Plan Burkina Faso Annual Program Report 2007

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Challenge and change in Burkina Faso

Real progress

This year, the long period of drought finally broke in Burkina Faso, but the heavy rains that followed caused widespread flooding in many parts of the country. There was also a major outbreak of meningitis, and we thank all those sponsors who made a special donation to save children’s lives from this killer disease.

With the support of Plan, children and adults in Burkina Faso are working together to develop their communities and claim their right to a better future. And real progress is being made. Last year, our work included:

Aside from our emergency work, Plan is working with vulnerable families in Burkina Faso to provide their children with better health services, quality education, clean water and sanitation and to protect them from HIV/AIDS. Communities are leading the way in development planning, and their children’s voices are heard in every project we work on together. “Communities are responsible for their own development.” explains Fritz Foster, Plan’s Country Director. “Their children and young people need to be part of that process.” In this Country Progress Report we highlight one successful project where communities are now taking charge of life’s most basic necessity: clean water.

p Building new scho ols is part of our work to improve education in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso country facts Population: 13.2 million

Children engaged in child labour: 57%

Capital: Ouagadougou

Children attending primary school: 32%

UN Human Development Index ranking: 174th (of 177 countries)

(Sources: the UN, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office)

• Giving 215,000 children the chance to be properly equipped for lessons by providing them with school supplies

• Protecting young infants from

• Enabling 1,552 rural women to participate in savings schemes, so they could take out loans to start small businesses

• Working with UNICEF and the government of Burkina Faso on a campaign

Plan’s greatest successes come from a joint effort combining the hard work and determination of communities, children, volunteers, staff, and partner organisations. The ongoing support of our sponsors is a vital ingredient, too. It’s their generosity and commitment that allows us to continue to help children in 49 of the poorest countries in the world. So on behalf of the children and communities we work with, thank you to all our sponsors!


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Burkina Faso

to register the births of 19,000 children, giving them an identity and a place in society.

Plan UK Registered Charity No: 276035

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potentially life-threatening malaria by distributing bed-nets impregnated with insecticide to expectant mothers and their children

People without clean drinking water: 39%

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Country Progress Report 2007

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