call or visit the Amish
settlements, agribusiness, and innovative industrial
& Mennonite Heritage Center. We offer guided tours
development. As one looks at their history in Russia
of "Behalt" - a 10 ft. x 265 ft. cyclorama oil-on-canvas
it is easy to see where these traits originate. It is also
painting that illustrates the heritage of the Amish and
true that they had a huge impact on Russia in varied
Mennonite people from their Anabaptist beginnings in
ways. They may be viewed as an isolated religious
Zurich, Switzerland, to the present day. Behalt means “to
group, or they may be seen for their contribution
keep” or “remember.” We are open Mon-Sat 9:00-5:00 and
to Russian society and industry in the nineteenth
are located near Berlin; you can find us at 5798 County
century. This contribution, which is multi-faceted and
Road 77, Millersburg, OH 44654. Please call (330) 893-3192
important, may have been the catalyst that allowed
for more information or to schedule a day or evening
Russian agriculture and industry to join the rest of
group tour.
the industrialized world. We must also wrestle with the fact that in the end their faith often led to much
punishment and sometimes even martyrdom. Their
wealth, status, and fancy houses did not save them
from the wrath of the people they had exploited, or at the very least not cared for. How do we treat the less
privileged of our world? Are we so consumed with our
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Old Dan words by: DAVID AND KARIN HOLDER There aren’t many things my entire family agrees on, but there is one: We all agree the best book ever written is a children’s book published in 1961. Where the Red Fern Grows tells the story of a boy and his love for two hunting dogs, Little Anne and Old Dan. I don’t know if the reason we all love the book so much is that the story is so relatable to our family or if we’re like most people and just love dogs. For me, I think it’s because the book goes beyond the hunting story and teaches life lessons. Sometimes the hunt isn’t about the kill; it’s about connecting with those you love, learning lessons along the way, reflecting on the One who created the outdoors for us to enjoy, and seeing how a dog can fill the gaps in our lives. From mid-December through early April, during deer and shed season, my family found more than one occasion to try to convince me that we needed a dog. Between this and our oldest son, Warren, about to graduate from high school and head out on his own, things were about to change in the Holder house. Jeremy Moore is a dog trainer and longtime friend, so when Karin came across his business card one day, my family’s dog idea turned into a full-blown plan. Just like Billy in Where the Red Fern PLAIN VALUES
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Grows, Karin and the boys were now on a mission to convince Dad that getting a dog was a good idea. Every year we hold an archery camp (called Raised at Full Draw) designed to teach kids about hunting. So Karin, being smart and maybe a little bit conniving, had figured out a way to kill a whole bunch of birds with one stone: She would invite Jeremy (who may be one of the best dog trainers on the planet) to camp. Using his dogs, he would help me teach 50 kids about blood trailing and hunting. Jeremy would also have a chance to introduce our camp kids to his training techniques. As Warren says, “Who doesn’t love dogs?” I figured the kids would benefit from interacting with Jeremy’s well-trained pack, but knowing my wife, something told me he and his dogs were there for an even bigger reason. Maybe it had something to do with Karin’s need to fill the void left by her oldest son moving out. I knew this change would be hard on my wife. Whatever the case, our camp was about to be overrun with dogs. Sometimes you encounter someone you just can’t forget. Jeremy Moore is one of those people. His passion for dog training is so contagious that he convinced me, without much effort, that my family was right. Maybe we were missing something in our lives by not having a dog. When he pulled up to the Raised at Full Draw camp with an eight-week-old black Lab pup in his arms, I knew I was in trouble. Jeremy’s passion reminded me of those little things in life that mean so much—little things like owning a dog. One look, and I knew that little pup was our Old Dan. After camp, the weekly phone calls began. For the next year, I put my trust and my dog in Jeremy’s hands. And I waited. In some ways, I related to Billy as the anticipation of our new arrival began to consume my life. Months passed, and the day finally came. Karin and the boys had no idea they were about to meet Old Dan. My family lives for hunting, so when they
Karin and David Holder with Old Dan
needed a distraction for a few hours, all I had to do was
When Jeremy texted, alerting me to his arrival, I
offer up some sort of hunt. Anything—from a gator
persuaded Karin and boys to head back to the house.
