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Challenge and change in Indonesia
Real progress
“Over the past year, Indonesia's economy has grown significantly, but poverty remains widespread, forcing some poor families to take their children out of school, postpone medical treatment or cut down on nutritious food,” reports Plan’s Country Director John McDonough. Childhood illnesses like diarrhoea and respiratory infections are common, and malnutrition rates have risen significantly.
With the support of Plan, children and adults in Indonesia are working together to develop their communities and claim their right to a better future. And real progress is being made. Last year, our work included:
Plan focuses on health, education and sanitation, as well as helping families to increase their incomes and making sure they have enough to eat.
• Setting up 27 nursery centres, training
We support the most vulnerable children, including street children, and those involved in child labour and child prostitution, trying to ensure that they have access to basic services. We work with community based organisations and local and national government to raise the profile of child rights and child protection. In this Country Progress Report, we look at one area where we have helped children to claim perhaps the most important right of all: their entitlement to a decent education. p Plan is bringing together children to disc uss violence as they experience it: part of our work to promote child protection
Indonesia country facts Capital: Jakarta
Under-fives who are underweight: 28%
UN Human Development Index ranking: 108th (of 177 countries)
Secondary-age children out of school: 45%
People without adequate sanitation: 45%
(Sources: the UN, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office)
Population: 221 million
639 nursery teachers and volunteers, and providing materials, toys and playground equipment to 186 centres
• Starting a pilot project training village food
and nutrition committees in reducing child malnutrition, and ways to provide better food for 1,900 families
sanitation, health and nutrition services, health and hygiene education, and developing school health policies
Plan’s greatest successes come from a joint effort combining the hard work and determination of communities, children, volunteers, staff, and partner organisations. The ongoing support of our sponsors is a vital ingredient, too. It’s their generosity and commitment that allows us to continue to help children in 49 of the poorest countries in the world. So on behalf of the children and communities we work with, thank you to all our sponsors!
Any enquiries please contact: Nick Burton. e: nick@bright-uk.com m: 07884 367567. d: 020 7620 8150 Size (Prod)
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• 200 schools have adopted Plan’s model of school health, providing water,
Plan UK Registered Charity No: 276035
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Country Progress Report 2007