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Challenge and change in Sierra Leone
Real progress
Sierra Leone is facing the challenge of reconstruction after ten years of war destroyed social and economic systems, caused high unemployment and left most parents unable to provide for their children’s basic needs. Essential services are still very limited.
With the support of Plan, children and adults in Sierra Leone are working together to develop their communities and claim their right to a better future. And real progress is being made. Last year, our work included:
In addition, children’s rights suffered greatly in the war: many children lost their homes, fought as child soldiers, or were orphaned. Abuses such as child labour, child trafficking and female genital cutting are widespread. Plan concentrates on education, health, water and sanitation and increasing incomes. We also promote children’s rights through children’s media projects, creative contests, and celebrating the Day of the African Child. There’s work to train communities on child protection, too. Fadimata Alainchar, Plan’s Country Director, says: “Our programmes have made significant progress and impact in improving the well-being of children in Sierra Leone.”
Children’s media projects like radio can spread the word about children’s rights
In this Country Progress Report, we look at some of the successes that Plan is having in improving levels of health among poor communities in Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone country facts Population: 5.1 million
Primary-age children in school: 41%
Capital: Freetown
Children aged 5 to 14 involved in child labour: 59%
UN Human Development Index ranking: 176th (of 177 countries)
• Running workshops on peace education for 54 communities, 126 school peace clubs, and trauma counselling for 200 communities and 60 schools
volunteer teachers (there is a severe shortage of qualified teachers) and training 414 school management committees
• Building 48 schools, and constructing or upgrading latrines in 42 schools and water systems in 40 schools.
So on behalf of the children and communities we work with, thank you to all our sponsors!
Plan UK Registered Charity No: 276035
Any enquiries please contact: Nick Burton. e: nick@bright-uk.com m: 07884 367567. d: 020 7620 8150 Size (Prod)
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Sierra Leone
Plan’s greatest successes come from a joint effort combining the hard work and determination of communities, children, volunteers, staff, and partner organisations. The ongoing support of our sponsors is a vital ingredient, too. It’s their generosity and commitment that allows us to continue to help children in 49 of the poorest countries in the world.
(Sources: the UN, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office)
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Sports are one simple wa y of bringing in the wake of youth together the conflict
• Providing training for 1,485 professional and
Adults who can read and write: 35%
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Country Progress Report 2007