to a grizzly— and my boys are in. That day, they took
They couldn’t understand why I was ready to give up
squirrel hunting to a whole new level as they belly
so soon. I’m usually the one who wants to stay out
crawled through the brush. Watching them, I just had
all day. Not today. Today, I was ready to introduce the
to shake my head. If our family could take an average
newest member of our family, Old Dan. Karin, Warren,
day of squirrel hunting and turn it into something this
and Easton stood in the yard as a black bundle of
much fun, I could only imagine what they would do
energy jumped off Jeremy’s tailgate and ran across the
when they had a dog to do it with.
grass to greet them.
When you read Where the Red Fern Grows, you
It’s crazy how this all started—as a book about a
know how the story will end, but you can’t stop in the
young boy and his two dogs with an ending so sad it
middle. The lump starts to build in the deepest part of
could make even the toughest man cry. Thankfully for
your throat, and maybe a salty, warm drop runs down
us, this is just the first chapter of our own book, and
your cheek as your heart races with anticipation.
Old Dan is the newest member of the Raised Hunting
You sit on the edge of your seat. You know what’s
family. //
coming, but your emotions are stronger than your determination to stop. I had been sitting on the edge of
my seat for months, my emotions barely under control
as Jeremy and I were about to give my family one of
the greatest gifts of all— the gift of love from a dog.
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EYE PROBLEMS words by puppy expert: DR. TERESA HOXWORTH This article will discuss some of the more common eye problems seen in dogs. Many different problems and conditions can develop in a dog's eyes, so I will only discuss a few of the more common ones that I see. I would also like to remind everyone that eye problems can go bad very quickly. If you are unsure about what is wrong with the eye, it is better to have it examined quickly. Also, if a simple antibiotic eye ointment is used for two or three days and no improvement is seen, then I recommend the dog be examined as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the dog's eye. One of the most common problems that I see is corneal ulcers. Many people know these as “scratches” on the surface of the eye. The ulcer, or scratch, is usually caused by injury to the surface layer of the eye. It could be caused by another dog or puppy scratching it, or even just long hair or eyelashes. Dogs usually appear to be in pain and can squint, have excessive tearing, conjunctivitis (red around the outer white part of the eye), or a film of white appearance on the outer surface of the eye. Sometimes the third eyelid will come up and cover the eye. When I examine a dog for a corneal ulcer, I apply a yellow Fluorescein dye to the eye. This dye will highlight the area that is scratched. Corneal ulcers are treated with
an antibiotic ointment applied directly into the affected
entropion for an extended period of time before they
eye every six to eight hours. If no improvement is seen
have corrective surgery will have a permanent scar on
after applying the ointment for two or three days, then
the surface of their eye. Entropion is usually first seen
the animal should be examined by a veterinarian.
at a young age. Still, it is recommended not to perform
Another common problem that I see is a condition
surgery until the animal is at least six months old, and
called entropion. Entropion is when the eyelids roll
the facial conformation has matured. Medications and
inward and can touch the surface of the eye, scratching
temporary sutures may be prescribed and performed
it. It can be a common cause of corneal ulcers. Some
by a veterinarian in severe cases of entropion in young
of the more common breeds with entropion are shar-
pups until the puppy is of an acceptable age for surgery.
