Plan Cambodia Annual Program Report 2007

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Challenge and change in Cambodia

Real progress

Cambodia is a country of contrasts. Although its economy is booming, and industries like tourism and clothing export are growing, the country still remains one of the poorest in south-east Asia.

With the support of Plan, children and adults in Cambodia are working together to develop their communities and claim their right to a better future. And real progress is being made. Last year, our work included:

Plan is working with some of Cambodia’s most vulnerable communities and families to help them to benefit from their country’s progress and secure a better future for their children. Together, we’re protecting their health, improving their access to clean water, investing in quality education and giving families the chance to increase their incomes. The progress of any community is reflected in its children, and Plan is committed to listening to their views and promoting their rights. Violence against children is an issue in Cambodia, so protecting children is a crucial part of Plan’s work. As Pedrito Sandy Fortuna, Country Director for Plan Cambodia explains: “We continuously strive to be vigilant in preventing children from becoming victims of abuse.” In this Country Progress Report, we look at the success Plan is having in encouraging parents to send their children to nursery school – a vital step for better education and health. p Children take part in a lucky dip – one way to make health education fun

Cambodia country facts Capital: Phnom Penh

People without safe drinking water: 65%

UN Human Development Index ranking: 129th (of 177 countries)

Primary-age children out of school: 35%

Percentage of the population who live on less than 50p a day: 34%

(Sources: the UN, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office)

Population: 14 million

• Training over 100 young people in Siem Reap province to provide information to their peers on issues like reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, drugs and alcohol, to help adolescents lead healthier, safer lives

p Plan is ma king safe, clean water available so children do in classrooms n’t have to rel , y on polluted wells or rivers

• Enabling over 800 families to have clean, drinking water all year round by supporting the construction of 82 wells

• Helping children to get the most from their schooling by establishing over 40 study groups in the poorest villages to give extra teaching to pupils needing support to offer training to over 400 teachers, and other education professionals on ways to reduce corporal punishment in schools.

Plan’s greatest successes come from a joint effort combining the hard work and determination of communities, children, volunteers, staff, and partner organisations. The ongoing support of our sponsors is a vital ingredient, too. It’s their generosity and commitment that allows us to continue to help children in 49 of the poorest countries in the world. So on behalf of the children and communities we work with, thank you to all our sponsors! KHM

Any enquiries please contact: Nick Burton. e: m: 07884 367567. d: 020 7620 8150 Size (Prod)


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• Protecting children against violence by working with a partner organisation

Plan UKReport on Plan programs in Albania for the year ended June 2007

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Country Progress Report 2007

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