Plan Honduras Annual Program Report 2007

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Challenge and change in Honduras

Real progress

2007 saw increasing crime and insecurity in Honduras, as well as energy crises and food shortages, but poverty remains the issue that most affects the lives of children and their families.

With the support of Plan, children and adults in Honduras are working together to develop their communities and claim their right to a better future. And real progress is being made. Last year our work included:

Plan’s priorities include improving health, education, family support and housing. The way we work is as important as the results: we support children and adults to take control of their lives and give themselves and their communities the chance of a better future. Plan is becoming a recognised voice for children, speaking out on children’s rights and child protection both nationally and locally, and working with government institutions, including the Ministries of Education and Health, and other children’s rights organisations. But there are always more challenges ahead. Jennifer Vaughan, Plan’s Country Director for Honduras, says: “We are excited by what we will achieve in 2008!”

p We’re improving schools and helping teac hers to put children at centre of the learning the experience

In this Country Progress Report, we look at one successful project among hundreds that your support has made possible.

Honduras country facts Capital: Tegucigalpa

People without adequate sanitation: 31%

UN Human Development Index ranking: 117th (of 177 countries)

Adults who cannot read and write: 20%

Life expectancy: 68 years

(Sources: the UN, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, UNICEF)

Population: 7.2 million

• Giving literacy teacher training to 477 professional and 603 volunteer teachers in 396 communities

• Building and equipping 33 school

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• Building or upgrading 1,327 latrines in 64 communities to improve sanitation and keep children safe from diseases like diarrhoea

• Training 1,300 young people over the past seven years to educate others about preventing HIV/AIDS, reaching over 60,000 children and young people.

Plan’s greatest successes come from a joint effort combining the hard work and determination of communities, children, volunteers, staff, and partner organisations. The ongoing support of our sponsors is a vital ingredient, too. It’s their generosity and commitment that allows us to continue to help children in 49 of the poorest countries in the world. So on behalf of the children and communities we work with, thank you to all our sponsors!


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p A Plan-sup ported march to raise aware of HIV/AIDS ness

kitchens to provide a daily meal – up to a third of children in Honduras are chronically malnourished

Plan UK Registered Charity No: 276035

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Country Progress Report 2007

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