peis and bulldogs, but I have also seen it in many other
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is the medical term for a
breeds of dogs. The signs of entropion are very similar
condition most people know as “dry eye.” It is caused by
to the signs of corneal ulcers. Any dog that develops a
insufficient tear production and can also be a common
corneal ulcer should be closely examined for entropion
cause of corneal ulcers. It is the most common cause of
as the ulcer's cause. Dogs with severe entropion should
conjunctivitis (redness and inflammation of the eye)
have corrective surgery, which requires a piece of skin to
seen in dogs. Common breeds affected include cocker
be removed just next to the eyelid and the skin sutured
spaniels, bulldogs, westies, lhasa apsos, and shih tzus,
back together. This causes the eyelid to be drawn away
but can be seen in any breed of dog. Chronic discharge
from the surface of the eye and allows the surface of
which is usually thick is a common sign of this disease.
the eye to heal. The eye itself will need to be medicated
It is diagnosed by doing a test called the Schirmer
with an antibiotic ointment following surgery to
tear test where a special strip of paper is placed into
help heal the corneal ulcer. Some dogs that have had
the dog's bottom eyelid and left there for one minute.
The tears cause the color on the paper to “bleed” up to marks on the paper which can let us know if adequate tears are being produced. Treatment for dry eye can be costly. Topical antibiotics can make the eye look better initially, but the problem is chronic and comes back when medication is discontinued. Artificial tears can help the condition, but need to be applied frequently, as many as 4-12 times daily. There are two medications prescribed as treatments for dry eye, either cyclosporine or tacrolimus, which helps the dog resume production of their own tears. We usually start with one and if that one doesn’t help, then we switch to the other and recheck tear production. These medications tend to be quite expensive, and treatment will need to be lifelong once the condition has been diagnosed. The final condition which I see frequently is what most people know as “cherry eye.” A cherry eye is actually a prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid. When a dog has a cherry eye, you will notice a red, oval mass protruding out from behind the third eyelid in the inner corner of the dog's eye. It may be in only one eye or in both. The eye itself can look red and irritated when this gland has prolapsed. This gland produces half of the tear production for the dog's eye. The gland may be surgically removed and the condition will not re-occur. Removing this gland will result in decreased tear production and possibly causing the animal to have dry eye as it gets older. Another surgical procedure can be performed which replaces the gland without removing it. It is a more involved procedure and therefore more costly, but it allows the gland to function normally and makes the animal less prone to developing dry eye as it ages. There is a possibility that this surgery will be unsuccessful and the gland will prolapse back out. If that is the case, it will be recommended to remove the gland at that time. Anti-inflammatory medications may be placed into the eye to lessen the pain and inflammation until surgery can be performed and also just following surgical repair. This article is an overview of some of the most common conditions which I see in dogs. As I stated previously, many more conditions are seen in dog’s eyes, but hopefully this helps you recognize some of the more common ones. //
A fund has been set up for Karen Mullet. Karen has suffered from lung disease for a number of years, and she recently spent around 9 weeks in the hospital, in and out of intensive care. On October 9th, she was able to receive a lung transplant. Karen is now at home recovering. Hospital and medical bills are extensive, and her church is assuming responsibility for all bills not covered by her “Church Fund II.” May God bless you for your support and prayers. Tax-deductible donations may be made payable to: Mt. Hope Charities Inc., PO Box 19, Mt Hope, OH 44660. Attn: Cherry Ridge Amish Church.
A fund has been set up for the Eli M Troyer Family. On July 15th, their three sons were in a pony accident taking the life of Eli Jr. (7); their son Nathan (11) has been at Akron Children’s Hospital since then. He is still unconscious at the time and expenses are high. Thank you and God bless you for sharing. Tax-deductible donations can be made to: Mt Hope Charities, Inc. and mail to: Mt Hope Charities, Inc., PO Box 19, Mt. Hope OH 44660. Attn: Shreve SW Church 74-1.
A fund has been set up for Effie Miller, whose husband Mahlon E. Miller died suddenly on November 14th, 2020. Effie is now a widow with no income and has 4 children to provide for. Thank you for your help. Der Herr Segne Dich. Tax deductible donations can be sent to Mt. Hope Charities Inc., PO Box 19, Mt Hope, OH 44660. Attn: Fredericksburg Southwest Church.
Edward (55) and son Kenneth (11) were with a driver when a lady with three children in her back seat ran a stop sign and hit their driver’s car. Both drivers were killed. Kenneth and the three other children only had minor injuries. Edward had 9 broken bones and a collapsed lung. He was in the hospital and rehab for nearly 2 months and will have a long recovery. A fund has been opened at: Edward Yoder Family Fund, Choice One Bank, 1423 West Main St., Fremont, MI 49412.
A fund has been set up for Henry and Leona Beechy. Leona has been fighting cancer, and she is currently in Arizona for treatments. Not only are they burdened with costs from the cancer treatment, they also have responsibilities for their children, ages 3-20. Any help would be appreciated. Make checks payable to: East Church #2. Mail to Mose Burkholder at 660 SW 65th St., Jamesport, MO 64648.
A fund has been set up for the Tim and Miriam Fisher Family. Tim is currently residing at Sunrise Meadows seeking healing for his mental health. Miriam is at home alone with their children; two of them are adopted children with special needs. With Tim away from the home, they have very little income. Their special needs children require a lot of care and generate a lot of expenses. Your prayers and contributions are greatly appreciated. Make checks payable to: First National Bank, c/o Tim Fisher Family Fund, 16652 Conneaut Lake Rd., Meadville, PA 16335.
If you are conducting a fundraiser to assist with medical or hardship expenses, please let us know and we will be happy to feature it for one month at no cost. Funds must be payable to a bank, church, or charitable organization. PLAIN VALUES
Hey, what’s the good word!
procrastination, and complacency. Adversity is when
PREPARATION. 2020 is over and it’s time to prepare
you encounter a hardship that you did not plan for.
for 2021. I’m not sure many people will object to that!
We procrastinate when we know the result could be
To begin, I would define preparation as being
difficult. And when we are complacent, we feel safe in
there before you get there. Start by understanding that
our routine and fail to change things up. Keep a check
preparation trumps pressure; it fuels confidence and
on complacency and the others by practicing the start/
ensures excellence. You should also understand that
stop/keep doing exercise. This exercise is where you ask
preparation creates knowledge, and knowledge breeds
yourself these three questions: 1) What do I need to start
confidence. Preparation is not a light switch you can just
doing? 2) What do I need to stop doing? 3) What do I need
turn on whenever you feel like it; it’s more like a muscle that
to keep doing?
you have to work out daily to keep strong. Exercising this
Here’s some examples about how to use this exercise to prepare better in your life: Perhaps you need to start
character trait allows you to be ready for the unexpected. An example of someone who was prepared when he
scheduling your week out on Saturday night or first thing
reached a difficult situation is David when he met Goliath.
Monday morning? Maybe you need to stop procrastinating
In the fight against Goliath, David was the underdog. But,
about that big job and instead find a way to break it into
because he was prepared, when it came time for David to
smaller tasks? And hopefully you can keep doing your
face off against his hulking foe, he won.
monthly team meeting, which is a way for your whole team
As a former basketball coach, I understand that
to prepare for adversities that are thrown your way.
preparation is key in winning or losing games and building
The start/stop/keep doing exercise is a practice
team culture. Not only are prepared teams successful,
in taking time to be there before you get there. Your
it’s also key to your own future and success. Preparation
preparation can be your separation, and you’ll be ready to
should be your separation.
face the giants that come your way! Now that’s GOOD STUFF! //
Here are some suggestions on how to prepare. First, think training, not trying. As the Navy SEALs say, “we don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” Next, think progress and not perfection. Learn from your mistakes because you can’t go back and
Please feel free to reach me anytime with your thoughts at kevin@plainvalues.com or:
change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. Finally, think application, not information. Knowledge without application is like a book
Plain Values Attn: Good Stuff with Kevin PO Box 201 Winesburg, OH 44690
that is never read (or a muscle that’s never used!). Keep in mind that there are “preparation killers” out there that you will want to avoid: adversity,